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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1945)
> ; v V . k ' ' “ /— i r . .,- 3 - r - r - r ~ f . - f r . » i , > • • .V JOURNAL 7-AeNYSSA VOLUM E XXXX No. 9" Bulldogs defeat M.I.A. Quintet by Count O f 50-45 'NYSSA, OREGON, TH URSDAY, MARCH 15, 1945' M ALHEUR YO UTHS ENLIST IN N A V Y Packing Shed is Damaged by Fire VALE FIGHTERS To Speak Here ¡Idaho Dislikes Fighters Battle DECISION NYSSA Or. James Millar, noted field Columbia Valley The Vale high school defeated For 10 Places In m epresentative o f the Oregon Coun cil o f Churches, Will speak on dem- j Authority Pliins \the rhe N yssa h o * «“8 Monday night in Boxing Tourney juracy and bett- ______J Vale gymnasium 5 to 2. The Rives Waller of Baker, U. S. navy recruiter, reports that sev The Eastern Oregon Produce eral Malheur county men were company packing shed along the | M M E Hospital Benefit Staged enlisted in the navy through the railroad tracks just o ff First street i Ontario office during February. was considerably damaged by fire I Before Rather Small The men are Brice Leland this morning about 9 o'clock. Crowd Ward, Jr. o f Vale, Harold Lloyd ih ? ii-e started in the office, The Nyssa Bulldogs defeated the Bess of Ontario, Robert LeRoy which was badly damaged before Nyssa M IA basketball team in the Rhinehart of Payette, Alvin Law- firemen arrived. Prompt arrival of locai gymnasium Wednesday night r Anfirpw, rintnrin o,,ec the firemen saved the remainder Si by a score of SO to 45 in a game " ' v r 7 l l \ r> ’ ^ ' of ‘ he building from destruction 8 piayed for the benefit of the hos- u y Z, n ar ° and Ro“ although the flames caused some pltal building fund before a ratheT I rHW ° n an3- damage to the north vra.l, rafters Mr. Waller said that w h ile' and ^ amali crowd. ................ I these young men have been sworn j The exact causo of the flre hai The youngsters led all the way er citizenship at T p i r t t i - i p s T r i h u f n r v T n tw° 1 * ams drew ln ,lve * vents- the Ontario high 1 » lO U t c t r y 10 The results were as follows: Bar- Malheur County Tourna chool gym Mon- C o l u m b i a Opposing | tholoma. Nyssa, and Ryels. drew; ment to be Held Here day, March 19 at S c h e n '-O | Atkeson. Nyssa, knocked out by This Week 5 p m This meet- ___ Goucher; Bybee, Nyssa, and Teroda ing’ is open to Idaho has followed reclamation draa',; R e t o o l . Nyssa. and Cav- Most of the boxers who will re associations oi of Wash ngton Ore- erhU,‘ ' knockout ,draW: Herren' teoh_ present the Nyssa high school in ■ he j , general pub- associations wasn.ngion. w re Rlcal over Nyssa' G oto; Good * At noon March gon’ Montana and Wyoming in elect ion over Melow. Nyssa; G rif- the Malheur county boxing tour 0 in ilie Moore °Pl-'0S*n2 establishment of a Col. fin, Nys*a and Wells, draw; Bar- nament to be held in the Nyssa nohi Dr Mi lar ,amb*a vaRey authority. lies derision o ’er Counsll, Nyssa; gymnasium Friday and Saturday vill be the orin- Tlle Idahoans pointed out in Lowe Ny sa, and Judd, draw; Cole- nights were selected in prelimi l'ual sneaker at their resolution that the pro- man, Nyssa. decision over W ilcox’, nary bouts last Friday night. 1 ioint mpettnv p0SPd *e?*s'ation to create a CVA Stevens decision over Toombs, Ny- and were really never threatened. ‘ ’J ° *le na ' i ’ 0 em are not determined. A fire was The Malheur county prelim ■ rvire el. to » hi/. w111 not adequately safeguard ssa, and Gibbs decision over Ran- The oldsters were as close to a win ■ * , h° me ln(actlvef . duty- but burning in the office stove, but w "crWCe clubs' to whlcu I the rights of the states affected. ,om. Nyssa inaries will be started in the Nys- at the end of the contest as they W‘ U be called , actlve duty ln Manager Tom Bumingham said it the public is also invited. Other j Gr protect the vested rights a c - 1 were at any time during the game. ’ e very neal u ure' sa gymnasium Friday night at was probably too low to have talks have been scheduled with > quired under the laws of the A navy recruiter is in Ontario The high school lads were “ hot” 7;30 and the championship fights started the blaze. He left the build j each Thursday. will be started at 7 o'clock Sat ing about 10 