Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1944)
PACE SIX THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L T H U R S D A Y NOVEM BER 16, 1944 the meeing on "Women In Radio". | returned from nurses aide confer ence at Portland, which was called Speakers for the evening Included by Pacific area officers. Represent Mrs Harriett Brumbach and Jerry | atives o f 16 Oregon chapters were -tone. A solo was sung by Delores present. More nurses aides are badly Hurst accompanied by Mrs Hurst, Visiting Parents— needed as their help is of great im and two readings by Bernice Ch- , Susan Zamora, who has been portance now and will be in the i. aney- working at Gowen field, Boise, is months to come, Mrs Lzicar said. BOOK IS REVIEWED the Meditermean theatre of war. A business meeting was conducted j „pending a month with her parents. Hunting E lk - Nearly 40 guests of the Friendly where he spent 15 months serving by Nadeen Wilson, who appointed' Mr and Mrs M c gamora of New- Dale Oarrison, Artie Robertson. Book club enjoyed a book review in with the navy. L t and Mrs Hague Colleen Connoughy and Lois Mc- ell Heights. W. E. Snader, Charles Newbill, Eld the parish hall Wednesday evening, left Friday morning for New Mead- Ginms as chairman for the Dece- ----------------------- I Pruyn and Vern Butler left Wed- I nesday for the Anthony lakes area TJte book, "Doctor in Arabia”, ows, Idaho and Missoula, Montana, meeting on Vacation for W o VLsit In Boise— m e n . Delora Hust was appointed Ralph Williams, Mario Anderson jn Union county to hunt elk. was reviewed by Mrs J. C. Nevln of where they will spend about two ^ song le ^ e r I and Junior Zamora spent last Sun- | __________________ Adrian. The book, written by Dr. weeks. They wiil leave the latter —} — I day in Boise, Caldwell and Nampa. | Chaperone Dance— p Paul Harrison, is an Interesting and part of the month for Norfolk, Vlr- PA R T IE S HELD TOR V ISITO R S ( Williams and Anderson flew in an J Mr and Mrs Harry Miner were educational account of his exper- ginia, where Lt. Hague will report Twenty-two friends of Pvt. Rob- airplane over Adrian and Newell chaperones at the high school dance iences in Arabia. , for advanced training. ert R. Dewey of the U S . army air heights. Saturday night in the Elagles hall. The Friendly Book club was org- Mrs Hague was a teacher in the corp6 gave a surprlse party for hlm anized in Nyssa in 1942 as a project Nyssa schools last year. ; at his home six miles west of Nyssa Here From Nampa— Visiting Here— of the St. Paul’s guild and for the —8— I Friday night. Miss Edna Burt of Nampa, for Mrs J. C. Lewis o f Caldwell is O IVES PIN O CH LE P A R T Y enjoyment of all those who enjoy ___ linotype operator of the Gate Pvt. _ Dewey ___ and ____ his ______ sister, _____ Mrs mer visiting at the home of her sister, good books. | Mrs Dale Garrison gave a pin- Henry of Yakima, were the City Joumall, spent last week-end Mrs Douglas McDonald. She will The next review will be given on ochle party at her home Friday lnsplratlon for other partles held wilh M r and M„ Tom Nordale in return to her home Sunday. the regular meeting date. Wednes evening. High score was won by Mrs during the weeg They were guests Nyssa. Miss Burt and Mrs Nordale day, January 3. Virginia Bybee and the traveling o { and Mrs J. S. Beem o f On- visited friends in Vale Sunday. Here From Idaho— prize by Mrs Dave Mitchell. j tarj0 at dinner Monday and were | __________________ - 5 - Mrs Grant Lewis of Twin Falls E N T E R T A IN V IS ITO R S » _____dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Webb Visitors H e r o - M r and Mrs A1 Kuehn and Mr A D R IA N SENIOR SCOUTS MEET £ n„ le j ' ^ T l n T ^ s Harry Wllmer o f 'w r s G l ^ U U n t . ^ h e " re'pom that and Mrs Glea Billings entertained The Senior Scouts met Thur ay M „ cayhill also invited Mr. Cedarville, California and Mr and Mr. Lewis is enjoying his work in at a dinner on Thursday evening night at the high school for t Dewey and Mrs Henry to dinner. Mrs W ill Rinehart of Denio, Oregon | the Hawaiian islands where he is honoring Lt and Mrs Lloyd Hague, monthly