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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1945)
:yjt*äam^ ' The NYSSA VÜT7ÛME x x x > t W ir Chamber Favors Construction of Adrian Road JOURNAL "NYSSA, OREGÜN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lf>f~1945 GRANGE OPPOSES PASTEURIZATION R.Winebrenner Named Manager Of NysSa Fort $4.35 IS GIVEN IN MARCH OF DIMES Reservoir Open To Angling For ARMED FORCES NEEDING NURSES Nyssa Wallops Fruitland Five To Play Payette With the demands of the armed The Oregon Trail Grange has Nyssa resident contributed $435.06 C n n o n n 1 Q A C ' forces increasing the nation's nurse gone on record as opposing the during the infantile paralysis fund r e a s o n Ol shortage, the U£. public health campaign conducted here last compulsory pasteurization bill now Hi ------- | service announces that there are 92 month, according to Chairman Other Regulations Draft- °PPortunilies for young women of Road Assessment Dist before the legislature. Eagles Will Give Stag Bernard -- — • - • Oregon to enter the US. cadet nur Weiser Unable To Cope Frost. A member of the Grange erron inct Measure Passed ed For Fishing Party For Benefit .of With Playing of Nyssa se corps during the first three This figure includes $101.15 con eously reported to the Gate City By House months of 1945. These student Season Airfield Bulldogs tributed at the Nyssa theater and Journal last week that the Oregon nurses are needed, according to Dr. The city council, meeting T u es-. money contributed at Adrian The Nyssa chamber of com Trail Grange favored the legisla The Owyhee reservoir will be Thomas Parran. surgeon general After a rather easy game with open to fishermen during the com of the public health service, to pro Fruitland Tuesday night, the Nys day night, gave a lease on the new 1 The county quota was $2600. merce, meeting Wednesday noon, tion. ing season, according to informa- vide nursing care on the home fr- passed a resolution authorizing Copies of the resolution oppos- i Nyssa airport on the Idaho side of tion received from the state game ' ont and to help release graduate sa Bulldogs will meet some stiff President Carlos Buchner to ap ing the measure were sent to the j Snake river to Ralph Winebrenner commission and the bureau of re- nurses for active duty with the competition Friday night when point a committee to work with state legislative committee of the \ of Ontario and appointed the less- clamation, by Charles Flegel, tern- ! military services. they play the Payette Pirates on the Adrian chamber of commerce Grange and to representatives of ee as manager. porary chairman of the newly or Corps members are now being the Nyssa floor. in urging the county court to ap ganized county wide game league. accepted in 10 schools of nursing in Payette high school will bring Winebrenner helped in the train prove construction of a road from Malheur county. Through this ac The dam area has been closed to Oregon, according to Miss Elnora its band to Nyssa for the contest, tion the local Grange upheld the ing of navy cadets for the Halla- Adrian to the I-O-N cut-ff. Mrs. Earl Black lurn of Nyssa J fishing and hunting under war con- E. Thomson, state recruitment off which will be the last home game The road construction, if under opinion of the Oregon State day School of Flying of Ontario died Wednesday morning at 1:30 j ditions. but R. J. Newell, superin icer. More than 105,00 first, second of the Bulldogs. Ontario defeated taken, would be a state highway Grange. and is now giving lessons to local in the Holy Rosary hospital lnjtendent of the reclamation area of and third year students are already Payette Tuesday night, knocking department project. The Oregon Trail Grange has residents. He and his family will Ontario. • which the Owyhee is a part, states enrolled in the corps, she pointed the Pirates out of a third-place Members of the committee ap tie and leaving only Ontario and Mrs Blackburn, who was 391 that the added protection is no out. pointed by Buchner are A. H. received Information from Bertha move to the airport as soon as liv- The U S. cadet nurse corps was Nyssa tied for third position in years old, was bom in Grace. Ida longer considered necessary, a st Boyd ell, Herschel