THE N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L TH U R S D A Y OCTOBER 26, 1944 Attorney tor said Executrix Nyssa, Oregon Classified Estate of William H. McConnell, Deceased. A. L. Fletcher Advertising TOWN and FÄRM in WARTIME Prepared by OFFICE OF W A R IN F O R M A T IO N IN THE CO U NTY C O URT OF THE ments. The fuel situation in most STATE OF OREGON FOR THE SHOES advance Is 30c Airplane Stamps 1 and 2, good areas of the Country 1s critical and CO U NTY OF M ALHEUR indefinitely. Airplane Stamp 3 be strict conservation is required to IN TH E M A TTE R OF TH E A P P comes good November 1 and re keep war plants going full blast and LIC A T IO N O F DALE M ARW OOD mains good indefinitely. iVllSCLLLANLOUb LOST B A IR D FOR CHANGE O F NAME: HOUSEW IVES CAN A ID C E ILIN G homes properly heated, officials For Sale point out. WHEREAS. Dale Marwood Baird D RIVE LOST— Man’s b ijfold containing Housewives everywhere are urged RECONVERSION JOB G IV E N IN has filed his petition with the Co FO R S A LE —American Legion aux money and cards. Reward. Andy unty Court of Malheur County, to cooperate with their grocer in a D U S TR Y iliary rummage sale Saturday, N ov McGinnis. 10O2XC Oregon for an order changing his campaign to more prominently dis "The job of reconversion, when It ember 4. Place announced later. name from Dale Marwood Baird to play ceiling prices in stores and to comes, will be put squarely up to 20O1XC LO ST—Small toy terrier dog, black Dale M. Glenn: stimulate the use of price lists by industry with an absolute minimum ar.d tan. bob-tailed. Named Major It is hereby ordered that all per consumers. The Price Administrat o f interference from Washington," FO R SALE—Chopped hay. Third Reward. Mrs Helene Jordan, phone ion in cooperation with leading gr sons interested in the matter afore declared Edward R. Gay. Assistant cutting. George Dohner, route 2 134. 1903xp said appear at the County Court ocer associations and consumer org Vice Chairman for civilian require Parma. Call mornings. Three miles Room in the City of Vale, Oregon anizations is seeking to have shop ments in WPB, at a Boston meeting on the 4th day of November 1944, at pers talk more fully and frankly o f the Nation Retail Furniture Ass north and V i mile east Nyssa jun For Kent he hour o f 10 O’clock A.M. of said about ceiling prices as a major me ociation. Pointing out that govern ction. 2601xp ti/ K R E N T—For cash or share cr cay, and then and there show cause, ans of strengthening community ment had to step in two years ago FO R SALE or T R A D E —1942 Chry op, farm near Notus, and Caldwell, .f any they may have, why said efforts to hold down living costs. FRESH CRANBERRIES C EILING S when war conversion was the prime sler New Yorker six passenger sedan ■daho. Excellent water right, lano application should not be granted. essential, Mr. Gay said that “ some SET It Is further ordered that a copy day Government is going to be able for alfalfa hay. Perfect condition. .uitable for any kind of crop. Goou The highest retail price for fresh of this order to show cause be pub W. F. Jann, No. 5, Factory court .louse, electricity, well, etc. Tractoi lished in the Gate City Journal, cranberries for that holiday dinner to say to many manufacturers, you’ve done your war Job. G et back .quipment required. Call before 8 a newspaper of general circulation will be about 41 cents a pound, acc cabins. 2C01xp. to making your peactlme products. a.m. for appointment. Mrs O. T. published in the City of Nyssa, ording to OPA, which has establish W e’ll help you where we can, but FO R SALE —80-acre farm, 41 under Andrews, 1914 Cleveland Blvd., County of Malheur for two weeks ed cents-per-pound retail mark-ups this job is yours. And I am con irrigation, two room house with fur. Caldwell, Ida. 190tfc next preceding the date set for the on this product effective October 26. fident that industry will accept this basement, deep well, on Enterprise hearing thereof, being in three iss- ¡Group 1 and 2 stores, doing an an- avenue, 7 miles from Nyssa. Mary ro LEASE— Business bunding m ues of said newspaper. nual business of less than $250.000 challenge gladly and will do the job 50tfc Dated, October 14, 1944 E. Pierce. 