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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1945)
PAGE SIX mumm TH E NYRSA -■ G A - T E C IT » Y ■ ".-»1 JO U ■ R N A . t - = T H U R S D 1 A .-1 Y . - F ■ E . . B . R U A R Y ■■ 1, -- 1945 3 = 6 ■ ■ --- - ■ - - ■ ■ lF lx c three miles east of Nyssa, 67 acres reward. Lyle Fullmer. | entn* bridge club met at Mrs G r- the home ol Mrs Tom Eldridge. The visited her son, W illiam Cooper I ant Rinenart’s home last week, high prize in the card game was and also Kenneth and Ralph W ill- Irrigable, 35 acres alfalfa, small FO R R E NT—100 acres, 65 acres un Prizes in the card game were won won by Mrs Dale Garrison. Mrs lams and Mr and Mrs Glenn Butts house, deep well. R. S. Madden, der cultivation, practically all a lf by Mrs Bernard Eastman and Mrs s. P. Bybee received the traveling and family. Caldewll, Idaho, phone 624. lF lxc alfa ground, first row crop last L. A. Mauldlng. Mrs Rinehart had pnze A t 0, ^ was Mrs , a s extra o v t r o t guests m A a tc M r c John In h n R M 'I r h a r n as Mrs Beckham FO R SALE—Collapsible baby bug years. Located in Sunset valley, 13 Kessler of Burley, Idaho, sister of Visit At Vale— and Mrs Barbara Smith. lF2xp miles southwest of Nyssa. See He Mr and Mrs A. L. Heldt and fam gy. Rubber tires. Call 5J. Mrs Vibert Kessler. | t- nry Hintz at Robert Ditty’s, 6 miles ily were dinner guests at the Harry ENTERTA1NS CLUB CELEBRATES B IR T H D A Y Mrs Jeffrey from 3 to 7 o’clock In FOR SALE—‘Men’s pre-war bicycle. west and 14 mile north of Lang- A N N IV E R SA R Y OBSERVED Burkhardt home near Vale last Inquire of Mrs Robert Davis, Sec to n s corner. Mrs J. J. Sarazln Invited the lF lx p Janeel Fide, daughter o f M r and honor at Mrs Pete Blake and her M r and Mrs S. P. Bybee enter- , s unday. Tuesday evening bridge club to her ond and Green. lF lx p Mrs Dean Fife, celebrated her sixth twins, Lerry William and Garry home this week. Four guests besid- tabled 16 guests Saturday evening birthday Friday with a party at her Charles. Approximately 50 ladles es the club members were, Mrs in observance of their wedding ann- y lllt Here W ANTE D —Substitute carrier for home. Her cake was a large three- called during the afternoon and Bernard Eastman, Mrs Jake Sim-J iversary. The group attended the M r and Mrs Dan Garvey and Idaho Statesman morning route. tier cake trimmed In silver and evening to extend congratulations mons, Mrs John Beckham and M r s . dance, later going to the Bybee lF lxc Mr and Mrs Frank Crookham and Apply James Prayn. pink. Each guest received a little to the mother and present gifts to S. W. Abersold. Prizes went to Mrs home for refreshments. their families of Caldwell spent the babies. The twins were born Abersold and Mrs A. H. Boydell. red basket filled with candy. - 8 - L O S T —Blue-gray topcoat and pair W EDNESDAY CLUB MEETS Sunday with Mr and Mrs Herbert of gray suede gloves in pocket, at at the Nyssa Nursing home Jan — 8— W on’t hatch Mrs Sid Burbidge was hostess to p lsjler | MIR AND MRS MEET uary 4. E NTE R TAIN S FOR U TAH N S Union dance January 19. Liberal b __________________ , The Mr and Mrs Club met last the Wednesday evening bridge c l u Mr and Mrs Ray Burmingham — 8— Unless you 1 Wednesday evening at the George last week. Mrs Harry Miner was Here From Ontario— PLEDGE SE RVICE HELD and son, Carl, of Salt Lake City He udlck ^ The W.S.CS. pledge service was Mitchell home. Prizes in bridge high scorer and Mrs Frank R am -, ^ were dinner guests at the home of Set on them M r and Mrs S. P. Bybee Monday held at the Bernard Frost home were won by Mrs R. G. Larson for baud second high. Special guests ButUer of < * * * , vlslted at the Thursday afternoon with Mrs Will high and Mr. Larson for second were Mrs Emma Quinby. Mrs homes of Mr and Mrs Al Kuehn evening. George Hennamen and Mrs Ram- Flndllng us co-hostess. The meet high. - I - and Mr and Mrs Bud Anderson baud. ing was presided over by the pres QUELTING HELD Sunday. G IV E CARD P A R T Y Sixteen ladles met at the home ident, Mrs Carlos Buchner. Mrs - 8 - T O HOLD P A R T Y Mr and Mrs R. G. Whitaker en o f Mrs Luther Fife Tuesday at i Floyd Lomax was in charge of From Boise— The Rebekahs and Odd Fellows 10 a.m. to quilt. Lunch was served "The open door” , the devotional tertained at their home Sunday Susan Zamora of Boise spen the by Mrs Bernice Hlbbert and Mrs ¡topic for the new year. Mrs George evening at four tables of pinochle, lodge will hold a pinochle party . JT v M < . “ . „1 Z T T th . I week-enl with her parents, Mr and Hennaman presented an interest The ladies’ prizes were won by Mrs Monday night, February 5 In the! J. Flek. ii . K ic . k . » __ . . H . i/ n h . a l .. l zL . ^ w i ... . firl , V i » n T T li? a 1 .Mrs M. c . Zamora or Newell nei- ^ h iir lp « M pw p M rs l l h#» Newell, high, Mrs Bert In lodge hall. Prizes will be given. T h e ! ing pledge service. Mrs C liff Main r Charles —I — gtits. completed the program with a pia Lienkaemper, second high, and M r s , public is invited to attend. E N T E R T A IN A T D INN ER M r and Mrs R. M. Cochran en no solo, "Jesus, Lover o f My Soul” . Henry Hartley the traveling prize. | - 8 - Visits Mother— The prizes for the men went to J tertained at dinner Wednesday Tom and Harry Newby were In Grant Rinehart, high, Harry M in evening for Ensign and Mrs Dwight CLUB MEETS Nyssa Wednesday visiting their mo Wyckoff and Mrs Charles McClure The Sunday evening M r and Mrs er, second high, and the traveling ther. Mrs Lillian Newby. They were and Mrs Clyde Sohurr and Linda club was entertained by Mr and prize to Carlos Buchner. en route to Pendleton. Ann of Caldwell. * Mrs George Hennaman. Harry Min er received the high score and Mrs GIVES DINNER Ships Mu es To St. Louis— Protect your prop - I - Here From Nampa— Bernard Eastman the second high WOMEN G IVE TE A Mrs Letha Jeffrey entertained The Bycee Livestock company erty with proper insur Mrs John Potter o< Nampa spent Sunday at dinner for Mr and Mrs shipped a carload of 30 mules to Mrs Letha Jeffrey and Mrs Eldon - f - last week visiting at the homes of ance. OLUB E N TE R TAIN E D Eldon Jensen, Mr and Mrs Douglas the stockyards at St. Louis W ed Jensen entertained at a tea W ed Mrs Olive Drewitz and Mrs Eldon Members of the Wednesday ev- Bateman and their families and nesday. D. O. Bybee will go to St. nesday aftemdon at the home of Jensen. Miller Jensen. Louis to try to place some of the Coming In February better mules with the government. Returns From Portland— - 8 - SU RPR ISE P A R T Y G IVEN Mrs Barbara Smith o f the Owy Mrs Frank Newbill was given a Returns To Portland— hee Drug company has returned fr suiprise birthday party Saturday Mrs W. K. Wahlert Sr. returned om a short business trip to Port evening at her home by a group o i to her home In Portland Sunday land. I her friends. Five tables of pinochle after a ten-day visit with her son, ! were in play. Prizes were given to W. K . Wahlert and family. Breaks Leg— Mrs Oharles Newbill for high score Evelyon Long of Jordan Valley Send the children to school with lunchboxes ! and Mrs Wright for low score for On Business Trip— broke one of her legs when she •the women. The men winning high Joe Sutherland and Kenneth Re- fell last week. She Is a niece of Mrs full of body-building food without using a sin and low scores were