THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAI THÙRSDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1945 PAGE £ ' The Gate City Journal Edljor and Tnbllaber KLA8S V. POWELL SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year............ 83 00 Six Months......... .............JIJO 06 Single Copies.... (Strictly In Advence) Published every Thursday Entered at the poslulijce through the United States the act ADVERTISING RAI ES Open rate, per Inch........ 36c Nationel, per Inch............ 35c (Jlassineds per word........ ** Minimum..........30c at Nysaa. Malheur Coumy, Oregon at Nysaa, Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1879 STUDENTS, TOWNSPEOPLE COOPERATE Mr and Mrs Dick Oroot and Mrs Marjorie Fields of Boise Mr and Mrs Pieter Tensen enter­ tained Wednesday afternoon for Mr and Mrs Oerrlt Oroot of Apple Valley. Mr and Mrs Z Davidson of Parma Mr and Mrs Dick Oroot and Mr and Mrs Dick Stam of Oregon Trail. A potluck dinner was served at noon. The afternoon was spent playing cards. Mr and Mrs Jake Oroot of Arc­ adia called at the Dick Oroot home Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs C. L. Carscadon, Jr., left Uhls week for Twin Palls to visit Mrs Oarscadon’s folks. Mr and Mrs Edwin Mowerson and Dale were In Payette Saturday eve­ ning. Conduct of the march of dimes in Nyssa for the benefit of the local and national infantile paralysis funds aptly demonstrates the cooper­ ative spirit that exists as between the schools and the townspeople. The high school, with the cooperation of Ad­ rian, staged a basketball game in the gymnas­ ium last Friday night that netted a goodly sum of money for the campaign. The students, in addition to collectively giving their student body money, voided their activity tickets and paid the regular admission to the game. Even the band members and basketball players paid admission to the contest. Approximately one-half of the money rais­ ed locally for the infantile paralysis fund w secured by the high school through the Nyssa- Adrian game and the “march of dimes” con­ ducted at the contest. The students’ contribution is just another ex­ ample of the fine attitude exemplified bv the youngsters over a period of years. The children have been very good in assisting townspeople in financial campaigns of various kinds, and war bond drives and in assisting with entertain­ ments. On the other hand, townspeople have been good to the youngters in student activities, so the praise is mutual. We hope that it will ev­ er remain so. COLUMBIA AVENUE Mr and Mrs Oerrlt Stem enter­ tained at dinner Thursday for Mrs John Stam Jr. of Oregon Trail, Dirk Selleman of Medford and Mrs John Timmerman of Newell Heigh­ ts. Pieter Tensen was a business SEE US BEFORE w M. M. Creeling has rented his farm to Herbeit Petty of Bend. Oregon. Mr. Petty is the son-in-law of Mr and Mrs Wr.lter Pinkston. He will take possession of the place ¡n about two weeks. Mr and Mrs M. M. Oreeling were Sunday visitors at the C. C. Hunt home in Nyssa. Mrs Fem Hatch of Adrian, and her mother, Mrs Wlmer of Parma, were Thursday visitors at Erma Sparks' home. Mr and Mrs August Lake and family of Parma, were Sunday dinner guests at the Art Sparks home. Mrs Kressley was In Payette Sat­ urday an business. Mrs Nichols of Portland have been visiting friends in the Kolony since last Wednesday. She returned ] to her home January 28. Mr and Mrs Wallace of Nampa vrere Sunday dinner guests at the ' Lane home. | Mrs Hurst entertained for 14 of David Hurst's friends Thursday evening of last week in honor of David’s 9th birthday. After games were played for two hours Mrs Hurst served refreshments, Includ­ ing an angetfood birthday cake. Fred Ruble of Portland was a visitor of the D. L. Hurst family last Monday. Mr. Ruble Is a field agent for the Portland Livestock Yards. He Is a cousin