Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1945)
PAGE 4 TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A I TH U R S D A Y FE B R U A R Y 8, 1945 1 the finished food products that will the Ray Drawne family held a far- | other kind of liver. It has a less be represented by the Soviet plants swell party tor them In the Legion delicate flavor, but use can be made TOWN c im i FARM in WARTIME trail. Games, dancing and refresh oi vegetables to camouflage It. The ments were enjoyed. A set of dishes following Is a recipe for Spanish | was presented to the Drawns fam- liver: illy. Mrs Alvin MoOlnnls and Mrs I Buy pork liver In one piece and Gayle Martin sponsored the affair. I P rep a red by OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION ; Mrs Gladys Long and son „ 1JW Drawns wlil after washing it, gash It and I re‘ The will leave ... In the ------ near L | turned to the home of M rs Ellen future to make h0me In Ny- add fat in some form to the g a - ! Sparks after visiting relatives in ssa O D T U R G E S N O S P R IN G S C H ower “Can be summed up In two shes.Place it in a baking dish I® 018* ' i The W . W . Smith and Leonard and add salt and pepper. Slice OOL RBŒ 88 works—military necessity." ( C H U R C H o r TH E N A ZA R E N R l i lt K i l l OF C H R IS T i Rev. and Mrs Nevin were Nam pa g mjth families were Sunday guests < onions over and around the liver As another step In transportation E. J. Wilson. Pastor. He pointed out that tire on w a r ' (Christian! visitors Tuesday. Rev. Nevin Iran - at th6 McGinnis home, an pour a jar of home canned 10 A.M. Sunday school. George Whipple. Pastor. , conservation, Col. J. Monroe John equipment wear out at an "enor sacted Scout business. tomatoes around It. Dried or Bible School, 10 A.M. 11 A. M., morning worship service, i Parents of boys at Cub Scout age son, Director of the Office of D e mous rate” and that the military C O L U M B IA A V E N U E fresh celery tops add fine flavor. Punctuality Is a sign of Splrltual- 7 P.M., Pre-prayer service. ! are asked to meet at the high sch- fense Transportation, urges that "simply doesn't have enough tires.” Bake In a slow oven, covered, 7:15 P.M., Young people and Junior ;Ool Monday, February 12, to discuss Miss Norma Jensen of Boise was schools and colleges cancel their And in the words of M ax McCul lty. until tender, about two hours, services. ! the organization of a Cub pack. spring vacations this year. Col. Joh lough, Deputy O P A Administrator a week-end visitor at the home of depending upon size of the liver. Morning worship. 11 A M . 8 P M . evangelistic service. | Mrs Mary Nichols of nson pointed out that this year's for Rationing, "The reduced passen- , her parents, M r and Mrs Melvin Slice and serve with the vege Communion served each Lora s 8 P.M., The first Wednesday of each visited friends in Adrian last M o n spring vacations -will come during ger car tire quotas again point up Jensen. tables. month all the missionary societies day. M r and Mrs Dick Groot visited j The no-point kidneys are delic- the existing extremely critical per the vital Importance of prompt re- “ ay' * Sunday night: Evangelistic ser- and the Men Crusaders meet for I Members of the public speaking Tuesday afternoon with M r and ,ous in a 'm eat ple combined with iod in wartime transportation, wh capping and tire repairs.” their regular studies. I Junior English classes under the' Mrs Joe Stain at Oregon Trail. en every effort must be made CAiR O W N E R S PAC E "H ARD EST Vices. I some of the no-point stew meat The other Wednesdays of the 1 direction of Mrs Joe Brumbach pre to avoid non-essential travel. The P E R IO D " j 7:30 P.M., Junior, senior and adult M r and Mrs Edwin Mowerson sucjj as breast of veal or breast of month prayer and Bible study are sented a round table discussion be- shopped In Payette Saturday. ommlsslon of these vacations will be Owners o f passenger cars, trucks Christian Endeavor. lamb. fore the Nyssa student body on the M rs John Broad. M rs Pete Ten- especially desirable as It affects | and busses In 1945 will face the 8:15 P.M., song service and pr- held. Remove