RAGE I HKKh THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY NOVEMBER _2, 1944_ ?p Classified Advertising KATES Two cents pei worn lor eacn issue Minimum casii In advance is 30c BUTCHEKINO Custom butchering every Monday For Sale ] and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork ------------------------------- ■ ; Sanitary butchering guaranteed. FOR SALE—80-acre farm, 41 under j phone U5K1 pieaj5e bring stock lirigation, two room house with lu ll!g UIUiay evening or Thursday even- basement, deep well, on Enterprise lng. All stock must be in by 12, avenue, 7 miles from Nyssa. Mary noon, on butchering day. One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. E. Pierce. 2604xp Jake Fischer. tv U Q o t.L L .A N fc .O U b FOR SALE —5 “a miles noituwest oi Adrian, 160 acre farm, 120 under cultivation. Also machinery and my young registered Holstein herd of cattle, from the world-record producing herd, Morningside hos­ pital. Write me, BoLe general delivery, Boise, Idaho. F’. W. Dal­ ton. 21STPC. Advertisement NOTICE Or FINAL HEARING L egal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Ruth McConnell, Executrix ol the estate of William H. McConnell, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon her first and final account ol hei administration, and that the fourth BEFTT HAULERS—Get your public day of November 1944, at the houi liability and property damage In­ of 10 O'clock A.M. and the County surance now. Bernard Eastman. Court Room in Vale, Oregon, have ueen fixed by the Court as the time 2 IS tic and place for the hearing of said FOR SALE—’Large work team, c-a.i account and any objections thereto, when and where any person Inter­ F’rank T. Morgan. 20Otfc ested in said estate may appear FOR SALE — Vilas;: Counter, 3 sh ­ ad lile written objections to said elves. Earl Gray. 1903xc account and be heard thereof. Said account is for final settlement and FOR SALE -Modern house, $5000, f upon the same being approved and terms. Three 10-acre tracts In Appie settled said estate will be closed and valley. Farms from 40 acres up, said Executrix discharged. $100 to $300 an acre. Oct. 4, 1944 Ruth McConnell, Executrix A. L. Atkeson Attorney for said Executrix For Sale—150 tons ol hay m stac*. Nyssa, Oregon F. P. Dennis, Adrian, Oregon 2602xp Estate of William H. McConnell, WANTED Deceased, WANTED—Baled hay. See H. van i A. L. Fletcher Egmond. Boise Payette Lumber yard or phone 255-M, Ontario, evenings. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 17ATFC l STATE OK OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR IN THE MATTER OF THE APP­ WANTED—Used furniture. Highest prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa LICATION OF DALE MARWOOD Furniture Ou. 1ATF( BAIRD FOR CHANGE OF NAME: WHEREAS, Dale Marwood Baird WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES foi has filed his petition with the Co­ live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay­ unty Court of Malheur County, ette. 27Ntfc Oregon for an order changing hi.s name from Dale Marwood Baird to LOST | g _____ Dale M. Glenn: LOST—Small toy terrier dog, black It is hereby ordered that all per- ar.d tan, bob-tulled. Named Major ¡ soils Interested in the matter afore- Reward. Mrs Helene Jordan, phone said appear at the County Court 134. 1903xp Room in the City of Vale, Oregon on the 4th day of November 1944, at the hour of 10 O’clock A M, of said For Rent day, and then and there show cause, FOR RENT—Three garages. Inquire if any they may have, why said Eldon Jensen, phone 151J. 2602xp application should not be granted It is further ordered that a copy TO LEASE!—Business building in of this order to show cause be pub- Nyssa. Bernard Eastman 50tfc lushed in the Oatc City Journal. TO T R A D E -1941 master deluxe i » newspaper of general circulation Chevrolet sedan. Would like 1937 or published in the City of Nyssa 1938 Chevrolet. Lloyd Lewis, phone! bounty °? Malheur for two weeks 8j 2602xp ncx*' Preceding the date set for the _______________________ .. hearing thereof, being in three lss- FOR RENT —For cash or share cr- j ues of said newspaper, op, farm near Notus. and Caldwell, Dated, October 14. 