Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1944 Sunday. Mr and Mrs Edwin Mowerson and I Vern Butler anu Theo Matherly son, Dale, made a business trip to ' returned Monday from elk hunting. Payette Saturday. Mr and Mrs Edwin Mowerson Mr and Mrs Dwight Seward and family were dinner guests at the and Dale were in Boise on business Friday. John Hickey home Sunday. Mrs T. M. Beraneh of Baker is Geraidean Pettet of Lincoln dist visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs rict spent Sunday night with Wil Clayton Jensen. Mrs Beraneh is ma Lullard. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL Mrs Jensen's mother. S. J. McKinney and son. Bob. who MISSION Mr and Mrs Dick made a business spent two months in the George trip to Ontario Thursday. The Rev. Burton Salter, vicar. Moeller home, left Monday for Morning prayer and sermcn, 9:31 Berkeley, California to visit Mrs Holy communion and sermon eact Gilbert Swan and Nancy Pearl Mc TAX APPEAL FROM second Sunday of the month. Kinney. Church school at 10:30 a. m. MALHEUR UPHELD Women s Guild second Wednesday Lloyd Orris and family are mov ing to Nyssa this week. The appeal filed before the Unit of each month. Mrs Lily Dement is working at ed states court of Tax appeals by FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH the Holy Rosary hospital in Ont the estate of Juan Jaca, deceased ario. At Legion Hall Jordan Valley stockman, from a de- O. N. Opsund, pastor Fifty were present at Sunday I ficiency tax assessed by the comm- Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning school Sunday. Rev. Daniels of On- j issioner of internal revenue, was tario gave a sermon at 3 p.m. Sun- upheld recently, although it is yet service 11 a.m. Evening service 8 p.m. day school will be held at 10 a.m. two weeks until the time set for All Welcome. next Sunday. hearing, by a decision handed down Mr and Mrs George Moeller and by the high court in a similar case SUNSET VALLEY family visited in the R. G. Chandler from the state of Wyoming. home in Caldwell Monday night. During his lifetime, Jaca had re ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Tressa Ditty in Charge ported his income each year on a COLUMBIA AVENUE cash basis rather than on an accru- Sunday school, 10 A.M. ------- i al basis. The Commissioner assess- Morning worship, 11 A.M. Children church, 7:40 P.M. Child- Fred Koopman of Nyssa was a 1 ed the deficiency tax on the gro- dinner guest of Mr and Mrs John ! unds certain livestock and farm ren ParUcapating. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Lackey Tuesday. I produce owned by the decedent at Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m Mr and Mrs Dick Groot called at the time of his death consituted in- the Dick Tensen home in Nyssa come which had been earned but TRINITY LUTHERAN Parma, Idaho Rev. John E. Simon, Pastor Service: 10 a.m. Church School: 11 a.m. Arcadia fò li R C fs ; 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 More Cars Junked and they weren’t replaced by new cars, either. That means the civilian car set-up is becoming increasingly critical and that in turn means you’re wise to take every precaution possible to safeguard your present car. Townees Garage Extend Your Christmas Stationery This beautifully designed stationery comes in the regular 81/-» by 11 letterheads and folders. Priced With Envelopes 100 Sheets $3.25 50 Sheets $1.95 25 Sheets $1.15 Ih is stationery can be used in place of Chr is! mas cards or can supplement cards. To be assured of delivery, please place your orders immediately. We Also Carry CM/STAfAS Q i M GATE CITY JOURNAL L. O. 8. CHURCH Sunday 0:15 a.m. Priesthood in.-eung Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday school. Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament neetmg. Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society neetmg. First Tuesday of each month at i pan. Primary for children bet ween ages of 4 and 12. ADRIAN FREE METHODIST CHURCH Adrian, Oregon P. H. Reiman, Pastor Sunday school .................. 10 a.m. Rally day program 10:45 a.m. This will be followed by the plac- ng of the stars on our service flag ay the parents of the boys who are n the different brances of the US. service. There will be a short timely message than by the pastor on our duties to our boys in the service according to the Bible. We extend a hearty welcome to all who are not attending church ■ervices elsewhere. Evening service .................... 