THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1945 SEED REAL PAGE THREE BARGAINS!! GOOD UNTIL MARCH 15TH. BUT YOU MAIL US YOUR ORDER NOW AND IT WILL BE MAILED TO YOU AFTER MARCH 15TH IF YOU WISH. Postage Will Be paid By Us. Remember Now, Postage is always Postpaid By Us On Garden Seeds. When ordering ask for When ordering ask for Victory Garden Special Vegetable Special $2.20 value F o r . . $ 1.70 $1.90 value f o r . . $ 1.50 .Postpaid Postpaid I I 1 I 1 1 Special Collection 1 10c DETROIT DARK RED BEET . EARLY WAKEFIELD CABBAGE . IMPERATOR CARROT BURPEE'S Stringless GREEN POD BEAN IMPROVED GOLDEN WAX BEAN . YELLOW JAP HI'LLESS POP CORN AMERICAN WONDER PEAS GOLDEN SUNSHINE SWEET CORN- TABLE QUEEN SQUASH CHICAGO PICKLING CUCUMBER PRIZEHEAD LETTUCE—Leaf Variety YELLOW GLOBE ONION SCARLET GLOBE RADISH WHITE ICICLE RADISH . EARLIANA TOMATO PURPLE BEET TURNIP HALE'S BEST MUSKMELON KI.ECKLEY'S SWEET WATERMELON ASPARAGUS Please do not ask for substitution 19 DIFFERENT VARIETIES— the ones most needed for that good big garden. You are most likely going to need that garden more than ever this year. TRY IT. And to make a finest selection of send it back and make it knowing long sales story short. Here it is: If you don’t find this to be the garden seed you ever bought and the most for your money, just your money w refunded. This is a big statement but we that you will be completely satisfied. 6 pounds of a choice collection for an Early Garden. $2.20 worth of good de- endable seeds for $1.70. POSTPAID, REMEMBER, we pay postage on all gar- den seed items bought from us. And we prefer that you order by mail , or tel- ephone. And the same goes for this collection, too, if you don’t find this assortment to be well worth the money, just send it back, your money will be refunded. We find that we must make this statement about these special offers because some people may think that this is just a cheap collection and should be sold at a re duced price anyway. The reason we say it this way is, that we want you to get started using our garden seeds, and once you do, you will find that we are really trying to perform a real service in seeing that you get garden seeds that you can always depend upon being clean, pure and of good germination. SEED PHONE 74 PARMA, IDAHO FREE METHODIST CHURCH Adrian, Oregon Sunday school, 10 A.M. Preaching. 11 A.M. Philip II. Reiman—Pastor Mis. Reiman will be in charge of young people’s meeting at 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 at the Clarence Nelson home in Ridgeview. BAPTIST CHURCH Second Street E. T. Larson, Missionary Pastor Sunday school, 10 A.M. Morning worship, 11 A.M. B Y.P.T.U, 7:15 P.M Mid-week Bible study and prayer service at 7:30. You are welcome at all our services. I HI METHODIST COMMUNITY ChIJRCH H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor. Church school, 10 a. m. Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Fellowship meetings, 7 p. m. Evening worship, 8 o'clock. Choir practice Monday. 7:30. Bible study and prayer, 8 o'clock Wednesday at the parsonage. Meet our people, try our pews before Easter. The service committee of the church solicites the help of rel atives of our service men and wom en in keeping the service roll com plete and changing mailing add resses corrected. Call the committ ee. Mrs C. H. Bennett. Mrs Don Graham and Mrs A. L. Fletcher. THE COMMUNITY UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kingman Memorial .1. C. Nevln, Pastor, 10 a. m.. Bible school. A class, a teacher and a Book and the greatest of these is the Book. 11 a. m., morning worship. Mr. Nevin begins a pre-Easter series of sermons on conscience. Topic “The Conscience of Judea ". 7:30 p. m.. evening worship. In the song service we shall have some special piano music. Dtscusisons: Pioneers. Christians are Needed at Home: Builders. Still Working on our Contest and adults. The Sev enth Commandment—Marriage and Divorce. Monday. 