■> TTieNYSSA GAF«^ Ä VÜTTMËTXXX-- R O " Construction On Airport Halted; Ground Frozen JOURNAL kYSSA, oTiEG'dN THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1945 C. W. BUCHNER BUYS R P P f A r r i * 3 trp I n W R A Y ’S DIME STORE ” , ^ 111 Malheur County To Be Increased WRITER NYSSA TOUGHEST DUGHEST8 | March of Dimes Collections Climb To $400; Benefit Basketball Contest Is Staged Carlos W. Buchner of Nyssa has Hey! You'se guys in Nyssa. You're purchased W ray’s Dime store from the toughest bunch in the country. M r and Mrs Lucien Wray, who ha- j That information was given to operated the business for several R. G. Whitaker, chairman of the Road About Finished; ve Farm Goals For 1945 Re years. Biggest Contributions Are Adrian Noses Out Nyssa Boat Owners To Build Mr. Buchner, manager and part vealed At Meeting Of city concil, on a postcard mailed to Made As Result CORPORAL DON E. In Thrilling Hoop ‘ The Mayor of the City of Nyssa” owner of the Golden Rule store, Landing Committeemen Of Game UTTER WOUNDED last week. Contest said the dime store will be operated "Why don't you clean up your Until the weather stopped the as usual with no change in the cl Ontario, Feb. 1—Increasing Mal- More than $100 has been raised Mr and Mrs L. L. Utter of route Using their speed and smooth work Monday, construction o f the erking staff. The deal was comp heur county's sugar beet acreage j town”, the writer said. “ It's the leted Wednesday. through the efforts of the schools i 2. Nyssa, have received word that floor work to advantage, the Adr this year by 20 per cent over the toughest town in eastern Oregon Nyssa airfield across Snake river M r and Mrs Wray said their pl 1944 total in recognition of an >m -' and southwest* rn Idah0~ and townspeople In the march of ihelr son, Cotyoral Don E. Utter ian high school basketball team was progressing satisfactorily. nosed out the Nyssa Bulldogs by a ans are indefinite. pendmg Shortage of sugar, was the - The card was signed. dimes campaign conducted here was wounded January 23 in Bel score of 31 to 29 last Friday night The work was stopped because of clnef item in a series of farm ctabJe ciUz, M ... gium. during the last few days. in a conference game played for the frozen ground and no more w ill! goals set at a meeting of farmers ; The gate receipts at the Nyssa- Corporal Utter entered the service the benefit of the march of dimes representing various communities | be done until the ground thaws. ! Adrian basketball game amounted to in 1940 and left the states in Sept- ,n the Nyssa gymnasium throughout the county with the I more than $100, leaving a net of Construction of the roadbed u p ' ember. He was serving with the! AU of th* net P ™ eed? f,ro,m “ “ spokesmen for farm agencies. Tu- | $95. Receipts from the advance tic the face of the bluff overlooking . , game were turned into the infantile esday at the Moore hotel here, pre the river has been completed, but | ket sale conducted under the spon- ( cavalry reconnalsance squad-, paralysis fund as the school's con- sided over by Glen Hutchinson, ch some gravel may have to be placed The New Plymouth basketball isorship of the Lions club amounted i ron. j tributton to the march of dimes ------- to approximately $100. Sixty-four .__________________ I campaign. on the road. 1 team nosed out the Nyssa Bulldogs airman of Che county AAA comm ittee. Lloyd C. Marshall, owner of the dollars was contributed In Change , i The first quarter was filled with The new runway, 2800 feet long, on the New Plymouth court Tues- Sugar beet acreage in the county Polar Cold storage and locker plant nms from the northwest to the day night by one point—29 to 28. in the "march of dimes" at the G c o l i 3 . I l A l l f l 1 , 3 I I P fouls and double fouls, wtth a lot I V O . i l / l l l U m l l C i f excitment but uwle southwest. It is in line with the Nyssa led the Pilgrams through ast year was around 12.400 acres. was elected president of the Owy game and $25 was given by grade! Farmers attending the meeting de hee Riding club of Nyssa at a meet prevailing wind. ! practically the entire game, but in school pupils as a result of letters, ( ) n n n F l l l l ) Both teams appeared to be "ratt- Sponsors wrote an order the first the last quarter New Plymouth took clared