Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1945)
> — < d ,, , The NYSSA V(iLI'ME XXXX N ö . Charles Reberger Baker Bulldogs Dies in Taeoma Take District 1 Charles William Reberger. Basketball Title mer Nyssa resident, died at JOURNAL "NYSSA," ÔRËGÜK, THÜRSD a YT MÀRCH 8, 1045' for his Beautiful Scene i {irunzf ,Stai; Medal Drive Opened By t • i . ws ‘ Awarded W. Bruning Is . Provided For* | Award . of the bronze star medal Local Bed Cross Mr. ,, . . , .. . | Nyssa Cinderella Ball pfc wmiam j Bmning has £ £ hds Sm oker, Boxing Tourney To Be Held In N yssa and Mrs. Albert Notheis of rural route have received I home in Tacoma March 5. been announced in a letter to his ^ NySSQ branCh ° f th* Amer' I word that their son. First Ueuten- t ci i , ... T ican Cross under the chair- \ ant Alvin Notheis, reported to have Visitors Grab Pennant1 Mr Reber*er was born January Jean Snader and Clayton p ar! rs' Joe pruning manship of Mrs. Eernad Frost been missing, is well and is back Local Boys Will Battle In Thrilling Game 1865 in DanvlUe- Iowa- He left fund ** at - his base in Italy after ......... a month's launched its annual war taV nu c7T u « ........................................... Friday; County Meet there at the age of 17 and went Morgan Crowned Cinder- " absence. On Nyssa Floor from Major General W. G. Livesay, campaign this week. ella and Prince Next Week to Arizona and then to Colorado, Lieutenant "Bud" Notheis wrote -------- commander of the 91st division in ! Mrs. Frost and her committee are to his parents stating that while on The Baker Bulldogs won the where he was married March 4, . .. Under hundreds of twinkling Italy. i sending out letters requesting con- a bombing mission his bomber The smoker to be staged in the district basketball title by defeat 1894. He and his wife went to Id- silver stars hanging from a sky The citation stated that Pfc. ^tributions for the fund. Nyssa’s was crippled by flak causing him to Nyssa gymnasium Friday night of ing the Nyssa high school last Fri aho in 1901 made up of thousands of blue paper «31 lining performed heroic achieve- quota this year is $2550. this week by the high school will lose altitude. Mr. Reberger went to Caldwell ribk>ons Nvssa residents and stu- \;ent in action involving the res- j Persons who have not been con- day night on the local floor in With his oxygen running low be followed by the Malheur coun two years Nyssa and lat- d e n t « f i l l e d t h e « e h n n l S „Oj. L " . . . h- . vy ' enemy . fire ; tacted by letter ale asked t0 make ty boxing tournament to be held in . ago “ from ~ ........... » ---- ------------ ---- - from l o v v c u i/j icivci me »»»cu iu inane I and tW O of his Crew men WOUnded, the second district play-off game er moved to Tacoma. Mr. Reberger, ‘' koth flanks, of a wounded comrade, their contributions to Mrs. Frost, one seriously the officer crash- the Nyssa gym March 16 and 17. but only after the Nyssa quintet former Nyssa marshal, engaged in to overflowing when they witness- Finding the soldier to be too badly 1 The committee chairman said, j landed in a cow pasture in Rus- The bouts, totaling about 40 forced them into an over-time iarming for several years. ed the eighth annual Cinderella injured to be evacuated without "This year, with a greater number sian-occupied territory. The Rus- rounds, will be started this week Mr Reberger was a member of hall Fiiday night. |help, Bruning moved him into a 1 of men in the service, our every sians gave the Americans medical at 7:30. Coach Howard Lovejoy period. j nearby shell hole and administered home has a greater interest in care and aided them in repairing said the bouts between the local The thrilling game, played be the Methodist church, the Odd Jean Snader, senior, wearing a Fellows lodge and the W. O. W. hg*t blue transparent gown, over first aid. When his company coun- ! them , thelr Iane Notheis fiew his plane boys should be good. The winner fore a capacity crowd, ended in Survivors include his wife, Kat'h- deep satin, and gardenia corsage | ter-attacked and regained the I -The Red Cross gives aid to back to his base taking the woun- in each of the 10 weight classes a score of 36-all. Baker scored ryn; four sons, Charles of Tac- was crowned princess. Clay Morgan, | field, he helped the