Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1945)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JANUARY 11, 1945 PAGE FIVE to hear the biennial message or | California discloses that Oregon's Mrs Charles Ditty were pleasantly matches, every foot of advance be- Governor Earl Snell, the standing per capita tax Is much lower than surprised when the received a bou- ing skillfully and subbornly con- comndttees of the two houses were i either Washington or California, quet ol one dozen beautifl red rose C a p it a l" tested and they were complicated announced by the presiding officers. ¿peaking on old age assistance, buds from Mr and Mrs Chester by rough and frequent counter-att To Senator Dean H. Walker, In- ] th« governor stressed that at the Newell of Tacoma. The occasion acks. M ili B /1 S-Sgt Douglas FLppence of Ny- dependence went the chairmanship ‘ 1943 legislature, he asked for an being their 41st wedding anniver "However, some of the heaviest M urrdrW ddp ¿sa, 119th infantry, has written to ol the powerful ways and means Increase in appropriation sufficient sary. . 1 fighting remained to be accomp- ielatives in Nyssa about his outfit., Ilshed by lhe 30th afttr lt had glv. committee of the senate while He to provide $10.00 a month payment, On Sunday 14 relatives and tr nry Semon was accorded this hon designated as the minimum both In Sergeant Pi.ppen.c said in part - I en the “green light" to the armored the state and federal law. “At that ends helped them celebrate with a LEGISLATIVO ORGANIZATION or in the house. "For some time I have been hop- | drive. That occured in the Morta time," he said, “the average pay-1 dinner A three-tier angle cake, ing I could tell you folks back home i in-St. Barthelmy sector when the Monday morning the 43rd legis GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE ment was around $24.00”. The av- 1 In the opening statements of his about this outfit of ours and the ! 30th took over the area of the first lative assembly organized, elected biennial message to the legislature erage payment is now $35 00 and topped * uh a ^IinlatLlre bride and record it has made in world war III division at a time when four Qer- groom, was served. Senator Howard C. Belton. Clack- , . Governor Earl Snell praised clvil- these payments will be increased amas. president of the senate and lan effo r t and contributions that further before the close of the fis A new porch is being built on the lorm the time it hit the Normandy campaign, to drive through the and began fighting on June man panzer divisions struck in the Representative Eugene E. Marsh, alded in bringlng vlctory wlthln cal biennium. June 30th. Nearly parsonage at the Assembly of G od! beach “ 15. Censorship Cen rh h 3 ¡15. has kept our "Old most powerful blitz effort of the speaker» of the house. Before c o n -i£jght He warned, however, that fifty per cent of recipients now re- Church. Hickory divsion's engagements pr Avranches and separate the Ameri venlng. In Joint assembly at 2 P M. U thil to no tlme to rest on laurels ceive $10.00, over sixty per cent Mies Lilly Mae Schneider is em receive from $33.00 to $40.00, app ployed as a waitress at Brownie's etty much “under wrays”, but we can first and third armies. or records." have made a record we'll stack up “This battle of the 30th against in Nyssa. In reviewing the state's financial roximately eighty per cent now re the best of the German armor st ceive from $30 to $40 supplement- ---------------------------- ---------- --------- The Don Parker mentioned in the ! f 1 “ ’’ a“d | position, he said. “I am happy and arted on the night of August 7-8 pf e. n re atlons staff has n f made proud to report that the state of ing and in addition to those figures Sa.atar and Parker shooting ° in last I | l it t o easier a s i g a r f for r l us i e t to n or o r tb<a a r m _ and a week later the Old Hickory- get the i inform is free medical service totaling in week's paper is not the son of Oregon is in the best financial pos ation back to you by summarizing men were forcing the retreat of the ition in which it has been in a long, excess of $125,000 a year. “As st- Frank Parker of Cow Hollow. the highlights of the 30ih’s great Germans. ated in my inaugural message in , _________ campaigns and getting this mater "The Old Hlckorymen were the JOIN THE long number of years The total 1935, I still maintain that $40 per APPLICATIONS FOR bonded indebtedness from original ial cleared through the press cen firs* allied troops in Holland, arr month is little enough to provide T vr^ cirriO M Q A Q L TU n MARCH issues of over eighty-seven million sustenance sorship. iving there September 12, after cap- and reasonable comfort 1 L fo* IV 'IN o A o l M t U dollars has been reduced to around "When the 30th infantry division ‘uilng the famous broder fortress, of DIMES twenty million dollars The service for those elderly citizens.” "During the recent political cam- *n development of its policy troops charged through the great Ebon Emael, September 10. They carrying charges on our bonded paign”, said the governor, “we he- *Ü I -be continuai's receipt of app- est concentration of artillery and fought on into Germany, advance debt have been reduced from the ard and read certain statem ents,; locations the merit system council mortar fire they had met in the -laments crossing the border at high of three million In round nu innuendos, and accusations con- *or the Pub^c welfare commissions, western campaign to storm the Horba.