that at the contract price of ing held Sunday evening in the sent out by school officials. , ^ * 6 1 ,1 V - I U U led but the Antelopes settled do- $12.50 per ton which had Just been Eagles hall. Operators of the Nyssa theater | _ - ! wn. Playing well on defense and of the week for electricity. Tele- a two-point lead. Nyssa soon tied nnounced, beet production should Other officers are Mrs Lynn collected $101.15 for the Infantile I Alex Geokan and W. L. Lane, who holding the ball most of the time, phone men are surveying for con- the count, but a Bulldog fouled je stimulated and the only question Snodgrass, secretary and treasurer; paralysis fund during the last week. siructlon of a line. and New Plymouth's center, Laud- opened Alex' and B ill’s place In the Antelopes hit their stride and Boat owners are building a boat ermiik, converted as the whistle was vould be the labor supply and other Neil Dimmlck, drill master; Zack the former Journal building on west took a 5 to 2 lead, which was soon var-related difficulties. Walker, rodeo manager; Mrs Neil landing near the bridge. The st- sounded. RUSSIAN RELIEF Main street Saturday night ann- ¡»creased to 8 to 3. Nyssa finally Raymond G. Larson, district ma- Dimmlck, refreshments chairman; retch from the bridge to a point Coach Howard Lovejoy starter, DRIVE TO START ounced that they will donate all of ,whenf B* !lon ,brok? for tbe about half a mile upstream is said Bellon. Morgan, Billings. Church lager of t'he Amalgamated Sugar W. L. Lane, program chairman; .. -basket for a field goal and oonvert- ompany, said response in the cur- Mrs Marie Holmes, assistant pre the proceeds from tonight s -bustn- ed on a foul ^ Adrlan made two to be the best on the river for boat- and Toombs and later used Moore A campaign for collection of cl rent sign-up campaign indicated it gri.m chairman, and Mrs D. O. By- ess j o the Nyssa hopsital building baskets to Increase the score to 10 ing. Races will be held there. and Steinke as substitutes. othing and shoes for the Russians ' fund. ! Despite the Bulldogs' four losses would be possible to contract at bee, reporter and photographer. to 6 just bafore the end of the W L. Lane, the retiring president, ' conducted In Nyssa by the j The operators, assisted by Claude quarter. in conference play, they are tied least 15.000 acres. The Oregon goal CHURCH CRUSADE is 17,000 acres, of which counties and Dart O. Bybee, the retiring American Legion auxiliary and the Willson. Bernard Frost and Grant i with New Plymouth for second pl- other than Malheur may supply Before the opening o f the second MONEY IS RAISED secretary, were hosts to 35 mem- ^ ¡ ‘ ^ ° f ¡he high school Feb- Rinehart of the Lions club, will quarter, the superiority of the A d i ace. 1000 . bers, serving “ hot dogs" and coffee. ruaty J to 10. Inclusive. serve turkey sandwiches tonight, be- rian ...... playing umv....„ began ,u ... . . . .. r~ . . . .. I Nyssa won the preliminary game to Imv pay ulylL.r divtden- A delegation of eight Nyssa m e n '2g ^ 2;j H ' 8 As for the labor supply, County Mrs Bybee showed movies of th e 1 Is desperately In need of gmning at 8 o’clock. The public Is ^ p ^ c a i l y every time a Nyssa went to Ontario Monday evening to , " _... . _ . . Agent Ralph Brooke said the farm riding club in the Armistice day clothing and shoes. Seventy m ill- invited to attend the affair. Serving player grabbed the ball Adrian had attend a Men's Fellowship meeting. P‘ay ° ntarto there labor advisory committee had re parade. ‘on men. women and children have 0f the usual chicken dinners will from 0^ ^ ^ men'on Mm and Dinner was served by the Meth- ‘y quested the services of 400 M exi The Owyhee Riding club was org- : * en j ’« 11. . * J h e t t 'loto tog by * d^ n s e d with tonight. | J ^ i n g t £ t £ “ f r is e r s so cans and 1000 prisoners of war, anized seven months ago. Its drill ithe invaders, the campaign odist ladles to representatives from ! M V C Q A TC H I T T n c Geokan and Lane served chicken baffled the Bulldogs that they lost the churches located in the north ( ¡N I S o d i o U U 1 U r and that although some details as team has entered several rodeos, I sP °nsors sa*d- They call for help dinners to 200 persons Saturday ni- any semblance of control that they tc the contract