Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1944)
VOLUME XXX IX, NO. 45 TYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 23, 1944 NICHOLSON Plans Finished iS JIMMY Nys. Eagles SHOT IN FOOT For Lions Dance Will Sponsor And Fun Festival Bond Auction | Nyssa To Open Hoop Season In Baker On Dec. 1 FORMER ADRIAN MAN IS MISSING E. O. SMITH NAMED DISTRICT ATTORNEY E. Otis Smith of Ontario has been Mrs Ellen Sparks o f Adrian rec Jimmy Nicholson of Nyssa was appointed as district attorney by eived a telegram from the war de shot in the left toot when a 12- Governor Earl Snell to replace M. partment stating that Pfc. Verne gauge shotgun was accidentally dis A. Biggs, who was elected to the Moore was missing in action in I t Fashion Show, One Fea charged last Saturday while Jimmy Residents O f Nyssa Area aly. Mr. Moore was formerly Janitor Adrian And Bulldogs To position of circuit judge. and Johnny Flanary were hunting Mr. Smith, who served as city att o f the Adrian high school. Open Conference Play ture W ill Start Asked To Give For orney of Ontario for several years, four miles southwest of Nyssa. Dec. 15 About 10:15 Dec. 2 Event was succeeded in that position by The boys had stopped along a P. J. Gallagher. The Adrian and Nyssa high sch The time of the various events ditch bank and after Johnny had A merchandise auction will be ool basketball teams will meet Dec scheduled to be held at the Lions laid his gun on the ground he acc held on Main et between Second ember 15 on the Adrian floor in club dance and fun festival in the identally kicked it. The gun, which and Third si s Saturday, Dec their first conference game of the Nyssa gymnasium tonight (Wednes was apparently off safety, discharg ember 2, begi ig at 4;30 p.m. as The national war fund campaign season. day! was announced today by Lloyd ed and the charge struck Jimmy a feature of N; t’s sixth war loan was closed in the Nyssa vicinity in the foot only two or three feet drive. | Each team will play every other Lewis, chairman of the aftair. November 20 when the community With December 15 the important The Lions plan the dance, fash away. The shot tore away the flesh Articles o f value -ill be given to over-subscribed its quota by nearly (quintet in the conference twice so (that the schedule will be divided annual Income tax date for farmers, ion show and carnival for the bene on the bttom of the left foot and the highest bidders i purchase $400. imbedded In the right shoe. i into two rounds. As a result the the county agent's office has ob fit o f the Nyssa hospital. ol bonds at the auction, ' . ,ch will The committee collected $2986.76 secon(j Nyssa-Adrian game will be tained a supply of explanatory bull • The injured boy was brought to be sponsored by the Nyssa aerie of All concessions will open at 8 town in a truck. and expenses were only $70, leaving ' played on the Nyssa floor January etins, report blanks and other in- o'clock and dancing will start at 9 the Eagles lodge. Alex Goekan, wh a balance of $2916.76 to be turned o’clock. ose parents, two brothers and three over to the Malhuer county comm- 1 oth er ***“ * games are scheduled tormatloon for any farmers in M al ¡as follows: New Plymouth here Dec- heur county desiring such assistance From 10:15 to 10:30 masculine .liters, were killed in Greece, will lttee' iember 19 and there January 30; On- County Agent R. E. Brooke announ models, selected form among Nyssa’s -peak at the bond rally. Tlie Nyssa Business Women's club, ^ tario here January 2 and there ced today. business men, will reveal the latest The sixth war loan committee, sponsor o f the campaign, expressed February 2; Weiser there January The bulletin. Issued by the Un styles in women’s ready-to-wear. headed by Chairman Bernard F r thanks to everyone who contributed ® ant* here February 9; Fruitland 1 Charles Wilson of Kingman Kol- ist, asks for donations of merchan- and all those who helped by giving ^ r e J a n u a ry 16 and there February iter States department of agricul Following a half hour of dancing, ony was seriously Injured Thursday- 13; Payette there January 16 and ture, is entitled “Farm Bookkeeping an auction of articles donated by evening of last week when his aut •ise and farm produce for the auct- their time fori soliciting. I here February 16; Emmett here and the Federal Inclme Tax." It If merchants and farmers will be held. omobile was struck by a train on on. Persons having merchandise "The fine spirit shown proves th -j January 19 and there February 17, a revision of a similar bulletin Iss The auction, with W. L. Lane as the Romedale branch at the Over- ii articles of any kind that they at the people of Nyssa and vicinity and Vale here January 23 and there ued a year ago and brought up V ■could like to