THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8, 1945 Classified Canned Fish « G l Style Advertising RATES Two cents pel wore lor ••'ten Issue Minimum casn In advance Is 30c route 1, Homedale, Idaho. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale IF3xp WANTED—Manure haulers. See lSJtlc FOR SALE—1940 cab-over m ton Frank T. Morgan. Ford. Two speed axle, 9:00 tires on Found rear. Good tires throughout. Beet bed. Don Parker. Cow hollow. 8F2xp FOUND—Gold locket. Owner may have it by calling at Journal office IO R SALE Upright piano, in good and paying for this advertisement, condition. See it at Wray's Dime BFlxc store. 8Flxc FOR SALE—Four-room partly j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ For _ _ _ _ Rent _____________ modern house, good location. $1600. FOR RENT—30 acres, 2 miles north Terms. Bernard Eastman. 8Ftfc 0f vale, 3-4 miles west of John FOR SALE—John Deere two-row j Uay highway. 2 room house, base- potato planter. John Deere two- : ment, barn room for 11 cows. 7 bottom, two-way plow, with or acres pasture, 7 acres alfalfa, nice without slat mower boards. This berry patch, fruit trees. Milk, mail machinery is in first class con dition. late models. Ira R. Ure, and bus route. Inquire at the farm, lF3xp phone 06R2. Nyssa. 8Ftfc James Cruson. J (U . S. Mfcrin« Corps Photo) Two Naw eorpsmen and two Marines teamed up to furnish approx- iiuately 200 pounds of fish for members of Major Gen-ral Louis L. Woods’ Fourth Marine Air Wing, somewhere in the Marshalls, lo r want of a better name, the species is called "gizmo’ fish. The unit’s medical officer certified their edibility before the fish were placed on the table. The quartet, whose cateh provided a welcome change of diet for the Leathernecks, are, left to right: Pharmacist's Mates Second Class Tommy C. Goodwin of Los Angeles, Cal., and Robert S. Dershcm of Sterling, Colo.; Technical Sgt. Thomas R. Ol sen of Sioux Falls, S. 1>„ and SgL Jethro K. Jones, of Atlanta, Ga. PAGE THREE arts Mr. Snyder assorts, would give em- seen each other since then. meet with Mrs Martha Klingback to one or two million The annual party of the Out Our Thursday February 15. I men "when the shotting stops In Way club was held at the Alva Pfc Ogorge T. Oregg arrived from Europe." Had such highways been Ooodell home January 25 with 13 an army base in Italy last Tuesday built prior to 1910. he insists, it present. for a 30-day furlough. He has been Games were played. in the European theater of oper uou'd have saved ten billion dollars Refreshments of waffles, sausage, ation for two years. His bases have in transportation costs and perhaps shortened the war, ths saving hu ice cream, cookies and sandwiches been North Africa, Sardinia, Italy man lives. Mr. Snyder optimistically were served. The next meeting will and Corsica. expressed the belief that a majority be held at the S. B. Hoffman home ! of the member of congress are fav February 8. A Valentine box will NU-ACRES orably disposed to some plan of be featured. Earl Jennings, who is in the navy, highway construction similar to his Mr and Mrs Sherman Keck, Mr program, but previous congressional is home on leave. Mr and Mrs Letser Cleaver have and Mrs Harry Wood and Lyman action would hardly seem to warrant returned from Washington, where1 ! his optimism. Latham were callers Monday even During senate discussion of re- they spent several days. ing at the Henry Blanchard home. Mr and Mrs Willis Bertram were \ ports that the Tydings amendment Paul Thomson has been sick the to the selective service law Is being in Boise Thursday. Mrs George Cleaver, Mrs Olenn past week. violated by the Induction of farm Mr and ‘Mrs Alvie Lanfear and ■boys in the army and navy It was Hoffman and Mrs Alva Ooodell daughter. Mra Joe Beck, all of attended the home economics club disclosed that the number of men Caldwell, spent Sunday in the Paul directly engaged in the production meeting at the Dale Garrison home Thomson home. Thursday. ol foodstuffs is lower than at any Mr and Mrs Marion Seuell and time in the past 50 years. In 1944 Mr and Mrs Alva Goodell and Lloyd and Jeanne were supper the number of people on farms was family were in Payette Saturday. Ray Griffith has returned from guests Friday night in the Hawley 25,531,000, a decrease since 1940 of home. The occasion marked Laur- 4.748.900, and this at a time when Rocky Ford. Colorado where he een Hawley’s birthday. farmers are being called upon for was called by the serious illness Mr and Mrs Jess Huffman have of his father, who later passed the greatest production in the