Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1944)
‘ v > \ ~ r - ' - ' - ' - ' ' - i É M f» i i r-r i&Xro, - * - * * — ■— The NYSSA V O L U M E XXX IX . Hunting Mishap Causes Death Of Dr. E. D. Norcott Local Dentist Accident ally Killed By Charge From Shotgun NÒ. 48 T R A IL G R A N G E R S SELL MOST BONDS The Oregon Trail Orange had sold more bonds up to December 5 I than any other Orange in Oregon ! Nyssa, Adrian Go Over The Top In War Bond Drive JOURNAL N Y SSA , 0 ÏÏE G Ü N T H U R S D A Y DECEM BER 14, 1944 E D W A R D LAR SO N PASSES A T HOM E Bulldogs Play In Final Game Of SRV Jamboree Edward Larson died at his farm home northwest of Nyssa Wednes day night. He had been living on ______ in the sixth war loan dirve, accord- i g Bond Sales Over $85,- the former John Ray farm. Bulldogs To Rlf.y Friday Mr. Larson is reported to have ing to the last Grange Bulletin. j 000 I County Is Behind Night In Adrian; Here come to this community three years The local Grange Ijas raised *50,- j O n n tn Tuesday ago. Details of his life were not 600 of its quota of *100.000. The V* available this morning. Oregon Trail Grange is one of the The Nyssa-Adrian district has ex The body is in the Nyssa Funeral i The Emmett high school basket largest in the state. ball team defeated the Nyssa Bull ceeded its quota on the sale of E home. dogs in the final game of the Snake The possibility of using prisoners bonds in the sixth war loan drive, i --------------------- — river valley basketball Jamboree of war as laborers on Malheur co- but no definite report is now r , * 1 A j LT. A S H B Y D O W N S N A Z I FIGHTERS Lieutenant Clifford T. Ashby of Nyssa were credited with shooting down two nazl fighters in battles over Berlin December 5. Two other Oregonians shot down two nazia each and one downed one Dirk Tensen Is Taken By Death; 111 Long Time Merchant Prominent In Reclamation Circles For Many Years the same day. Dirk Tensen, prominent in rec Dr. E. D. Norcott, Nyssa dentist lamation and business circles in for many years, was accidentally this vicinity for many years, died at killed last Sunday morning while , his home in Nyssa early last Friday hunting ducks on the Owyhee river | morning. He had been in pool about seven miles southwest of unty farms in 1945 was discussed available, Nyssa Chairman Bernard L O U 1 1 C 1 I A C C C p i S held in Payette last Thursday and | health for several years. Nyssa. at a meeting of the Oregon T ra il,F rost reported. I F n C T l n R p n n r t 1 Priday ni8lUs' The SCOre 01 the ■ The qualifications of a city man- Mr. Tensen was born May 15, No one witnessed the accident, Orange Tuesday night. i Adrian went over the top with | L l l l g l l i C C l 1 V C J J U J t me was 19 t0 14 ager under the proposed city man- 1875 in Holland. He came to the but according to officials the aut The discussion was opened by tales of *23,000 and three districts,: P m n o Reed, lanky Emmett center who United States in March, 1899 and omatic shotgun that the doctor was William Villiam DeGroff, chairman of th the e : «¡ageview Ridgeview, . napton Napton ana and c/jwer Lower oeim Bend V v / s 1 « 1 » » v » v u w v a m I . l a l l » caused havoc with the Snake river 8 m 8 using was apparently discharged agricultural committee. ¡were >'et to be heard from, accord- j ------- I valley teams last year, scored 15 were discussed at a meeting of the almost immediately located in the Nyssa area. He engaged in farming from a jolt or from catching on a __________________ ; ing to Chairman J. E. Holly. | The city council accepted the re- 1 of Emmett’s 19 points. Larson sc- city council Tuesday night. An election on the proposed new and livestock feeding for many twig or stick. The shot from the The Nyssa-Adrian district E bond port of Engineer L. R. Stockman of j 0red the other two baskets. charge struck him in the lower jaw m « ^ 4 - 4 1 ^ 1 c quota is *85,000. Sales at the Nyssa Baker at a meeting Tuesday night Nyssa went into the finals after city charter, Including provisions years and entered partnership with and ranged upwards through the v H I I M I l l d o 1 ’ L u l 8 bank amounted to *78,000. When all j on the master plan for the proposed defeating Weiser the same night. for a city manager, will be voted Sid Burbldge in the Nyssa Packing company about 10 years ago. head. o r. O z i l have been issue<1 for <>ut- water system for the city of Nyssa. The teams with the highest scores on by local residents December 28 Dr. Norcott and Bernard Frost, O C U l U U l