Thompson, Ber- i Beck, state Grange secretary, tliat ing quarters are erected. atement with which the game com created by the Bolton act at the the conference. nard Frost, Ray Larson and Frank I the local Grange is the largest j Leveling and grading of the air- ho and was married to Mr. Black mission concurs. request of leaders in nursing and The Bulldogs will go to Emmett burn in 1925 in Ogden, Utah. She Morgan. j ¡n the state. port has been completed and Civil had lived in Nyssa since 1936. She The game commission has also hospital fields. Miss Thomson said. Saturday. A delegation from the A drian ,1 T[le Oregon Trail degree team Aeronautics Engineer Reynolds of was a member of the L.D.S. released other information on ang- It provides all-expense scholarships The score of the Nyssa-Fruit- chamber of commerce will be ask -1 went to a chalk BuUe Grange Boise will be here this week-end to church. lying regulations for 1945. monthly personal allowances for its iand game was 52 to 39. Fruitland ed to meet with the Nyssa chain- , meeting February 6 to confer the 1 arrange for designation of the field The open season has been ch members, and official outdoor uni and Nyssa both played good Survivors are her husband and ber next Wednesday. first and second degrees. Twenty- as a class 1 airport. three children, Keith, who is in anged to the period from April 14 forms. Cadet nurses pledge that, games, but the Bulldogs played Frank Morgan announced at two Oregon Trail members attend Annrnximatelv Approximately $2000 will have to the service. Betty June and Har to October 31, inclusive, in all coun health permitting, upon graduation, exceptionally well. Steinke gave a the luncheon that the Nyssa road i ^ be raised by contributions to pay old; her mother, Mrs. Lizzy Black ties except Lake county. 1 they will serve in essential nursing good performance on the back- assessment district measure passed for some of the leveling, drilling of Harper; five brothers, George The bag limit Is 15 fish, but not for the duration of the war boards. the house at the session of the a well for water, building living and Floyd Black of Harper. Clif- more than 15 pounds and one fish i Eligible for corps members are FYuitland presented a stiff five- legislature with only two dissent ,3000 ACRES OF quarters and installing lights and ford of Tulelake, California andt*n any one daV' and 30 flsh' but j high school graduates and college man defense on the floor, but ing votes. As a result. It is ex COUNTY LAND SOLD telephone. Financial arrangements Robert of Merrill, Oregon, Rulon Inot more than 30 pounds and two girls with good health and schol through fancy ball-handling the pected that the bill will be passed will be made later for construction of Burns and Delbert, who is serv- ! Bsh in any seven consecutive days astic records and the ability to Bulldogs penetrated lt for many by the senate. The sale of approximately 3000 of a hangar. Part of the labor and ing with the armed forces at Car- Ior in possession at any one time. meet individual requirements of easy lay-in shots. acres of range land was made by use of equipment for leveling the son, Colorado, and three sisters, The season for salmon and steel- the nursing school selected. The age Moore was high point man with Post-war rehabilitation and em- j the county court, to a combine field was donated. The public is Mrs. C. L. Harsley of Ogden, Utah head not less than 20 inches in range Is 18 to 35. 26 points. ployment of veterans was discussed j composed of George Russell, J. J. invited to drive up the new scenic Mrs. Nyssa players were Steinke 8 , Applicantlons for admission to G. L. Dalhe of Beulah, Ore- length is open the entire year, ex- recently by members of the veter- Jackson and Elmer Robbins, load to view the airport. gon, and Miss Roma Black of Og- i cePt in certain counties. The season the crops should be sent immed Moore 26, Billings 9, Church 2, ans advisory committee of Mai- j The land purchased by the ranch Anyone interested in contribut is also open the entire year for st iately to Miss Elnora E. Thomson, Bellon 7, Toombs, Root, Lewis. heur county at a meeting held in men lays in the hills adjacent to ing money for the airport may den, Utah. riped bass, shad and sturgeon, per state