M A « ! t> ' THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L TH U RSD AY FE B R U A R Y 1, 1945 Classified rough Two cenu prt opportunities on H cup flaked tuna fish Irrigated land.” in the bureau’s regional headquart­ add miik and melted shortening. thday supper in honor of their son. ers in Boise, Idaho, Is at work on Add to flour mixture, stirring only Junior, Tuesday night. Those pres­ the report. Mr. Banks said With until flour Is moistened. Into 4 ent besides M r and Mrs Junior the results of its own engineering greased 3-inch muffin cups put Randall were. Mr and Mrs Sherman and economic studies, covering a enough batter to half fill each cup. Keck. M r and Mrs Leland Kissell Advertising KATES settlement I Charles Bales has been stationed Sfit together flour, baking pow­ ¡at Fort Roberts, California. Almost the entire planning staff der, salt and mustard. Beal egg and Mr and Mrs Randall gave a bir- An Army Nurse in Italy Draws V/ater in a Helmet ■oro I or eacn Issue Minimum cash In period foundation, W ith spoon, make hollows ln center and family, M r and M rs George of muffins. Press 2 tablespoons Balz, Mr and Mrs Curly McEwen hdings of all agencies concerned flaked tuna fish in each hollow. snd family, Ralph MoEwen. M r and and coordinating the pertinent fl- Cover tuna fish with remaining Mrs Clarence Lancaster and family. with the development and admln- muffin batter. Bake in moderately M r and Mrs Rinhold Stohler and hot oven (425) degrees 20 minutes. ■stration of Pacific northwest re- Serve hot with Vegetable Cream family. Elmer Parker, Mrs Mae advance Is 30c of years, as a the bureau is assembling, weighing, ■Vll.bcLLLANLOUb For Sale FO R S A L E — Ear corn. W alter Ben­ son. route 2. Nyssa, phone 03R2. 25J2xp For Rent F O R R E N T — Approximately 80 ac- I res row crop land. Good house, good well of soft water. One mile LOOKING from packing shed and beet dump. FO R S A L E — Slightly used wood or cash rent. J. O. Tallman, 5 miles coal kitchen range. Just like new.' south of Adrian on highway. 25J2xp $35 cash. Mrs S. Nil, Adrian labor _ camp 25J2XO POR RE7NT-10° acres' 65 acres ______________________________ under cultivation, practically all F O R S A I a E— S mall house east oi alfalfa ground, first row crop last tracks in W ard addition. «1000 year’ L o c a W ln Sunset valley’ 13 mi.es southwest of Nyssa. 3ee Henry cash. See Frank T . Morgan. 25Jtfc Hints at Robert Ditty’s, 6 miles AHEA 9 •V G E O R G I S BENSON Freud1 .ti-, Mentii: j College Life in the field it rigorous — for U. S. Army nunet as well at for the troops. Here, Lieutenant B. Iredale, ANC, member of an evacuation hospitol unit in Italy, draws water for washing in a helmet as another Army nurse stands by awaiting her turn. The Army needs more nurses to care for aur fighting men. F O R S ALE — Heavy springer Jerseyjwest and '* mlle north of L“ " « - ! ton’s corner. ■ --------- 25J1XC cow. Edward C. Larsson, Columbia ____ —------------------------ —----------- is for final settlement and upon . . . . . . avenue. 25J4xp P O R R E N T — 150 acre farm 7 miles southeast of New Plymouth. Thirty ,and be heard thereon' Said account F O R S A L E — Thompson’s C hek-R - acres in alfalfa. Good deal to right J ^ehig approved and settled, said Chix for delivery every Wednesday party. See Frank T. Morgan. 18J3xc | estate will be closed, distribution and Saturday aiter :.:arch 3. O rd­ made of the balance of estate in LO ST er early to get the breed and date the hands of the Executrix and said you want them. Thompson’s Ont­ LOST, S T R A Y E D O R S T O L E N —My Executrix discharged oi her trust. ario hatchery. 18Jtfc new fur coat, but I should woVry. First pub. Feb. 1, 1945 was insured by B E R N A R D La^ t Pub; ^ ar 5; 1945 F O R S A L E - Farm -all F-30 tractor, It Ruth McConnell on rubber. In good mechanical co­ E AST M A N. See us about this fur Executrix of the estate of Otto ndition. Contract or write Leslie coat insurance. 14Dtfc Schweizer, deceased. C. Ditty, route 2, Nyssa. 18Jtfc B U T C H E R IN G P O R S A L E — Hall Holst, fertilizer Custom butchering every Monday broadcaster. Seed Potatoes, one < and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork, year out. White Rose and Bliss ! Sanitary butchering guaranteed. Mrs Eliza Adams was taken to Triumphs. Pete Tensen. llJ4xc Phone 05R1. Please bring stock Sunday evening or Thursday even- I Ontario hospital with pneum- P O R S A L E — One stock bed, 6 foot mg. All stock must be in by 12, i onia last Sunday evening. stake rake, 1 McCormick-Deering noon, on butchering day. One mile Barbara, Robert and Hazel Potts separator. Jake Groot, Alberta ave­ west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. spent Sunday night at the home of nue. 18Jtfc Jake Fischer. Roy Rookstool while their parents were in Ontario. TO R S A L E — Mrs Charles Share went to Cald­ . e g a l 4 Room modern home, full base­ well Wednesday. Mr. Share went to ment, good location. *1000. Terms. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Caldwell Thursday and she accom­ 7 acres at edge of town $1800. N O T IC E H E R E B Y IS G IV E N to panied him home. Terms. I tjle cre