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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1944)
j*AGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1944 = s= Mr and Mrs C. B. Purdy are vis war chest. The next meeting will genet al election. Including 302 806 3, Price, *10.00. NWI.NW‘1, N' i NE1! , Sec. 33. |icpublicans ana -a .615 icmocrats. iting at the home of Mr. Purdy's be held at the home of Alberta NYSSA Twp. 25, Rag. 42; NVSNWV, Sec. 34, Twp.25, Hng. 42, Titci, »600.00. Tract No. 345B, Description, Lot 5, The republicans have made a gain father, Charles Purdy, after spend Bowen with Jennie Benson assist Original Townslte to Nyssa, Bl of 12,142 In their lead over the dem ing the past tnree months at the T ra .t No. 300B, Description, SWA ing. Roll can will be answered by a ocrats as compared with their lead LE1», Sec. 36, Twp. 18, Rng. 43, ock 14, Price. *50.00. Grand Coulee dam. "Foreign custom". A white elephant of 5942 in 1940. Tract No. 316B, Description, Lot 1, Pi ice, *10.00, Mrs John Thomas of Parma and Park Addition to Nyssa, Block The total reegistratlon for both sale will be held. Jennie Benson Tia<-t No. 301B, Description, NE1. - parties is 11,415 less than in the Mrs Everett Hurley of Kirkland, received a prize in a contest. Re 49, Price, *25.00. NE‘4 . Sec. 30, Twp. 26, Rng. 43: Wash, and Mr and Mrs Elmer Sp 1940 president*! election since BROGAN NtaNWti, Sec. 29, Twp. 26, Rng. were Sunday dinner guests at freshments were served by the HATES. Two cent« pei worn lor enen U>xue Minimum caaft In Tract No. 347B. Description, Lots 13 then the democrats have lost 14,707 arks hostesses. 43; NW14NB14, Sec. 29, Twp. 26, the Ellen Spark's home, and the republicans have lost only advance Is 30c. to 24, Inc., Block 23, Piice, *15.00. Mr and Mrs Lester Toll, who sp Rng. 43, Price. *160.00. j Mr and Mrs Gayle Martin visited ent the summer In Western Oregon, Tract No. 302B, Description, N>4, Tract No. 348B. Description, Lots 2469. at the Dan Boren home in Nampa 11 and 12, Block 40, Price, *15.00. The total registration for both Saturday and Sunday. are visiting their daughter, Mrs Sec.5, Twp. 19, Rng. 45; SEV4- members of the armed forces as C. W. GLENN, BUTCHERING I Mr and Mrs John Holly, Mr and Rolland Holmes. N E 'i, Sec. 6, Twp. 19, Rng. 45, some of the county clerks did not Sheriff. Malheur County, Oregon. Custom butchering every Monday' Piice, *360.00. Mr and Mrs J. E. Bowen returned Mrs Dan Holly and Ted and Miss ___________________ and Friday. Bcei, sheep and pork. | Tract No. 303B, Description, E ‘4- Date of first publication, November include the soldier ballot applicat Gloria Pounds attended a social home Saturday morning from Pav- ions in reporting their figures to 9, 1944. POR SALE—Excellent pre-war boy's Sanitary butchering guaranteed.; SWA, Sec. 7, Twp. 19, Rng. 45; meeting at the Prank Miller home alln, Wyoming. Mr and Mrs P. 8. Byers enter bicycle. All accessoiles, new pre-wa; Phone 05R1. Please bung stoca | SEASW14. Sec. 16, Twp. 19, Rng. Date of last publication, December the state elections department. Reg | in the Bend Thursday. istration for other parties includes: 7, 1944. tires. Call 05R4. Ray Dyoec. 2N2xc Sunday evening or Thursday even-j 4i Price t l 20,0O. Mrs Geraldine Hall spoke to the tained at a pinochle party Satur independents 2786, socialists 420, pr day evening. Three tables of pro ------ ------------- ------- ing. All stock must be in by 12, Tract No. 30iB, Description, WV4- Date of sale, December 12, 1944. ohibitionists 428. and miscellaneous j7th and 8th grade pupils on the gressive pinochle were in play. FOR SALE—Pedigreed cocker sp- noon, on butchering day. One mile i gW '. SE 1, SW ' 4 , Sec 15, Twp. 19, school lunch program F’rlday, NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME 10,704. The latter figure Includes cniel pdps. Call 68J, Ontario. 