l'HE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L TH U R S D A Y NOVEMBER 9, 1944 PA G E 2 F 3 \ ' tl ir n 0- ft k t) n ti ■1 b | and Marlene Berg am and Ronald I Rooks tool. Games and a treasure hunt provided the diversion. After refreshments of Ice cream, cake and cookies were served Reva opened her gifts. will not return home for at least : another ten days. They expected to , vtslt this week with Mr and Mrs 1 . , — Bert Applegate, former Nyssa res- Idents. I i Return From Visit— Mrs E. D. Norcott and Merry and Mrs Norcott's sister, Mrs Glen Ken- sation of San Diego, returned to Nyssa Monday morning after a week’s visit In Wailesburg and Yak ima. -I- ■ a « HOSTESSES A T DINNER CELEBRATES B IR T H D A Y bridge at the home o f M r and Mrs Mrs Anne Graham, Miss Kathleen Miss Lois Wilson, small daughter George Mitchell with prizes going Loe and Miss Margery Hillls has as i fhelr dinner guests Wednesday eve- of Mr and Mrs Bud Wilson, celebra U. Mr and Mrs Frank Morgan. _ g __ | ning at the Payette Country club ted her eighth birthday Friday with Nina Vandemoer and Mrs R. Hop HAVE D IN N E R GUHBTS a surprise party for all of the class Sunday dinner guests at the Her per, clerks of the Parma rationing mates in her class room, Birthday cake and other refreshments were bert Fisner home werg M r and Mrs | board. —8— served. William Hipp, M r and Mrs Perry I GUESTS A T DINNER Ward and Mrs Bernard Frost. - 8 - Mr and Mrs Albert Meier and E NTE R TAIN A T DINNER — 5— | Nancy were Sunday dinner guests Mr and Mrs Emil Stunz and Mr SWEJNSENS E N T E R T A IN aznd Mrs Dave Mitchell entertained Mr and Mrs A. C. Swensen en- | Mr “ e ‘er's P *r* nta; “ f, and Mrs at the Stunz home Saturday night tertained for Mr and Mrs S id n e y jHenry Meler’ lV A PplevaUey. following the dance, at a supper for Call of Blackfoot, Idaho Sunday. e n t e r t a in * M IN ISTE R 15 couples. Mr and Mrs Call plan on locating Mr and Mrs EM Nelson of Rldge- here. Mrs Call Is Mrs Swensen's —8 — view entertained Rev. J. E. Rice of SHOW ER IS GIVEN niece. Spokane and his family and several Mrs Bernard Frost, Mrs Herbert —8— other members of the Free Meth Fisher and Mrs Albert Meier were E N T E R T A IN A T PIN O CH LE odist church at dinner Sunday. hostesses at the Frost home Thurs M r and Mrs W. E. Schireman en Rev. Rice, who held a quarterly day evening at a pink and blue tertained Mr and Mrs Richard Fur- meeting in Adrian Friday and Sat shower in honor of Mrs Perry Ward. bess, Mr and Mrs Jacob Simmons urday evenings and Sunday morn Bridge and pinochle were enjoyed : and Mr and Mrs A. L. Fletcher at ing, was taken to Wilder to hold during the evening. ja pinochle party Tuesday evening. another three-day meeting. Prizes for bridge were won by Mrs Prizes were won by Mrs Fletcher Luray Trabert for high and Mrs and Mrs Porbess. S K A T IN G P A R T Y HELD Tom Burningham for traveling. In A skating party honoring Mrs pinochle Mrs Kenneth Pond won BOOK R E V IE W PLAN NED Willson Winters, retiring president high and Mrs Dale Garrison the The Friendly Book Club, sponsor of the Young Grange association traveling prize. ed by the Episcopal guild, has sent was held at the Fruitland rink Sat The guest of honor received many out Invitations for a special review urday night. beautiful gifts. to be held November 15 at the The new pt * ident, Thelma Flor- parish hall. Mrs J. C. Nevin of - — ea. was elected Wednesday night at B IR T H D A Y CELEBRATED Adrian will review the book, "Doc- the regular Y.G.A. meeting. Pvt. Miss Nannette Bybee, daughter of , toi In Arabia by Paul Harrison. Harold Ku’ s, former president, who Mr and Mrs D. O. Bybee, celebrated | 9 - has been stationed with the army her tenth birthday, with a party E N T E R T A IN A T D IN N E R I at Camp Wolters, Texas, gave a given at her home Thursday after | Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lewis enter- talk. school. Fall flowers decorated the talned Mr and Mrs Arvll Child and A party was given for the subor rooms. A wiener roast was held on family at dinner Sunday. dinate grangers by the Y.G.A. in the the patio. Ice cream cones were - - Grange hall. part of the menu. Nannette received OrVES B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y —8— Mrs Roy Rooks tool gave a party many lovely gifts. HOME EC. CLUB MEETS Sunday afternoon In observance of - - ___________ The Home Ec. club of the Oregon the eighth birthday of her daughter, HAVE D INN ER IN PA Y E T T E | Trail Grange held its November The Mr and Mrs Bridge club en- Reva. Guests were M r and Mrs meeting at Mrs Alva Goodell's home Joyed a chicken dinner at the Pay- I Orval Hickman and Lynette, Bar- | Thursday afternoon. Eight ladies ette country club EYlday evening. bara and Larry, Mrs Sam Potts and I attended. Election of oflfcers was After dinner the members played | Barbara, Robert and Hazel, James I held as follows: Mrs Roy Holmes, ! president, Mrs Walter Benson, vice j president and Mrs Alva Goodell, secretary and treasurer. Refresh ments of tuna fish salad, wafers and coffee were served. The next meeting will be held at Mrs Loyd Adam's home December 7. Each PLEASE keep a supply o f coal in your bins. lady attending is to bring a gift not costing over 50 cents for a gilt. 8 8 8 PLEASE PLEASE order before you are out. PLE ASE remember that extra labor is almost impossible to get. PLEASE remember that we want to serve you satisfactorily and that with your coopera tion we can. PLEASE remember that our boys are in the camps, in the trenches, on the sea and in the air fighting for us; for our flag, our country, our victory and our peace. PLEASE support them by every possible means. Buy war stamps and war bonds to the ex tent of your ability. Save by using genuine Liberty coal. A1 Thompson & Son Phone U Ind and Good Ave. iii in iiiiiiniiiiii in ui in in in in in in M.iu m i ui m in ui in u m in in hi in hi in in hi hi hi in in i.i hi hi in hi hi miHim m in v NYSSA Phone 106 PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10— 11 Robert Watson and Varconi in “ THE HITLER GANG” The Inside Story of an Inside Job by a Gang that Stole a Nation Also two Reel Musical Western in Technicolor. “ LUCKY COWBOY” Mat., Sat.. *:S9 Adm. 25e-5e Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY and MONDAY NOVEMBER 12— 13 Pat O ’Brien, Carole Landis, Chester Morris and Barton McClane in “ SECRET COMMAND” Pet Smith Subject and This Is America Mat., 8un., 2:30 Adm., Mr-9r, Inc. Tax Adm. Evening*. 40e-9r, Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY NOVEMBER 14 Helen Vinson and Lyle Talbot in “ ARE THESE OUR PARENTS” Flicker Flashback and Alaskan Mystery Adm. U c -tr , Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY NOV. 15— 16 Eddie Bracken, Ella Raines, Bill Edwards, Ray mond Walburn and Franklin Pangbom in “ HAIL THE CONQUERING HERO” Star and Director o f “ The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek Reunited to bring you Their Most Hil arious Hit. Cartoon and News Adm. Evening*. M s-te, Including Tax two children left Wednesday even- | ing for Joseph, where Rev. Pounds ch" * e ot Methodist church. They have been residents of i ., _ Nyssa for the last five years, __________________ Good soil and water, 3-room house, electrical, deep well. Case tractor, 60 Ford pick-up, John Deere beet puller, new Misken scraper, 14 yard, spring tooth harrow, rubber tired wagon and rack. Also three young registered Holstein bulls, two from the Morningstde, world Here From Ontario— her mother, Mrs D. L. McBain of record herd. Contract F. W. Dalton, Mrs Robert Holman and children Mrs Pete Wilson will entertain 1705 N. 15th St., Boise, Idaho 9Ntfc Salem, have returned from Battle and Mrs Joe Mendiola and children the Sunset Valley club at the home Creek, Michigan, where they visited o f Ontario spent Friday afternoon ot Mrs George Schweizer November LO ST—Small brown leather zipper for two weeks. at the Lloyd Lewis home. 16 at 2 o'clock. Mrs Schweizer will coin purse, containing business keys. be co-hostess. Visits In Idaho— Return to Journal office. 9Nlxc Returns To Portland— Mrs ISarl Gray left Thursday Mrs Lyons left Saturday evening l o o Late to Classify morning for Burley, Idaho to visit W ANTED —Barley or mixed grain for Portland aftgr spending several Rev. and Mrs Brooks Moore. Rev. FOR for feed. Will pay above market SALE OR TR AD E —John weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs Moore Is pastor of the Methodist Deere J. P. Tractor. Three miles price. L. E. Robbins, Gem avenue. Virgil McGee. church In Burley. 9Nlxp north of Nyssa. Deward Benedict. 9N2xp In Caldwell— Takes Japanese To Calif.— POR SALE!—Good Chester White Mr and Mrs Loyd Adams were In Ormand Thomas left Friday and W ANTED — Laundry wanted. Will feeder pigs and also weaner pigs. Caldwell Friday. returned Sunday from a trip to do home laundry. Mrs Fred Mull, L. E. Robbins, Gem avenue. 9N2xp Mansanor, California. He accomp- north First street. 