M A « ! t> ' THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L TH U RSD AY FE B R U A R Y 1, 1945 Classified rough Two cenu prt opportunities on H cup flaked tuna fish Irrigated land.” in the bureau’s regional headquart add miik and melted shortening. thday supper in honor of their son. ers in Boise, Idaho, Is at work on Add to flour mixture, stirring only Junior, Tuesday night. Those pres the report. Mr. Banks said With until flour Is moistened. Into 4 ent besides M r and Mrs Junior the results of its own engineering greased 3-inch muffin cups put Randall were. Mr and Mrs Sherman and economic studies, covering a enough batter to half fill each cup. Keck. M r and Mrs Leland Kissell Advertising KATES settlement I Charles Bales has been stationed Sfit together flour, baking pow ¡at Fort Roberts, California. Almost the entire planning staff der, salt and mustard. Beal egg and Mr and Mrs Randall gave a bir- An Army Nurse in Italy Draws V/ater in a Helmet ■oro I or eacn Issue Minimum cash In period foundation, W ith spoon, make hollows ln center and family, M r and M rs George of muffins. Press 2 tablespoons Balz, Mr and Mrs Curly McEwen hdings of all agencies concerned flaked tuna fish in each hollow. snd family, Ralph MoEwen. M r and and coordinating the pertinent fl- Cover tuna fish with remaining Mrs Clarence Lancaster and family. with the development and admln- muffin batter. Bake in moderately M r and Mrs Rinhold Stohler and hot oven (425) degrees 20 minutes. ■stration of Pacific northwest re- Serve hot with Vegetable Cream family. Elmer Parker, Mrs Mae advance Is 30c of years, as a the bureau is assembling, weighing, ■Vll.bcLLLANLOUb For Sale FO R S A L E — Ear corn. W alter Ben son. route 2. Nyssa, phone 03R2. 25J2xp For Rent F O R R E N T — Approximately 80 ac- I res row crop land. Good house, good well of soft water. One mile LOOKING from packing shed and beet dump. FO R S A L E — Slightly used wood or cash rent. J. O. Tallman, 5 miles coal kitchen range. Just like new.' south of Adrian on highway. 25J2xp $35 cash. Mrs S. Nil, Adrian labor _ camp 25J2XO POR RE7NT-10° acres' 65 acres ______________________________ under cultivation, practically all F O R S A I a E— S mall house east oi alfalfa ground, first row crop last tracks in W ard addition. «1000 year’ L o c a W ln Sunset valley’ 13 mi.es southwest of Nyssa. 3ee Henry cash. See Frank T . Morgan. 25Jtfc Hints at Robert Ditty’s, 6 miles AHEA 9 •V G E O R G I S BENSON Freud1 .ti-, Mentii: j College Life in the field it rigorous — for U. S. Army nunet as well at for the troops. Here, Lieutenant B. Iredale, ANC, member of an evacuation hospitol unit in Italy, draws water for washing in a helmet as another Army nurse stands by awaiting her turn. The Army needs more nurses to care for aur fighting men. F O R S ALE — Heavy springer Jerseyjwest and '* mlle north of L“ " « - ! ton’s corner. ■ --------- 25J1XC cow. Edward C. Larsson, Columbia ____ —------------------------ —----------- is for final settlement and upon . . . . . . avenue. 25J4xp P O R R E N T — 150 acre farm 7 miles southeast of New Plymouth. Thirty ,and be heard thereon' Said account F O R S A L E — Thompson’s C hek-R - acres in alfalfa. Good deal to right J ^ehig approved and settled, said Chix for delivery every Wednesday party. See Frank T. Morgan. 18J3xc | estate will be closed, distribution and Saturday aiter :.:arch 3. O rd made of the balance of estate in LO ST er early to get the breed and date the hands of the Executrix and said you want them. Thompson’s Ont LOST, S T R A Y E D O R S T O L E N —My Executrix discharged oi her trust. ario hatchery. 18Jtfc new fur coat, but I should woVry. First pub. Feb. 1, 1945 was insured by B E R N A R D La^ t Pub; ^ ar 5; 1945 F O R S A L E - Farm -all F-30 tractor, It Ruth McConnell on rubber. In good mechanical co E AST M A N. See us about this fur Executrix of the estate of Otto ndition. Contract or write Leslie coat insurance. 14Dtfc Schweizer, deceased. C. Ditty, route 2, Nyssa. 