minutes before fire Malheur county schools for the tw o 1 state” . It urged "development of and really rolled in the baskets. days he will be hefe. i resources by the army engineers The players and their paints were urday night. The winners will men were called. _ ., ,, I corps, the bureau o f reclamation as follows: High school. Bellon 4, meet the champions of the Idaho Dr Millar is assisting the coun ty, ,,nd the department o f agricul- side for the Snake river valley Moore 14, Church 1, Billings 15, m a l iie u r s a l a r y extension service with the “Family j ture, along with the duly auth- Steinke 12, Toombs, Lewis 2. and The city council, meeting Tues titles in 10 weight divisions ln Livin g” program. He is field rep- orized agencies of the states con- Weeks 2; M IA Lewis 8, C. Wilson 9, approved day night, decided to conduct an Weiser next Thursday night. resentative of the Oregon Council | cerned” . Jensen, Anderson. Child 9, H. W il Two sixty - pounders, Billie investigation to determine the ___, „ _,___. , I Another resolution asked post- j The bill increasing salaries of of Churches and received an ed- . son 2, and Lovejoy 17. Thomas and Lovejoy and Wayne Wilder open I ponement of a proposed CVA best methed of reducing dust on Walter Freeman, who lives in Malheur county's clerk and ass- ed the program last Friday night McPartland officiated. by a congressional sub- the streets this summer. Apple valley, has started construe- essor in each case to $2500 a year, ucation both in Europe and the nearing The Nyssa freshmen defeated and fought to a draw. Several methods were suggested, tion of a $13,000 machine shop on and ¡nci easing the pay of county united States. ¡hearing by a congressional sub- the Ontario frosh by a score of 15 Louis Hoke and Charles Batt, First street near the underpass. commissioners to $6 fer each day For nine years Dr. Millar was a committee until the hearing could including the use of water, oil and 85, staged a good battle ln the to 8 and the Nyssa eighth graders alcium chloride The building, 40 by 84 feet, will Spe„t, on county business, has been professor in the College of Idaho, be held in the west trounoed the Ontario boys 13 to 2. The council passed a regulation second tout, but Batt was a little be o f cinder block construction ______ passed ________ by the legislature. ________ He visited 10 countries in Europe : The Nyssa chamber o f comm- more rugged and took the deci- The players were as follows: with a brick front. |" The clerk has been receiving' and the Orient before the war. Dr. ! cree passed a resolution opposing prohibiting pool hall and cigar ’ sion. Both boys were good boxers Frosh, Dean Sutherland 4. Van Mr. Freeman, formerly assistant | $2400 a year, the assessor $2000 and Millar acted as. executive secretary authority several days ago and store operators from operating and willing sluggers. Twisk 1, Rookstool. Don Suther- i„„rt 7 Tito RiriHer 4 TCirii. I raaster mechanic of the Amalga- | the commissioners $5 a day. Acc- for four and one-half years for sent a copy of the resolution to card games except from 6 P. M. David Ballantyne won a deci nH w ild er and and eighth eivhlh \ grade. l a r i ” ! lnafpd Sugaf company in the Nyssa j ordlng to information received by the national board of education of the Oregon legislature, which was j to 12, midnight. The purpose of sion over Jack Lyle in a rather end Wilder, factory, will operate the business. county officials, no amendments the Presbyterian church in the cansidering passage of a mem- the action is to help alleviate the uneven match. They are 130- Chadwick 2 McCullough, Mitchell, He will equip the plant with a large were made in bill. The new salary northwest, and lectured during orial to congress on the subject. manpower shortage. pounders. Tcombs 2, Wilder 2, Schoen 2, lathe, drill press, nhaper, equip The council announced that it schedule will go into effect in July four summers for the extension of i ------------------------ John Bartholoma and Mark Lchlreman 1. and Lopez 2. ment for acetylene and electric under the new budget to be adopt- Idaho university. He is a member _ will make an effort to enforce a _ __ _ , scientific welding, a forge and trip-hammer. ed this spring. regulation