THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JANUARY 25, 1945 PAGE 2 The Gate City Journal land 8:30 PM., choir practice. Friday 10 A M., prayer group meets at 0:13. home. Everyone welcome. The congregation Is called to meet after the morning worship service, January 28. to receive and act upon the budget for 1945-1946. IW* m itlO U I S T COMMUNITY CHURCH H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor. Church school, 10 o’clock. Worship and sermon, 11 o'clock. Board of education luncheon and conference. SPECIAL MISSIONARY LECT URE, 7:30. Dr. C. K. VUet of South America. Choir practice Monday. 7:30. Bible study and prayer Wednesday 8 o'clock. ELMER STRADLEY SEARS FUR WINNER «bpondence courses on everything from plumbing to philosophy under the army’s education program. The men with whom he works are In a veteran Liberator unit which has taken part in fifteenth air force aerial operations in sup port of the Russians In the Balk ans, the partisans in Yugoslavia, the fifth and eighth Armies in It aly and the seventh army’s invas ion of southern France. Fields was graduated from Jas per high school In 1937 and Macal- ester college in 1941. He was farm ing for himself until he entered the army In March, 1943. Mrs Fields Is with her parents, Mr and Mrs Dick Groot of Nyssa, Ore. Laurence R. Low, who has been serving In the South Pacific on the USS sierra for the last eight mon ths, writes that he Is well and has gone to many places since leaving the states. Alonzo Latta has Joined thr merchant marines and at present Is stationed at Avolon, California. His wife and three children are residing at Newport, Oregon. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their kindness shown us during our bereavement caused by the death of our beloved son and brother, Thomas Matheny. Mr and Mrs Lynn Matheny and family then 1.4 min. north from Ontario; 144 mi. west from Cairo school on north side of railroad, then 44 ml. north. 56 cattle. Including 30 extra good dairy cows; 11 horses; farm mach inery, harness; L H. Fritts owner, Col. Bert Anderson, Auctioneer. Elmer B. Stradley. a well known trapper of Nysaa. Malheur County, is a winner of a dally award In the SLASH V. P O W E L L ........................................E d l«r and Pnbltohrf sixteenth national fur show con ducted by the raw fur marketing service of Sears, Roebuck and co. ADVERTISING KA7 ES S U B S C R IP T IO N K A T E S Stradley’s carefully handled Mus krat pelt brought him one of the Open rate, per Inch..........96c One Ye Auto Repairing 96 daily awards, as a result of its Six Months... National, per Inch............ 96c being Judged one o t the three best Claaailleda, per word.........9c Single Copies.................. M Electric Welding FARM SALE—Thursday, Feb. 1 at handled skins among all pelts re Minimum... ......30c (Strictly In Advance) 1 p.m. 5 ml. north and 2 3-4 miles Lathe Work ceive at Sears raw fur marketing Parts station In Seattle on Wednesday, west of Ontario; 2 3-4 files west January 10—and, in adition, en Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon from mouth of Jacobsen’s Gulch At titles Stradley to consideration for Entered at the postoUlce at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission on Alexander ranch. 3 horses, 16 one of the major awards. Including through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under cattle, farm machinery, household $1,000 first award, to be selected at the act of March 3. 1679 goods. R. H. Alexander, owner; Col. E. W . Pruyn the final Judging which will be held Bert Anderson, auctioneer. in April. pelt preparatlon-the pr Nyssa, Oregon Kingman Kolony ime Correct DAIRY AUCTION—Friday, Feb. 2 GERMANY IN THE SQUEEZE purpose of the Fur Shows-has 12 noon; 4 mi. south, 144 mi. west proved to be of vital importance to Kingman Grange met Monday trappers due to the fact that mill We now have Germany right where we want night a goodly number of ions of dollars were formerly wasted her-in a giant nutcracker, which is slowly cl mem iers with present. A campaign for through careless. Incorrect skinning, cr o ps d em a n d the eligible young people of the stretching drying of furs- doll osing its jaws. community to become members of ars which and could readily have gone While the western allies are cracking a Ger the Orange Is to be started. After Into the trappers' HIGHEST SEED S ! pockets instead the regular session Erma Sparks being cast to the winds. Well- man offensive, the Russians are surging for and Pearl Cummins served re of prepared pelts comand more money ward at a rapid clip and by the middle of the freshments. Visitors from Oregon than poorly-handled AGAIN, for the 61st consecutive year, In 5 Counties Trail were Mr and