1944 Idaho. Excellent water right, land 1 Irwin Troxell suitable for any kind of crop. Oood ! County Judge. house, electricity, well, etc. Tractor | -- -------------------- equipment required. Call before 8 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL a.m. for appointment. Mrs O. T. | ESTATE Andrews, 1914 Cleveland Blvd., Notice Is hereby given that in pur- Caldwell, Ida. 190tfo t nance of an order of the County The so-called Burke bill has to Court of the State of Oregon, for over the week-end. November ballot, wav defeated two for the hills to hunt elk. Dora Splawn visited In Boise and do with the sale of fortified wines. the County of Malheur, made on The Kingman Kolony PTA met years ago wnen cm era were In a Welser last week. the 25th day of September 1944. and Pnday night in the high school “ ink over -goon' machinations, According to proponents of the biJ. Mrs Ira Ure and Mrs Jake Oroot the wine interests of California supp.emental order of said Court 0BWUl.g a business meeting. NUW V""" OPiNiUN-i ^ ’ The time a penitentiary prisoner solicited for the war fund hers last maoe and entered on the 3rd day Mf aM MrR Dwa. ne Anierson sang went before the Oregon legislature ol October 1944, providing for a "Rock Me To Sleep, Motner", Foil spends In the Oregon state hospital week. with a lobby and convinced the | Mrs Jake Oroot shopped In Boise receiving mental treatment does not private sale, in the matter of the legislature that fortified wines sh­ ^ w V r ^ B W g m T ' t o e u n d « ! Hartley8 explained** the^measure"to operate*as any offset again* h i. last week. Mr and Mrs Lee Dali and sons ould be dispensed as any other signed administrator de bonis non, be voted on Nov. 7 The November sentence. Attorney Oeqeral George of the estate of E. M. Blodgett, de­ PTA meeting will be the third Wed- Neuner has ruled. The opinion was spent Sunday at the Theo Matherly wines. The proponents want to put requested by state hospital author- home. ceased will sell at private sale. In Mr and Mrs Olen Dowers visited wines cack under the control ol the oneT'parcel, To the highest b i d d e r , 1U“ ’ In a™ ther rulln« ^ u n e r said, upon the terms and conditions C eraldine Ha.l spea t n the state school support fund shall Mr and Mrs John Smlt one day last state liquor commission. Tne legis­ lature has already passed a law and hereinafter mentioned, and subjecti GunGl Pro-am . be paid over to the counties on the week. it now refers the matter to the peo­ to confirmation by said County I Mlss Gloria Pounds was a j basis of actual pupil dally attend- ple In the form of the Burke bill. ance. This opinion was requested Court, on or after November 4, 1944. H° !‘y Mr. Hartley said passage of the home the occasion being Ted Holly's the >ute educatlollal depart. at 10 O'clock A.M. of said day, all constitutional amendment Increas­ ment the light, title and interest that the 13th birthday. ing state tax funds for public school Mrs Don Boren of Nampa visited METSCHAN APPOINTED said estate has, by opeiation of law, support would go a long way to­ Governor Earl Snell has appolnt- or otherwise, acquired other than or at the Gayle Martin home. Mr and Mrs John Holly enter- ed phU Metschan as a member ot ward assuring good schools. He add­ (Continued from Page 1) in addition to that of said deceased, gathering the s [ate board of higher education sales of tangible personal property ed that Oregon ranks 13th or 14th at the time of his death, of. in and tained at an informal to that certain property, lots, pieces Thursday evening. Guests were Miss tQ comple,te the nlne year term 0f would Impose a privilege tax meas­ In per capita Income, and ranks E. c Sammons who rcsicned last ured by gross receipts from retail near the bottom in state support of and parcels of land situate, lying Gloria Pounds. Mr and Mrs Dan Holly and Ted, Saturday sales of tangible personal property. the schools. and being in the County of Malh­ Passage of the constitutional am­ eur, State of Oregon, particularly Mr and Mrs Frank Miller and Vir-1 Met3chan ¡3 the son of former