THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2, 1944 PAGE SIX the American Legion auxiliary Sat- notify J. E. Wildman, 537 north 40 by 52 inch cabinet wardrobe, of the club were present. and Mrs Dean Smith. 2Nlxp wood construction. Small kitchen jurday, November 4. The place has Sixth | The Hallowe’en motif was used HALLOWEEN *PARTY HELD range. 10 rod. 4 feet woven wire 1 not been decided upon. Part of the in decora cions and tallies. SALE—American Leg fence, 31 cedar posts. 2 gate, Lloyd The Olrl Scout troop under the proceedfi wiu g0 the loCBl nurs_ RUMMAGE N. Pounds, phone 150W. 2Nlxp leadership of Mrs Julian Johnson ing home and the child welfare ion auxiliary November 4. NEIGHBOR CLUB MEETS held a Hallowe’en party Monday iund Qf the veterftns hospital The Friendly Neighbor Club of evening REWARD—'WUl pay 8100 for Infor at the home of Marlon the north west Rich.and district Grace Brown. mation leading to arrest of persons Bernard Eastman Ten girls attended. met Thursday at the home of Mrs Shop In Ontario— burning strawstack on my farm Mrs Albert Meier and Mrs Perry TEACHER PARTY PLANNED next meeting will be held November ° P Williams lor the regular Oct- SOCIAL MEETING SCHEDULED War<J Hallowe’en night. M. A. Rataezyk. Insurance Real Estate A get-together party for teachers 10 at tiie home of Mrs Dale Garr- .spent ober meetin®- The games afternoon was Because of the election, the next Friday. were Antarto shoppers , J t 2Nlxp .. t . .. . _ . , . in playing featuring meeting of the Royal Neighbors and parents wUl be held In the high .son. the Halloween theme and in work Paone 84 FOR SALE—Two truck beds, flat be a social meeting to be field Goes To Baker— school building tonight at 8 o’clock. ' for the Nyssa Nursing home. Lun- will - I - NY8*4 ORYGON rack. Roy Hashitani, phone 04R1. the home of Mrs Sylvia Fox Mrs H. E. Collins made a business The public is invited to attend the HALLOWE'EN PARTY MOTIF 1 ch was served to 11 members and in 2Ntfc. November 7. Mrs S. W. Abersold and Mrs T. three guests, Mrs Shurts of Utah trip to Baker this week. affair, sponsored by the Nyssa Civic club. The evening will be spent In- H. Turner entertained at the Aber- Mrs K- Schlesser of Ontario, and GOINO-AWAY PARTY HELD sale ;—Three feet by four feet loo Late to Classify FOR formally. .sold home Friday evening at six , meeting Mrs, f ’ will be Portland^ The of next a Mr and Mrs Angus Bishop and by 30 inch infant's play pen. 18 by Auto Repairing in the form 8 MEETS ___ tables of bridge. family were honor guests at a party j WANTED—Woman to clean room family party, the date of which will given HAPPY 8 CLUB * at the home of Mr and Mrs j dally. Phone 14. 2N1XC Electric Welding The Happy Eight club met Friday Mrs Grant Rinehart won first be announced later. Luther Fife Monday evening. Lunch evening at the S. P. Bybee home, and Mrs Herbert Fisher, second was served to 35 guests. Mrs Bishop t WANTED—To rent beet loader. M. Lathe Work Parts GIVES BRIDGE PARTY Mrs Vlbert Kessler won high and Special table prizes were won by a' lovely blanket as a gift. A. Rataezyk, Sunset valley. 2Nlxp Mrs Dale Garrison the traveling Mrs B. B. Lienkaemper, Mrs Eddie Mrs Bert Lienkaemper gave a received Mr and Mrs Bishop will locate near At prize. Mrs Barker, sister of Mrs Powell, Mrs W. R. Campbell, Mrs bridge party Thursday afternoon in Provo. Carlot shippers since 1928. FOR SALE—Excellent pre-war boy’s Virginia Bybee, was a guest. The | Carlos Buchner, Mrs Stringfellow honor of Mrs Charles Lueck of BOX 54 bicycle. All accessories, new pre-war 1 Portland. Mrs Emma Qulnby won tires. Call 05R4. Ray Bybee. 2N2xc PARMA, IDAHO 11 first prize and Mrs Nick Rudellck, __¥__ second. FOR SALE—Pedigreed cocker sp The guest of honor was presented Nyssa, Oregon aniel pups. Call 68J, Ontario. 2N2xp with a corsage and a guest prize. FOR SALE—Pre-war baby buggy Will Meet— FAREWELL DINNER GIVEN Guild The Episcopal guild will meet and play pen. Phone 125J 2Ntfc. A farewell dinner and party for Wednesday November 8 at the home Address Your Letter« Rev. and Mrs M. H. Greenlee was FOR SALE;—Purebred Chester Wh given in the Methodist church base-¡of Mrs Jacob Simmons, If you have popcorn for sale see and Samples to Us. ite breeding stock. Vest brothers, ment Wednesday evening. Rev Gr —BUYERS— route 2. Nyssa. 