the skin, the inner pro’s an con’s of compulsory milit W e extend to you a cordial Invit sen and Mrs A Van Dyke shopped students who must travel to rea ch . hardest period since the war began euching. tubes and excess fat from the ary training. ation to all our services. in Caldwell Thursday. their homes, for It “will save for | --w ith 1,500,000 more passenger cars --------- kidneys, and wash them. Slice The Junior play, "Pig Tails", will THE C O M M U N IT Y U N IT E O M r and Mrs Gerrlt Stam enter each student a trtp home and ra- breaking down during the year; w l- and soak in salted water about be presented M arch 2. A D R IA N FREE M E T H O D IS T tained Wednesday for M r and M rs P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H UR CH turn," he wrote In a letter to John th gasoline and tire supplies re- 1 30 minutes. Then add them to The senior class has chosen “The Diclc stam of Oregon Trail, M r CHURCH Kingman Memorial W. Studebaker United States Com - malning critically short; and with the breast of lamb stew and Green Light as its play. The plays and Mrs Oroot and Mr and Adrian, Oregon J. C. Nevin. Pastor missloner of Education. As many as the serious shortage oi lead necess- cook slowly until tender, about will be coached by M r Patch. | Mrs pietel. Tensen. Sunday school, 10 A M. 300,000 students would normally be Rating greater public conservation 10 A M ., Bible school. You need two hours. During the last half Adrian high school lost two mem Preaching. 11 A.M. Callers at the home of M r and taking such vacation trips, Mr. S t- of batteries, O W I states in a report the Btble in your mind and heart hour of cooking, add whatever Christian Education Service, 7:30. bers of the sophomore class this M rs Grover and Bob Vest at River- udebaker said in endorsing Col. reviewing the supply situation for to be approved of God; we need you vegetables are on hand, perhaps past week when Carol Tallman In our evening service we will view Sunday afternoon were Mrs n our Bible school. Johnson's recommendations. I civilians. Key facts of the passen potatoes cut In 2 Inch pieces, transferred to Prairie City high have various talks given by our Dick Groot and Marjorie Fields of T IR E Q U O T A S A G A IN R E D U C E D ger car situation— no production of 11 P.M., morning worship. Ser- onions, carrots and celery tops school, and Bethel Pettis to H er- Boise and M r and Mrs J. C. Olson Passenger car tire quotas for the new cars in 1945; a 4,000 car a day non "The Cost of Being a Christ- j lay members in regard to our coll or celery salt. Thicken the broth eges. An offering will be taken for miston high school. of Nyssa. month of February have been cut disappearance from highways, the ¡an”. slightly, and serve the dish as a Kenneth Elliott, business m an M r and Mrs C. H. Carskadon, Jr., by the Office of Price Administrat dwindling stock of new cars re 4 P.M., Fidelae Amicae meets at our school in Seattle. stew. Or pour it into a baking Prayer meeting will be held In ager of the high school annual, returned Thursday from Twin Falls, ion to 1.600,000, the lowest since maining In the rationing pool <12,- the parsonage. Caroline Sohiemer dish, add a crust of biscuit lo "Antelope Trails," reports success the Clarence Nelson home In Ridge- where they visited Mrs Carskadon'a last October, and are 200 000 fewer 000 on February 1); estimates that is the leader. ugh or pastry, and bake in a in soliciting advertising for the relatives. than last month and 400,000 tires it will take from two to three years 7:30 P.M., evening worship. The view, Wed. at 8 p.m. moderate oven (350 degrees) un year book. M r and Mrs E. C. Larson and fa below December. Quotas of tires for to fill the pen-up postwar demand Builders lead our song service. til the crust Is done—about 30 On Tuesday evening Ontario de mily were business visitors in O n SUNSET VALLEY tractor-implement use, on the ot for Monday, 7:45 P M ., Boy Scout 12,000.000 to 15,000.000 new minutes. feated Adrian's two basketball tea A S S E M B L Y O F G O D C H U R C H tario last week. her hand, remain unchanged at motor cars. troop 36 meets at the high school. ms at Ontario. The score for the Paster R. L. Casselman M r and Mrs Wayne Haroldson 50,000. The February reduction, st C O N S E R V A T IO N Wednesday, 7:45 P.M., Mission IS W ATCH first team was 48 to 7. 