recruitment office, Oregon Gernahardt and Weeks. Nyssa, Horace L. Arment, mana- \ the Malheur river valley on the turn it in at the city recorder’s The body is in the Peterson Fu ch, crappies, sunfish, bream, pike state nursing council for war ser Nyssa won the preliminary, a neral home in Ontario. grr of the U. S. employment ser south and about seven miles west office. and catfish, and blask bass in the vice. 205 Stevens building. Portland slow ragged ball game, 19 to 14. Services will be held Sunday at vice office in Ontario reported. of Vale. The Eagles lodge will sponsor a 2 p. m. at the L. D. S. church in area lying east of the Cascade ra- 5, Oregon. Well, anyway, their suits were Representatives from the Veter- Stock driveways and watering ' benefit stag party Wednesday night Nyssa with Bishop Child officiat- n 6 e with the exception of Klamath pretty. ans of Foregin Wars, the American , places through the area will be re in the Eagles hall for the airfield. county. The bag limit is 30 fish or Wetser’s Wolverines looked nice Legion and the Disabled Ameri served by the county, stated Judge The gross receipts will be turned ing. Burial will be at Vale. 20 pounds and one fish, but not to in their red and white basketball can Veterans of Nyssa, Adrian and Irwin Troxell. into the airport fund. exceed 30 fish of all species com uniforms on the Nyssa floor last P.T.A. OBSERVES Ontario attended the meeting. A number of delegations of far bined in possession at any one Friday night, but they did not play Mrs George Bear served refresh mers from various parts of the FOUNDER’S DAY time. very good basketball until the Bull ments to the group. county called on the county court Special seasons and bag limits in dogs began to slip in the last quar Wednesday to ask for road im The citizens of Nyssa and com ter. The final score was 46 to 39 On February 17 the P. T. A. Malheur county are as follows: Parents of Girl— provements. Most of the requests groups of the county and state Beulah reservoir, April 14 to munity responded generously to for Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Sam Potts are par were for gravel to relieve the pre will observe the 48th birthday of August 31, inclusive, except that the state-wide drive to collect After a see-saw first quarter, the ents of a daughter born February sent road conditions caused by the the national organization. Most of portion closed to all angling. Bag clothing for the Russians. Al Bulldogs took a lead and started a 1 in the Holy Rosary hospital at recent rains and thawing. Judge A debate team of the Nyssa high (.he P. T. A. organizations in Mal- Limit: 10 fish but not to exceed 20 though complete figures cannot be regular footrace to the basket. With Ontario. The baby weighed nine Troxell stated that these requests school directed by Silas Summers j heur county will hold special Foun- pounds and two fish in and seven given because contributions are four minutes to go in the first pounds, one ounce. were almost impossible to fill at presented the "pros" and “cons" of der's day meetings during the mon- consecutive days. still coming in. there is ample ev half, the score stood at 25 to 15 for present as the gravel trucks were a world peace organization, Piopos- | th Qj pehriiarv idence that nearly everyone care Nyssa. The Bulldogs, really keeping Closed to all angling: Returns From Idaho— doing more damage to the roads ed by the allies, at a meeting of | m Washington. D. C. in 1897 Mrs That part of Owyhee river for a fully overhauled his wardrobe. their eyes on the ball, ran up a Mrs H. B. Wi.Um.s returned than the spreading of gravel would the Lions club Monday noon. | Alice McLcllan Bimey and Mrs distrance of one mile below Owy- From the quality of the clothing, 14-point margin before the Weiser home Thursday from Nampa, Idaho | do good. The conditions are more In an informal discussion after Phoebe Hearst organized the Con- hee dam. j °ne concludes that In many cases coach ran in an entirely new team the formal presentation of the sub where she visited her daughter, j or less temporary, stated the judge, gress of Mothers, which later be- j I the contributions represent not with the exception of Cannon, who Mrs Tressa Allen, and her father, f and graveling will