7:45 p. m., Boy Scout Suggest You Order Now COiTPANY NYSSA, OREGON and Mr and Mrs John Lane and That”—. Bob Goodell will be the Mr. and Mrs. Blaine May were form is to be extended the entire next Sunday evening’s leader. family, all of Nyssa. Sunday visitors at the Jule Hous width of the building. Work is to A district C. E. rally, in the ton home. be started soon. form of a box supper, will be held Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rivet of Nam Mrs. L. E. Newgen is visiting Adrian at the Lincoln schoolnouse Mon- pa spent the week-end at the Joe Mr. and Mrs. Leon Buffington of The Adrian American Legion day evening, March 5. Each or- Watterson home. Mr. and Mrs. Wallowa, Oregon. She plans to be post held its annual W a s h in g to n '^nization presented will give a Rivet are parents of Mrs. Watter gone about two weeks. . stunt. A hot drink will be furnish- son. day dinner Thursday evening in ' ^ host John Low is making improvement Mrs. Jerome Sproul and family, Ute Legion hall The dinner was The Uncoln p T A observed around his home by adding ce CHURCH OF CHRIST troop 38 meets in the high school. foiiowed by a dance with the Pounder's day at their monthly who have resided in Vale for the ment sidewalks. (Christian) Homedale orchestra furnishing the | meetlng held priday evenlng. Mrs past several months have moved Bring roller and triangular band Herbert Yoshlda returned Sun to the farm. The children will j George Whipple, Pastor. n , „ „ . . „ . . 'Ray Whitsell, P. T. A. president, finish the school term at Lincoln. ages. Bible school, 10 at m. John Holly has been confined to lded After the buslness meet_ day from Salt Lake City, where he Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., mission , A thorough study of the Bible his home by illness. Muriel Enevoldsen, who is at spent several days. His parents * 1 ing a program prepared by Mrs study and prayer service. 8:30 p. 'offered for every age. Miss Ruby Brown of Boise vis Austin Robbins and Mrs Jom Haw tending the State Gem school at accompanied him here. g Morning worship, 11 .a m. ited Mr. and Mrs. C. A Brown kins, was given. Cecil Perry of Caldwell, spent the week-end with m„ choir practice. George Yasumura is visiting his Thursday, 8p. m.. officers meet Communion served each Lord's day. Sunday. Miss Jean Brown returned Vale gave several musical numbers her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph brother and sister in New York Sermon, “For the Healing of the to Boise with her sister for a Enevoldsen and sons. ing at the parsonage. on his guitar. Refreshments con few days’ visit. City. Friday, 10 a. m., prayer group Nations". sisting of sandwiches, cake and Evening services, 7 -30, p. m„ C. Mrs. J. C. Nevin reviewed the coffee were served. meets at home. Everyone welcome. Leslie and Robert Ditty hauled Sunset Valley E. and adult study' group. 7:30- book. “Burma Surgeon” for the Next month’s meeting will be sand Monday for Charlie Wilson's 8:15. Song service and sermon, 8:15 Methodist Women’s society in SUNSET VALLEY held Friday evening, March 30. The Worthwhile club was en new house. Nyssa Thursday afternoon. Be Election of officers will be held ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH tertained this month at the home fore the meeting Mrs. Henny Hart The nominating committee app Paster R. L. Casselman NU-ACRES of Emma Wilson. Nine members ley entertained at luncheon for ointed was Mrs Ray Ledgerwood. Sunday school, 10 A.M. were present Mrs. Opal Reed was Morning worship, 11 A.M. Mr and Mrs Floyd Holton and Mrs. Carlos Buchnor, Mrs. Walter Mrs Ethel Goodell and Mrs Aus a visitor. Announcement will be Buena Vista Children church, 7:30 P.M. son called Thursday evening on McPartland and Mrs Gernhardt of tin Robbins. made later as to where the next Among those in Boise on business Evening evangelistic service, 8 A-S Bruce Bartlet of Wilder, who Nyssa and Mrs. Nevin and Mrs. Rev. R. L. Kriner completed two meeting will be held. Patch of Adrian. o'clock. Cottage prayer meeting is home on furlough. weeks of revival meetings at the Anton Myhr returned home Wed this week were Mr. and Mrs. Olenn The Adrian Basketball squad | church Qf ^ ¡n P ette Sunday Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8 Mis Alvis Trent visited Sunday nesday from Seattle, after spending Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. George and their coach, Jim Attebery evenjjjg P.M. in Ontario. the past two months visiting rela Cleaver, Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver and Come! A hearty welcome awaits Mr and Mrs Sam Henne enter bad their pictures in the Sunday Miss Lots Nelson of Payette spent tives and friends in the coastal baby, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell you. tained relatives from Nampa from Boise Statesman. the week-end with her sister and city. Mrs. John Holly, Mrs. Dennis family. Mr and Mrs Vem Smith Sunday until Wednesday. Miss Alma Hamilton of Boise and Alvle Poplum. