Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAI THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8, 1945 PAGE SIX ies oi three sponsored by the Home . world war 1 veteran. She will re- Economica club of the Oregon Trail j main in Utah several weeks on Grange will be held in the Oregon | account of her mother's Illness. Trail schoolhouse February 15 at | ----------------------- 8-30. A prize will be given for the Returns From Utah— Mr and Mrs Charles Taylor and highest total score made at the family returned to their home after I tnree parties. one and one-half months - 5 - 400 ATTE N D GOLD Is. to be her escort. After Bishop OLUB 1S ENTERTAINED in Salt Lake City and Bountiful, AND GREEN B ALL Child crowned the queen, pictures \ The Mr and Mrs Sunday evening Utah on business. Approximately 400 persons atten- were taken of the entire court. i c*u*) was entertained by Mr and Here From Utah— ded the Gold and Oreen ball held The special floor show dance Mrs R O. W hitaker Mrs Dean Mr and Mrs Hamp Miller arrived in the Nyssa gymnasium Friday given by 12 persons was under the ^ ere * on by Bernard Eastman a d In Nyssa Sunday evening from evening under the sponsorship of the direction of Mrs Kenneth Cottle. Mrs Harry Miner Bountiful, Utah to look for a farm - I - M .I.A Punch was served from a gold and here. BRIDQE CLUB MEETS The hall was artistically decorat- green table, by Mrs Laurence Cl- The Wednesday evening bridge ed with green and gold colors, with everly. Decorations were in charge . . . . . . . In Ontario Sunday— roses and •grass" around the orch- ° f Mr and Mrs Eldred Brower, res- **“ *> * “ ***5. _ * Mr and Mrs Gordon Ray and estra “pit” and side pective presidents of * the organiz- “ _ rs ... D ° , Wh^lta* f r; ,. * wwo IR K O iiu up uu either cunei oiuc of ui «------------- *— -------------— — "v — - o-----— . _ ... .r, , ^ .Ctnith nnH M rs W a lte r M c P a i t - Mrs Mary E. Bybee visited at the the steps leading to the stage. ation, with Councelors Merlyn F t- "'m‘ th and, **” . M, . ‘ land were invited as guests of the 1 Grant Bybee home In Ontario Sun- As the drums rolled and the her- gan assisting and Osmon P. Wlll- tlub. Prizes were received by Mrs day. aids sounded trumpets, the curtains iams ln charge of tickets, Smith and Mrs Slyvester Helner. parted, revealing the gold throne, —! — , Takes Position— and the page, Dosel Hunter, who FOURSOME MEETS „ Z j r -* — n n l™ Miss Vera Anerson, who has been read all the proceedings, which Mrs Glea Billings was hostess to ENTERTAINED A T DTONER employed by the First National written ln poetry especially for the a bridge foursemoe Thursday even- Ward and s?n' R ' a ' * ’ bank of Portland. Nyssa branch, for occasion. The royal procession con- In*. Mrs John Bishop won high re dln" " “ r “"f M the last three years, has accepted sisting of 60 persons who had for- score. Other players were Mrs John Albert Meier Monday evening, a position in the bureau of reclam med lines at the rear rooms, en- Beckham, and Mrs Al. Kuehn. Lat- t > iixtxmo /- it v c t s ation office. tered from either side of the stage, er ln the evening Mr Kuehn and HAVE DINNER G I B » going to the east of the hall, then down center and up to the throne, Scouts ln full uniform, under the direction of Leo Child, led the march, carrying the United States flag, and the M .IA . gold and green silk flag, recently donated by Bish- op Child. Next came the queen's entertainers, the twirlers, and 10 musicians, who performed through the courtesy of Irshal Davis, music insturctor of the Nyssa school and the 12 dancers. The pearl studded gold crown, with blue saphires ln the center, was carried upon a gold silk pillow with green tassels at the corners by 4-year-old Stanley Pett, guarded by