continue with a ject, the Lions seemed to agree came the Congress of Parents and | Rolief Society Meets— I merely articles no longer of ser- was left In the contest. The score that some kind of world court will Teachers. Oregon was the fifth Lafe Johnson. I few days drying weather. Sixteen ladies attended a Relief vice, but genuine sacrifices, com at half-time was 31 to 18. be necessary after the present con- state to become affiliated with the society meeting Tuesday to sew mittee members said. After a breather, the first string orado, is expected home on a leave , fiict. national organization. In 1940, Mrs quilts. Luncheon was served at The drive was sponsored by the returned to the game and began in the near future. Under the program drafted at William Kletzer, a former Oregon \ noon. Hi-Y boys, with the aid of the tightening up the defense, so that ------- I the Dumbarton Oaks conference P. T. A. president, became presi American Legion and other civic by the end of the third period the Abdul Houston Keck, who is ser- by the "big four', a security council d ert of the National organization. | Awaiting Seabee Call organizations. The high school count stood at 41 to 29. In the final ving in the navy in the Pacific i and a general assembly would be The late Mrs Tom Lowe has been Lamar Patterson is assisting far made the drive one of its annual period the Wolverines launched an area, writes that he has been in I provided. called the mother of Parent-Teach mers and other local residents contests. As a result, considerable offensive that put them within 5 the invasion of the Philippines. Clay Morgan said a world organ- er work In Malheur county. while he is home waiting for his rivalry developed among the clas points of the Bulldogs, 44 to 39. He said he saw a few Japanese ization will be necessary after the call to the seabees. He went to ses. Contributions poured In so Bellon made the final basket. bombs drop, but they missed a ll, war. China, Russia, England and i classes Continued- Boise for a load of brick Tuesday. voluminously last Friday that the The Nyssa players were Church. targets. f the United States, comprising the The home economics classes students voted to extend the con Bellon, Billings, Moore, Steinke, A-S Lester Rookstool, who en- ^big four”, are in favor of It, he conducted under the auspices of Move To Idaho— test through the following Monday, and Toombs. tered the navy January 25, is now' said. the Nyssa Business Women's club Mr and Mrs Dan Corbett and son and extra space to store the cloth The Junior varsity defeated the stationed at the naval training l “Without the United States par- will be continued until all major have bought a ranch at Pollock, ing had to be provided. The grade Weiser JV's in the preliminary by school at San Diego. His brother, I ticipating it is doomed to failure”, projects are completed. The class Idaho and have moved. Roy Wild school participated by sending let a count of 34 to 21. Lt. George L. Rookstool, who r e - : Morgan said. meets each Monday and Wednes purchased the Corbett farm west ters to the parents and hy individ The score was tied at 21 to 21 cently was in an airplane crash | Eunice Ann Brady said the prin- day evening from 7:30 to 10 o'- of Nyssa and Ed Chamberlain ual contributions. Boxes to receive at the end of the third period, but near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is cipal objection to the plan is t h a t 'clock. bought the Corbett residence in contribution from other citizens the Nyssa players ran away from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ were provided by many of the bus their opponents In the last quarter. Nyssa. Dennis O. Fife, son of Mr and now in hospital there. Lt. Rook- , Russia does not seem willing to j stool suffered a fractured jaw | cooperate. I Lieutenant M issing- iness houses and the churches. Nyssa players were Sutherland, Mrs Luther Fife, received a tele bone and lacerations about the , “Russia insists that a unanimous j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Notheis re An Interesting phase of the Rookstool, Kendall, Herren, Bellon, HERE FROM SALEM— gram Sunday telling him to report head and face. I vote of the “big four" be taken be- | ceived word last week that their