2604xp Myssa. Bernard Eastman. are given a mark-up of 10Vs cents better than any of us in Washing ton could plan it.” a pound, and group 3 and 4 stores Irwin Troxell FOR SALE— -o'i nines norurwest or i'O T R AD E — 1941 master "deluxe doing a yearly business of mort County Judge. Adrian, 160 acre farm, 120 under Chevrolet sedan. Would like 1937 or than $250.000, are given a mark-ui cultivation. Also machinery and 1938 Chevrolet. Lloyd Lewis, phone SALE OF REAL o f 10 cents, a pound. 2602xp NOTICE OF my young registered Holstein herd 8J. LAK E H E A R IN G PRICES SUS ESTATE of cattle, from the world-record Oce and W ill Cleaver left Tuesday Notice is hereby given that in pur PENDED Legal Advertisement producing held, Morningslde hos or Klamath Falls after spending Retail ceiling prices of fresh lak< suance of an order o f the County pital. W rite me, Boise general NOTICE TO CREDITORS Court of the State of Oregon, for herring have been suspended, e ff several days- with their, nephew, delivery, Boise, Idaho. F. W. Dal Notice hereby Is given to the crea the County of Malheur, made on ective October 26, O PA announces. George Cleaver, and family. ton. 21STPC Mrs Henry Estrick and Vaughn tors and all other persons interest the 25th day of September 1944, and The action follows indications that left Friday for their home at M eri BEET H AULERS—Get your public 'd in the estate o f Archie C. East supplemental order of said Court the price of this fish will be gen dian after spending the past week liability and property damage in man, deceased: that the undersign- made and entered on the 3rd day erally below the 1942 price levels, at the Alva Goodell home. surance now. Bernard Eastman. ! ed has been appointed administrat of October 1944, providing for a which was the minimum level re Mr and Mrs Enery Elliott and 218tfc rix o f said estate and has qualified private sale, in the matter of the quired by the Stabilization Exten as such. All persons having claims estate of E. M. Blodgett, the under sion Act for fishermen's ceiling pr family left this week for Missouri FO R SALE—'Large work team, ca.i i against said estate are required to signed administrator de bonis non, ices. However, O PA said that if to make their home. George Cleaver Frank T. Morgan. 260tfc present same, verified as required of the estate of E. M. Blodgett, de fresh lake herring prices should purchased their farm, which was by law, together with proper vouch ceased will sell at private sale, in rise about 1942 levels ceilings will the former Frank Savage farm. FO R SALE—90 tons first, second Mrs Cecil Florea returned from ers, within six months after the one parcel; to the highest bidder, be promptly reset. and third cutting alfalfa hay, 2Vi first publication of this notice, to upon the terms and conditions SHOE R A T IO N IN G S T IL L NEED Portland last week. miles west o f Langdon’s corner. Mr and Mrs Willis Bertram were the undersigned at the office of hereinafter mentioned, and subject ED Call Journal office. 1902XP Present inventories and the pre in Caldwell Saturday. A. L. Fletcher in the City of Nyssa, to confirmation by said County Those who attended the Y G A FO R SALE!— Man’s bicycle. Rev. Oregon, that being the place des Court, on or after November 4, 1944,1 sent rate of production of shoes Hollowe’en party Wednesday even at 10 O ’clock A.M. of said day, all j show the necessity for continued ignated for the transaction of ali Lloyd Pounds, phone 150W. 1902xc the right, title and interest that the j shoe rationing, the O PA and the ing at the Oregon T rail were Irvin business pertaining to said estate. FO R SALE1— J937 Chevrolet pick-up Agnes C. Eastman, Administratrix said estate has, by operation of law, | War Produmtion Board report. The and Edward Topliff, Delbert and at Otis garage, Adrian. D. L. And Estate o f Archie C. Eastman, de or otherwise, acquired other than or statement pointed out that over-all La Vern Cleaver, Dorothy, Bob and in addition to that of said deceased,' production of civilian shoes of rat- Thelma Florea and Donna Belle erson, route 1, Nyssa. 