2N2xp . west oi Nyssa on Alberta Ave. | jtng Prjce JJ20.00. High score prizes were won by Mrs 'NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that soldiers whose party is not known. J. E. Bowen and F. O. Holmes, Jake Fischer. ¡Tract No. 305B, Description, NW!4- FOR SALE - Pre-war baby buggy I the petition of Dale Marwood Baird low prizes by Mrs Walter Benson NWV4, Sec. 4, Twp. 20, Rng. 46, | for a change of his name to Dale and play pen. Phone 125J 2Ntfc. and J. E. Bowen and traveling pr Price, *10.00. M. Glenn, having been filed in the The Merry Matrons club met at izes by Mrs Roy Holmes and Wal lO R SALE Purebred Chester Wh NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY Tract No. 306B, Description, E ‘i- County Court of Malheur County, Alonzo Latta was Christian en the home of Gladys Byers Novem ter Benson Refreshments were ser ite breeding stock. Vest brothers, SW54SE54. Sec. 30, Twp. 15, Rng. Oregon, and November 4, 1944 hav deavor leader Sunday evening. Only ber with Alice Holmes as co-hostess. ved by the hostess. OWNED LANDS route 2, Nyssa. 2N3xp ing been fixed by the Court for the Pursuant to an of thei 47, Price, *50.00. The afternoon was spent sewing. Honoring the 7th birthday of th , _ , ,, „ Tract No. 307B, Description. Lot 18, hearing of said petition and no in a small group was present. FOR SALE-TWO truck beds, flat I County Cotut of M a jeu r County., Home park Frult ^ act Sec „ On Hallowe’en night the C. E. me Nine members and one guest, lone eir son, Stanley. Mr and Mrs F. S. terested person having appeared in mbers were entertained at the Latta Jesiger, were present. The olub vot Byers entertained at a party Wed lack. Roy Hashitani, phone 04R1. Oregon, dated the ilth day of Oct Twp. 15, Rng. 47, Price, *35.00. 2Nifc. ober, 1944, I will on the 12th day o f ! Tract No. 308B, Description, EV4- opposition to the granting of said home. ed to give *5 to the Malheur county nesday evening. petition, the said Court did on said December, 1944, at the hour of 10; 00 Ralph Barnes and Vern Smith SW 54 NE54 and All West of R.R. 4th day of November, 1944, make FOR SALE—80-acre farm, 41 undtr j'ciock A M. at the front door of in SENET1., Sec. 20, Twp. 19, and enter its order, decreeing such assisted Clyde and Alonzo Latta iirigation, two room house with full the County Court House at Vale, bale hay several days last week. Rng. 47. Price, *40.00. basement, deep well, on Enterprise Oregon offer for sale, the tracts of change and providing that public Prayer meeting was held at the CITY PROPERTY avenue, 7 mhes S. W. Nyssa. Mary land hereinafter described and nu notice be given of the change so Kriner home Wednesday evening ONTARIO E. Pierce. 2604xp mbered for not less than the prices decreed, by publication for two con Tract No. 309B, Description, West secutive weeks in the Gate City Rev. Kriner was the leader. Rev. and Mrs R. L. Kriner and FOR SALE— 5 ‘ j miles northwest oi fixed by said Court with the pro 40 feet of Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and Journal, and that on return of pr Sandra were Payette callers Wed Adrian, 160 acre farm, 120 under portionate cost of publication add 20, Original Townslte, Block 68, oof of such publication, certifcate nesday. Having been called to the Armed Forces, I will cultivation. Also machinery and ed thereto. Price *25.00. j shall issue under the seal of the Said lands will be offered for sale Miss Ida Nelson is recovering my young registered Holstein herd Tract No. 310B, Description, Lot 17, sell all my personal property 15 miles south and Court, certifying that the legal na of cattle, from tile worla-record as follows; All tracts priced at Original Townslte, Block 81, Price, me of said petitioner shall there- satisfactorily from an appendicitis west of Nyssa or 3 miles up Cow hollow from Olie’s operation she submitted to last producing herd, Morningside hos *200.00 or less to the highest and *50.00 ; after be the name of Dale M. Glenn Saturday night. coiner; 2 miles north of Sunset Valley on the old pital. Write me, Boise general best bidder for cash; all tracts pri Tract No. 311B, Description, Lots 16, H. S. Sackett, Clerk of the Mr and Mrs Ray Whitsell and delivery, Boise, Idaho. F. W. Dal- , ced at more than *200.00 to the 17, and 18, Original Townslte, County Court of Malheur family were Sunday visitors at the Wickson place. 