for Mecivan work winning favorable comment where- lhr°ugh Russian war relief. T o help S end of the Snake river valley. j “ BROWNOUT” AREA the ®rand °P *nini- I might have had In the game. The Dr. C. K. Vliet of South America | ______ ers remain unsettled, ft was his ever it has performed. The club had meet th‘s ur« ent and immediate The owners have completely re- half ended 13 7. spoke on the ' World Crusade for c. J. Strike, president of Idaho general opinion that labor supply a membership of 31 at the end of need’ clothing campaigns are now modeled and renovated the Inside I In the third quarter, the Bull- underway or completed In practic Christ” , which the Methodists are Power company, announced today would be equal to that of last he year. o f the building, which they have dogs started clicking and gradually ally every state in the union. conducting. The men at the meet- that the company has been offic- year, when after considerable worry lease from Mr and Mrs L P. T h - gained on their opponents until The clothing must be clean and and difficulty, practically all farm ing contra,juted $900 to the crusade, ¡ally notified of exemption from omas As a result they have one of ^ held the long end 0, a 22 to LOANS UNDER G.I. • .e shoes tied in pairs. Any clean Nyssa residents attending were the W PB "brownout" order U-9, wrok and harvesting In the county the nicest n « b t clubs In this area. 20 count. Just ^ the gorg was usable clothing is acceptable. BILL CONSIDERED Rev H. J. Gemhardt, A1 Thompson, which would otherwise require el- was somehow accomplished with JThey said that "W e Intend to op- fu n d e d Billings connected for a Boxes will be placed in the bus W. W. Foster, Gilbert Klinkeraberg, imination o f electric outdoor sign small loss due to labor shortage. J-$te a nice place, where club mem field goal to make the score 24 to Frank Morgan, .Joe Maughn and j iness houses in Nyssa Monday. I t was agreed that despite the C liff Main, and L. E. Robbins and and display lighting and also light- bers and guests can enjoy a social 20 sons. i ing of store windows beginning eventual Improvement in the onion Dave Mitchell of Nyssa went to evf ” tn® . I Early In the final canto. Brewer Following a talk by Dr. Vliet in February 1. market, last year's experience would LaGrande last Thursday to attend Go To Portland— The owners have erected a part- tied the count at 24 all and Tlnun- Mr and Mrs Wayne Morris and Ition. separating the dining ro o m 'erman puahed ^ ^ n lnt0 the lead the Nyssa Methodist church Sun- The exemption order, which cov- cause a reduction in onion acreage a farm security administration sch baby le ft Saturday afternoon for from the dance hall. The watts h a v e 'on a fleld goal day night, *1100 was raised for the ers the period to June 30. 1945. and that part of the land diverted ool of instruction. knotted the FSA officials In Ontario also att- j Portland for a week's visit with crusace. , applies to the states of Idaho, Mon- would grow sugar beets and the been plastered and kalsomined and i score 26-26 and Adrian Jumped ended. „ , , Mrs Morris' sister, Mrs Oswald For remained potatoes. Since potato -------------------- : tana. Oregon. Utah and Washing- the hardwood floor in the dancing lnto the lead on another basket, ' * - The conferees discussed the mak bes. Scouts Will Meet— 1 ton, and is based upon a deter- growers did well in 1944,' more pot .oom has been refin ish e* The d a » » Mo6rr lead t*s>ne point on ing of loans under the G.I. bill. The public is invited to attend a minatlon that during the above ato acreage is anticipated though clng and bar room Is equipped wtth a foul ^ * « ^ 1 1 made a field Visiting In Meridian— The FSA has been given the res Boy Scout meeting and program period, application of the “ brown-1 the state wide goal is the same as lovely davenports, overstuffed ch- goaj and crooker a foul to count ponsibility of Vetermining who is Mrs Tom Nordale Is visiting in airs, lamps, mirrors and 'o th ii fur to be held Sunday evening at 7:30 out” requirements would not reduce 'last year. 31 points for Adrian. Billings made by troop 58 in the LDS chapel. Leo consumption of coal or other scarce 1 There is a request for 200 per eligible for veterans loans under the Meridian with her