THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JANUARY 25, 1945 Classified Advertising HATES Two celli» pei ■oro lor encii issue Minimum casn in advance I» 30c. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale Sackett, Box 603. Phone 247M. On- 1 tarlo. 2lDtfc FOR SALE—Alfalfa hay. 14 tons, F or R ent first cutting. Mrs Charles R. Davis, FOR RENT—150 acre farm 7 miles route 2, Nyssa. 18J2xp southeast of New Plymouth. Thirty FOR SALE—Blue seal, the most acres in alfalfa. Good deal to right powerful, sanitary, harmless house party. See Prank T. Morgan. 18J3xc hold cleanser and water softener LOST on the market. Nyssa Lumber Co. I qualified as such: All persons hav-;the problem of peace as a member of those pioneers who block by E - T T to agaln3t| Sald T duly V * ver-, are ° began L the in 'b‘^ the thT ' ^ a,1J months thl* prob‘< required present same, closing of h ‘m is 1 | stone block, laid its massive walls, tiled, with proper vouchers within third term. In every country there1 11 may -eem t0 I™*™ uP°n the six months from the first publlcat-1 are groups contesting car control, frivolous; the weakly facile types ion of this notice, which publication' and each Is seeking the favor of ever seeking amusement and ch- is January 4, 1945, to the under- Stalin. Churchill or Roosevelt. A 'sn ge but to the vast body of our signed at the office of A. L F le t-! wronK guess y any one of the big Malheur county citizens it symbol- cher In Nyssa Oregon, that being three w111 b* a serious matter, not- i.’es the force and purpose which the place designated for the tran- withstanding Churchill’, statement has made this the most promising sactlon of all business pertaining to !n Parliament that the trio are area in the state”.—From the Argus, said estate working in harmony and that the Hilda L. Tensen. Executrix Wberev*r * “ Estate of Dirk Tensen. deceased T™ ' First publication. Jan. 4. 1945 ^ Llncoln Christian Endeaver met Mr. Roosevelt Is not as young as SunUay eVtDmg PlallJ concerning Last publication, Feb. 1, 1945. ,he was. He Is a dozen years older the ^ e‘tte valley dto.rict C £ than when he was inaugurated in tonve„ Uon were dl#euaSrd. 1933 and the strain he has been George Markham is finishing the under in the past three years is outer construction of his house. | apparent to the public from photo-, The Buell Hickey fumlly „ quar_ Lincoln Heights PA G E TH REE Mrs L. R. Field of Boise was home for the week-end. Mr and Mrs Edward C. Larson and family was In Valley View Sunday on business. Mr Larson purchased a purebred hereford heifer from Mr. Noah. Norma Jensen of Boise spent the week-end with her parents. Mr and Mrs Melvin Jensen last week. Mr and Mrs George Smith of Nu-Acres called at the Dick Groot home Thursday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Jake Groot of Arc adia entertained Thursday for Mr and Mrs Joe Dlrkson and family, Mrs C. Van Self and Mrs Van Win kle. Mr and Mrs Bill VanSelf of Nyssa, Mr and Mrs Gerrit Groot ot Apple Valley and Mr and Mrs Dick Groot. CASH AWARD WON BY LOCAL TRAPPER i V hf PrW8 a n i magaf uies’ antlned for scarletlna. !" ls ln, ,he lmm- Bill M Elroy. U.S. navy, visited at edlate future will be sufficient to the AuSlin home Wednes_ 18J2xr break down almost any man. and d afternoon and evening. __________________________ LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN—My | it will eventually result In forcing, Cfficers c have FOR SALE—Thompsons Chek-R- new fur coat, but I should worry. him to rellnguDh control over many |bw n elected b the LtX ncJ()ln Chr_ Chix for delivery every Wednesday It was Insured by BERNARD po’lc:es and cease taking personal toUan Endeavor. ' They are Buel and Saturday after March 3. Ord- EASTMAN. See us about this fur ,,n te in supervising and directing, Hickey and Mrs Vern Smith, ad_ er early to get the breed and date I coal insurance. HDtfc si: of the major and most of the visors, vlanr„ Joe Winslow, president; o h . Ch you want them. Thompson’s Ont- I ----------------------------------—------------ minor problems of government. ester Goodetl, vice president: Don R ead How You, T oo, M ay BUTCHERING arlo hatchery. 