contribute are asked auctioneer, is expected to last for an 1 street road. \ Mr. Wilson was taken to the Holy .o leave the property at the Idaho can be depended upon to do their | February 23 The Bulldogs will open the season date in line with the provisions o r hour. Many o f the articles to be | Rosary hospital in Ontario, where Power company office. Livestock share as a community”, the comm- with a game to be played with j the 1944 tax law. While the individ auctioned are displayed in the win ne Is receiving treatment for a skull should be left at the Bybee sales- ittee said. Baker on the Baker floor December ual income tax act of 1944 simplif dow of the Idaho Power company. fracture, pelvis fracture and broken yards. 1. They will participate the second ied some of the requirements, it did Five turkeys will be given away ribs. | Bill Lane of Nyssa will be the night in the Malheur county Jam not materially affect the problem FIELD EXECUTIVE about midnight and a blanket will The automobile, which was not auctioneer. boree, which will be held December \ of determining the net profit from be given away at 12:30 or 1 a.m. badly damaged, was pushed 200 Mrs Fred L. Olmstead of O ntario,! OF SCOUTS CHOSEN 7 and 8. Another non-conference farm operations. The gymnasium was decorated feet by the locomotive without be chairman of the Malheur county contest will be played here with j The bulletin explains the kinds of today for the show. Larry Lundeen of Twin Falls was ing overturned. The engine was women's division war finance, ann- j records that are needed for tax Baker December 29. pulling empty beet cars. ounced that Mrs Bernard Frost will appointed to the position of field purposes, discusses returns made on Takes Examination— executive of the Ore-Ida Boy Scout head the women’s war loan drive in ■ both cash and accural basis, and Roland Lawrence was in Port COMMISSION PAYS council, at a meeting of the execut Nyssa. shows how the various farm oper land Monday for his pre-induction COACHES SELECT Mrs Maurice L. Judd will be ch- [ ive committee hi Ontario last week. MONEY TO COUNTY ations are to be reported for income ALL-STAR TEAMS physical examination. airman in the Adrian community. ; Mr. Lundeen will fill the vacancy tax purposes. For these farmers Mrs Ora Hope, county treasurer, ( already keeping a regular set of left by the recent resignation of Toombs, center on the Nyssa high ( Mrs Olmstead said “ I hope the Mrs Carrison III— women’s committee will organize Emery Burkee. He has been employ has received $4580.55 from the state books o f farm accounts, the filling Mrs Charlie Garrison has been school football team, was placed in complete solicitation, in that we de ed in field work in scouting for the racing commission for the Malheur out of a return will be relatively that position on the snake river very ill the past week at her home. past year and a half in Twin Falls, county fair fund. simple. For those who have not valley all-star team selected by the sire to go in and get the job done The amount is double the largest kept books, it still is not too late having taught school there for 14 coaches of the conference at a in a hurry. This has proven to be amount ever received from the com years previous. Mr and Mrs Lun to gain some advantage by using meeting held in Ontario last week. the most effective way to go over deen and two daughters will move mission and is four times as larges a prepared account book to record Crocker of Adrian was placed on the top in shorter time. Our slogan to one of the towns in the west end as the amount received last year. | the year’s transactions from mem the second team as right guard, and is “Be Bound to Buy War Bonds of o f the council as soon after Janu A total of $164 899.90 was divided' ory. Brewer of Adrian was chosen as Buy Bonds be Bound’’. ary 1 as living quarters can be sec equally among the counties of the j The farm management depart right end. state farm commission Income from ment of Oregon State college has ured. No coach was allowed to vote for Earl Brockman, president of the August to October. It Is to be used j prepared three klhds of account one o f his own men In making the council, read a letter from the’ reg for the maintenance of county fairs i books, all of which are available at selections. ional headquarters in Portland, re and expositions. the county agent’s office. These are The first team was chosen as foll commending that summer camp a five-year Inventory book, an ows: LE, Larson of Emmett; LT, l session be cut to one week instead POEM IS READ Oregon cash farm record book, and Hatfield of Ontario; LG, Maddox W hat to do educationally for of ten days as in the past in order the complete Oregon farm account of Weiser; C, Toombs of Nyssa; RG. handicapped