Mrs Cotton, week were within 150 miles of Berlin. It begins Mr. Bush and Frank Sherwood. creasing not alone the ones-thus Northland Brand Seeds are tested, fertile earnings of Serving From the Largest Stock of seeds of the highest quality . . . worthy of the trapper, but the value of our Genuine to appear from this distance that the red armies your money and your trust. However, due Arthur Case is staying at his "ountry’ s natural resources. Sears to increased demand for good seed, plus are going to reach the German capital first. daughter’s home near Caldwell si- fur show was established to stress below-average production, a shortage of he left the hospital. Perhaps that will be satisfactory, as the soviets rce Leiutenant Northland Brand will occur this year. the point and. thus, to encourage and Mrs L. M. Tin- ijciuicuuin correct pelt handling the day seed to 8et identified y°ur supply of will probably be more inclined to give Hitler dey were guests at the Lynn Hurst. season.g 16th National aw the high ** quality by the and his gang their just dues, which won’t be a home. Leiutenant Tinsley Is stat ards again r lying Goose on the bag. See your local Parts $7 590.00 in cash, Northrop, King dealer or write to . . . . Orders Shipped Immediately loned at Gowen‘Field. Mrs Tinsley including 918 total dally tea party. >5.00 awards, drove here from her home in San ten mator awards, amounting to Whether by design or accident, the cooper Texas recently. 91,950.00-topped by an eagerly sou Me Cluer-M anser Northrop, King fir Co. ation of the allies in coordinating dri Antonio, Harry Hathaway left this week to ght-after 91,000 first award-plus visit Mr and Mrs Alan Hathaway at ves is giving the Germans plenty of worry. Pre Pendleton. BOISE Payette. Idaho twelve sectional awards for comp Phone 49 IDAHO lete shlpments-aggregatlng 9800. All mier Churchill said recently the two offensives Heath, S2-c left January are for pelt handling only, ae part of a program and as (President Roose 19 Harold for San Bruno, California, where awards kind or value of skin. Every he is stationed. He has been home i not velt would say, “ We planned it that way”. pelt shipped to Sears, during the the first of the month. of the fur show, Is automat For several months Stalin and his generals since Mr and Mrs Floyd Whiteley were term considered for one or more harang^d England and the United States to Sunday dinner guests of Mr White- ically awards. Full details are given in parents, Mr and Mrs Myron the open a second front. The western allies took ley’s 1944-45 edition of TIPS TO near Emmett. their time, as they should have done, to thor Whiteley TRAPPERS. Free copy of this book Ronald Lane and Maurice Judd bay be obtained by writing Sears oughly prepare for the attack. After the English went to Seattle Monday. raw fur marketing service at Sea Mrs M. M. Greeling, Mrs Clifford ttle. and Americans drove into Normandy, the Ru Wright, and Mrs Dale Ashcraft ssian attack lagged, and many army chair war were in Caldwell last week on bus riors began wondering whether Russia was go iness. Mack Swenson and Floyd White- ing to be in there for the kill. The Russians took took their physical examlrtat- The Merry Matrons club met with their time to prepare for the battle in the east ley ions last week. Mrs Emma Pitkin January 10. Th and now they are ready for a major offensive. Mrs Meadows and son, Verl of ere eight members present. were Sunday dinner guests New were It looks like we are approaching the final phase Roswell Pollyannas were selected. A at the Art Sparks home. of the war. won by Virginia Rookstool 1 Mr and Mrs Wesley Piercy att in prize a was guessing game. Lunch was ended the opening of the Brahs served by the hostess. auction yard in Vale. Mrs Roland Whitman and Mrs Betty Olson gave a miscellaneous shower for the new bride, Mrs THE COMMUNITY UNITED Lola Reffett, at the B. F. Rookstool PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Buena home. Kingman Memorial Mr and Mrs Willis Bertram were Mr and Mrs Walter Benson and i. C. Nevin, Pastor. Vale Wednesday. _________ son, OrviHe returned Saturday from 10 A.M., Bible school. You need in Mrs C. C. Wyckoff of Baker and j a six_Week trip to Colorado and God’s truth; we need your presence. 11 A.M., morning worship. Ser- Ensl*n Dwight Wyckoff, who has i California visiting friends and re- been stationed in Texas, | jatives Absorbent Cotton mon • “The Best Place to Work for recently visited in this neighborhood Wed Mr and Mrs Frank Byers left Chrls’t”. /t i Friday for Iowa to visit Mr Byer’s 7:30 P.M. evening worship. Hymn nesday. Mr and Mrs Loyd Adams, Mr folks. On their return they will 4 ors. 33 ‘ i4 o k . 