» THE NYSSA GATE JANUARY ___ 25 ______ 1945 1 B 1 CITY . JOURNAL THURSDAY 1 requiring union business agents C. C. ANDERSON TO to obtain licenses from state,... res- SELL BOYER STOCK train price fixing by barbers,... sen- ■ ■ ~ - ~ " '■ ' — ■ — — ■ - that premises wherein intoxicating liquors are sold shall be sufficiently hghted to lender the interior pi- amly visible and that blinds and tence and fine heavily culprits who The C. C. Anderson company has screens shall not be maintained; steal dogs and sell them for fox purchased the Boyer Brothers de for preventing people’s utility distr- ( food, partment store in Ontario and will lets from serving outside their bo- FOR SALARY RAISE unaaries without the consent of the j The house educational committee hold a liquidation sale at the Boyer people involved; for setting aside ( has decided to sponsor a bill to in- store. an additional $5 million for Oregon crease the salaries of county school The two-day sale will be started L003ING MONEY schools; creating a board to be superintendents to a maximum oi The state oi Oregon is loosing known as the Oregon state board $2800 a year, or $800 more than is at 7 o'clock Friday evening, Jan money, and big money, as the sh- oi opticians; for raising the pay for paid to the state superintendent of uary 26. permanent partial d is -, public instruction. After the merchandise is disposed ortage of accountants is affecting ut«rees of, the Anderson company will open the work of Ghe state tax commtss- ability from $25 a degree to $35; CAPITAL SHORTS giving the forestry board consent With the number of bills intro ion. In the past year the income , m ’ suspend restrictions ; for ex- duced in the legislature over the a furniture store In the Boyer buil tax division of the commission has tending the supervision of the state , 200 mark at the middle of the third ding. lost 27 accountants who were tr- board to the state oifice. state lib- week, the record of 730 bills intro- ained specifically for tax income rary, state printing building a n d 1 duced, at the 1943 session, will be NEWELL HEIGHTS I work. A field accountant working aesignatlng them as the "Capitol I broken this session. I Saturday the state department Larry Goulet wâs taken to the on readjustment and delinquent Building and Grounds". 'sent $56,749 to counties and cities, Ontario hospital Friday morning cases for the income tax depart LEGISLATIVE COMMISSARY ment will uncover or readjust re Delicious large pears from Hood the amount being their share of barely in time to save his life. Dr ports »which will benefit the state Fiver were passed out to all mem- liquor taxes in the last quarter of Emmett cut an opening In his wind to Che extent of from $50,000 to bers of the legislature, several to 1944 There were 250 persons killed plpe to permit breathing thinking $150,000 a year. Field workers are each member, by Representative E. in Oregon traffic accidents in 1944 besides havlng the croup he had a Loss of revenues because of the I growth in hls esophagus. Closer advanced from the office crew who Riddel! La«e and Senator Earl T. start work at $175 a month and Newbry followed with equally large government's ban on horse and dog dj„gonisi£ proved he was suffering are a i\anced to $225 a month. Field and delicious pears from Hood Riv- racing will have little effect on the from trlle crop or dlpthm a of thf accountants top salaries are $275 a er The usual donations of canned state finances, only $49.000 loss a Iaryn,. Tuesday the six doctors who mon:h The state looses them to ¡T h " year _0°'ernor Earl Snell has ann- have heid consultation report he Is private business where they are eduled to come from other districts ounced the appointment of Dr. recovering. Hls little sister, Sharon as they have in past sessions. The Frank R, Menne and the reappoint- is now in the hospital with the sa paid as high as $000 a month. cigarette shortage is bewailed daily ment of C. A. (Shy) Huntington as me disease. It is very contagious. NEW LEGISLATION New bills introduced in the leg by the smoking members. The fell- members of the racing commission Larry and Sharon are children of a bill raising die pay of clerks I Mr and Mrs Stanley Goulet. islature provide; for regulation of ow who said he would walk a mile registration of government owned for a Camel has to stick to