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Mr and Mrs Floyd Holton and Potch and Miss Virginia Jensen and son. Peggy Pounds of Nyssa stayed spent Saturday and Sunday in the C. L. Snider, pastor Jimmie were Sunday guests at the attended the Book club meeting An all-day meeting will be held Otto Wolfe home. overnight at the J. W. Jennings [at the Haworth home Saturday. Sunday school, 10 a.m. E. L. Keis home at Homedale. at the Emil Frank home Wednes Mrs. Leonard Newgen returned home Wednesday. Sermon, 11 a.m. Evangelistic ser Mrs Sam Henne went to Nampa I Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pounds and day for the purpose of doing Red to her home Thursday after spend Mrs. S. B. Hofiman has been ill. Gloria spent Sunday in Vale, vice 8 p.m the latter part of the week to visit Cross sewing. Quilts will be put ing several days in the hospital. Mrs. Leslie Topliff was hostess Thursday, 8 pm., prayer for boys her parents. Mr and Mrs Flannery. I where Mr. Pounds was honored on together from blocks that the Lin Mrs. Otto Wolfe and family to the Out Our Way club at her in armed forces. Come, worship Mr and Mrs Dwight Durrington his birthday. coln heights ladies have been mak enjoyed a visit of several days home Thursday. A potluck dinner Mr. and Mrs. John Holly attend ing. Bedroom slippers will also be with us and pray with us for your visited Mr and Mrs Sam Selby with her sister, Mrs. John Dehmer was served at noon. Prizes were ed a meeting of a ‘Rock’ club in sewed. A potluck dinner will be boy and some other mother’s boy. of Melba Sunday. of Overton, Nebraska, recently. won by Mrs. H. L. Day and Mrs. Clarence Simmons p.nd family Caldwell Wednesday evening. served at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth, Jim Richie. The next meeting will The "No-Name," club met Wed and Sgt. and Mrs Bob Simmons ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL Miss Lily Pettet, who is taking one time residents of this valley, be held at the George Cleaver home MISSION visited one day last week with Mr nesday afternoon at the home of cadet nurse's training at Nampa, but now of Madras, spent the with Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver as host Mrs. James Attebery with Gloria The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. and Mrs Dwight Durrington. spent the week-end with her par week-end visiting her parents. Mr. ess, March 8. Morning prayer and sermon, 8:30 The Cecil Evans family has been Pounds as assistant hostess. Mrs. ents, Mr and Mrs Merle Pettet. and Mrs. Roy Warren of Nyssa Alvle Poplum left for Nebraska Attebery was presented with a Holj rommunlon and sermon each released from quarantine after a Some of the roads in this com and called on friends in the valley. after spending several weeks with gift from the club. second .Sunday of the month. seige of scarlet fever. munity have been graded and grav Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson ac his sister, Mrs. Olenn Hoffman. Ralph Morgan of the state vo eled since the mud dried during Church school at 10:30 a. m. Carol Montague is reported to companied them home Monday for cational department spent Mon the recent nice weather. Women's Guild second Wednesday be sick. a few day’s visit. COLUMBIA AVENUE day in Adrian and was dinner if each month. Mr and Mrs O. J. Kurtz of Nyssa Mr and Mrs Jule Houston and Rev. and Mrs. Casselman. Mrs. guest at the Dennis Patch home. rural route and Mr and Mrs Henry daughters were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen, Rev. and Mrs. Nevin attended guests at the Ray Whitsell home. Leslie Ditty, Mrs. Charles Ditty