of Mr. Hurst. visitor In Ontario Tuesday. The Kingman Grange H.E.C. club Mrs Jerry Cooper is visiting her will meet at the home of Erma sister. Mrs Jesse Deatherage, at Sparks Tuesday, February 6. Tacona. NEWELL HEIGHTS Mr and Mrs Oerrlt Stam called at the Z Davidson home In Parma Sharon and Larry Goulet, who Sunday. In the Ontario hopsltal, are Mrs I. L. Cooper Is visltlRg at are doing nicely under the care of their the home of her daughter, Mrs doctor and two nurses. It is hoped 6adle Butcher, at Chinook, Mon­ they can be moved home some time this week. tana. Frank Ray and Lou Pratt were Callers at the George Smlt home taking loss in sheep due U in Nu Acres Sunday afternoon were dogs so some installed several large el­ ectric lights around their sheep carrols in the Owyhee. The M. L. Judd machine shed, chicken house, granary and tenant house are almost roofed and near­ ing completion, except for inside furnishing. Mrs M. L. Kurtz spent Tuesday with Mrs D. W. Patch and David in Adrian. The Modern Pioneer club meet­ ing was postponed for this month Doctors tell us that hob­ due to so much illness in the com- bies prolong the span mnity. Mrs M. L. Judd spoke on “Birds” of our lives. at the regular meeting of the In­ termediate Girl Scouts Saturday. Make a hobby of carry­ The girls are working for badges. ing adequate insurance George who was called Into protection. You may t/he service Herl, in September, has never assigned. In giving the phy­ prolong the life of your been sical examination in camp, an credit. army doctor punctured an ear dr­ um. The army is holding Herl hop­ Bernard Eastman ing the ringing in that ear will clear up. * Arlene Pterey was a Sunday guest Insurance Real Estate a t Patty DeHaven near Adrian. «•» Mrs Herl and Mary and Paul are living In the Adrian camp this year. Phone M R. R. Overstreet, who U still OREGON at Mrs VY8HA her son's home in Boise, is im­ proving each day. Do You Have A 1 Hobby? Things have a way of happening quite unex­ pectedly. In the result­ ing confusion you mi­ ght make some unwise move which you would later regret. We suggest that you see us before making any arrange­ ments. Nyssa Funeral Home Kingman Kolony Book Your Seed Potatoes Early Be Sure O f Delivery Certified and War Approved White Rose Russetts O n ¡on Seed Utah type-white and yellow sweet Spanish J . R. Simplot Dehydrating Co. Tel. 119W—No. 3 Bliss Triumph a part of the course for the dura­ Ester Neln were entertained at In the neighborhood of $40.000. tion and six month. HB 186 Incr­ dinner In the Otto Wolf home Sun­ The Vale chamber of commerce under Che direoUon of W. H. Dan­ eases the salary of the assistant day. Ák C a p iM l iel, local groceryman and president secretary of state from $4200 to of the chamber, served free barbe­ RATIONING BOARD cued $5000 a month. sandwiches and coffee to the PURIFYING RELIEF CHECKS PRAISED BY POST crowd. A thousand pound steer was ■ P Hurray Wild*5 In line with the governors recom­ Owyhee post No. 3506. Veterans of donated by the Jamleeon Farm cor­ poration for the barbecue. When mendations a bill introduced pro- Foreign Wars, passed a resolution the 3500 sandwiches were gone and , vldes that revenuse of the Oregon TIGHTER LIQUOR LAWS crowd still kept coming, C of C its last meeting commending the the liquor control commission sh­ at members hurriedly made up more The number of liquor permit state members of the Nyssa war price be paid Into the general fund of and rationing board for their ser­ sandwiches from cooked ham. Sev­ holders on Oregon more than dou­ all state rather than into the sp­ enty five pounds of coffee were bled when rationing of whiskey was the ecial fund for old age assistance. vices. The post “publicly thanked mem­ instituted, but probably no more It Is designed to remove the stigma bers of the ration board on the used. than