f h i - i ---------- nie NYSSA VOLOME XxXX NÔ. 6 JOURNAL NYSSA, OREÜÚR, THÜRSDÄYT FEBRUARY"22ÍT945 WELDIN DIES Pay For Service MARK OF WAR WOUNDS Officer In Co. Pfc. Mark E. Weldin, 27 died of wounds suffered in Morotal Island Asked of Court ] in the South Pacific, January 2, LIEUTENANT CLIFFORD ASHBY OF NYSSA JOINS LIST OF “ACES” IN AIR BATTLES Navy featured In program of Nyssa Chamber MERLE KYGAR IS FREED IN MANILA Nyssa Will Play Vale Vikings In Crucial Contest An Eighth Air Force Fighter but his chute did not open and Merle Kygar of Nyssa was among Station, England—First Lieutenant I watched as both he and the plane the prisoners of war recently re Clifford T. Ashby of Nyssa joined crashed to earth simultaneously. leased from Bilibad prison in the the ranks of "aces’’ at this P-51 Officer Would Assist according to a tedegram received Mustang base when he shot down "Then my turn came and while Rives Waller Speaks On Philippines. Bulldogs Win They The war department notified his If Men Discharged From by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred two-and-a-half enemy aircraft Lt. Ashby protected me from the parents. Mr and Mrs J. W. Kygar Radar; Don Graham Will Play Ontario during a recent bombing escort rear I alio shot down one. Mine Weldin of Lincoln Heights. His of Nyssa rural route by telegram Armed Forces h . . . . . mission, bringing his total enemy was almost a duplication of the Gives Talk For County Title that he had been rescued and said brotnei, Richard. 34, was reported i 1 p I planes destroyed to six-and-one- first. T h e ’ pilot balled out but his that more details would be sent lat- After nosing out the previously Selection o f a paid service o ff missing in action, December 11.¡half. The "h alf" Jerry is a FW •chute never opened. At this time The navy was featured on the er icer in Malheur county to look a f Another brother. George Weldin 190 knocked out of the sky with one of the aggressive Jerries decid program given at the weekly lun-| Shortly after Kygar was captur- undefeated Emmett basketball team ter the interests of men discharged the aid of a fellow pilot. ed to make a head-on pass at me cheon o f the Nyssa chamber of ed his picture appeared with a Saturday night and defeating Pay from the armed forces now and a f is with Lt. Gen. George S. Patton's The twenty-three-year-old flight ¡but 'Ash' took care of that. He pour- commerce Wednesday. group of Japanese prisoners In ette the night before, the Nyssa ter the war has been asked of the army in Europe. leader, the son of Mr. and Mrs. ed lead Into the German who pull- Petty O fficer Rives Waller of Life magazine. The picture was Bulldogs are rounding out their county court by local groups. rs. erre Percy of Lincoln i j ames r Ashby, is a member of ed out and headed for the tree- Baker, recruiting specialist, point- captured from the Japanese, court season to a close, with still a The proposal was presented and Heights is o sister of the Weldin j the 356th Fighter group command- < tops. Evidently he did not realize ed out that the success of the navy Kygar. second class carburetor | chance to win the county title. discussed at a meeting held here koys- ed by Colonel Philip E. Turkey, Jr., I how low he was for he went right in the Pacific means that “ we have specialise in the army, was cap Monday night. J. F. M orfitt of The Bulldogs will play Vale of Cape Eliztbeth, Maine. into thé ground. something that the other fellow lured by the Japanese at Bataan.! . Ontario stated the requirements of Escorting the B-17 Fortresses “ Not to break the routine, I doesn't have. That Is radar, a high- He entered the service in March, 1 Frlday night on the Vale floor in a post service officer now and the I away from the target area, a mem- j knocked another one out of the ly developed skill for which we 1941 and attended an army school one of the crucial games o f the need o f a paid officer who would j ber of Lt. Ashby’s squadron spotted I sky, and then flew along with my had no men at the beginning of Kentucky. season. A Vale victory will give have charge o f the entire county. a formation of enemy fighter ! leader. W e came upon another one the war. For everything the navy | ------------------------ Claude Eachus o f Adrian presid Ontario the title, but a Nyssa win planes in the Dummer Lake (G er- I o f our pilots who was shotlng up operates it wants radio technici-' ed at the meeting, which was spon would give the Bulldogs the right many) area. Lt. Ashby swung into a FW. He scored many hits but then sored by the county council of the Mrs S. D. Goshert, resident of the fray and in quick order had ! overshot him. The Jerry put his to play Ontario for the county tl- "W hy don't we take them out i American Legion, Veterans of For Nyssa for many years, died at her accounted for two of the enemy ! flaps down and tried to land in o f the enlisted men and from sel eign Wars and Disabled American home at 8:30 Tuesday night. She R n < tn < rn p R ilt t lA tle “ a Nyssa 0 n t* rl0 game be- planes, causing one German pilot | an open field. Lt. Ashby then step- a J tlB H r 1 IC D a l l l C comes necessary, the play-off cbn- Veterans. ective service rolls? Mr. Waller had been ill since November, when to bail out and sending the other : ped in. He put lead in the enemy's ■ - i test will be held in Payette Mon- asked. “ A man has to be qualified The work has become too exten she underwent an operation. plane straight to the ground. | cockpit and engine, sending him Robert Reffett of Nyssa is a day night of next week. The win- before he can be given the lnten- sive for the post service officers to Anna E. Shatto was born in He- . . _ . . , This is how 2nd Lt. Clinton D. skidding along the ground and give training."He need!' a UttuTel- rm'mber of the 796th anti-aircraft ner of the county title will meet handle. T. brum, Iowa October 9, 1878 and , ,gurdiclc of Brooklin, New York crashing into a fence. The Jerry ectriclty and radio. There Is the th ®1 was servlng m the the Baker Bullddogs for the right The so-called G I bil is volumon- came to Nyssa In 19 3. Mrs G o s h -; who was flytng wingman to L t. „ ane (.ame apart. Hls wings, en- Bastogne area when the Am erican, to play the winners of district 2 place where the schools, the power ous and is hard to interpret. As a ert. a member o f the Methodist Ashby, and also destroyed two Jerr- gine and fuselage were strewn all companies and ra d io ’ repairmen commonder gave his famous "Nuts" and a trip to Salem. T L , dischargedK m* " * as, a cbart« member ° f ies, described the action: “ Lt. Ash- over an acre." come In. After passing the test, a rep:y t0 the ° erman commander’s | Nyssa defeated Payette Friday not be familiar enough with the Golden Rule chapter, Order of , by and I spotted the 20 or so Jer- Lt. Ashby has been flying with 1 man , ' jmmediatelv started to demand the the Americans sur- night on the Nyssa floor by a score provisions of the bill to protect the Eastern star nf ’ ! , f t r w i m ’v ° 1 ln .th<: a™ • * » * . ™ p . August, .944, and of 33 to 30 The game was close. , , , , Chicago, where he gets nine mon . render __ „ or be annihilated. their interests without the assis * was a past worthy matron of the I dlrected. I was protecting him as . has been decorated with the air ths of intensive trainin g" I The German commander said in but Nyssa led all the way. hapter. tance of someone conversant with he swung on to a F W and I saw medal and five oak leaf clusters | Mr The Nyssa players were Steinke w aller pointed out that part to the American commander: the law. Survivors are her husband. S. D. Ihim score hlts on the 19(rs for "meritorious chievement in aer- ; tr» i nw w4,i k » „ „ i ’The fortune o f war Is changing, 7, Moore 14, Billings 4, Church, / ÌD hûrr T n » • m a *« A T vtn n a l_ . . . .. I_ _ _ _ __ _ __ Several groups have endorsed the Goshert, former Nyssa businessman left side. The pilot then bailed out ial combat over Germany. __ Bellon 7, and Toombs. plan under which the county and postmaster; two daughters, The Bulldogs defeated Emmett will help"the m en‘ in%ve‘r y ‘ field“ of and, near Bastogne have been en- would pay the service officer. Mrs Marion Klinkenberg of Part- skilled work they might desire to clrded by stron* « « m a n armored by a score of 32 to 29 on the Em and and Mrs Harry C. Sayles of mett floor Saturday night ln the enter. i units- Nyssa; a brother, S. E. Shatto of MINISTER WILL BE biggest upset of the season in the Men from 17 years to 50*4 years' ',There ls only one posslblllty Mullen, Idho, and seven grand ORDAINED AT PARMA children. are eligible. They are enlisted