J t T v i C 1 standing applications the quota will The survey was conducted because in their respective games played in Members of the council saU "The During the early years of his with whom he had gone hunting, ------- | have been exceeded. ‘ | the water system has not been con- the finals. The teams played half question has been asked as to who residence here, Mr Tensen was cl will be the city manager, if the plan osely associated with reclamation left their automobile together, but Two hundred and fifty envelopes i However, Malheur county is lagg- 1 structed systematically. games. separated in a few minutes with the ontaining Christmas seals were i ing on its sales of E bonds and the Mr. Stockman recommended that Other teams participating were is adopted by the voters. The coun and through his work contributed understanding that they would re ent out in the Nyssa area this county committee has asked Nyssa the city run a line from the grade Vale. Ontario, Payette, Weiser, Ad cil Intends to choose a man for greatly to the development of the turn to the car about 11.30. After ear with M r Dick Tensen and her and Adrian to exceed their quotà school to well No. 1. connect well rian. Fruitland and New Plymouth ability only and is required to do community. He was a director and president of the Owyhee Ditch waiting at the car for sometime. insistants doing the work. No. 2 with the Main street line and as much as possible. The Bulldogs will open conference so by the charter. “ Because of the qualifications th company for 15 years and was one Mr. Frost shot two more ducks. He Sales in thé county to corporat erect a 100.000 gallon storage tank play against Adrian Friday night Throughout the United States found Dr. Norcott's body while he housands of volunteer workers are ions on December 7 were 10 per in the north end of town. on the Adrian floor and will play at are necessary, the city manager of the organizers and directors of was searching for one of the crip -, Jving a great deal of their time cent over the quota. The percent The city will start the work as their first home conference game will not be a present resident ol the Nyssa-Arcadia drainage dist to promotion o f the tuberculosis age of E bond sales was only 44 soon as labor is available. The en- on the Nyssa court next Tuesday | R^ssa. To fill the job, the man rict. He was a director of the for pled ducks. Mr. Frost immediately contacted j Christmas seal campaign this mon- I per cent, placing the county in 17 tire project is expected to cost app night against New Plymouth. P r e - . must h8Ve the following quallf- mer Bank of Nyssa and served as im m o n in c f to r\ both K n tV < n n n ta s ts m ill V » « ' Ì lcat*ona: C & t iC roximately *80,000, including the l liminarles contests will be Executive ability, a pleas- mayor for one term and as a mem Bert Llenkaemper of the Nyssa Fu-| th, according to Frank Parr of Ny- j th place in the state. I ing personality, willingness to work. ber of the council for several years. cost of a water-softening system started at 7 30 neral home and the two men called j ssa, president of the Malheur Coun- New Plymouth nas a good team ' experience in municipal affairs and I Survivors are his widow. Hulda: and equipment for eliminating sand County Comor Tacke. The coroner j ty Public Health association, built around a 6 foot, 7 inch center ■ preferably a man with engineering j three daughters, Mrs Grant Rine iiom the water. and other officials, after investigat- j “ It is gratifying to the volunteer | experience. The question has been1 hart of Nyssa, Mrs William E. Bot- Engineers making a survey for named Loudermilk. ing the case, declared that Dr. Nor- workers of Nyssa that the response cott came to his death accidentally. I is so prompt and generous” , Mr. street improvements have about1 Adrian is expected to be “ tou gh ", asked several times, ’Is such a man hamley of North Hollywood, C alif ornia. and Miss Louise R. Tensen completed the outside work. They against Nyssa. . I available’ ? Dr. Norcott was active in civic ' Parr said. “ Last yeSr practically 100 ------- i will soon start making maps and affairs for several years. He served! per cent of the people contacted by The Tupelo staff of Nyssa will " In 016 mlnds ot the Present of Corning, California; a son, Dick Oregon’s greatest crop of sugar, drafUng reports, as city councilman and as president mail returned a check for the tub- give away a turkey at the Tuesday counc" , 11 was ielt 11181 such 8 man C. Tensen