Frank Cumm nstrom of the Dessert Seed comp A1 Thompson of Nyssa. If you can’t find it any place else, come to ings and Charles Newbill, respect any made a business trip to Salt gle ration stamp. A typical ration-free lunch ively. Jake’s. I may have it or know where it is. Lake City Friday, returning home Enlists In WACS— Tuesday. Lucille Cook has enlisted In the would be peanut butter sandwiches, raw carrot ATTE ND DANCE WACS. She will go to Portland for M r and Mrs Herbert Fisher att Return From Visit— a physical examination. and cabbage salad and wholesome milk. ended the President’s ball, sponsor Mrs Herbert Shaw and son, Paul, ed for the infantile paralysis fund former Kingman Kolony residents. Church MeeU_ at Boise Saturday night at the .have returned from Phoenix, Ariz- , . . . ^ I.O.O.F. hall. Mr and Mrs Fisher ona, where they visited Mrs Shaw’s MrthortL . h h . , , were guests of Mr and Mrs R ob e rt1 mother, Mrs L. B. Pickett, for five 1 M elh° dlst church met JanuarV 28 from 12:30 to 4 p.m. A potluck din- : Troxwell. weeks. They went from here to ner was served to the workers and I Jamison, where the family has loc their families, alter which a c o n -! O IV E PO TLU C K SUPPER ated on a farm. ference was held. Plans were made The boys and girls Junior classes for Improvement of equipment and ; of the Methodist ahurch under the Here From Boise— procedure. leadership of their teachers, Mrs Franklin Carr, Boise photograp Sandy Fife and Irvin Dale T op llff her. and his family visited at the Here From Utah— lave a potluck supper In tihe social W. W. Smith and Cecil Smith ho M r and Mrs Ray Burnlngham .oom o i the church Friday evening. mes In Newell heights Sunday. and son, Carl, o f Salt Lake City Thirty guests, Including parents of arrived In Nyssa Sunday on a bus the young people attended. Games Here From Union— iness trip. They visited at the home These are army bunks complete with matt were the diversion o i the evening. Mrs William Woodruff of Union of Mrs Burningham’s sister, Mrs ress. was an overnight guests of M r and - 8 - Gordon Ray. CLUB E NTE R TAIN E D for 1945 are now available for your signature. Mrs H. B. Williams o f Newell The Happy Eight Pinochle club heights recently. She was en route Everything possible is being done to complete Goes T o California— was entertained Friday afternoon at from San Francisco, where she Mrs Clarence Aston left Thursday the sign-up at an early date. An early contract !' "I "I hhihm in in iii m m in1'iii iT it him ii ii iiiii hi hi iii iii hi m hi hi in mitliii hi min hi in hi iihmm for San Francisco and Los Angeles is very necessary to us in planning for labor Coil Bed Springs on a business trip. She plans to | and in the equitable distribution of fertilizer. Four spring-filled visit her son, James, at the navy I base In San Diego. Schedule for signing contracts: Bed Davenos Nest Eggs Watch for the Birthday SALE LOCAL NEWS M i (Pm'PoAZÿ... fact t/ou (pet School Lunchbox Full and No Ration Points Nyssa Pharmacy Frank T. Morgan Odds 6* Ends Jake’s Fix-it Shop Shelton’s Dairy Bunks For Y o u r Attention! Farm H e lp S u g a r Beet C on tracts S p rin g s For Sp rin g Need I Just Arrived Three Walnut Bedroom Suites One Walnut Dining Room Suite Nordale Furniture Store i in in in in in nini in in in in in unii in « in ni r in ni h in in n m m u n m i i . . . . . . NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE DOUBLE F E A TU R E For A ll Family Machines Packages of three 10c For mail orders add 2c for each six packages or fraction to cover postage. State name of machine and size thread used. I will furnish proper needles. No limit on quan tity. Stamps