as “ v* the '"circled U. S. A. troops Snake River Valley conference. Nyssa led all through the game, first class seamen. In approxi- from total annihilation: T h at ls Funeral arrangements have not Harold A Heckman will be or been completed. The body is In the Meeting of those active in fur- Miss Helen Oowgill, assistant mately 10 months they receive pet- the, b° norab!e surrender of the except just after the start of the encircled town. In order to think third quarter, when the Huskies dained and installed as pastor of Nyssa Funeral home. thering the Malheur Game league ' state club leadcr' wil1 discuss the ty offlcer ratl" « s- lt over a , , rm of two hours wlll u, took a 24-20 lead. Nyssa gained the Trinity Lutheran church ot was held in Vale February 15. j stat* 4"H club program at the a n - , Mr Wallers asked the residents * S m n g w it lT Uie n r ^ a five point margin and the Hus Parma at services to be held Sun The membership campaign was ar- nuaI m« t i n g of the Malheur 4-H j of this area to discuss the poss- 8 a£ * d pf P kies never stopped the Bulldogs day evening, February 25 at 8 POMONA GRANGE TO ranged and is now underway. ^ « ' 5 council at Boulev» rd ° f radar wlth men eligible , >f th . from then on. The Bulldogs played o ’clock. CONDUCT SESSION Those interested are requested to Gran* e hal1' Wednesday. February to take the navy training. I ^ *b ou ^ artillery “re w^dd The Rev. W. F. Moeller o f Boise ---- see Rov Pounds Artie Robertson 28 at 8 PM pla"s for the various, Don Graham of Nyssa. who ls cad ed py our artillery fire would a zone style of game and pounced on Reed, lanky Emmett center, will deliver the installation ad Malheur county Pomona Grange j B em ar^ Pro.st/ ’ Aden Wilson or state-wide 4-H activities such as | in the process of being discharged ^ w“ A^ " can V a n i t y " W every time he received the ball. dress and the Rev. H. A Kahle of will hold its first quarterly meet Hershel Thompson The interest in 'summer school, tours and state I from the navy, said he is happ y, * n™_n They held Reed to four field goals Nampa will officiate at the ordin ing at Oregon slope Saturday, the Game League is widespread as fair w111 * * b u s s e d with emphasis. to be home again, but regrets "hav- I Tbe ( ^ m a n c o m ^ n d T r ^ 'N u ^ " and a total of 12 points. ation and Installation. February 24, beginning at 10 a. m. inquiries for memberships have ° " Malheur county's participation | ing to quit In the middle of th e . The Nyssa lineup was as follows • Mr. Heckman was a member ot according to Erie H Parker mas- , ' . j , - - - - - in thpSe evpnts | war." He has been overseas for The o » 1« « a" d men engaged been received from Portland, Unity, “ t veins . the January 17 graduation class ter of the county organization. i Gold leader pins will be p re -! more than two years and just in the Bastogne battle were praised Bellon 3. Church 4, Billings San Francisco and several other o f Contard-a Theological seminary Six Granges were represented I sen ted to 4-H leaders o f this prior to returning home was fire by hi« r' army offlcera a* iolh>w,; Moore 9k Steinke 9 and Toombs. localities. of St. Louis, Missouri. at a power committee meeting at As soon as a satisfactory sign- county who have led clubs ior five chief In charge of eight islands “You have * * * " doln« a splendld Boulevard Grange hall Saturday in the South Pacific. He served 18 J°b regardless of conditions. Dur- APPOINTMENT OF fnr »ho ,• UP of members has been completed, I years or more. These pins will be ing the freezing weather, whether Go To California— tn .in l OA I T , H P . I a general meeting o f members f o r , Presented by Miss Cowgill, repre- months in the Aleutian islands. night or day, with your suberb LEWIS CONFIRMED Mr and Mrs Wtlford A. Bybee iJh? r Program in thp purpose of adopting a Consti-1;entin8 the state club s taff- who The appointment of Lloyd Lewis team mates of the 101st airborne left Wednesday for a visit o f sev light, pertinent facts concerning t t, d bv_laws ,,nd the makes these awards for outstand- division, you have stopped numer as postmaster at Nyssa has been eral weeks in California. They met electric power, private and public.