prohibiting the park Hartley staged a fast ,of theV Oregon Council of Child | Iv ftV \ V F lt0 S In addition to machine work. Free ing of automobiles at the airport set-to, but they were so evenly The salary o f Malheur county’s Welfare, the Portland City club, | man will do all kinds of general school superintendent is involved and is now serving on the Comm- I except at designated parking plac matched the Judges gave them repair work. He expects to have along with all other county sup- Htee of National Educational Ass- j es. The officials ask local resi a draw. In a 120-pound affair, McCul dents to cooperate by not park the establl' hment open for busi- erintendents in the state. Some ociation. Lieut. Stanley R ay o f Nyasa ing on the airstrip and aprons. lough and Henderson battled to a J ness in about 30 days. amendments have been made in j — , .... has written to his grandmother, Mortrists are permitted to park draw. ' Jack Low of Welser has the con- this bill but it has not been passed. I X W O H E A R D I N Dennis Patch, principal of the Mrs Stella Butler of Nyssa from their cars near the manager's In a slugging match that did not itruction contract. Adrian union high school, has much science, Melvin much-publicized Iw o Jima, the quarters on the west side of the develop accepted a three-year contract as „ 0 , M p r r i r a t j o / ttti Melow, 139, scored a decision over island from which American field. superintendent of schools at LjrvAJNLiJi/ llL A K n U r (Continued on Page 3) Lewis Ramey, charged with la r - , troops are about to clear the last Madaras. PEACE PROPOSAL ! ceny by bailee, and Ralph Bradley, Japs. POINTS MEMBER Mr. Patch and his family w ill. ______ ______ | charged with larceny from the Ev- Lieut. Ray said “Since I last leave for Madras about Juiy 1. At Si’.as Summers’ high school de- Farmers who have recently erett Lynn ranch near Sheaville wrote you we have been here on OF ACTIVE UNIT Madras he will accept a position bate group presented a discussion rented or purchased farms in which Ramey operated under lease Iwo Jima as you no dobut know that is similar in some respects on the Dumbarton Oaks confer- Technician 5th Grade Hubert D. Malheur county and are unable, last year, waived preliminary hear- if you have been watching the to the position he accepted six ]>eace program at a meeting of to obtain suitable credit fr o m , ing in justice u it court last week, a n d , the papers. I have been making Points, son of Mr and Mrs Fred .^years„ ngn when he I w r i ’.-.. ths ,hc Oregon Trail Grange Tues- commercial sources for e ffic ie n t; are expected to be taken before out fine. My sergeant and I have Points of Nyssa is a member of Work on the distance races has first principal of the Adrian Un- day night. operations are eligible for fa r m ; the grand jury when it convenes j a swell foxhole, which we spend the 240th engineer cambat battal been started by high school you ion high school. Madras is lo- | The program, which was well security administration loans to j in April, | a lot o f time in. The ground here ion that has set a record for engin ths who expect to participate in cated within the boundaries of received, was conducted under the secure needed livestock, equ ip -! The complaint filed by Lynn i is of loose sand and we really had eer support of infantry and ar track this spring. Coach Kevcren a new irrigation project that Is chairmanship of M ym a Jordan, ment. feed, seed or other operat- ' charged that when Ramey left the I a hard time keeping the wails mored units during campaigns in rapidly growing. One thousand Greta Stunz and Josephine Ran- ine goods announces Duane H. ranch last Nevember he took a ! from caving in. but now we h a v e ¡'Normandy, northern France, Bel- announced. Men out for the distances are .. ... .. . I »(a im l7 / \ H a n / 4 a n / 4 r S a a r tv io r a u new families are expected to move dolph presented the affirmative Daly, senior F3A supervisor, W i l - 1 horse, a wagon, some harness and . I 1 it lined with sandbags and w e , 8ium, Holland and Germany. Melvin Melow, J. B. Lewis, John into the territory within the next side and Melvin Meiow and Eun- — . . . are making out swell. The ch ow ! During the period from