98 ‘ sing led by our young people. and Mrs Ed Nellson and Mr and stop In Colorado to visit Mrs Byers’ Monday 7:45 P.M. Boy Scout troop Mrs George Cleaver and Delbert i relatives 36 meets in the high school. NYSSA PHARMACY guests at the Alva Miss Eileen Hendricks and Gilbert "The First In Nyssa" Wednesday, 7:45 PM., prayer ser- were dinner home Saturday evening. Holmes left Thursday evening for Day Ph. 14 vice. See Sunday bulletin for place Goodell Night Ph. 103W Delbert Cleaver left for the In- Ren0i where they were married. duction center Monday. He Is the They returned Saturday evening fourth son of the Cleaver family to Mr and Mrs Frank Byers were be in the Armed forces. shopping in Caldwell Wednesday. Those who attended the Farmers Mr and Mrs Hans Wurl were In Supply Co-op meeting at the Boul Vale on business last Monday. evard Grange hall from this district Mr and Mrs Marion Chard and were Edward and Irvin Topllff and son, Wayne returned from a bus Mr an Mrs Alva Goodell. trip to Portland last week. Elton Jennings was among those iness Mr and Mrs Sam Hartley have took his physical examination moved to their new home In the When was the last time you took an inven who Monday. Owyhee district. tory of your personal belongings? H. L. Day received word that his Sgt. Harold Robbins, Do you know how much it would cost to re- son-in-law. was injured December 9 while )lace them in the event fire destroyed your serving In the paratroops In the Our Boys lome? Philippines. Mrs Rabbins Is living in California. Do you have sufficient insurance to cover Mr and Mrs Alva Goodell and (Continued From Page 1) do at home though and they such a loss? Alva Jr., spent Sunday at the they haul them in with one horse and James Washburn home near Cald a cart”. Resolve to insure with well. 'Mrs Washburn Is a niece of Mr Goodell. In Italy. .. Keeping his Leonard Cleaver has returned 15th AAF alert to what’s going on from California where he visited in buddies the world is the army Job of for several days. Pvt. Loyal R. Fields, son of Mr and Mrs Irl. G Fields. Jasper, Minn. Fields arrived In Italy last Sept ember, and Is with the headquarters of a heavy bombardment wing with the fifteenth air force. Under the direction of the sp But it wasn’t so extravagant as it electric conveniences now. And ecial service officer, Fields organizes I seemed. Hats were bigger then — you’re getting far more electricity lecture sessions and discussion gr oups intended not only to keep and also fewer. Mother’s hand for your money than you ever did OI's Informed on current affairs, made mauve velour was good for before—about twice as much today but to acquaint them with pro blems which may confront them several seasons. as you did 15 years ago. when they return to civilian life. He also advises men who are study Today, Mother’s hat bills may ing, in their off-duty hours, corr- Not only has the price of elec T aintannnr Tine oir 1 C SALE CALENDAR Quality Q uantity c ta f. Oregon Trail Church Services Vista It’s Never Too Late To Make A Good Resolution ( J took a week Frank T. Morgan of Fathers wages For Sale ONION SEED Utah Certified White and Yellow Spanish Bronchial COUGHS (Retulting From Coldt) Buckley's Famous “ C A N A D IO L ” Mixture Acts Liko s Flash Eastern Oregon Produce Company Phone 120 or QOJ Spent! a few c e n ts to d a y at a n y d ru g s to re fo r a b o ttle of B u c k le y s C A N A D IO L M ix tu re (trip le a c tin g ). T a k e a co u p le of sip s s t b edtim e. Keel Ita In s ta n t p o w e rfu l e ffectiv e a c tio n sp re a d th ru th ro a t, h ead a n d b ro n c h ia l tu b e s. I t s ta r ts a t once to loosen up th ic k , c h o k in g p h le g m , so o th e ra w m e m b ra n e» ! a n d m a k e b r e a th in g e asie r. S u ffe re rs fro m th o se p e rs is te n t, n a s ty I rr ita tin g c o u g h s o r b ro n c h ia l Irr ita tio n s duu to c o ld s And B uck« ley s b rin g s q u ic k a n d effe ctiv e r e lief. D o n 't w a it—g e t B u c k ley 's C an- a d lo t to d a y . You g et re lie f In s ta n tly . NYSSA PHARMACY total as much or more than the price of that quaint old velour. But she gets many more hats for her money. It’s much the same with electric bills. If yours seem about the same as they did years ago, it’s because you are enjoying so many more tricity come down steadily through the years, but it has stayed down while war sent other costs climbing. Hard work and careful business management by your friends in this company will continue to make electricity dependable and cheap — one of the big bargains of all time. H .mr NELSON EDDY .7. “ THE ELECTRIC HOUR,” w ith R o b .rt A rm brurt.r’, O rc h itra . NOW n w ; S m d a , a fU n o o n , 4 ,3 0, E W T , CBS Network. i d a h o A C IT IZ E N T P IT O S W ER ERVES W H EREVER