PAGE 4 THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO UR NAL T H U R S D A Y NOVEMBER 9, 1944 visitors In N «m os Friday. lnts. housewives were encouraged to refiners and distributors are nearly 1 Mrs Dyre Roberts entertained the of Idaho there are bombing ranjes go marketing for butter and accord­ 300,000 tons less than one year ago, i where filers have been made fam il­ ing to word that comes to the nat- ' and it is suspected a considerable No Name club at her home W ed­ iar dropping bombs on designated nesday afternoon. lonal capital they went in a big way ¿pots. Most of the bombing ranges ‘ quantity o f sugar has been boot­ so that the day before the new po­ Mr and Mrs Joe Brumbach were have been on the public domain as legged into the manufacture of wi­ int system was inaugurated butter have a number of airfields and fl­ nes and beverage alcohol. Officials guests at American Legion Armistice was no longer available. ight strips. The fliers, in training, do not believe however, that there banquet held In Parma Monday Some funny things resulted from have considered it a lark to drop a will be necessity for further re­ evening. this situation. One retailer said that bomb near some sheepherder to see duction In sugar allowances this Wade P T A held an Interesting he could have bought 400 pounds of him scout fur safely mid have dir- year, although they frankly admit butter, which was offered to him. organized bands of sheep. Tins was that there is prospect of further meeting at the home of Mrs Walter while his competitors either had quite a practice east of the Cascades restrictions in the use of sugar in Bishop Friday afternoon, Mr and none or were doling it out in quart­ Mrs Witty gave very Interesting until those in command of trainees 11945. er pound lots. This occurred in a reports on the teachers meeting discovered a wat to check fliers and lr\ R*rr W city in the Pacific northwest. O PA held in LaOrande the preceding decide who was guilty. There is now NAS Fl$JEP f too AHP insists that there is a butter short­ week. Peace and Citizenship are no wasting of bombs to scare sheep- *evn**JCEP to J Mo*** ¡N0U6TRIAL kHOW -HOW AAAŸ TR A M F eK IN J A t l fOQ. -ItCKUKé H * age. he greatest shorotage in 50 the subjects emphasized by local herders or start gra«s fires. ELECTRIC POOR.CPENihJé EQUIPMENT PW hf WIFU/ years, yet tons of butter are being WAR P IA N T Í JO <3A 0 *S *f THE U F *. units this year. Refreshments were • While no statistics have been v ti open -rue poors . 7u*tJ sent lend-lease. The countries rec­ served at the close of the meeting ON THE U 6H7S. BNP B e Washington. D. C., Nov. 9-W h en made available by states as to the eiving lend-lease do not want oleo-- BüÆ OlB*- PROOF ¿ with Mrs E. H. Brumbach as assist­ the shooting stops, the government acreage acquired by the war depart­ they insist upon having butter. The Commodity Credit corpora­ ant hostess. must (or should) return for settle­ ment, it Is believed that Idaho, The high point values for butter tion will pay a subsidy to process­ Mr. Cameron finished digging a ment or other public use 16,000,000 Oregon and Washington have con­ is driving many people to the lower ors of the 1944 sugar beet crops to new well at the Wade school house acres of land which was withdrawn tributed approximately one million point oleo and dairymen are appre­ compensate for Increased product­ Thursday. form the public domain, the nat­ acres. In one instance 200,000 acres hensive that many customers will ion costs, according to an Associat­ Mr and Mrs F. A. Miller and Vir­ ional forests and parks. In addition of waste land In eastern W .V iln j- become accustomed to the use of ed Press dispatch from Washington, ginia spent Monday in Boise on the war department acquired six ' ton was taken, and that is but one oleo that they will not go back to business and visited friends and million acres either by condemna­ cof many tracts. Negotiations had D. C. butter.Oleo production and consum­ Stabilization Director Fred M. attended the play in the evening. tion or purchase. The latter acreage j to be conducted with owners on a ption are attaining new high levels. /v Sn'i Vinson, in an order signed Oct. 20, Mioof A merica * solcata * outcipb should be returned to the