THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JANUARY 4, 1945 PAGE SIX Two Oregon Entries Win Market Gardening Awards SU RPRISE P A R T Y CfiVEN A ; chlei from the 10 guests. surprise birthday dinner was Mrs Loveland left Friday of Top- given In honor of Mrs C. C. Cotton penish, Washington to make her at the home of Mr and Mrs Dwight home. She will be joined by her Cummins of Kingman Kolony Sat- husband after the factory "camp- urday evening Other dinner guests algn" Is completed here. were C liff Beaumont and sister. I After dinner a card party was held. I - 8 - - 8 - 1 - D IN N E R OUESTS HERE Mr and Mrs Dorsey Donnelly and children of Caldwell were New .Year's dinner guests at the G. J. Mitchell home. G IVE3 D INN E R Mrs ________ Charles Garrison entertained ___ at New Y ear’s dinner, Mr and Mrs Frank Newbill and Mr and Mrs .Charles Newbill and children of Newell Heights. - N A V Y M AN WEDS Relatives have received news of the recent marriage of Dale Can­ non. BM2-C, and Miss Oloria Smith o f New York City. The marriage HMlM.IUI.lll, lil III IH N Him III III IIIIlHIII III M HI HI III lil ilí,HI III HI III III HI HI III I I III III HI III III III 1.1 III III III M ill III III HI P PR O G R A M THEATRE DOUBLE FE ATU R E FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JANUARY 5—6 Don “ Red” Barry, Helen Talbot in “CANYON CITY” Bob Livingston, Ruth Terry in “GOODNIGHT SWEETHEART” M a i, S a t, l : i l A im . 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. livening*. 40c-So. Including Tax_____________ SUNDAY AND MONDAY JANUARY 7—S Kay Francis, Carole Landis, Martha Raye. Mit- zi Mayfair, Jimmy Dorsey and his orchestra in “FOUR JILLS IN A JEEP” Technicolor subject “ Behind the Big Top” . Color Cartoon Mat., San, 2:30 Adm , 30c-9c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evening*. 40c-9c. Including Tax —BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY JANUARY 9 Lionel Barrymore, Van Johnson and Keye Luke in “THREE MEN IN WHITE” Cartoon and Captain America Adm. Ue-9c, Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY JAN. 10— 11 Ray Milland, Barbara Britton, Walter Slezak in “TILL WE MEET AGAIN” American Soldier and French Girl share thrill­ ing adventure in France! Cartoon and News Adm. Evening*. Me-9r. Including but there’s something special about Friday. January 12. at the Iva home cooking and the companion­ Nesbit place, two miles northwest (Cont. from Page l ship of friends and acquaintances. of Falk's Store bridge, starting at end of the game. 1 p.m. Farm equipment and mach­ A big plate o f oven- fried chick­ The Nyssa players were Morgan, inery, cows, horses, harness, pigs, en and hot biscuits will make dinn­ Bellon 8, Billings 9. Steinke 8. ete. Bernie B. Wiles, owner, Avers er and your house a meal to rem­ and Davis, auctioneers. Moore 7, Church and Toombs. Two Nyssa teams played In the ember. Here’s what we mean by preliminary, the whites defeating “oven fried chicken” . I t ’s fried to the blues by a score o f 27 to 19. a crisp brown without your having FOR R E N T —80 acre farm, 40 suit­ The players were as follows: W h ­ to stand over a hot stove for a sin­ able for row crop. Ten miles from ites—Lewis. Gernhardt, Herren, De­ Nyssa. Good house and deep well. gle minute. an Sutherland. VanTwlsk and Cl­ Tractor equipment preferred. Cash O V E N -FR IE D CHICKEN eaver, and blues Kendall, Root, or Share. Phone 65J. 4J2xp Weeks, Don Sutherland, Ray and 1 214-3 pound chicken ,iiiri — «in mu h i in in in in in in in m in in in in until 3 T. salad oil Ridder. The way the two teams have been 2 t. salt playing. Coach Howard Lovejoy said 14 t. pepper Nyssa should have defeated La- 2 cups whole wheat flakes Clean and cut chicken into ser­ Grande. The Tigers led all through the ving pieces. Rub with one table­ game, but a six-point margin at spoon salad oil. salt and pepper. the half was the largest o f the ga­ Crush whole wheat flakes into fine me. The score at three-quarter crumbs. Roll chicken in crumbs until well coated. Put chicken in time was 35 to 34 for LaGrande. The Bulldogs lost by only one greased shallow baking pan and point, but they missed 13 foul shots springle with remaining oil. Bake oul of 25 attempts. Individual scbres were Morgan 6, Bellon 1. Steinke, Moore 18, Ch­ urch 2, Billings 7. and Toombs. LaOrande's high point man was Garrison with 10 points. W e Buy U SED C A R S Veterans Information 1939— Black Special Coupe 1940— Stude. Champ Sedan 1940—DeSoto Sedan 1935— Chevrolet Coupe 1936— Chev. Town Sedan 1938— Pontiac Sedan 1934— Dodge Pickup 1938—Plymouth Sedan 1937— Terraplane Coupe COME IN —I ’L L M AK E YOU A GOOD DEAL G et Security for ’4 5 Make sure that you are By D. V. Scroggins adequately covered this District Vice Commander year with the R IG H T American Legion (Continued from Last Week) kind of insurance to fit 11. Q. What Is meant by "agency" your needs. Consult us in this connection? today! A. This means any federal In­ strumentality designated by the ad­ Don’t delay— tomorrow AT ministrator (Including veterans ad­ may be one day too ministration o f so designated) to late! certify whether an application me­ ets requirments of the Act and re­ gulations, and recommend whether USED C AR M AR K E T the application should be approved 1 Block West of the Bank if the applicant is found eligible. Ontario Phone 137, • j m m ii in in wm uim iii iii in in m m imi iii iiiiiii.iii iMiii (Sec. 400-4) 12. Q. After the application and papers are passed upon where are they sent? A. The agency shall forward all the papers to