two scouts and followed by eight flower girls, all wearing floor length gowns of pastel shades, and strewing flowers from their baskets onto the path of the gueen, Miss Elaine Lewis, who wore a lov ely changable ice-blue and silver gown, and corsage o f roses. Miss Lewis chase her brother, J. B. Lew- M r Billings joined the group and they attended the opening of the new night club. - j - B RID G E OLUB MEETS The Thursday afternoon bridge dub met at the home of Mrs Artie Robertson. Prizes were won by Mrs R. O. Larson and Mrs Tom Eld- ridge Mrs John Bishop, Mrs Joe Sutherland and Mrs Ed Frost were guests, Mr and Mrs Frank Morg - tertained at dinner Sun lay Mr and Mrs Jim Spofford and Dr. an Mrs J' J Sarazln and son' DaV- ic* ™ t t r T a in W H IT E S e n i e k i a i m M r and Mrs Alma W*11** ent" ‘ tained at a chicken dinner Wednes- day evening for Mr and Mrs Le Fiie and family. — V. Ibert Dunavan at Benecia, C alif- Cairo Junction, or 6 mi. N. of N y Dan Corbett, box 961. Nyssa. 8F2xp om ia and Mrs Herren 's brother. ssa. Friday. Feb. 16, at 1:00 p.m. W ANTED --Tractor and cultivator 19 cattle. 3 horses. 4 hogs, poultry, Dan Friend, at Camp Marimar. equipment. Roy Hashttani. SFtfc. farm machinery, com, miscellan Here From Nampa— eous articles. Perry T. Richmond, W ANTED T O R E N T —Cash rent Mr and Mrs Forest Moore and owner; Ool. Bert Anderson, auct for 80 acres or more suitable for children of Nampa visited Sunday ioneer; L. H. Frltts, clerk. spuds and onions. Mike Phillips. with Mrs Moore's parents. Mr and Homedale. 8F2xp Mrs Sam McConnell. FOR SALE—Delco light motor No. FOR BALE—10 acres ln Apple vall Attend To Busini i 850. In good condition, no batteries M r and Mrs Lucian Wray and ey. 4 room house. Write F. V. Her- E. H. Strickland, Rt. 2 Nyssa. 8F2xp C. W. Buckner spent Tuesday in j shey. New Plymouth, Idaho route 2. 8F2xp W ANTED T O R E N T—A small mod Boise attending to business. ern house. Phone 60R. 8F3xp FOR SALE—O liver two-way plow, Visit In Caldwell— FOR SALE—Baby bassinet and el Mrs C. W. Buckner and two 16 Inch, also some dry corn. Jacob ectric bottle heater. Phone 60R. Relk, *4 mile south of Oregon Trail children spent Tuesday ln Caldwell 8F3xp 8Flxp Visiting Mrs Buckner's parents, Rev. schoolhouse. FOR SALE!—Black locust posts, and Mrs Lawrence. FOR SALE— 400 sacks of gem seed various sizes. Inquire C. W. Taylor, 8F2xp Attend Party— j potatoes, 1 year from certification. 5 miles north o f Nyssa. John Low, Rt. 2. 8F3xc M r and Mrs Luray Trabert and FOR SALE—Sewing machine re children attended a birthday party FO R SALE—40 acre farm. Priced pairing. Needles, parts and supplies. for Ora Frlel at Wilder Saturday | Reconditioned machine bargins. F. to sell »3600. 35 acres irrigable, 25 “ Lete” Sackett, Box 608. Phone evening. After dinner the guests acres row crop land. Fair improve 247M. Ontario. 8FtIc attended a dance. ments. Mail, milk, school bus route. Electricity. 5 miles west of Nyssa. Enlists In Navy— James Smiley, who recently en listed in the navy, has been sent to San Digeo. where he is receiving M AK E US YO U R "boot” training as an assistant sea man. loo Late to Classify Breaks Leg— Frank Zindar of Apple Valley suffered a leg fracture Thursday evening. While riding one horse, he was kicked by another horse. The fracture was Just below the knee. He Is now wearing a cast, and recuperating at his home. Pasteurization Favored— The Oregon Trail Grange has 25 New Members— gone on record as favoring the for Upon their own application, 25 pasteurization measure now before new members were admitted Into the state legislature. The bill pro HONORS P E T T Y OFFICER Floyd Wayne Haro'.dson, petty the LDS church Sunday. Four bab- vides for compulsory pasteurization. HOSTESS T O CLUB was honor - guest at a family Tuesday afternoon Mrs Burnall officer, -------- --------- - i •, ies were christened and Reed. Ray Brown w n hostess in the Tuesdav get-to-gether Tuesday evening at was advanced from a deacon to a Youth Enlists— d u ^ PrTzes “ awarded to Mrs I the Luther Fife home. Other guests | teacher. Weldon Niles, Nyssa high school 1940—Ford Deluxe Sedan senior, who has been employed A. C. Sallee and Mrs A. H. Boydell. were M r and Mrs Jack Gannon and i 1936—Pontiac Sed, Radio, Heater Mr and Mrs Henry Gannon. Lunch . New Chorister— part-time in Eder’s store, has en 1938— Pontiac Sedan, Heater was served to 20. Mrs Haroldson, Mrs George Callahan was install- listed in the navy. He was present O IV E S B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y 1939— Buick Special Coupe, Radio Mrs W W. Poster gave a birthday the former Lila Fife, will make her ed as the new ward chorister for ed with a billfold by his class and and Heater party Saturday night honoring her I home with her parents, when her the LDS church Sunday, replacing was given his diploma. husband. W. W. Foster, C. Klink- busband returns to his base at Mrs John Schenk, who was given Let us cheek the points 1938—Chev. Coupe—$175.00 I an honorary release after service Move To Nyssa— 1938—Buick Sport Coupe enberg and James Pruyn, whose Berkeley, California. —5— for several years In this capacity. birthdays fall on the same day. The M r and Mrs J. R. Chaney, who 12 guests Included the Pruyn fam LEW IS HONORED ON B I R T H D A Y __________________ lived near Adrian, have leased their , of your protection to Lloyd Lewis, Nyssa postmaster, Poem In Magazine— ily, Mr and Mrs Kllnkenbcrg and farm an have moved to Nyssa. • was honored guest at a birthday A poem written by T. Carol By They purchased a residence on | Manager Lester and the Foster family. day. dinner given at his home by Mrs bee during her recovery from an K ing avenue. i - 9 - Lewis February 4. Out-of-town injury she received while perform- B IR T H D A Y D INN ER GIVEN Mrs C. C. Cotton entertained at guests were Mr and Mrs Robert ing for the Owyhee Riding club Examiner Coming— a birthday dinner Sunday after-|Ho,man and famllV of Ontario. 'last August, and published in the A traveling examiner of oper noon on the occasion of Mr Cotton's Mr and Mrs Arvel child and Poet's Corner of the Journal, has ators and chauffeurs is scheduled USED CAR M A R K E T fifith hirthdav G u ests w ere Mr and Mr and Mrs William J. Beus were received recognition from the ed- to be in the Nyssa city hall W ed Real Estate Insurance Mrs C a r lH ill Mr and M r 7 lT v e entertained Informally at the Lloyd itor of the "B it and Spur” a horse nesday, February 14 and 28 from 1 Block West of the Bank magazine. It will appear in the 9 a.m. to 12, noon. Mitchell, Miss Virginia VairSlyke Lpwis home Sunday evening, Phone 64 March issue. Ontario Phone 137 and Irshal Davis. In the evening, —§ OREGOh NY8K/4 Mrs Cotton entertained at five DINNER FOR 16 Attend District Meeting— Visit In Boise— tables of pinochle. High scores were Mr and Mrs D- Anderson en- The Misses Ida May and Dorothy Mr and Mrs A l Kuehn and Mr Deffenbaugh and Bernice Chaney won by Mrs Frank Newblll and tertained at a get-to-gether for so. Dale Ashcraft "and low scores by me of thelr friends, who formerly I and Mrs Glea Billings spent Sat- and Ted Nelson accompanied the Mrs Frank Cummins and Dave lived in Lehi, Utah, Sunday dinner urday in Boise. Rev. Philip H. Reiman fam ily of Mitchell. Refreshments, including u Anderson home at Adrian, Adrian to the district meeting held large birthday cake, were served. ,The guests were Mr and Mrs Mer- Goes To Idaho— in Caldwell Sunday. Several resid _s_ | lyn Fagan and family, Mr and Mrs Mrs Stella Butler left