- U 10n ana by laws and tne elec =•._ ing leadership. tion of officers and directors. ous strong attacks of seven dlvl- confirmed by the senate. M r and Mrs Leslie Stocker of Og- j according to C. Harris, of War savings bonds for the state Mr. Lewis, rural carrier for five t t ii l • Q isions. You are making history and den. who accompanied them on the Willowcreek Grange, county chair- 1 f .1.1 ps are talT n to . secure winners and gold medals for county films relative to fish and game H ile C ir iC r o w e r we are proud of your exertions. years, has been acting postmaster trip. and also some authorization to adnners ' n the various national ------- Troops o f two armies are battling for the last six months. He succ will be presented to the 1 .... eeds S. D. Goshert, who held the His prisoner o f war camp w a s1 apeak on subjects of interest at contests club members who have earned! Lightning that struck in the their way forward in order to de- position for about eight years. located at Sagan, Germany, a town * general meeting. these awards. These awards arc I Nyssa-Adrian district last Saturday feat the enemy’s attack and to _ j The first project to be under- caused considerable damage to Id- relieve Bartogne. They are near- recently taken by the Russians. [ (ak<?n by the ,eague wm ^ tQ made by commercial organizations Day of Prayer Observed— aho Power company property and by at this moment and advancing” , Some prisoners were liberated, acc- ^ reciuce the surplus in population that sponsor these national con The World Day of Prayer was caused interruption of electric ser- Reffett. son o f Mr. and Mrs. tests. ording to the news commentator, 1 of crows. Efforts are being made John R effett was wounded ln ac- dba« v e d in Nyssa last Friday. The vice. A ll 4-H club leaders and those Episcopal church held a one-hour Chet Huntley. Relatives will be «^ u re the necessary equipment Lightning struck hard ln the Ow tion December 21 and has received nrtc ¡promptly in that immediate action interested in the club program are yhee area, burning out a small the purple heart. Mr. and Mrs. service at the home of Mrs J. L. n notified o t l I 16 (l 3 .S soon SOOn a s I* veieaceri 6 loaS 6 d p riS “ I , invifpH til f lttp n d Ih p m p pH nir Church. Similar services were held is necessary so as to take advant-, mvuea to attend tne meeting. distribution transformer at the R effett received word February 19 oners reach Moscow. in the Methodist church with Rev. age of the present concentration in schoolhouse and blowing 25 In of their son's injury. H. J. Oernhardt in charge. The rookeries. j PACIFIC PICTURES dividual transformer fuses ln res Gulfport Army Air Field, Miss., Nazarene church held an all-day "W hile some few Individuals had SHOWN IN W INDOW idences near the Owyhee river, INDUCTEES LEAVE February 22—Charles E. McCoy, ! to make the start of the organiza- ! prayer and fast service. ______ Bernard Frost, local manager, said. son of Lew McCoy. Nyssa Oregon ; tion, it is their sincere desire that I ^ / à Fifty-two pictures taken by the The Lightning also burned out TO ENTER SERVICE has been promoted to the grade of each member will have a full 3^ 5^ ,, in the South Pacific and a big distribution transformer ln Firemen Called— 1 corporal at this third air force voice in the work to be undertaken fent to Mr and Mrs A. J. Bums the sub-station on north Third Firemen were called this morning Twelve men left Friday and 19 . bomber base maintained for the and they may be assured that more on Saturday for Induction when a Mexican started a fire on of Nyssa by their son. M arine, street in Nyssa. The city was wlth- | training of 10-man crews for B-17 their active participation is re Into the armed services, lt was the cement floor of the basement Corporal Glen L. Burns, will b e ' out lights for 20 minutes while L a ei. lc.eived by Mr and Mrs Flying Fortresses. announced by the Malheur county of the old Rex rooms building. No quested,” the organizers said. placed on display in the window of 1 connection was being made with J P Dunaway from the command-1 Selected for an intensive train damage was caused. Firemen were selective service board. the Gate City Journal office this another transformer, ing officer and chaplain of their ing course as a tail gunner, Cpl. Pre-induction examinations were called when smoke began pouring week-end. | The rural area was without lights TRACTOR LOST IN son. Captain Carl