Utter-bearers j every one of them and renders ' ded with him will go into the county tournament two field goals in the over-time oma. Ralph of Portland, Prank of ln a dull green suit and wearing evacuate the soldier. j help in aU their problems. With | "_____________ next week. A battle royal will also period against one for Nyssa, winn- Portland and George, who is in a white carnation in his lapel, w as1 Bruning’s parents were well the increased number in the ser be staged tomorrow night. The in the contest. the service, and a daughter, Ruth crowned prince by R. G. Whitaker, known in this vicinity and Ontario vice, it is obvious that our quota | bouts next week will be started at Gene Bellon, small Nyssa guard, of Everett, Washington, and eight chairman of the city councU. ' before they moved to Portland, should also be raised. We are I 7:30 Friday night and 8 o'clock sparked his team from the open grandchildren. and purpose and origination of the His mother was Helen Peck, daugh- asking you to raise your contri Saturday night. ing minute of the game when he Serviees will be conducted Sat- Mr Whitaker gave the history ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. bution of last year or at least Adrian, Nyssa. Vale and Ontario scored the first field goal, to the urday, March 10 at 2:30 in the ball. He said “The Cinderella ball Peck, pioneers of Kingman Kolony to equal it”. will be represented ln the tourna uproarous over-time period. He not Peckham-Dakan chapel in Cald- was originated eight years ago b y ! who now reside in Boise, I Dr. D. V. Poling, representative ment. only scored 21 points, but he gavt veil. Rev. W. H. Hertzog will have Mrs Ada Haworth and Mrs John | of the Oregon state board of htgh- A similar smoker will be held Nyssa MIA Team an outstanding performance on th< harge. Interment will be in the Young, the purpose of which was | er education among high schools, tomorrow night in Weiser and the floor. His efforts undoubtedly kept Oloverdale cemetery in Boise. Loses in Play-off to raise money. Now it has become 1 expressed thanks at a meeting of winners there will fight the win Nyssa threatening every minute ol a tradition with the school for the -------- I the Lions club Monday noon for the ners on the Oregon side the follow the game. enjoyment and association of par The Malta. Idaho MIA basket- elimination of conflict between the ing Thursday in Weiser for the local Seniors After scoring the first gasket ents and students. In behalf of ball team defeated the Nyssa MIA state schools through creation of Snake River valley conference Bel’on raced down the floor awaj To Present Play in two games in the division bas- 1 a state board controlling all Ore- titles. , the city of Nyssa. we are proud out in the clear for a lay-in shot On Tuesday evening about 150 ketball play-off in Burley Saturday gon tnstutions of higher leam- -------- of our schools and especially the Coach Lovejoy said all of the but missed and then Ballyntint “What would you do with Emil student body. We are looking for- persans from Adrian and vicinity and Monday and went on to Salt ¡ng been arranged of Baker came through with t iruekner?" Those who see the ward to the time when they will | attended the third annual basket- Lake City to participate in the ( £>r Poling, who visited the local bouts had not Wednesday afternoon. counter to tie the score 2 to 2. ’ lay Tomorrow The World ’ may b,. able to take over the civic dut- ball banquet in the high school finals sponsored by the L. D. S .; high school, sand that up to 11 The Nyssa chamber of commerce The first quarter of the contest rave an answer to the problem of | ¡es 0[ lbe city.” gymnasium to honor this year's church. years ago the schools were operat- voted at its luncheon Wednesday one of the fastest games played vhat to do with Emil, the Nazi- j The line of procession was as squad and Coach James Attebury. Malta won both games by one tng rather independently and as to buy the trophy for the winning here this season, ended 7 to 5 in ndoctnnated German boy. The Howard Hatch trophy for I point, the first 29 to 28 and the a result quite a rivalry developed ¡follows: Junior crown bearers, Na- school in the Malheur county favor of Baker. The boys were bat A one thousand dollar prize dine Maginnis