June 11, son building. Ontario. Veterans a number of other articles and sold Gemhardt, Bernard Shaw and three years. ¡ice Brady the negative side. unable to use their Gl-insured (hem. Ramey was arrested at Cald for us has been pretty good. We arhen the unit went into action on several freshmen. The first intra Mr. Patch went to Adrian after | __________________ have been getting a ten in one tbe Normandy front, until Dec- i farm loan rights to finance oper well. mural run will cover a distance ol serving for one year as educa-; Society To Meet The complaint upon which Brad ration. which has everything but ember 31 the 248th engineer com- two miles. I t will be run sometime ations can also be aided. tional advisor in a CCC camp at 1 The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist I hat battalion constructed approx- “ Continuing need for maximum ley was arrested allegts that he fv,p kitohen -¡ink ln it Redmond on the Deschutes pro- i church will meet March 23 at 2 "W e have our own fireplace imately 3000 feet of gridges, cap- in April. Winners In the distances war food production makes it im- entered the property some time ject. Prior to that time he was o'clock at the home o f Mrs W. W. po*rtant every {arm operate after Ramey srq aforagrf faro fr just outside out foxhole. So f a r , tured 223 Prisoners, blew up 150 will participate in the first track meet to be held at Weiser. and spearheaded ad- p l‘n 1,18 ° e mon g ‘ Fostel ' Mrs H ’ J’ Gcrnhardt w ill, at f ud capacity and production j after Ramey left and took a large I have not been tip to the front pillboxes Keveren was out Tuesday with s-'haol at Halfw’ay in Baker coun- have charge o f the program and lines, but I can see them from | vances into especially difficult ar not be handicapped in any inst- share o f the removable property ty for six years. ¡M rs Henry Hartley the devotions. ance by lack of operating credit", ' that remained there. Lynn also my foxhole. As this island is only eas,according to an army news Darrell Stelnke, who is showing promise in the pole vault, javelin paper published in Germany. • in the army and go to Boise M ar Daly said. “ FSA operating loans was the complaining witness in four and a half miles long you and discus events and Laverale The first engineering work of the can understand why I feel so are made for a period of five ( this case. Toombs, who is working on the ch 20. close to the forward elements, battalion began early ln Normandy years on recoverable goods such | ------------------------ shot and discus. Since we landed here several days, wben it assisted the 30th infantry Youths who expect to partici William Zink has been wounded, as livestock or machinery and i S E R V I C E F L A G O F ago I have had to work every i division's drive toward the Vire one to two years on feed, seed 1, i v , m rU T 'rM r’ A T I T i pate in other events will not turn according to word received by his and non-recoverable goods. In t- night and sleep during the d a y ,' c®nal by constructing two Bailey lb 1 1 U D 1 U A 1 V j U out until the weather becomes if I could. It is really cold here, bridges over a railroad underpass father, Clarence M. Zink. He is erest is five per cent on the un A 3 by 4 foot hand-made ser- At night when I am working I at night under murderous fire warmer. paid balance". assistance,' Rag_ was Presented to the ^ ab0ut freeze to death. During the from enemy troop concentrations Farm management L. ward Sunday even day it isn’t so bad if the sun is a mission which proved successful GRANGERS GATHER Corp. Keith Russell, son o f Mr record books, and help in work- when the 30th jumped o ff the ing out improved leases are part in/ when all the parents and wives out". AT CHALK BUTTE and Mrs F. L. Russell, is at March next morning with artillery supp of the services included in t h e 'of men 1,1 the service were hon' field, and expects to go overseas ort o f naval guns from battleshops ored guests. Two charter members of the program for placing fam ily-type COURSE OFFERED lying o ff the beach. ! and” small farmers! on a fu ll pro- I The flag is all^red, over which Chalk Butte Grange, Mr and Mrs A fter the St.Lo breakthrough "Doc" Daffington, were welcomed ! duction basis. Plans worked