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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY DECEMBER 28, 1944 P A G E 1 HUEh 20, 17 and 8. T. 20 S., R. 46 j HI I I’RI MIII HI III MUM M ID HI ID III M M.HI HI i III HI HI HI M ill HI HI III 1:1 III III HI HI HI H Mil Rl HI «UM III Mil. EWM to the North (highllne) Canal; thence in a northeasterly direction along the west side of the North Canal right-of-way to the North side of Section 4, T. Prepared by OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION 19 S., R. 46 EWM; thence east on the north side of Section 14 KATES Two ceil La pei «oro lor eich Issue Minimum casn In and 13 to the half section line WAR'S PACE REFLECTED ON ars for fighting service, but we have advance Is 30c of Section 13. T. 19 S., R 46 HOMEFRONT a guarantee backed the faith and EWM; thence South on the half The intensified pace of military credit of the United States Gover section line of Sections 12 and 24 to the center of Section 24; operation everywhere is reflected in nment for their safe return. MISCELLANEOUS thence east on the half section continued firm controls of civilian Legal Advertisem ent All E-Bond sales reported to the For Sale line of Section 24, T. 19 S.. R. economy and further official steps I- NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING 46 EWM and continuing east on to concentrate needed manpower Treasury before New Year’s count FOR SALE-Man’s pre-war bicycle.' NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that the half section line of Sections and materials into war production. toward that all-important E-Bona 19. 20 and 21, T. 19 S., R. 47 Thus American, as they celebrate quota. Let's send the word around Good condition. L. G. Hawley, first' Loyd Elliot, the Administrator of EWM to the point of beginning. Christmas Day with appreciation oi the world to our fighting men and house east of Howard's corner. 1 hie estate of Harold William Elliot, That the purpose of said Weed the fact that their fighting men ■;«ni y p deceased, has filed in the County to our enemies, also, that once again __________________________ Court of Malheur County, State of Control District is to prevent the have enabled them to keep lighted we have reached and surprised a FOR SALE—Enamel heating stove. Oregon, his first and final account! *Preading ^and development of nox- the Christmas Spirit, are aware that 'o f "h is administration, and th at1 ,ous weeds hereinafter described j they are about to open a New Year war loan goal. Don't let this week C h arles L a n k soldi George F. Clowers, Rt. 2 Nyssa. Wednesday the 10th day of January ' and to prevent and destroy the i of hard, incessant work with victory go by without buying that extra ------- ------- .. A and o —j reproduction u g H i. il “ Of all sounds, of all bells, most ____________________________ 21D2xp 1945 at the hour of jj O clock A.M. blooms,, reseeding Bond. FARM MACHINERY BEHIND SC solemn and touching is the peal FOR SALE—Six holstein cows, T. B. j oi sald day. and tha County Court of the following noxious weeds: Morning Glory, (Convolulus arv- HEDULE that rings out the old year. . . .” an Bang's tested. Selling because I Room ln, _Vale' ° re« on' has One measure of the concentration ensis) White Top, (Lepldium dr- i appointed by the Court as the time Had Charles Lamb lived in the am leaving town. Wallace E. Rata- and place for the hearing of said aba) Canada Thistle, (Carduus cn war needs is the fact that the year of grace, 1944, he might arvensis) Russian Knapweed. War Production Board finds output ezyk, route 2, Nyssa. 14D3xp account and any objections that (Centauria picris) Blue Flower of farm machinery, exclusive of may be filed thereto, when and hear only joyousne~s in these FOR SALE—Bliss triumph seed ing Lettuce, (Lactuca pulchella) wheeled tractors, repair parts and where all persons Interested in said pealing bells that rin g in a New potatoes from blue tag certified st estate, may appear, file objections and any other weeds which may attachments, about 25 percent be By D. V. Scroggins Year filled with hope and prom hind manufacturers schedules for be declared noxious during^ the ock. E. J. Hobson. 12 miles south in writing and be heard thereon, District Vice Commander ise of better things to come— for time this district remains <5tab- the four months ended October 31 west of Nyssa. l"4D4xp ¿aid account is for final settlement American Legion Military needs, more critical than and upon being approved and sett- 1 lished. surely they are on the way ! TOR SALE— led, said estate will be closed and This shall constitute official notice, in recent months, are creating sh Questions and answers on G. I. Happy New Year to all—aad 4 Room moaem home, full base distribution made of the balance oi of the creation and establishment ortages in components for farm home loan 365 days of good luck! • of said weed control district and is machinery. said estate in the hands of the Ad ment, good location. $1000. Terms. 