meeting. Ellen Judd and _ j_ haVe been visiting at the horn? of stationed with the navy Lt. Hague recently returned from Forrestlne Wilson were in charge of | Q U ILT IN G BEE HELD Mr and Mrs W. L. Lane the past I __________________ UCALNEWS Their Mother Knows Best She Serves Our The Relief society of the LDS church held a quilting session T il- esday, beginning at 10 a.m. Lunch was served to 14 members and seven children at noon with Ila Child and Thelma Bybee as hostesses. The regular meeting was opened at 2 p m. - M ILK M ILK Keep CREAM children your healthy— give them CH O CO LATE only M ILK the best dairy products B U TTE R M ILK Shelton’s Dairy Bed Davenos W e have to offer two outstanding buys in bed davenos. They are covered with beautiful dark blue jackard velour and are built around the best of springs. You must see them to appreciate their beauty. -5 - HGSTESS T O CLUB Mrs R. G. Larson was hostess to the Thursday brige club with prizes going to Mrs Frank Morgan for first and Mrs J. B. Giezentanner 1 second. Invited guests were Mrs. John Bishop, Mrs Burnell Brown and Mrs J B. Giezentanner. E N TE R TAIN S FOURSOME Mrs Wayne Morris entertained a foursome at bridge Saturday eve ning. The guests were Mrs. Des mond Jones, Mrs. Luray Trabert and Mrs Oliver Laveland. BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Mrs. Kenneth Renstrum’s bridge club met at her home Friday eve ning. Mrs. Aden Wilson won high, Mrs. Luray Trabert second and Mrs A. L. Fletcher the traveling prize Invited guests were Mrs. A. L Fletcher and Mrs Joe Maugh- an. - * Roll-Away Beds 5 - E NTE R TAIN FRIENDS Mr and Mrs Artie Robertson en- i tertained Mr and Mrs A. H. Boy- ! dell and Mr and Mrs Jess Thomp- |son Saturday evening. —I - E N TE R TAIN CLUB Mr and Mrs Harry Miner enter- ained the Mr and Mrs Sunday night bridge club. Prizes went to Bernard Eastman for first and Mrs R. G. Whittaker for second. 5 - HOSTS A T DINNER Mr and Mrs Bernard Frost were hosts at dinner Sunday evening for Mr and Mrs William Findling, Verna Ruth Findling and Corp. Lawrence Findling. - I - This genuine Tiger brand bed is equippet with a good mattress. Nordale Furn. Store in mui! m in in in hi in it in in in m in h in in in K M in in ni m M in ili ni ili l i M h iii ti ni h iii U ni h ni fi hi m hi i t h NYSSA Phone IO Ô PROGRAM T H EA T R E DOUBLE FEATU RE FRIDAY & SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17— 18 Anne Gwynne and David Bruce in “SOUTH OF DIXIE” Eddie Drew and Lyle Talbot in “TRAIL TO GUNSIGHT” Mat.. Hat.. 2:50 M m . 25c-Sc Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9r, Including Tax SUNDAY and MONDAY NOVEMBER 19—20 Joel McCrea, Betty Field, Harry Carey and William Demarest in “THE GREAT MOMENT” Fop Eye Cartoon and Eagle Vs Dragon MaL. Hun. I :M Adm., 30c-9c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c 9c. Including Tax — B AR G AIN N IG H T— TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21 Robert Paige and Louise Allbritton in “HER PRIMITIVE MAN” Our Gang Comedy and Alaskan Mystery Adm. tse-tc, Inc. Tax____________________ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY NOV. 2Z—23 Gary Cooper, Laraine Day, Signe Hasso and Dennis O’Keefe in “THE STORY OF DR. WASSELL" A Legend o f Greatness, Courage and Humility ..Photographed in Beautiful Technicolor. Note: Due to its Length, lliis Show W ill Start at 7 P.M. Second Show at 9:30 P.M. News Adm. Evening«. 40c »c. Including Tax CUESTS A T D INN E R Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Taylor and sons of Vale were dinner guests of Mrs Taylor's parents, Mr and Mrs Jess Thompson Saturday eve ning - * - GUESTS A T D INN ER Mr and Mrs Herbert Fisher and Mr and Mrs Bernard Frost enter tained at a chicken dinner at the Payette country club Saturday night for Dr and Mrs Ed Norcott, Mr and Mrs Albert Meier and Dr. and Mrs Glen Kensatian. _l— week. M r and Mrs Alec Goehan o f , Go T o Boise— Nevada have arrived at the Lane j M r and Mrs Jess Thompson and home for a visit. : Mrs A. H. Boydeli were business ------------------------ I visitors in Boise Tuesday. Is Operated On— Mrs Leslie