accepted. Organized school lunch programs plus more care on the part of mot hers are coming to give the pre sent day school child a better ch ance for good health through better food, says Mrs Irene N. Makinson, chairman of the Malheur county nutrition committee. Emphasis on the Importance of good food Is helping dlsoourage a too emmon practice o f sending ch- I lldren off to school after a break Repairing Since 1890 fa s t of coffee and a roll and with Box 608 Ontario a lunch consisting of a sandwich J 1 1 1 1 I I I I HI III M il l Jilin III III III III III III III III I ! III 1 1 11 HI HI III m ill III III HI III III III III III III III III III III III III 11 III 1 1 1! Ill III and a piece of cake. Under that system most of the day’s food is crowded Into a single evening meal. Nutrition specialists say that each meal needs to carry Its share of the daily food requirements. F. "L e te ” Sacke tt FRIDAY and SATURDAY FEBRUARY 2—3 Johnny Mack Brown, Raymond Hatton in “GHOST GUNS” SUNDAY and MONDAY FEBRUARY 4— 5 “SWEET AND LOWDOWN” Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm . 30e-0c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evening«, 40c-9c. Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY FEBRUARY 6 Donald Woods, Claudia Drake in “ENEMY OF WOMEN” Color Cartoon and Captain America ______________________ Adm. 26e-tc, In «. Tax_________________ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY FEB. 7—8 Spencer Tracy, Signe Hasso, and Hume Cronyn in “THE SEVENTH CROSS” Spencer Tracy in one o f his finest roles. Late W ar News Adm. Evening*. 00e-0e, Including Tax Adrian, Holly Brothers’ store, Februay 8, 9, 15 and 16. Please bring the correct legal description of your land with you. The Amalgamated S u g a r C om pan y N O TICE —-The Royal Neighbors will give a benefit card party, Rebekah hall, Monday evening, February 12 at 8 p.m. Public Is Invited. Lunch will be served. lF2xc Mat., Sat., 2:30 Aditi 35c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evening*, 40c-9c, Including Tax A musical that’s “ solid” entertainment from the first down-beat to the last kiss! Cartoon and 2-reel special Ontario chamber of commerce office, Feb ruary 7 and 14. FOR SALEH—Tw o electric washing machine motors. Jake's Flx-lt shop lF lx c JOURNEY” Jack Oakie, Lynn Bari, Linda Darnell, and Benny Goodman and His Band in Nyssa factory office, Monday to Friday each week. Too Late to Classify Exploring by camera into Darkest Africa! “DANGEROUS LU NCH PROGRAM S H ELP CHILDREN Baby Chicks— Started Chicks Sexed Pullets and Cockerels. Metal feeders and Fountains. FOR SALE— 1 set new pistons, .030 oversize, fit 1935 or ’36 Olds motor, or O.M.C. pickup. David Beers, route 2, Nyssa, Oregon. W ANTE D T O B U Y —A tandem or offset tractor disc Harry Mosto, route l, Homedale, Idaho. IF3xp Jamesway Fuel oil Brooders. Thermometers — Brooder fence. Peat Moss — Egg scales. Egg Buffers For Quality Chicks and Supplies Call Lemon’s Hatchery Phone 111J FOUND—Pair o i lady’s glasses. In blue case. Owner may have them by paying for this advertisement at the Journal office. lF lx c Nyssa, Oregon FO R SALE—Hay, 3rd. cutting, ex tra good. 2 miles east at Nyssa. 4 miles north on H. P. Ostermlller ranch. i f 2xp FOR R E N T—30 acres. 2 miles north of Vale. 3-4 miles west of John Day highway 2 room house, base ment, bam room for 11 cows. 7 acres pasture. 7 acres alfalfa, nice berry patch, fruit trees. Milk, mall and bus route. Inquire at the farm. James Cniaon. lF3xp POR R E NT -80 acre 2nd unit farm. Nice Assortment of Davenports & Chairs and Davenos in Variety of Colors All spring-filled furniture."Just like pre-war merchandise. Nyssa Furniture Co.