of the U. S. army; two ___________________ night game. 1 woul<1 be available and at a recent brothers, Pieter of Nyssa and W ill o f the Nyssa chamber of commerce, j erculosis association. The average beets, all but a small acreage o f _____________ * | meeting with Herman KeUrll, exe- iam of Holland; two sisters, Mrs He was a charter member of the | for each envelope was *1.78. The which are grown in Malheur county. I n . n . « f 1TT'M<5TTQ T O has been harvested and growers are * A lv lV i. ^ E ji.N o U o l U ( ! cutive secretary of the League of Dick a root of Nyssa and Mrs Rob Nyssa Lions club. He was a member ] average is maintained throughout P o fi/ u iln ir Oregon Cities who is also connected ert Van Oilse of Olendale, C alif of the Masonic lodge and Eagles! the county. This fine record exp- already planning to increase their BE C O N D U C IE D -------- * **■! I ' l l Y c l l I U I l l I I J , I with the University of Oregon mun- ornia, and six grandchildren. lodge of Nyssa. resses the confidence the people of plantings by several thousand acres Funeral services were held in the | \ ' ___ • „ J | icipal research bureau, he was ask- Dr Norcott was bom in Rock j the county have in the health ass- to meet 1945 food production goals.! The agriculture census conducted j /"i V U l O U p L U S m i S S e a i e d whether a man with the desired Episcopal churah Sunday afternoon Valley. Iowa January 6. 1904. H e ' ociation and the county nurse, Mrs the Oregon State college extension by the department of commerce will service farm labor office has been be started in Oregon about January qualifications would be available. with Rev. Burton Salter officiating. came to Nyssa shortly after his gr- Edna Farris. It also expresses the ... , , . ... „ _ . . . I*. aduation from the North Pacific I desire of our people to help the less informed. informed. 18. Headquarters Headquarters for for district district 4 4 will will Malheur county's farm rationing T o the question Mr. Kehrll replied The Nyasa Funeral home had ch The Dental college of Portland in 19271 fortunate who have been stricken The Malheur Malheur county county sugar sugar beet beet be be at at Burns, Burns, with with Victor Victor J. J^ Benoe, Benoe, committee, like those throughout that he knew of one very good man arge of interment In the Ontario and practised dentistry here until with tuberculosis. |crop is estimated at around 215,000 supervisor, and Mrs Lena E. B o w -, the nation, was dismissed this week with many years of municipal ex cemetery. Honorary pallbearers were Dick the time of his death ' "Each year that we contribute to i tons this year, some 10,000 tons hi- era, assistant. | with the thanks of the state A A A perience and who is also a civil T h e deceased is survived by h is 1 this cause brings us closer to the «h e r than the previous record crop l District 4 comprises Umatilla. | committee and the War Food Ad- engineer, whom he was certain wo- Stam, Joe Stam. O arret Stam, Garret Groot, Z. Davidson o f Par widow, Lucille; a daughter, Merry day when this disease will be sta- 111 1942, according to County Agent I Union, Wallowa, Morrow, Baker,, minlstrator Marvin Jones for a d lff- ! uld be available if tihe plan were Ralph Brooke. He estimates abouol Orai'.t, M s " ;ur and li rney coun- ; icult war job well done, according to adopted. He also stated that the ma. Fred Koopman, H. J. Sloan Norcott o f Nyssa; his father. C. K. mped out in Oregon When that day back 13.400 acres were planted in the co- ties, where schools will be held t o . Glen L Hutchinson, chairman of obtaining of a suitable man for the and Dave Hawkins, Pallbearers were Norcott of Pendelton, and a brother, omes we will be able to look manager's position had not been H an*'' Miner. E ru e «t-J W «*v E. S . ‘ . to . .... . . -----unty this year while the state's goal instruct enumerators for this work.! the county AAA committee. * and give thanks the ...... little stamp A. C. Norcott o f Seattle. for next year is 17.000 acres. | All information will be strictly i Complete cancellation of the farm a difficult problem for any of th* Frost, Herbert Fisher, Douglas M c Funeral services were held this that has made this possible” . Although this year’s per acre yield confidential and will be use only i machinery rationing program by cities that have recently adopted Donald and Emil Stunz. afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Epis of beets was not as great as last for statistical purposes The ret- \ removaly