18Jtfc B U T C H E R IN G P O R S A L E — Hall Holst, fertilizer Custom butchering every Monday broadcaster. Seed Potatoes, one < and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork, year out. White Rose and Bliss ! Sanitary butchering guaranteed. Mrs Eliza Adams was taken to Triumphs. Pete Tensen. llJ4xc Phone 05R1. Please bring stock Sunday evening or Thursday even- I Ontario hospital with pneum- P O R S A L E — One stock bed, 6 foot mg. All stock must be in by 12, i onia last Sunday evening. stake rake, 1 McCormick-Deering noon, on butchering day. One mile Barbara, Robert and Hazel Potts separator. Jake Groot, Alberta ave west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. spent Sunday night at the home of nue. 18Jtfc Jake Fischer. Roy Rookstool while their parents were in Ontario. TO R S A L E — Mrs Charles Share went to Cald . e g a l 4 Room modern home, full base well Wednesday. Mr. Share went to ment, good location. *1000. Terms. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Caldwell Thursday and she accom 7 acres at edge of town $1800. N O T IC E H E R E B Y IS G IV E N to panied him home. Terms. I tjle cre<ii(*),., atld an other persons, _ _ r __ M an ____ Mrs ___ Bill ______ Colemafi ____ and Bernard ^Eastman.______________ 7Dtfc ■ interested in the estate of Dirk ■ daughter attended the Vale sale last Upper Sunset Advertisement Seur f, ¿rkuHsae % Head and Hanes sauce. V E G E T A B L E CR EAM S A U C E 14 cup margerlne or butter 14 cup flour 1 t. salt 14 t. pepper 2 cups milk 4 sliced hard cooked eggs 1 cup diced cooked carrots or car rots and peas Melt shortening. Add flour, salt, snd pepper, stirring constantly. Add milk gradually, stirring until mix ture thickens. Add sliced hard cook ed eggs and carrots. Heat thorough ly. Young and Raymond, Mr and Mrs Vern Mikkelson and Ralph Puckett and children. M r and Mrs Harry Wood had as supper guests Thursday night, M r and Mrs Walter LaGrande and Miss Jeannne Seuell. Those leaving this community Thursday night to enter the armed forces were Junior Randall. Douglas Cruson, Austin Montag and Bill Blakesley. A community meeting will be held at Cecil Evans’ home Wednes day night, February 7. The purpose of this meeting is to decide what should be done with the funds. Those interested are invited to at tend. Nu-Acres Grange met Friday right. A good-sized crowd attended. Three new members took their obligation. Lunch was served by Mrs Dwight Durrington and Mrs Bob Johnson. M r and Mrs Paul Thomson acc ompanied M r and Mrs Bryon Moore to Payette on business Thursday. When I was nine years old. n father sent me horseback on an i home of her parents, M r and Mrs rand to a nearby farm. Our licit 1 McCail Friday after being a pat bar, an elderly man, was hoeing ient at the Holy Rosary hospital his vegetable garden when I qi NU-ACRES for three days. She planned to leave mounted, but he came to the ban gate to talk with me. While we xtooi Wednesday for K 'am ath Falls. "Ore M r and Mrs Walter LaGrande lucre, a cattle buyer passed in a gon, where she will visit her sister single-seated vehicle pulled by a made a business trip to Boise T hu r and family. spirited horse. The salutation be sday. Kay Francis Moore, who has Lincoln C. E. was presented & Iw^cen hiy two elders was cool anu been sick the past week is improv plaque by the district C. E. having 'stilted. \ ing. » been the winner in a contest. The Mrs Dave Barney received a letter Childlike, I inquired with frank plaque must b e . won two .years in ness; "D on’t- you 4ike Mrr-Moor«?." from her son, Leroy, who is in the succession in order to be kept by Then my neighbor begun ’’educat Medical Corps, stating he has re any society. ing" me. He informed me in a low turned to New York after spending Installation of officers of the j tone, implying a great deal, that some time in England. Christian Endeavor will be held i Moore was a rich man. Without Sunday evening at the schoolhouse. , paying it in so many words, he hint- j Mrs Elizabeth MoDole and M r i ed that the trader was not to be and Mrs Elroy McDale and family trusted and that his wealth proved went to Boise Sunday. They visited the point. My next question was M r McDale's sister-in-law and fam lrom the heart: "How much money ily of Seattle, who were visiting in can a man have and be honest?" All Figured Out. Boise. Having been called to the service, I will sell all ‘‘In these parts,” he said thought- M r and Mrs Jule Houston and daughters were Sunday dinner gu- fully, "a man can't get together my personal property