tax rolls lease basLs or outright purchase. All Despite a 12 percent increase in approved recommendation of thej AACHÊh/ L O A P TO ASAM POM eo *7J V i ï T CAKS by disposal to the previous owners ¡told, the engineers made 21,000 lea- WITH SMALL* AMP PpJA M iT* 4MP t O U A P I sugar beet production in the United war food administration that C O C . or to others. Tills is one of the big Ises and are paying $">6.000,000 a year THBM WTO TOKW . — States sugar stocks on hand next pay up to 12% cents a hundred problems in the disposing of gover­ I as rental and in addition $14,000,000 January will be smaller than they pounds on the amount by which \ nment property which has been de­ has been expended in construction Mrs Guy Tanner and baby dau­ were one year ago, according to the processors' 1944 production costs land repairs. This latter sum includ- signated as surplus. ghter are home from the hospital best obt Unable estimates by the The task of acquiring all this real 1 cs the many hotels which were exceed 1941 costs. Celling prices are this week. aepartrrv nt of agriculture because estate has been In the hands of the ! leased, maintained and ultimately based on the latter costs. Tom Drydale and family visited of is bo shorotage in domestic re- corps of engineers. The land, in the must be returned to their owners. The directive also authorizes CCC in Nampa Sunday. fin ci.— which handle the off-shore Although a few thousand acres Pacific northwest and other far to absorb "a portion of the amount Mrs Dale Busih and sister. Leitha Aht A mericas / lieutes I/ wt product. During the first seven mo­ REPORTS ÇEElhtô ArJ ARAB bl western states, has been used for are now being ofefred for sale by if any, by which 1944 production Moyes, who has been in defense nths o f 1944 imports of raw sugar FRENCH MOROCCO MURCMIHSA the engineers in the northwest, the airfields, landing strips, ordnance -osts exceed net proceeds from the work in Seattle for the past year, Rao« NEW) Sc«V A SOlPilR went* 54WPWIC6 of K-mnon Biscurri were 510,000 tons more than for the plants, hospitals, traget ranges, bar­ major task of restoring the land - wat far soy f are 4 ROWW 6 vEsetseu* SPREAP wnw u .s SHDVlNô sale o f 1944 crop sugar.” came home last week. in - mm » eewMCXK like period in 1943. but in spite CREAM to the tax rolls Is still to come. racks, etc. Throughout eastern Was- A W P A spokesman said it will not Mrs lone Brown of Payette visit­ of this apparent abundance stocks the office of price aununisuationTsWith the advance warning that Directing bhat 20 points be coll­ mlngton, east of the Cascades in be possible to calculate specific pay- ed her parents, Mr and Mrs W illiam of sugar in the hands of Importers. Oregon and on the sagebrush plulns ected for every pound of butter sold. giving the oleo makers a “ break'Mhere would be an Increase in po- nents until the crop has been pro­ Moyes, last Sunday. Al HE in Processors Get Sugar Subsidy Cow Hollow cessed and sold. Victory Food Hints By Leona Anderson Idaho Power Co. f v\ Describe it to me, // "Y e a h , I hear ’em yelling. r\ “ This is what I used to dream about in the jungle. God, if I could only see for just five seconds. “T h at girl there — is she laughing . . . or crying? I had a girl —once. Sure I wrote her when this happened to me. I told her I was tired o f her. W hat else could I say? “ Listen to that new sboy... ‘GERM ANY FINISHEDI' I ’d give anything to see those headlines. W hat else does it say? A n y­ thing about the Pacific? I hope you guys realize there’s still the Pacific. "Yeah. I was there, all right. I f you could have seen what I saw, you wouldn’t need to read any War Bond ads. Kids you grew up w ith, w ith th eir faces smashed to bits. Nothing left of your best friend but his helmet landing in your lap. M ade me kind o f mad, I guess. T h ey say I was still fighting when I couldn’t see any more. "Yeah, it’s bad enough. But it makes it worse when you hear someone saying the war’s practically over. Acting as if it’s time to ease up on W ar Bonds and all. Then you wonder what you did it for. It’s not over y e t Those Japs can do a lot of damage. I ought to know. "D o ms a fa vo r, will you, Mac? K eep on buying W ar Bonds for my buddies out there. And put a little extra in