2N3xp eenlee has accepted the pastorate of Undergoes Operation— Henry Borgman underwent, ------------------- Garden Seeds, Grasses, the Methodist church at Kimberly an Mrs appendix operation in the Ont- LOST—Somewhere in or north of Idaho. Clovers Alfalfas, arlo hospital Friday. She is expected Nyssa one 5:25.17 Inch tire fully Hay and Grain mounted on green Chevrolet wheel. ENTERTAINS 8 FOURSOME home today. No. of tire 1307618. Finder please Mrs Jess Thompson entertained On Hunting Trip— at a bridge foursome Tuesday after Nyssa, Oregon and Mrs Herschel Thompson noon. The guests were Mrs Tom and Mr Mr. Thompson’s sister, Mrs Eldridge. Mrs Eddie Powell and Verna Beutler, have returned from Mrs W. R. Campbell. Phone 132-J Burns, where they hunted deer for three days. VISITORS —8— ENTERTAINED Mr and Mrs George Henneman From Utah— entertained Mr and Mrs Charles Here Mrs S. W. Abersold had as her Lueck of Portland Thursday evening house Republican Candidate last week Miss Naoma for dinner. Mr and Mrs Leuck are Bartchi guest of Providence, Utah. Miss former Nyssa residents. For Bartchi was en route to Washing 8 ton for an indefinite stay. HOSTESS TO CLUB I will sell at the salesyard in Nyssa Mrs Bernard Eastman was hostess LOWELL to her bridge club and two guests. Candidate Visits— Mrs Tom Eldridge and Mrs W. R. C. J. Shorb, LaGrande publisher Campbell, Wednesday. Prizes were and candidate for congressman fr Fairness To All; Partiality To None. won by Mrs Tom Eldridge, first om the second congressional district, In Nyssa Monday In the Inte and Mrs Grant Rinehart, second. was rest of his campaign. He called on for re-election to the following property: Your Support Will Be Appreciated. party leaders and friends In Nyssa HALLOWE'EN PARTY GIVEN Red cow, coming 3 years, freshen Feb. 28. Paid Pol. Adv. A Hallowe'en party was given and Ontario. CONGRESS Roan cow, 5 years, fresh two months. Saturday evening at the parish hall Examiner Coming— S IC O N D C O N G R E S S IO N A L D IS T R IC T Spotted cow, coming 4 years, freshen March 18. foi all members of the Episcopal A traveling examiner of operators church Sunday school and theli and chauffeurs is scheduled to be Red Cow, 8 years, freshen March 17. [a ste rn O reg o n 's Guernsey heifer coming 2 years old, freshen Jan. friends. •n the Nyssa city hall Wednesday, C on g ressm a n -on -th e-Jo b , 8 November 8 from 9 a.m. to 12, noon. Jersey heifer, coming 2 years. ENTERTAIN CLUB g iv in g his u n d iv id e d Mr and Mrs Bernard Eastman 5 spring heifers. 3 steers. atten tio n to the n eed s Planned— entertained the Sunday night Mi Sale COMMON COLDS 1 purebred shorthorn bull calf, 9 months old. o f [a ste rn O regon and Mrs club. Prizes were won by A rummage sale will be held by R. O. Whitaker, first, and Mrs Har 1 red calf. Colds probably surpass in frequency Stockman was born in ry Miner, second. Spotted cow, 4 years, fresh 4 months. all other disease conditions. When you Lowell Eastern Oregon and has lived here all his life. He graduated in Red heifer, coming 2, fresh March 17. have a cold, do not take the cure-all Agriculture SCOUT TROOP ENTERTAINED from Oregon State The members of Girl Scout troop 3 Chester White gilts, weight 180 pounds. advices of friends, but consult a phys College in 1922 and has farmed C were entertained Tuesday evening 1 Tumblebug two-way plow. ician, who has devoted years of time to continuously ever since. He at a Hallowe'en party given by their 1 eight-inch feed grinder. the study of human ills. Take his pro stands for common sense busi sponsors, the Episcopal guild. Man> ness principles applied to na 1 ten-foot dump rake. exciting games were played and fessional advice and follow it. refreshments were served. Mrs Le- tional issues. During his two 1 three-section harrow. 