P. Dunaway, McCoy is attached to squadron given to 103 regristrants earlier ln from one of the windows. The pictures were taken on the for an hour, until arrangements who flew ,n the China-India-Bur-1‘ S " of the 328th army force base SUNSET VALLEY FIRE the week. Those leaving for in battlefront by the seabees attach could be made to provide service ma theater, stated that the bodies'unit, Nursing Home Notes— duction are: ed to the marine corps. Corporal from the Ontario sub-station. Bob Newgen lost hLs tractor by of all the members of the crew of Rev. and Mrs C. L. Snider are FYiday—James Edwin Gahan, Burns, now in the western Carol The rural area was also out of fire Tuesday afternoon about 2:30 Dunaway's plane were laid to rest Floyd Ledgerwood, Merchant Melvin Vern Marshall, Oscar Hen- parents o f a girl bom Feruary 18. service for a few minutes Satur ines, is serving in an anti-aircraft in the Jun Lung district of China, Marine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray while he was cleaning weeds from ry Tolman, Clair Carl Cox, H a rry : The baby weighed 8 pounds, 4 on M itch ell! artillery battalion, field marine cor- day morning when a pole burned near the crash—"fa r removed from Ledgerwood of Lincoln Heights, is alongside the road Miller Hathaway. Ted Ilda. James ounces. A 6 pound, 6 ounce girl near Ole’s corner. ps. He has been in the service about the eye o f man. but near the wat Mrs. Tom Linder and family of avenue in Sunset valley. Walter Reid, James Mamoar Fli- was bom to Mr and Mrs George Weeds became tightly caught un two and one-half years. RED CROSS QUOTA operation perfomed on his eyes chful eye of God” . Jui, Mari Honjo. Ronald Kenneth Barker February 12. Corporal Burns has also sent to der the tractor and were set afire at San Francisco. Charles Anderson was admitted Lane, Jay Finest Bunn, Jake W il FOR NYSSA SHOWN W ith the Fifth Army, Italy— to the nursing home February 12 Bob Hickey, U. S. Navy, who by the exhaust. The machine was hls Parents a Japanese blanket that liam Elfering. Nyssa’s quota for the Red Cross 32 bullet holes. The blanket that Private William N. Garren of has been in the South Pacific war quickly enveloped In flames. Saturday—Charles Everett Cal for treatment. war fund campaign has been plac Newgen said it was impossible also be placed on display. Nyssa, Oregon, has been cited by theatre is home on leave. ed by Rev. Fred McConlee, coun lahan. M a t Clayton Swenson, Bill for him to free the tractor from the 350th "Battle Mountain” reg Foster Humphrey. Roy Barnes, G o To Caldwell— ty chairman at $2550. machine had CHANGE MADE IN iment o f the 88th “ Blue Devil" Coxswain Larry Fisher, son of the fire as the Mr and Mrs C. W. Buchner and Other quotas In the county are Ray Kent Salto, Don La Voughn division and awarded the combat Mrs Harry Shelton of Nyssa has “high-centered". Ontario $5100, Vale $2550 and Jor Borgeman. Bobby Dean Pridgen, baby spent Monday in Caldwell. Mr SUGAR CO. STAFF a merchants infantry badge for actual partici been denied a medical discharge Francis Wesley Thomsen, ^Rudolph Buchner attended dan Valley $1300. pation in combat against the ene- from the navy. Fisher, who was NIGHT CLUB OPEN TO The Amalgamated Sugar com Organization of solicitors for the Schram. Delbert Wayne tam m ers, meeting. Standards for the badge are badly burned when a ship was to r-! STUDENTS 1 NIGHT pany announced this week a chan drive, which will be started March Alvin Wayne Parks. Takashi Pete John James Norris, In Hospital— high. The decoration is awarded pedoed in the Solomon islands area | ° AIex.s place local nlght club ge in the agricultural management 1, will be held in the Moore hotel Ihahara. Mrs Douglas McDonald Ls ln a Frank T . Nambo. Ivan Takochl of the concern. in Ontario Wednesday night, Feb t0 tPe ‘ nfa,n ^7, S° ldJ " W,h° h8S ln 194,2’ ‘S j " Charge oi a11 trana‘ will be opened'to high school, stu- proved his fighting ability in com- p o r t io n and wrecker crews at the ^ and the „ publlc George Daley will assume man ruary 28 at 8 o'clock. A sound pic Nli, Htrishi Nakanishi. K Kenichl Boise hospital receiving eye treat h®1’ V ;.iL ? a auxiliary alr statl° " ln Friday night. Parents are especially agement of the farming operations ture, "Seeing Them Through, will Yasuda. Walter Albert Simpson, ment. a