L. D. S. CHURCH ; Orcutt and family were Sunday and Sharon Query were callers In Darwin and Verla were Boise vis the tournament at North Powder Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood | dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Ray Mr and Mrs. George Pennington the W. F Morton home in Boise itors Saturday. Miss Norma Jen Friday. mond Sager. meeting were Payette callers Sunday. Monday. sen and Mrs. Marjorie Fields ac- The Stokes family were in Utah Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday school. The Farmerettes club met Wed Mr. and Mrs. Buell Hickey and The Idaho Power company is compenied them home to spend the Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament nesday at Mrs F. A. Johnson's last week to attend the funeral family spent Sunday at the Bill extending the electric line to the week-end with their parents. meeting. home. Mrs Cecil Brewington was of a relative. Hickey home near Ontario, home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson. Mr*. Pieter Tensen called last Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bunch and Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society co-hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettat went Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hlllis left week at the Grant Rinehart home family were Friday visitors in On meeting. | The Nu-Acres Orange met Fri to Salem last Thursday to attend Saturday for Boise to visit his In Nyssa. First Tuesday of each montn at day night at the Sherman Keck tario. the cadet promotion excerclsee of | parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Hlllis. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot spent Rev. Nevin and members of the 4 p.m. Primary for children bet home Two new members took the their son, Carl. Carl has attended I They returned home Sunday after- Tuesday evening with Mr. and Boy Scout Troop 36 attended the ween ages of 4 and 12. obligation. The next meeting will school and has been in training 1 noon bringing with them Miss Mrs. Jake Groot of Arcadia. The be held at the Dwight Durrington court of honor of 200 Boy Scouts in for the past year. i Colleen Hlllis. who will visit her evening was spent playing pinochle. Nampa Tuesday evening. Special TRINITY LUTHERAN home. Bob Hickey. U. S. navy, home on | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malon Hit- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mowerson Parma, Idaho Mr and Mrs Marion Seuell and awards and badges were presented leave and Oscar Hickey of The Us. and Dale were Payette visitors Rev. John E. Simon, Pastor family visited Sunday with their to Scouts at the meeting. Dalles, Oregon, were Wednesday Fred Province is building a 12X20 Saturday evening. Service: 10 a.m. son and daughter-in-law, Mr and dinner guests at the Buell Hickey foot labor house to be used by Olen Cooper Is building a new Lincoln Heights Church School: 11 a.m. Mrs Ernest Seuell of Nyssa. home. workers this summer. abed on his farm. CHURCH OF THE NA7.ARENE Mr and Mrs Walter LeOrande Vem Smith was the Christian' Mr and Mrs. Mark Terrel were Flooring was purchased last week S. P. Bybee rented some land E. J. Wilson, Pastor. had as dinner guests Sunday. Mr. Endeavor leader Sunday evening. I Saturday evening callers at the for the platform of the Assembly 'from Dick Oroot for onions and 10 a. m.. Sunday school. and Mrs Loyd Lane and family The lesson title was "I Predict” Orien HalnUne home. of Ood church. The present plat lettuce. k **® '/I ADRIAN ONION SETS about marble sixe .................30c lb. GOLDEN SUNSHINE SWEET CORN ......... 40c lb. STRINGLESS GREEN POD BEANS......... 40c lb. IMPROVED GOLDEN WAX BEANS ____ 40c lb. EARLY ALASKA PEAS ............................... 35c lb. ALDERMAN PEAS—Late ...............................35c II 6 lbs. $2.20 value at $1.70 Please do not ask for substitution Let Us Have Your Order Early WATTS lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 11 a. m.. worship and preaching. 7 p. m„ pre-prayer service. 7:15, young people's and junior ser vices. Revival services every night at 8 p. m., starting March 6. You are cordially invited to all these services.