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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1944)
PAGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1944 be named ln honor of men who will now be under the direction of I $70.00. 13, Rng. 41. Price, «600.00. NEWELL H LIGHTS Rev. R. L. Krlner since Mrs Alonzo Tracv No. 297B, Description. 8V4- ! Tract No. 311B, Description, Lots contributed to the success of the 13, 16, and 17, Hope Addition to 4-H club movement in various st Lt. Harold Kurtz left by plane Latta has left. ! aw*4. Sec. 15, Twp. i4, Rng. 42, Vale, Block 10. Price, $30.00. from Boise Friday at midnight for f Price, «80.00. ates. Members of the Oregon 4-H Mr and Mrs Orien Hamline were Tract No. 298B, Description. NH - Tract No. 342B, Description, Lots clubs suggested the name of the Lubback. Texas after spending a Sunday dinner guests at the Ralph 18. 19 and 20, Hope Addition to \ NE1«, SW liNEV., E'vNW 'i. NE- late Oregon farmer-statesman. A 15-day leave at home. Mr and Mrs Barnes home. Vale, Block 10, Price, $30.00. j Vii-W'x, Lots 1, 2, 3, and4, Sec. 31, portrait of the late senator is being Kurtz, Joyce and Harold visited Tract No. 3A3B, Description, Lots 1 Buell Hickey was sick a few days Twp. 20, Rng. 42, Price $400.00. to 4, Inc.. Kelley's Addition to painted to be substituted for the last week-end with Dud Kurtz, last week. Tract No. 299B, Description, St4- one now hanging in the corridor KATE8 Two cenu pet worn lor encn issue Minimum cash In S 2-c, who met them at Spokane. Vale, Block 1, Price, $40.00. S W 'i, NW*4SW%, Sec. 27, Twp. A school board meeting was held Harold has been an honor guest ¡Tract No. 344B, Description, Lot 7, between the two houses of congress. advance la 30c 25, Rng. 42; SEVi, EHiSWVi, SW- at several dinners the past week, at the school house Wednesday 1 Rinehart Addition to Vale, Block POST-WAR BACKLOG *4SW*4. Sec. 28. Twp. 26, Rng. 42; Oregon's post-war back log, inclu Tuesday noon at the Rev. J. C. evening. 3, Price, $10.00. j NWV*NW( 4 . NMiNE‘4 , Sec. 33, ding new construction planned by Nevln home, Wednesday evening in • Members of the Grazing associat NYSSA prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa | Twp. 25, Rng. 42; N S N W 'i, Sec. ion met at the school house Friday private industry, is now estimated MISCELLANEOUS Furniture Co. 1ATP< ! 34, Twp.25, Rng. 42, rnce, $600.00. i Tract No. 315B, Description, Lot 5, to be over one-half million dollars. the I. C. Durvil home in Ten Davis. evening. Idaho and Thursday evening in the i Original Townsite to Nyssa, Bl- For Sale ¡Tract No. 300B, Description, SW14- The state postwar commission lists Louis Pratt home. His family were i Wanda and Charles Nichols of WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES tol I ock 14, Price. $50 00. 1 Vale spent tire week-end at the I S E 'i, Sec. 36, Twp. 18, Rng. 43, FOR SALE—1931 Model A Ford De- live fo* Iced horses. Phone 8 Pay- Tract No. 346B, Description. Lot 1, $344.828.000 of projects for the post also guests. | Austin Robbins home. j Price, $40.00. war period by public agencies. Ne Luxe Town Sedan. Mohair uphol- I ette, Melvin Parker arrived home Mon $7Ntfc Park Addition to Nyssa. Block .Tract No. 301B, Description, NEV4- arly one-half of the public agency day evening on a 15-day furlough I The agriculture teacher of Ontar- stery, side mounts, 6 wheels, 5 tires, 49, Price, $25.00. I NE>4, Sec. 30, Twp. 26, Rng. 43; projects, the commission points out, to visit relatives and friends. He in will be present at the school BROGAN For Rent nearly new. Jesse M. Chase, block house Thursday evening and will N'vNW'u, Sec. 29. Twp. 26, Rng. Tract No. 347B. Description, Lots 13 are tentative. Federal projects listed was stationed in Texas also, west of bank. Ontario, Oregon, ro LEASE—Business building in 43; NWV4NE14, Sec. 29. Twp. 26, Mr and Mrs R. Overstreet and meet with all those interested ln to 24. Inc., Block 23, Price. $15.00. total $'233,280.00 while state projects taking courses in “Soil Conservat Rng. 43, Price, $160.00. 