nat away. moved Into Cy Letts’ house. ion’s history. Mr and Mrs Walter LaGrandc The Tydings amendment specif 1 Mr and Mrs Cecil Florea and visited Mr and Mrs Roscoe Hedges family have moved to a residence ically states that “Every registrant if Parma Sunday. found by a selective service local they recently purchased in Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Olenn Hoffman and board to be necessary to and regul Ritchie were in Ontario Tues arly engaged in an agricultural Jim day. occupation shall be deferred from The members and their families training and service In the land and naval forces so long as he re of the Out Our Way club attended mains so engaged and until such a charivari given for Mr and Mrs time as a satisfactory replacement Cleo McDowell. Mrs McDowell Is Won’t hatch can be obtained." Violation of this the former Dorothea Florea. Mrs Loyd Clearver received word Unless you law was declared on the senate floor to be due to misinterpretation from her hustband. Pfc Loyd Clea of instructions sent out by General ver, that he is recovering from Set on them Hershey. the director of selective wounds and that no more operat ions will be necessary. Cleaver was service. seriously wounded in Italy October 27. j ploymant LOST FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph seed poatoes. grown from McKay’s cert ified purple tag seed. Ira R. Ure, LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN—My phone 06R2, Nyssa. 8Ftfc new fur coat, but I should worry. It was Insured by BERNARD FOR SALE—Collapsible baby bug gy. RuWber tires. Call 5J. lF2xp EASTMAN. See us about this fur coat insurance. 14Dtfc FOR SALE—Hay, 3rd. cutting, ex- _ ...... tra good. 2 miles east of Nyssa. 4 1 NOTICE—The Royal Neighbor will miles north on H. P. Ostermiller a _beneftt card party. Rebekah l Legal Advertising IF 2xp hall, Monday evening. February 12 1 ranch. at 8 p.m. Public is Invited. Lunch IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Ai lF2xc , STATE OF OREGON FOR MALH- FOR SALE—1 set new pistons, .030 will be served. CHEST SURVEY --------- -------------- - - ----------------— _! FUR, rOIINTY oversize, fit 1935 or ‘36 Olds motor, UNIT DEVELOPED OWYHEE ADMIN^STRAy ORS ” , IN THE MATTER OF THE EST- or O.M.C. pickup. David Beers, and m . permanent positions with ATE OF EDWARD DONALD NOR- route 2, Nyssa, Oregon. By Mrs Edna Farrls public welfare in Oregon. Apply by : ( OXT Deceased The Earl Province family have County Health Nurse moved to the former Frank Crocker FOR SALE—Small house east of 2 * •?*’ ’®15 “ f!11 S^;stel” COUn" I NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Oregon Tuberculosis assoc- ranch. tracks In Ward addition. $1000 O!, 616 Mead Bldg., Portland 4 ,| Notice hereby „ glven by the i monthly bulletin announces Oreg- cash. See Frank T. Morgan. 25Jtic re°on' Mrs Glenn Cottengin and son, 8 1x0 undersigned administratrix of the iation In the January issue of it’s Arthur, who have been visiting in above entitled estate to the cred BUTCHERING FOR SALE—Heavy springer jersey on's new "ehest x-ray survey unit" the Larson home, left for Bend Custom butchering every Monday itors of and all persons having cl cow. Edward C. Larsson, Columbia is now In operation. Schedules for Oregon last week. aims against the said deceased, to the visits to the counties are now avenue. 25J4xp and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. filp them with the necessary vouch Mrs Martha Klingback enter Sanitary butchering guaranteed. ! being worked out and will be ann tained at dinner Sunday for Pfc FOR SALE—Thompson's Chek-R- Phone 05R1. Please bring stock ers within six months after the date ounced soon. and Mrs George T. Gregg, Mr and Protect your prop Chlx for delivery every Wednesday Sunday evening or Thursday even of this notice, at her residence in The unit is notable for size, Its Mrs William Oregg, Mr and Mrs Nyssa, Oregon, which residence is and Saturday after March 3. Ord ing. All stock must be In by 12, erty with proper insur length being 38 feet overall and the Jess Gregg and daughter. Becky Washington. D. C., Feb. 8—Whet er early to get the breed and date noon, on butchering day. One mile designated as the place of business width 8 feet. It contains a complete Lou. Miss Lillian Oregg, Mrs Russ ance, her intentional or not, it Is appar for all matters connected with the you want them. Thompson’s Ont west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. X-ray room, darkroom for the dev ell R. Wolf, Jr., and daughter, Ell estate. ent that the effect of the recent eloping of films, dressing rooms and en, and Fred Klingback. ario hatchery. 