THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAt P A G E SIX )ch> Mrs JArrest Carpenter and •I ts Orate Didericksen won high, »is C e n t e r received the "all- ut prize.” CLUB - 1- MEETS The Sunshine club met Friday ' afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Buelah Gann. HOSTESS 1 TO CLUB Mrs A1 Kuehn »'as hostess to her bridge foursome last Wednes­ day evening. High honors were won by Mrs John Bishop. THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1945 services in a body. Mrs Gilbert | Klinkenberg played several piano I numbers. I he services were In i charge of Rev. H. J. Gernnardt. G rid Greats M eet in Pacific ENTERTAIN CLUB with Marie Holmes as assistant. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell en- avcsltkiiis of, Ontario, tertalned the Mr. and Mrs. club and nearby town were pres- last Wednesday night. D.nner was ent, moot of them wearing Western enjoyed at tne Payette Country sty.e riding clothes. The Nyssa club preceding a card party at members attended In their yellow the Boydell home. O. J. Mitchell silk shirts anti aark trousers. won first prize and R W. Campbell 1 ___ —S” BRANCH REUNION HELD won second. Mr. and Mrs. Camp- ENIERIAINS AT DINNER A branch reunion of the L. D. S. ... _ ' Mr. and Mrs. Prank Newbill church held in the Adrian Leg­ be were guests. ; had as dinner guests Sunday, Mr. ion hall was Wednesday evening of last — ! and Mrs. C. C. Cotton and Cliff week. Supper was served at 6 p. m. WSCS MEETS The Women's Society of Chris­ ! 1 Beaumont and his sister. May. to 110 persons. A program wes pre­ at the gathering, held under tian Service of the Methodist r CHATTER COX CLUB MEETS sented the direction of the branch presl- | Mrs. Merle Johnson was hostess church met at the home of Mrs dency, Verner B. Carlson, G. H. i R. ... M. . Oochrun , *°f Chlt^ her ru home, club Thursday Salter and James C. Ricks. Max ] . E. „ Thursday _ . . afternoon. . as co- .afternoon was master of ceremonies with Mrs.. C. _ Crandall j Fourteen at members answered roll- Swenson remainder of the evening was hostess. The meeting pre- call with a Valentine verse. A Val- The spent In dancing. sided over by the president, Mrs entlne grab box was held. Carlos Buchner. Mrs. W. W. Poster Refreshments of sandwiches, HOSTS AT PARTY led the devotions on the topic, salad and cookies were served. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brower were "Has t Thou Not Known?" Mrs. The next meeting will be held at hosts at two tables of pinochle J. C. Nevln of Adrian gave an in- the Ed Nielson home March 15. Thursday U . S. Marin« Corp, Photo evening. Guests inclu­ teresting book review on "Burma —}_ ded Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Williams, Memories of football days at Notre Dame marked the recent re­ Surgeon”. ’ j BOOK CLUB MEETS union on a Central Pacific island of Navy Lt. Frank Leahy (left) Mr. and Mrs. Jach Schenk and —j — The Kingman Kolony Book club Md. and Marine Lt. Angelo Bertclli. Leahy coached the Notre Dame and Mrs Melvin Jensen. met for its February meeting at CLUB DANCE SUCCESSFUL teams In 1941-42-43 on which Bertclli was star quarterback. Bertelli —5— HOSPITAL who was named to most of the 1943 All-America teams, Is a regi­ The dance sponsored by the Ow­ the home of Mrs. Ralph Howorth TO BENEFIT mental athletic and morale officer with the Third Marine Division: yhee Riding club in the school at a 1 o'clock covered d'sh lunch- A pinochle party for the benefit Leahy supervises recreational and sports programs for submarine gymnasium last Saturday was acc- 1 eon. Miss Virginia Miller re- of the Nyssa hospital building men in the Pacific. laimed by the 300 persons who viewed Emily Kimbrough’s book fund will be given by the Chatter attended as very successful. The of her childhood days In Indiana, Box club In the Oregon Trail Idaho wranglers furnished the "How Dear to My Heart", schoolhouse Saturday evening, music, Including quadrilis and clr- Special guests were Mrs.. Hart- March cle two-steps. “Sunny" was the ridge of New York. Mrs. Summers served. 