children was the topic ! that the camp at Warm Lake, Id BY ADRIAN GIRL ing book. For those who desire a Harting of Payette; R T, Dean of of an all-day teachers conference aho, could accommodate more boys simple book in which to record the Vale; RE, Hartnet of Weiser; LH. neld Saturday in the Conklin school College of Idaho Nov. 22 (Special) during the summer. The letter was year’s business transactions in ad Edwin o f Vale; Q. Scheloske of auditorium in Ontario. More than referred to the summer camp com The poef, "In Flanders Field", was vance of making the income tax Weiser; F, Schiller of Emmett, and >0 teachers of the county met to read at the regular vesper service mittee of the council for further return, the Oregon cash farm acc RH, Hammock of Vale. last Sunday at the College of Idaho near specialists from the state de- | consideration. Mr and Mrs Ellis Walters o f Ow ount book is recommended by Br Honorable mention was -given to partment of education discuss var by Ruth Eastman of Adrian. This yhee, who have three sons In the The council voted to have their ooke. Explanatory statements as to Nysysa and Adrian men as follows: ious phases of a new state-wide servi e, received word recently that p.rogral" commem- who will profit by making out Joint annual all-day meeting at the sp<* lal LT, Piercy of Adrian; LH. Mitchell program. Dalrymen's Hall at Caldwell on orated the dead of world wars 1 and Pvt. Rex Wulters of Port Ord, C alif rather than separate income tax of Adrian; Q, Sakamoto of Nyssa, Dr. V. D. Bain, director o f the January, when the officers for t h e ;11’ ornia has embarked for overseas , „ . , . . . . . . returns are also available. and RH, Percy of Nyssa. program, was introduced by County coming year will be elected. Erwln Scnwiebert, assistant to the duty. For actual aid in filling out re Ontario won the conference ch School president of the College spoke on Superintendent Kathryn Seaman First Class Byrd Walters About 25 members present repres turns, the bureau of Internal rev ampionship with six wins and one Claypool, who described the pro telephoned ills parents from San ented all towns between Nampa The New Armistice” . enue will have specialists available loss and Nyssa trailed in the league gram and acted as chairman of the Diego telling them that he too was ar.d Weiser. with out cost, as usual, in the prin with one win and four losses. • Bazaar Planned— conference. Mrs Ethel Fortner, sup preparing to go overseas. His wife, cipal towns in advance of the final The Relief society will give its ervisor o f the education of visually who lives in Boise, has been visiting date. ! annual bazaar December 9 begln- handicapped and staff consultant DEADLINE SET ON MALHEUR COUNTY him. | ning at 10 am. in the Graham SERVICEMEN GIFTS for the Oregon state school for the After a silence of four weeks. Cor MEN ARE INDUCTED insurance agency office. M ALH EUR .TEACHERS blind, discuussed vision. John M. poral Jack Walters has written fr The deadline for donation of gifts j om the Philippines. HOLD GATHERING Several Malheur county men were Taylor, supervisor of the education to the wounded, sick and disabled Visit Here— sent to induction stations last F ri o f deaf and hard of hearing and staff consultant for the Oregon st service men an women in govern-1 Sgt. and Mrs Jack T. Conklin On Saturday evening the teach M r and Mrs H. B. Williams of day. ment hospitals at Christmas has i were overnight guests at the Lloyd ers of Malheur County met In O nt Newell heights have received word The list includes Erven L. Rich ate school for the deaf, discussed been set for December 7. ¡Lewis home as they were en route ario for a meeting and dinner. that their son, Hyrum L. Williams ardson, Robert L. Lee, Earnest R. hearing. The goal of the American Legion | to Baker from Fort Bennlng, Oeor- Problems o f children having sp The dinner was served in the has been transferred from North Montague, John R. Carson, Harl an auxiliary is to have every hospit- gia, where Sgt. Conklin has been home economics room by Miss Betty Africa to southern France. Jacob Smith. Glen Eugene Eason, eech difficulties were presented by alized veteran remembered next I stationed. Johnson and her home ec. classes. Seaman, 2nd Class Ralph W ill Joseph Merle Dyer, Clinton M. T u Dr. Leon Lassers, supervisor of sp ------------------------ Instrumental and vocal numbers iams, who graduated from ’’boot” nis, Billy Claude Morrow, R o g e r, eech correction and staff consult month. Suggested gifts are books. | were furnished by the Ontario mus training at Farragut naval station, John Troutner, Robert Smith Mor- j ant for the state child guidance stationery and games, toiletries, no- : Return Home— | Mrs Ray C. Lewis and son, Tom - ic department