18Jtfc The United States today is a far na Winslow, secretary: Milton Hic Custom butchering every Monday W in a n Award as H igh different nation than it was when key, treasurer; lone Robbins, lib FOR SALE—Farm-all F-30 tractor, and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork Mr. Roosevelt left the position of rarian; Mrs Ralph Barnes, pianist; as $1,000.00 C ash on rubber. In good mechanical co Sanitary butchering guaranteed governor of New York and launch Gearldine Pettet, song leader; and ndition. Contract or write Leslie Phone 05R1. Please bring stock ed his presidential precedent break lone Robyns, social secretary. In Proving »gain that ‘‘better pelt handling pays, “this local trapper got an extra $5.00 C. Ditty, route 2, Nyssa. lBJtfc Sunday evening or Thursday even Washington, D. C., Jan. 25.—Now ing career. From being a depressed, stallation services will be held the in cash - one of the Daily Awards in Sears ing. All stock must be in by 12, jobless nation it has developed into FOR SALE—Hall Holst, fertilizer noon, on butchering day. One mile :hat Franklin Delano Roosevelt has evening of January 28. I 16th National Fur Show—and, besides, broadcaster. Seed Potatoes, one west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. been Inaugurated for the fourth the greatest industrial country ot lone Robbins was given a birth a chance to share in the big major awards I What this trapper did, you too can do and this in itself year out. White Rose and Bliss Jake Fischer. day ,----- party on .... her ............ sixteenth . birth- term, he confronts the most trying! ! all , time, , .. has , er- —j j .... ..... — whether or not you sell your furs . eated new problems on the home __ , ___ _ Triumphs. Pete Tensen. 11J4XC and desperate years of his exper- | da-v - sh e received many nice gifts through Sears Raw Air Marketing Serv i„ , k „ „ ___ . I . .. . Mrs Robbins served refreshments ice. For Sears Fur Show offers, this Legal A dvertisem ent TOR SALE—Four-room house. $2700 ience in the White House. When he | Because of the practically private , . . . . season, a total of 942 different rash Terms. A. L. Atkeson 21Dtfc was inaugurated first in 1933, th e ! ceremonies at the White House, I ® NOTICE TO CREDITORS awards, including the First Award of United States was in a depression, Washington did not present the the patch and ch a t c,ub $1,000.00 for the best handled pelt of aU. FOR SALE—1927 model T. Ford j Np TICE hereby 15 given 10 the cr' and he heartened the people by \ customary inatlgural appearance. No b . . , . f M 942 Awards—$7,590 Cash pick-up. Three good tires. Heavy ' , net editors and a11 0,her P " T 80"5 inter tHn ni-lntn nf 7 1 A ,,.n M .J T 1 assuring them in his message th a t; trailoais of visitors swarmed into Geon?e Markham Thursday. rubber tired farm wagon. Major ested In the estate of Edward P. there was nothing to fear but fear. | town. The “street men” were a Yea, a total of 942 cash awards for fur Mr and Mrs Lyle Anderson have shippers—942 opportunities to share in Evans, phone 594J3, Payette. 18J2xp Larsson, decease: that the under Mr. Roosevelt did not whip the de- j most entirely absent, whereas us- signed has been appointed Admin returned from a trip to Washing $7,590.00 in cash. pression and full scale prosperity j ually they walk along with the FOR SALE—One stock bed. 6 foot istratrix of the estate of Edward P. ton. MAJOR CASH AWARDS: There are stake rake. 1 McCormick-Deering Larsson, deceased, and has qualif came only with the war. Millions of | crowds selling souvenirs and, if Mrs Ernest Smith has gone to ten major cash awards, ranging from separator. Jake Groot, Alberta ave ied as suchC~A U "persons' having | y“ un* "|en an<* women ln the « m - | the weather is inclement, offering Harrison. Nebraska, called there $50.00 to $1,000.00. ^ a y were supported raincoats and umbrellas. No West by the death of her father. On her SECTIONAL CASH AWARDS: There nue. 18Jtfc claims against said estate are here- 5d ^ bv notified and reouired to n r e s e n t^ the meager federal government ; Point or Annapolis cadets march- return trip she will visit her son are sectional awards, too—for complete ... .. . 