THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1945 PAGE FIVE & the Indian bureau is under the a firecracker Is sputtering under week. an extremely rusted dial face or i FARM SALES secretary for the department of the him because of his conduct of af- Mr and Mrs Robert Fisher and would be saved by buying a new Tuesday, March 8—Farm Sale, 11 interior. Twelve years ago Mr. Ic - 1 fairs in Puerto Rico. | son. Robert. Jr., of Emmett were would be saved by buying a new miles north of Vale on John Day kes came to Washington, D. C.. | getting »5,000,000 as the limit of Thursday guests at the Deffen- guage. Broken glass dial faces can highway at Willowcreek. Starts at with a round trip ticket from Co.- I value of surplus property which baugh home. be replaced at the food Industries 1 p. m. Lunch served on grounds, Mr and Mrs Lane have received cago. He hoped to get an appoint- 1 may not be sold without congress- department at 25 cents each. 14 cows. 3 horses, farm machinery. word from their son, Ronald, who Stale and federal nutrition au- Amos J. Bontrager, owner, Brahs ment as assistant Indian comm- >onal approval was a mistake, in is in San Diego now. thorities recommend that these Bros., auctioneers. i&uoner, which is subordinate to the opinion of many members of | idr and Mrs Deffenbaugh have parts be tested annually. | _____________ the job irora which Coilier has re­ the house who have scanned rec- ' received word from their son. Ray, j Further information may be ob- FARM SALE signed. By one of those freaks 01 ent reports of the war investigat-' with the armed forces in Italy, tained from the emergency assis- Thursday, March 8, starting at fortune he was introduced to Pres­ ing committee. Sale of a multitude and Maurice, who is with the arm- | tAHl' 112:30 p. m. 6 miles north of Pay­ ident Roosevelt by California's Sen­ of items of a lesser value by var- ed forces somewhere in Europe, I, ette and 14 mile east of highway ator Hiram Johnson. The presi­ ious government agencies has dis- that they are well. Mr and Mrs | or 9 miles south ofWeiser and $4 closed a situation which merges Deffenbaugh have not heard from j dent was then making up hts mile east of highway. Cattle, hor- on the scandalous, according to , their son who was taken prisoner j cauinet, and he had oiiered tue | ses. chickens, farm implements and by the Japanese in the Philippines., a statement made on the floor of position ol secretaiy of tne inter- furniture. Lunch served on grounds. Kingman Grange met Monday STATE 3 A Wahingfon, D. C., Mar. 1—John ior the Senator Johnson, who relus- the house. Frank Rotert, owner; Col Bert Among incidents mentioned was night with a goodly number of The Oregon Trail Grange met Anderson, auctioneer and L. H. Collier has resigned as commiss- ed' Senator Johnson suggested Tuesday evening with several dis- Fritts, clerk, congressional committees shot ar- lclies twho was nving at John- an offer by the navy department members present. Mr and Mrs to sell to the public 1900 life rafts Charles Wicklander of Portland. tinguished state and county officers j ______________ _ ioner of Indian affairs, after two o n s ramie at the time to save rows at him. Before congress could Payuig hotel bills, and lekes land- at 50 cents apiece. The offer was Mr and Mrs C. A. Ketchum of present. Representatives from s u ! Wednesday. March 14, starting called to the attention of the mar- Oregon Slope and Mrs Edyth Boh lift his scalp he offered his scalp e j ‘‘¿rit in the cabinet, different Granges went on record at 12. noon, 3 miles southeast of upholding the state Grange in its Payette, then 8 miles up Little lock to "Honest" Harold Ickes, for Mr Col‘ier began to introduce ¡time commission, which stepped j nert of Central Point were guests.! in with an offer to take over the | Mr Wicklander is state Grange ur.ire is home on leave from Glen- ------------------------------ innovations in the Indian bureau. stand against Senate bill No. 62, Willow creek, or 5 miles north of deputy. Mr Ketchum Is Malheur 'dew, Illinois, where he Is now rafts and sell them for $50 each. He desired to restore the Indian and against House bill No. 5. The New Plymouth, then 8 miles up wards of the government to their This was done and the money was county Grange deputy and M rs1 stationed after serving for 21 featured speaker of the evening Little Willow creek. Horses, cattle. was Edith Bohnert, state youth hogs and sheep, poultry, farm primeval state. He brought in from turned over to the treasury. One Bohnert is Grange youth super- I months in the South Pacmc. officer of the Grange. Leona machinery. Lunch served on the Mexico a "pink” to outline an ed­ dealer bought at auction for $31 a tendent. The program presented. * Winters was in charge of the grounds. Lewis Wiles and Jack ucational program, and this did government searchlight and al­ for the evening was “Columbia, the ENTERTAIN FRIENDS program. not set