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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY OCTOBER 19, 1944 PAGE SIX motor, extra gear shift, grain and held at the home of Mrs Patch with from Nyssa were Rev. George W h-' quarterly rally In the Payette chur- loo Late to Clauity rack, 8-25 tires, also 350 tons | Mrs Carl Hill and Mrs Garret Stam ipp.e and his father. George Wh- ch Monday night. A dinner was ser- FOUND—Lady’s purse, containing ol stock baled alfalfa hay. Brahs Bros., lpple, Sr., J. C. bmith. Webb Pen- j ved by the women of the Payette money. Inquire Al Thompson. ! as speakers. Vale, Oregon. 19blxp nie and Euner Hill. ¡church. Lance K. Boyles of Boise. 1901XP HONORED AT PARTY | ---------------- district vice president, presided at Mrs Bernard r’rost entertained at! . Mr Ex-residents Visit . . . and Mrs J. C. Greer and meeting. Rev. George R. Wlv FOR SALE—90 tons first, second Vote For ia party for six honoring • her son, ' i daughter, . , . , . the Barbara, of Portland, lpple, pastor of the Church of Ch and third cutting alfalfa hay. 2 Vs miles west of Langdon's corner. n tv nre l Vernon, on his 10th birthday FY1- I former Nyssa residents, are visiting rist of Nyssa, delivered the sermon. CIVIC CLUB MEETS ' d£»y afternoon. Those present were j attending to business here. His subject was “Scriptural Know Call Journal office. 1902XP The Nyssa Civic club met Wed Mia* o.ynch attended Weiser sch- Roger Simmons, Clifford Mefford,1 nesday, October 18, after recessing I ools and wus graduated from St. Ronald Ward. Robert Trabert, and j RMifns As pastor_ ledge and Its Importance to the LOST—Man’s billfold containing Edwards Mercy hospital, Port Sm- Melvin and Walter Smith. After Rev u 0yd ¡q. pounds has resign- Men of the Laymen’s League of money and cards. Reward. Andy for the summer months. The pro lth, At present she is employ- many games were played refresh-!^ M paslor of the pm) Qogpei d i South Idaho". McGinnis. 10O2XC gram and refreshments were in at Ark. Hutchinson hospital in Ore- ments were served. Vernon receiv- j u r c h Qf Nyssa His resignation be- charge of the Nyssa library board. ed ed many nice gifts. gon City. FXDR SALE—Man’s bicycle. Rev. came effective last Sunday. Rev. Here From Idaho— Mrs E. C. Crandall and Mrs. Carl Corporal Dillman recently re Lloyd Pounds, phone 150W. 1902xc Pounds, who has been pastor of the Coad poured. GIRL HONORED ceived honorable discharge from the church here for the last five years, House-guests at the J. B. Giezen- Mr and Mrs Leo. Gonyer enter army after four years service. He —8— PARTY tsnner home are Mrs Edvin Grun- Lost—Man’s black billfold at Lang- GIVE FAREWELL spent two years in the Sout,h Pacific tained October 13 in honor of their said he has no definite plans. don’s corner. Contained Important ael and son, Allen, of Rupert. daughter, Gloria Ann on the occ Mr and Mrs S. P. Bybee honored theatre of war, papers. Reward. Melvin Feik, route Ex-resident 111— their son. Jay, who Is leaving Friday ' Mlafi Lynch has been the guest of asion of her 4th birthday. Thuse Mrs Rachel Wilson, former Ny Go To California— 2, 1901xp for the service, with a farewell honor at numerous parties and sh- attending were Jimmie and Roger ssa resident suffered a paralytic Mrs Stella Butler left Thursday Nyssa. party Wednesday evening. ! owers given by friends and the stuff Lames, JoAnn Belion, Marilyn and at her home In Portland two morning with Mr and Mrs Dewey LOST—Small toy terrier dog, black The guests were Beverly Ure, oi nunes at the hospital. The wed- Lale Abersold ,Kay Lou Keefe and stroke ar.d tan, bob-tailed. Named Major weeks She is somewhat im Josephine Randolph, Betty lou ding will be performed in Oregon Lee Schafer. Several games were proved. ago. Ray and daughter, Leona, of Baker, Reward. Mrs Helene Jordan, phone according to Information played at the close of the afternoon, received by her daughter. Mrs Ben for Oceanside, California to visit 134. Jordan of Nampa, Merry Norcott, city in early December. 