1 two-wheel trailer. Rae Trabert Is the leader of the years in Congress he established Your physician will gladly telephone 1 wagon box. 2 hay slips. troop. Mrs W. E. Schlreman, Mrs a wide acquaintance and influ your prescriptions to us if you will elect 1 DeLaval cream separator, No. 16. Bernard Eastman, and Mrs Jake ence among his fellow members our pharmacy to do the compounding. Simmons represented the guild. of Congress and a reputation for 1 oil heater. Many other articles. The confidence placed in us by these industriousness, efficiency, coop 8 L. B. Landreth, Owner EPISCOPAL SUNDAY SCHOOL professional men suggests a strong rea- eration and attending to busi PARTY FOR CREAMY ness. Lowell Stockman is one of on why we should be your prescription- Oregon’s On Saturday even the members of all-Republican delega the Episcopal Sunday chool enter ists. tion to Congress. tained guests at a Hallowe'en party. RICHNESS Phone 25-R Thirty-five youngsters were present enjoy the games and refresh Col. Bill Lane, D. O. Bybee, Mgr. to ments. DRINK OUR Mrs W. E. Schlreman and Auctioneer Phone 05J3 Paid adv., Lowell Stockman for Congreas Committee Mrs Jake Simmons were In charge. Jama* H. Sturgia, Secretary, Pendleton, Oregon Phone 116J 8 TASTY MILK ENTERTAINS CLUB 11111111111 m in in 111,111111,111 hi ti in i i in in in iiiiii ui ui in in ui ui ui ui hihi m in in m in mm nun m mm m m u h Mrs Sid Burbldge entertained her bridge club Friday evening with The rich butterfat in first prize going to Mrs Frank Ram- baud. second to Mrs Ellis Buckland our milk is delightfully PRO G RA M and the traveling to Mrs Aden Wilson. nourishing. HOSTESS TO CLUB Phono 106 Mrs A. H. Boydell was hostess to the Thursday afternoon bridge club Douhle Feature week. Mrs J. B. Giezentanner FRIDAY and SATURDAY NOVEMBER 3—4 last won high and Mrs John Beckham Referred to the people by the Malheur County Court the traveling prize. Several guests Harold Peary and Marion Martin in Watts Seed Co. Farmers Dessert Seed Co. local ' news - Buyers & Sellers - E. P. Hendrix Auction Saturday, Nov. 4 Bybee Livestock Co. E. W. Pruyn - Malheur Co. Assessor - - - - - Pills and Powders: N yssa Pharm acy - NYSSA THEATRE T h e M alheur - 8 - “GILDERSLEEVE’S GHOST” “SWING IN THE SADDLE” HELP OREGON GROW Mat., Sat.. 2:50 Adm. 25c-5e Inc. Tax Adm. Evening«. 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY and MONDAY NOVEMBER 5—6 Edward G. Robinson, Ruth Warrick, Bob Hay- mes and Robert Armstrong in “MR. WINKLE GOES TO WAR” Sports and Newest March of Time Mat.. Hun, 8:38 Adm., 38e-9e. Inc. Tax Adm. Evening«. 40c-9c. Including Tax —BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY NOVEMBER 7 Jack Haley and Harriet Hilliard in “TAKE IT BIG” Cartoon and Alaskan Mystery Adm. tSe-9e, Inc. Tax Strengthen our state banks by voting for the Banking amendment. Protects depositors through federal deposit insurance. Opens way for stronger capital structure. Puts Oregon on same plane with 45 other states. Plan has endorsement of grange, bankers, state authorities, labor leaders and others. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY NOV. 8—9 Experim ental S tatio n A bill to provide funds to purchase the Malheur Agricultural Experi mental area farm, for the improvement of Malheur county agriculture to be operated in conjunction with the Oregon State College experiment Stations, and authorizing a special tax levy of one mill for the fiscal year, 1945-46 and one-half mill for the fiscal year 1946-47, for this pur pose. This is as the measure will appear on your ballot next Tuesday. A vote of YES will secure the future of the Malheur experimental farm. If the measure is defeated we will not only lose the farm but we will also lose the appropriation made by the state for maintenance and operation. To Vote YES will be a good stroke of business for the county. The 120 acre farm which forms the experimental area was purchased on contract for $15.000 and is now worth much more than that owing to the improve ments made during the past two years, coupled with the advance in land values. Vote 318 Yes Eddie Cantor, George Murphy, Joan Davis, Nancy Kelly and Constance Moore in “SHOW BUSINESS” Cartoon and News Adm. Kvralag«. M a le , Inrluding Tax V O T E 21 X — Shelton Dairy Red River Dave, Jane Frazee and Slim Sum merville in STOCKMAN »A I r m . Paid Adv. by Malheur County Subordinate Granges and Malheur Pom ona Grange. 1 •A ’d v m « A M IN O « « « rr c o m m it t « « .