under the direction has been sent to Seattle to await fitt. Bill Foster Humphrey, Jam es1 clinic o f the University o f Oregon tions and things to wear. Gifts may be left at the Oolden ' my, returned home Wednesday of Mr. Harris. further orders. H. Mitchell, Clifford Allen Precht, Medical school. Rule store. ( from Utah. They were accompanied Following the dinner a business Ellis N. Horn, Robert B. Glrvin, I Mrs Edna Farris, Malheur county ___________________ | by Mr. Lewis' mother, Mrs Martha meeting was held with Mrs Fay firem an 1st Class Mural C. Lewis, Clint Arthur Payne, Cleo McDowell, public health nurse, described the j A. Lewis, who is 90 ears old. Swan, president o f the Malheur son of Mr and Mrs Ray C. Lewis William Gowey, Harold Pearson, work of the health department, em From Nampa— Mr and Mrs Russell Jordon and Teachers association, in charge. Mrs has returned to his post at San John Santillanes, Clyde Reffett, phasizing the importance of taking Go T o Nampa— Harriett Brumbach of Adrian was Pedro after spending a 10-day leave Mark C. Child, and Delbert Herring. advantage oof the fund for the pur children o f Nampa were in Nyssa Mr and Mrs B. G. Bybee of O nt elected delegate to the Portland chase o f special equipment to be Saturday visiting at the home of with his parents. ario and Mrs Mary E. Bybee of meeting o f the Oregon State Teach placed in the schools to aid in the Mr and Mrs Gordon Ray. Nyssa visited at the home of Mr ers association In December with education of the handicapped child. The war department has notified SCOTT TAYLOR OF and Mrs Russell Johdan of Nampa Miss Hope Mayfield of Ontario as This fund is administered through Here From Ontario— relatives that Pfc. Loyd Cleaver of ONTARIO PASSES Mrs C. M. Tyler and daughter, | Sunday the state department o f education first alternate and Mrs Fay Swan Nyssa was seriously wounded Oct Funeral services for Scott Taylor, and is available to all schools in Shirley of Ontario visited friends o f Vale as 2nd alternate. ober 27 in Italy. Pfc. Cleaver, who Visits In Idaho— Following the meeting dancing was in the first draft from Malheur former Nyssa resident, were held in 1 Oregon when properly applied for. in Nyssa Friday. Mrs Stella Butler left Tuesday for and cards were enjoyed by the g r county, is a son of Mr and Mrs Ontario Tuesday afternoon. Inter Several children were examined by a week's visit in Twin Falls at the oup in the Conklin gynasium. The George Cleaver. Mrs Lloyd Cleaver ment was in the Ontario cemetary. the specialists and application for Shop At Weiser— Mr. Taylor, who spent the last this equipment was made for two Mrs Fannie Child and Mrs Ila home of her son, Gordon Ray. Vale teachers Invited the teachers and baby daughter Linda Marie, li of Malheur county to Vale for a ve in the Buena Vista community. 20 years in Nyssa and Ontario, left pupils in the Arcadia school and Child were in Weiser shopping In Boise— here about one and one-half years oone in the Conklin scchool. Monday. similar meeting and social to be Dr and Mrs E. D. Norcott and held in January. During the conference plans were | Camp Wolters. Texas—Ptv. Jewell ago. He leaves no known relatives. daughter, Merry, Lucille Sallee and Elmer Wilson, son o f Mrs C. W. Mr. Taylor, who was between 45 made to hold a special educational Go To Idaho— Bishop A n il Child and William Mrs Carl Coad were Boise visitors To Locate Here— Wilson of Nyssa. Oregon, route 1, and 50 years old, died in Ontario clinics for children having difficul ties in vision, hearfng and speech. J. Bens went to Burley last week Tuesday. Dr. Norcott attended a Mr and Mrs Derlln Hammon and has arrived at this infantry replace Saturday morning. dental meeting. The clinics are to be held March 26, end on business. children arrived In Nyssa Saturday ment training center to begin his 27. 28. 29 and 30 at strategic locat evening with a load o f furniture, basic training as an infantryman. Returns From Visit— leaders To Meet— Mrs John Emery has returned ions throughout the oounty. The Here From Utah— and plan to locate here. Accom He has been assigned to a battalion A leardershtp meeting for author panying them was Mr. Ham nun'i Mr and Mrs Richard Maw arriv stressing heavy weapons training. home from a visit in Portland and exact schedule of the clinics will be Seattle. She took her son, Carl, to announced later. Parents of hand ed Sunday for a visit of several days ities of the LD8 church will be held brother, Amasa Hammon, Jr. M r and Mrs Herbert M Shaw of the Shrlner's hospital in Portland. icapped children are ftvited to att at the Ben Hartely home. With th at Weiser in the stake house next Recovering From Operation— em were M r and Mrs Roland Maw Sunday beginning at 1 p m. end the clinics. Kingman