16Nlxc I Nyssa. Bernard Eastman. 50tfc Tract No. 348B, Description, Lots total $05.410.000. Construction plan son, Bobby of Boise spent the week ion" and "Shop Work” during the .Tract No. 302B, Description, N'4, ned by the counties totals $16.015,- end ln the parental Overstreet ho 11 and 12. Block 40. Price, $15.00. BITCH EKING FOR SALE OR TRADE—Junil winter. ) Sec.5, Twp. 19, Rng. 45; SE14- 000. that of cities $17,975,00), school me. C. W. GLENN, Custom butchering every Monday I NE‘4, Sec. 6. Twp. 19, Rng. 45, The usual farmers meeting that Deere J. P. Tractor. Three miles districts $9.148.000 and port districts Mr and Mrs Cartwright and fam Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon. I and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. is held on the second Saturday $3,000,000. north of Nyssa. Deward Benedict. Sanitary butchering guaranteed. ! Price, $360.00. ily of Sunset valley were dinner Date of first publication, November SOLDIER BALLOT COST guests in the Earl Parker home evening of the month was not held 9N2xp Phone 05R1. Please bring stock ¡Tract No. 303B, Description, EJ4- 9. 1944. this month. | SW 14, Sec. 7, Twp. 19, Rng. 45; Ballots were supplied all service Armistice day. Date of last publication, December Sunday evening or Thursday even The Patch and Chat club will j SEtiSWVi, Sec. 16. Twp. 19, Rng. men and women by a job well done WANTED—Laundry wanted. Will Mr and Mrs Coulter of Prairie 7, 1944. ing. All slock must be in by 12, I 45, Price, $120.00. in Oregon through the cooperation city spent the week-end in the par meet atf the home of Florine Wh do home laundry. Mrs Fred Mull. Date of sale, December 12, 1944. noon, on butchering day. One mile (Tract No. 304B, Description, W',4- of the county clerks and printers of ental Leo Winn home. Mr. Coulter ittle Thursday. This will mark the north First street. 9N2xp west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. end of the sixth year of the club. 8 W '|, SE'/.SWU, Sec. 15, Twp. 19, NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME the ballots at a total expense of enjoyed pheasant hunting. FOR SALE—6% M. N.M. of Adrian lake Fischer. At this meeting Pollyannas of the $978.11. The expediency avoided the Rng. 46, Price, $120.00. Mrs Hoyt Warwick is at home NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that lt>0 acres, 120 under cultivation. Tract No. 305B, Description, N W 4 - the petition of Dale Marwood Baird necessity of a special session of the again and able to do light work year will be decribed. Legal Advertisement Good soli and water, 3-room house, NWl4, Sec. 4, Twp. 20, Rng. 46. Tor a change of his name to Dale legislature at a cost of from $7000 following a major operation. electrical, deep well, Case tractor, NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY up. Price, $40.00. Frank Ray’s Japanese hired man. M. Glenn, having been filed in the 60 Ford pick-up, John Deere beet Tract No. 306B, Description, EVi- Colihty Court of Malheur County. "Shorty'', left for Minadoka to be OWNED LANDS puller, new Misken scraper, 1 Vi SW ‘4SE>4, Sec. 30, Twp. 15, Rng. Oregon, and November 4. 