Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1944)
PAGE SIX THE N YSSA G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L T H U R S D A Y OCTOBER 26, 1944 wee 194 the pie gol dlf gol ne- Th coi Ja bu len su gr Ci ar er Ji ai Pi u: c< P Q a d f t J S i t I I I I Mrs Vera Brady, who has been with i Eldon Jensen, phone 151J. arldge. PA* —S— _____ C H ATTE R BOX CLUB MEETS A politick dinner was served at \ the Jim Olin home Thursday noon j as a part of the Chatter Box ciub I meeting. Nine members attended | Quests were Mrs McTyre and Mrs Twenty-three friends and relatives E^trick attended the dinner. Pvt. Bennett, The club will meet at Mrs Lueck’s ; who is being transferred, le ft today home at 1:30 October 27 to do sew ing for the Nyssa Nursing home. lor his new post. The next meeting will be held at the Glen Suitor home November 16. AT T E N D P A Y E T T E D IN N E R Filenus o f Mr and Mrs Larry Br- . Officers will be elected. 0WI* enjoyed dinner Saturday even D INN E R HONORS COUPLE ln* at lht' Fayette Country club, j Mr and Mrs Leo Oonyer enter The $rouP Included Mr and Mrs A1 Huehn and Mr and Mrs Olea Bill- tained Mr and Mrs B. L. Adams at I*1*3 ot Nys>sa’ Mr and Mrs Farl dinner Tuesday evening. M r and B°Pe, Mrs Lloyd Hague and Mr and Mrs Adams will leave soon for Mrs 0011 Kale o i Ontario, and Mr Homedale to live on their farm. R E C IT A L G IVEN Mrs E. H. Strickland's piano pup- 11s gave a recital in the Owyhee sohoolhouse October 20. Approxim ately 45 parents and friends att ended. The following pupils gave two numbers each: Helen Julum, Shirley, Marlon, Jo Ann and Fern Price, DelRoy Ashby, Yvonne Kend- all. Elaine Hunter, Betty Culbert- son, Donna Province, Betty Jean Strickland, Fay Callahan, Delone Smith, Barbera Kissner, Marilyn Ekanger, Carrol Oorfield, Charlene Chritten, Mrs Viola Holmes, Mary, and Mrs Brown, who live at Avalon. Ellen, Dorllyn and Lois McOee and California, - 8 - Mrs H. X Julum. E N T E R T A IN S CLUB Mrs. Heibert Fisher was hostes. GUESTS A T D INN E R Mr and Mrs Ormand Thomas 10 her brid* e club last Wednesday were Sunday dinner guests at t h e ! nlght with prizes going to Mrs home of Mr and Mrs Hugh L a m b 1 Hmry Miner for first, Mrs. Tom on Overstreet drive. * Eltirldge, second, and Mrs L. A. _ • __ | Moulding the traveling prize. Mrs HOSTS A T D IN N E R I hernard Frost and Mrs Tom Eld- Mr and Mrs Werner Peutz and rldge were guests. O th er Neln had as dinner guests “ 8— Sunday Carl Sehweizer, BUI Botting, GUESTS A T D INN E R Louise Green, Pete Douglas of Sea- M r and Mrs Ira Ure' Mr and ttle, Mr and Mrs Oral Hite and Mrs Tom Burnlngham, Mr and Mrs famUy, Mr and Mrs William Peutz Herbert Fisher and Mrs Emiwa and Lee Huber o f Ontario The af- <iulnby were Sunday dinner guests ternoon was spent in viewing mot- o f Mr and Mrs Dave Mitchell. Ion pictures. -8 HONOR V IS IT O R - 8 - Mrs A. J. Kuehn and Mrs. Olea HONORED A T D INN ER Dinner was served Sunday at the Billings entertained Saturday af- home of Mr and Mrs H. C. Bennett ] l* rnoon at two tables of bridge in In honor of their son, Pvt. Fred honor of Mrs. Larry Brown. Mrs. Bennett, who is home on furlough.! fra n k Morgan won high score and —■ Mrs. J. L. Church second high. — 1 — Mrs Brown is a former Nyssa resident. - » - E N T E R T A IN AF T E R DANCE Mr and Mrs Herbert Fisher en- tertalned at a supper Saturday evening after the dance for a number of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ankney of Caldwell were out-of-town guests. V-Mail Is Sure - Safe V-mail— 12 for 10c ¡Gate City Journal DRINK OUR PASTEURIZED CREAMY MILK Our milk is perfectly pasteurized for your protection. Shelton Dairy Stationers NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE Double Feature FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 27— 28 Gene Autrv and Smiley Burnette in “RIDE, TENDERFOOT, RIDE” Jean Parker and Tim Ryan in “DETECTIVE KITTY O’DAY” Visit In Vale— Mr and Mrs Perry F. Ward and Ronald spent the week-end in Vale at the home of Mr and Mrs D. E. Taylor. Buys Property Charles McConnell has purchased the Adolph Schneider property on north First street. The house has been occupied by Mr and Mrs G eo rge Dailey. Returns Too California— Lois Neece returned Tuesday to 1 her home in California after visiting her uncles and aunt. A1 and Jess Thompson and Mrs Anna Dali. Here From Idaho— Mrs FYving Grundrl and son Alan, of Rupeit, Idaho visited friends in Nyssa last week. Conference Planned— Dr. Charles M. Me Donaldson of Nampa. dLstrlct superintendent, will hold the first quarterly conference of the Nyssa Methodist church F ri day night at 8 o'clock. Sales Continued— T h rift sales will be continued at the parish hall all during November Much good clothing is still available Youths To Hold R a il;— A young people's rally was held in the Methodist church in Ontario Mat., Hat.. 1:11 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 4Sc-Sr. Including Tax SUNDAY and MONDAY OCTOBER 29— 30 Anne Baxter, Dana Andrews, Walter Huston, Walter Brennan, Ann Harding and June W ith ers in “THE NORTH STAR” The Thrilling Story o f The “ Little People” of Russia. OW HIS HIGHLY HONORED FIRM IS IN ITS THIRD GENERATION... H 1LE T N E FO U N D ER , 8 6 AND HAPPILY R E T IR E D , L I V E S ON TH E BAN KS O F S o u th P a s a d e n a ' s A r r o y o . ! P P O n rU N /TY t o e a r * / m o r e , r o \ ß L /Y M o n e , H A V E M O R E / S /¡M E R /C A 'S O FFE R /A iG . • J. — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY OCTOBER 31 The Aldrich Family in “HENRY ALDRICH’S LITTLE SECRET” Sports and Alaskan Mystery Hallowe’en emphasizes the haz ards which exist when property is »s -*e . Including Tux A Successful Oregonian for U . S. SENATOR feM »-> I « <•* fc»M> Okk, * W a u s k a Oak Sa, » (> H > Si4a N e t» ,« r% not properly insured. Playful mischief which causes damage is just as costly as that caused by elemental factors. Frank T. Morgan Masquerade Da nee and Pie Social Cow Hollow Hall October 28 Benefit war chest fund and DAV. A ll wo- pien bring pies. Too Late to Cla»*ifv NO TICE—Leaving Sunday morning for Seattle via Yakima. Can take three passengers. Inquire Powell Service. 260Ixp undry building recently. The owner may have the tire and wheel by id Here From Burns— entifying them at the police station. Mr and Mrs Othenile Hays a n d : family and Mrs. Katie Star o f | Boys Arrested— Burns are visiting at the home of Two boys were taken into custody Mrs. Stella Butler. Tuesday night for violation of the curfew. The parents were reprim Go T o Salt Lake— anded in police court Wednesday Harry Miner, accompanied by morning. George Sallee and Harry McPike of Payette, left Tuesday morning for a Accident Reported— three-day business trip to Salt A panel truck driven by John Lake City. Emery o f the Sugar City bakery was badly damaged and Mr. Finery's Goes T o Payette— chest was injured in an accident Bernard Frost was a business near Payette last Friday night. Mr. visitor in Payette Tuesday after Emery, who was en route to Payette noon. on business, drove o ff the highway at a curve, when blinded by th e ' Returns From H o sp ital- lights of an approaching automobile, Mrs. Ward Wleneke, with ln- in order to avoid a head-on crash. fant son, Garry Michael, returned home Wednesday from the On Exchange Residences— tario hospital. Mr and Mrs Henry Hartley, who recently purchased the C. C. Hunt Here From Payette— I farm southwest of town, took poss- Tommy Sallee, son of Mr and of lhe