1. Q. Does the veterans’ adminis served upon any and all persons ! EUROPEAN NEEDS REPORTED 7 acres at edge of town $1800. ministrator. tration lend money to veterans for interested therein, by authority of I The demands on productive re- Loyd Elliot Terms. the purchase of homes? Administrator of the Estate of the said County Court for said i sources to keep the world of the Bernard Eastman. 7Dtfc A. No. It should be clearly under Harold William Elliot, Deceased. County and State by publication United Nations going is pointed out stood that the act does not author TOR SALE—Large work team. Call thereof in the Gate City Journal, by the urgent pleas for everything ize the veterans administration to Frank T. Morgan. 260tfc I a weekly newspaper of general cir- I from horseshoe nails for Sicily and NOTICE TO CREDITORS lend money under title 111 of the - ' n ’ kvivi ••• »••■in WB 1 H r rranm n n u iran hi n; hi iwiii hi hi linn hi min in hi in hi hi m hi hi hi Ri;nnr' .Notice hereby is given to the cred- culation within said County and ! fishing hooks for Greeks to water- act. FOR SALE—Modern house. Three state, for a period of two successive 1 pumping machinery for the Nether- 1 itors and all other persons interest- 2. Q. What does it do? 10-acre tracts in Apple Valley. fed in the estate of Anna Glascock weeks. and that Immediately foll lands and raw cotton for the mills A. It can grant an eligible vet Farms from 40 acres up, $100 to of France (to be made into tent owing the last publication of this Hite, deceased, that the undersign $300 an acre. eran. ed has been appointed Administrat official notice the provisions of this duck for Allied forces). These pleas 1. "The guaranty of a loan to be A. L. Atkeson or of said estate and has qualified as act shall be enforced in accordance are being laid before the Central used in purchasing residential pro such. All persons having claims with the purpose and intent of said Relief Section for Relief and Re perty or in constructing a dwelling W A N TED habilitation of the Combined Pro against said estate are required to act. on unimproved property owned by The first publication of this notice duction and Resources Board and WANTED-Manager for Nyssa br present same, duly verified, with pr him to be occupied as his home. anch, Watts Seed Co. Phone 74, oper vouchers within six months shall be the 21st day of December, WPB's Combined Raw Materials 2. “The guaranty of a loan for Board. 1944 and the last publication of from the first publication of this Parma, Idaho. 28Dtfc. COAL PRODUCTION SHORT OF ! the Purpose making repairs, al- notice, to the undersigned at the i this notice shall be the 4th day of D EM AND Derations or Improvements in, or WANTED : Man for year around wo- ¡office of A. L. Flet.her, Nyssa, Ore- January, 1945. Although the Nation's output of >>«>¡‘ "8 delinquent indebtedness on rk on farm. Good house and llv- j g0n, that being the place designed Irwin Troxell bituminous coal reached a new peak ref dentlal property owned by the ing condition. Married man only.. for the transaction of all business County Judge See Jake Fischer. 7Dtfc I pertaining to said estate. in the last 12 month, c o n s u m p t i o n '^ 1' and Used by hlm « his C. A. Marshall requirements will exceed production I „ ' „ . O. R. Hite. Administrator County Commissioner WANTED TO BUY OR RENT—A Estate of Anna Glascock Hite by from 10 to 16 million tons in th e 1, 3 tQ H° w “ ca n , hf admln- J. C. Medlin row crop ranch equipped with tr Fuel Year ending next March 31. Ut[ at? r of veterans aPialrs *ual" Deceased. County Commissioner actor. Write Journal office. 28Dtfc antee? County Court of Malheur County, according to Solid Fuels Administ A. Not to exceed 50 per centum j NOTICE rator Harold L. Ickes. This situation Oregon. WANTED- Used furniture. Highest of such loan, provided however, j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN reflects the unprecedented require prices paid. Phone I49W. Nyssa that the aggregate amount guarant ments of industry and means con Furniture Co. 1ATFC That under and by virtue of Chap eed shall not exceed $2000. (As to ter 5, Title 35 of Oregon Compiled tinued consumer pledges to save on secondary loans.) WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES foi Laws Annotated the County Court home heating. 4. Q. Who Is eligible to apply for live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay of the State of Oregon for Malheur Adrian members of the WCTU SOME CONSUMER NOTES HE CHINESE pay off all debts this guaranty? ette. $7Ntfc County did on the 4th day of Oct attended a luncheon meeting at the Full employment of civilian in the A. A veteran who served in a ct-! on their New Year’ s Day, even home of Mrs Jim Lane last week. first quarter of 1944, according to WANTiJD- -If you have a machine ober. 1944, by resolution duly and regulary passed and adopted, create Following the luncheon Mrs Ruth WPB’s Office of Civilian Require ive or military or naval service of though the wherewithal must be ! no longer needed. I will pay cash Tooze, state president of the WCTU ments, result in $281,100 000 being the united states on or after Sept. borrowed at ruinous interest rates. fo r T?