3. Refreshments will be BY LEFF added attraction of the evening in of Nyssa and Miss Virginia Jensen —i — vocalizations and yodeling. of Adrian. ENTERTAINS PINOCHLE CLUB The dance was given to help —5— Mrs. Tom Bumingham enter­ raise funds to build a rodeo BRIDGE CLUB MEETS tained the Happy Eight pinochle grounds and buildings here at Mrs. W. R. Campbell entertained dub Friday afternoon. High score Nyssa. Zack Walker is rodeo the Tuesday E.ening Bridge club was won by Mrs. Tom Eldridge chairman. W. L. Lane is chairman Monday evening. High scores were and the traveling prize by Mrs. V. of the entertainment committee won by Mrs Burnell Brown and L. Kesler. — ------------------------------------------- Mrs. A. L. Fletcher. Guests of Mrs was a guest. Mrs. Bernard Frost "I'll...... mill Mill III 11111111 III III nil Campbell, besides club members were Mrs. Brown Mrs. Richard LODGE TO —*— HAVE DINNER Forbess and Mrs Bernard Eastman The annual Washington's birth­ 5 - DINNER day dinner sponsored by the Ma­ OUESTS - AT sonic Lodge will be held Thurs­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson March 8. in the Masonic hall were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. A day, covered dish lunch will be served and Mrs. Herschel Thompson. for Masons and their wives and Eastern Stars and their husbands HONORED AT SHOWER Bernard Frost will be In Mrs Eugene Brandt was honored Mrs. of the table arrangements at a pink and blue shower Friday charge Mrs. A. L. Fletcher will be in night at the home of Mrs Kenneth and charge of the food. Mrs. Bert Renstrom. Assisting Mrs Renstrom Lienkaemper Mrs. George Wil­ were Mrs John Bowen and Mrs son will have and charge pro­ Luray Tratert. The guests present­ gram which will follow of the the dinner. Two hours after the Ill-fated destroyer Haminann waa sunk, her ed Mrs Brandt with a lovely bass­ The dinner was scheduled to have skipper, Comdr. Arnold Ellsworth True, waa rescued from the water inet. Pinochle and bridge were >een hcIH February 22. and found to be supporting two enlisted men. He himself was so the diversion of the evening. In exhausted that he did not realize both men were dead. Comdr. True, CLUB the bridge game Mrs Ellis Buck- The ENTERTAINS who was awarded the Navy Cross and the Distinguished Service Medal afternoon bridge land and Mrs Tom Eurningham club was Thursday for heroism, typifies the spirit of our men in arms. They give to the entertained by Mrs Geo­ won high score prizes and In pin- limit of their endurance. Do YOUR part! Buy more War Bonds BIRTHDAY CAKES rge Mitchell. High score was wor. and Stamps! by Mrs R. G. Larson, and the trav­ Made with Shelton’s eling prize by Mrs J. L. Church. Auto Repairing Elxtra guests were Mrs Burnali Brown. Mrs Church and Mrs Jam­ on his second birthday. Guests arrived Saturday for a week’s stay milk are best Electric Welding were members of the immediate here. Mrs Flinders is a daughter es Spofford. Get our milk at our Lathe Work —5— DINNER family, inrluding the grandparents, \ of Mrs Child. Parts GIVES BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison, ! -------------- -—---- Mrs. Dale Garrison gave a birth­ Sr,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill ! Special Program Planned— plant or at local groc­ At day dinner for her son. Charles. and family and Mrs. John Olson | The officers ami teachers of the ery stores. and baby. | Relief society will have charge of the evening program Sunday at E. W . Pruyn the L. D. S. church. Special mus­ Stronger Chitks ical numbers will be presented. Nyssa, Oregon Returns From Hospital— I MUM I II I l>l HI I I HI III III HUM I'l III HIM III lllllll 111:111»!! Life Mrs Leo Kfe returned home Sat­ HI HI HI HI HI III HI I I HI HI HI III III III HI III M |i| III III »H) II III M ill III lll.lll 1.1 III HI HHHI III III l.l HI I'iM'l l II III III III 11 MII1V urday after spending nine days at Furnish Special Music— Luke's hospital at Boise. She Vigor A ladies sextet, composed of St, will return to the hospital for Mrs Lloyd Lewis. Mrs Mark Child. PROGRAM Mrs Ellen Brower, Mrs Stringfellow, treatments once a week. V ita lity Mrs Sydney Brown and Mrs John Funedal Held Schenk, sang special musical num-1 Funeral services for Mrs S D bers at the Weiser stake leader- Goshert were held in the Method- Phone 108 , ship meeting and at the Nyssa 1 st church Sunday, February 25 w ith l ward services unday evening. Mary The Golden Rule chapter Order DOUBLE FEATURE I L°u and Laura Lee Schenk played of the Eastern Star. attended the FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAR. 2-3 a piano duet, entitled "The Old RANCH-WAY Refrain”. Jimmy Wakely, Dennis Moore in ______________________ CHICK STARTER j VISIT HERE “SONG OF THE RANGE” Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gould and S o ld and Bacotnmandad b y Warner Baxter and Nina Foch in two sons of Buhl, Idaho, and Mrs. “SHADOWS IN THE NIGHT” Alice Nelson of Los Angeles left Mat., Sat., 2:30 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax for their homes last week after Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax visiting at the J. C. Olsen home Return From California Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pfeiler have SUNDAY AND MONDAY, MAR. 4-5 returned home from Oxnard, Cali­ Ronald Colman, Marlene Dietrich, James fornia, where they spent the win­ Craig, Edward Arnold and Hugh Herbert in ter “KJSMET” ; Visit at Child Home— Filmed in gorgeous technicolor. Danger and f EED s Mr and Mrs George Thompson »OUJ. delight, romance and intrigue amid the and two children. Lamont and k v iit o c * Wade, of Utah, en route to Eugene, jeweled splendor of Bagdad. stopped in Nyssa for a visit at the Special Colorado Trout Child home. Mr and Mrs El- Confidence - Dependability Leo Mat., Son.. 2:30 Adm., 30c-9c, Inc. Tax wood Flinders of Hooper, Utah Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax - - Here From Bur.ey— Mr and Mrs EreLs Beus of Bur- ley, Idaho were In Nyssa Saturday on business. Mr. Bues will remain here to operate a farm. Lease F arm— Mr and Mrs Vern Garner oi Buriey have leased a farm Irom the Bybee brothers and arrived here Sunday to take possession. I o o L a t e to Classify lM2xc on Gem avenue. FOR SALE—1935 Chevrolet. Qood rubber, good shape. See Woodrow Seuell or write box 155, Nyssa 1M2 FOR SALE—One double garage, cou]d be converted Into two labor houses. Will be sold at auction, i p m Saturday. Can be seen at Inland Oil station and »rill be lMlxc sold there. poR SALE—White Spanish onion gw, pCT pound. Yellow sweet Spanish Utah, certified. 7 Mi per pound. Simplot Dehydrating Co. lc QUICK RELIEF FROM LOST—String of Jet black beads. Symptom* of Distress Arising from Return to Mrs C. A. Marshall or e T A U . / x>J I I I r > r n r to the Journal office. ’ lMlxp 3 l U m A l , n U L L L n d to e x c e s s a c i d FOR SALE—1938 Indian motor­ due Book Tells of HomeTreatfiwnt that cycle, 1 saddle horse, 2‘,4 years old; Fr«e Mutt Help or it Will Cost You Nothing 1910 Oldsmobile, excellent condi­ Over bottles o f the W IL L A R D tion. J. A. Gannon, route 2, Nyssa, T R E A two T M million E N T have been sold fo r relief o f symptoms o f distress arising from Stomach Alberta avenue. lM3xc and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess A c id » Digestion, tour or Upset Stomach, FOR SALE—One Chester White Poor Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., due to Add. Sold on 15 days’ trial! yearling sow, to farrow April 1. L. Ask for Excess Message" which fully E. Robbins. lM2xc explains •*Willard's this treatment— free— at WANTED—Woman to care for el­ NYSSA PHARMACY derly woman with broken hip. Phone 9J. lM2xp FOR SALE OR TRADE!—For car, 1939 114 ton Chevrolet truck, new beet bed. See Willard Whitman, 3 miles north Nyssa, 3-4 mile west AMERICAN HEROES Shelton’s Dariy NYSSA LOCAL NEWS THEATRE Nyssa Elevator Into Your Automobile For Trouble Prescriptions Rapidly Filled It’s better for you and better for us if you have your car taken care of regularly. Our registered phar­ macist will fill your Everybody’s busy these prescription accurately days, and constant re­ and quickly. You can be sure of pairs are annoying and first quality drug supp­ time-wasting. lies, welLinformed and courteous service in our store. Nyssa Pharm ' y Towne’s Garagf To Handle Evening Statesm an I have been appointed representative of the Evening Statesman in this territory and will be out of my shoe repair shop afternons. An att­ endant will be on duty to take in and let out work. I will take care of my customers as usual except on “wait” work in the afternoon. G e o rg e A b b o tt C. C. Anderson Co. OF ONTARIO Announces The Grand Opening —BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY, MAR. 6 Sharyn Moffett, Jill Esmond in “MY PAL WOLF” Don't miss this grand picture 2-Reel Musical Captain America Adm. tto-tf, Inc. Ttx W e W a n t C a ttle Cattle are selling good. Bring them in WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, MAR. 7-8 Special Saddle Horse Sale March 10 “RAINBOW ISLAND” It’» a carefree, South Sea jubilee...Loaded With Bybee Livestock Co. Dorothy Lamour, Eddie Bracken, Gil Lamb and Barry Sullivan in laughs and sweet Leilanis In Technicolor. Poi peye Cartoon and Late News Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c. Including Tas Get your horses in .shape for a big sale Col. Bill Lane Auctioneer Phone 25—R D. O. Bvbee, Mgr. Phone 05J3 Of The C.C. Anderson Furniture Store ON FRIDAY EVENING AT 7 P. M. March 2, 1945 DOOR PRIZES--EVENT OF THE EVENING We Invite The People of Nyssa and Vicinity to Attend This GRAND OPENING C. C. Anderson Co.