18Jtfc Jake Fischer. Lucille F. Norcott, Administratrix report of so-called experts on the cabinets for supplies. The equip The Owyhee PTA will meet Th FOR SALE—One stock bed, 6 foot Dated and first publ. Feb. 1, 1945 Legal Advertisement rubber situation will be to dis ment Is Westinghouse and is cap ursday evening February 8 at the stake rake. 1 McCormick-Deering Last publ. Mar. 1, 1945. courage continued operations of the able of taking 35mm and 14 x 17 school at 8 ,30. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING separator. Jake Groot, Alberta ave synthetic rubber plants In the Un x-ray pictures. Approximately 300 The Owyhee Community club will nue. 18Jtfc NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, ited States in which the govern aminations. Mr and Mrs A. A. An- that Ruth McConnell, the Executrix Sunset Valley FOR SALE—4 room house with of the estate of Otto Schweizer, ment has an investment of $750,- persons per day may be given ex- bath room. $2,000, $500 down $30 deceased, having filed in the Co Walter Nye, who has been ditch 000,000 and which have a practical derson are the technicians in ch month. 69 acres in Big Bend $4200. unty Court of Malheur County, St rider the past year, has purchased capacity of one million tons a year. arge of the work. The films are to 20 acres, 2H miles from Nyssa, good ate of Oregon, her first and final The report of the board of experts, be read by a panel of physicians. house, 6 rooms with bath $6.000. a. count of her administration, the a residence in Nyssa and he and composed chiefly of representatives Oregon is the first state to use the Mrs Nye will move soon. lFtfc. of Great Britain and The Nethler- name “chest X-ray survey unit.” Court has fixed Saturday March 3rd A. L. Atkeson Henry Hintz has rented his farm j lands, was made public by the state The word “survey” is the key to the 1945 at 11 o’clock A.M. and the County court room in the City of to . P. Bybee for the coming year, department and it forecast a rubber program, since this Is not a clinic WANTED Vale. Oregon as the time and place Barbara Kirkland has been con surplus In the post-war period with and tuberculosis is not to be dia an estimated consmer demand "not gnosed in the unit. It is used solely WANTED TO BUY—Row crop tr for the hearing of said account and fined to her bed the past week be likely to reach more than 500 000 for surveying the apparently well for 1945 are now available for your signature. actor and equipment. Jake Binder.'»"V objections that may be filed cause of illness. Everything possible is being done to complete tons annually." The board estimat population to find the hidden or Marslng. Idaho Rt. 1, 25J3xp thereto, when and where all per- George Yasumura, Herbert Yash- ed that the post-war production of unknown cases of tuberculosis. The _______________________________sons interested In said estate, may the sign-up at an early date. An early contract WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES to! appear, file objections in writing ida and Kart Funai returned home natural and synthetic rubber will unit is part of the great national is very necessary to us in planning for labor program to find tuberculosis. The live fox feed horses Phone 8 Pay and be heard thereon. Said account the first of the week after spending be more than twice the demand. and in the equitable distribution of fertilizer. The figres in the board of experts money derived from Christmas seals ette 27Ntf- 1s for final settlement and upon several days on the coast. report do not square with the kn- have bought and paid for this being approved and settled, said Schedule for signing contracts: WANTED-Manager for Nyssa br estate will be closed, distribution Mrs Charles Ditty and sons, Ro- own facts. In the first place, Amer- chest X-ray survey unit and will anch, Watts Seed Co. Phone 71, made of the balance of estate in bert and Leslie, were Boise visitors lean rubber manufacturers estimate pay for the operation. It will be a Nvssa factory office, Monday to Friday each Parma Idaho. 