and Gordon Smith; the most valuable player chosen second 24 to 23. Malta played a | between the two major schools— tourney. tling on even terms and were play contest is being offered by the junior Cinderella, Roberta Web by the squad, was awarded to Don rough style of game with 2 players Oregon State college and the Uni ing good ball. The half ended 18 All American Comics, Inc. to stu ster; junior prince, Terry Flanhl- nie Brewer. Thurman Piercy was going out on fouls the second, verslty of Oregon. This condition dents in the 7th and 8th grades gan; the junior court of honor,’ chosen as honorary captain, to 12 for Baker. night- I existed, the doctor said, largely Scoring flacked off In the third or to all students attending junior consisting of eight boys and girls j C. G. Brown acted as toast- Mark Child was high point man because there was no special sup- quarter, except for fouls. Baker or senior high school for the best with the girls in floor length gowns | master. The following responses of the Nyssa team in the first ( ervision. There existed consider- ran its lead up to eight points, srlution of the question "What of pastel shades, and the senior were made: warm-up, group sing- game with eight points and L loyd; abie conflict and duplication of but before the end of the period would you do with Emil Bruck crown bearers, little Irene Jayo and ing led by D. L. Anderson; the Lewis was high for Nyssa in the courses. •Nyssa had cut the margin tl six ner.” Billy Lovejoy, followed by 18 mem- | tip-off, Melvin Crocker; The lay-in, second contest with 13 points. Mrs. Elizabeth Tovey Ashby of “In 1930 the legislature decided points. The final judges of this contestbers of the senior court. The en- Pete Timmerman; Time out, piano Other players were Darwin Jensen, to do away with all of that”, Dr. Nyssa died March 5 at 6:30 a. m. Bellon opened the final canto ate the famous authors. Dorothy j tire court passed under an arch j solo by Betty Jean Toomb; assist— Rosel Anderson, Calvin Wilson and Poling said. “ It wiped out the in in the Holy Rosary hospital in On with a bullet shot that cut the Canfield Fisher and Paul Galileo. 10{ red roses as they reached th e 1 ant referee, Mrs. Wesley Piercy: Dean Fife. dividual boards of regents. Admin tario after a lingering illness. Eaker lead to four points and William Shirer and Rex Stout of j eenter of the hall. I the towel man,Frank Davis; root- Mrs. Ashby was born in Salt istrators had to change the cour (Continued on Page 4) the writers war board. ( The theme of the ball was “Pre- ¡ng section, Margery Hite; screen, ses. That was a fine thing, but It Lake City June 19, 1880 and came Entries may be sent to the con-1 Vjew Qf American Holidays". In Wilbur Jackson; too long in the took time. Now there is one to Nyssa 10 years ago. She was Dance Postponed— test editor, -------- Tomorrow ------------- ------- The ---------- World --- ,. the center rear of the stage was a keyhole, Carrol Thomas; automatic board composed of nine persons the wife o f James R. Ashby. The Owyhee Riding club dance in care of All American Comics, ¡rest period, trombone duet by Mr. (Continued on Page 4) The body will remain ln the fam and a distinct type of training scheduled for March 17 has been Inc., 225 Lafayette street. N ew 1 _________________ atone aftd Carrol Thomas; huddle. Ls provided at the university and ily home in the Owyhee district I Thurman Piercy; tournament side postponed because of the Snake York 12, New York. \rVo q o R n lM n fr q a n d from 10 a. m. today until the time state college.” More than 200 Grange members lights, E. E. Crocker; broken drib river valley boxing tournament. "Tomorrow The World" will be y A . .T ., i l l S tUUl Dr. Poling said he visits high of the funeral, which will be held attended the first quarterly meet- The dance will be held March 31 presented by the seniors of Nyssa M I A VV 111 ¡P l a y 111 ble, D. W. Patch; the last quarter, ______ _ help __ _ _ _________ _ ln the Nyssa L D. S. ward chapel schools to the students, _ es- . Donnie Brewer; presentation of Ing of the Malheur Pomona Grange in the gymnasium. high school March 23. j Hospital Benefit u u seniors. He stated that he I today at 1 p. m. under the direc 1 trophy. Howard Hatch and hail to at the Oregon Slope Grange hall do„ no( „ rge attend I tion of W. A. Bybee. councilor, waiting and wondering whether or Tire MIA backetball team of the the Antelope, Coach Attebury. recently with all officers present g,,,, because some go to college Six of Mrs. Ashby's sons will be not fortress and crew will return L. D. S. church will play the Nyssa The tables were centered by pus- except one. It was the largest Pom- and make faUurfcs of thelr llve8> pallbearers. Internment will be ln safely even though it means long, hlgh school Bulldogs next Wednes- sywillows and sprays of shrubbery ona Grange meeting on record hi wh„ e oUwrs who ^ not g0 to the Rosedale cemetery at Payette. hard hours of work all over again. day night at 9 0-ci0ck in the Nyssa from rock bases, and miniature the county, officers said. Besides her husband Mrs. Ashby ¡college are successful. He pointed Sgt. Harris is a member of the gymnasium in a hospital benefit antelopes. Table decorations were Two resolutions went on record out, of course, that for certain Is survived by three daughters, third air division—the division that game. The first preliminary game, handled by Mrs. Thelma Elliott one approving the servicemen’s ap- training, a person must go to col- Mrs. Alma White and Mrs. Bessie was cited by the president for its (he Ontario eig,hth grartp versus the and Mrs. Mildred Hite. The clever peal to the county court for Hendricks and another daughter. county service officer to assist with Ie(£ brief remark at the close Hazel, living in Salt Lake City, now historic pigland-to-Africa N eighth graders, will be started programs were designed and made shuttle bombing of a Messerschmitt >t 7 O.clock and the second prellm_ by Mrs. J. C. Nevin. veterans problems likely to arise u lk . ^ PoUng broadened and nine sons, Chester Clifford, aircraft factory at Regensburg, jnary the Ontario freshmen against I he dinner was prepared by the after the war; the other advocating dUcusslon about the conflict Ben and Walter, all in the armed Germany. tightening rules for stock inspec- betwppn thp «*<*, 1 * by crit- services: Nathaniel and Roy of the Nyssa freshmen, will be played Mary and Martha society. The son of Mrs. Annie D. Harris at g 0,cjsck_ I Following the banquet dancing tlon at sales yards, a measure de- class consciousness that California; Bert of Payette, and of Lincoln Heights, Harris was a Thp MIA defeated the college of I was enjoyed by the high school signed to prevent spread of disease.' t this country, dividing Bill and Ralph of Utah. farmer before entering the AAF Idaho and trimmed an Ontario I students and patrons, Several state officers appeared and arraylng group against i on the pragram, including Mrs " " in November. 1942. His wife and town team by big margins twice. I Visits Mother baby daughter reside at Condon. ice sessions the high school Edith Ruchman, assistant s t a t e * „T^at ^ the way thls Mrs. Eldred Brower and daugh Oregon, where Mrs Harris teaches ^ MIA have broken even, lecturer; Mrs Edith Bohnert, state was founded.. ^ Pollng sald. ter, Irene, left Wednesday for a youth chairman, and Charles Wick- school. | n owever eaCh group o f players two week's visit with Mrs. Brower's Cpl. Lewis Q. Raich arrived in lander, state deputy. Mrs Blaine | __ • . .. _ , i believe they can score a victory in mother, Mrs. Wesley Anderson of Ny. a Tuesday from Fort Sumner, P fc.G eorgeG regg of theOwyhee , a The Saints wiU Girvin, Pomona lecturer, had char Burley. New Mexico, to spend several days district who has been visiting rel- ^ boistered by Coach Howard ge of the program, which also in- with Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Gunnels. atives and friends on a 30-day! ^ passlng demon, and Ralph Winebrenner, who was j eluded musical and humorous num- Visit At llomedale He has been in the service for furlough after two years in the Harold WUson former N hlgh rqcently given a lease on the new i bers from local Granges. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge N. Bear three and one-half years and has European theater of operations, Nyssa airport, has already started | r . e . Brooke, county agrioul- and William Bolitho visited Mr. seen action overseas in the past left Monday for an army base in school star. giving flying instructions to sev- tural chairman, commended the The Malheur County Jersey Cat and Mrs. Bert Adams at the Ad All proceeds of the game will be •twenty-seven months. He was South Carolina. Grange for the part it had taken tle club was rc-organlzed at a ams home in Owyhee Heights placed in the Nyssa hospital build eral Nyssa residents. wearing several medals, one for Mr. Winebrenner, now living at in the county's extensive weed con meeting held Saturday ln the Nys- near Homedale. Idaho last Sunday. ing fund. The ticket sale will be marksmanship, radio operator and S2-C Dale Glenn spent several sponsored by the Lions club. Tic the airport, will move his family trol pragram, ln which all save i sa CRy hall. mechanic. His parents live at days with his parents. Mr and Mrs C. M. Beaumont of Kingman Here From North Platte kets will be placed on sale at local to the field when ivlng accommo- one district had been inaugurated Yakima, Washington. Hugh Glenn. He has been receiv stores. Prizes will be awarded at Jati°ns are available, through the Grange's efforts. Mrs Kolony was elected president, Ed I Mrs. Frank Olsen of North Platte ing “boot" training at the Farra- The Nyssa pilot has been flying Geraldine Hall, assistant to the Irving of route 2. Nyssa, vice pres- Nebraska, arrived Sunday for a the game. Bobby Penn and Delbert Fenn. gut training station. for seven years, and during that county agent, spoke on home mak- ldent, and C. H. Coad of Nyssa, two weeks visit with her parents, Nyssa brothers, saw each other for time received 11 months of army ing helps, secretary-treasurer. Fred Burgess Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hall, the first time in two years when Eldon Worden who has been an Moss-Ninemire training When he finished his ar- Prizes for the best home econ- of Vale, James Olin of Nyssa and . they met recently ln Germany. army cook on the Hawaiian islands my training in 1943, he became | omics chairmen's report for the Clifford 8. Wright of Nyssa were Shop is Enlarged B >bby, a corporal in the artillery for almost three years is home on flight instructor in the navy pro- past two quarters were awarded electer directors. of the first army has received the furlough. His parents reside in Operators of the Moss-Ninemire gram for the Halladay School of the Ironside and Willowcreek Following the organization busi- purple heart. Delbert is a private Newell Heights. Motor company have built a large' Flying at Ontario and held that Granges. Mrs Frank Fulleton. Pom- ness. I. W. Slater western fieldman first class in the infantry of the addition to their repair shop on 1 position until the spring of 1944 >na home economics chairman: f or the American Jersey Cattle ninth army. Bobby had just re After a six-weeks silence a letter Main and Fourth streets. When instruction o f private stu- Mrs. Elton Smith, Willowcreek club, and H. C. Myers, secretary ceived a gift box from his Aunt was received from LeRoy Parker The addition, 44 by 48 feet is dents was again permitted by the chairman and Mrs Anna Ketcham, of the Ada County Jersey Cattle Nora, Mrs. Fred Williams of Nyssa, by his parents last FYiday. He is constructed of cinder blocks. Webb government, Winebrenner began Oregon Slope, chairman were in club, discussed functions of the Edited by and the boys opened it together. with the first army in Germany Pennie laid the cinder blocks and operating a private flight school for stalled in their offices. clb and other matters of interest T. CAROL RYBEE The Fenn brothers are sons of and his outfit, the 99th has seen Lon Root did the carpenter work. Bessie Halladay. In June. 1944 The fifth degree of the Grange to the breeders SPRING Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fenn of its first action. Parker was again'The floor was laid Wednesday, Winebrenner bought Mrs Halladay's was conferred on a large class of < All Jersey breeders Of the county In a chariot of wind. Washington, formerly of Nyssa. living in an abandoned house af- The owners, Keith Moss and equipment and since that time delegates at the evening session. | are Invited to join the club. Lady Spring is approaching. ter living in a barn for several Charles Ninemire, will start using has been operating for himself, Pomona Master E. H. Parker pre- _________________ Calling to all flowers: Mr and Mrs George B. Ward