8 p.m. Led by Clarence Nelson. SEAMEN’S SERVICE HELPED BY FUND Following the armed forces into every theatre of war as rapidly as ¡dditional ports are recaptured, united seamen's service now provid es facilities for men of the merch ant marine in 104 centers on six continents. Announcement of the present extent of this far-flung service was made by Miss Effie Ell en Counsii, Nyssa war fund chair man, on the basis of information received from the national war fu nd, of which united seamen's ser vice is a member agency. Getting the army overseas and keeping it supplied is largely the job of the merchant marine which also has the stupendous ta k of de livering to our allies millions of tons of food and fighting equipment and bringing back invaluable cargoes for our war production plants, said Miss Counsii. This shipping constit utes the life line of democracy, and the crews are as important a branch of the fighting forces as the men of the armed services. They must be constantly on the alert to dangers of torpedoes, aerial attack and min es. Realizing the hardships confront ing these fighters in dungarees, the war shipping administration created the united seamen's service to pro vide means for conserving the st rength and spirit of the men and to enable them to continue to go out on merchant ships. From a mere idea, united seamen’s service has expanded rapidly, and now op erates more than 100 centers where seamen may rest from the tension of war-time sea duty or convoy- fatigue and where food, recreation and other comforts and convenien ces are provided. Funds contributed by residents of Nyssa help the national war fund finance the vital services provided by united seamen’s service. in agricultural conditions." The office at Payette serve* far mer-owned national farm loan ass ociations in this district, and is one Friday Nov. 17. of 60 such offices serving cooperat 14 Is miles north of Vale on John ive associations in the long-term Day highway, or 2H ml. from Wlll- loan business in Montana, Idaho, owereek store. 3 ml. from Jamieson. Washington, and Oregon. Sale starts at 12.30. 8 horses, 11 cows, 8 hogs, 46 sheep, Elected To Office 145 poultry, hay, grain, farm mach College of Idaho Nov. 2 (Speclal)- inery. household goods. Milo E. Bagley, owner. Chlyo Yamada of Nyssa was elected Col. Bert Anderson, auctioneer. to the office of vice president of the Shield, women's service organization U ml. S of Snake River Bridge at the College of Idaho, at a recent 1 mi. E of Ford Garage Ontario, meeting. Oregon. Monday Nov. 13. GOES AFTER MOTHER Sale starts 1 P.M. Cattle, mach Mrs Ray C. Lewis left Tuesday for Richmond, Utah. She plans to bring inery, miscellaneous, C. H. Toedter. Mr. Lewis' mother, who Is 94 years Owner. Bert Anderson, auctioneer, L. H. Fritts, clerk. old, back to Nyssa with her. SALE CALENDAR One of America’s Greatest Nutritionists Laid down a very good rule about eating: Eat What You Should, Then Eat What You Want This rule is easy to follow, especially when our milk is used to make the “should” foods more appetizing. Star Dairy CHURCH OF CHRIST (Christian) George Whipple, Pastor. Bible school, 10 A.M. Bring youi Bible to Bible school. Morning worship, 11 A.M. Comm union served each Lord's day. Ser mon Topic, “The Blessed”. Monthly board meeting immediat ely following the worship hour. Christian Endeavor, 7 P.M. Evening SeAices, 8 P.M. A half hour of singing. Sermon topic, “Jon MISSIONERY BAPTIST CHURCH Elder E. T. Larsen, pastor ah, His Strength and His Weakness” Sunday school at 10 with Joe The social for the youth of the church planned for Friday night, Woodard, superintendent. LAND BANK GIVES Morning worship service at 11. the 10th has been changed to the Evening evangelistic service 8. 17th, at 8 P.M. LARGE DIVIDEND Midweek prayer service Thursday A Friendly Church with a Cordial at 8. A 10 percent dividend payable to Welcome! You are welcome to attend all all stockholders of record September cur services. THE COMMUNITY UNITED 30, 1944, has been declared by the Federal Land bank of Spokane, R. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE METHODIST COMMUNITY E. Brown, president, today advised Kingman Memorial CHURCH Herbert J. Davis, secretary-treasurer .1. C. Nevln, Pastor. Church school opens at 10 a.m. of the local National Farm Loan 11 A.M., morning worship. Ser mon: Keeping One’s Sense of Bal We uige everyone to be on time, j associations at Payette, Idaho. Morning worship 11 a.m. The In-1 The stockholders consist of n at ance. 1:30 P.M.. postponed meeting of termediate. Youth and Young: ional farm loan association, with *he Junior Missionary society at the Adult fellowship services start at the exception of a few borrowers worship opens at who have obtained loans direct j 7 p.m. Evening w lame of Mrs Lane. from the bank the secretary-treas 18 o'clock. • , 8 P.M. evening worship. urer said. :------------- A * -T “This dividend, which approxi has expired, the decision would ha lot yet reported. mates $400,000, Is the first declared j ve no bearing on refund applica The trial examiner in the Jaca by the bank in more than 20 years," :ase conceded he was bound by the tions. in the opinion of a number Brown told Davis. "It carries out the cooperative function of the in Wyoming decision in which the of legal authorities. stitution to return savings to its jourt held that ownership of live sockholders and reflects the impro- stock, even though the same were GIRL ELECTED TO \ed financial condition of the bank raised and the operation charged to COLLEGE OFFICE College Of Idaho Nov. 2 (Special) made possible through sound oper expense, did not constitute Income witlion the meaning of the 1942 --Mabel Roberts of Nyssa was elect ations and the general Improvement revenue Act. The hearing was sch ed to serve as vice president of the eduled to be held in Portland. Ch independent faction at the College arles W. Swan is the appellant’s of Idaho. This is the first organizated In counsel. | The decision may have great lm- dependent group on the C of I I portance In cases where taxes have campus. Its first activity was to been paid and the time for refund1 present nominees for the student | application has not yet expired nor body offices in the recent student ] a waiver signed. If the time limit body election. Almost New Used Furniture Dining Room Suite bought last summer included in this fine furnit ure. We also have a nearly new Bedroom Suite, Hamilton Piano Unfinished Chests of Drawers These are in new design, made with seven- ply material. Also unfinished child wardrobe, same style as the chests. Nordale Furniture Store "NEIGHBORS.*Thh NEW PARO HER Greetings On CAM S CHURCH OK THE NA7.AKENE E. J. Wilson. Pastor. 10 A.M., Sunday school. 11 A.M. Worship service. 7 P.M. Pre-prayer service. 7:15 P.M. Young people and jun- or meetings. 8 P.M. evangelistic service. J p.m. Wednesday, an old-time jrayer and praise service. PAGE FIVE Rationing Off Arc Welders h e lp you JU -X V t s V v jfim u i ( c Glenn Roberts Welders for Manual Operation ^ ^ ^ These moderately pr iced welders for hand operation incorporate the advantages of G-R’s exclusive transformer design, employing the principle of flux diver sion to provide stepless control of current out put throughout the wel ding range All models deliver a quick-starting, stable arc in all welding positions with a variety of electrodes. They are sturdily built to give long, trouble-free service. Hollingsworth Hdwe. and Imp. Co. . >. - v N v \\I/< v ,\ vavi /AVV < /K '............ . vmv v \ y + Yes, friends, RANCH WAY FEEDS are ready to go to work TOfkT'Y/' for you. RANCH WAY is your new feeding pardner to help you provide a dependióle feeding plan for your poultry, dairy n \\ i ^ cows, hogs, cattle and sheep. RANCH WAY combines the finest of quality tested ingredients to promote maximum health, growth, and production. It’s the uniform, reliable feed—backed by rigid laboratory control—to give honest satisfaction in your feeding program. The com plete line of all RANCH WAY FEEDS is ready now for immediate de livery. Next time you’re in town, talk over your feed requirements with the friendly RANCH WAY man. Sold and recommended by the RANCH-WAY store at N YSSA ELEVA TO R FOR POaLIRV PICS MO IOCS OHRT COWS U TILE SHEEP itANCIMMYSFEEDS P O U l T R Y MU L I V E S T O C K