for m y sake, w ill you?” KEEP ON BUYING BONDS TILL IT’S OVER, OVER THERE! Gate City Journal •BETTER B RE AK FASTS BUILD BETTER AM E R IC AN S” How true this is-if we get a good start on our food for the day by eating a nutritious breakfast-full of energy and body building foods- we can face any task with a smile. The youngsters with good break­ fasts rate “ A ” on the football field and in the classroom-to be well fed means steady nerves, plenty of en­ ergy, and a good clear mind. Give them oatmeal served in a new way: OVEN COOKED O ATM E AL (Serves 4-6) Place 2 cups Quaker or Mother’s Oats (quick or regular) and 1 tea­ spoon salt in casserole dish. Pour 4 cups boiling waiter over oats. Cov­ er and bake in moderate oven (375 F.) 10-15 minutes. Delicious Variations 1. Add % cup raisins to oatmeal before baking. 2. Put 6 or more marshmallows on top of oatmeal after baking: place in broiler a few minutes to toast the marshmallows. 3. Place % cup chocolate chips on top of oven-oooked oatmeal before serving. Dig Bend E. M. Hauser, county 4-H club chairman and L. J. Allen, assistant 4-H club leader of Corvallis, visited Bend schools Thursday. Both gave Instructive talks on club work and presented pins won by students during the past year. The children enjoyed the pictures that were sh­ own. Mrs Grover Lee, who recently re­ turned from Brazil, owing to her mother's illness, was looking after ranch interests in this vicinity Tue­ sday and Saturday. She was acc­ ompanied by Mrs Marian Calwell Davis, a former Bend teacher. Mrs Harrington returned from a month's business trip to Nebraska. Mr Stlner became ill Thursday and after consulting a local phy­ sician was sent to Boise to St. Luke's hospital for an operation. Mrs Boyce Van de Water left Friday for Lebanon. Oregon for a two-weeks visit with her sister. Mrs Harriet Brumbach county treasurer of P T A attended the cou­ nty council meeting In Ontario, Saturday. S. G. Tunning of Roswell was a business visitor in this vicinity T h ­ ursday. Bend friends received news of W ill Foliar's death Friday. His wife Vera Swlgert. grew to womanhood in this comunlty. B. O. Roberts of Nyssa spent the week-end at the Dyre Roberts ho­ me. Mr and Mrs Harvey Bennett and Mrs Leroy Bennett were business Mrs Mary Savage and relatives are visiting in Idaho Falls this we­ ek. William Harvey Callahan, U. S. navy returned home last week from the hospital. Mr Callahan is much improved. The Owyhee R elief society o f the LDS church held its annual con­ ference Sunday evening. A program of songs and reports was given. Mrs Onita D. Callahan is visiting her parents, Mr and M is A. A. Des- paln o f Ontario heights this week. Mr and Mrs Clarence Herrud will arrive here November 17 while he is on leave from Camp Farragut. Corporal and Mrs Joseph Calla­ han will remain here 10 days longer because o f Mrs Callahan’s being In the hospital. Corporal Callahan's furlough was extended 10 days by the army. Vern Bu returned M Mr and family were John Hickey Geraidean rict spent ma Bullard. S. J. McKin spent two Moeller ho Berkeley, Ca. Gilbert Swan Kinney. Lloyd Orris ing to Nyssa Mrs Lily the Holy Ri ario. Fifty weri school Sunda tario gave a day school next Sunday Mr and Mrs family visited home in Caldt C O LI Fred Koop dinner guest Lackey Tuesda Mr and Mrs the Dick Ter and t That increas you re safegu Don M. Graham Insurance Agency Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals Bonds Serving 5 Counties From the Largest Stock o f Oenulne Parts Orders Shipped Immediately Me Cluer- Manser Phone 49 Payette, Idaho LIFE’S Little TROUBLES This in the -C A N ’T EAT- 100 Sh You don’t have to worry and fret because CONSTIPATION or GAS PRESSURE discomforts won’t let you eat. Instead of feel­ ing nervous— blue or bewildered, take a dash of 50 She 25 She ADLER-I-KA as directed on label to quickly ex­ pel gas— to soften and assist food wastes thru a comfortable bowel movement. Enjoy that clean, re­ freshed feeling that lifts spirits— rekindles smiles— improves appe­ tite. Buy it I Try it I You’ll never bo without Adlerika again. G s ( A d to r ih o Ww ■— ■ N YSSA fro m ■ — 1 his is: mas To b orders y o u r d r u g g i t i to d a y . — ^ — 1 a ■■■■ m * PHARM ACY Farmers Dessert Seed Co. If you have popcorn for sale see