-h September 14. JANUARY mbers to a figure now of less than "More than 1500 battle decorat cerning the purchase by the states unemployment^ compensation com- bunkers of the (Jerman Siegfried a million Two years ago the per mission, state board of health, and j bne and established a bridgehead ions have been awarded officers of Oregon and Washington of cer- ......... capita net debt was $25.50. Today the crippled children's division has in the fatherland, they reached an id men of the 30th infantry div- Lost summer America experi- it is $18.80. Ten years ago it was tain liquor stocks and merchandise. announced a new series of examin- objective for which, in three mon- sion for gallantry in action and The matter developed in the state atlons for February 10, 1945. Includ- ot bitter fighting, they had nerltorious service in the face of enced the second worst epi- . r 1 The governor stated that a survey of Washington prior to the Nove ed in the group will be field deputy, bee«1 Paving the way since the bat- the enemy, demic of infantile paralysis in ! of taxes in Oregon, Washington and mber election as the result of the senior field deputy, and collection tie nea^r the beaches, Although lt was originally built i . , _ _______ ____________ _ release of certain audit in that st- "Smashing the Siegfried line in around troops from national guard its history. ate. Nevertheless, the good name of attorney for the unemployment co- nipensation commission; statistical tbe sector north of Aachen where units of Tennessee, Georgia and the state of Oregon was involved. clerk and assistant statistician for tt was heavily manned and then the Carolinas, and thus gets its I respectfully ask for a legislat D o n M. Graham ive investigation. I do not mean a all three state agencies concerned; aiding in closing the gap that for- name, Old Hickory from President The disease attacked weak and curosory examination. I mean a and personnel technician for the ced Aachen's fall constituted one Andrew Jackson, who led troops in tbe toughest jobs assigned any that sector, the 30th’s officers and thorough, sweeping and complete merit system council office in Port- strong alike, invading the rich Insurance Agency land. division in the battle of Europe. men represent all states In the un audit and investigation. The mem est and poorest homes in the Candidates with auditing exper- "But the 30th infantry division ion”. bers of the commission are entitled nation. to no less. The people of Oregon ience will have a distinct advantage received its baptism of fire on a Fire and Automobile are entitled to no less.” He recom in competition for senior field de- tough assignment June 15 and its • • • mended the services of "a nation- puty positions, and attorneys with progress to the German frontier Insurance ally-recognized firm of tax experts experience in unemployment com- was marked by battles that have Mr and Mrs Howard Hatch were Your dimes and dollars, sup be engaged to survey and analize pensation are desirable for the coll- b®en vital in the matser strategy hosts at a dinner at their home world war 11 Rentals Bonds the Oregon tax structure and re- i ectlon attorney position. College of The porting The N a tio n a l F o u n all-important break-throu-1 December 31. Guests included Mr j education and training in testing port to the legislature. d a tio n fo r In fa n tile P a ra l The message had 6600 words and ' procedures are necessary for the gL south of pulverized St. Lo on and Mrs E. D. iVymer, Mrs Mary personnel technician Statistical tr- July 25, a date already historically Hinman and Mrs Thatcher Wngnsr required 50 minutes to deliver. y s is , made it possible to render While President Belton was pre pining i.r experience with statis- significant, was spearheaded by the and Edward of Parma, Mr and Mrs Hlckorymen. These battles in Irvin Wyiper an daughter of Notus, expert care and treatment to sid in g over the Joint assembly, and tical procedures will be found to be old hi(t<To— rnr «ector were sllgglng Mrs Borah Hall and family of Cald- j during the delivery of Governor an asset for the statistical positions. all polio victims, regardless of Application are being accepted and Snell’s message, he was handed a age, race, creed or c o lo r., telegram informing of the death of irovLlonal appointments being ma his mother, Lulu H. Belton of de for clerical, accounting, and ca- -c'ork positions although examin Gardenia California. ations for these positions will not CAPITAL BRIEFS The first bill, by Senators Strayer be given immediately. Many of these thousands of and Rand, was Introduced on the new victims will need care for first day, its purpose being to repeal the 1943 community tax law. made months, years, some perhaps useless by a recent United States for a lifetime. supreme court decision . The com bined legislative experience of the members of this