N. J. Borgman of Salem arrived drive is the tags provided by the Root, Weeks, Lewis, Gernhardt for active duty February 16. He George and Lester are the sons f0re the plan could be effective, son. Lieut. A. L. Notheis, pilot of Thursday for a two-week visit at Russian Relief association. These and Van Twisk. en.isted in the air cadets some time of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rookstool That gives the “big four” too much a Flying Portress, is reported the home of relatives. tags contain a space for the do of Parma, formerly of Lincoln power.” ago. nor's address and any message missing in action in Italy. Heights. The security council would con that he might wish to send to the Sell Home— Rosel Anderson, son of Mr and sist of 11 members, FYance, Engl Return from Trips— Mr and Mrs George Gabriel have recipient. The messages will be Pvt. Lsaac L. Mitchell, anti-tank Mrs O. R. Anderson, received his and. Russia, China and the United Clarence Aston of the Nyssa sold their residence on Alberta translated Into Russian, and the notice of pre-induction and will division, son of Mr and Mrs J, B. States, and six smaller countries. Furniture Co. returned home Wed avenue to Mr and Mrs Drowns of tags will remain attached to the report to Boise this week for his Mitchell, arrived Monday from Six seats would be rotated every nesday from a business trip to Adrian and have moved to the articles. 1 Camp Hood, Texas on a 15-day two years. Josephine Randolph said. Salt Lake City. Mrs. Aston re Merrick place southwest of Nyssa. physical. "Tomorrow the World” has been The clothing will be prepared leave. He will report for duty at “It would take two smaller coun turned last week from a buying for shipment by the Hi-Y boys. selected by the senior class for Its Melvin Fiek has joined the mer Fort Ord. California. tries to pass anything", she said. trip to Los Angeles. Anyone who still wishes to con annual three-act play. Move To California— chant marines and will leave this Myrna Jordan, chairman, explain Drew Pearson states in his col Mr and Mrs Walter Benson and tribute may send his donation to Word has recently been received week for Portland for further in ed that France will be given a Funeral Held— son, Orval Cannon, left Tuesday for the high school any time this umn, “the Washington Merry-go- from Lt. Barney H. Wilson, com structions. permanent seat on the security Round" that this play, now a mov Services for John Quintana, who Modesto, California to make their week. bat engineer, homewhere In France. council. ie hit, will be banned from distri was killed when struck by an home. . ^ Jack Gannon, son of Mrs Luther Lt. Wilson states that it is very j , Lois Anderson stated that . power automobile last week, were held bution In European liberated coun Leave Hospital— Fife, received his notice on induc cold there now, and if the men politics will have a decided effect Monday in the Catholic church In Here From Utah— Mrs Perry Ward has returned tries. The OWI officials say they tion and has taken his physical. did not have cots, they would be on conditions after the war. She Ontario. Internment was in the John Abersold of Providence, Ut home from the Holy Rosary hos may release the ban from Belgium sleeping in the snow. He said j said that “the Dumbarton Oaks ¡Nyssa cemetery with the Nyssa ah arrived in Nyssa Wednesday pital with her Infant son. and France, but will not let the Captain Wilbur W. Smith is ex that Americans would be much i proposals do not have enough prin- Funeral home in charge, film get Into Oermany. for an indefinite stay at the home Attending Meeting— pected to arrive in Nyssa Thurs more helpful to the war effort if ciples. They are vague. You can’t Resigns Position— the World" takes A1 Thompson went to Pocatello "Tomorrow of his son, S. W, A ber said. day or Friday to visit his wife they could actually see what is | use jUst brute force to put over j Carl Coad tendered his reslgna- Wednesday to attend a meeting of its title from Germany's slogan, going on over there. and baby daughter and his par I the program” Purina dealers. He will also visit 'Europe Today. Tomorrow the tion as city attorney at a meet- Recovering— ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Smith. ------- I The Dumbarton Oaks conference ing of the city council Tuesday W. A. Bishop, who has been In relatives in Twin Falls over the World". It shows a nazl youngster He was given a furlough after Named outstanding aviation c a - |is an outgrowth of the old league night. His successor has not been the veterans hospital at Boise the week-end. transferred to the U. 8 . A. and be having completed 50 aerial mis det in his squadron, Phillip D. i0f nations. Any country could elect | appointed. ing beaten when he sticks to Hit past four weeks, is reported to be Clowers. 