the appropriate office of the administrator with recomm­ endation as to approval or disapp­ roval. (Sec. 4026) (N O TE : The ad­ This store will be closed at 6 o’clock Satur­ ministrator’s representative in the field office will have delegated au­ day evenings, until further notice. - - and Mrs Leo Fife, celebrated her thority to act for him) Q IV E NEW YE A R 'S P A R T Y tenth birthday on New Year's day, 13. Q. I f the application is approv- j Mr and Mrs L. E. Robbins enter- at the home o f her parents. Lunch ed. what happens? tained the O. P. Counsil family, was served to 18 guests, who also A. The administrator will notify Rev. and Mrs H. J. Gernhardt anti received a special favor. Carol re­ the agency and veteran of the family and Miss Velma Pox at a ceived many gilts. approval, and will execute a loan New Year's dinner party, guaranty certificate. This and all - - WOMEN ATTE N D P A R T Y other papers-except the original ap- SERVES NEW Y E A R ’S D INN ER Several wives of servicemen mot- ( plication for guaranty which will an<* Mrs Cotton served otetj to Ontario New Year's eve 1° „ be retained by the veterans' admin­ New Years dinner to Mr and M rs ' attend a picture show and then re- istration ..will be forwarded to the John Bennett, Mr and Mrs Jess' turned to the home of Montle Jen- proposed lender with instructions Lawrence, Mr and Mrs Ralph I sen where they were entertained as to the closing o f the loan in a Bring your livestock to a home market. It is Richardson of Homedale, and Irsh- ' at a New Year's party. I manner to make the guaranty e ll- al Davis. _§ _ lectlve. (Sec. 4029) not only convenient, but it pays dividends in - 8 - G IR L SCOUTS PROGRESS j 14. Q. What if the application Is GIVES B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y Members of Girl Scout troop C disapproved? fair prices to both the seller and buyer. C. C. Cotton gave a surprise bir- haye earned their sewing badges | A. The administrator will return i/iftv n artu hnnnrlno' nts u nfp . . . . . ,, thday party honoring his wife and are now working for their art to the proposed lender all papers W e have an outlet for any kind of cattle you Sunday evening. Guests were Mr badges. Their next meeting will be \ except the original application for and Mrs Jess Lawrence, Mr and held Friday at the home of L aD o n -! guaranty and will state the reasons want to bring in. Mrs Charley McConnell, and Mr na May Schoen. j for denial. Copies o i this letter will and Mrs John Bennett. be sent to the veteran and the *— agency. Poem Printed— ATTE N D B ALL Miss Nannette Bybee, 10 years old 15. Q. Is there any appeal? Nyssa residents attending the A. Yes. The veteran and the pro­ has been notified oi the publication stake LDS ball at Welser Saturday of her first poem entiled "Rules for posed lender, or either, may appeal evening were Mr and Mrs Eldred Happiness” . It appeared In the Salt to the administrator within one Brower, Vera Anderson, Helen A n­ Lake magazine December Issue of, month alter receipt o f notice of derson, Verla Jensen, Spencer Be­ The Children's Friend” , published denial Phone 25-R ars, Lynn Swenson, Mr and Mrs 17. Q. W ill all functions pertaining In Salt Lake City. S. J. Lemon, and Mr and Mrs Lut­ Col. Bill Lane, D. 0. Bybee, Mgr. to the guaranty of loans be per­ her File. Auctioneer ' Phone 05J3 formed In the central office of the Baker Beats Boise— The Baker high school basketball veterans administration? Phone 116J C H R ISTM AS P A R T Y HELD A. No. These functions will also The Chatter Box club held Its team, which nosed out Nyssa by be performed in field offices from annual Christmas party at the G le n : on'y *,wo P0*1^ ' ast Friday, defeat- time to time designated for that Sultor home December 21, with Mrs n*e Boise Braves on the Boise purpose. Transactions and commun­ Ed Nielson as hostess. Fourteen me- 'floor by a count of 52 to 22. ications with, and contracts by such mbers answered to roll call by na- ; -------------------- -— designated field offices, shall have ming their favorite Christmas carol, i Visits In Boise— the same effect as If with, or made A pot luck dinner will be served at j Mrs Lillian Newby Spent the Ch- by, central office. (Forward to Reg­ the Oregon Trail schoolhouse Dec- ristmas holidays with her sons, ulations). 18. Q. What means o f identification shall a veteran use in entering upon negltlattons for the guaranty of a loan? A. As complete identification as possible. He should give his full first name, middle Initial or middle W e Have Stocked name if unobjectionabe. and sur­ name. In addition to the full name I have opened a fix-it shop in the building other Identifying data should be used, such as serial number in ser­ vice. rank, organization at date of formerly occupied by Smitty’s cigar store on discharge, current residence, add­ ress, etc. The most powerful, sanitary, harmless house­ 19 Q. A veteran may be eligible and First street. qualified to obtain a loan from ot­ hold cleanser and water softener on the market. her government agencies set up to I am specializing in repairing washing mach­ make loans for certain purposes. I f he avails himself of this is his right Better than soap, makes no suds, softens the or eligibility to the guaranty o f a ines, cream separators and gas engines. loan under this act affected one hardest water, contain no injurious chemicals, (Continued Next Week) Art Burscn Jesse M. Chase Frank T. Morgan Closing Notice 8 Brown. Phone 108 Bulldogs Lose Two Contests lo o Late to Classify __ E N TE R TAIN S CLUB Mra A H Boy