property thls week Mrs George Sallee of Payette is a Mr and Mrs Hunt moved into the house guest at the home of his Douglas McDonald residence on F lf- uncle, A. C. Sallee, for the week. th street, formerly occupied by Mr ! and Mrs Hartley. Return T o Caldwell— Rev. and Mrs E. P. Lawrence of Here From Washington— Caldwell returned to their home Mr and Mrs Rock Shelton of Monday after a week's visit at the Yakima and Mrs1 Shelton’s son, Rex home of M r and Mrs C. W. Buch Shelley, stopped here Tuesday for ner. Mrs Buchner is their daughter. a short visit with Mr. Shelton's brother, Harry Shelton. They were Go To Midvale— accompanied to Boise by John Scott M r and Mrs Ormand Thomas and Blaine Devlin of Nyssa. Mr and went to Midvale, Idaho Friday, Mrs Shelton expect to. return to where Mr Thomas refereed a foot Nyssa next week. ball game. They were dinner guests | of M r and Mrs E&rl Hldle. Superlu- j Go To Boise— tendent of the Midvale schools. Mr and Mrs Dick Tensen spent Wednesday In Boise, where Mr. Living Here— Tensen received medical treatment. M r and Mrs Claude Willson have as house guests their daughter, Mrs Go To California— J D. Willis o f Kelso. Washington Mrs Fled Rood and baby left the and daughter-in-law, Mrs Don Will- first of the week for Port Chicago, son o f Wlnlock, Washington, who California to make their home, a f are here for an indefinite stay. ter visiting Mrs Rood's parents, Mr end Mrs Jake Hopp. Visits In California— Eunice Ann Brady is visiting her Service Planned— uncle, W. V. Baird, at Strathmore. A special service will be held In California. St. Paul's Episcopal church Sunday ( _ October 29 at 9:30. All members are Returns From Trip— Invited to attend. Orin Sumner, manager of the Nyssa Pharmacy, returned home Visits Brother— Wednesday from a short business Mrs John Grogan of American trip to Portland. Falls visited her brother. Orin Sum ner, last week. Visiting Here— Gene Brady, aviation student at First To Lravr Package— Santa Ana, California is visiting Mrs F Andrew of 1200 Galveston his parents, Mr and Mrs J. I. Brady. Adm. SSe-fe, Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY NOV. 1— 2 Cary Grant, Janet Blair, James Gleason and Mickey McGuire in “ONCE UPON A TIME” Sports and News. Hunters He Among the hunters here last week from Portland were Webster Eld- redge. son-in-law of Mrs Betty For bes Wheeler: Mr and Mrs Dave Beeson, Dr. Paul Hansen. Harry Omicher and Rodney Davis. avenue. Bend, Oregon, was the first person to leave a package at the Golden Rule store for servicemen FO R RF74T —Three garages. Inquire in hospitals. The American Legion auxiliary, which is sponsoring the 5 Counties program, is continuing to receive j Serving From the Largest Stock of packages, which may be left at the I Genuine Golden Rule store or will be picked ) up if a member of the committee i headed by Mrs Eddie Powell is I called. The Yearly Headache Is Coming U p - Hallowe'en Mat., Han, 2:1« Adm.. JOc-tc, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, «Se-Sr. Including Tax Mere From Boise— Merrill VanCamp o f Boise visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Miner Sunday. S E R Y M E N AND G R O W ER S ... Here From ('aliifornia— Dr and Mrs G. H. Kenastian of Wednesday night. Mrs Dallas Mc- San Diego, are house guests of Dr. and Mrs E. D. Norcott. Mrs. Ken- Niel o f Rupert, Idaho, eastern dist rict director o f youth work, con astian is Mrs. Noreott's sister. ducted the meeting, which was att Go To Payette— ended by representatives from Vale, Mrs. Glea Billings. Mrs. Short Weiser, Payette, Emmett, Nyssa, and Mrs. John Bishop motored to Ontario, Fruitland and Huntington. Payette Thursday. They called on Mrs. Ward Wieneke at the On- Tire Found— tarlo hospital