on the old Kingman ranch 3 ests at the home of Mrs Houston’s ! more than $10,000 in a lifetime un miles east of Adrian, Oregon or 1 mile east and % parents, M r and Mrs Blaine May of less he carries on some right shaay Valley View. | business.” He did not say how he mile south of Kingman Kolony schoolhouse. Mrs A. B. Jonasson of Boise vis- ! arrived at the figure; probably he ited over the week-end with her! wa* speaking from a long t ie s parents, M r and Mrs T. C. Nielson. wealth of observations. I knew he Bob and Chester Goodell and was sincere, but many years had Clifford Harris took physical exam passed before I knew how wrong he was. His words were a figment of inations in Boise last week, , M r and Mrs Harvey Simmons class prejudice. Sale Starts At 12:30 P.M. In the United States, class preju l and son, Jimmy, were among those Lunch Served by Grange Ladies. Free Coffee trast entertained at Sunday dinner at dice is nearly harmless by to the misery it deals people m other 1 Gray mare, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1450 lbs. the c liff Jordan home. lands. Just the same, we have some 1 Bay Horse, 5 yrs. old, wt. 1400 lbs. M r and Mrs R ay Whitsell and of it, and it’s a curse. Moreover, family were Sunday dinner guests lVo sets of work harness and several collars. it is not limited to coo.n ss between at the Ralph Barnes home. rangers and slock buyers. Recent 1 jersey cow, 6 yrs; old, just fresh. The Buell Hickey family has been ly a high executive of the U. S. 1 Jersey cow, 9 yrs. old, giving 3 gal. now. released from quarantine and the Treasury Department let himsell boys started back to school Monday. say this: "N o man who works with 1 Spotted cow, 8 yrs. old, heavy springer. his hi nds can be worth $5.U0U a 1 Guernsey cow, 5 yrs. old, fresh by sale date. year.” 1 Red cow, 4 yrs. old, giving 4V-j gal. Class Prejudice He may be sincere us my vener 1 Red cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh by sale date. able neighbor of years ago, but he 1 Brindle cow, 4 yrs. old, frhsh by sai&.date. does not know everything about men 1 Red cow, 3 yrs. old, iust fresh. who work with their hands. They Adoption of the plan of the house think too. In fact the must effective 1 Red cow, 3 yrs. old, heavy springer. committee on irrigation and re thinking to achieve military victory 1 Registered milking shorthorn bull, 3 yrs. old. clamation to develop the Pacific in the present war has been done at northwest through full utilization the workbench and between Uie plow 1 White cow, 3 yrs. old, just fresh. of the waters of the Columbia riv handles. Judgment, skill, and lech- 1 Jersey cow, 3 yrs. old, giving 2 gal. Farm Sale F O R S ALE — 4 room house with 1 Tensen, deceased, who was comm- ■ Monday. bgth room. $2.000, $500 down *30 ! «n ly known as Dick Tensen, that Frank Rookstool returned to the rrton-th. 69 acres in B ig Bend $4200. the undersigned has been appointed home of his brother, Roy. Saturday 20 acres, 2'-j miles from Nyssa, good Executrix of said estate and h a s 1 after spending the past month with house, 6 rooms with bath $0.000. qualified as such; All persons hav his son, Dale, and family at W e n - ing claims against said estate are dover, Utah. lFtfc. Sam Potts and family spent Sun- required to present same, duly ver- A. L. Atkeson day afternoon with his mother at ------------------------------------ified, with proper vouchers within W ANTED six months from the first public- the Holy Rosary hospital ln Ont arlo. Mrs Adam is improving. ----------------- ation of this notice, which public- W A N T E D — Manure Word has been received thiFt Mr haulers. See - ation is January 4, 1945, to the Frank T. Morgan. ISJtfc : undersigned at the office of A. L. and Mrs Edwin Bergam are parents ! Fletcher in Nyssa. Oregon, that be- ! of a daughter born January 15. Mrs W A N T E D T O B U Y —-Row crop tr ing the place designated for the Bergam is at the home of her mot- actor and equipment. Jake Binder, transaction of all business pertain- her, Mrs Rob Thompson, in Forest Marsing, Idaho Rt. 1, 25J3xp ing to said estate. i Grove, Oregon. The baby was nam- Hllda L. Tensen, Executrix ' ed Judith Norene. W A N T E D T O R E N T — 40 to 80 acres Estate of Dirk Tensen, deceased. | M r and Mrs Henderson