o u t' 8 Iarge white V for victory. On STUDENT NURSES the 248th engineers built and re- back into the organization at a Pvt. Boyd E. Jemmett, son of * by thf> borroWer provide for th e| the v are hand-sewed 75 blue Mr and Mrs -F. G. Jemmett, is in | u of land resources a n d ' stars’ representing each boy who j The Eastern Oregon College of paired mile after mile of shell-torn meeting held March 6. M r and . . * i . . I R 1 „ f l ^ e L m . a m J A 1 a a ( n n o ti A n n> n/Ten n J s la f fo r m am J - j L. ..I J n n # l I a o 1.0/1 has left from the Nyssa m ward. Also I Education at T LaGrande is a offer- roads ^ and bridges and a cleared the army air corps in India. He is experience o f the operator. Mrs Rafflngton recently returned ing pre-clinical work in the Un- endless minefields, in each lower corner is a large CpI. Dale Dorman o f Camp Max- doing instrument work and has to this vicinity. All loan applications are passed ited States cadet nurse corps | in the move across Belgium, the white star, on which are two gold ey. Texas is home on a 21-day fur- I been in the service for one year. on by three local farmers fam- Mrs Ernest Smith met with through affiliation with St. Eliz-^ 246th engineers moved with leading the young people and planned a lough. He has been in the service | ------ iliar with conditions in this area stars, representing the two boys abeth hospital at Baker, The elements to open a path for corps who have given »heir lives. for two years. He is a son of Mr Pfc. Leland Carlson has recently These county committeemen in party. The executive committee The program was given under the Dalles hospital at The Dalles and troops. been wounded in Germany. He re clude David Mitchell and Frank and Mrs O. E. Dorman. met and drew a map for the St. Anthony hospital at Pendleton. I Reconnaissance teams of the ceived shrapnel in the leg. He is Morgan of Nyssa, Jess Rich of direction of Mrs Howard Bear, noxious weed district. Games were Mrs Edna Farris of Vale, pub- battalion were among the first played during the lecturer’s hour. Floyd Ledgerwood o f the mer expected to receive the purple Ontario and Erie Parker of Vale Gleaner advisor, and Rosel Hunter, ConuriTtteernen' will" not' only help " M " mPn advisor. (The M means lie health nurse of Malheur coun- to reach Maastricht, Holland on chant marines is visiting his par heart. ents, Mr and Mrs Ray Ledger- farmers with applications but. wi.l ^ ™ * men,‘ As ftbe name( ° f eaCh l y' has, r^ el^ d ,n° Uce fr^ f Rpg' September 14, where they picked Attend Caldwell Funeral— Pvt. H. C. Sayles left Friday advise in working out plans f o r ,boy was called, the parents arose,. istrar Lyle H. Johnson that the the site for the Treadway bridge wood. Ledgerwood has Just left M r and Mrs Joseph E. Wheeler , onerntinns i thus receiving recognition. Bishop J college is now recruiting its next over the Meuse river, across which attended the funeral of C. W. a hospital In SanFrancisco. where night for Cloveis, New Mexico, , thousands of troops poured to OH.ce days at the county farm! Child accepted the flag, com pli-• nurse class, which will begin where he will continue his army he underwent an operation on his Reberger Saturday in Caldwell. training. Pvt. Sayles was called security headquarters in the Wil-1 r e n tin g the class for its fine work training in LaGrande March 18 move into posltins along the Sieg eyes. fried line. home because of the death o f Along the German border, the S. D. Word has been received from his mother-in-law, Mrs. Sa tu rd a y a. ? n» • » » T 'L “ " comDlete information and loan i Jim” - A * irls sextet sang “ AmCTlca i hospital upon completion o f the unit served as Infantry again to Pvt. Virgil Seward, whose address Goshert. I 1 V.A D o o n iif n l" pc TÎnor rroi/o " A i nro.noHoi oiirsrwrt o 1 ri r nrnim '* the Beautiful” , Mrs Bear gave “ A j pre-cadet norinH period. support iL the 113th oaunl cavalry group’s is 4th place., Co. D., 59th infantry. applications may be secured. Mother’s Prayer, The Boy Scouts | The program offers college cred- concentrated pillbox-crushing bar Terrance Lang ton, seaman. 