Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1944)
The Gate City Journal Ed I Mr and Pwbltshrr KLASS V. POW ELL AD V LR T IS IN G SU BSCR IPTIO N RATES «3.00 $1J5 I Single Coptes. (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postal'ace through the United States the act R A IE S Open rate, per Inch.... National, per Inch Classllieds. per word.... Minimum..... ....30c at 35c 35c ir at Nysaa Malheur County. Oregon at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1879 W E NEED P A R K EQUIPM ENT The Armistice day program held in the city park last Saturday, emphasized the need for a band stand and seats. Although the program was well presented and was rather short, the people were neverthe less required to stand on the damp grass be cause of lack o f benches. If a band shell and seats for audiences were constructed the park would be an ideal place for all o f our outdoor meetings. Because o f war-time restrictions, no building can be done now, but such a project could be undertaken along with other post-war building programs. A t least, we should direct our plans toward that end. There is not much shade in the park now be cause o f the youth o f the trees. However, con siderable shade will develop in the next two or three years from the fast-growing elm trees so that picnics will be possible. To have success ful picnics we must have a few tables. W e know the women are not interested in preparing more picnic lunches, but perhaps they could interest officials in the park project. j 1 station. Men who can qualify for assign ment to this program by passing the Eddy test, will be qualified for Ind uction as a seaman first class (base pi.y $(16) Instead of an apprentice seaman (base pay $60i. Upon In duction those se.ectel will be sent to the navy's unexcelled radio tech nician schools for a minimum ten months training course. Upon com pletion of this schooling they will have the opportunity of being rated as petty ofifcers. The Eddy test, may be taken any time after the pre-induction phy sical and prior to actual induction. This test should be passed by most high school graduates, and men wi th practical experience In electricity and radio. It may be taken any Thursday in Ontario, or at any time in Baker. Mr. Waller emphasised that the navy is still giving the test to 17 year olds as In the past. England is seeking to gain post-war aid from the United States through lend-lease for regain ing her lost markets because she is insolvent. Perhaps Roosevelt did not tell Churchill that Uncle Sam is broke. B A N K W IL L M AK E VE TE R AN S LO ANS O. J. Mitchell, manager of the Nyssa branch, the First National bank of Portland, announced this week that The First National bank In all of Its branches throughout the state, was setting up a loan pl an to cooperate with the veteran's administration In the making of loans under the recently enacted O. I. law. Complete regulations and appli cation blanks have not as yet been received by the banks from the federal government but as soon as they are received, applications will be accepted by the First National, according to Mr. Mitchell. "However" Mr. Mitchell further stated, “ this announcement Is In no way to be interpreted as an e ffo rt on our part to rush veterans Into making loans unless they have an immediate need for them. The vet eran may use his credit more pro fitably at a later date and there Is plenty of time before the expiration of the guaranty by the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act o f 1944. as the law Is officially designated. T o quote from the Act, Section 500 (a ) of T itle m ,: 'Any veteran may apply within two years after separation from the military or naval forces, or two years after termination of the war ' Thus, you see It will be possible for the returning veteran to take his time in deciding how best to use this available credit guarantee and to wait for the most favorable conditions for whatever investment he may make in the ac quisition of a home, farm or busin ess. "T h e provisions o f the G I bill provide government guarantees on loans to veterans for the purchase fo a home, farm or business. R eg ulations covering home loans have been Issued by the Veterans Admin istration but those on farms and businesses are not expected for an other 30 days or so. "The G I law also provides for lo ans on a home owned and occupied by the veteran for repairs, alter ations. improvements, or to pay up back property taxes, delinquent In debtedness. or for farm equipment," stated Mitchell. The loans are not made by the government to the service man or woman direct. The loan transaction will be between the veteran and the bank with a guarantee of 50 percent of the loan. The maximum guaran tee on any loan will be $2.000. Organized school lunch programs plus more care on the part of mot hers are combining to give the pre sent day school child a better ch ance for good health through bet ter food, says Mrs Iren N. Makin- son, chairman of the Malheur co unty nutrition committee. Emphasis on the importance of food Is helping discourage a too common practice of sending child ren o ff to school after a breakfast of coffee and a roll and with a lun ch consisting o f a sandwich and a piece of cake. Under that system most of the day’s food was crowded into a single evening meal. Nutrit ion specialists say that each meal needs to carry its share of the dally food requirements. The community school lunch pro gram is used now throughout the country to provide either a full lun ch for child»cn or to supply a part ial lunch to supplement what they bring from home. Recently congress appropriated $50 000,000 to the war food administration to aid In carry ing out locally sponsored school lunch prgrams. The lunch sponsor ship may come from school boards, parent-teacher associations, church | or civic organizations, Better eating habits learned at ■ school may also have a beneficial ¡effect on home eating habits as ch- i Hdren have a tendency to Imitate at home what Is learned In school This may mean that the school lun ch program will lead Indirectly to a better fed adult population. Mrs Maklnson stated that If any local school not now having a hoi school lunch prgram Is lnterestec in financial assistance for such a program, the county school super intendent may be contacted for mo re Information. N EW SU G AR S T A M P GOOD A FTE R T O D A Y i 7 Practical M «as for "W a ite Chaser»" 1. Avoid overheating. 