T op liff of Nyssa under In Ontario— went a major operation in the Holy Mrs. Frank Rambaud and Mrs. Rosary hospital in Ontario last F ri L. M. Baker were Ontario busi- day. ness visitors Monday. Minister In Nebraska— Rev. E. J. Wilson has gone to N o rth Platte, Nebraska to conduct a revival meeting. In his absence, a mlsslonery service will be conducted in the Nyssa Nazarene church Sun day morning. -*- ____ V ISITO R S GUESTS Henry Schomburg. Mrs A1 Schom- burg. and Mrs Leland Schomburg and mother were dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs J. C. Olsen Mr. Schomburg, a brother of Mrs Olsen, is here from Ooffeevtlle, Kansas, where he is associated with the Page Milk company. Examiner Cs A traveling examiner of operators and chauffeurs will be in the N y ssa city hall Wednesday. November 32 from 9 a m. to 12. noon. Retam From Portland— Mrs L. A. Maulding and family Mrs Ed Frost and son, Allen, re turned home Friday after a two weeks stay tn Portland Too Late to Clasaity To Attend Dance— The employes of the Idaho Power company and their wives will att end a dance and box social in Pay ette Friday. Visiting Parents— Mrs Gilbert Henry of Yakima is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. E. A. Dewey, who live west of Nyssa. T o Move Church— The Methodist churclTYmilding in Apple valley will be moved from its present location at the Apple valley station to a point across the road from Earl Boston’s farm. The build ing will be remodeled. CO LUM BIA AVENUE C. M. Tensen made a business k° Vale Friday. _____________ j Mr and Mrs Gerrit Groot of In Ontario— j Apple Valley entertained Sunday M r and Mrs W. F. Findling an d ' afternoon for M r and Mrs Dick St- family were in Ontario Monday o n i am of Ore8on Trail, Mr and Mrs L. Davidson of Parma, Mr and Mrs business __________________ -Dick Groot and M r and Mrs Pete Returns To Camp— ¡Tensen. Lt. John Olson returned Monday Mr and Mrs George Smit o f Nu- to Ash wilier, South Carolina, after I Acres visited at the Gerrit Stam a two weeks visit with his w ifeJhome last week. ‘ - - - Marjorie Fields was a dinner and " * " baby daughter. guest at the C. M. Tensen home Saturday. Girl Scouts Meet— Mrs Glen Cooper made a business Troop C of the Girl Scouts un der the leadership of Mrs Luray trip to Ontario Tuesday. Mrs T. M. Beranek of Baker is Trabert met Friday with Darlyne visiting her daughter, Mrs C. M. Sissler. Tensen, this week. Mr and Mrs Edwin Mowerson ma Visits S is te r- Miss Doris Kwontz of Boise was de a business trip to Ontario Mon a week-end guest at the home of day. Miss Thelma Cooper, who has Mr and Mr George Mitchell. Miss Kwontz is Mrs. M itchell’s sister. been visiting her parents, M r and Mfrs I. L. Cooper, and other relat ives, returned Monday to Oakland Go To Council— Mr and Mrs George Mitchell mo California where she has a posit- tored to Council Saturday evening for dinner with Mrs Mitchell's sis ter, Mrs Dale Donnelly. They were accompanied by Miss Doris Kwontz o f Boise and Mr and Mrs Dorsey Donnelly and family of Caldwell. In Ontario— Mrs Bernard Frost and family and Mrs Perry Ward ano Ronald were Ontario shoppers Monday. TO R SALE—Heatrola heating stove. Charles McConnell. 16N3xp LOST—Billfold, containing pictures and money, lost in Nvssa theater. Reward. Return to Journal office. JRNlxc W ANTED —T o rent residence in W ANTE D —T o trade 1936 Terra- Nyssa, 4 or more rooms preferred. plane sedan for milk cows, or hor Mrs Myrtle Bartholoma, Nyssa. ses and harness. Box 913, Nyssa. 16N2xc 16N2xp T O R SALE—250 New Hampshire TO R SALE!