moved row crop farm. I have tractor and | into the Bybee house last week. equipment. Inquire at Journal o ff First publication, Jan. 4, 1945. Bill Coleman was an Ontario bus- ice. 25J2xp Last publication, Feb. 1, 1945. ___________________ iness caller Wednesday. W E P A Y H IG H E S T PR IC E S lot N O T IC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G Tom Drydale and family have live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay N O T IC E H E R E B Y IS G IV E N , j hioved to the Sebum place west ette 27Ntfc that Ruth McConnell, the Executrix i ° t Nyssa. of the estate of Otto Schweizer, W A N T E D -M an ag er for Nyssa br deceased, having filed in the Co- anch, Watts Seed Co. Phone 74, er system will find the bureau of nical knowledge used elsewhere unty Court of Malheur County, St Parm a Idaho. 28Dtfc. ate of Oregon, her first and final lone Brock, Darlene Robbins, rec' amatlon prepared to undertake j WOuld be bottlenecked indeed if W A N T E D — Used furniture highest account of her administration, the Ralph Barnes, Joe Winslow and Mr the huge construction job needed.; workers used only their hands, equipment manufacturer in prices paid. Phone 149W Nyssa Cort has fixed Saturday M arch 3rd and Mrs Vern Smith and son went F A Banks rf‘i!ional director, said. | An 1945 at 11 o’clock A M . and the to the candle-light service at the * In recognition of the importance | Cleveland, Ohio, has used wage Fun ¡litre Go. lA T F f County court room in the City of church of God in Payette Sunday! o! the stream and its tributaries incentives for 20 years. In his plant, W A N T E D —If you have a machine Vale, Oregon as the time and place evening. The meeting concluded area- as re-emphasized by workers get more pay when they do no longer needed. I will pay cash for the hearing of said account and the Payette Valley Christian E n- the committee, the bureau is push- faster and better work. They like far It. Electric-.or treadle. Any style, any objections that may be filed deavor convention j to early completion a compre- the idea and so does l. - employer. age, make or condition. F. “Lete” thereto, when and where all per M r and Mrs Clyde Whittle and henslve report on the water resour- When the men turned their minds Sackett, Box 608. Phone 247M. O n sons interested in said estate, may son, Raymond, moved to Ontario c?s .°^ t‘be draina*te basin,^eontem- to increasing volume so they could tario. 21Dtfc appear file objections in writing last week. Mr. Whittle was inducted plating their highest beneficial use | draw better wages, the price of a for irrigation, power development, welding machine that used to ex into the service this week. ceed $500 slid down below <200. Even M r and Mrs George Pennington flood control, navigation, fish and the buyer was benefited. have moved back to their farm. wildlife, and other purposes, Mr. Thoroughly American The Whittle family lived on the Banks said. Work on the report has Under pressure of war demands been underway for several months. warm the past year. The house committee, of which and hurry-up orders, this pay-for- Geraldine Pettet spent the week Representative Compton I. White of thinking plan really shined. Output end In Caldwell with her friend, Idaho is chairman, urged, as its increased. Users bought new equip Joan Newell. ment 60% cheaper. The tirm low key recommendation, "adoption by Mrs Harvey Simmons is now ered its percentage of profit and still congress of a comprehensive post teaching the sixth, seventh, and upheld earnings. Average wage war construction program along the eighth grades of Lincoln school. of workers climbed above $100 a lines of the inventory of the bur Mrs Edvin Miller returned to the week. The government didn’t like eau of reclamation,” which was it, however, and assessed the com offered congress as a means of dev pany an extra 1.6 million dollars a eloping the nation's basin areas and year. BILL LANE at the same time, of providing This firm is using our only safe employment and settlement opport pattern for post-war prosperity— DR. J. A. McFALL Auctioneer unities. itapes up and price» down. Both “Sue McFall and 8 -« Better' J. R. C U N D A LL This bureau inventory, Mr. Banks depend on production efficiency. This Phone 116J Nyssa said, lists