2nd Camp Wolters, Texas, that he arr presented the colors, which by the , it transferrable to any college or rage north of Sittard, and later ived at his destination and that class, returned to Farragut after M AIN ADDING TO use o f an electric fan was flow university in the United States returned to their angineering work he "can do anything now, from spending a seven-day leave here Edited by ing in the breeze as various color All nurses, as members of the to destroy pillboxes as a major making beds to crawling in the with his grandparents, Mr. and CLEANING PLANT ed spotlights flashed upon it and student body, participate ln stu mission. Mrs. J. P. Langton. T. CAROL BYBEE mud and liking it” . audience sang "The Star dent activities and have the ad C liff Main has resumed man the M A K IN G R AIN D R O PS vantage of other cultural oppor Here From Idaho— Sgt. Claude Rookstool told his agement o f Main's Cleaners again. Spangled Banner". Word has been received from tunities, which only a college can Mr and Mrs J. M. McDowell of Lapping up the dew? Pvt. Dennis O. Fife of his arrival parents in a recent letter that Caryl Frasier has held a lease on offer. Twin Falls, Idaho arrived Sat Draining pools of water at the army air field at Amarillo, he and three other men flew to the establishment for the last two Figures of Ba'l Received— urday to visit their daughter, Mrs Almost in front of you? Pictures taken during the Gold Texas, is friends can address him France from the British Isles and and one-half years. Bernard Frost, and family, Mr. Then gently lift It up In Nampa— Mr. Frasier is expected to en-1 and Green ball were received and spent a day and a night there. at flight 6, squadron U. Mr and Mrs H E. Collins spent McDowell was en rout* to Spo T o clouds In the blue I given out Tuesday night at the L.D. He said the French people are gage in farming. Mr. Main is adding two new pres- | S. Mutual meeting. Because of the Monday in Nampa on a combined kane on business He will return T o make some little raindrops Marine Sergeant William T. very friendly, but said he found It to Nyssa the latter part of the For you and I. Mills of route 2, Nyssa, Is home on difficult to buy any o f the few ses, a dry cleaning washer and an paper shortage it has been d iffl business and pleasure trip. week. furlough. He recently returned to articles available because he could air vacuum unit to his plant and cult to secure the pictures. There A S T R IN O O F PE AR LS the states after many months ln not speak the French language. expects to install a new steam j are a few left, however, and those To Live Here— Looking out my window Mrs Barney Bratt of Baker ar Fhom Salt Lake C i t y - desiring them should contact Mrs Everything in the way of food is boiler, the Pacific. rived here Sunday. She will make I Clarence Zink arrived home I saw a string of pearls D. O. Bybee. very scarce, clothing is scarcer. | her home with Mrs H. C. Sayles. , Thursday after a three-month vls- They looked so pretty and lovely Oswald Forbes, son of Mrs Betty if possible and souvenirs are prac- Visit In Weiser— | ----------------------- Must be for very good girls. ------------------------¡It tn Salt Lake City and vicinity. Forbes Wheeler, petty officer on a tically non-existent. \ Mrs William Schireman and her Home From Hospital— He visited the Angus Bishop fam- I went outside to get them f hip. wrote his mother, that his Petty Officer Harold H. Rook- house guest, Mrs W alter Jones \ Mrs Max Swensen arrived home Go To Boise— Mr and Mrs Perry Ward a n d , lly, former Nyssa residents, w h o . But caught myself just in time new boat was doing fine. ¡ stool has received a new assign- of Marshfield, Oregon. spent \ Saturday from the Holy Rosary Jay Bunn, son of M r and Mrs j ment to the U.8.S. Chicago, a Wednesday in Weiser. They att - 1 hospital with her Infant daugh- son. Ronald, spent Tuesday in 'a r e now located in Provo. He also | They were the morning dewdrops Hanging from our clothes line. Boise on business. visited friends at Payson. Utah. Ernest Bunn, will report for duty (Continued on Page 4) iended a fam ily reunion. iter. Streets, Airport Council Topics Work Is Started On Machine Shop BII L IS Madras School Elects Patch From I wo Jima Money Available jLARCEN^ For F.S.A Loans Youths Out For Distance Races Our Roys In The Service POET’S CORNER