1902xp ceased. at the time of his death, of, in a n d ! ioned types in the first half of this Goodell. First Pub. Sept. 28. 1944 Delbert Cleaver was in Boise FO R SALE;-----Glass Counter, 3 sh to that certain property, lots, pieces year was 134.065 000 pairs contracted Last Pub. Oct. 26, 1944 elves. Earl Gray. 1903xc and parcels of land situate, lying with 154.125,000 pairs in the like Saturday taking his physical exam and being in the County of M alh 1943 period, which was also short ination for induction Into the armed NOTICE OF F IN A L H EARING services. W ANTED N O TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, eur, State o f Oregon, particularly of needs. RATES. Two cent* pet worn lo r t-ncft Issue Minimum casti in RAGE THKEfc on business. Mrs Charles Wilson was in New Plymouth on business Saturday L Kreager and H. M. Shaw att ended an AAA meeting in Ontario Thursday. Jimmie Nlckols of Portland is here to attend to business and visit friends. The Pollyannas will meet at Anna Sparks home next Wednesday, Nov ember 1. Mrs Hurst will be hostess. Hrbert Shaw and son, Jim, are deer hunting at Jamison. Frank Cammins and Clarence Elliot were In Caldwell Monday on Business. Victory Food Hints By Leona Anderson Idaho Power Co. "F R O S T IN G FOR OCTOBER CAKES" Hallow-e’en has become, in fiction at least, a night o f mystery and superstition when ghosts, witches, spirits and hobgoblins come forth— and who are we to say nay? Into ITS TIME W ANTE D —Baled hay. See H. van Egmond. Boise Payette Lumber yard or phone 255-M, Ontario, evenings. 17ATFC W ANTED—Used furniture. Highest prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa Furniture Co. 1ATFC WE P A Y H IG H E ST PRICES to! live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay ette. 27N tfc BUTCHERING Custom butchering every Monday and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. Sanitary butchering guaranteed. Phone 05R1. Please bring stock Sunday evening or Thursday even ing. All stock must be in by 12, noon, on butchering day. One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. That Ruth McConnell, Executrix of the estate of William H. McConnell, deceased, has filed in the Countj Court of Malheur County, Oregon, her first and final account ot hei dministration, a»4 ^ that the lourth ay o f November 1944. at the hour of 10 O'clock A.M. and the County Court Room In Vale, Oregon, have been fixed by the Court as the time and place for the hearing of said account and any objections thereto, when and where any person inter ested in said estate may appear j ad file written objections to said ! account and be heard thereof. Said ' account is for final settlement and ! upon the same being approved and | settled said estate will be closed and ' said Executrix discharged. I Oct. 4, 1944 Ruth McConnell, Executrix A Professional Aim Business Directory O PTO M ETRISTS DENTISTS DR. J. A. M cFA LL DR. E. D. N O R C O TT Wilson Building Practice limited to "See MrFmll and So« baut ' extraction Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic NYSSA ________ OREGON JE W E LR Y STORES PAULUS J E W E L R Y STORE Union Pacific Tim e Inspector JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS W ATCHES Main Street at Second W YCKOFF JE W E L R Y STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific O N TA R IO OREGON SHOE SHOPS A b b o t t a Show Shop All kinds of shoe and harness repairing. Across frone post office Dated, October 4, 1944 Shot Injures Vale Man— Arrie Smit was slightly injured Saturday while operating a tractor in a field at his farm