—Fat turkeys. Fred Sch pullets, laying. $1.50 each. Joe King. illing, 4 miles north of Nyssa on 16Nlxp 4 miles south of Adrian, Lower highway. Thank You To all those who voted for me to represent you on the city council, I extend to you my thanks. However, four good men were elected. Let’s all back them up in their efforts to build a bigger and better Nyssa. A. Chadwick Farm Loans I have just been appointed representative negotiate a loan for you on your farm for the purpose o f improving the farm, paying o ff pre sent indebtedness or purchasing more land. These loans can be made for 10, 15 or 20 years at low interest rate. I f you need money come in and let’s talk it over. Bernard Eastman INSU RANCE R E A L ESTATE P Y R E X WARE WILL GET THEM OUT OF THE KITCHEN FASTER Pills and Powders: C u ts baking time one-third. D eep , with fluted ed ge, It keeps all the ¡ulce and flavor In your mince and pumpkin pies. Handy glass handles. I P , I0 s iz e ................only “ J J r PYREX DOUBLE DUTY CASSEROLE! G ives you two dishes In one. Bake your Thanksgiving squash or candled sweet potatoes in th e bottom part. U s e th e cover as an extra pie M ( * w plate. 3 sizes. I'A qt. 0 PYREX DEEP PIE DISHES! Immunization Through advances made by medical science, it is possible to save lives by the prevention o f a great many diseases. For example, whooping cough, smallpox, diphtheria and typhoid fever are now almost entirely preventable by immun ization. It was not long ago that deaths were fre quent from tetanus, commonly known as lock jaw. Today, however, when prophylactic inject ions of tetanus anti-toxin are given in certain injuries, the dangers o f subsequent infection are virtually eliminated. Your physician will gladly advise you regarding immunization a- gainst disease. W e carry a complete stock of biological pro ducts for the convenience of the medical pro fession. Nyssa Pharmacy “ The First In Nyssa” Night Phone 9J Day Phone 14 'À PYREX "FLAVOR SAVER" PIE PLATE I • r Bronchial Irritatio n s Du# to Cold* B u ckley's Famous “ C A N A D IO L ” M ixtu re A c ts Lik e a Flash Spend a fe w ce n t* tod a y a t an y good d ru g a to re fo r a b o ttle o f B u ckley'a C A N A D IO L M ix tu re (t r ip le a c t in g ). T a k e a couple o f alpa at bedtim e. F e e l its Instant p o w e rfu l e ffe c tiv e a ction spread thru throat, head and bron ch ial tubes. I t sta rts a t once to loosen up thick , c h o k in g ph legm , sooth e r a w m em branes and m ak e b re a th in g easier. S u fferers from those p ersisten t, n a sty ir r ita tin g coughs or bron ch ial Irrita tio n s due to colds And B uck- - LO AN S 1 0 BRONCHIAL COUGHS! Officer. W ife Visit— Lt. and Mrs. Kerm it Lienkaemper ¡arrived Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs B. B. Lienkaemper. They left Tues day evening to return to Fort War ren, Wyoming. 16N2XP 1 Bend School. for a loan company and am in a position to Patient Moved— Mrs Nettie Strain was moved from the Ontario hospital to the | Nyssa nursing home Saturday to be close to her daughter, Mrs L. M. Baker. FIRESID E C H A T HELD After church services Sunday evening 35 persons met at the home i Attends Conference— } u r * Don“ ?*w Uu— g .Y n u c k c «£ of Mr and Mrs Mark Child to hold Mrs Fred Lzicar of Ontario, co- l toJa)r- You * et relief instantly. a ’’fireside chat". A religious discu unty chairman of nurses aides, has | N Y¡SISA PH ARM ACY ssion wat held. Chili and wafers were served. E N T E R T A IN CLUB Mrs J. B Giezentanner entertain ed the Tuesday bridge club and two invited guests. Mrs Herbert Fisher and Mrs R. G. Larson. Prizes were won by Mrs Bernard Frost (or first and Mrs Herbert Fisher sec- I end. - t - HOSTS A T DINNER Mr and Mrs H. B. Hlght gave a i pheasant dinner last Sunday In honor of Jalmte Gomez of Mexico I City. Mr Gom el was formerly a law student at the University o f M ex ico. ion. Mr and Mrs Dick Groot visited at the home o f Mr and Mrs James Kakebeeke in Ontario Thursday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Edwin Mowerson and Dale motored to Payette Saturday evening. For many Thanksgiving jobs. Serve soups, cranberries, jellies. F o r baking puddings or Cus tards. The children love them! G e t (lx . Two sizes. a oz. (one cup) only | y r PYREX LOAF PANI Grand for your favorite home made fruit cake or crispy nut bread. U s e it the day after Than k sg iving for tu rk ey o r chicken loaf. <f'V size I P . (one quart) . , . onfy “ f Jr PYREX BOWL SETI W ill help with all your Thanks giving dinner mixing, baking, serving, and storing. C lear glass makes jellied vegetable salad look even tastier. Set o f 3 bowls, nested 95 ¿ Eder Hdwe. Co.