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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1945 bllftCft TOWN and FÄRM fJ in WARTIME Prepared by OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION vr HE CIVILIAN SUFPLIE3 WILL BE Shortages always generate an urge LOW to pay higher prices to get more. Clil'kCH OF THE NA7.AKKNE CHI KCH OF CHRIST Supplies of meat, butter, sugar, This increases the dangers of in- E. J. Wilson, Pastor. (Christian) canned and packaged foods, cloth- nation. In 1945, OPA states, supp- 1 10 A.M. Sunday school. Oeorge Wnipple. Pastor. ing, and many durable goods will jjgg will be large enough to meet I Bible School, 10 A.M. 11 A. M., morning worship service. be In 1946, . , civilian , ... ___. Punctuality is a sign of Spiritual- 7 P.M., Pre-prayer service. _ smaller , , ’ OPA advises. _... i essential needs . but . much Record buying and Increased millt- > ULU 7:15 P.M., Young people and junior ary demands In 1944 greatly reduc- smaler than the amount people “ >'• services. ea reserves, which have so far help- j could buy with the money they will I Morning worship, 11 A.M. 8 PM. evangelistic service. ed meet demands. The present scar- have to spend. The OPA Program | Communion served each Lord's B p ^ Tj,e t(rst Wednesday of each city of metal household equipment to meet this situation asks rigid | day. i month all the missionary societies and appliances will remain acute compliance with rationing regulat-! Sermon topic, “I Desire Mercy1 and the Men Crusaders meet for until peacetime production can be ions and pi ice ceilings, plus re- and not Sacrifice”. Matthew 9:13. their regular studies, resumed. At the same time more j straint in buying and a high level i Sunday night: Evangelistic s e r-■ The other Wednesdays of the people will be eager to replace eq- of savings, including war bond pur- ' vices, I month prayer and Bible study are ulpment and household furnishings chases. 7:30 P.M., junior, senior and adult held. that are now more nearly worn o u t.1 RATION FREE SHOE SALE COM- Christian Endeavor. We extend to you a cordial lnvtt- 8:16 P.M., song service and p r - ! ation to all our services, eaching. Sermon, 'Thou Art The Christ”. ADRIAN FREE METHODIST Buy Your CHURCH Matthew 16:16. Adrian. Oregon Continue to read the book of | P. H. Reiman, Pastor Matthew for ■ daily devotions. Sunday school, 10 A.M. THE COMMUNITY UNITED Preaching, 11 AM. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH We are joining the district for a Kingman Memorial Joint meeting at Caldwell three nights this week. Friday, Saturday J. C. Nevtn. Pastor 10 A.M., Bible school. Critical sit and Sunday, so there will be no uation in War vs Evil-"Study to service in the church Sunday night. Show thyself approved unto God" i Next Wednesday cottage prayer 1 _______; _,,, , 1 T7- 1 X T „ 1 « Early to secure the best. or Die. service _ will be in . the Ed Nelson 11 A.M., morning worship. In home in Rldgeview. celebration of Young People's day, j THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH the Pioneers and Builders will lead. Blue Tag certified Minnesota Pontiac. Theme: “Youth Serves!" II. J. Grrnhardt, Pastor. 7:30 PM., evening worship. The Church School. 10. Blue Tag certified Wyoming Triumphs. adults lead our song service. | Worship and Sermon, 11. Monday, 7:45 P.M., Boy Scout | “Teaching Christianity", Blue Tag certified Montana Russets. troop 36 meets in the high school, j Fellowships, Intermediate, Youth, Wednesday, 7:45 P.M., Study and. Young Adult, 7. Blue Tag certified Montana White Rose. prayer service Evening worship. 8. 8.30 PM., choir practice( See Sun Choir practice Monday, 7.30. Russets-One year out of certification. day Bulletin for place). Bible study and prayer Wednesday, Friday. 10 A. M., prayer group 8 . 1 meets at Pinkston home. Everyone , Intermediate workers conference Certified and uncertified white and yellow ¡welcome. [Monday, Feb. 5, 7:30 p.m. Potato and O nion Seed Big Bend Call at our Nampa Office J. C. SEWELL Produce Company A F IR S T NATION»“- „ „ CARS the new farm they purchased in Arena Valley. Mrs M. E. Rogers Is staying at the Watts home In Parma while Mrs Watt is In the hospital. Mr and Mrs Dowlng of McCall spent the week-end visiting Mr and Mrs R. L. Haworth. The Horace Chaney family are moving into the J. R. Chaney home and George Cartrlght is moving in to his house. George will work on the ranch this season. The J. R. Chaneys have moved to Nyssa. Legal Advertising IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MALH EUR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE EST ATE OF EDWARD DONALD NOR CO! T, Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice hereby is given by the undersigned administratrix of the above entitled estate to the cred itors of and all persons having cl aims against the said deceased, to file them with the necessary vouch ers within six months after the date of this notice, at her residence in Nyssa, Oregon, which residence Is designated as the place of business for all matters connected with the estate. Lucille F. Norcott, Administratrix Dated and first publ. Feb. 1, 1945 Last publ. Mar. 1, 1945. Sunset Valley Bob Newgen was among those taking physical examination at Bo ise Monday for entrance into the armed forces. Henry Hintz, Who left the Valley a