a third of the permit holders of accepting aid obtained from pro­ third anniversary of the administ­ Visits In Ontario— fits on liquor sales. The checks for ration for their generous untiring Mrs John Bishop visited in Ont­ drink, Ray Conway, state liquor old air assistance will no longer be I efforts to advance the day of vic­ ario Saturday. She was accompaned commissioner, told the senate al- marked Fund". If the bill home by Miss Hope Mayfield, who by Insuring our individual and spent cuho.ic traffic committee. He said Is enacted "Liquor in Its present form. tory the week-end with her. national welfare. more than 700,000 permits were RULING FORECLOSURES “Owyhee post hereby pledges Its issued in 1944. foreclosure to the war price and rat­ Conway told the committee new In tax delinquency the sheriff is perform­ support ioning board and calls on all citi­ Stronger Chicks laws were needed to augment en­ proceedings ing a ministerial duty and it is forcement of liquor statutes. “There mandatory that he issue a certif­ zens of Nyssa to cooperate by ob­ ceiling prices, by observing has been considerable trouble in icate sale to each purchaser and serving rationing regulations and by con­ the commission's attempts-usually make of return of his proceedings to Life futile-to close bootleg bars and ill­ county clerk. Deeds by county cour­ tributing as far as may be possible egally operated night spots and th­ ts In such proceedings need not be to personal service and support at operators of unlicensed places acknowledged but must be attested and to the success of the wartime Viger arrested for violations often have by county clerk under oounty seal program of American democracy". bail posted and are selling dinks according to a ruling just made by again before the arresting agent Attorney Oenreal ' \V ìta k ty George Neuner. LARGE CROWD GOES can write his report '. Bills suggest­ EIGHTH GRADE LAWYER TO YARD OPENING ed would give the commission the It took a young farm lad to find right to take as evidence and to the hole In the motor vehicle law of Vale, Feb. I—A crowd estimated confiscate on conviction all equip­ Oregon which the legislature prom­ !at between 2500 and 3000 witnessed ment, furnishings and liquor on ptly plugged up by passing emer- the opening this week of the new premises where a violation is ch­ l gency legislation. Apprehended for Brahs Brothers auction yard in RANCH-WAY arged; increase penalties for viol- not having auto lincense plates, he Vale. ice officers to assist the commiss- i defied the state officers to prose- Stock started coming In on con­ CHICK STARTER ations; make it the duty of all pot­ ' cute him. He read 'em the law. signment several days before the ion in enforcement; raise the fee S o ld a n d Racom m andad b y was nothing in the Oregon sale from points as far away as for service license from $25 to $250 There that said he should have his Cambridge, Idaho. Gross sales were annually and add to Knox law pen­ 1 laws plates or that he must buy new alties for purchase or acquisition by 1942 Nyssa Elevator plates if the originals were lost. minors of alcoholic beverages. g 5 Counties Servin THREE WEEKS OLD From the Largest Stock of OWYHEE At the end of the third week of tenuine the present legislative session 332 The Owyhee community club met bills, resolutions and memorials had with Werner Peutz with Mrs been introduced. The senate had Louis Mrs Skinner as co-hostess Thurs- passed House Bills. 