legislature amount to over 33 years. The oldest member in point of service Is W. H. Strayer Next summer America must be I with 15 sessions. Only two members prepared to meet whatever of the 30 in the senate and eleven BETTER HEALTH of the 60 in the house have not had epidem ic em ergencies may previous legislative experience You arise. should have your state income tax for your baby • • • blanks by now. They were mailed Saturday. It took 10 tons of paper Vith Star Dairy Milk to produce the blanks. Support the Fund-Rais Nyssa Man Tells Of Big Battles Parader 14-31 Adrian well. Mr and Mrs Ralph Stark and Mrs Celia Stark, Mr and Mrs H R Hatch and Helen Hatch of Big Bend, Mr and Mrs Joe Stone of Roswell, Mrs Ferguson and children of Apple valley, Mr and Mrs Ira Pettis and family, John Enos, Miss Virginia Jarvis and Miss Billie Brewer. New Year’s dinner guests at the Peterson home were Miss Emily Otis, Miss Ida Mary Prouty and the Kurtz and Patch families. The Nichols and Henry Auker families of New Plymouth and the Pruess family of Ontario were New Year’s guests at the John Auker home. Mr and Mrs Clyde Steelman and Donna were guests of Mr. Steel man's brother in Midvale on New Year's. Meet In California— Mr and Mrs Larry Brown and Captain and Mrs Hugh Rowe spent Christmas with Major and Mrs Boyd Cole at Santa Monica, Calif ornia, where Major Cole is station ed. They are all former Nyssa res idents. Leaves Hospital— Mrs Nate Kimball of Wetser re turned to her home Tuesday after receiving treatment In the Ontario hospital. Mrs Kimball, the mother of Mrs Ward Wieneke of Nyssa, visits here occasionally. Buy the NEW p «8 . Of 288 BIG ECONOMY SIZE I'un ti st PLEN A M IN S VITAMIN CAPSULES 2 capsules cohtain ALL vitam ins know n to be essential co hum an n u trition — plus Liver and lio n . A iM ait MootKt NYSSA PHARMACY "The First in Nyssa” Night Ph. 103W Day Ph. 14 Here's One Good Reason for Am erica's War Food Production Record ing A ppeal in your lo c a lity an d send y o u r d im es and d o lla r s to President Roosevelt a t The W hite H o u se d Star Dairy Cream Rich and Thick Star Dairy New Air Mail Stationery 125 Sheets and 50 Envelopes 90 Cents This lovely stationery has an airplane design in light blue in the comer of each sheet. The inside of the envelopes is finished in a light blue checker design. For Hard-To-Get Office Supplies Ask Us GATE CITY JOURNAL Printers Stationers Sunset V a lle y The Worthwhile club will meet January 18 at the home oi Mary Newgen. The members will elect officers and exchange names for the coming year. | Mr and Mrs Ray Warren and : daughter, Carolyn, have moved fr om their farm home to their prop erty in Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Clar ence Reed and family will farm the Warren place the coming year. Mrs R. L. Casselman and grand daughter, Janice, returned last week i from Seattle and Portland, where they spent the holidays visiting her son and daughter and friends. Mr and Mrs T. H. Brewer were called to Buhl, Idaho last week to attend the funeral of her niece. Mrs Leslie Ditty received word that her brother. Pfc Leo Brown, who has been stationed in Rantoui, Illinois in the medical corp, has been transferred to Camp Maxey, Texas. Mrs A. R. Roberts Is confined to her bed several weeks b.uause of illness. Mr and Mrs Jesse Nishl, who have rented the Henry Terra place for the coming year, spent the week-end at Minidoka Idaho. Magnes Ekanger and his father will fram the Andrew Titland land this year. Mr and Mrs Charlie Wilson, who lost their house and all its contents by fire this summer are now living in their new cinder block four-room house. Andrew Titland and family have moved to Idaho Falls to make their home after farming in the valley the past year. Word has been received that Don Mlttlelder is now in the hospital at Farragut, Idaho receiving medical attention after having served over seas. Mittleider Is the son of Mr and Mrs John Mittleider, formerly of Sunset Valley, but now living at Meridian, Idaho. Robert and Leslie Ditty made a business trip to Boise Tuesday. The Worthwhile club met at the newly finished modern home of Mr and Mrs Hubb RoW) for their an nual Christmas party. Nineteen members and four visitors enjoyed | the afternoon. Gifts were exchang - 1 ed and a lunch was served by the hostess. Anton Myhr Is spending his vac ation visiting relatives and friends in Seattle and Tacoma. On Saturday January 6 Mr and • You've seen them . , . probably taken them for granted! But farmers will tell you that those electric lines are life- savers these war years when Snake River Valley farms have been called upon to break all production records! When war started, more than 80% of the farms in this whole area were already utilizing dependable, low cost electric service. Since then, all extensions possible have been added, and electricity has vitally helped our farmers to produce the greatest volume of foodstuffs ever handled here. Genuine W e say— hats off to agriculture— to farmers and workers. Malthoid You're doing an all-out job in helping to speed Victory! 90-lb. Mineral Surfaced Roofing Green or Red 108 8q. Ft. ROLL J D A H O A C IT IZ E N W POWER W HEREVER IT S E R V E S