year ago to make a home for his family In Bellingham. Washington, returned Wednesday of last week to look after business interests and visit relatives In the valley.. Elaine Jones of Adrian was an overnight guests of Darlene Robb Thursday evening. Magnus Ekanger Is in- Idaho Palls ING UP normal accumulation of odds and on business. He Is expected home | Limited quantities of men's a n d ' ends and broken sizes. Before rat- this week. T-5 Goro Nisht of Camp Shelby, women's shoes may be sold to con- ; ionlng, such shoes were customarily Mississippi is spending his furlough | sumers ration-free at specified pr- ; disposed of In seasonal clearance visiting his parents and other re ice reductions during the two weeks ; sales. OPA estimates that about latives In the valley. period of February 18 through 4,500 000 paris of shoes will be sold Rev. and Mrs R. L. Casselman March 3, OPA announces. Two-fold in this special ration-free “sale'', and Rev. and Mrs Oren Hutchison purpose of the temporary ration CUT AUTOMOBILE RATION were shopping in Nampa Monday. holiday, OPA states, is to give con- I A cut of one-third will be made Lilly Mae Schneider is working sumeTs the benefit erf extra shoe in the number of new passenger in Boise. j mileage that otherwise might re- cars available for rationing in Feb- Mr and Mrs Hubb Robb enter-- main unused on dealers' shelves, ruary, when the quantity will am- tained at dinner Thursday evening ! and to help clear their stocks of the ount to 2,000 cars on a national for Mr and Mrs Alvon McGinnis of Adrian. Mary Query and Tressa Ditty were dinner guests of Mrs H. P. Linder and Mrs Rowenah Keele at Peterson's cafe in Payette Monday. Dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Ditty Sunday were Rev. I and Mrs R. L. Oasselman and Jan ice. Rev and Mrs Oren Hutchison and son, Raymond, Mary Query and daughter, Sharon, Tressa Ditty and Bernice Schneider. The occas ion was Robert's birthday. Juanita Jones of Adrian was an overnight guest Thursday of Betty Spanish onion seed. PAGE FIVE basis, or 1.000 less than In preceding Wolfe. Bert Ekanger of Portland Is stay months, OPA reports. The action will leave about 13,000 new cars in ing at the Magnus Ekanger resid ence, the nalion’s stockpi.e. Mr. Ekanger who owns a farm In WAR BONDS KEEP FARM DE the Black canyon project between BTS SAFE" “Encourage farmers to maintain Parma and Nyssa plans to farm his a proper balance between making place this summer. Rev. and Mrs Oren Hutchison payments on mortgages and invest ing in war bonds" says the Am and son, Raymond, left Monday by erican Bankers Association in a train for their home in North Pl bulletin addressed to the Rural ains, Oregon after concluding a successful three weeks meeting at Bankers of America. Banks are advised to "encourage the Assembly of God Church Sun farmers to maintain a proper bal day night. Mrs Leslie Ditty had an Imbedded ance between making payments on mortgages and investing in war wisdom tooth extracted Tuesday at bonds. If a person pays a mortgage Nyssa. all up now, and then has to get another one after the war he may not be able to get terms as favor able as those he now has." The Wade PTA will meet Friday The bankers also call attention afternoon at the home of Mrs Har- to the fact that “wear and tear on , vey Bennett. The program will farm machinery and buildings must center on “Founders Day' Mrs St- be paid for eventually. Whether or iner and Mrs Will Gibson are not the mortgage Is all paid off. A assistant hostesses. farmer will. probably be in a safer Miss Gen rose McCullough of St. position to end up the war with a Louis arrived Friday fora week-end moderate sized mortgage at a low visit with Miss Virginia Miller. On interest rate and a good nest egg in Sunday she visited in the Haworth war bonds than no mortgage, no home. bonds, and badly run-down build | Pfc. Francis Hickman, who spent ings and equipment”. | the past two years on various is This is a part of the program of lands in the Pacific, returned home. the American Bankers Association Saturday evening to spend his fur aimed at getting farmers to build lough with his parents, Mr and up large enough war bond reserves Mrs Walter Hickman. to give them financial protection In Mr and Mrs Cecil Case are mov post-war period. ing from the Rockfeller ranch to Spring is Around the Corner but Harness Is Here Now Be prepared for plowing and other spring work with new work harness. We have a good selection in three different grades. $96.50 & Up We also have a stock of saddle horse supplies -Bridles, blankets, saddles, bits, halters and rop- es. Hollingsworth Hdwe. and Imp. Co. Lend Us Your Ear PERSONOF FINANCIAL gar You may make a First National Loan | f ° r any worthwhile purpose; hospital You’ll Be and doctor bills, accumulated bills or other unexpected emergencies. Pleased Cost is low and you repay monthly over a year’s period. To Hear ft I Loans m ade in any amount from *50 to *1000 and you establish your Bank Credit for future use. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND E D E L A * About all the things we have stocked for you here. Waste Baskets Playing Cards Desk Paper Baskets Bridge Tallies Typewriter Type Cleaner Bridge Pads Scotch Tape Pencils Thumb Tacks Tablets Gripspreader Mucilage Stationery Desk Calendars Paper Towels Gate City Journal