1, 3 and 16 and presldent, Mrs Charlott Kygar vice adopted House Joint Resolution 2. Parts Mrs Louise Gregg was elected ^ e ed s The house had passed Senate Bill dsy. Orders Shipped Immediately piesident and Mrs Lizzy Peutz P°uiT*v 13 and adopted Senate Concurrent sec. and treasurer. The next meet­ •UVIJ tock Resolutions 1, 2 and 4. and Senate ing will be held with Mrs Martha Me Cluer-Manser Joint resolution 4. Refreshments of sand- HB 1 provides for the expenses of Klingfbaok. Payette, Idaho Confidence - Dependability salad, cake and coffee were Phone 49 the 43rd legislative session. HB 3 j wiches, by the hostesses. Prize win­ provides that the secretary of state served in a game were Mrs Mary may designate the motor vehicle ners Van de wall and Mrs Florence license plates of any years as the Kygar. plates of any succeeding year. HB Cottage prayer meeting was held 16 relates to salaries of officers of at the William Gregg home Tues­ Hood River county. HJR 2 author­ evening. Wallace Gregg was the izes the purchase of 23 typewriters. day SB 13 extends the time two years 'eader. Mr and Mrs Charles Culbertson in which cities and towns may have entertained Eight miles southwest of Nyssa on the old C.C.C. Sunday for audits made by others than accred­ Mr and Mrs at Pete dinner road, or 2 miles west and 2 miles north of Jim Lan- Wilson and fam­ ited accountants. SCH 1 was to con­ vene the two houses to hear the ily.Rev. Kriner of Payette held pr- gton’s store. governors message. SCH 2 fixes “achlr.g service after Sunday school forms, enacting clauses, abbreviat­ Sunday. ions and orthegraphy to be used in Rev. Kriner and family, were drawing bills. SCH 4 expresses app- dinner guests in the John Strick­ -eclation to Sons and Daughters of land home. he American Revolution for a flag Mr and Mrs Louis Skinner and of the state of Oregon presented granddaughter, were dinner Sale starts at 12, noon. to Independence Hall which was guests of Mr and Karen, Mrs Earl Crocker olaced among the flags of other Sunday. Lunch served on the grounds state. SJR 4 provides for appoint­ Mr and Mrs William Peutz, Mr 1 Com planter ment of a committee to investigate and Mrs Werner Peutz and Miss 2 Small hog houses. affairs of Oregon liquor control commission. 1 3-section harrow. SAMPLE LEGISLATION 2 Wagons. 1 Set work harness. SB 107 Increases frm $200 to $250 Auto Repairing 1 Manure Spreader. 1 Spring-tooth harrow. the amount which a Justice of the peace, who is on a fee basis, may 1 McCormick-Deering cream separator, electric. Electric Welding retain as a monthly compensation. 1 Tumblebug plow, two bottom. SB.HB 191 Places a $5 annual fee Lathe Work Parts 1 Tumblebug scraper, new. on boats with additional $1 for each foot in excess of 20, in lieu of taxs. 1 Oliver mower and rake. At HB 66 provides that chairmen and 1 Cultipacker. 2 Walking plows. secretaries of a central political 1 Com cultivator. 1 50 shovel cultivator. committee need not be precinct E. W . Pruyn committeemen or women. HB 167 2 Garden hand cultivators. provides that in all four grades ab­ 1 Blacksmith shop, complete. Nyssa, Oregon ove the eighth, military training fo: 1 1-3 horse motor and side grinder. a least one hour each day Is made nrgiHr<,dc lì Farm Sale Tues., Feb. 6 7-fe BACK SEAT DRIVER DON’T DRINK WHEN YOU’RE D R IV IN G !! 1 Tandem disc. 1 Ditcher. 1 2-way Oliver horse plow. 1 Single shovel plow. 1 Cable and blocks and sling pulleys. 1 Heavy Horse Trailer. Some slings. 3 Good hay slips, 7 by 18 feet. Panels, some poles, posts and wire. 2 Good saddles. 1 Good 5-year-old saddle horse. 1 Good cow, fresh December 14. 2 Shoats. 1 Spotted two-year-old filly. Lots of wood. Some wheat, oats and barley. Some chopped grain. Quite a bit of corn. 1 Small straw stack. Some hay, two water troughs. Some VL> inch pipe, some tools. Lots of Other items. 1 Dining table, 6 chairs. 1 Buffet. 1 Clothes closet. 2 Library tables. 1 Good rocker. 3 Kitchen chairs. 1 Double bed and springs. 1 Single bed springs. 1 Singer Sewing machine. 1 Majestic range. 1 Trash burner. Fruit jars. Some large stone jars. 1 Cold packer. 1 30-gal. copper kettle. Buckets and dishes. TERMS------ CASH Walter Benson, Owner Col. Bert Anderson, Auct. L. H. Fritta, clerk