of corn pickers--the only the plan and that the league would copal parish hall. Rev. Burton Sal APPLICATIONS FOR year, the sugar content is high. The urns are used by the government, rationed item since September 2 9 - assist us in contacting other suit W A L L O W A SO LDIER ter officiated. Interment was in the SCHOOL REQUESTED crop is expected to return between end private enterprise for the wel-i has eliminated much of the work able prospects for the position. Nyssa cemetary with the Nyssa 2 4 and 3 million dollars to growers, fare of the people of the U n ited ' assigned to the committee. Remain- “The council again wishes to re DESCRIBES H A V O C Funeral home in charge. Under authority received from practically all of the beets were out States, and post-war planning. i ing duties have been transferred to commend the adoption of the city Dead Japs were lying all around national headquarters, the U 8 , 0f the ground by December 1, wh- Mr. Benoe and Mrs Bowers w ill' the county AAA committee, includ- manager form of government and SCHOOL DISTRICT coast guard personnel procurement ereas two years ago some were be- be in Nyssa soon to contact anyone j ing recommending applications for asks that every eligible voter ex the semi-jungle of the Burma rail road yards at Myttkynia. Equipment BUYS CERTIFICATES office has announced that applic- ¡ng dug as late as the middle of interested in the work and advise crawler-type tractors and issuing press his wishes at the polls". and rolling stock were smashed, ations are now being taken from | j anuary as to where a three-day train in g1 preference rating certificates for overturned, buried. The whole place gas engines, lumber and copper w i S ’ hool district 26C has purchased 17-year-old youths for instance to | Sugar beets are one of four record period will be conducted. was a mess when Marshall T. W ea re. *10,000 worth of 7-8 per cent trea the academy preparatory school at I breaking crops harvested in Malh- ver of Wallowa, with the American The farmers who served on the sury certificates, School Superin Avery Point, Conn. The course e m - j eur county this year. The largest ground forces which took over, first bodies a comprehensive program o f , onion crop in the county’s history— committee—R. H. Woods, Weiser, tendent Henry Hartley said this saw the damage Inflicted by Am Tom Donahue. Vale and Peiter T e week. The sale will go to the credit academic and practical studies des- ^ about 4000 carloads or approximat- erican air forces, acording to Fred igned to assure the enlistee assign- eiy 3,200 000 o f the 50-pound sacks- nsen, Nyssa ha.> each received a o f the 0th war loan drive in Nyssa. Mrs Henrietta Strain of Nyssa B. Barton, war correspondent. letter from Judge Jones expressing The money for the bond purchase ment to the regular coast guard, has been harvested, though adverse Weaver, 21, was formerly a welder warm praise for valuable war ser died in the Nyssa Nursing home was taken from a special reserve academy at New London, Conn, marketing conditions will probably The possibility of a reduction in vice in helping to obtain maximum December 9 after an illness of two with the Richmond Shipyards. Ric fund set up for post-war purposes. This regular course, in wartime, is prevent several hundred carloads fr- hmond, California. He is now using | of three years duration and upon om reaching markets, Brooke esti rates of payment for practices per procution from a limited quantity months. Mrs Strain was born September that experience as a welder with ' graduation the cadet receives a mates. This year’s 3500 acres tripled formed under the 1914 agricultural of new farm machinery. V.'oman Is HI— conservation program was called to In commenting on the splendid 20, 1857 at Rockville, Indiana and the ground forces at Myltkynla. Mrs Anna Holmes became ill commission as ensign and a bach- last year's plantings. "Nobody spends much time need attention of Malheur county farm- manner in which committeemen spent her ohildhood and young W hile this year’s potato acreage from a heart attack Tuesday night, elor of science degree of 7500 acres is Tom e ToOO'few er'th- ! ers ‘ n 8 statement released by Olen handled this difficult assignment, womanhood there. After residing in lessly saluting or expecting salutes,” Chicago, ahe came to this section the correspondent said in telling day for Augusta, Georgia. an in 1943. between 200 and 250 mo- ' L. Hutchinson, chairman of the the war food administrator said • how everyone buckled