daughter. Mrs „ishings. The walls and ceiling a basket Just as the game ended. Child, scoutmaster, will be in ch- j fuels, which Is the purpose of the cent increase In alfalfa for seed; it , law, John Stapleton, who is 111 , have been finished in cream color The lineups and the wood-work In brown. Adrian Nyssa ------shortage of water will cause some ¡SGT. HOWARD BOOR GOES W ITH OUTFIT New rest rooms have been built, Crocker, 3 Church 1 JCA 13 _ _ . _ T „ 1 le^ Sunday '°r £?mP Hood. Texas. alfalfa flelds t0 be hem for seed, i FROM FEDALA TO STRASBOURG AS M. P. a small basement dug and a fur Brewer, 13 ’ Moore 6 I 11] r 1 ) 0 V S I I I ™bere he win 1* stationed. They assisting toward this goal. Red nace Installed. Thomas Billings 14 J ! V is ite d h is r parents. a rp n ts M n d 'M rs . « _____ ______$ i ttAmiAai — "P m m T The h p F Front V n n t T Line, .in e hnurcr visited his M r r a and Mrs From clover seed increase also Is request bOUrg' ^ .. . ... Hardwood chairs and tables fln- Mitchell, 11 Morgan 2 I William Lowe, and her parents, Mr ed. Among other things, this versatile ln ^ natural ,haye An Army Publication Plercey, 2 Bellon 8 and Mrs Orvis Newell. The war has changed many Some increase in milk produc- unit takes charge of guarding toe purchased for toe dining room. The Steinke tion per cow was predicted, thanks ! things—even the infantryman’s op Division's command post, toe PW , floor Is covered with cream colored Timmerman, 2 Adrian staged a rally In the last Jack Wray, navy pharmacist, arr- to improvement o f pasture and the ! inion of the Third Division's M il encloseure and the stockade. The linoleum l ived here last Thursday for a visit maturing of young cows. Speakers j ttary Police. In the states an MP command post detail is no little Job. I only type meals u quarter of the preliminary game, but Nyssa won by a score of 26 to j with his parents, M r and Mrs Luc from Oregon State college explain- was something to scorn and ridi- Sgt. Howard "Tiny " Boor, Nyssa, I chlcken dlnn„ Mr L, the ien Ray. He has been serving on ed that a decrease of 12 per cent cule. but in an overseas division he Ore., is in charge of the detail. )chef ^ pUce „ from 3 20 . a ship in the Pacific area for the In number of chickens on farms is is a man who will give you direct- Over six feet tall and weighing p.m. until 2:30 am. -7 ’ Snake Uncovered— last two years. recommended, that Increase in nu ii. ns. move his traffic control post better than 200 pounds. “T in y " is Oeokan was toe originator of the A bull snake, estimated to be just the fellow to be an MP. and he up under the Jerry's nose, guide mbers of sows to farrow' is being Oregon Million Dollar club, whose about five feet long, was unearthed Eldon Jensen, merchant marine encouraged, and that the number your convoys, and do anything else has been for almost three years, members have each sold at least from Its nest by a bulldozer in op reserve, has been called back to the of beef cattle should be reduced by he can to help you. following the Division all the way $1000.000 worth of war bonds. He eration at the new Nyssa airport service after being home for six 9 per cent by increased slaughter The Third Division MP's have irom Fedala to Strasbourg. Is also holder of a certificate from months. He left Monday for Sea ing. been active through all the various An MP's life isn't Just standing the United State« treasury war across Snake river last week-end. Ed. Steinke. Bernard Frost and Cl ttle. Considerable time was devoted to campaigns in which the division 1 on a corner waving to every passing finance committee of toe 12to re I tut. Kerm it Lienkaemper . of ______ aude Willson found toe snake as It the conservation practices program, has participated. They have had i vehicle. It has its exciting moments serve district for his work during rolled to toe surface of the ground Nyssa has written to his brother. Frank Calvert of Nyssa, pharm- with emphasis upon the fact that many men wounded and a few kill-1 just as it has its dull ones. Cpl. the second war loan drive. He tr and brought It to Nyssa. *- - say“ 'I lllat h€ had leit New acist mate. 2nd class, who is stat- both “ prior approval" anl “evidence ed. The line of faces now is not the | John Gaaperlch, a Michigan boy, aveled for two