have weeks. the addition next week. j During his flying experience he sided at the three sessions during' Baby Arrives The trees, she is coaxing received indirect word from their -------- I has logged 3000 hours. At least the day and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Max Swensen are To put on some leaves son, Sgt. Glenn Ward. Ward's bud Melvin Parker, also of Newell Here From Rupert 12500 hours of that time have been The charter was draped ln mem the parents of a 7 pound girl born Where branches were quite bare dy sent Mr and Mrs Ward some Heights, has been transferred to Mr. and Mrs. David Garner and,spent in student Instruction. ory of Lt. Elwood Hoffman. Bou Thursday morning at the Holy So two robins who were In love pictures which Ward had given the infantry arid is now receiving Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Ru- I Winebrenner has two Piper levard Grange, killed ln action Rosary hospital ln Ontario. Mr. Could build a home in her hair. him to send. A short note enclosed training at Camp Howze, Texas. pert. Idaho were in Nyssa tran- trainer airplanes, parachutes and several weeks ago. Swensen, who recently left fot - 5 - sand that Ward was fine but would j sacting business Wednesday and other equipment. He will main- Overnight Guests Here— PUSSY WILLOWS Utah to enter the service is receiv not have an opportunity to write Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cates, for Thursday. They also visited Mr. tain charter service and service Mr and Mrs Delbert Gamer of ing "boot" training in San Diego. Popping from their wintry bed The two boys are ln the Phili mer residents of Nyssa, have re Garner's brother, True, and hLs facilities for gasing and oiling Burley, Idaho were overnight guests Is a tiny, shiny thing; ceived word from their son, Pfc. family of Emmett. ppines. planes at the airport. I at the home of Mr and Mrs 8. P. To Portland We call them pussy willows, Homer Cates, Jr., of the 124th Mr. Winebrenner invites the Bybee Wednesday . "D oc" Marshall left Saturday for They are sniffing, smelling spring. Sgt. Verdo Harris of Ontario. cavalry division, that he was sent Here From Mountain Home public to visit the airport and asks I _________________ Portland on business. an eighth air force B-17 flying' to Bombay. India and then flown Mrs. Ethel Hendricks arrived in "support of the public in making, Here From Joseph Rocking gently with the breeze fortress mechanic, has recently > by plane to China, where he is j Nyssa from Mountain Home Tues it a thing of which the city can The Reverend and Msr. Lloyd Visits In Nampa Swaying to and fro. completed one year's service serving. He writes that he ¡day on business. She is manager be proud". Pounds and two children of Jos Mrs. Claude Willson was ln Nam They seem anxious to get out seas with the 452nd bomber group is »-ell and doing fine. of a dress shop in Mountain Home eph arrived in Nyssa for a week's pa Tuesday on business. After hiding from the snow. She will visit friends while here. On damp nights in England, a Has Guests visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch considerable portion of the plane Mrs. G. J. Mitchell has as her Returns Home Soon we'll hear the humming must be covered to prevent icing received word that their son. El- Visitolis Here guests this week her sister. Mrs. I Mules From Glendale Mrs. C. J. Rooks tool returned I Of a swarm of busy bees Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Taylor and Dale Donnley of Council and her j Mr and Mrs Ed Ellred arrived to her home in Walla Walla after 1 Come to gather honey of vital parts, but the hardest part j bert of the U. 8. coast guard, of his Job, according to Sgt. Harris recently passed his water tender fon of Boise were week-end guests nephew and niece, Mrs. and Mrs in Nyssa with a truckload of n ine' spending a week with the B. F. ¡From our pussy willow trees. of Mr and Mrs. Psrry Ward. Is "sweating out” the missions— .test with a very high score. Dorsey of Cajdwell. ¡mules from Glendale. Nevada. | Rookstool family. - 5 — Schools Subject O f Poling Talk School Honors Adrian Quintet M rs. J. R . A sh b y O f N yssa Dies 200 G rangers Attend M eeting Our Roys in The Service N yssa A viator Giving Lessons h Jersey Raisers Elect Officers POET’S CORNER