PAGE FIVE THE N YSSA G A TE C IT Y J O U R N A L T H U R S D A Y NOVEMBER 16,1944 The financial report on the M alh eur amateur rodeo held in Ontario in August, Issued this week, reveals that receipts totaled $6296.41. The receipts include $200 advan ced by the Lions ciuo ior change, ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL $200; Ontario mercnants donations, M ISSION $1298.50; gate admissions, $1183.41, The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. and entry fees from contestants, Morning prayer and sermon, 9:30 $614.50. Holy communion and sermon each This year’s proceeds increases the fund for future rodeos to more than second Sunday of the month. $3000. Church school at 10:30 a. m. An auditing committee composed Women's Guild second Wednesday of Lonnie Ward, Roy Brewer and each month. Wayne Guilford, members of the Sage and Saddle club, which spon SUNSET VALLE Y sored the rodeo, assisted by the Owyhee Riding club o f Nyssa, met ASSEM BLY OE (iO U CHURCH Tressa Ditty in Charge in the city hall in Ontario Monday night with Hap Logue, secretary, Sunday school, 10 A M. and audited the books and comp Morning worship, 11 A.M. iled the report. Children church, 7:40 P.M. Chlld- eu Visit Here— Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Lafe Johnson, George Johnson Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. and Mrs Wendell Chase, all of Na mpa, father, brother and niece res pectively of Mrs H. B. Williams, spent last Thursday at the Williams tuftne. When Grief enters your home you can call us to take com plete charge, and we will relieve you of every detail, for we sympath ize and understand. Nyssa Funeral Home LIFE’S Little TROUBLES -CAN’T SLEEP- No need to lie in bed—toss— worry and fre t becatffee C O N S T I P A T IO N or G A S P R E S S U R E won’t let you sleep. Be sensible— get up— take a dash of ADLER-I-KA as directed, to relieve the pressure of large intestines on nerves and organs of the digestive tract. Ad- lerika assists old food wastes and gas through a comfortable bowel movement so that bowels return to normal size and the discomforts of pressure stop. Before you know it, you are asleep. Morning finds you feeling clean— refreshed and ready for a good day’s work or fun. G e t A d lo r ih a f r o m N YSSA y o u r d ru g g io t to d a y . ----- PHARM ACY T R IN IT Y LUTHERAN Parma, Idaho Rev. John E. Simon, Pastor ■Service: 10 a.m. Church School: 11 a.m. CHURCH OF C H RIST (Christian) George Whipple, Pastor. Bible school, 10 A.M. Bring your Bibles Morning worship, 11 A.M. Com munion served each Lord's day. Sermon topic, "The Second Com ing of Christ’’. Junior Christian Endeavor, 7 P.M. Evening services, 8 P.M. A half hour o f singing. Sermon topic, “Spiritual Famine” . Senior Christian Endeavor, Mon day night at 8 o’clock at the home of the pastor. Social for the young folk of the church Friday night at the church, Nov. 17. Mid-week service Thursday night at 8. Special services on Thanksgiving evening. Mrs America Meets The War L. U. 8. CHURCH Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood meeting Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament meeting. Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society meeting. Fust Tuesday of each m ow n at 4 p.m. Primary for children bet ween ages of 4 and 12. No gnashing of teeth over nuts this fall, Mrs America, for OPA tells us the nut crop Is expected to be 15 percent above last year, and that’s 47 percent above the average. Now Is the tune for making that nut bread you’ve been planning. CHURCH OF THE NA7.ARENK And speaking of nut bread-why E. J. Wilson. Pastor. not banana nut bread. Now there's 10 A.M., Sunday school. a real treat to put in the family 11 A.M. Worship service. lunch boxes. We should be seeing a 7 P.M. Pre-prayer service. few more bananas on the markets 7:15 P.M. Young people and jun scon, too, for the removal of cert ior meetings. ain shipping restrictions is expect 8 P.M. evangelistic service. ed to increase civilian supplies. 