6 )* is recommended. 2. W eatherstrip doors and windows. f 3. Close off unused rooms. 4. Make sure thermostat is accurate.' Sugar stamp 34 In war ration bo ok 4 will be good for buying five pounds of sugar beginning Novem ber 16. 1944, Willard Case, district O PA food rationing representative announced today. Like sugar stamps 30. 31. 32 and 33. the new stamp will be good In definitely for buying 5 pounds of sugar. Case explained. Since March 16. 1943. the O PA has been validat ing one sugar stamp good for 5 pounds-every two and one-half months, he said. Sugar stamp No. 40. validated February 1, 1944. Is good for buy ing 5 pounds o f home canning sug ar through February 28. 1945 5. Close fireplace damper when not in use. ¡ 6. Lower heat at night or when away. 7. Keep humidifiers full. W. E. Schireman Phone 61 Your local repr esent at i ve for S T A N D A R D OF C A L I F O R N I A ( U . S . M arin« C o rp s P h o to ) These three Japanese children were found by Marines as they wandered along a Saipan road. They were given food and water at the command post where Leathernecks "mothered” the trio until the children could be turned over to the proper authorities. Meanwhile, the armed forces con sumed approximately three billion cans of food during 1943 and needs for the current year are expected to raise to three and a quarter bill ion cans, Mr. Stewart said. He po inted out that with a greatly In creased number of the armed forces In overseas duty, more canned foods will be needed because the can has proved the most practical container for the shipment o f foods abroad. Practically all of the Nyssa ele mentary school teachers will att end an in-service training program to be held in the Conklin building in Ontario Saturday, November 18. Four staff members o f the state department o f education will discuss education of children handicapped in hearing, vision and speech. The visiting specialists will be Dr. V. D. Bain, director, division of special education, assistant superintendent o f public instruction: Ethel Nestell Fortner, supervisor of education of visually handicapped, staff consult- E.W. PR U YN NO SHORTAGE OF TU R K E Y S L IK E L Y Despite the fact that thousands of turkeys are going to grace T h anksgiving boards of men and wo men In service, there will still be plenty on hand for home consump tion come November 23, Verne F. Llvesay. O PA agricultural relations advisor, emphasized today. "T h e army will naturally get all Blow Your Breath on This Mark X I f it turns green you don’t need insurance. If it doesn’t, bring your insurance troubles to us. Insurance is our busin ess. Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts Bernard Eastman Insurance and accessories ìjjjÈÈfc Real Estate Phone 64 NYSSA OREGON Phone 56w Hospital Benefit V t WAR ON WASTE! Oil fights for freed o m ... every possible drop must be conserved for essential war use. Here's how you can do your part to save and serve. H AN D IC APPE D TO GET CO NSID ERATIO N ant, Oregon state school for the blind; John E. Taylor, supervisor of education of deaf and hard-of- hearlng, staff consultant, Oregon state school for the deaf, and Dr. Leon Lassers, supervisor of speech correction, taff consultant, child gullance extension, university of Oregon Medical school. Mrs Edna Farris. Malheur county public heal th nurse, will also appear on the program. MESSAGES TO BE SENT PRISONERS Burner Oil Users... The chance to enter the navy's raldo technician program Is now open to men 18 to 37, who are about to be inducted, according to Rives Waller of the Baker navy recruiting Chow Ti.s.e cn Saipan ! CHILDREN E A TIN G I BETTER LUNCHES Special arrangements have been completed for Red Cross message forms 1616 to be taken to the P h ilippine Islands for delivery to lib erated U. S. civilian Internees. Rev. Fred J. McConnell of Ontario Is In structed to arrange one message on form 1616 from any person In this county to relatives and friends now held as U S. prisoners o f war or US. civilian internees known to be in the Philippines. Messages are restricted to space on the form, but will be subject only to censorship requirements of ordinary army overseas mall. Form 1616 should be alr-malled to home service national headquarters for forwarding to the Philippines. Mess ages should only be accepted during November. Although the Red Cross cannot guarantee delivery every e ff ort will be made to reach addressees so they may establish contact with their families as soon as possible after the Philippines are liberated RAD IO PROGRAM IS OPEN TO INDUCTEES , the turkeys It needs". Llvesay de- I dared, "but there will still be plenty j of turkey for Thanksgiving dlnn- I ers”. He said Indications are there will be no shortage In this area, basing his statement on comments made by several large growers who called for price Information. Until 12:01 A M . on November 5, the war food administration had a freeze order In efefct under which the army was taking 100 percent of all turkezys which met army specif ications and in addition to the us ual ceiling price was paying 1 cent a pound. M ALH E U R W OM EN C A N "M IN E ’’ TIN Women o f Malheur county can “ mine” tin sufficient for 06 Flying Fortresses this year. These figures were compiled by J A. Stewart, vice-president of the American Can company, on the bas ts o f earned foods consumed by civilians In the county during 1943. Or. the basis of last year's consum ption. civilians will open 1401.194 cans of food this year, he said. Acc ording to a table recently Issued by Washington. 94.000 cans provide tin sufficient for one Flying Ftart- And Fun Festival November 22 Sponsored by Nyssa Lions Music By Savages’ Swing Band — Fashion Show Concessions Merchandise Auction Nyssa Gymnasium Admission Per Person $1 Plus Tax i