5 Counties were Boise visitors Monday. serving ates Brig. Gen. Royal Lord, Deputy W O R D study and prayer (See Sunday Sunday school, 10 A.M. On Friday evening the Emmett From the Largest Stock of Chief of S taff to General Elsenh- Proper care of radios, refrigera- Bulletin for place. 8:30 P.M. choir Morning worship, 11 A.M. ¡team defeated Adrian 47 to 23. The Children church, 7:30 P.M. 'entrine practice. I LIVER,KID NEYS Evening evangelistic service, g | score at the end of the 3rd quarter Friday, 10 A.M., prayer group MOST N U TR ITIO U S was 25 to 23. The Emmett team prayer meeting meets at Parkers’. Everyone wel o ’clock. Cottage into action during the last Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8 went come. By Mrs Geraldine Hall quarter, scoring 22 points. Let Us P.M. Emergency assistant The Adrian Antelopes will play Parts Come! A hearty welcome awaits B A P T IS T CHURCH Pork liver and various kinds of I at Payette and W ilder Friday and Orders Shipped Immediately you. Second Street kidneys, two of the most nutrit- Saturday evenings. E. T. Larson, Missionary Pastor O n Saturay evening, January 29! lous meats known to science, are ASSEM BLY OF GOD Sunday school, 10 A.M. friends and relatives of M r 3 Alvin I still unrationed. They are not pop C. L. Snider, pastor Morning worship, 11 A.M. Sunday school. 10 a.m. McGinnis surprised her with a par- ular ones, but no meat can be found B.Y.P.T.U, 7:15 P.M Payette, Idaho Phone 49 Sermon, 11 a.m. Evangelistic s e r - ' ° n her birthday anniver- with more food value. Ration free Mid-week Bible study and prayer pork liver has more Iron than any isary. Mrs McGinnis received many service at 7:30. You are welcome at vice 8 p.m Thursday, 8 pm., prayer for boys gifts. all our services. The John Jarvis family have re in armed forces. Come, worship turned from Pasco Washington to THE M E T H O D IS T C O M M U N IT Y with us and pray with us for your their home In Adrian. boy and some other mother's boy. CH U R C H M rs Betty Korman and daughter II. J. Cernhardt. Pastor. Into Your Automobile ■ b b h h h b b k were Boise visitors last week. 8T. P A U L ’S E PISC O PA L Church school. 10. On Saturday night friends of M IS S IO N Worship and sermon, 11. For Trouble The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. Special Music, Nyssa high glee club. The Quality is High as E ver . . . Morning prayer and sermon. 9:30 Sermon "Emancipation". But the Quantity is Lim ited! Holy rommunlon and sermon each Auto Repairing Fellowships, Intermediate, Youth, second .Sunday of the month. Young Adult, 7. It’s better for you and Due to below-normal seed production, Church school at 10:30 a. m. Electric W elding Evangelistic service, 8. there Is a shortage of GOOD seed. How Women's Guild second Wednesday Jholr practice, Monday, 7:30. ever, the Northland Brand seeds N O W better for us if you have Lathe Work Parts Bible study and prayer Wednesday, of each month. avaUahle are tested, fertile seeds of the m n r high standard that has produced 1 at the parsonage. They’re Healthier your car taken care of maximum crops for tbs ^ast 61 years. L. D. S. C H U R C H At You should be faithful in your F or your supply s f tbe always-depend- Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood service and support of the church When They Drink regularly. ahte seed Identified by the Flying Goose you will call upon to serve you in meeting on the bag, eee your local Nortbrup, Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. King dealer today or write to . . . your emmergencies of trouble and Star Dairy Milk Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament sorrow. meeting. Everybody’s busy these Nyssa, Oregon It’s Pure I Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society T R IN IT Y L U T H E R A N 1 meeting. B O IS E , ID A H O Parma, Idaho days, and constant re- First Tuesday of each montn at Rev. John E. Simon. Pastor