1944 hav with his father, who had received Pursuant to an order of the yard, spring tooth harrow, rubber 47, Price. $50.00. word of the death of a son. killed tired wagon and rack. Also three County Couii of Malheur County, Tract No. 307B, Description. Lot 18, ing been fixed by the Court for the in France. hearing of said petition and no in By Leona Anderson young registered Holstein bulls, Oregon, dated the 11th day of Oct Home Park Fruit Tract. Sec. 32, terested person having appeared in The Boy Scouts of Newell Heights Idaho Power Co. (Continued From Page 1) two from the Morningside, world Twp. 15, Rng. 47, Price, »35 00.*- ! opposition to the granting of said ober, 1944, I will on the 12th day of attended their regular meeting in confidence therein. record herd. Contract F. W. Dalton. Tract No. 308B. Description, E'4- the Legion hall Monday night. petition, the said Court did on said | “Ood gave us the desire, the cour- 1705 N. 15th St., Boise, Idaho 9Ntfc December, 1944, at the hour of 10:00 SWUNEU and All West of R.R. 4th day of November. 1944, make GIVE THANKS ON THANKSGIV The beet harvest is drawing to a ! age, the wisdom and strength to so 'o'clock A M. at the front door of ING in SE'4 NE*4, Sec. 20, Twp. 19. FOR SALE—18 Foot covered wagon the County Court House at Vale, and enter its order, decreeing such Thanksgiving will be celebrated close in this vicinity. The Judds order and conduct our lives that we Rng. 47. Price, $10.00. house trailer, sleeps 4. Jesse M. Ch Oregon offer for sale, the tracts of f change and providing that public this year as before— ‘tho many a and Daltons and Charlie Harris might through our righteous and CITY PROPERTY ase .block west of bank, Ontario, land hereinafter described and nu notice be given of the change so member wlllbe absent from the fam have small acreages that will be out • unselfish efforts prove we are gr- ONTARIO with in the next week. Oregon. 16Nlxc mbered for not less than the prices decreed by publication for two con lateful for this great human sacrifice Tract No. 309B, Description, West secutive weeks in the Gate City ily table-with so many boys and Ellen Judd was a guest all day of our sons and daughters and fat girls in the service of their country. FOR SALE- -Good Chester White 1 llxtd by said Court ®lth the p™' 40 feet of Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and Journal, and that on return of pr Sunday of Letty Brouson ln King- hers and brothers in this great hu- feeder pigs and also weaner pigs. tx)lt‘onate cost of P ^ 'c a tio n add- 20, Original Townsite, Block 68, oof of such publication, certifcate They would want you to go ahead man. She attended the LDS ch ,man conflict. in the usual manner, tho, with mot L. E. Robbins, Gem avenue. 9N2xp eu thereLo- Price $25.00. I "And to those who gave their li- __________________________ j__ | Said lands will be offered for sale Tract No. 310B, Description. Lot 17, shall Issue under the seal of the her or grandma preparing a feast urch. Court, certifying that the legal na | ves that this great nation might FOR SALE—Pre-war baby buggy as follows: All tracts priced at Original Townsite, Block 81, Price, me of said petitioner shall there- fit for a king—and then-write and come into being: to those who jiave and play pen. Phone 125J 2Ntfc. $200.00 or less to the highest and tell him all about it. Thousands of $50.00 | given their lives that it might be ------------------------- ----- ------------- best bidder for cash; all tracts pri- Tract No. 31 IB, Description, Lots 16, | after be the name of Dale M. Glenn turkeys will grace the tables of H. S. Sackett, Clerk of the G.I. Joes all over the world so he’ll FOR SALE-Purebred Chester Wh- ced at more than ,200.00 to the Rev. R. L. Krlner and children (preserved; and to those who today 17, and 18, Original Townsite, County Court of Malheur fare well too. lte breeding stock. Vest brothers, highest and best bidder for cash or attended Lincoln Sunday school Su [are placing their lives on the altar Block 82, Price, $100.00. County, Oregon. route 2, Nyssa. 