well because Mexico is far most immediately re-sold it to Gem of the Ocean”, sung by the i Orr, owners. Col. Bert Anderson, _________ behind the United States in its another government agency for audience; reading. "Never Give ■ Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Child enter. auctioneer and L. H. Fritts, clerk. $235. In another instance eight Up”, Mrs George deHaven; Little tained Mr and Mrs Erels Beus of Friday, March 9—Farm Sale, ♦ education of the aboriginees. Soon ship strainers were bought from Known Facts About George Wash- Burley Sunday evening. Guests miles west of Vale, one mile north some of the reservation Indians Wednesday, March 7—Farm Sale. began protesting the new deal pol­ the government for $3.25 each and ington, Mrs Wicklander and var- were Mr and Mrs Eldred Brower then one-half mile west to end of 2 miles north of Vale on John Day icies and took their complaints to sold to a ship repair firm working ious songs. Refreshments, consist- Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lewis and Mr gravel road. Sale starts a» 12:30 highway. Sale starts at 12:30 p. m. ,p. m. Lunch served on grounds. 15 cows. 3 horses. Farm machin­ of congress; congress took for the government at $12 apiece. in8 Cakur^ey °* ^ ta* 1 were _ _____ _________ _____ __ ty valves should be tested now. A That is why you are as­ condition of these wards of the practice now being foil- t a '*er-s Rookstool home testing service is offered each year sured that everything government, the bureau was rap ' and-miss at this time by the food industries idly increasing in personnel with owed. Otherwise loss from the sale Sunday. will be handled in a di­ the purpose of becoming immortal. of many thousands of small items Mr and Mrs Wait Raffington department a t Oregon State coil- may reach an impressive figure, arrived Sunday and will live on ege and tne cost is 50 cents per. Painting and gnified manner when Committees demanded that either In carrying out its program fo r' ‘helr ranch lhis year They were guarge and 25 cents per safety j Collier get out or that the bureau support you come to us. Insurance Agency of parity prices on spec-1 accompanied here by Mrs Raffing- valve. be dissolved; they didn't care Kalsoming ified agricultural products Com m-' 1011 s s‘s ^€r from California, Directions on Ouages and safe-1 which, but leaned toward liquida­ N y s sa Fu n eral odity Credit corporation now h a s' Mr Bybee of Nyssa was a bus- ty valve testing: tion of the Indian agency. I will do only interior invested $2,000.000,000 and has ask- iness caller at the Roy Rookstool Remove from cover with wrench. Fire and Automobile Named to succeed Collier is a Hom e Do not send the lid. man from Ickes foreign and insul­ ed for authorization to use an- home Monday morning, work until spring. $2,000 000,000 in the coming Mr Dl,rfey of has purch" Attach name and address to back Insurance ar affairs department, and already other fiscal year. To maintain p arity !ased the Adolph Schneider ranch of each guage and each valve with prices the corporation buys wool and take possession this spring, scotch tape. Do not use mucilage. Rentals Bonds and a long list of farm and dairy j Stanley Reffett has received his Pad generously with paper and SEE THE products at the stipulated price 'medical discharge from the navy pack into small box or can, pre­ and re-sells at market values, the and farm in this vicinity this ferably with a piece of cardboard over the glass face. difference if any, representing the I summer. Mail to Thomas Onsdorff, food subsidy paid producers. It is an- ----------------------- LET US PROVIDE A HOME MARKET FOR YOUR FAT HOGS industries department, or give to ticipated by the end ol the j the emergency assistant, Mrs Ger­ coming year Commodity Credit . Sell wheie there Is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un­ aldine Hall, at the county agent’s corporation will own or control For Your necessary expense Incurred through a great number of men office in Ontario. through loans 11,500,000 bales of required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check Do not send guages which have cotton and 400,000 bushels of wheat. CHATTER BOX CLUB MEETS The chatter Box club held its Ihe weight of your hogs yourself. Sudden termination of the war in” Europe ’'would* "inevitablymean February meeting at the T. C. We buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards In Nyssa, Ore. a consideragle loss which would J<’“ h,°„me Thursday afternoon and Homed&le, Idaho. with Mrs Minnie Lueck as hostess. For Friday’s price phone HI R, Nyssa, between the hours of ropriation from the treasury. S o ) Fourteen members answered roll Auctioneer 5 P.M. and 9 P.M. on Thursdays or 53JLJ, Homedale, on Friday. far. this loss has amounted to call with a valentine verse. A val­ about $200.000,000 spread over a entine grab box was held. Nyssa FRANK KULLANDER .1" 11 lilt III II