and Mrs. George A tire and wheel, apparently st Sallee in Payette, olen, were found under the old la Vern Wilson of Vale attended a labor meeting in Nyssa Saturday evening. Send his letters the only sure way, by V-mail! G O IN G TO S P E C IA LIZ E IN A G R IC U LT U R A L PRIN TIN G , HE GAVE In Boise— Mrs. E. D. Norcott, Mrs. George Mitchell, Mrs. Carl Coad and Mrs, Barbara Smith were Boise shoppers last Friday. M e e tin g — Going T o Seattle— W. F. Jahn will leave this week end for Seattle to attend to bus iness. He will return to Nyssa the middle of next week. AID TO PUBLICIZING AND GROWTH OF YOUNG N U R Return From Nevada— Mrs. Ross Brown and sons, Garry and Ronnie, returned this week from Las Vages, Nevada. They were caUed there two weeks ago on account o f the illness of Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. G. H. Mc Cauley. A tte n d s Your Letters *55*0.1 8 - Leave For East— Lt. (J.g.) and Mrs. Edward Boy dell left Sunday for Beaufort, South - 8 - E N TE R TA IN S CLUB Carolina, after a week's leave. Miss Eva Boydell entertained the They have been visiting Lt. Boy- Tuesday night bridge club this week dell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H Mrs Sylvester Hiner won first prize Boydell. and Mrs Bernard Frost second in Here From Washington— | Mr and Mrs Ora FYlel and fam ily of Benton City, Washington, were week-end guests at the Luray Trabert home. He Always Hopes For j CMRY W.ltRUCKCMK, movihg to Los from M in n e a p o l is i * i &88, loved the 50tL BUT WAS A GOOD PRINTER TOO. LOCAL NEWS 2602xp him at Santa Ana, accompanied LO ST—Lady's black handbag, con- him home and Is visiting her par taming money, ration books and ents, Mr and Mrs Summer Chase of other valuables. Reward. Mrs Ada Payette, and Mr and Mrs Brady. Clark. Leave at Ashford Field's on First street. 2601xp Former Residents Visit— M r and Mrs M. H. Johnson of Reubens, Idaho were here this week. FO R SALE—Modern house, $5000, Mr. Johnson, former employe of the terms. Three 10-acre tracts In Apple Dessert Seed company In Nyssa, valley. Farms from 40 acres up, attended to business while here. $100 to $300 an acre. A. L. Atkeson Enrolls At University— Herman J. Counsil o f Nyssa. is For Sale— 150 tons of hay in stack. one of 13 Oregon students who en F. P. Dennis, Adrian, Oregon 2602xp rolled at Northwestern university In Evanston, Illinois this fall. He is taking training under the navy V-12 program. Parts Orders Shipped Immediately Me Cluer-Manser ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS Surgical Balts Thousands ot paopla ara dally laarning how to obtain raliat and comfort by wearing corractly fittad Aboommal Sup portar!. A spadai typa ot supportar may bo had for av*ry abdominal ailmant Includ ing: obaslty maternity. fallen stomach, post-operativa, sacro iliac, ate. These supporters assist nature in making anatomical corrections. Our experienced fitters will aladly demonstrate the various types o f Ab dominal Supporters, featuring the pat ented NON-SKID stays: also Elastic Ho siery, NON-SKID Spot Pad Trusses, Shoulder Brac«s. Quality, the best — Price, the lowest. NYSSA PHARM ACY Day phone 14 Night phone 9J Farmers Dessert Seed Co. I f you have popcorn for sale see Nyssa, Oregon Phone 132-J SAVE UP TO 30% ON YOUR (OR COR! $100.000 Worth of FINE FURS Blggrat collection of furs ever ,hov n in this part of th« coun try . . . ail brand new '45 styles, all quality furs backed by the F'alk guarantee. PRICES CUT UP TO 30% 4 DAYS ONLY S A LE S T A R T S TUES DAY. OCT. Si . . L A S TS 4 D A Y S O N LY. Prices go bark to normal on Saturday! 10MONTHS TO PAY! Buy on our budget plan . . . easy, simple, convenient. Small carrying charge. Wear and en joy your furs while you pay ► * - I/ ’