9N2xp Here From Baker— alned four buses of Japanese to the I OST -M an’s billfold, in or around Mrs A. V. Cook of Baker, former Mansanar center, who were here on NOTICE!—-If any cattle are found high school building. Reward. Rob Nyssa resident, visited here FYiday. labor contraots. 9Nlxp in the valley with brand S-J on ert Root. She was en route home from Boise, MEETINGS where she visited her daughter, Mrs Jerry Childs. The Veterans of FtoreHgn Wars ind American Legion and auxiliar Go T o Joseph— Rev. and Mrs Lloyd Pounds and ies will serve a pheasant and pot- $ Sympathy Or? may sympathize with you because you haven’t Frank T. Morgan LOCAL NEWS Guest* In Boise— Mr and Mrs Herbert Fisher and Mrs Fbnma Qulnby were dinner guests Sunday In Boise at the home o f Mrs Qulnby’s brother-in-law, Byron Brooks. Nothing to buy good for one root beer anytime. Nyssa Pharmacy off. Before it happens to you, find out from this agency if you have adequate insurance. $ Just bring this coupon into our store—it’s sufficient insurance. But sympathy doesn’t pay “ The First In Nyssa” Night Phone J5 Day Phone 14 $ $ OPENS! - I - HONOR V IS ITO R S Dr. and Mrs E. D. Norcott en tertained a group of friends Tues day evening In honor of Mrs Nor cott's sister and husband. Dr. and Mrs Olen KensaMan of San Diego. Mr and Mrs Jess Thompson, Mr and Mrs Art Boydell and Mr and Mrs Artie Robertson were the In vited guests. FREE FREE No Strings I f fire destroys your property, your neighbors CLUB O IVES P A R T Y I Th e Civic club gave a party for I teachers and parents last Thursday night in the high school building. Several musical numbers were gt^en by a group o f singers under the direction of Mrs June Marie Wysk- off. Mrs Grant Rinehart was In ch arge of the arrangements for the party. Joe Sutherland and Carlos Buch ner presided at the coffee table. 8 - T . G et» First Elk— , Charles Nlnemlre returned home meet with Mrs Lynn Kygar Thurs i Thursday night from Crane prairie day, November 16 at 2 p.m. with what is believed to have been The Owyhee P.T.A. will meet at I the first bull elk brought to Nyssa the schoolhouse Thursday, Novem this year. ber 16 at 8:15 p.m. The meeting was called by the president, Mrs Harold Return From East— Miss Gayle McCoy of Nyssa and Fivecoat. — 8— CONFERENCE HELD The LDS Relief society held its semi-annual conference Sunday ev ening at 8 o'clock with President Fannie B. Child officiating. Representing the Weiser stake board was Mrs L. H. Brown, Mrs Nelda Schenk played preliminary music, Dorothy Child sang and Mrs Arvilla Swensen gave a report. Other numbers on the program were reading o f the names o f the officers for the coming year, Secre tary Viotel Riggs; musical scripture i reading, Ida Child, accompanied by ¡the singing mothers; talk, Mrs Br own, “ Live Up to Your Privileges” ; selection, “ My Task", ladies chorus; talk, Mrs Campbell, “Outstanding accomplishments and talk, Bishop Arvll Child. The society has furnished six qu ilts and other articles for welfare and various articles for the bazaar I tc be held soon. - luck supper Saturday evening at right side and J-C and S-E on left 7 o’clock in the Legion hall. Ser hip, please notify M. A. Rataezyk, 9Nlxp vicemen on leave are invited to route 2, Sunset valley. attend. FOR SALE— 54 M. N.M. o f Adrian The Owyhee Community club will 160 acres, 120 under cultivation. The Golden Rule Has the Toys The Golden Rule Store has a good stock of toys. Make your sel- ection now and lay them away till Christmas. Dolls $1.00 to $17.00 Blocks 50c up. Wooden Trucks, sturdily bu ilt. $2.98. Telescopes (4 power) 50c Tinker Toys Books 5c up. Doll Furniture $1.00 set. Black boards $1.19. Guns $1.29. Doll cribs $5.95. Walking Dog $1.98 Laundry sets $1.98 Games, many kinds. Teddy Bears. Paint sets 50c up. Steam shovel $2.50 Machine Gun $2.49 Wagon $2.29 and up. Jeep 69c and up. Airplanes, tanks, com- mando toys, trains and av multitude of others , v ' I. â & tm & X - In Ontario— Mrs Hugh Lamb and Mrs Perry Ward were Ontario shoppers F ri day afternoon. Visit In Portland— Dr and Mrs Sarxln spent the week-end In Portland at the home o f their daughter and son-in-law. I Dr. Clare Peterson. Mrs Bntsle Ned- • ley accompanied them. Mrs Nedrey ! Is Mrs Sarxlns sister. Boy h III— 0 * r y Webster, son of M r and Mrs Robert Webster, has been very 111 at his home this past week. Staying In Pert! Mrs Ed Fruat. who is In Portland with her son. Alien, wrote that they < / ”