silver rifle against a background Arizona, in the Nyssa-Nampa district and be one of the features of the meet Raymond Edward Noyes. , invited to attend. G o To Partland— of infantry blue, enclosed in a sil „ , . ^ __. U The bar will be closed that night. Henry Zobel, fleldman ln the Par- ing. Wives, mothers, fathers and Dr. and Mrs L. A. Maulding and ver wreath. Corporal John Church arrived ^ drinks and turk sandwich. ma-Wllder district, will succeed sweethearts of fighting men are Moving To Nyssa— Tuesday from Boca Raton, Florida M w,n served The - Juke- Mr and Mrs Oeorge Sallee, fo r children, accompanied by Mrs Ed Mr. Daley as agrucultural mana urged to attend the meeting and a n!4 nin SI •* n n a t.n Kenneth Loren Chard, son of 4 to visit hls nneantn parents. M r and kg Mrs volunteer their services as solici mer Nyasa residents, are moving Frost and Allen left Saturday for ger here. will provide music for dancing. Ewen C. Chard, Route 1, Nyssa J. L. Church. He will report to ■ back to Nyssa this week from Pay Portland. Dr. and Mrs Maulding Mr. Daley, who has been with tors. ette, where they sold their grocery are expected home Monday. was today enlisted as apprentice Greensboro. North Carolina «fte r n i r r i i p n A M U C/GM the company since 1938. and Mrs seaman ln the naval reserve. He hls furlough. He is a radar tech-’ T A 1 H E R AIM I.) o U N store. They will occupy the Dr. K. Daley will continue to make their Attend Game— will be tranferred to San Diego in nician. BANQUET PLANNED home here. Mr Zobel and his fam Mr and Mrs William J. Beus, E. Kirby residence. Mr. Sallee wlll To Meet Reltlve— Mr and Mrs H. E. Collins plan the near future for his boot train- -------- The H i-Y club of the Nyssa ily will move to Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lewis and Mr be associated with his brother, A. C. to go to Boise FYiday to meet ing. 1 Donald McIntosh, home on leave high school will sponsor a father and Mrs Dean Fife motored to Sallee, ln the Food Mart. their daughter-in-law, Mrs M. J. j from “boot" camp at Farragut. has | and son banquet in the high school Undergoes Operation— Ontario Monday evening to see the O'Neal of San Antonio, Texas. Mrs Pvt. Delbert D. Cleaver Ls station- been granted an extension of his | building this evening at 7:30. Mrs S. W. Abersold underwent Nyssa-Ontario M. I. A. basketball Returns From Idaho— ed at Camp Roberts. California. . leave for f i n days to permit him A1 Thompson returned home O'Neal will vLsit here for sometime The principle speaker will be R. major operation Saturday ln the game. Later the group attended the ------- ! to visit his father, who ls being G. Larson, district manager of the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario. theatre. Monday from Pocatello, where he before going to Coeur d'Alene to Three more letters have been re- discharged from the service. attended a meeting of Purina deal ylslt her parents. Amalgamated Sugar company. ceived from Merle Kuraz. a prls- j ------- ers. He also visited hls sister. Mrs Some musical entertainment, in Pack To Meet— Visiting Here— oner o f war o f Germany. One was | Second Lieutenant Ted Morgan cluding a violin solo by Twyla A meeting of the local Cub pack John Pfiater of Rock Springs. Lilly Canady and hls nephew, Har Returns From Visit— Mrs Bet tv Forbes Wheeler has dated November 30. Thanksgiving of Nyssa. who is serving ln the air Crawford, will be presented The | will be held in the basement o f the Wyoming Ls visiting at the home old Estes At Wendall, Idaho and home from Portland, day. He had not received any mail | forces, has been sent to another dinner will be prepared and served t Methodist church Friday evening of his sister. Mrs Ted Wlldman. He Berwyn and Ronald Burke, former returned from home up to that date. He camp and expects to go overseas by the home economics depart- ‘ at 7:30. All Cubs and their parents t3 en route to Central America, Nyssa residents who are pullsblng where she visited her son, Oswald Forbes, who ls serving in the navy. was ln good health. .soon. ment. are Invited to attend. where he will work ln a gold mine. the North Side News at Jerome Mrs. S. Goshert Passes At Home Bob Reffett In Members Sought Miss Cowgill To By Game League Talk To Leaders 1 » r Lightning Stops Our Boys In Th e Service 4 A ► >