~ Electric or'TVt'ircfW: Eny'HtyTi'.! and-establish a Weed Control Dist 16. 1940 and before the officially spoke. Special piano selections were spent in that three months period age, make or condition. F “Lete” | il t within said County and State, declared termination of world war the boundaries of which are more played by Mrs J. C. Nevin. by women for street dresses, $167,- We owe a debt of gratitude to Sackett, Box 608. Phone 24iM. On- I Mrs Tooze also spoke at the high 800,000 paid out by men for suits 11; and who Shall have been disch particularly described as follows. the people of this town— a debt tarlo. 21Dtfc arged or released from active ser Starting at a point on the west school and Kolony and Wade sch and $108,500,000 for men's shirts. vice under conditions other than that we can only pay off by giving bank of the Snake River on the | ools during the day. Women bought 23,500,000 house LOST 'i section line of Section 21, T . , Thomas Attebery of Weiser visit- dresses while men invested in 4,- dishonorable, either after or act the finest values and service it is LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN—My 19 S , R. 47 E.W.M.; thence South 1 ed at the home of his son, Jones 500 000 suits, 24,500,000 business sh- ive service of 90 days or more, or posgihle to give. This we pledge for injury or disability incurred ln new fur coat, but I should worry, along the west bank of Snake ! Attebery last week-end. ___ ___ wrok ____ ______ * _______ irts, 20,500,000 shirts _____ and 4 to do in 1945. And for the imme service in line of duty irrespective of It was insured by BERNARD River to the South line of Sec- j A number of college students. 1000.000 flannel shirts. Those house length of service. EASTMAN. See us about this fur diate present— a VERY HAPPY tion 19, T. 20 S., R. 47 E.W.M; former Adrian high graduates arr- [ cli-ps.sf‘.s averaged $10.03 each in pr- 5. Q. Where can an eligible vet coat insurance. 14Dtfc thence west on the South line ived home for the holidays. Phyllis ice while the men’s suits cost an NEW YEAR to you and yours. of Section 9, T. 20 S., R. 47 Haworth and Arlene Peterson arr- average of $37.57 a piece self-rat eran apply? A. He should first consult the ETWM and the South line oi ived from Oregon State where ioning of fly screen has been re BUTCHERING person or concern from whom he Sections 24, 23, 22, and 21, T. 20 I Phyllis is enrolled in the school of quested of all dealers by WPB Custom butchering every Monday S „ R 46 EWM; thence South on j Secretarial Science and Arlene in razor blade production in the curr expects to borrow money. In other and Friday, Beef, sheep and pork. the East side of Section 29 to I the school of home economics and ent quarter is estimated as adequate words an eligible lender, Sanitary butchering guaranteed. 6. Q. Who is an eligible lender? the half section line of Section ! Dorothy Tomb arrived ln Caldwell to meet requirements in the opinion Phone 05R1. Please bring stock A. Eligible lenders are persons. 29; thence west along the half j frm Monmouth college at Mon of the Safety Razor and Razor bl Sunday evening or Thursday even section line of Section29 to the mouth, Illinois to visit her parents. ade Industry Advisory Committee of firms, associations corporations, and ing. All stork must be ln by 12, government agencies and corpor noon, on butchering day. One mile west side of Section 29. all in T. Mary Lou Jackson is home from WPB. ations either state or federal. west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. 20 S., R. 46 EWM; thence north University of Oregon. WAR BONDS ARE SAFE Continued next week. Jake Fischer. Mrs John Holly and Mrs Dennis along the west side of Section 29, About the safest and the surest Patch attended the ANK garden: thing in this world of u n c e r t a i n t i e s _ . . _ _ club Christmas meeting at Mrs C C I is a War Bond issued by the United \ I N C O M E I A X R A T E Cottons home at Nyssa. Mrs D un -jstates Government. Here is an in-1 C H A N G E E X P L A IN E D way had the lesson on “Ever- j vestment worth as much in a dep-1 _____ greens ression as a boom. It is backed by | The revised rates for withholding Mr and Mrs Charlie McConnell all the wealth of America. If lost income tax from wages, provided of Boise, visited friends in Adrian or destroyed in any way it can alw- , by the individual income tax act on Monday. ays be replaced. | of 1944, apply to all wages paid by Mr W. H Bunch made a busin First of all is this matter of saf - 1 an employer to his employes on and ess trip to Moscow, Idaho. ety. A War Bond is as safe as the ( after January 1, 1945, regardless of Miss Ruth Larson, home ec. dollar bill in your pocket. The sam e, when the wages are earned. J. W. teacher at the high school, was security guarantees payment of bo- Maloney, collector of internal rev- called to her home in Nyssa by the tb. At the end of 10 years