years selling bonds. Gu.nra. Lieut. Lienkaemper, who is loned at chelselli Massachusetts, same as it was 26 months ago when , was on motor patrol in StarSbourg, of performance" will be necessary Lane has been the local auction serving in l.ie railroad transportât- taken a corpse Aberdeen, this year. The prior approval may they climbed onto transports head- | stopped to check a civilan’s pass, eer for the last three and one-half ion corps, was In New Guinea only Washington, ed for Fedala. French Morocco. B u t, The civilian was wounded in the be obtained from the county AAA years. o short time. j ______ they have proved themselves f r leg by a sniper while standing by committee. ----- Vern Hawkins, SC3-c, was a re- J iends to the front line soldier. the Jeep. The next night Gasperloh ■. Blair Hendricks arrived home cent gUest of his relatives at Lin- I Among the really big things that stopped at the same place to check Thursday on a 21-day delay en coin Heights. He formerly farmed MAJOR W ILSON’S have happened to this small unit another pass—this ctvllan was klll- route after serving 22 months in his grandmother's place in that UNIT IS CITED slnce It has been overseas were toe el by toe elusive sniper. Maybe this the service at Fairbanks. Alaska. community. occupation o f Rome and the occup- , doesn't compare with some of the Edited by When reaching Nyssa he saw his Major Lloyd Wilson of Nyssa has ation of Strasbourg. Sgt. Glenn E. Ward, son of Mr | close ones the Infantrymen get but infant daughter for the first time. and Mrs George B Ward of Lin notified his parents. Mr and Mrs T. CAROL BYBEE We made many mistakes w h ile'it is good enough for our money, Mrs Mary Rumpel of Nyssa died He is a son of Mr and Mrs Wren coln Heights, has written to relat Ernest C. Wilron, that his unit, the we were handling the control of 1 Another MP, formerly wtth a TC P ln I xjs Angeles January 29 while on Hendricks. “V IC T O R Y G IR L " ives from somewhere in the Phil 21st statistical control unit of toe Rome. M ajor James K. Watts' E u g-' but now holding down a post at a visit there, according to Inform ippines. He told about a combat eighth air force in England, has ene. Ore., admits, but we capital- ( Division headquarters, Pvt. Irving ation received by relatives. Death I give you Miss Victoria I ieut. Loren Earnest has written campaign from which he had just been awarded the meritorious ser ized on those mistakes when we Lander. Syracuse. N. Y., finds life resulted when Mrs Rumpel accid Our hope against the storm— to his parents. Mr and Mrs Homer returned. He said the men fought vice unit plaque by General James took over Strasbourg. pretty dull. “ I haven't seen any entally took an overdose of med That striking miss that Viking miss Earnest, from the Hawaiian islands. ¡n' '¡'he n,gged mountaIns"and ''were Doolittle. Naturally, when toe Third Div thing exciting since we landed ln icine. A miss ln uniform. Lieut. Earnest, navigator on a B-29 in the rain and knee deep in mud. The citation is equivalent to toe ision romped Into this city on the France. The first night was toe only The body will be sent to Nyssa stopped there temporarily while eti distinguished service citation awar Rhine, there were many Kraut ( time I was close to toe Germans, for funeral services and interment No Vital task, or rigorous route to an island In the South Errel Goodell has written to his ded to combat units, except that soldiers, German civilians and p r o - . and I didn't know it then—maybe after It is released by California Too Venturesome appears. Pacific. mother, Mrs Ethel Goodell stating the Wilson's outfit is a service unit. Nazis left in the twon. The infant- that's good” . officials. No time has been set for But Vibrant, fair, and Vigorous M ajor Wilson, who has been over r> could take care of some o f these I All ln all the division MP's are the services. ! he is now on Phillippine soil. She leads toe Volunteers. Sgt. Louie G. Davis, brother of j ______ seas for almost two years, is second but toe MP's were toe men to take I considered a swell outfit. They put Mrs Rumpel left Nyssa about Mrs W. L. Chapin of route 2. Ny- 1 jitte r s have been received from ln command of toe unit. over traffic control. In- investigat- on the spit and polish for