'checks which their lathers received ling; no bands. The “show” was FOR SALE— and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs shipments of five or more pelts—one award of $250.00; eleven of $50.00 each. 4 Room moaern home, full base- ^ 1 M I h L T L Z h f n t ? £ \ t o r rellef work and by th e iood j « L n g . Pat Smith, at Fort Riley, Kansas. DAILY CASH AWARDS: Finally, there ment, gcxid location. $1000. Terms. <lf nllHiMti„n ,h i t ' stamp system of distributing sur- Bonneville power administrator Mr and Mrs Ralph Barnes and are 918 daily cash awards of $5.00 each, $1800' d8i? ° f .thB t ‘rSt pUbli"atlon oi thU pluses to the dlstrlssed people, has proposed to extend a power sons and Mr and Mrs Vern Smith 7 acres at edge of town town >louu- notice, to the undersigned at the for pelts received during the Fur Show. Today, Mr. Roosevelt has a diff- line from Goldendale. Wash., to I Terms. | and son went to the Lee Smith Get In —It’s Easy 7Dtfc ' pifice oi n r A; L’ Fletcher ln Nyssa, erent problem to solve. He is head Bernard Eastman. l u v i i / , r v t-n o / tn n i ■ l-> n l o e n i e V i n e . . A ¡- Pays You 3 Ways Every fur you ship to Sears, during Oregon, which place is hereby des- ufT government wi'th'the' g ie a ^ t j e ^ T f ' ^ r i i n e woukTbe " m - ' h° me M° nday eVenlng SU' prlSed First, every sward is »» addition to the °.r I!: I Mrs Smith on her birthday ann the term of the Fur Show, is auto FOR SALE—Modern house. Three ignated as the place of business in military power of an nation in the | petition with !lne a * private be..!"..C utility, the oil marrni'e nnvm o/itnH m i f U t r.n irl _ _ * “ ' matically considered for awards. iversary. Ice cream and cake, cash Sears get you for your pelts. 10-acre tracts in Apple Valley. all matters connected with said j world and is waging a war which I California Oregon Power Co Second, Sears can be depended on to Only the handling of pelts counts; which was provided by the guests, Farms from 40 acres up, $100 to ^ tate- , has already rolled up a national i , ______________ obtain for you (op prices. not the kind of fur, not its value. was served. December 27. 1944 , <jebt of almost one-third of a tril- j $300 an acre. Third, even if you don’t win an award, season, why not try for some Ed Green is recovering from a careful handling enhancti the value ot big This Florence L. Larsson, Administratrix J non (not billion) dollars and which I A. L. Atkeson extra money/ Remember, every goiter operation he submitted to at your furs. body has an equal chance. You have Estate of Edward P. Larsson, De - 1 cannot be liquidated for generat- the Ontario hospital last week. This third feature is the real reason for everything to gain—nothing to lose. ceased. ions, unless some form of cancell W A N TED Sears 16th National Raw Fur Show with Mrs Durrell Percy has received When your furs are ready, ship ation ls devised in the coming years. them to Sears, Roebuck and Co., Raw word that her brother, Dick Wild- 942 Caah awards, totaling $7,590.00. WANTED -Manure haulers. See - NOTICE TO CREDITORS In this fourth term the war must By encouraging careful pelt handling, on, who resided at Vale, is report Sears believe the annual value of Ameri Fur Marketing Service at the nearest Frank T. Morgan. 