his st- and judges of elections from $3 to Leonard Smith Is working for motor vehicles; for the tranfer of ory. $5 a day passed the senate, indicat- the railroad on a run from Nampa MAYBE BILLS revenues from the personal Income ions are that it will pass the house, to Huntington. tax fund to the elementary school There is much discussion over the Leaders of the Multnomah county Mr ana Mrs M L Judd, Ellen introductions of bills to: fund; that workmen shall receive delegation voted for $8 a day in and Maurice and Ronald Lane mot- consolidate state health and ag benefits of the industrial accident Willamette Valley and Multnomah ored to BoLse Thursday. The two fund for injuries arising out oi and ricultural departments, memoralrte Multnomah county and $5 a day boys took their tests for air crew in the course of their employment; congress to let 18-year-olds vote, In the rest of the state Upper | enlistment an both passed. The fa- establish a state "Boys Town”, county legislators are shadow box- j mlly called t0 see Mrs R. R. Over- Ing for their schedued fight over street, who is in her son’s home re- the location of a state museum. |cuperating from a slight stroke. F E E D DEPENDABLE Bernard Eastman 1 She is able to be up for short per iods. Mr and Mrs M. L. Kurtz, Ida- Real Estate Insurance PIG a HOG MEAL r i Mr. Rockfeller of California sp mary Prouty and Joyce Kurtz were ent several days in this vicinity dinner guests Sunday in the Earl R e c o m m e n d e d bq looking after property interests. He Parker home. Phone ®4 Wesley Piercy has purchased the Nyssa Elevator wishes to sell the ranch before his OREGON return. It has been farmed by Zesiger ranch and will farm it with NYSSA Cecil Case for a number of years. his other ranch. The Modern Pioneer club will Mr Case bought a ranch In Arena Valley and is taking possession at meet the last Tuesday in January with Mrs Onnette Goulet. Each once. Miss Genrose McCullough of St. lady is asked to bring something Louis a former Bend resident, and for a white elephant" sale. Ronald Lane and Maurice Judd her uncle, Ellsworth Millsap of Caldwell, were Sunday guests In left Monday morning for Seattle, where they are to report and be As I am moving to Washington, I will sell the the Haworth home. Herman Linim was Sunday guest sworn into the air crew. They will following described property l l/> miles south of of Mr and Mrs Will Sweet. He is return home to stay until they are Apple Valley or 5 miles south and east of Nyssa or leaving for Pendleton, where he called. Seven Boy Scouts from Newell will work this summer. 2 */•> mJes from Parma on the old road. Cyrus Bishop spent Thursday in attended their regular meeting Boise, where he took his physical Monday night. Part of the evening was spent learning to march, with examination. Miss Lessie McDonald of Parma M. L. Kurtz as drill master. spent the week-end in the Miller CARD OF THANKS home. We wish to thank our friends' SALE STARTS AT 1 P.M. Harry Allender left for Colorado and neighbors who so kindly ass- last Thursday for a visit with fr- jsted us during our recent bereave- Ladies Will Serve Lunch. Iends. ment, caused by the death of our Mr and Mrs Darrell English en brother, father and husband, Oscar tertained gt a family dinner party Pinkston, and also the beautiful last Tuesday evening in honor of floral offerings. her brother, Seaman Dale Clary, Mrs Anna Pinkston who returned to his base Wednes 1 Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, milking now. Mrs Pearl Ritchie day. I Mrs Hoyt Nash 1 Holstein cow, 8 yrs. old, milking now. Miss Virginia Miller. Mrs Dyre Mrs Andy McGinnis 1 Spotted cow, 7 yrs. old, milking now. Roberts and Mrs Dudley Mausling Mrs W. W. Smith attended a meeting of the No Name 1 Spotted cow, 8 yrs. old, milking now. Mr. Walter Pinkston club at the home of Mrs Bethel Paid Adv. 1 Jersey cow, 5 yrs. old, milking now. English in Adrian Thursday after 1 Jei-sey cow, 7 yrs. old, milking now. noon. Shirley Price of Adrian was a 1 Jersey cow, 3 yrs. old, milking now. week-end guest of Mildred Higgins. 1 Guernsey cow, 7 yrs. old, milking now. Miss Dorothy Hamilton of Cald- - 1 Jersey cow, 6 yrs. old, milking now. well spent Sunday visiting her par ents, Mr and Mrs W. T. Hamilton, i 1 Red cow, 6 yrs. old, Springer. YOUR ATTIC, Ray Cartwright took Lester Molt, 1 Jersey cow, 6 yrs. old. Springer. Sydney Snap and George Cart 1 Holstein bull, 3 yrs. old. wright to Ontario Monday mom- [ N O W . ing. From there they went to Boise 1 Holstein calf, 4 mos. old. I COSTS SO U T T lIj to take their physical examinations. 