2N3xp jor not iess than 20 percent cash He'll want to hear how brother nday morning. Rev. Knner led the j of sacrifice for the preservation of Tract No. 312B, Description. Lots 13, and sister quarrelled over the wish choir ln singing and delivered a freedom of thought and action; to FOR SALE—Two truck beds, flat and the remainder to be paid under to 17, Inc., Original Townsite, i these we say ‘We are grateful to you bone and how much his best girl sermon. rack. Roy Hashitani, phone 04R1. written agreement with the purch- Block, 106, Price, $50.00. Rev. and Mrs R. L. Krlner and beyond expre^gion. Ood bless your friend enjoyed eating with “the 2Ntf« aser ln ec*ua' installments not ex- ¡Tract No. 313B, Description, All of Sandra were visitors in Payette memory'. It is to you and our Ood ________________________________ ’ ! ceeding 5 years, all deferred pay- ■folks.” Original Townsite. Block 169, Pr Tuesday. we owe all, for our Inheritance ln FOR SALE 1935 Plymouth DeLuxe ments to draw interest at the rata To top off this dumptuous dinner ice $100.00. Joe Winslow attended a Boy Sc this land, choice above all others, —serve Quaker Pudding. It's nutrit 4-door touring sedan. $275.00. Jesse of 6 percent annum, payable ann- Tract No. 314B, Description, All ol out meeting in Ontario Wednesday America". ious, it’s delicious. M. Chase, block west of bank, Ont- ually. and such agreements shall be llllB/L. Original Townsite, Block 170, Pr jevening. The Armistice day services were ario, Oregon. 16Nlxc subject to all terms and conditions QUAKER PUDDING Murray Vddfi ice, $100.00. j Clifford Harris and Bob Ooodell opened with a parade at 11 o’clock, ----------- - of Section 86-143, O. C. L. A. 214 cups sifted enriched flour Tract No. 315B. Description, Lots 5, FOR SALE—60-acre larm, 41 under , jyi ]ands within the boundaries canvassed this community for the with the Owyhee Riding club of 1M tsp. soda 6, and 7, Original Townsite, Block, Irrigation, two room house with full of irrigation or drainage districts Nyssa, the high school band, ser | war fund drive this week. % tsp. salt. 172, Price »30 00. TAX BLANKS JANUARY FIRST 1'4 cups buttermilk. basement, deep well, on Enterprise will be SUbject to any valid | Mrs Charles Simmons entertained vicemen's organizations and auxil Tract No. 316B, Description, Lots 13 avenue, 7 miles S. W. Nyssa. Mary assessmcnts made or to be made 1 in honor of her daughter, Regina iaries, Boy Scouts, Olrl Scouts and State income tax blanks for 1944 1 cup ground suet to 17, Inc., Original Townsite, I Wednesday evening, lt being the others participating. E. Pierce. 2604xp by said districts since the date said 1 cup molasses incomes payable in 1945 will be Block 172, Price $25.00. In addition to playing In the [girl's sixth birthday. The first gr- BEET HALLERS—Get your public !lands were ac<lulred by the County Tract No. 317B, Description, All of mailed .January ,1,. states Tax Com 1 cup raisins j aders of Lincoln school and other parade, the band also played at the and all lands within the boundaries liability and property damage Original Townsite", Block 180, Pr missioner Earl Fisher. Considerable 3-4 cup rolled oats. park. Following the pledge of alleg Sift flour with soda and salt. Add ! friends were guests. ice $50.00. surance now. Bernard Eastman. of the Warmsprings Irrigation Dist- confusion has been caused by an Mr and Mrs Alonzo Latta and iance to the flag, led by Melvin 21Stfc jiict and which have been classified Tract No. 318B, Description, Lots 1 eronious rrport published in a Port other ingredients and mix thor | c hildren left Friday for western Melow, J. J. Kollen. district com 1 as ln Classes 5 and 6 and as to and 2. Original Townsite, Block land newspaper which stated the oughly. Pour Into 2 1-quart greased ! Oregon, where they have purchased mander of the Veterans of Foreign FOR SALE -Laige work team. Call which said County has heretofore 251, Price, $20.00. income blanks had been mailed. It molds. Cover and steam for 3 hours. a farm. Mrs Latta and children will Wars, Introduced Bishop Child and Frank T. Morgan. 