visiting three weeks ago to visit her daug Heroic and Victorious ssa, is visiting at his home in • severai former Adrian high school ion of special cases, patrols t o r - ' brass, live with the infantry at tim- hter-in-law, Mrs Dorothy Rumpel, She marches In the Van. Woodlake, Nebraska on a 21-day students in the service, oUgh town, and of apprehension o f I es, see that everyone gets on the and her aunt. Mrs Nancy Adams, And Vigil she Is keeping WOMEN TO RECEIVE furlough. He spent 33 months in Robert Glass. S 1-c writes from suspected civilians. | right road and most of all, the res- in California. As Vibrant as her man. the South Pacific. Sgt. Davis, w h o : tbe Admiralty Islands in the South BOND CITATIONS Thls is not usually the case when pect the Infantrymen. Probaby this Mrs Rumpel was born ln Grains- was in the second group of induct- Pacjf|C Mrs Bernard Frost of Nyssa and I the Division is in action. The M P Is because most of them have ser- vllle. Texas November 22, 1898 She A brave and Valiant miss ees called from Nyssa four years j p jc Ivan z i ^ e r o f the marines four residents of Adrian and vlcin-1 platoon Is broken up into small j ved wtth front line units of the D i had lived wtth her parents, Mr and On a Voyage out to sea. ago. Is en route to Fort Logan. C °'" i iays be met Chester Ashby of Ny- tty are eligible for citations from I independent units called TCP's. T h - . vision. Mrs A. H Willson, ln Nyssa for th e 1 With a Vivid recollection orado, where he will be stationed, j ^ at church The Church was the surgeon general for having sold ese traffic control posts move out j Major Watts, assisted by Captain last six years. She was a m em ber'O f her Victor brave was he. ------- i built by the natives of the island 25 or more E bonds wtth a total and set up at main junctions and (Gerald Saplro. San Francisco, has of toe Methodist ohurch. Earl Jennings. A M 2-c, son of from poles and palm leaves. He has cash value of $5000 or more. control toe movement of all con-¡worked this group of men Into what Besides her parents, Mrs Rum pel! A grand and lovely Vesta M r and Mrs J. W Jennings, arrived . a]so met three boys from Ontario. Mrs Frost sold 33 E bonds wtth a voys within the Division's area. | is known as the best in Military Is survived by two sons. Arthur, who 1 Her Valor unexcelled. Monday from Minneapolis on 15- u Alvin Nothei8 writes fr- cash value of $8362.50 and a mat Strasbourg Is the only place I c a n ' Police units. He makes a broad st- is serving with the army ln the Not a Visionary being day leave, after which he will re-1 om Raly, where he is engaged in urity value o f $11,150. remember where we have had the element, but Is willing to back It Philippines and Sergeant Earl Ru- But one worthy to behold. port for duty in California. Mr and colrtbat fiytng. Women In Adrian and vicinity unit almost completely together, up. when he says using the platoon mpel, who is serving ln the armed Mrs O. L. Hendry and two daugh- ; Don t>avis, a paratrooper, recen and their sales in cash value are said S-Sgt. Ralph Williams. Flint, as a nucleus, I am confident that forces In Alaska; a daughter, Mrs 80 Vote her In approval ters o f Glenns Perry arrived M on-|Hy received a flesh wound In the .Mrs Maurice L. Judd. 40 E bonds, Mich. This statement tells a long we could control any town ln the ,041 Espey of Trenton. New Jersey, A Vast triumphant V — day to visit M r Jennings, brother. jpg tn action In the Philippines. He $7650; Mrs Bernice Antrim. 80 E story. The MP's have been spread world. and three brothers. Fred Willson of Each maid like her shall aid of Mrs Hendry, and other relatives. | writes that he was ln the Philipp- bonds. $6026 75; Mra L. L Kreager. ¡out for over 100 miles at Umes. All ------- |8eattle, Ouy Willson of Buckley. T o keep our Nation free. _____ lines a month and never had dry j 71 E bonds. $5156. and Miss V irgin ia! the way from the enlisted men’s Sergeant Boor Is the son of Mr . Washington, and Claude Willson of Corporal and Mrs Ralph Low e, clothes. Miller, 80 E bonds. $6450. I rest center at Bourbonne to 8 tras-|and Mrs J. H. Boor of Nyssa. I Nyssa. By Mrs L. O. Poulsen Pilgrims Beat Bulldogs 29-28 Marshall Named By Riding Club Th e Service j,as to Mrs M. Rumpel Dies In Calif. POET’S CORNER