To come under the proposal, a sale glnla Mr and Mrs Bill Gltxson. A rt-|gtate Treasurer Phil Metschan. Bo- must be a retail sale to a person endment providing monthly annu- described as follows, to wit: ties from a gross income tax would Lots three (3s, Fouur <4> and hur Holly and Lora Ptllsbury. R e - |rn ¡n Oregon he attended Willame­ who Is going to use the article. So Five (5) of Block Four (4) of the freshments were served. tte and Stanford universities, was me things. Including most farn aean every transaction would pay Word has been received that Mrs Original Townsite of Nyssa, Mai-1 I in the banking business for a time products and most of the necessit­ 1 tax, Mr. Hartley said. The propo- Helen Pullen Nelson has arrived in and now proprietor of the Imper- ies of life, would not be taxed. Th ed tax is a pyramiding tax and heur County, Oregon. Terms and conditions of sale: Cash, Norfolk, Virginia, where she will be ial. Roosevelt and Mallory hotels. ere are arguments for an agains tlthough it Is called a gross Income ir one-half cash and the balance with her husband. A1 Nelson of the He served as republican state chair­ the sales tax, Mr. Hartley said. Th< ax, it Is a sales tax. in credit not exceeding one year; U.S. navy. Both Mr and Mrs Nelson man 1924-30 and in 1930 was repub­ main purpose of the proposal Is t. “I have no quarrel with the pur­ twenty per cent of the amount bid are former Adrian high school st- lican nominee for governor of Ore­ take some of the burden off prop pose of the measure", Mr. Hartley *o be paid to said Administrator at | udents. gon. erty owners and Income tax payers aid, “but I don’t see how Oregon the time of the acceptance of such I ------------------------- Sammons who is president of the ndustries could compete In Inter­ The principal objection to a sale >ld and the balance of the cash Iron Fireman Manufacturing com­ tax Is that It Imposes a tax on per­ state commerce with industries in payment to be paid within five days pany, state chairman of the war sons who can least afford to pay states not having such a tax. The from the date of the order of con­ bonds campaign and active in many The present proposal mitigates tha measure would give $60 a month to firmation of such sale. Deed and other war and civic activities, states somewhat, because it eliminates the -very person over 60 years of age". Abstract at the expense of the pur­ that the "pressure of work incident necessities. chaser. to the production of war materials All bids or offers must be In wr­ and other activities" made it nece­ Symptom« of Distress Arising from iting. and may be left at the office ssary that he give up his place on of A. L. Fletcher, attorney for said the board. Don M. Graham Administrator at 122 Main St. lr. CAR CLUB WEEK due to *he City of Nyssa, Oregon, or to LIQUOR BIG BUSINESS Governor Earl Snell has designat­ Here’s one for the W.CT.U. book. ed the week of October 23-30 as Insurance Agency Fr*«BookTells of Hom«Treatnwnt that the undersigned at the office of Must Hslp or It Will Cost You Nothing Idaho Power Company In Nyssa, Oregon’s largest state activity is "Form a Car Club” week. “Since ,»quor. O ver tw o m illion b o ttle s o f th e W IL L A R D Oregon. rationing of automobiles began In T R E A T M E N T have been sold fo r re lie f o f The appraised value of the build­ January 1942, Oregon motorists, B. T. Frost, Administrator De Fire and Automobile sy m ptom s o f d istress arising from Stomach Bonis Non, Estate of E. M. Blod­ ings and personal property now along with other motorists of the and Duodenal Ulcers d u e to Excess Acid — Pear Digestion, Sour o r Upaet Stomach, owned by the state totals $49,100,198, nation, have participated in efforts gett, Deceased. Insurance Qeasiness. H eartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., according to a report made to the to make their cars last longer, and Dated, October 4. 1944 d u e to Excess A d d . Sold on 15 d a y s' tria l I Aalc for “ W illard’s Messags” w hich f u ll / state board of control this week by have done a good Job. But the need Rentals Bonds e x plains th is tre a tm e n t— free—a t the board's secretary. The report for conservation is becoming great­ was made in connection with the er,” says the governor. 