21STFC. highest and best bidder for cash or ton. Block 82, Price. #100.00. County, Oregon. for not less than 20 percent cash home of Mrs Whitsell’s mother and BEFTT HAULERS—Get your public and the remainder to be paid under Tract No. 312B, Description, Lots 13, brother, Mrs Annie Harris and Cl to 17, Inc., Original Townsite, liability and property damage in written agreement with the purch ifford. Block, 106, Price, *50 00. surance now. Bernard Eastman. aser in equal installments not ex- Mr and Mrs George Pennington Tract No. 313B, Description, All of 21Stfc j ceeding 5 years, all deferred pay- were Sunday dinner guests at the Original Townsite. Block 169, P r ----------------------------------------------- - merits to draw interest at the rate Jim Hawkins home. ice *100.00. FOR SALE 'Large work team. Call I o{ g percent; annum, payable ann- SALE STARTS AT 1 :00 P.M. Mr and Mrs Lee Smith were 260tfc ually, and such agreements shall be Tract No. 314B, Description, All of Prank T. Morgan Sunday dinner guests at the home M IIIB /I. Original Townsite, Block 170, Pr- of their daughter and family, Mr FOR SALE-Modern house, *5000,1 ' to terms and conditions k e $10000 M urrarV ad e and Mrs Ralph Barnes and sons. terms. Three 10-acre tracts In Apple ° Tract No. 315B, Description, Lots 5, Mr and Mrs Allen Hainllne of valley. Farms from 40 acres up, I 6, and 7, Original Townsite, Block, of irrigation or drainage districts 1 Matched team of Sorrels, 3 and 4 yz’s. old, wt. 28- near Vale tfere Sunday visitors at $100 to *300 an acre. 172. Price *30.00. IN-MIGRANTS will be sold subject to any valid the Orien Hainline home. A. L. Atkeson G O lbs., gentle and well broke. _ Tract No. 31GB, Description, Lots 13' Notwithstanding the urgent need ! assessments made or to be made * • .. to 17, Inc., Original Townsite, for shipyard workers, it is difficult 1 Bay team, 6 and 7 yrs. old, wt. 3200 lbs. by said districts since the date said Block 172, Price $25.00. for the yards to maintain their st lands were acquired by the County WANTED—Baled hay. See h. vail and all lands within the boundaries Tract No. 317B, Description, All of affs, according to the October sur- Original Townsite, Block 180, Pr jvey of the state postwar commiss- Mrs Roy Drowns and Infant dau Egmond. Boise Payette Lumber yard of the Warmsprings Irrigation Dist ice #50.00. ! ion. Workers continue to quit and ghter arrived home last week from or phone 255-M, Ontario, evenings. rict and which have been classified 1 Black Jersey cow, Blackie, 8 yrs. old, Heavy Sprin 17ATFC as in Classes 5 and 6 and as to Tract No. 318B, Description, Lots 1 'it 1s a race between these depart the Nyssa Nursing home. and 2, Original Townsite, Block u re s and replacements. An import- Rev. and Mrs Kevin and Mr G r ger, gives 5 gal. when fresh. which said County has heretofore 251, Price, *20.00. WANTED—Used furniture. Highest by resolution dated September 3, ! ant development is that with a few- eeting visited Mrs Oreeling at the prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa 1930 authorized a transfer to said Tract No. 319B, Description, Lots 1 | er number of men and women the Caldwell sanitarium Friday. 1 Guernsey cow, Topsy, 3 yrs. old, Heavy Springer, to 10, Inc., Original Townsite, ¡same amount of work is being pro- Furniture Co. 1ATFX district of the water rights appurt Lt. Harold Kurtz visited in Ad gives 6 gal. when fresh. Block 253, Price *100.00. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES fot enant to said lands shall be sold Tract No. 320B, Description, Lots 11 Iduced. This is attributed to greater rian this last week. 1 Guernsey cow, Gooseberry, 5 yrs, old, Heavy Sp I efficency acquired with experience. Mr and Mrs Byron Pounds and without water rights. live fox feed iiorses. Phone 8 Pay to 15, Inc.. Original Townsite, Bl ringer, gives 4 1/2 gal. when fresh. children of Klamath Palls were Estimates vary as to the percent Said lands numbered as to tracts ette. Ì7Ntfc ock 253, Price, *50.00. age of in-migrants who plan to lea Monday evening dinner guests at and with the minimum prices set 1 Guernsey cow, Big, 6 yrs old, Heavy Springer, gi LOST opposite gncly tract are as follows, Tract No. 321B, Description, Lots 17 ve Oregon, but the ranges are be the Glen Pounds home. ves 4Vi> gal. when fresh. and 18, Original Townsite, Block tween 40 percent and 50 percent. Mr and Mrs W. H. Bunch visited --------------- — 1 ■ ■ 1 ■ to-wit: 312, F*rice, $60.00. 1 Guernsey cow, Buckskin, 5 yrs. old, Heavy Spring LOST-Small toy terrier dog, black No 295B Description NMi, Men experienced in certain trades, at the Paul Bunch home in Ontario and tan, bob-tailed. Named Major Se„ 10 Twp 15 j ^ g 41 price, Tract No. 322B, Description. Lot 2, or who had small businesses before Sunday. Sandra and Curtis Bunch, er, gives 5 gal. when fresh. Barton’s One Acre Tract, Block engaging in war industry, have or children of Paul Bunch, returned Reward. Mrs Helene Jordan, phone I *320.00. 1 Jersey cow, Kicker, 6 yrs. old, Heavy Springer, gi D, Price *50,00. 134. arc taking their walking papers. with them ana will spend the week 1903xp Tract No. 296B, Description, SA ves gal. when fresh. NE1», NW54NE54, SEVI, Lots 1, Tract No. 323B, Description, Lot 1, Example: It is impossible to find a at the W. H. Bunch home. Barton’s One Acre Tract, Block barber among the thousands now The young people of the United 1 Holstein cow, Spot, 2 yrs. old, Springer. 2, 3, and 4, EAWA, Sec. 18, Twp. P, Price, *50.00. engaged in building ships. These Presbyterian church were entertain 15, Rng. 41, Piice, *600.00, 1 Jersey cow, Pet, 5 yrs. old, just fresh giving 5 gal. TO LEASE—Business building in Tract No. 297B, Description. S'A- Tract No. 324B, Description, Lots have departed as, with present bar- ed with a Hallowe’en party by the 50tfc Nyssa. Bernard FUstman. 7 and 8, Riverside Addition to City 1 Jersey cow, Tiny, 6 yrs. old, giving 5 gal. now. jber prices, they can earn as much young people of the Ontario Un [ j SW V», Sec. 15, Tw p. 14, Rng. 42, of Ontario, Block 5, Price, #40.00, 1 or more than they can in the yards. ited Presbyterian church Tuesday 1 Guernsey cow, Red, 5 yrs. old, giving 4 gal. now. FOR RENT—Por cash or share cr- i Price, *80.00. op, farm near Notus and Caldwell, j Tract No. 296B, Description, N 'i- Tract No. 325B, Description, Lots 3 NEW STATE OFFICE BUILDING night. 1 Guernsey cow, Baldface, 2 calves by side. and 4, Terrace Heights Addition Architects working on the pro- The 7th and 8th grade enjoyed Idaho. Excellent water right, land! NE’i, S W 'iN E 'i, EHNW'A, NE- to City of Ontario, Block 3, Price, ' Jected new *1,000,000 state office a Hallowe'en party with their tea 2 Guernsey heifers, 9 and 10 mos. old. suitable for any kind of crop. Good ' VSW 'i, Lots 1, 2, 3. and4. Sec. 31, *25.00. ! building and members of the board cher, Mrs Dwayne Anderson, Tues 1 Jersey heifer, yearling. house, electricity, well, etc. Tractor Twp. 20, Rng. 42, Price #400.00. equipment required. Call before 8 Tract No. 299B. Description, S'4 Tract No. 326B, Description, Lots of control met at the capitol this day evening. 