you are enue. explained today. death of her father. Mrs Warwick certain to get 100 good solid dollars Under the new law, for example, substituted for her. for every 75 invested. any wages earned ln December, but OPTOMETRISTS Mrs J C. Nevin spoke on Czech DENTISTS Next is the guaranteed cash re- not paid to the employe until Jan oslovakia at a meeting of the fed iemption values of War Bonds. L. uary 1 or later, are subject to the DR J. A. McFALL erated group of the Doswell Pres iny emergency the owner can alw new withholding rates. S r r MrFall and S * Better' .) R CUNDALL byterian church on Thursday. ays convert to cash without loss. On the average, about the same Dentist Arlene Peterson, returning from You can look on your bonds now amount of tax will be withheld un greetings from June Clark Burke, and see what the will be worth a, der the new rates as was withheld Phone 56-J Oregon State college, has brought any future date. These values will under the old rates. However, since Sara Tin Cltnlr former Adrian high home ec. in never be influenced by the ups and the rates were revised to adjust __________ ORFDON structor. Mrs Burke, whose husband downs of the financial market. A each employe’s withholding more Captain Burke was killed ln action farmer with money invested ln closely to his annual Income tax, 1 E W E I .R Y S T O R E S EYE8IOHT SPECIALIST in the Pacific area, has a teaching these bonds always has financial in in individual cases the withholding ONTARIO OREGON fellowship in the home economics surance against the “hazard year’ may be either more or less than PA U L U S department at Oregon State. Last, but not least, there is in, before. JEWELRY STORE p h y s i c i a n s "^ Dwain Hatch arrived home last danger of losing your money if It’s Collector Maloney further ex 111ELCOME 1945! We greet 1945 with Union Pacific Time Inspector week from Oakland, California ha invested in War Bonds. These bonds plained that the withholding re JEWELRY — DIAMONDS ving. received a medical discharge are registered in the name of the ceipt, form W-2 (Rev ), for 1944 to fervor. For a new year, like a new day, L A. Muulding, M.D. from the Sea bees He talked to the owner or co-owners. If stolen they be given by employers to all emp WATCHES Physician ana Surgeon unfolda infinite poaaibilitiea. high school students at an assembly are no good to the theif. If stolen, loyes by January 31. 1945. must Main 8tr*et at Second Phone 87 program. burned or destroyed or lost in any show all wages actually paid during May your New Year bring the realiza H"Un>: Id to 12 and I to 5 The Intermediate Girl Scouts'way the Treasury will issue dup- the calendar year. Dally Except Sunday were guests of their leaders, Mrs • licate bonds free of charge. W YCKOFF tion of all your aspirations and hopes, If any wages earned ln December Pry Building J. C. Nevin and Miss Idamary I No investment is quite so safe as are not paid to the employe until JEW ELRY STORE and yonr holiday be a day of Prouty at a Christmas party Sat, | War Bonds, yet these bonds pay the January 1, or later, such wages must Official Time Inspector for SARAZIN CLINIC at the Kingman Kolony school. A | highest rate of interest of any Oov- not be Included on the 1944 with Union Pacific | gift exchange was held by the 24 eminent Securities now available. holding receipt, he said. Inasmuch J. J. Sarazin, M. D. OREGON ONTARIO girls ln attendance. Many of us hold money and sav as practically all wage earners who Mrs William Holly and son. Billy ings for use in emergency Was th may use these receipts as their General practice of medicine HAY BUYER have arrived ln Adrian to visit at ere ever an emergency more serious 1944 returns file returns on the X-ray Physiotherapy the John Holly home. than the one our fighting men are basis of income received during the The Adrian basket ball team lost trying to resolve at this moment? year, inclusion ln the receipt of any I W. F. JAHN to Huntington in an overtime game. Was there ever an emergency not wages not actually paid ln 1944 SHOE SHOPS Dealer in Hay and only in the National sense but in a would result ln incorrect returns. 29 to 27. The Mary and Martha 8oclety personal sense, that we should move Abbott’* Shoe Shop Grain. of the United Presbyterian church more aggressively to meet? We at Buys Property— All kinds of shoe and harness No. 5, Factory Court met Thursday at the home of Mrs home ean help meet this emergency repairing. Ted Ross of Nampa has purchas J. O. Lane. The lesson was on through the purchase of war Bonds ed the Oliver Loveland residence ln Acroas from post office. Opposite Sugar Factory ‘ Indonesia ’ ln the study series of Yes. and what's more, not only Nysea Mr and Mrs Loveland plan the South Pacific regions. are we privileged to enlist our doll- to move to Yakima, Washington. Classified TOWN and FARM in WARTIME *1 Advertising Veterans Inform ation Thompson Oil Co. Adrian T j Nyssa Elevator Henry Borgman, Manager Professional And Business Directory Hollingsworth Hardware and Imp. Co.