III IIP ! Ill III III 1,1 III 1111 111 | ; l III M | , |'| III III III |,| 1:11,| FI 1111:1 III III III 11 III IIM |;| III III III |:| |'| ||| ||| 11 III I, ■onsiderable numbers of years, but The members voted to hold a Phone 116J pinochle party a t the Oregon in 'th e ultimate figure cannot be even schoolhouse March 3. E | guessed at with any degree of Trail Refreshments of sandwiches, sal­ E , accuracy. ad cookies and coffee were served. The next meeting will be held Enough to serve you. at the Ed Jamison home March 15 j SALE CALENDAR Don M. Graham j i Andy McGinnis Dessert Seed Co. ■ h ■ (i jim ri i l i l 11 i l : i i l n : i a n : i : i : i : i n h ri rr iti 11 ; r: r: 111 : r ri i» nn m i ri ni r Grass, Clover and Alfalfa seed Large Small Strong Old u ta h Social News BILL LANE 1 | I Kingman Kolony _____ GARDEN CLUB MEETS Mr and Mrs Earl Strickland and The Adrian Garden club met granddaughter were Sunday dinner Tuesday afternon at the home of guests of Mrs Kressly. Enough to serve you. Mr and Mrs Elmer Sparks mov­ Mrs J. C. Nevin. Mrs Maurice Judd read a letter from the state chair­ ed to Adrian last Sunday. Cliff and May Beaumont were man on roadside improvement. Sunday dinner guests at the Frank A paper on "Shrubbery and Flow­ ering Shrubs" by Mrs Crandall Newbill home. Enough to protect vou. Mr and Mrs Wesley Piercy and was read in her absence by Mrs daughter, Arlene, were Sunday din­ Dennis Patch. The March meeting will be held ner guests at the John Auker home. The Pollyana and the Home at the home of Mrs Carl Hill of Economic clubs will meet a t the Newell Heights with a covered dish I Enough to guide you. luncheon at noon. home of Pearl Cummins. Mr and Mrs Wendell Webster - 5 - Get your insurance information here SHOWER GIVEN of Nyssa were Friday evening vis­ A pink and blue shower was given itors at the home of Mrs Kressly. Carol Tallman of Prairie City in honor of Mrs Max Swensen was a week-end guest of Ilea Krea this afternoon at the home of her I ger. She came here with her bro-j mother-in-law. Lunch was served HI III 1,1 III II111'l 1:1 FIHI II III III mil |,| 1,1 III III III III III III III 11 FI I I III HI III FI 1,1 Flillllllll III FI FI I I FI FI I'l FI FI HI III Mil ther, Keith, who is on leave. I to twenty. Mr. Swensen recently Misses Forrestine and Nadeen left to enter the sehvice. Wilson attended the basketball - - KESLERS ENTERTAIN tournament at North Powder Fri­ Mr and Mrs Vibert Kesler enter­ day night and stayed over until Saturday night with several other tained at Sunday dinner for Mr girls. Several other Adrian resi­ and Mrs Sherman P. Bybee and dents went to North Powder Fri­ family. Miss Merry Norcott and Pvt. Jay Bybee. who is home on day and returned that night. Mr and Mrs Piercy attended the furlough, were also guests.. Places North Powder tournament. They were laid for 10. vccompanied the Rev. and Mrs —5— To supply the great demands set by our farm GUESTS AT DINNER gevln. Petty Officer and Mrs. Charles Mrs Dale Ashcraft, Mrs Frank goals for 1945 all farm machinery must be in Cummins. Mr and Mrs Wesley McClure and Mrs. Clyde Schurr Piercy and Mrs Lynn Hurst a tt­ and Linda Anne of Caldwell were top condition and running smoothly. ended the Pomona Grange meeting Sunday dinner guests at the R. M. if some of your machinery needs repairing, at Oregon Slope Saturday of last Cochrun home. Petty Officer Me- Frank T. Morgan He Plants the Seeds Of VICTORY j \ The Farmers From Coast to Coast Are Helping Us Win! 5 H e re's H ow To W o r k For A Bum per C ro p in 1 9 4 5 place your order for parts early enough to in­ sure delivery farmer, whose labors make it, possible for all of us at home, and all on the battle front, to put all we have into keep his products filling the consumers’ market, and send enough over there. The farm­ er is seeing to it that he gets the fight for victory. His e ff­ JUST RECEIVED CARLOAD OF orts keep America the best- more from his land and live­ fed nation in the world. stock than ever before. He Soil Sulphur ! Mixed Fertilizer! I Farmers Supply) STUNZ LUMBER CO. Co-op O u r M a c h in e ry Item s: OLIVER IMPLEMENT DEALER ican let down on the job. He’ll « w m ii fi hi iumi iii nrtmi mu run rt r: n hi n r urn in in in in in him in in in it in in in in in in in inniin mum H e re A r e J u s t a Few o f * No. 9 BEET DRILL. * No. 44 BEET CULTIVATOR. * HORSE AND TRACTOR CULTIVATOR TOOLS. Here is the man, the Amer­ Get Your Order In For = — s 11 Ontario, Oregon 1 i un 1 1 it 1 1 ri i in 1 1 ii 11 ni 1 1 m h h ri m 1 1 1 1 n n n m 1111 = - s Nyssa, Oregon e ...... u. The farmer’s job isn’t over knows that the more he puts yet, and the American public into the effort the more there is. can be certain that he won’t Farmers, for all your needs see us. We can sup­ ply you with what you want. Ours is a complete line of field and garden seeds and supplies. Let us help you meet the maximum goal in production Al Thompson & Son