1 Durham heifer, yearling. SWA, NWASW'A, Sec. 27, Twp. 45 to 49. Inc., Terrace Heights week to discuss floor plans and 1 Mr and Mrs E. D. Weimer of P ar a.m. for appointment. Mrs O. T. Addition to City of Ontario, Block 1 White face heifer, 9 mos. old. other details of the building, which ma were Sunday dinner geusts at 25, Rng. 42; SEA, EV4SW'4, SW- Andrews, 1914 Cleveland Blvd., 4, Price *30.00. twill be constructed as soon as mat- j the Howard Hatch home, 1 Holstein calf, 2 weeks old. ’ , SWVi. Sec. 28, Twp. 25, Rng. 42; Caldwell, Ida. 190tfc Tract No. 327B. Description, Lots 1 . erial and labor are available. j Mr and Mrs Dennis Patch were 1 Guernsey steer, yearling. to 6, Inc., Terrace Heights Add | A fire proof building five stories ; Baker visitors Tuesday. Mr Patch ition to City of Ontario, Block 5, high is planned. Construction was ¡attended a meeting to make arrang 1 Durham steer, yearling. Price *100.00. I authorized by the 1941 legislature ements for the “B" tournament In 1 Holstein cow. Tract No. 328B. Description, Lots 7 ¡and the emergency board charged basketball. 1 Jersey cow. to 11, Inc., Terrace Heights Add ¡with airproving the building plans. E. H. Hauser and L. J. Allen were ition to City of Ontario, Block, GIFT TAX REVENUES EBB Thursday evening dinner guests at 5, Price, *100.00. Reduced gift taxes, which are the Elliott home. VALE effective on 1944 gifts and which The Boy Scout Troop and their Tract No. 329B, Description, Lots 1 are payable next year, will cut the leader, Rev. Nevln, held a Hallowe’ 1 Spotted Poland China sow. and 2, Original Townsite, Block state's gift tax revenue to such a en party Monday night at the Leg 23, Price #75.00. low point that the tax may not Jus ion hall. Ted Holly, patrol leader, 3 Weaner pigs. Tract No. 330B. Description, Lot 10, tify the costs of administration, st had charge of the decorations. 1 Fat hog. N.W. Townsite First Addition to ates State Treasurer Leslie M. Scott, Billy Ray, leader of the Flying Eag Vale, Block 21, Price, #5.00. Gift tax h i » nues so far this year le patrol, had charge of the re 40 White Rock and New Hampshire Red hens. Tract No. 331B, Description, Lots 19 total only $27,602. and with lower freshments and Merton Parker, OPTOMETRISTS DENTISTS and 20, Claggett Addition to Vale, rates, next year's collections will be patrol leader of the Wolfe patrol, Block 1, Price *20.00. aven lower, Scott says. The gift tax had charge of the games and lnter- -ÜM Mr Fall and B» Botter' Tract No. 332B. Description. Lots 4 has yealded *966.631 in the past ta inmen t. to 9, Inc., Eldredge Addition to eleven years. 26 Sacks of Oats. Dennis Patch, K. I. Peterson and Vale, Block 11, Price, *30.00. Jim Attebury attended the Nampa- NO TWO TIMEINO 15 Sacks of barley. Practice limited to extraction Tract No, 333B, Description, Lot 2, The right of a political party to LaGrande football game F’rlday 75 Bu. ear corn. and denture construction. Eldredge Addition to Vale, Black levy against candidates for cam evening. Cecil Sherwood, LaOrande 12, Price *25.00. App. 15 Tons hay. paign expenses is limited to the coach, and Elmer Hansen of La Tract No. 334B. Description, Lots 3 party of the candidate’s affiliation, Orande spent Saturday and Sun .1 R. CUNDALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST and 4. Eldredge Addition to Vale, according to Attorney General Ge day at the Patch home. ONTARIO OREOON Block 12, Price *20.00. orge Neuner. The fact that the opp Mrs Maude Peck was a Monday Dentist T ract No. 335, Description, Lots 5 osition party might have endorsed dinner guest at the Deffer home. Phone 56-J and 8, Eldredge Addition to Vale, a candidate and honored him with Mrs Mildred Hite and Mrs Thr- PHYSICIANS 1 Rubber tired wagon and rack. Sarazin Clinic Block 14, Price »60.00. its nomination does not entitle that elma Elliott were Friday evening NYSSA OREGON 1 Big 6 McCormick Deering mower. Tract No. 336B. Description, Lots 5, party to levy against him also as dinner guest of Mrs Dennis Patch. 