1 NYSSA PHARMACY state’s restoration fund into which GOVERNOR QUESTIONS LIQUOR The Intermediate Girl Scouts en­ each activity will pay on the basis If you doubt the judgement of joyed a Hallowe’en party at the of slightly more than 20 cents on your governor here’s a test. Place a each $100 of valuation. lump of sugar in a saucer and pour Legion hall Saturday afternoon. The largest state activity with re­ Mrs Everett Hurley of Kirland, spect to valuation is the state liquor over it some liquor store liquor. Then light a match to It. If the Washington and Mr and Mrs Whit­ control commission whose ware­ liquor burns the governor looses a ney of Parma were Sunday visitors house and liquor stocks are valued point. Either way It goes you will at $8 380,098. be ahead as the liquor will taste at the home of Mrs Ellen Sparks. Buildings and equipment at the something else other than state Rev. and Mrs Reiman and Mild­ Oregon State College are valued at liquor store liquor. red Sparks attended a farewell pa­ $6,170006 and those of the state State Treasurer Leslie M. Scott, rty for the Cram and Glass families highway department at $5,583,277. at a board of control meeting, said, of South Owyhee Thursday even­ WAR BALLOTS "The state liquor commission ware­ ing. More than 200 federal war ballots house is a bad insurance risk be­ SALE STARTS AT 1 :00 P.M. Bryan Pounds and three children continue to arrive daily at the state cause it is filled with liquor which ind L. C. Pounds of Nyssa visited department from over-seas service­ is very inflammable.” Saturday at the Glen Pound's home men, says Secretary of State Robert Governor Snell replied that he One mile north of Nyssa, 3 miles west, then Vi Tlie William Toomb’s family of Farrell, Jr. who predicts that 40,000 doubted whether some of the liq­ "laldwell visited Sunday at the Ver- servicemen will vote at the general uor now on sale would burn. mile south (Tum in at the sign). ion Parker home. j election, the vast majority of them Miss Virginia Jensen returned using state ballots, which are sent Sunday from Emery, Utah, where by the servicemen directly to county ;he visited her family. | clerks. Mr and Mrs Dave Brady a n d ' Mrs Benton Blades of Nampa was CONVICTS MEASURE INDORSED 1 recent guest of Mrs Ellen Sparks. The state porole board has given family and Mr and Mrs Verl Dow­ 1 Guernsey cow, “Sunbean”, 6 yrs. freshen March 4. Mr and Mrs Henry Hartley and its "unqualified support" to the pro- ers and family of Vale were dinner 1 Guernsey cow, “Annette”, 3 yrs. Fresh Aug. 13. ons were Friday evening dinner posed constitutional amendment guests at the Olen Dowers home Uiests at the Dennis Patch home, which would permit the legislature Sunday. 1 Holstein cow, “Black Diamond”, freshen May 19. George de Haven, Frances Deffer to restore voting rights to convicts | Mr and Mrs Otis Bullard, Mr and 1 Guernsey heifer, “Cherry”, 2 yrs. Freshen Dec. 27 old Garrett Muntjewerff were am- who have completed their prison Mrs Charles Bullard, Vern Butler 1 Guernsey heifer, “Baldy”, 2 yrs Freshen Jan. 17. ng Adrian residents hunting deer sentences. The measure, on the and Theo Matherly left Monday Explanation Of Measures Given QUICK RELIEF FROM STOMACH ULCERS EXCESS ACID Adrian Dairy Sale Monday, Nov. 6 Arcadia DR. E. D. NORCOTT Wilson Building OPTOMETRISTS DR. J A McFALL “Spf M r F a ll a n d B e tU t' Practice limited to extraction and denture construction. J. R. CIJNDAIJ, Dentist Phone M-J Sarazin Clinic EYE8 IOHT 8PECIALI8T ONTARIO OREOON p h y s ic ia n s " N Y S S A ___________ O R E G O N JEWELRY STORKS PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JFTWEI JtY — DIAMONDS WATCHES * Main Street at Second WYCKOFfc JEWELRY STORE Official lim e lnspecloi foi Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON SHOE SHOPS / A b D o t t ’» Shos Shop All kinds of shoe and harness repairing. A m m » II fr o r r poet n f f w L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician anil Surgeon Phone n H<