26-year-old son of M r.! 35 many representatives as it likes | ----------------------- sions over Europe. ler's idea. recovering and is expected to re Open Blacksmith S h o p - and Mrs. George F. Clowers of to the general assembly, but each | Here From Santa Marla— The cast is as follows: Patricia Palmer brothers, Robert A. and turn home home time this week. Word was received from Ser Nyssa, received his silver pilot country would be privileged to cast Mrs Carl L. Huffaker, formerly John A. have opened a blacksmith Frame, Dorothy Merrill; Jessie geant Laurence Fischer, brother of wings and commission as a se only one vote. If no decision were ¡Miss Faye Kinkade of Nyssa, re Attend Vale Rail— and repair shop on the John R. Frame, Jean Snader; Frieda, Har Jake Fischer, that he receives the cond lieutenant in the army air reached. the matter would go to cently returned after spending Ma and Mrs Arvel Child, Ma and Palmer farm one mile north riet Herrman; Michael Frame, forces at graduation ceremonies Nyssa Gate City Journal in Ger an international court of justice. some time with her husband at Mrs Eld red Brower and Mr and of the Nyssa-Parma Junction. Clayton Morgan: Leona Richards, many. Sergeant Fischer is in the held recently at Douglas army air A weakness of the council is that Camp Cook. California. Pfc Huff- Mrs Lloyd Lewis attended the They will do electric and acetyl Lois Anderson: Emil Brucker, Udell third army and is “in the thick field for aviation cadet class 44-k. no country could be forced to pro aker har been transferred to New Gold and Green ball at Vale Fri ene welding and blacksmlthlng. Poulson (Junior) and Fred Miller, Lt. Clowers graduated from St. vide any specified number of men York and expects to go overseas day evening. of it.” George Pulsipher is the black Rodney Estey. John High school. St. John, K a n -|o r any specified amount of mat- He has been in the Aleutian islands Dennis. Butler and Tommy, smith. Lieutenant Sidney Chandelor sas. Before entering military ser- erials. three small boys, will be chosen |and will complete four years in the Funeral Held— Brown has been in Australia on a vice in November, 1941, he was | service February 18. Mrs Huffaker from the underclasses. Funeral services for Mrs Mary Visit Here— rest furlough according to word a farmer at Nyssa. Returns from Utah— Mrs. Silas E. Summers, senior has accepted a position as clerk Rumpel were held Monday a fte r-, Mr and Mrs A. B. Cooper and son, received by Mrs. Brown. His home Mrs. Leo Child returned Mon In Gordon's Drive-in market. noon at the Methodist Community 1 Jack, visited Saturday afternoon at advisor, will coach the play. base is in the Netherland East Camp Carson. Colo.—Pvt. Fred P. day after a three-weeks' visit in church with Rev. H. J. Gernhardt the Frank Parker home while en Indies. Ostedkamp. formerly of Vancouver, Utah. She was at the home of her Here From Weiser— officiating. Mrs. Oilbert Klinken- route to their home at Hood River, Return From Utah— W ash, son of F. W. Osterkamp. is daughter, Mrs. Hellen Olson of Mr and Mrs N. L. Kimball of berg sang, accompanied by Mrs. Oregon. The Cooper family spent Mark Child and W. L. Beus re Bob Eldredge. who is taking the now at the army services forces Morgan county, and Mrs. J. A. Weiser visited the past week with C. W. Buckner Burial was in the the winter In Arizona because of turned Saturday from a business (Continued on page 3) V-I2 navy course at Boulder, Col- FUnders of Hooper. their daughter, Mrs Ward Wieneke. \ Nyssa cemetery. the boy's health. trip to Ogden. Mrs. Blackburn Of Nyssa Dies Dumbarton Oaks Plan Reviewed Russian R elief Drive is Success Our Bovs In T he Service Seniors Select Three-act Play