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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1945)
mum, THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JANUARY 11, 1945 PAGE 4 Sermon, 11 a.m. Evangelistic ser family should be justly awarded. bing Is being installed this week in ment officials are no less interested A brand new recipe-hot off the the rest rooms. vice 8 p.m 3 i the price which farmers should Eght big corrals that will pro Thursday. 8 pm., prayer for boys | griddle! e asked to pay for this chemical vide space fbr 1000 head of stock APPLE PANCAKES In armed forces. Come, worship | e; tUlcer, and they believe that the i have already been built and the hog 2 cups sifted flour with us and pray with us for your urest way to hold prices down to a I house covering 34 feet by 64 feet 1 teaspoon salt boy and some other mother’ s boy. cund basis Is to continue operating divided Into small pens Is nearing 2 eggs »he government piants. Under the TRINITY LUTHERAN completion. There will be three 2 cups milk -urplus property disposal law the j Parma, Idaho unloading chutes to speed loading 3 tablespoons melted fat nitrogen-fixing plants are among Rev. John E. Simon, Pastor 4 to 5 cooking apples H. J. Gernhardt, Pastor. operations and the hog house gate SUNSET VALLEY Service: 10 am. others reserved for special consid ASSEMBLY OF COD CHURCH Church School, 10. Combine the first five Ingredients admits a trailer enabling sellers to Church School: 11 am. eration by congress, so that any Paster R. L. Casselman and beat until smooth. Core and quickly unload their hogs without Jesus said, “Learn of Me”. Come action the board may take will be Sunday school, 10 A.M. to the church school and learn of THE COMMUNITY UNITED peel apples. Melt a tablespoon of danger of any of them escaping. A fat in hot frying pan. Arrange very large space adjoining the corrals subject to review on the floors 5y Morning worship, 11 A.M. Jesus Christ". PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH thin slices of apple In bottom of church, 7:30 P.M. Worship and Sermon, 11. congress and must receive the app- Children Kingman Memorial Evening evangelistic service, 8 Freedom of Worship Is our blood pan. Pour a thin layer of batter will be reserved for sellers only and J. C. Nevtn, Pastor toval of the farm bloc. Actually, I o'clock. Cottage prayer meeting bought privilege and responsibility. 10 A. M , Bible school. Calling all over top of apples. Brown well on no other parking will be allowed In what congress will be called upon Washington. D C. Jan. 11—Among one side, turn and brown on other it. Monday. Wednesday and Friday, 8 The Fellowships, 7. members lor 100 percent attendance side. Roll pancakes and sprinkle Amlpe parking space has been the many contradictory complicat to decide is whether these govern P.M. Evangelistic Service, 8. In January. Bring your neighbors. sugar and cinnamon over the top. provided ions which have arisen out of gov ment plants shall be sold or closed Come! A hearty welcome awaits Choir practice Monday, 7. 11 A.M., morning worship. Ser in a lot 950 feet long and Bible Study Si Prayer Wed. 8, ernment handling of materials ess down, or whether they shall con you. "A Sign that Is Spoken Ag iMakes six 8-inch pancakes.) 150 feet wide. In addition to this Come to the parsonage and join us mon: ential to the war not the least tinue In competition with private Celebration of the sacram the firm owns still more ground CHURCH OF CHRIST In a study of “The' Psalms, The ainst”. puzzling Is the manner In which Industry. ent of the Lord’s supper and re adjoining the yards and will In (Christian) Greatest Devotional Literature". wheat prices are maintained. At There is possibility of some relief. ception of new members. crease the lot as it is needed. Oaorge Whipple, Pastor. the beginning of American partic In the textile situation through the Bible school, 1 A M Bring your 7:30 P.M., evening worship. Ourj A watchman’s house Is under co- ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL ipation In the conflict there was a nstrultlon with windows in all four song service and devotions will be MISSION vast stockpile of carryover wheat, use of French mills, but there will Bibles. A class for every age. and a watchman will be on Rev. Burton Salter, dear. led by the adults. Helpful discussion The huge dome-roofed auction sides owned by the government either be no immediate Increase In dom Morning worsnip, 11 A.M. Comm The duty, day and night. Morning prayer and sermon, 8:30 and messages for all the family through outright purchase as a me estic supply because of manpower union served each Lord's day. now nearing completion on The opening auction will be held Holy communion and sermon each Monday, 7:45 P.M., Boy Scout building ans of stabilizing prices or by the shortage. The army has already pl Junior Christian Endeavor, 7 PM. second troop 36 meets at the high school. the north edge of Vale will provide Monday, January 22 and a record of the month. taking over of wheat pledged as aced orders In France for 2.500,000 Eevenlng service, 8 P.M. Singing Church -Sunday Wednesday, 7:45 P.M. prayer room for as large a sale crowd as breaking crowd is expected to be school at 10:30 a. m. security for loans to farmers. The uniforms and It Is hoped that Fr Senior Christian Endeavor, Mon Women's Guild second Wednesday meeting section has ever seen when it on hand for the occasion. and 8 .30 P.M., choir pract Is this