Monday for ents of the Ridgevlew community Lorin Goates and family, and Twin Falls, Idaho to visit her son, also attended the convention. GUESTS A T DINNER Mr and Mrs Henry Iverson and Lewis Philips, Places were laid lor Gordon Ray. T. B. CH APM AN , LA N D A T T O R N E Y , A T o f our family of Notus, Idaho were dinner 16. To Give Skating Act— Attend Meeting— guests of Mr and Mrs Albert Heldt The majorettes oi the Nyssa high BOISE, IDAHO, Is NO W LO CATED A T 1607 COTTLES E NTE R TAIN Miss Betty Tillman and Bernard school band will repeat their roller Sunday. A party was given ln honor of Frost of the Idaho Power Company skating act during the basketball North 7th STREET. Having moved his OFFICE —8— the dancers who participated In attended a meeting of the company program in the Nyssa gymnasium PRIESTHOOD P A R T Y HELD FROM .Sonna Building. S PE C IALIZIN G IN W e’re proud of the Friday night. The act wll be pres The Melchizedek priesthood gave the Gold and Green ball floor show at Payette Tuesday. A L L KIND OF Land Office business, in Idaho ented between the halves of the a social for members and their at the home of M r and Mrs K en way American women wives Wednesday evening in the neth Cottle Monday evening. R e Parents of Son— or Oregon and Departments at Washington. main game. Mr and Mrs Perry Ward are par- ____________ church. Games and a short program freshments were served to 16. ents of a boy born Feb. 4 at the Return From visit— have stepped in to help provided the entertainment. Lunch Holy Roseary hospital in Ontario. Mrs Roy Darnes and daughter, was served. they’re doing a won The baby has been named Stephen j^rs Kyle Waite, have returned fr- - I - Mlchael. He weigher 6 pounds, 13lom Twin Falls, where they visited CLUB T O MEET derful job! ounces. | Mrs Waite's brother-in-law. who The Happy Eight club will meet Friday at 2o'clock at the home o! has returned from 32 months of Goes To Utah— Go To California service in New Guinea. They also Mrs R ina Ure. Mrs Leo Child Is spending several Mrs Herbert Fisher and Her vi£[te(j 0ther relatives and friends, Come all ye riders and bring your gal. W e weeks ln Ogden and vicinity, vlsit- mother, Mrs Emma Quinby, left C AR D PA R T IE S HELD are going to have a hoe-down in the old Nyssa I The last pinochle party of a ser- ing friends and attending to bus Saturday for Ponderay, California. Moving To New Plymouth— They will visit relatives for 10 days iness. F. V. Hershey will move this gym- and will be accompanied home by week-end to his farm at New P ly W e are going to build a rodeo grounds and M r and Mrs Fred Fisher of Apple Looking For Farms— mouth. He has been employed by Several families from Utah were Valley, are also visiting in C alif the bureau of reclamation. Mrs Her we want your help in a big way. So wear your ln Nyssa the past week looking for ornia. shey, teacher ln the Nyssa schools, riding garb and come to play. farms to purchase. At the William will remain here until the end of At our Valentine dance Saturday, February J. Beus home Sunday were Mr and Go To Nampa— the school year. Mr and Mrs C. C. Cotton went to Mrs Dale Througbod, Mr and Mrs Glenn Briggs oi Syracuse, and Bis Nampa Monday to visit their gr Corporal, W ife Visit— Dancing starts at 8:30. Good orchestra. $1 andson, Mitchell King, at the home hop Cook of West Point. Corporal and Mrs Dunaway have per couple. Public invited. of Mr and Mrs Grant King. M it- spent a weeg at, the home o f Cor- DOUBLE FE ATU R E New Primary President— chell King, son of Mr and Mrs poral Dunaway's parents, Mr and Mrs Chamberlain, was voted ln Clyde King of Jerome, Idaho, is Mrs J. P. Dunaway. He Is on a as new primary president of the home on leave from the navy. He 30-day furlough from Vancouver, LDS