possible project construct plan means purchasing power at Dentist ion valued at $168.912.000 in Idaho, home and ability to compete in for Phone 56-J $159.136.000 in Montana. $59.681,000 eign markets. Labor and industry Sarazin Clinic in Oregon, and *369.900,000 in W a s both favor this principle. Inefficien NYSSA____________O R E G O N hington. Through about 30 Colum cy. hatched by class prejudice, will bia river basin projects including bar us from foreign markets after Don M. Graham e w e l r y stores E Y E S IG H T S P E C IA LIS T Hungry Horse, Rafhdrum Prairie, the war, make goods costly at O N T A R IO OREGON ant. Columbia Basin, it provides for home, jobs scarce, and pay low. J Insurance Agency PA U LU S irrigating 1.778,000 acres of new land, giving supplemental water to PHYSICIANS JEW ELRY STORE 1.780.000 acres, now suffering from Union Pacific Time Inspector By Leona Anderson shortages, and installing about 800,- Fire and Automobile J E W E L R Y — D IA M O N D S Idaho Power Co. 000 additional kilowatts of firm L. A. Muulding, M.D. W ATCHES Physician and Surgeon power capacity. Insurance Main Street at Second "Much of the spadework for the ‘ DEEP SEA H ID E A W A Y S ’' Phone $7 program has been done, Hours: 10 to 12 and I to S An enticing name tor any dish! Rentals Bonds committee's and the rest is being carried for And this lives up to the name ln Dally- Except Sunday W YCK O FF ward as rapidly as war conditions Fry Building that we have tender muffins, sea permit,” Mr. Banks declared. “In JEWELRY STORE the words of the committee, mult- soned with a hint of mustard and Official Time Inspector for S A R A ZIN C L IN IC ^ i iple-purpose projects have laid the concealing a favorite deep sea fiah- Union Pacific foundation 'for a great agricultural tuna. A smooth cream sauce brigh J. J. Sarazin, M. D. O N T A R IO OREGON and industrial empire’ in the Col- tens these muffins ln that It con Painting and General practice of medicine mbia basin state of Idaho. W ash tains hard cooked etgs and (Heed H A Y BUYER ington, Oregon, and Western M on carrots— or peas. X -ray Physiotherapy Kalsoming tana. Would you like the exact ingred '“The committee took the bureau ients? Here goes! W . F. JA H N I will do only interior of reclamations view that irrigat M U F F IN S " SHOE SHOPS Dealer in Hay and ion and multiple-purpose water pro 1 cup flour work until spring. Abbott’* Sho« Shop jects not only will enable these st 114 t. baking powder Grain. All kinds of shoe and harness ates to support populations 'several H t. salt No. 5, Factory Court times’ that of the present but also H t. mustard. repairing. will ‘give employment to returning 1 rifg. Across from poet office. • Opposite Sugar Factory servicemen during construction and H cup milk permanency in industries, and th- 1 T. melted shortening Wed., Feb. 7 Work Scheduled On Reclamation Lincoln Heights j Professional And Business Directory DENTISTS J OPTOMETRISTS '" Victory Food Hints Andy McGinnis 1 Red heifer, 2 yrs. old, heavy springer. 1 Red heifer, 2 yrs. old, bred. 1 Red heifer, long yearling. 4 Red heifers, short yearlings. 3 Durham bull calves, short yearlings. 2 Durham heifer calves, 5 mos. old. 4 Durham calves. Cows are T. B. and Bang’s tested; Heifers are Bang’s immunized. 1 Ewe lamb. 1 Fat gilt, weight 350. 1 Good milking machine, 1 double and 1 9ingle unit. 1 Milk cart. 1 McCormick Deering cream separator. 5 10-gal. milk cans. 1 McCormick Deering No. 9 mower, practically new. 1 McCormick Deering hay rake, good as new. 1 John Deere beet cultivator, all attachments. 1 3-section harrow. 1 Disc plow. 1 Flat bottom steel corrugator. 1 Rubber tired wagon and rack, 32.6 truck tires. 2 Good 7’ x 18’ hay slips, on wheels. 2 Rope hay slings. 1 W eed burner, new. 1 Set sling pulleys. 1 Land leveler. 1 Slip scraper, 1 2-W ay plow. 1 Hay rake. 1 4-horse fresno. 160 Feet new cable. Forks, shovels, chains and other hand tools. 200 bu. wheat. 150 bu. mixed grain. 80 bu. oats. 10 T. good alfalfa hay. 10 lbs. white Dutch clover seed. 15 lbs. Ladino clover seed. 200 Grain sacks. 160 New Hampshire Red hens and pullets, laying 1 Library table. 2 Kitchen tables. 70 percent now. 1 Davenport. 1 Oak Dining table. TERMS— CASH Floyd Whiteley, Owner Col. Bert Anderson, Auct. L. H. Fritts, Clerk