1 Oliver beet cultivator, good as new. I 6, 7. and 8, Eldredge Addition to Miss Ethel Case, clerk at Eder’s this would constitute a double ass JEWELRY STORES Vale, Block 19, Price *40.00. store has gone to Iowa for a visit. Physician and Surgeon essment. 1 Spike tooth 2 section harrow. Tract No. 337B, Description, Lots 8 A legislative act authorizes polit Mrs Muntjewerff is working in the Phone *7 1 Gasoline engine. and 7, Hadley’s Third Addition to ical parties to levy and oollect an store in her absence. H ura Id to 12 and » to 8 1 Emery wheel. Vale, Block 7. Price *20 00. Mrs Jim Attebury spent Thursday amount “not to exceed one percent Dativ- Exrrp* Sunday Tract No. 338B. Description, Lots of the sum total equal to the agg and Friday in Nampa and Caldwell. Union Pacific Time Inspector 1 DeLaval No. 12 cream separator. Pry Building 28 and 27, Hadley's Third Add regate emolument for the term of Mrs Betty Korman was a dinner JEWELRY — DIAMONDS ition to Vale. Block 8, Price #10.00. office for which the nominee so guest Sunday evening at the Pounds 3 Sets harness. WATCHES SARAZIN CLINIC Tract No. 339B, Description, Lots assessed is a candidate.” home. Main Street at 8econd 34. 35 and 38. Hadley's Third Add POSTWAR GRAZING PROGRAM Miss Jean Brown visited friends J. J. Sarazin, M. D. ition to Vale. Block 8. Price *15.00. The grazing committee of the st .n Boise over the week-end. General practice ‘of medicine Tract No. 340B, Description, Lots ate postwar commission, which met The "No-Name" club met Wed 1 Buffett. 19 to 22, Inc.. Hadley's Third at the capitol this week, said that nesday afternoon at the home of X-ray Physiotherapy Addition to Vale, Block 9, Price, the federal grazing program after Mrs Dyre Roberts. Plans for a baz 1 Kitchen range. *70.00. the war would cost #6,000.000 for aar was discussed H ie articles for Official Time Inspector fur 1 Old electric washer. HAY BUYER Tract No. 341B. Description, Lots Oregon alone. It will permit an in the bazaar will be sold at a special Union Pacific 1 Bedstead and springs. 15. 16, and 17, Hope Addition to crease in cattle on the range from booth a t the high school carnival. JNTARIO OREGON Vale, Block 10. Price, *30.00. 235.000 head to 325,000 and sheep Proceeds from the booth will go to Other small articles. W. F. JAHN Tract No. 342B, Description, Lots from 425.000 to 600.000 the Red Cross. TERMS------ CASH SHOE SHOPS Dealer in Hay and REGISTRATION A quarterly meeting of the Free 1«. 19 and 20. Hope Addition-to REPUBLICAN Lunch Served On The Grounds Vale, Block 10. Price. *30 00. Methodist church was held Friday OAINS Grain. A b b o t t 's S h o * Tract No. 343B Description. Lots 1 Officials registration figures re and Saturday evening at the Adrian All kinds of shoe and harness No. 5, Factory Court to 4, Inc., Kelley's Addition to leased Monday by Secretary of St' Free Methodist church. Rev. J. E. repairing. Vale. Block 1. Price. *40 00. ate Robert S. Farrell, Jr. reveal that Rue. conference superintending Opposite Sugar Factory Acmes fro« D ost nffW Tract No 344B. Description. Lot 7. 602. 01* persons were eligible to was the main speaker. The final Col. Bert Anderson, auct. Rinehart Addition to Vale. Block ¡vote in Oregon at the November meeting was held Sunday morning L. H. Fritta, clerk Classified Advertising .*ilD4_iLL.L.ANt.OUà For Sale Lincoln Heights Legal Advertisement Oregon Trail Farm Sale Wed., Nov. 15 Capi/al- Parade' Adrian WANTED 4 Horses 4 21 Cattle 21 For Rent Professional And Business Directory DR. E. D. NORCOTT Wilson Building DR. J. A McFALL Hogs and Poultry Hay and Grain Farm Machinery L. A. Muulding, M.D. PAULUS JEWELRY STORE WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Shop Household Goods Vern Britton, Owner