28Dtfc. ¡that the post-war demand in the education program. Tuberculosis Is the hands of the Executrix and said Friday. week. great contribution to the health United States will be 850,000 tons Bernie Lorensen has retraed to WfNTfiD—Used furniture. Highest Executrix discharged of her trust. “catching”. It is “preventable”. v. 1 . _ _ w_ Mr , annually and that the the home „r of his parents, and . . , world .. de- , nn„ prices paid Phone 149W. Nyssa First pub. Feb. 1, 1945 Ontario chamber of commerce office, Feb xir-c t mand will be not less than 1,600.000 Last pub. Mar. 1, 1945 Mrs Kenneth Lorensen, after work- tons. It is true that the natural FV r' ''o r e C<i 1ATFC ruary 7 and 14. Ruth McConnell ing several months In Owyhee. rubber supply, under favorable con- WANTED TO BUY—A tandem or Executrix of the estate of Otto Buena Vista Adrian, Holly Brothers’ store, Februay 8, 9, offset tractor disc. Harry Masto, Schweizer, deceased. Thursday evening caller In the Ch- dlt o n s, andf " ith aU t,P‘an“ ! Mr and Mrs George Cleaver and arles Dittv home - .restored to full production, should 15 and 16. aries ratty nome. equal this figure, but there would Mrs Loyd Cleaver and baby were Henry Hintz purchased baled hay ,v,„ „„„ at Ontario Thursday. Please bring the correct legal description of from Russell Howell In Cow Hollow b* "° mar«m ° n tb* Z ' Mr and Mrs Alva Ooodell and last week. As soon as the roads tbetic ™bb*r en'* * '* * t * ““ "I your land with you. Alva Jr. and Donna Belle were din permit Hintz will ship a car to «»• and tbe PeoplP o i ..tph.e Sates would be compelled to pay ner guests at the John Murphy ho 1 Bellingham, Washington. whatever the plantation owners Adolph Schneider is receiving cared to ask. In the years immed me in Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Lester Cleaver are medical attention at Ontario each lately following the first world war spending several days In Washing week. their price was so exorbitant as to Ira Price has leased a tract of amount to an international scandal, ton. John Flckles of OaldweU spent land from Mike Rataezyk for the and it is currently reported that Tuesday at the George Cleaver ho ensuing year the British and Dutch have no me. Mr Pickles and Mrs Cleaver thought of dissolving their cartel were school mates and had not agreement. BILL LANE The whole situation was reviewed OPTOMETRISTS DENTISTS at some length in a recent speech DR. J. A. McFALL Auctioneer by Representative Johnson of Ill “ S e e M e F a ll a n d Better" ,1. R. CUNDALL inois. and he insisted that there is Phone 116J Nyssa good reason to believe that contin Dentist ued improvement in the manufact ure of synthetic rubber will bring Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic its cost down to a competitive basis NYSSA OREGON with the natural product. The price ’ difference at the present tim e' Don M. Graham .) E w ei T r y s t o r e s EYESIGHT SPECIALIST amounts to about 10 cents a pound. ONTARIO OREGON In favor of the synthetic rubber PAULUS insurance Agency program It is also argued that there will be a surplus of both oil and JEWELRY STORE p h y s ic ia n s " grain after the war and that the Union Pacific Time Inspector synthetic rubber plants would pro Certified and War Approved Fire and Automobile JEWELRY — DIAMONDS vide a market for much of this sur L. A. M oulding, M.D. Bliss Triumph White Rose Russetts WATCHISS plus. Industrial alcohol used in the Physician and Surgeon Insurance Main Street at Second manufacture of synthetic rubber Phone 37 be made from either oil or gr Hours: 19 to 12 and 1 to S Rentals Bonds can ain. It is suspected in some quar Dally Except Sunday WYCKOFF ters that the movement to close Fry Building out the synthetic rubber industry JEWELRY STORE is already under way. Official Time Inspector for SARAZTN CLINIC~ I Congress will not be permitted to Union Pacific ignore the plan for a super high J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Utah type-w hite and yellow sweet Spanish ONTARIO OREGON way system advanced In several Painting and General practice of medicine previous sessions by Representative HAY BUYER 8nyder of Pennsylvania. In fact, he X-ray Physiotherapy Kalsoming has introduced his bill at every session since 1937 and usually It has W. F. JAHN I will do only interior died in committee. The bill has be SHOE SHOPS Dealer in Hay and en re-introduced and again It calU work until spring. for the construction of three high Abbott’* Show Shop Grain. AH kinds of shoe and harness ways running east and west and No. 5, Factory Court six running north and south across repairing. Nyssa, Oregon Across from prat office Tel. 119W-NO. 3 the United States, each 100 feet Opposite Sugar Factory wide and with not more than four percent grade. To build these roads. Nest Eggs Frank T. Morgan Attention! Sugar Beet Contracts Professional And Business Directory The Amalgamated Sugar Company Book Your Seed Potatoes Early Be Sure O f Delivery O n ion Seed J. R. Simplot Dehydrating Co. Andy McGinnis