8 p.m. Wednesday, an old-time However, bananas will be coming prayer and praise service. into the country via New Orleans as west coast ports become more A D R IA N FREE M ETH O D IST and more clogged with military per CHURCH sonnel, so prices here may be high Adrian, Oregon er to reflect cross-country shipping P. H. Reiman, Pastor costs. Sunday school, 10 a. m. There’ll still be plenty of orange Preaching, 11 a. m. blossoms for war-time weddings, Young people’s meeting, 8 p m . but the fruit itself is going to be Led by Miss Flora Glass of Ridge- view. W e are joining with Caldwell, LE T US PR O V ID E A HOME M A R K E T FOR Y O U R F A T HOGS Deer Flat, Wilder and Boise Free Sell where there is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un Methodist churches in a joint necessary expense incurred thiough a great number of men quarterly meeting at Boise Thurs required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check day night, Friday night and all day Saturday. The speakers will the weight of your hogs yourself. be Rev. FTank Kline, returned We buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards in Nyssa, Ore. missionary from India, who is and Homedale, Idaho. soon to return to his work in In For Friday’s price phone 111 R, Nyssa, between the hours of dia. He will just speak one night Thursday, the 16th. The remainder* 5 P.M. and 9 P.M. on Thursdays or 53JLJ, Homedale, on Friday. of the services will be led by Rev. F R A N K K U LLAN D E R Ernest Keasling, the director of SALE CALENDAR Sympathy Or? may sympathize with you because you haven’t sufficient insurance. But sympathy doesn’t pay off. Before it happens to you, find out from this agency if you have adequate insurance. Frank T. Morgan the young people’s work for the entire conferences in the U. S. We are sure you will enjoy these good messages. M IS SIO N E R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH Elder E. T. Larsen, pastor Sunday school at 10 with Joe THE C O M M U N ITY UN1TEU Woodard, superintendent. PR E S B YTE R IAN CHURCH Morning worship service at 11. Kingman Memorial Evening evangelistic service 8. .1. C. Nevin. Pastor, Midweek prayer service Thursday 10 A.M.. Bible school. at 8. 11 A.M., Morning worship. Annual You are welcome to attend all Thanks offering worship with gifts cur services. for our missions at home and ab road and canned goods for our THE M E TH O D IST COM M UNITY CHURCH local hospital. Message: "Abound ing in Thanksgiving." H. J. Gernhardt. Pastor. 8.JVM., evening worship. Church School, 10. - Worship Sermon, 11. . 8 P.M.. Wednesday, Annual T h Intermediate, Youth, Young Adult anksgiving service at the high sch ool. This is a community celebrat Fellowships, 7 p.m. ion with everyone invited. (Choir Evening worship, 8 p m. This is our Church. The new practice after the service). 10 A.M., Friday. prayer group pastor is eager to meet you. Come let us worship and work together. meets at Cases. Everyone invited. Buena Vista day meals should remember that \ Island Farm, Inc. 3.5 miles south- Uverwurst is one of the point-free east of Ontario on Morton’s island, meats that always makes a hit. Try 32 dairy cows, 20 heifers, 12 steers, n.ashing some liverwurst, mixing It two registered bulls, 4 horses, 31 with mayonnaise and a little dry hogs 12 calves dairy equipment and mustard for a different sandwich " » “ hlnery. Col. Bert Anderson, au are going to be available once more ctioneer. to the boys as the war production board eases clothing restrictions Mon. Nov. 20. 1 p.m., 6 mi. south this fall. While the ladies are ass Attend Concert— of Mann Cr. store which is 10 miles ured of more material for ruffles Mr and Mrs Alvin Kuehn, Mr north of Welser on N-S. highway. and such frippery dear to the fem | and Mrs Glea Billings and Mrs 13 dairy cattle, saddle horse, feeder inine heart, their high school sons Herbert Fisher attended the con pigs, laying hens, farm machinery, will again wear patch pockets, belt cert in Boise Monday evening. hay and grain. Amos Rodabaugh, ed Jackets and trouser pleats. T h owner. Bill Welty, auctioneer. ere will be no change in the pro- Return T o Home— t hlbition against vests with double- Friday Nov. 24. Dr. and Mrs Glen Kensatian re breasted suites, however, nor again- turned to their home in San Diego 5 miles west of Vale on Graham I st the college crowd's favorite— I Monday morning after a three- Blvd. Sale starts at 12:30- lunoh "two pairs pants” . I f Mr. America ■ weeks visit with Mrs Kensatian's served on grounds. A. F. Wheatley, is thinking longingly of returning to | sister. Mrs D. E. Norcott. owner. Col. Bert Anderson, auct his pipe and slippers by the fireside. ioneer. W PB promises more wool smoking 37 cattle, 19 hogs, 3 horses. Farm jackets and bathrobes for your Ch machinery, Building materials. H o ristmas gift to him. usehold furniture, electrical equip Do you drown your dishes in cat Tues. Nov. 21, 1 p.m., lunch. 44 ment. sup, and have you been missing the mile west of Weiser or 44 mile west red sauce the yast year? Then bh- of N Y A Dairy barn. 15 dairy cattle. Emmett Sappe - W. A. Kinney. I ings are looking up, for war food 4 work horses, farm machine7y, gr Nov. 25 Saturday 12:30. 