1903xp Harold Wilson, Dennis Fife, Delbert _j _ mnch was served and the birthday Calvert. Lieut. Stanley Ray, who will leave Herring, Sgt. John Scott and Dr. packages opened. GUESTS AT DINNER soon for active duty with the mar FOR SALE—1937 Chevrolet pick-up and Mrs E. D. Norcott. Several Idaho residents were gu 8 Sell Dairy Ranch— ine corps. Lieutenant Ray is a gr at Otis garage, Adrian. D. L. And Wayne Morse QUILTING BEE HELD ests at dinner at the J. W. Jennings erson, route 1, Nyssa. 1902xp The dairy ranch and purebred andson of Mrs Butler. HAS BRIDGE FOURSOME home Sunday. The guests were Mr Ladies of the LDS Relief society jersey cattle herd of R. H. Clark Mrs W R. Campbell entertained and jgrs c . Gregory, Mrs Belle held a quilting bee at the home ol FOR SALE——^Glass Counter, 3 sh For U. S. Senator has been sold to Clifford Visit Here— Friday evening at a foursome of I j enning$ and the Misses Maybell, Mrs Richard Taylor Thursday. Lu S. at Adrian elves. Earl Gray. I903xc Wright of Evanston, Wyoming. Brooks Landon of Payette and bridge. Her guests were Mrs J. L-'olorla and Bianche Jennings, ah nch was served at noon. Two quilts Mr. Clark has moved his family to Art Crowe of Boise, employes of the This Man Morse Church, Mrs Tom Turner and Mrs of Caldwell> and Mr and Mrs a E. were completed. the Willamette valley .where he will Idaho Power company, were bus FOR SALE—1941 truck, Mercury Loui Ocwjuer 20 , UKio; reared on Ed. Frost. Mrs Campbell won high Summers of N 8 score. FAREWELL SUPPER GIVEN continue raising purebred jerseys. iness visitors in Nyssa Wednesday. * * * * * * * * * *, * * » Wisconsin stock iarm; descendant — 8— Englisn pilgrams to America. Mrs Luther Fife and daughter, To Be Inducted— ENTERTAINS VISITORS Improvement— Those Boys Heed HOSTESS 8 TO CLUB Vivian and son, Dennis, were hosts Jay Bybee, son of Mr and Mrs Shows Earned way through high school Mr and Mrs Frank Morgan en Flank Savage has returned home Mrs Bumall Brown was hostess tertained at dinner Tuesday evening at a chicken supper In honor of S. P. Bybee Is to be inducted into and college raising and showing from Portland, where he received to the Tuesday afternoon bridge poultry and livestock. William Brooks of Ontario and Miss DarThel Bybee Friday evening the army Friday in Boise. He treatment for heart trouble. He is club with prizes going to Mrs Joe for Well educated. Degrees from Un Wayne Morse of Eugene. Mr. Morse, j Pr‘°r 10 Mis8 departure for anticipates serving with the para considerably improved in health. m m t m n Sutherland for first and Mrs Artie who Is practicing law in Eugene, is California to attend the University troopers. iversity of Wisconsin, Minnesota Robertson, second. Mrs Frank Mor the republican Places were laid for and Columbia. Takes Position— gan and Mrs Artie Robertson were States senator. candidate for Unitedloi 14 Redlands. Afler Here— ^ e party Visit Faculty of U. of O. 1929; Dean Mrs Twila Schnell has taken a guests. enjoyed dancing at the Gay-Way. Mr and Mrs Rodney Schow and of law school 31-44; now, lawyer, ____ position in the Nyssa post office. —8— son, Roger, of Ogden, Utah, and - CLUB 8— MEETS GARDEN CLUB MEETS Eugene. GUEST AT DINNER H. E Chamberlin of Sutcliff Cal Food Sale Scheduled— The ANK Garden club met Thur The BRIDGE Outstanding record as arbitrator Glen Rose of Bums was a dinner sday ifornia, were house guests of Mr Wednesday evening bridge afternoon at the home of Mrs club met last week at the home of and Mrs S. P. Bybee last week. Mr. The ladies'of the Rebekah lodge in over 100 Pacific coast labor cases guest Thursday at the Perry Ward Dunlway for its’ monthly meeting. Mrs Carlos Buchner. Prizes were Chamberlain is Mrs Bybee’s fath- will hold a cooked food sale in the 1935 to 1942. home. The program booklets for the year won Appointed to 1941 railroad board FINE CARS Graham insurance office near the by Mrs Sylvester Heiner and i er. were presented to the members. Mrs Mrs Grant Rinehart. Mrs Buchner 1941—Mercury 4-D Town Sedan. and war labor board at request of LYNOH-DILLMAN post