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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE 4 u rr n a< f< k U n ti sJ b o THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1944 a h was sent to Holy Rosary hospital visiting Miss Kygar's sister. Mrs. Friday. arly encouraging. Mrs Verl Bishop was honor guest for treatment. He is improving Dick Brown. Some relief will come, of course, steadily. Mrs. Miller and Virginia Mrs Hugh Glenn and Mrs Violet a t a shower held at the home o f I , remained with him until Monday when all restrictions are removed I Rice were business visitors in On Mrs. Leroy Bennett Thursday af- , and are visiting him dally, from clothing manufacturers and ternoon and sponsored by the j Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop were tario Friday. the recent decision not to buy any Lt. Russell R. Wolfe, Jr., of Camp Jolly Janes. A large number of ! business visitors in Ontario Tues- more of the Argentina clip, but it cannot be hoped that the domestic Campbell, Kentucky, ls visiting his ladies were present and an en- 1 day- A number of Bend Girl Scouts wife at the Klingback home. . i demand will be sufficient mater- Joyable afternoon was spent play- | | 1 laity to reduce the surplus. There ing games and viewing the lovely attended a meeting at Adrian high Mrs. Dick Brown and daughter, will also be some relief through gifts. A lunch was served. Out'- j “ h“ 1 Thursday evening. Mrs. purchases made by UNRRA, but the of-community guests were Mrs. Er- doe Brumbach and Jerry Stone Patsy, of Boise is visiting her par really big home market will not verett Ulmer and Mrs. DeLloyd were speakers. Their subjects were ents, Mr and Mrs. Lynn Kygar. come until there Is general dem- Schtanmels of Apple Valley. . i "Careers for Women In _ Radio.” . obilizatzion of American troops Neighbors and friends learned I Mr- and Mrs- ° y re Roberts en- Go To Ontario— with its consequent demand for Thursday evening of the sudden tertained at dinner Friday evening Mr and Mrs Vibert Kesler were civilian clothing. All these outlets death of Mrs. John Mogus that ln honor of Mr and Mrs- Leroy combined, however will not be suff- afternoon. The Mogus family lived Bennett's tenth wedding anniversary Ontario visitors Monday. In this district for a number of Guests present were Mr and Mrs Washlngton, D. C. Nov. 16.~A«aln ‘«‘ent to take up the surplus, what . . tki. with the spring clip coming on, and years, but sold their ranch last Ver' Bishop and Leroy, Mr and QUICK RELIEF FROM OPA is the object of attack, this ^ ^ sltualUjn whlch has pt,r. spring and moved to Parma, where Mrs Cyrus Bishop, Mr and Mrs Ed Symptoms of Distress Arising from time by the sheepmen of the west suacjed woolgrowers that it is the they bought a home. Mr. Mogus Nielsen and family, Mrs Harvey who blame the restoring of the fin- part of wisdom to reduce their ti worked in the Webster packing Bennett and Margery, Fern Camer on and the honored guests. er grades of Iamb to rationing last ocks. plant. The No Name club meets Wed d u e t o Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brumbach at July for the continued downward » “ ° " e h fr? nesday afternoon with Mrs Verl Fre« Book Tells of Home Treatment that J the national capital to hear thal tended the Milanouv-Baum con Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing trend of prices for their market of- G tn Joseph w gtuiwell Ls to b. cert at the Boise high school aud Bishop. All the ladies are prepar O v e r tw o m illio n b o ttle s o f th e W IL L A H D ferlng. However, the probability ls glven command of all American tr- ing articles for their booth at the T R E A T M E N T h a v e been s o ld f o r re lie f o f itorium Monday evening. that thee decline ls more due to he- (oops jn that area when the allies s y m p to m s o f d is tre s s a r is in g fro m Stomach Mr. and Mrs. Darrell English went high school carnival. a n d Duodenal Ulcer« d u e to Excess Acid — avy selling brought about by the land on Chinese soil for the fina to Roswell Thursday to meet her Poor Digestion. Sour o r Upset Stomach, dark outlook for next year's wool attack on the Japanese. This tough Gassiness, Heartburn. Sleeplessness, etc., brother, Leonard Clary, who re f> r> IW d u e to Excess Acid. S o ld o n 15 d a y s ’ tr i a l I prices. The forced selling ls said to commander who fought so hard in turned to his parent’s home that Ask fo r “ W illard’s Message” w h ich fu lly have resulted In the decimation of the Chlna-Burma-Indla sector dio day from a 22 months stay in the Misses Della Kygar and Barbara e x p la in s th is tr e a tm e n t— fraa— a t American flocks by 10 percent and not see eye to eye