11 miles administration has released over 15 ain. Alex Achtziger, owner. Col. Bert northwest of Vale on John Day thousand cases of America's populai Anderson auctioneer. highway at Willowcreek. 21 cattle, condiment to west coast purchasers 6 horses, farm machinery. Col. Bert ! The meat, fat, and cheese budget Wednesday. Nov. 22. 10 a.m.. Falk Anderson, auctioneer. should be definitely in the red these ¡days, for O PA announced four more i l ed stamps in book four which be cam e valid the first of November. That means L-5, M-5, N-5 and P-o will bolster the buying power on these foods. Sandwich makers whose I f fire destroys your property, your neighbors men demand meat in their noon- family visited friends in the Kol- scarce in the west for the next five or six weeks. Until ihe new orange ony Saturday. Beet harvest in the Kolony will be crop Is in you m. y have to shop completed this week, if the weath around to find jour citrus. er permits. "The reat and the stuff cuff" RODEO PROCEEDS PLACED A T $6296 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND announces a. Loan Service designed to cooperate with the ''Servicemen’s Read justment Act o f 1944”— the "G.I. Bill” to make possible the purchase of a home, farm or business by returning veterans of World War II. J jaman. Mr and Mrs Orren Hendry and children of Glenns Ferry visited M r and Mrs Jim Ritchie are the last week at the home c f Mrs Hen parents of a son weighing 8 pounds dry’s parents, Mr and Mrs J. W. 9 ounces, born November 13. The Jennings. Pfc. and Mrs Loyd Cleaver are baby has been named Richard Ben- parents of a daughter born Nov. 8. The baby, weighing 6 pounds, 5 ounces, has been named Linda Marie. Pfc Cleaver is somewhere in Italy. Mrs Alva Goodell was hostess to the "Out Our W ay” club at her home Thursday afternoon. Seven members attended. Refreshments of salad, wafers olives and coffee were served. The next meeting, which would fall on November 23, has been cancelled. The Christmas party is to be held at the Lester Cleaver home Dec. 14. Each member will provide a g ift for her mystery sister. Mrs Ray G riffith and Mrs Glenn Hoffman called on Mrs Jim Ritchie at the Nursing home at Ontario Sunday. Mr and Mrs Leslie T op liff were in Ontario Wednesday. M r and Mrs S. B. Hoffman were in Ontario Saturday evening. The entire state-wide facilities of this Oregon bank are available to veterans who wish to use bank credit under this plan. . . a plan whereby each veteran’s individual problems will be given attention and the right loans planned to suit his particular needs and ability to pay. Every Farmer Needs O ne As soon as government regulations covering the "C. I." Credit Program are issued, applications will be accepted by any branch of this state-wide bank. We are Talking About: Regulations recently issued cover the home purchase plan. Those pertaining to farm or business financing Glen Roberts W ELD ERS Because of the adapt- ibility of these welders to farm use, every far mer should own one. One large Nvssa operator said his welder had paid for itself the first week after he boug ht it. W e have these moderately priced welders in three models, 15, 20 and 25. . Rationing is o ff welders. Come and get them. Hollingsworth Hdwe. and Imp. Co. are expected at an early date. If you are in the service, just out, or have a relative in the armed forces, ask at the nearest Branch of The First National Bank of Portland about further details. Kingman Kolony Mrs. M. M. Greeling has return ed home from the Caldwell sani tarium. She is feeling much better. Mrs. Reo of L ob Angeles, daughter of M r and Mrs. F. Frederick, re turned home Thursday morning after spending a few days here. Ellen Judd of Newell Heights was a Wednesday overnight guest of Forestine Wilson. Mrs. H. A. McConnell and son, Wayne of Oregon Trail, were Sun day dinner guests at the H. M. Shaw home. Mrs D. L. Hurst and fam ily at tended a party for Harold Kurtz in Newell Heights. Kurtz left Saturday morning for army duty. Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks and Mrs. H. E. Krestly were shoppers In Caldwell Friday Several young people attended a birthday party for Donald Elliot of Adrian Wednesday evening. The eve ning was spent In playing games. Donald received many nice gifts Refreshments were served. Mrs H E. Krestly and son. Wayne were visitors at the George Web- ter home in Apple Valley 8unday Mr and Mrs. Art Cartwright and first nmionnii briik OF P O R T L A N D 40 • STATE-WIDE BRANCHES « 'M e r c h a n t s o f C r o d l t * In O re g o n f o r o v e r 79 y e e r s !