when stray shot from a pheasant hunter’s gun struck him In the back o f the head. Several imbedded shot were re moved from his scalp. The hunter fled when Smith started toward him, the latter said. Don M. Graham and dentare construction. J. R. CUNDALE Dentist OPA GRADES G ASO LINE Q U AL described as follows, to wit: I CO LUM BIA AVENUE Lots three (3), Fouur (4) and IT Y Gasoline sold at service stations Five (5) of Block Four (4) of the Mrs Z. Davidson entertained Sun- ( Original Townsite of Nyssa, M al and other retail establishments at celling prices set for premium gr day afternoon for Mr and Mrs Oer- heur County, Oregon. Terms ahd conditions of sale: Cash, ades must meet a minimum octane rit Groot of Apple Valley, Mr and X one-half cash and the balance specification of 75, O PA announces. Mrs Pete Tensen, Mr and Mrs Dick jn credit not exceeding one year: This action has been taken to pro Oroot and Mr and Mrs Dick Stam twenty per cent of the amount bid tect buyers from any attempt to sell of Oregon Trail. Mr and Mrs George Smit o f Par to be paid to said Administrator at lower grade gasolines at the higher the time o f the acceptance of such celling prices established for pre ma were Thursday afternoon visit bid and the balance of the cash mium grades. O PA said most sellers ors at the Dick Oroot home. Miss Norma Jensen of Boise is payment to be paid within five days ire offering premium grade gaso from the date o f the order of con line having an octane rating n o t! spending her vacation with her firmation o f such sale. Deed and lower than 75. The announcement I parents, Mr and Mrs Melvin Jen Abstract at the expense o f the pur pointed out that at present the P et sen. Mr and Mrs C. M. Tensen came roleum Administration for War chaser. All bids or offers must be In wr does not permit manufacture of home this week after spending the iting, and may be left at the office gasoline for civilian commercial j summer at their place at Summit of A. L. Fletcher, attorney for said channels as premium grade to ex -1 Prairie. Administrator at 122 Main St. in ceed 76 octane—a step necessary to • Mrs Dick Groot spent the week the City of Nyssa. Oregon, or to maintain military supplies of higher [ end In Boise with her daughter, Mrs Marjorie Fields. the undersigned at the office of octane fuels. Idaho Power Company In Nyssa, I C O U R T H IT S B L A C K M A R K E T i Jerry Cooper, who has been In the Ontario hospital several days, came Oregon. | “ G A S” B. T. Frost, Administrator De Efforts o f the O P A to wire out I home this week. Bonis Non, Estate o f E. M. Blod- the black market In counterfeit gas- j Mr and Mrs Dick Tensen and gett, Deceased. oline coupons were greatly streng- I Dick Groot were in Boise Friday. Insurance Agency E Y E 8IG H T SPE C IALIST O N TA R IO OREGON Fire and Automobile PH YS1C1ANS L. A. Moulding, M.D. Physician and Burgeon Phone $7 Hours' 10 to 12 and 1 to » Dally- Except Sunday Fry Building S A R A Z IN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. General practice o f medicine X-ray Physiotherapy Insurance Rentals N Bonds W e Render Every service that is needed In your hour of grief Plus a dignified sympathy HAY BUYER" That beautifies the memory W. F. JAH N Dealer in Hay and Grain. No. 5, Factory Court Opposite Sugar Factory thened by decisions in three in- I junction cases recently handed do- j K in g m a n K o lo n y wn by the United States District Courts in Greenville and Greenwood V. N. Vlers of Medford visited at S. C., Thomas I. Emerson, Deputy the home of his son, V. W. Vlers, O PA Administrator for Enforce last week. ment, said. The decision makes cl Mrs T. Fredricks and daughter, ear the obligation of gasoline dist Mrs Rio, visited Mrs Fredlcks’ da ributors to refuse to supply gasoline ughter Mrs Elsie Fernandiz. In New to dealers who have failed to surr Plymouth. ender valid coupons to replace co James A. Shaw, A-S, is home on unterfeits for which they previously furlough