It’s Whole 4 p.m. Primary for children bet Service: 10 a.m. pairs are annoying and ween ages of 4 and 12. Church School: 11 a.m. i£ from these seeds. Adrian ! ^ )f) Me Cluer-Manser A &) A frvx v\ ^ A s Your First Step Toward Good Crops E. W . Pruyn Northrup, King & Co. HURRY! It’s Vitamin Rich time-wasting. O W N FOOD S tar Dairy Tow ne’s Garage LE T UN P R O V ID E A H O M E M A R K E T FO R Y O U R FA T H OGS Sell where there Is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un necessary expense Incurred through a great number of men required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check the weight of your hogs yourself. W e buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards In Nyssa, Ore. and Homed ale, Idaho. For Friday’s price phone 111 R. Nyssa, between the hours ol 5 P.M. and 9 P.M. on Thursdays or 93JLJ, Homedale, on Friday. FRANK KULLANDER For Sale electrical and mechanical applian ces Is more Important today ever before, says the Office of Ilian requirements of the W a r Auction Board. The Increased need for war Russia will produce still more of than^ her own vitally needed food this Civ- I year as a result of 20,000 tons of P r o - ! seeds that have been furnished by Unlted States for Soviet sipring pl pro- antings, according to W a r Food production of household appliances first half of a delivery agreed upon and equipment. This factor, com- for this year. The seeds will be used bined with the acute shortage of m the Ukraine, for the most part, repair ship facilities, makes it im- i the richest Soviet agricultural dist- peratlve that every effort be made rict, which, earlier in the war, was tc prolong the life o< equipment overrun to the extent of 150,000,000 now In use, O C R emphasized. H ou- acres by the Nazis. During the G er- seholders are urged to save and ca-1 man retreat in 1943 and 1944 the re for their equipment toy keeping , Nazis carried out an effective pol- moving parts properly oiled, taking (Cy of destruction of nearly 60,- care not be overload motors, wash 000.000 acres. This seed help from ers and wringers, keeping all types the United States is made possible. of equipment clean and avoid care- Incidentally, through the growth In i less handling. this country of a practically new R U S S IA T O R A IS E M O R E O F industry in America; In pre-war days this country was primarily a ,eed importer from European nat- ons and never produced more than i fraction of the seed required to m w American crops. The war has radically changed this. Shipment ot seeds to Russia means great sav ings in shipping space In contrast with the vessels required to move TO OUR STORE FOR QUALITY CHICK SUPPLIES V AT « W hite and Yellow Spanish Eastern Oregon Produce Company Phone 120 or <?OJ .W .W .ft V iV ss FAST GAIN LOW COST HIGH LIVABILITY LEG BANDS C e llu lo id an d metal, numbered a n d in color. Easy to Identify. Adjustable. FLEXIBLE GLASS A dm its ultra? violet sun rays. Keeps out cold, retains beat ONION SEED Utah Certified .V You g e t all three in Purina Chick Startena, A m erica 's favorite starter. Takes only 2 lbs. per chick. Fresh stock just in. Prewar quality. Electric Chick BROODER Equipped with plug and socket. Handles chicks 4 to S w eeks. Easy to clsan. Feed Purina STARTENA ! C h ic k FOUNTS Wide variety of styles and sizes. D urable, w ell c o n s t r u c te d . Easy to clean. from SELECTED 'Flocks p F h W e know that a sym pathetic understanding is more important dur ing your bereavement than at any other time. That is why you are as sured that everything will be handled in a di gnified manner when you come to us. Nyssa Funeral Home Purina Poultry BROODER DUSTER THERMOMETER D e liv e rs line, u n ifo rm dust cloud. Sturdily built. Good (or all-round use. Accurate, d e pendable Both wall and under h o v e r ty p e s . E a sy-lo -rsa d . Cenuine CHEK-R-CHIX Insist on our famous Chak-R-’ Chix, from high-producing^ blood-tested flocks, fed special ration for "hatched-in" vigor. NBETTER ORDER EARLY! Anv amount you wijn. Absorbent, lo n g la s tin g , •asy to spread. Clean, sanitary. BATTERY BROODER G row poultry meat at home. A real buy!