with the policies South Pacific. Richie spent the week-end in Boise NYSSA PHARMACY the end ls not yet In sight. Reason of Generalissimo Chlang Jal-shek Harvey Bennett, Emery Cameron. for the gloomy prospect facing wool and this really is the background Eric Mausling, Delno Brock and growers ls the enormous stock of of the clash which resulted in "Vin Babe Hamilton are hunting elk on Serving 5 Counties wool on hand and the absence of egar Joe” being withdrawn and the Little Malheur. D on M. G ra h a m From the Largest Stock of any program calculated to sustain brought back for a White House Mrs Bud Robbins and baby ar Genuine conference with the commander-in- prices after the war. rived Saturday for a visit with her The entire domestic wool clip was chief, Insurance Agency sister, Mrs. Harvey Bennett, and bought by Commodity Credit Cor- It was General Stillwell's idea th- family. poratlon at prices averaging 15 ce- at the generalissimo should permit Miss Laura Prosser of Boise came nts a pound higher than the for- fuller cooperation with the Chinese home Tuesday evening to attend Fire and Automobile Parts elgn market, but there ls as yet so-called communist army. T hat Burma road was being used to br- | Hatch. her uncle, Will Pollard's, funeral Orders Shipped Immediately nothing to Indicate what will be army (which was furnished with ing in supplies certain Chinese j w. H. Bunch attended a math- Thursday afternoon. Services were Insurance done with the 1945 clip, and the supplies by Stalin before there was held at the Presyterian church and racketeers stole tons of Amerloan ematlcs clinic sponsored by the st- accumulated stocks are so great a break between Stalin and Httleri a large number of Bend friends Rentals Bonds that woolgrowers fear the worst, ls reportedly well trained, but Ch- furnished supplies and sold them ate education department Wednes- attended. Phone 49 Payette, Idaho The wool stockpile held by OCC lang Kai-shek objected to using for their presonal profit. Chiang day and Thursday. F. A. Miller became ill Saturday ___ and commercial users as of the pre- more than a portion of these troops, Kai-shek was unable to curb this a sale was held Friday at the and after consulting a local doctor | ---- sent ls In excess of 400,000,000 po- and the “red" army had no respect practice. ' farm of A. W. Curtis near Adrian. I One reason why it is believed Mr and Mrs Curtis will leave soon unds, scoured basts, and there ls In for certain of Chlang’s native high addition an indeterminate quantity command, the members of which General Stillwell will play an im for Bandon, where they will operate portant role when Americans land a service station. held by Defense Supplies Corporat- are notoriously reactionary, ion and the British wool board, still Ohiang Kai-shek, it ls reported. ln China Is that he ls more famll- Mrs James Attebery left Friday stored ln this country. A large part did not wish to give the "red" army iar with that country. Its people and for Lewiston, Idaho, where she will of the wool stocks held by Defense too much prominence for fear that their customs than any other army visit relatives. Miss Ada Curtis ls visiting her Supplies Corporation was Imported the first thing he knew he would be commander. "Vingar Joe" speaks at a time when war needs were “out on his ear.” Ohiang Kai-shek Chinese, although what particular parents. She will return soon to assumed to be greater than they ls not a popular hero with all the dialect ls not stated; but whether Portland, where she is employed by later proved to be and an attempt fighting Chinese and his Idea of a lt is Cantonese or some other Ch- the American Canning company, Mrs Threlma Elliott entertained has been made to unload by the democracy ls not ln harmony with lang Kai-shek understood him, for holding of auction sales but with the American conception. It Is com- the generalissimo knows no English on Wednesday evening, celebrating results that have not te e n partlcul- mon knowledge, also, that when the although his wife was educated ln Donald Elliott's birthday. Guests _______________________________ the United States and Is a real ora- i were: Colleen Stokes, Ilea Kreager, } tor. I Carol Tallmen, Naomi Shaw, Ar- The Impression ln Washington dyce Hurst. Dick Stam. Jimmy Wil- has been that Madame Chiang Kai- son, Ross Lane, Iyan Jensen and shek is the brains for the general- Donald Elliott. Issimo. She ls now In a New York Mr. Stone, Miss Larson, Miss Jen hospital, having undergone a major sen, Mrs Deffer, Mr and Mrs D. operation, where she has an entire Patch and Rev. and Mrs Nevln a tt floor ln the building which ls gu ended a gathering at the Kurtz ho If you have popcorn