completed quantity was so great as to be a ench mills may produce cotton day, 8 P.M. at the pastor's home. by Brahs brothers, of each month. ice source of worry to Commodity Cr ducking for tents and cargo cover auctioneer who came to Vale sever Thursday, 8 P.M., officers meet edit corporation, through which the ing for the army. If this output ADRIAN FREE METHODIST al months ago from Grants Pass L. D. 8. CHURCH ing. wheat had been acquired This vis can be brought up to 5,000,000 yards CHURCH where they owned a thriving auct Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood Friday, 10 A.M, prayer group ible threat to market prices was sc a month the strain on American Adrian, Oregon ion and commission business. The i meeting meets at Otis You are welcome. stadium, great that, for the protection of mills will be eased and there is a H. Reiman, Pastor 14 tiers high, will seat 500 Sunday 10:30 ami. Sunday school. farmers. It became necessary to set possibility that this will permit Sunday P. school, spectators and the roped off space Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament up a floor below which the price them to increase production for Preaching, 11 A. 10 M. A.M. before the sales ring provides st should not be permitted to fall. domestic use. However, these ex Young people’s meeting, 7:30 P M. meeting. anding room for many more per •r Bronchial Irritations Due to Colds Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society Victory Food Hints sons. Later, a s . lend-lease and other pectations are only tentative. A public address system is to Buckley’s Famous “ C A N A D IO L” Led by Ted Nelson. By Leona Anderson meeting. demands diminished the stockpile be installed that will broadcast re Evening service, 8:30 P.M. Idaho Power Co. Mixture Acts Like a Flash First Tuesday of each montn at and the price began to soar. QPA ports of sales both In the building g oo Spend a f e w cents to day a t any INVITE A SERVICEMAN 4 p.m. Primary for children bet fixed a celling to protect both the d drug store fo r a bottle and In the yard outside, enabling APPLE PANCAKES-HOT OFF BAPTIST CHURCII ween ages of 4 and 12. o f B uc k le y 's C A N A D I O L M ix tu r e millers and consumers of flour. The V eteran s the yard man to properly corral ( t r i p le a c t i n g ) . T a k e a couple o f THE GRIDDLE Second Street demand Increased, and War Pood a t bedtime. F e e l its instant E. T. Larson, Missionary Pastor Family all working? Enjoying stock sold to the larger buyers who p sips CHURCH OP T H E NAZARENE o w e r f u l ef fe c t iv e action spread thru Administrator Marvin Jones enter throat, head and bronchial tubes. It are assigned individual yards. Sunday morning breakfasts and Sunday school, 10 A.M. E. J. Wilson. Pastor. ed the market with an offer of 15 Inform ation at once to loosen up thick, setting them apart as something In the front, a space 16 feet by starts Morning worship, 11 A.M. ch o k in g phlegm, soothe r a w m em 10 A.M., Sunday school. cents a bushel above the OPA cell branes and m ak e br e a t h in g easier. 56 feet Is given over to officers and special? Then a surprise for the B.Y.P.T.U, 7:15 P.M 11 A.M, worship service. ing. There was an Immediate pro Sufferers f r o m those persistent, By D. V. Scroggins adjoining the office is a large res nasty family Is always welcome and Apple i r r i t a t i n g coug hs or bronchial 7:15 PM. Young people and Junior Mid-week Bible study and prayer test from OPAt which was valiantly District Vice Commander ati on s due to colds find Buck- Pancakes will fill the bill; from taurant and lunch counter which Ir l e rit service at 7:30. You are welcome at meetings. y s br in gs qui ck and ef fe c t iv e r e trying to hold down flour prices, American Legion will be open on sale days only. schooboy Johnny to Grandma who lief. Don 't w a i t — g e t B u c kl e y s Cnn- all our services. and a suggestion that the celling (Continued from Last Week) stays at home and does her bit for Two large coal stoves and a cir adiol today. Y ou g e t r e l i e f Instantly. ASSEMBLY OF GOD on wheat be raised was refused. way or the other? the war effort by keeping up the culating fan system heat the entire NYSSA PHARMACY THE METHODIST COMMUNITY C. L. Snider, pastor Chester Bowles of OPA and Admi A. Not necessarily. His eligibility homework. It’s a great life and the building including the ring. Plum CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a.m. nistrator Jones could not arrive at with the other government agency an understanding, and the mess Is separate and distinct from the was referred to Economic Stabilizer to a guaranty as described Fred M. Vinson with the result right herein. (Note 6) that Bowles was over-ruled and was 20. the right to this forced to boost the wheat price Q. How In about the case of a veteran celling by lets a bushel. Bqwles, guaranty has obtained a principal loan however, refused to permit an In who which“ is approved by a federal ag crease In flour prices and now the ency or guaranteed or government Is compelled to pay an Insured to by be It made pursuant to applicable additional subsidy to the millers to law and regulations”? enable them to continue flour pro A. If the veteran Is In need of a duction. Thus the spectacle is presented of second loan to cover the remainder one government agency compelling of the purchase price or cost, or a another government agency to pay part thereof, the administrator out more money to protect the pol (under Sec. 505 (a) of the act) icy Insisted upon by still another may guarantee the full amount of government agency The farmers, as the second loan. a whole, lose nothing, the consum Question: What blank form sh Condensed Statement off Head Office and 4 0 Branches ing public is still able to buy flour ould a veteran use In applying for at the low prices, but all the tax compensation? payers of the nation are called up Answer: All veterans (but not RESOURCES December 31,1943 December 30# 1944 on to make up the difference thr their dependents) should use form ough payment of taxes. It has Been 526 In applying for compensation suggested that this tangle of cross- or pension. The application should Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $ 82,406,278.22 91 671 591.47 purpose might be averted by the be filed with the service officer of vetlng of regularatory authority In the Legion. DAV or VFW. If the United States Bonds, including a single agency, but nowhere has service officer does not have them, this suggestion been welcomed you may get them from the vet U. S. Government Agencies---- 218,019,965.56 $300,426,243.78 255 988 540.55 347 660 132.02 Whether ohesiper fertilizers are erans’ administration. available to farmers In the post Question: When a veteran dies war period will depend upon what as a result of a disability contract Municipal B onds................................................. 13,664,988.23 40 105 803.10 action the surplus property board ed in world war 11, or during pea and congress take In disposing of cetime, what are the amounts pay Loans and Discounts.............................................. 50,916,522.34 60 054 804.76 the $200,000,000 government Invest able to dependents? ment In nltrogen-flxlng plants. Re Answer. When a former member presentatives of the chemical In of the armed forces dies of a ser Stock in Federal Reserve Bank............................ 300 000.00 300,000.00 dustry indlst that their facilities vice connected disability, his widow, are adequate to supply the demand children and parents may file claim Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures- 2,706,549.82 2 603 960.34 and that the government go out of for pension or compensation. the fertilizer business. Private pl Question: What recourse Is open ants are capable of producing 690,- to a claimant whose claim for com Other Real Estate...................................... 1.00 1.00 000 tons annually, while average pensation or pension has been den consumption In agriculture 1936 to ied? Customers’ Liability on Acceptances -... 3,987.56 10 010.16 1940 was 389,840 tons, with a peak Answer: Claimants may appeal of 453.600 reached In 1941. Total from a decision rendered by a rat capacity of the government plants, ing board, provided the appeal Is Interest Earned............................................ 1,283,672.53 1 888 162.76 now In war production, Is 760,000. taken within one year. Otherwise, According to those figures, the cl the decision becomes final. Other Resources.......................................... 156,364.07 252 213.32 aim of the chemistry people would Question: What is rehabilitation? seem to be valid. Answer: Rehabilitation means the But the department of agricul restoration of a disabled person to Total R esources.................................... $369,458,329.33 452 875 087.46 ture estimates that underordtnarlly his best possible mental and phy- favorable post-war conditions agric lcal condition, and aid him In pre ulture will require 750.000 tons .and paring for and getting into employ that an additional 290,000 tons will ment. LIABILITIES be required by industry. Depart (Continued Next Week) J1 Ê Brahs Brothers Opening Auction BRONCHIAL COUGHS! First National Bank of P o rtlan d , Oregon $ , , , , $ , , , , , , , , , , $ Notice To Subscribers Because of the paper shortage and other war-time conditions, we find it necessary to adopt a policy of discontinuing subscriptions not paid promptly upon expiration. In order to avoid missing a single issue, we are asking our subscribers to cooperate with us in this program. Gate City Journal Capital............................................... $ 4,500,000.00 Surplus............................................... 5,500,000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserves... 4,903,537.32 $ 14,903,537.32 .1,118,892.91 Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, etc.. • 3,987.56 Acceptances.........................«................... 125,843.18 Interest Collected in Advance........ • •••. . 231,115.62 Other Liabilities............................... ......... • • ••••••. Deposits (exclusive of reciprocal bank deposits) 353,074,952.74 Total L iabilities.................................... $369,458,329.33 $ 4 , 500 , 000.00 5 , 500 , 000.00 7 , 342 , 863.41 $ , , , , , , , 1 , 176 , 455.08 10 , 010.16 109 , 741.63 227 , 283.69 434 , 008 , 733.49 $ 452 , 875 , 087.46 17 342 863.41 Affiliated with Tha First National Bank of Portland are eight additional banks whose total Deposits, as of December 30,1944 were $22,909,800.43; and total Resources $24,036,365.82. These figures are not included in the above statement of The First National Bank of Portland The locations of those banks are ai follows: Sweet Heme . . . Seaside. . . Sttverton. . . Cottage Crove. . . Forest Crave . . . Prineville . . . Scio. . . Sellwood ( Portland) M E M B E R F E D E R A L D E P O S I T I N S U R A N C E C O R P O R A T I O N <*■ *