260tfc by resolution dated September 3, Tract No. 319B, Description, Lots 1 will require approximately two tons Serve with hard sauce or vanilla reside there and Mr. Latta plans to Rev. E. J. Larsen of the Baptist -----------------------¡ 1930 authorized a transfer to said to 10, Inc., Original Townsite, ol paper to print the half million sauce. Serves 10. (1-3 cup melted Join the merchant marines, Missionary church. Rev. Larsen gave FOR SALE—Modern house. Three district of the water rights appurt- shortening may be used instead of Block 253, Price »100.00. • blanks needed for the 1945 reports. i lone Robbins led Christian End the invocation and Francis Seitz, a 10-acre tracts ln Apple Valley. enant to said lands shall be sold the suet.) Tract No. 320B, Description, Lots 11 The form ol the blanks will be the Farms from 40 acres up. $100 to . w-ithout water rights. eavor Sunday evening. The choir member of the band, played taps. to 15, Inc.. Original Townsite, Bl same as last year with the except- $300 an acre. said lands numbered as to tracts ock 253, Price, $50.00. 1 ion of the amount of discount all- A. L. Atkeson and with the minimum prices set Tract No. 321B, Description, Lots 17 ; owable which is 30 percent this year opposite each tract are as follows, and 18, Original Townsite, Block instead of 75 percent allowed last WANTED to-wit: 312, Price, $60.00. I year. An increase of 10 percent in TRAINED S H O P MECHANIC» Tract No. 322B, Description. Lot 2, returns is expected. WANTED—Baled hay. See H.’ ™ ™ J 953'. ARE THE " D O C T O R * ” W H O Egmond. Eoise Payette Lumber yard 1 ^ wp' • K- • Barton’s One Acre Tract, Block •THANKSGIVING SUNDAY” $320.00. GIV E N E W LITE TO P O W E R or phone 255-M, Ontario, evening D, Price «50.00. i Designating November 29 as "Th 1 Tract No. 296B, Description, S ti- THAT MOVES AMERICA AT WAR. 17ATPC Tract No. 323B, Description. Lot 1, anksgiving Sunday", a day of th ! NEVI, NW%NE>,4, SE>4, Lots 1, Barton’s One Acre Tract, Block anksgiving and adoration to the ______ J A d o r» 1 Q T iB Il WANTED Used furniture Highest ' r» 2, o 3, and 4, 17» E 1 W T K T A I / . , Sec. 18, Twp. F, Price, $50.00. ! great Creator for the beauty of Tract No. 324B. Description, Lots Oregon's roadsides and the state’s 7 and 8. Riverside Addition to City matchless scenery. Governor Earl of Ontario, Block 5, Price, $40.00. Snell said, “Our forests, lakes, st Tract No. 325B, Description, Lots 3 reams, mountain and the roadside and 4, Terrace Heights Addition beauty that Is everywhere constitute to City of Ontario, Block 3, Price, an inspiration for which we have $25.00. every reason to be thankful on this Tract No. 326B. Description. Lots day of special observance” 45 to 49, Inc., Terrace Heights Special "Thanksgiving Sunday” Addition to City of Ontario, Block programs ln churches throughout 4, Price $30.0«. the state are being urged under sp Tract No. 327B, Description, Lots 1 onsorship of the Oregon Roadside to 6, Inc., Terrace Heights Add Defense Council. ition to City of Ontario, Block 5, OREGON THIRD IN NATION Price $100.00. Oregon ranks third in the nation OPTOMETRISTS DENTISTS Tract No. 328B Description. Lots 7 in filling its war chest. Irl McSher- DR. J A McFALL to 11, Inc., Terrace Heights Add ry, war chest secretary