18Jtfc ^ NOTICE hereby Is given to the be won—and will—but it will take < Continued From Page 1) these points: Chicago, Philadel ed missing in action on the western ca's raw furs can be increased by mil ot our farm roads are in, they would the flower of America’s young man phia, Memphis, Dallas, Kansas City WORK WANTED—Married man i " ed‘tI‘rs ,and a11 °ftber P?rab“ in* front. lions of dollars. And that the income ot or Seattle. Thousands of trappers n't dare suggest building a new hood. The big-wigs in the national experienced and capable wanU R e sted in the estate of Ollie B. Mr and Mrs Amos Dejmal and every trapper can be given a big boost. have earned awards. YOU CAN too I equipped GO or 80 acres or would Smltb’ deceased: that the under- capital are not so certain of when court house ntil the road business sons were Sunday dinner guests at work by month. Want feed for five f gned haa bf en appolnted Admin- the “duration” will be over; some was taken care of.” the home of Mr and Mrs Harvey cows. Write C. K. Smith. Wendell, I iitrato“ of the estate of OIlle B- pessimistically predict that the war —From the Malhuer Enterprise Simmons and Jimmie. 18J2xp Smith, deceased and has qualified wljl still be active in the Pacific Idaho, f .O Bob 168. Mrs C. M. Lederer has returned * ' as such. All persons' hav'Tng claims for most of the next four years. Ontario, Jan. 25—Though entirely WANTED—A few locust trees for against said estate are hereby not One thing is certain: The top beside the point, the injection of to her home at Aumsville, Oregon posts. Elza Niccum, route 2. llJ2xp ified and required to present same men of the military are becoming personalities into the issue of post after a two-week visit in the Claude with the proper vouchers, within anxious as to replacements. Casua war construction of a new Malheur Page home. She ls an aunt of Mrs WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES toi six months of the date of the first lties are heavy and additional men county courthouse within the past Page. live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay publication of this notice, to be must be fed into the ranks. Man- week helped to keep the issue alive. COLUMBIA AVENUE ette. 27Ntfc undersigned at the office of A. L. I power is claiming millions of work- A “guest editorial" ln the Mal WANTED-Manager for Nyssa br Fletcher. ln Nyssa, Oregon, which ers in war industries; the available heur Enterprise, written by Rob Mr and Mrs Dick Groot enter anch, Watts Seed Co. Phone 74, place ls hereby designated as the material for combat duty Is not ert D. Lytle, former circuit judge tained last week for Mr and Sirs place of business In all matters con- inexhaustible. There can be no let objecting to the words "antiquated.” Parma. Idaho. 28Dtfc. nected with said estate. down in the production of war mat- “obsolete" and “firetrap" as applied Gerrit Groot of Apple Valley, Mr and Mrs Jake Groot of Arcadia J. C. Sir.'.h, Administrator lerials. Guns and ammunition have to the present courthouse, remark WANTED TO BUY OR RENT—A and Mr and Mrs Pete Tensen in Estate of oilie B. Smith, De- been expended lavishly; mountain- ed that “hose are the words put row crop ranch equipped with tr lous quantities must be supplied and in the mouths of the grand Jury by observance of Mr Groot’s birthday. actor. Write Journal office. 28Dtfc ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ¡stockpiled. So serious is this need the brand new District Attorney, WANTED—Used furniture. Highest NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN to that the release of materials for and solemnly reported to the circuit prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa SEE US BEFORE the creditors and all other persons clvllian prodctlon has ceased in court.” Furniture Co. lATFf District Attorney E. Otis Smith interested in the estate of Dirk °fder to saVe materia> f° r war and replied in a letter which read ln WANTED—If you have a machine Tensen. deceased, who was comm- | ^ . n°p “ m en T ' n° n' eSS‘ part: no longer needed. I will pay cash only known as . , Dick . Tensen, ’ that | 16 As . ‘ the P war y continues '. . Europe .. , in “It ls apparent that your staff for it. Electric or treadle. Any style, Uie undersigned has been appointed \ and the PacinCi there is the lnter_ and the ‘Former Circuit Judge age, make or condition. F. “Lete" Executrix of said estate and has national relief program making de guest editor’ did not take the tr-1 mands. Italy, Greece and other ouble to ascertain the facts upon1 countries in the path of war are which this editorial was written. | asking for food and materials for Had in inquiry been made of the I reconstruction of the nattle-tom grand jury, it would have disclosed: “First, that I, ‘the brand n ew ! towns and rehabilitation of the people. America must clothe as well District Attorney' did not accom-1 as feed these war victims. China, pany the grand Jury when It ln- j too, must be rehabilitated and hu spected the courthouse: Second,' ndreds of millions of dollars must that I was not permitted to sit ln Things have a way of be provided to start that nation on on its deliberations after they had | an industrial career. made the inspection tour; and T h - , happening quite unex Mr. Roosevelt is also faced with ird, that I made no suggestion to : pectedly. In the result them whatsoever in regard to bu ilding a new courthouse. ing confusion you mi We don’t like to tell people that they’ll have The guest editorial said in part: ght make some unwise BILL LANE OPTOMETRISTS DENTISTS "Fifty years and more, It has to wait to get a telephone installed, but delay* move which you would stood there: withstanding heat and DR. J. A. M cFALL Auctioneer cold and wind and flood and storm, ”S«e McFall and 8oe Better' later regret. We suggest J. R. CUNDALL just can’t be helped. without disaster through fire, or Phone 116J Nyssa that you see us before weakness, or frailty. The dignity of Dentist making any arrange age— a hale and hearty age— pl Phone 56-J eases the eye as you approach It. ments. Sarazln Clinic The W estern Electric Company, supplier for And it seems to greet the visitor NYSSA_________ OREGON with the friendliness and courtesy Don M. G rah am the B ell System, is still working around the of mature strength and as you en " je w e l r y s t o r e s EYE8IGHT SPECIALIST ter you feel its quiet. Its strength ONTARIO OREGON clock m aking switchboards, wire, cable, tele and its safety. It is typical of the Insurance Agency PA U LU S nobleness and stature and greatness ah Skillful Handling o f Muskrat Pelt Earns A w ard For Elm er S tradley in Sears 16th National Fur Show i ! iw Comments Given On Courthouse Professional a im Business Directory WE'D RATHER SAY Nyssa Funeral Home JE W E L R Y ST O R E Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second W Y C K O FF JE W E L R Y STO R E Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO_________ OREGON HAY BUYER W. F. JAHN Dealer in Hay and Grain. No. 5, Factory Court Opposite Sugar Factory PHYSICIANS L. A. M uulding, M.D. Physician and 8urgeon Phone 37 Hours: 13 to 13 and 1 to S Dally- Except Sunday Pry Building "SARAZIN CLINIC- J. J. Sarazin, M. D. General practice of medicine X-ray Physiotherapy phone#, walkie-talkies, tank and plane radio# Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals and many other electrical weapon# for the Army and Navy. Bonds We’re stretching all o f our equipment to the lim it and we’re sorry some folks have to wait Painting and A b b o tt’s Sho« Shop Kalsoming I will do only interior work until spring. All kinds of shoe and harness repairing. Across from post office. Andy McGinnis SHOE SHOPS_ Look H ard At this picture of an automobile See it? No? Well, there isn’t any picture there--and that’s just the way you are going to find yourself in regard to a car if you don’t take care of it. Townees Garage but we’re sure everyone understands that ma terial# and communication# for our fighting men moat com e first. Malheur Home Telephone Company