Kolony received word and Mr and Mrs Sessions. Mrs H. O. Hopkins o f Nyssa U that their son James, will be sent Leave On Visit— Called T o Utah— Mr and Mrs John Ostrom left Last Sale Planned— recovering after an operation per- to quartermaster school at Farragut Louis Riggs was called to mormed in St. Vincent's hospital Tuesday afternoon for Klamath St. Paul's guild will hold its last Shop In Boise— Idaho. Falls to visit their son. Bert, and thrift sale of the season Saturday, Mrs Mary E Bybee, Mrs Gordon Sugar City. Utah Monday evening in Portland She Is resting at the November 25 in the parish hall. Danmoore hotel in Portland. Ray and Mrs 8. P. Bybee were because of the death of his sister. Mr and Mrs Dale Ashcraft of family for a few days. Boise shoppers Wednesday. Adrian have received the diploma Called To Caldwell— Leave Hospital— Here From California— of their son Dick, who has com Sen Arri Mr and Mrs Perry Ward were Mrs M. C Zamora and twins re Go To Boise— Mrs Robert Thom peon's mother. Mr and Mrs Robert E. Thompson pleted a course in medicine and Mrs Eldred Brower and Miss Vera called to Caldwell Saturday because Mrs Ruth Bates, la here from R iv surgery at Farragut: and has been of Nyssa are parents o f a son born turned to their home in Newell transferred to Bermerton, Washing in the Holy Rosary hospital in On heights from the nursing home In Anderson shopped in Boise Wednes of the death of Mr Ward's aunt, erside. California to visit her daug Mrs Peter OLson. tario Sunday afternoon. Ontario Saturday night day. hter and other relatives. ton. Nyssa Reaches War Fund Quota Farmers Income Tax Data Issued Wilson’s Car Is Struck By Train j Our Boys I n Th e Service Handicapped Are Meeting Topic Annual Concert To Be Given By Glee Clubs, Band Familiar Tunes In Mod ern Version To Be Theme Dec. 1 The theme o f the annual concert tc be presented by the Nyssa high school band and the boys and girls glee clubs in the gymnasium Dece- mer 1 at 8 o’clock will be “ Old Familiar Tunes in a Modern V er sion". Tunes, such as America and Dixie in a modern style, will be heard. The program will be opened with a colorful routine by the majorettes, followed by the national anthem played by the band. The band, composed of 58 mem bers, will feature a trombone nov elty. a barnyard novelty and march es by Sousa and Vagner. Merna Jordan is drum major and Rodney Estey is assistant director. Thelm a Floras is band librarian. The boys glee club, the first org anized in Nyssa in several years, will present such numbers as Bull dog on the Bank and Sidewalks of Old New York. The club is com posed of 12 members. The 42 members of the girls glee club will present six numbers, some o f them very popular, such as When Pa and Ma Were Young. Vocal solos will be given by Virginia T r outner, Lois Anderson, Verla Jen sen, Claudlne Tomlinson and Dor othy Florea. Thelma and Dorothy Florea, V ir ginia Troutner and Vivian Fife, comprise the high school quartet, which will make its first public appearance at the concert. Miss Tomlinson is accompanist and Mary Lou Schenk is assistant pianist of the girls glee club. MARION SUITER TO APPEAR IN PLA Y College O f Idaho Nov 22 ' Special> Marlon Suitor of Nyssa, Oregon Will be seen in the College of Idaho production o f “ Arsenic and Old Lace” , the hilarious mystery-farce, which was so popular on Broadway last season. Suitor is cast as a policeman, who is looking for toys for Christmas. Unlike most police officer parts, this one is of some Importance In the play. Suitor was recently pledged to Beta Chi at the college. He is a son of Mr and Mrs Glenn Suiter. Supper Planned— The Mary and Martha society of Adrian will serve a chicken supper in the Adrian high school building December 1 from 6 to 8 p.m. The Kingman Orange Home Economics club will hold its annual bazaar at the same time. T h e Fidelae A mer ic ae girls will sell neckties and sew ing kits. j i 'f r POET’S CORNER Edited by T. CARO L BYBEE - T H A N K S G IV IN G Thanksgiving is a time for fun. A heaped up plate for most every one. A big fat turkey on the table. A leg for Dick and one for Mable. Mother likes the wing, Dad gets the breast But I like the good old drum stick best. . The cranberries look so red and sweet All I want to do is eat, and eat. W e ll all have a merry time that day. (W ith the tum my ache, some have to pay). So take my advice and do not eat Too much o f that good Thanksgiv ing treat. NO TUR K EY Mr Turkey and his partner Had a talk one day. They said to one another "W hat say, we run away?” “ I saw the farmer grind his ax His wife made pies and bread. We better run away today I f we want to keep our head." They And The They sounded out a warning all the turkeys came. last the farmer saw of them were runlng down the lane.