for sale see arded from the possibility of In me after choir practice, honoring trusion. If anything should happen Lt. Harold Kurtz. to Madame Chiang Kai-shek China Miss Louise Hinton and Carl will loose its greatest asset in this Klahr were married November 5 at war so far as amicable relations the Methodist parsonage in Cald with other allies ls concerned. well. Mrs C. G. Brown made a business trip to Boise Tuesday. Mrs M. Kurtz, Lt. Harold Kurtz Nyssa, Oregon and Joyce were Tuesday luncheon Mrs Howard Hatch and Barbara guests at the Nevln home. left Tuesday for Alameda, where Phone 132-J Miss Jackie Marbach was a guest they will visit Elbert Hatch of the of Miss Jean Brown last week. Miss US. Coast Guards, and Duane Brown accompanied Miss Marbach to Boise Saturday. Rev. and Mrs Nevln and Laura Louise were Friday evening guests at the Blake Lowell home ln Ros well. The Mary and Martha society met Thursday at the home of Mrs Carl Hill with Mrs Stanley Hill as assist ant hostesss. Mrs Cowling had ch arge of devotions and Mrs Nevln Introduced the study of the South get a pretty good view of the world from a small-town newspaper Pacific region, which will be the office. Sometimes you see things that other folks overlook. For instance, topic for the remainder of the year. The Intermediate Olrl Scouts met this frank statement by the editor of The Dierks (Arkansas) Banner: at the Legion hall Saturday. They spent part of the afternoon making Christmas cards. The annual Christmas dinner sp onsored by the Mary and Martha as« Banner is society will be held Friday. Decem papers ber 1 at the High School. The Home Ec club of the grange will hold Its 0 annual bazaar in connection with the dinner. epen d a ble n ifo r m it y Miss Glen Pounds and Gloria ¡pent the week-end in Vale. The Pedelae Amlcae of the U. P r esbyterian church met Sunday at When you feed RANCH WAY to your poultry the parsonage. They packed a Ch and livestock, vou can be sure you're giving them ristmas box for the Upper Paint ^ ie c tricit: a top auality feed that combines the best of care Creek. Tennessee school. machiner fully selected ingredients, a variety of rich protein The girls of the home economics ptoht, timeSn sources, a wide range of all the known required department under the direction of vitamins and many other necessary nutritional ele Miss Ruth Larson, are making baby garments for the Red Cross. ments. «The name RANCH WAY on a baç of Mr. and Mrs. John Holly have feed is your guarantee of reliable quality, unfailing received word of the election of uniformity, and honest feeding satisfaction. RANCH their son-in-law. Claude Grelcah, 4 WAY FEEDS, coupled with your own good man as mayor of Springfield, Oregon. agement, help produce the results A novelty shop operated by Frank you want. Next time you go to Doyle has opened In the location town, get RANCH WAY for your adjoining the Leurell Ashcraft restaurant. Mr. Doyle has been In .poultry, hogs, dairy cows, cattle and the novelty business for a number sheep. Stop at the RANCH WAY of years, and plans to enlarge his sign of dependability,¿where the fcusines ln Adrian. Mr. Doyle, who [handclasp is stronger. was crippled In early life by Infan Sold and Recommended by the RANCH-WAY store at tile paralysis, formerly redded ln We’re grateful to the editor for pointing out a fact more and more the Big Bend district and ls well people are realizing - that at a time when most things are scarce and known to residents of this commun- It. expensive, electricity is still plentiful and cheap. STOMACH ULCERS EXCESS ACID Me Cluer - Manser Our thanks to a Country Editor Farmers Dessert Seed Co. Adrian You FEEDS one of in the cou many 0Ver subscription Prl®e’ d o n e s a o year the U. S. having j^ or more D U gives ïo» NETTER FEEDING RESILTS th ninnin] a n ilS ^ in ^rm ai ^ wasTittle U ajy a ar I{ the scriptions at ^ ln eVen a information pub. -page country n a year, lished weekly.^ ^ ^ the SUb- tsn’t worth $1-50 valid reason scriber, lt has no for existence Nyssa Elevator FOR POULTRY, HOGS, DAIRY COWS. CATTLE AND SHEEP. axom nm B ig B « n d Mrs Della Bunnell returned to Caldwell last Wednesday and will stay at the Ellsworth MUtsap home until after Chrltsmas. Mrs Hlnterllder. Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Blake of Nampa visited ln the Dyre Roberta home Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Darrsll English transacted business In Ontario last That just goes to show what companies like ours can do for you by hard work and experience and sound business management. ID A H O ? P O W E R A ■ O W T W A IT « C IT IZ E N I H C T R 1C I T T W HEREVER JUST DBCAUSI IT SERVES IT S CHEAP AND I SN' T RATI ONED!