1 Guernsey heifer, 3 yrs. old. to freshen in June. UVES Mrs F. A. Miller and Miss Vir . S OI These cows are T.B. and Bang’s tested. ginia Miller visited Mrs Phelan and Mrs Lee in Ontario Wednesday. Production will be given sale day. The Jolly Janes met Tuesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs How ard Hatch in Adrian. Pedro Slllonls and Richard Oc- 1 Brown mare and bay gelding, 9 yrs. old, wt. 2800. amica were called to Boise Saturday for physical examinations. 1 Sorrell gelding, smooth mouth, wt. 1400. Mrs Boyce Van de Water was a 1 Yearling colt. Nampa visitor Monday. Mrs Darrell English was a bus iness visitor in Boise Wednesday. B. G. Roberts sold part of hls ranch to Mr Attebury of Weiser. He spent the week-end at the home 1 Wide tire wagon and rack. if of hls son Dyre, returning to the 1 John Deere corn cultivator. Nyssa labor camp Sunday evening. 1 2-way Oliver plow. Mr and Mrs Harlan Maw of Nyssa were Sunday guests in the 1 2-section harrow. Leroy Bennett home. 1 Valley Mound corrugator. Mrs Walter Bishop and Mrs E. 1 Mower. 1 Harrow. H. Brumbach attended a Royal *<* dive yon COMPLETE Neighbor party at the home of Mrs 1 5 ft. Swather. SATISFACTION In every Harvey Hunt Monday evening. Z Liquidation SALE Boyer Brothers Dry Goods Stock V ^ V fr o m In Ontario Complete Stock Going At Closing Out Prices 2 Big Days Starting Big Bend Friday, January 26 Dooi-s open promptly at 7 o’clock Friday evening, January 26. Come early-Values galore. Sony, no refunds, C.O.D.’s or returns. Farm Sale C. C. Anderson Co. Cattle 14 INSULATE Horses BALSA WOOL Machinery GUARANTEED 2 Hay slips. 1 Truck box, stock rack. 1 2-wheel trailer. 1 Trailer house, 8’ x 14’. 2 Bicycles. 6 10-gal. milk cans. 2 Sets harness 1 1939 Graham Super Charger 4 door sedan, good rubber, heater and radio; like new. Other small tools. Miscellaneous 3 Feeder pigs. 60 Mixed laying hens. 2VI* Tons of wheat and barley mixed, ground. TERMS- -CASH C. L. Dolson, Owner Col. Bert Anderson, Auct. L. H. Fritts, clerk OWYHEE Mrs Esther Cottengin returned from her trip to the coast last week and will help care for her mother, Mrs Anna Larson, this winter. Mrs Evelyn Cottengin and small son, John Arthur of Sheridan Oregon came with her for a visit with re latives here. Mrs Hugh Olenn made a trip to the Farragut training camp last week to see her son, Dale, who Is in training. Mr and Mrs L. Kreager and children, Larry and Bessie of Kol- ony District were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Hugh Olenn Sunday. Mrs George Gregg of Caldwell j spent the week-end at the Kllng- back home. The series of evangelistic services which were being held at the Ow yhee schoolhouse with Rev. Jacks of Payette In charge, were cloft'd Sunday., respect! If It doesn't, we’ll remove the Balsam Wool after one year’s trial, and c h e e r f u l l y refund your money PLUS the cost of original application. Pays For Itself In Fuel Savings No cash Is required for I m m e d i a t e Installation! Arrange for eaey monthly payments as low as $5. Ill LU M B ER W COMPANY “There’s A Yard Near You” - 4 has purchased the entire dry goods stock of Boyer brothers, which will be sold at Giveaway prices for quick clearance. Sale Held At Boyer Store Tuesday, Jan. 30 14 PAGE FIVfc ? South Oregon Street Reductions 25 50 75 Per Cent 2110 Pairs of Shoes Going at $1 O. P. A. Odd Lot Release No ration stamp required Closeout Women’s Dresses Values to $25 ONLY $5 Closeout Women’s Coats Values up to #20 ONLY #3 100 late model dresses, assort- ed styles and sizes. Other dress^ es. Values up to $35 $3 and $1 All wool fabrics in winter and spring styles. Women’s Robes House Dresses Kimonas Reduced to Clear Women’s Hosiery Values to $1.50 $5 75 Per Cent Off Women’s Accessories. Men’s and Boys’ all- wool sweaters. 50 Per Cent Off 25c Piece Goods Ribbons, laces Drastically Reduced Stationery, Thread, Yam, buttons. Children’s coats, all- wool fabrics. Women’s suits, blou ses and skirts. Women’s raincoats. Galoshes Rubbers Slippers Men’s Overcoats $5 Not all Sizes Work Clothes Drastically Reduced C. C. Anderson Co. Ontario, Oregon