office Saturday, October 21. E. D. Norcott of Nyssa spoke to the had as a guest Mrs Walter Mc- Visits In Nampa— many employers and labor leaders. ENGAGEMENT TOLD Cooked foods of all kinds will be 1940—Ford Deluxe 4-D Sedan. on Chrysanthemums and Fall Partland. Mr and Mrs Frank Lynch have club 1939—Plymouth Del. 4-D Sedan Wrote majority of war labor bo sold. Pheobe Ellen Jensen was a announced the engagement of their Flower Arrangements. Mrs Norcott 1935—Chevrolet Master Coach, Re ard decisions, Including famous dis week-end guest at Nampa at the 8 daughter, Wllmetta Elaine Lynch, arranged several fall bouquets. conditioned. Goes To Idaho— sents defending government by law. home of Mr and Mrs Herbert Smith. HAVE PHEASANT DINNER The November meeting will be to Cpl. Robert E. Dillman of Oregon Several other early and Consultant to many legislative Miss Nadine Hanson left last Mr and Mrs S. P. Bybee enter late models FYtday for Buhl, Idaho for an In committees. tained at a pheasant dinner Mon Returns To Camp— 1—7x12 House Trailer Nationally recognized authority In day evening. The guests were Mr. Lt. John Bishop left Saturday for definite visit. 1—2-wheel Steel Trailer fields of criminal law administrat and Mrs Carl Burningham, Mrs Camp Vandom Miss, after spending Sell your car here for M. E. Bybee and Merry Norcott. a 10 day furlough with his wife and Returns To Emmett— ion, labor law, constitutional and family. Mrs Bishop and son, John Miss Orpha Zimmerman returned THE BEST DEAL legislative law. —8— ny, accompanied him as for as Bo to Emmett Sunday after visiting for BEHIND THE POSTOFFICE ENTERTAIN CLUB Mason, Eagle, Moose, Shriner, Mr and Mrs R. G. Whitaker en ise, where Lt. Bishop boarded a two weeks at the Llyod Lewis home. 1 Block West of the Bank Rotarian Congregationalism life tertained their Sunday night bridge plane. long republican. Visits In Washington— club, with prizes being won by Lives on 30-acre farm near Eug A rt Burson Mrs Lulu Hoxle left the first of Mrs Bernard Eastman for first and Parents of Son— ene with wife and three children. the week for Evans. Washington to j Mr George Henneman, second. Mr and Mrs Ward Weinke are Manager Some Morse party Proposals ... visit her son. the parents of a 9 pound, 2 ounce 8 Ontario Phone 197 A republican of progressive Overstuffed spring-filled rockers. These are boy born October 15 at the Ontario action. Visit Here— hospital. Broaden the GI law by providing finished in colorful patterns. Mrs F&rl Dantey of Redmond. more complete rehabilitation pro California, Mrs Alice Wickson of Visiting Parents— gram. Lt. (J.g.) and Mrs Edward A. Denver, and Mrs Louie Detweller Demobilize army after war quick Boydell arrived In Nyssa to spend of Redmond, were overnight guests Child’s auto seats. Khaki colored canvas over Returns Home— PUT VARIETY ly. Use volunteers for army of occ Mrs E. D. Ford, Who had been a 15 day leave at the A. H. Boydell of Mrs Charles Drewitz, Monday. IN YOUR DIET upation. visiting her sister. Mrs John C. home. He Is with the navy air corp They are former Nyssa residents. steel frame. Encourage industry by private Wulf for four months, has returned and is stationed at Camp Beaufert, The visit was their first get-to WITH gether In nine years. to her home in Geneva, Nebraska. Couth Carolina. enterprise, not industry by govern Ray of Nyssa has received ment. Two-wheel sulkies. Made of steel with denim his Stanley commission as second lieutenant Vislt In Caldwell— ........................... Called To Wilder— Promote development of new In in the United State army has been Lt. and Mrs John Bishop visited Mr and Mrs Ora FYiel and fam dustries as best check against un seat. transferred from Camp LeJeune, in Caldwell Thurs. with Mrs Bish ily of Benton City, Washington, employment. North Carolina to California, acc op’s aunt, Mrs N. S. Phelan, who is stopped briefly In Nyssa Sunday Insist upon more fair distribution en route to Wilder, Idaho. Mrs to Information received by ill in the Memorial Park hospital. of tax load and more economical