down to the “ Real teamwork, initiative, andi about 20 years ago. She lived in .. , re carloads o f spuds are expected to county AAA committee. Word has been received from the hard work among farmers were j Parma, Idaho for eight years and rehabilitation job. “The officers do Lieutenant Jack Dunaway is visit-ibe marlceted__for another MalheUr ing his parents, M r and Mrs J^P |county record. This season's potato state A A A committee that, on the necessary to obtain our remarkable came to Nyasa 12 years ago. Mrs their work Instead o f swinging th Dunaway of Nyssa. He has been crop is estimated roughly at 2500 basis of county estimates of pract food production record. You have Strain was a member of the Meth eir rank around. During the muggy monsoon season, when it rains most stationed with the air forces in carloads. The 1944 crop graded hi ices performed, total payments ear played an impotent part in this odist ohurch. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs of every day, you seldom bother to Rapid City, South Dakota. gher than that of last year. Nearly ned by Oregon farmers may exceed total effort. As a people, we respect wear a raincoat because your own two-thirds of the county's acreage the state's allocation of funds for those who accept difficult public Lorena M. Baker; two granddaugh Jimmy Cook, formerly of Nyssa, was in early potatoes and the bal conservation and soil building prac services and see them through, and ters. Mrs Eleanor R. Browne and sweat will soon wet you as thorou has been transferred by the army to ance in late varieties. tice work. I am sure that the majority of Mrs Irene Nelson, and five grand ghly as would the rain.” Because so many steel bridges England. He said he is working ha Oregon was granted an allocat farmers as well as the W ar Food children. Vegetable seeds were the fourth Funeral aervices were held in the had been blown up, trains were li rd and likes the country, but will teoord crop with about 5000 acres. ion of *2,017,00 from the *300.000.000 Administration have a sincere app- be happy to return to the United Leading seeds were field and sweet appropriated by congress for the ! reciatlon of the work which has Methodist church Tuesday at 2 p.m. mited to three box cars and a Jeep States. donr by the members o f the with Rev. J. H. Oernhardt officiat for an engine when Barton visited com, carrots, lettuce, onions, turn 1944 practice program. To obtain | ing. Interment was in the Parma the Wallowa soldier’s outfit. Flank the fullest use of this allocation, in f arm rationing committee." ips and rutabagas. ed wheels were welded on the Jeep's cemetery. Jack Ford, carpenter's mate. 3rd __________________ Carrying the bulk of the addition terms o f improvements to the s t - 1 axles and the riding that way was class, has written to his parents. al faim labor load in harvesting ate's a8ticultural resources, farm more comfortable than on Burma's Mr and Mrs Jess Ford of route 2, these crops were nearly 500 Mex-1 allowance provisions of previous W O M E N N O M IN A T E Goes To Florida— Keith D. Bybee, son of Mr and stating that he was recently in sev Mrs John Olaon and baby. Mary bumpy highways, he said, but since leans and over 600 Japanese evacu- Pro* rams limiting the amount of OFFICER C A N D ID A T E S Mrs D. O. Bybee. enlisted in the eral invasions in the Solomon and ------- ¡K ay, left Friday for Knoxville, Ten- the friction brakes were not stout ees on indefinite or seasonal leaves each farm's payment were not in Nomination of officers was held i nessee to meet Lieutenant Olson, enough to hold back the box cars, cluded in the 1944 program. navy Tuesday at the Boise recruit Philippine islands. His duty aboard were available. Because of the marked increase by the Nyssa Business W om en's,They will drive to Tampa. Florida, collisions were not Infrequent. ing station, and will report for duty a sea-going tugboat is assisting in in practices carried out by farmers club at a regular meeting held in j where Lieutenant Olson will be *t- Cargo planes first came in with towing mostly barges, but occasion as an apprentice seaman December CITY DELIVERY and ranchers, it now appears that the high school home economics ationed at McDlllfleld airport. Mrs bulldozers and other equipment for ally a ship. Fred has been out 15 18. He will leave Saturday for San months without having liberty and OF MAIL URGED total payments earned will be in room Tuesday night. Olson spent the summer with her the a . i. ’s and later, at a "LaOuar- The nominees are as follows; For parents. Mr and Mrs CXwrles G arri dla field rate o f one every 55 sec Diego for eight weeks training. excess of the allocation. Unless add * 18 months away from the states. He onds", with food and munitions for has been in the navy for three years president George Mitchell o f the itional funds are allocated, a uni president. Helen Smith and K ath son. transfer to the rebuilt railroad. M r and Mrs F W Adams of route I an<j has never had a furlough, re- Nyssa chamber of commerce app form percentage reduction in all ryn Crandall; vice president, Velma Bullet-riddled locomotives were arc ointed a committee Wednesday to payments will be necessary. This is Fox and Mae Schlerman. secretary- Mason* Elect— I. Payette, have received word that I latives said, Luray Trabert was elected master welded and those beyond repair circulate petitions asking the post in accordance with the policy of treasurer. Eloise Herald and Irene their son. Corporal Clyde Adams, j An Air Service Command Stat- office department to establish a city sharing available funds with all Smith, the four directors, Alice o f the Nyasa lodge of Masons at Its were "cannibalized", it was said, fo has arrived In Italy. Adams gradu ; ion in England:—Second Lieutenant cooperators, rather than paying on Jensen. Effie Ellen Counall. Darlene regular meeting Monday night. O t supply parts for other locomotives, delivery system in Nyssa ate from Ny: high school in 1943 jj . Johnson, the son of Mr Members of the committee are a "first come. .fiTst served" basis Brown, Marjory Nihart, Erma Ha her officers elected are Ellis Buck- described as "doll-like looking eq mlin, Orba Blair and Josephine land, senior warden; Wayne Morris. uipment which nevertheless haul ------- and Mrs Ernest C. Johnson, form- Jess Thompson. C. W. Buchner and until funds are exhausted. L. F. Calvert, PhM 2-c, U.S navy, erly of igy-gg* Oregon, recently com- A. Chadwick. Rigney Officers will be elected Junior warden; A. H. Boydell. trea the goods". January 9. surer, and E. S. Frost, secretary. has reported for duty at the U S . 1 pieted an orientation course dps- Other postal problems were dis Return To Alaska— Here For Funeral— After the nominations, games Mr and Mrs Jim Richey of K et naval hospital at Chelsea. Massach- lgned to bridge * the gap between cussed at the chamber luncheon. Mr and Mrs Robert Long of Jor chikan. Alaska returned to their were played under the direction of Leases StaUbn— usetts after a 30-day leave. He will i training in the states and combat home last week after a ten day visit Mrs Hlen Smith. Mrs Schlreman W c. Marsh has taken a lease dan Valley were here today to at work in a hospital. His wife expects soldiering against the enemy in Boy Boilding— Mr and Mrs Ronald Batt have at the home of Mr and Mrs Barney and Mrs Marie Jensen served lemon on the Shell service station at Sec tend the Dr. E. D. Norcott funeral to join him loon. Germany. ond and Main streets from the and attend to business. _____ i At this Air Service Command St- purchased the building formerly i Wilson. Mr. Richey Is a brother of and butterscotch pie and coffee. Shell Oil company. Mr Marsh, who Pvt Donald Strickland, who wo- ation Second U . Johnson attended occupied by Dr. C. A. Abbott o n . Mrs Wlhon. Returns From Trip— has been operating the Veltex st Go T o Nebraska— rks in the medical department of a series o f lectures given by veter- Main street between Third and | Mrs C. C. Cotton returned Sun ation near the school house, will do Mr and Mrs Charlie Moore of the Oliver general hospital is on a an* of this command which includ- Fourth streets. Mr and Mrs Bat' Returns From Portland— Mrs Lloyd Marshall returned ho day from a three weeks visit with general automobile and tractor re Parma route 2 will leave next week twelve day furlough, vliltlng his ed instructions on chemical warfare who are operating a shoe repair parents. M r and Mrs E. H Strlck- defense and pertinent Ups on itay- shop in the building, made the me last week from Portland, where friends and relatives in Kimberly. pairing and welding in his Shop and for Oothenburg, Nebraska, where l will also operate the service station. they will make their home. purchase from Bernard Eastman she underwent a major operation Tw in Falls and Jerome, Idaho Isnd Donald plans to leave Satur-1 Continued on page Tl Council Talks About Manager Record Crop Of Beets Harvested Cut Possible In Farm Benefits Mrs Strain Of Nyssa Succumbs Our Boys In The Service I