from Farragut, Idaho. He cut o ff supplies of a dealer who has is visiting friends and relatives. obtained gasoline. This obligation to Mr and Mrs W W. Deffenbaugh not made good any Invalid coupons left Thursday morning for Mlasourt. is binding on the supplier, regard where they will visit friends and less of any contract with the dealer, relatives. the court ruled. Mr and Mrs Oay M. Moore were DECEMBER 1 G IF T M A IL D EAD In Nampa and Homedale Monday L IN E December 1 Is the deadline re quested by the Post O ffice Depart LIFE’S Little TROUBLES ment for mailing Christmas gifts inside the United States. Every cit izen who Is playing Santa Claus for loved ones and friends In other towns is urged to get that present in the malls by that date to assure proper delivery. The reason, say postal officials, is that Americans are expected to mall domestically 25 percent more gifts than a year ago—and at a time when the post office has fewer employes and less No need to lie in bed— t— well-trained holiday help than ever worry and fret because C O N before. In addition, the fact that S T IP A T IO N or G A S P R E S SU R E won’t let you sleep. Be more people h,ive moved to d iffer sensible— get up—take a dash of ent addresses to do war work is A D LER-I-K A expected to mean that the average as directed, to relieve the pressure distance traveled by each gift will of large intestines on nerves and be greater than before the war. organs of the digestive tract. Ad- C H R ISTM AS STR E E T L IG H T IN G _______ ______ lerika aseists old fo fo o d --------------- BAN gas through a comfortable bowel The O ffice o f War Utilities of movement eo that bowel* return to normal tire and the discomfort« W PB U asking city officials, civic of presaureatop. Before yon know clubs, chambers of commerce, mer- it, yoe are asleep. Morning find* . chants and citizens to dispense with yon feeling dean — refreehed and | outdoor lighting this Christmas, as ready for a good day’« work or fun. was done in 1942 and 1943. Object ( M AJU rlhm fro m y w drm ggM of the request Is to reduce electrtc- I lty consumption and coal requlre- N YSSA PH ARM ACY O f both family and friends. Nyssa Funeral Home -CAN T SLEEP- THIS YEAR.... *V o t e Buena VTsta bonfires, built to scare ghosts away, it was the old-time custom to throw nuts. I f they burned brightly, a love affair would move smoothly, but If they cracked and jumped about there was unfaithfulness ahead for someone. T o fall Into the spirit of the ti mes. frost our next cake with Jack- O-Lantern Frosting for the enjoy ment of old and young. JAO K -O '-LAN TE R N FR O S T IN G 5 T. butter or margarine 3V4 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar 4 T. milk 1H squares melted, unsweetened chocolate Few grains salt. H t. vanilla Vi t. grated orange rind 2 t. lemon juice 1 T. orange juice Orange food coloring Cream fat. gradually mix In sug ar. To 1 3-4 cups of this mixture, add milk, slowly, beating until sm ooth. Add chocolate, salt, vanilla and blend. Frost between layers, sides and top o f cake. T o remaining sugar mixture, add rind and fruit juices. Beat until smooth, add color ing and shape pumpkin-face on top of cake, tracing details with ch ocolate frosting. ^efotdlic cM TO CHANGE nujLMr T OF REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES 0f IS PUBLISHED FOR 1 ' o h n * : « £ 7 . For U.S. Senator Guy Cordon For U.S. Senator Wayne L. Morse Far State Treat. For Attny. General Leslie M. Scott Ceorge Neuner For Congressman Second District Low e ll Sto c k m an STATE AND COUNTY CANDIDATES M A LH E U R C O U N TY SECOND D ISTRICT For State Senator, 22nd district, J. N. Jones For State Representative, 31st district, V. B. Staples For Commissioner John Medlin For Assessor For Treasurer For Surveyor Ed Hendrix Ora Hope J. Edwin Johnson For Judge Irwin Troxell For County CJerk H. S. Sackett W A&r ftopwfel«on Pot# control Committoo Morgan 9v?t4tng, Porttonri, Oregon, Cori Motor, U « Soc.