states. Ore “ S e e M r F a l l a n d d » B e t le r ” DR. E. D. NORCOTT ition to City of Ontario, Block, gon has raised $1,207,997 in the cur 5, Price, $100.00. rent drive. Its quota is $1,340,600 Wilson Building VALE Benton county was the first of Ore Practice limited to extraction Tract No. 329B. Description. Lots 1 gon counties to reach its quota. and denture construction. and 2, Original Townsite, Block MARINE CORPS DAY 23, Price $75.00. Governor Earl Snell has commen Tract No. 330B, Description, Lot 10, ded plans for the observance of I R rU N D A U . FYE81GHT SPECIALIST 1 N.W. Townsite First Addition to November 10 as Marine Corps day. j Vale, Block 21, Price. $5.00. ONTARIO OREGON "I am sure Oregon will welcome this Dentist Tract No. 331B, Description, Lots 19 opportunity to pay tribute to the Pitone S6-J and 20. Claggett Addition to Vale, US. Marine Corps, says the gover PHYSICIANS Sara zln Clinic Block 1, Price $20.00. nor. “The Marines have been, and VVS.SA OREGON Tract No. 332B. Description, Lots 4 are today, fighting courageously in to 9. Inc.. Eldredge Addition to the many islands of the Pacific L. A. Moulding, M.D. JEWELRY STORES Vale, Block 11, Price, «30 00. They are contributing greatly in our P n y sic la n a n d S u rg e o n Tract No. 333B, Description, Lot 2, fight against the enemy and to the P h o n e $7 PAUl.US Eldredge Addition to Vale, Black glory of a free people.” H nr»- W ro 12 a n d I In S 12, Price «25 00. JEWELRY STORE DODSON CONFERENCE r»a!l\ s xrepr Sunda'. Tract No. 334B, Description, Lots 3 One hundred representative Ore Onion Pacific Time Inspector Prv Bulinine and 4. Eldredge Addition to Vale, gonians who are actively Interested JEWE1RY — DIAMONDS Block 12, Price $20 00. in flood control and irrigation have WATCHES SARAZIN CLINIC Tract No. 335. Description. Lots 5 been invited to a meeting at the Main Street at Second and 6. Eldredge Addition to Vale, capital this Thursday. The invitat ,1. ,1. Sarazin. M. D. Block 14. Price $60.00. ion Is general to anyone who is In General practice of medicine Tract No. 33GB, Description. Lots 5, terested. W D B Dodson repre WYCKOFJ 6, 7. and 8, Eldredge Addition to sentative at the national capital of X-ray Physiotherapy JLWLLRY STORE Vale. Block 19, Price «40 00. the Portland Chamber of Commerce Tract No Ï37B, Description, Lots 8 will be the principal speaker. Major o f f i c i a l T im e liM in c lw foi HAY BUYER and 7, Hadley s Third Addition to projects will be discussed, including U n io n P a c ific Vale. Block 7. Price $20.00. Willamette valley flood control with i» • < n ,n OREGON Tract No. 338B, Description. Lots considerable to be said about the W. F. JÀHN 26 and 27. Hadley's Third Add Detroit project, power sites, fish f í a mom AjotmiuiT} Dealer in Hay and SHOE SHOPS ition to Vale. Block 8. Price $10 00. ways and high dams Tract No. 339B. Description. Lots : McNARY SHIP AND PORTRAIT Grain. M O b o tC n Show Shop 34. 35 and 36. Hadley s Third Add A Liberty ship soon to be launch No. 5, Factory Court All kinds of shoe and harness ition to Vale. Block 8. Price $15.00. ed will be named the Charles L. Mr repairing. Tract No. 340B. Description, Lots ' Nary, honoring Oregon's late sen Opposite Sugar Factory » • « T IN TO “ TO U R A M E R IC A “ ON Y O V R P A V O R I T I M U T U A » S T A T I O N * r c * r orw R t ryKfy, . 19 to 22. Inc.. Hadley's Third a tor. the state department has been EVERT l E N E E T . I . f , M ^ M O E Z IA IR WAR TIME Addition to Vale. Block 8. Price. I informed. A number of ships are to Classified Advertising j Tribute Paid To Servicemen Victory Food Hints Lincoln Heights ¿ Capital- Parade' Professional And Business Dlreclory Keep 'em THE RAILROADS ARE INE RACKBONE OF OFFENSE