church Sunday evening, after has been serving in the medical Washington. Corp. and Mrs Dun The East Side Kids are at it again in Management, Bill Lane and Marie Holmes. Mrs Melvin Jensen was given an crops of the navy ln the F iji Is away went to their home ln Boise honorary release after two years in lands for the last two years. Wednesday. this capacity. Mrs Roger Anderson Pinky Tomlin, Rosemarry Lane, Tom Tyler in and Mrs George Jensen were cho Bark From California— Mr and Mrs H. M. Herren have GIRLS O R G AN IZE sen as counselors. Mat., Sat., 2:56 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax returned from California, where CLO TH IN G CLUB Adm. Evenings, 40c-8c, Including Tax they visited relatives. They visited Attrnds Brothers Funeral— The girls of the seventh and Mrs Howard Bair is in Utah, two of their daughters, Mrs Floyd where she attended the funeral of Byrd and Mrs Bertha Eden, at Los eighth grades have organized a 4-H her brother, Lewis B. Parkin, a Angeles, another daughter. Mrs Gl- Clothing club with eight members. The work will Include clothing I I William Bendix, Helen Walker, and Dennis and 111. The members will meet each O ’Keefe in Thursday at noon. Officers were elected as follows: Jane Parr, pre 80 minutes o f laughs' Not a serious moment- sident; Neva Malloy, vice president; Mable Toombs, secretary: Jane nary a gun shot in the film’s entire length. Parr, song and yell leader; Ruth Color Cartoon and Sports Batt, reporter, and Dorothy Cor- Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., 30c-9c, Inc. Tax fleld, program chairman. Other Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax members are Faye Callahan. Bern- jetta Herring and Ruth Boor. Mrs — B A R G A IN N IG H T— | Bernice Batt Is the club leader. I The first meeting was held Feb ruary 1 ln the library of the Junior j Henny Youngman, Elyse Knox, Sally Eilers in high school building. The time was | spent passing out the work and re I have purchased the Dime Store from Mr Cartoon and Captain America cord books and discussing the sew- I Adm. 25e-8c, Inc. Tax ing projects which will be started j and Mrs Lucien W ray and I wish to express my this week. The girls taking clothing 11 are starting work on a pot-hold appreciation o f your continued patronage. er as their first project and the Humphrey Bogart, I-auren Bacall, and Walter clothing 111 members are starting Brennan in The store will be kept open until 8 p.m. on work on a cotton school dress. U SED C A R S Service Station Automobile Insurance -5 - WE BUY WE SELL WE TRADE ANY WAY ANY TIME * A A rt Burson Bernard Eastman Jesse M. Chase Notice We're Proud W O M EN LOCAL NEWS ► » Riders Dance Shelton Dairy 4 Mii i ;i i i i i iti in i ti i ni in in in in in in in in in in i i i ,u i iiriiim in in hi ni'i i mm hi m u m m i im i m m m n m n riiiv NYSSA Phone IO Ô PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY FEBRUARY &—10 “BOWERY CHAMPS” ‘ “SING ME A SONG OF TEXAS’’ Owyhee Riding Club Announcing SUNDAY and MONDAY FEBRUARY 11—12 “ABROAD WITH TWO YANKS” TUESDAY FEBRUARY 13 “A WAC, WAVE AND A MARINE” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY FEB. 14—15 “TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT” And even the craftiest are sometimes caught in the web o f international intrigue. Technicolor Special and News Adm. Evening*. 40c-IV, Including Tax III III 11II III ID III II III M14 III III HI HI m ill 141414 I f M1414II III HI HI I I 14 HI 11 HI HI 1114 HI HI UHI HI HI 1414 If HI Mil Watch This Paper For Our Rexall The Purchase o f Birthday Dime Store -f ► W r a y ’s A n n iversary Sale Dates Nyssa Pharmacy Saturdays until further notice. SALE CALENDAR FARM SA LE —On the Will Brown farm on Highway 20, 24 ml. S. of | Carlos Buchner 4 >