Exercisors. Something new in a wooden ording Friel was called here due to the his grandmother, Mrs Stella Butler. spending. death of her brother, Glen Weaver, Lieutenant Ray said “It is going Guest Here— Broaden social-security system to rocker. to be a relief to get away from this Mrs John Snapp, Jr. and son, of Wilder. Mr and Mrs Fidel are protect all American workers. former residents of Nyssa. Cecil, of Corvallis, Oregon were I part of the country and back to Decent living standard and full Nursery chairs and high chairs. overnight guests at the Albert Meier the good old west coast again”. employment for workers; protect home Thursday. Mrs Snapp is Mrs Here From Midvale— free collective bargaining. Mr and Mrs John Snapp and Meier’s sister-in-law. Convention— Equal protection for employers Nordale Furniture Store Attend family of Midvale, Idaho, were A delegation of men from the and workers against unfair practices Sunday dinner guests at the home First Church of Christ of Nyssa Nampans Here— imposed by one against the other. their daughter and son-in-law. attended the annual convention of Mrs Russell Jordan of Nampa of Mr and Mrs Albert Meier. the Ninety and Nine Men’s brother visited in Nyssa Wednesday. Oppose trade agreements injur UH IH III Itti III III till Ulti 11 II Ill’IVi hood of the Churches of Christ of ious to American markets for Am Visits Parents— Oregon in LaGrande Wednesday Visit In Boise— erican farmers. D. E. Taylor of Vale, called night. October 11. Men from all the Mrs Barney Wilson and daughter, at Mrs Help farmer solve major problem, of her parents, Mr churches of eastern Oregon were In Mrs Dwight Wyckoff, were Boise and the Mrs home PROGRAM which is distribution at fair price. Jess Thompson last Mon attendance. Ward Rice, professor In visitors Wednesday. Work for pensions, which in acc day. the Northwest Christian college of ENERGY ordance with needs will permit old FXigene. was the speaker. A budget Christian Rally Held— people to maintain a decent stand From Corvallis— VITAMINS Phone IOÔ of $10,000 was adopted for the com- The men of the Churches of Ch- Here ard of living. Mrs Charles Paradis of Corvallis, SATISFACTION lng year’s work. Those attending rist of southwest Idaho held their Oregon, was an overnight guest at Develop a program of Internat Double Feature We sell only the Robert Thompson home Thurs ional cooperation necessary to avoid FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 20—21 Unit for Unit T H E Y C O S T YO U L E S S day. Mrs Paradis is a former Nys Pasteurized milk war, backed by enforcement powers. sa resident. Return Showing For Those who Missed it and Read your voters pamphlet for The Many Who Want to See It Again Roddy account of Wayne Morse's record In Boise— D R U G S T O R E with Purctiwf d r u g s t o r e of public service. McDowell and freston Foster in Mr and Mrs Emil Stunzz. Mrs S. One former law school dean. Ch “MY FRIEND FLICKA” P. Bybee, Mrs Vlbert Kissler and arles L. McNary, made a great sen Mrs Dale Garrison were Boise visit A boy and His Horse Filmed in Technicolor ator. Let's elect another. ors FYiday. ! pro ducts Cartoon and Featurette. “Grandfather’s Follies. Paid political advertising by Mat.. Sat.. 2:50 Adra. 25 c-5c Inc. Tax Go To Wisconsin— Malheur Co. Morse for Senator Adm. Evening*. 40e-9c. Including Tax Mr and Mrs Flank FYonek left committee. Charles Swan, ch last week for Eagle River. Wiscon airman. SUNDAY and MONDAY OCTOBER 22—23 sin. where Mrs Fronek will spend the winter. Mr. FYonek Is serving June Allyson. Gloria DeHaven, Van Johnson, In the armed forces. Tom Drake and Ben Blue in “The First In Nyssa” “TWO GIRLS AND A SAILOR” Here From California— Mias Lois Neece of Olendale, Cal Night Phone 95 Day Phone 14 ifornia A Warm Human, Suspenseful Story Peppered is visiting her uncles. A1 With Comedy That’s Wacky and Melody that’s and Jess Thompson and her aunt. Hep, Happy and Hot Mrs Anna Dail. We have several nice suites in different styles MaL. Sun, 8:30 Adm, 30c-9c, Inc. Tax - - q - - - A - Jesse M. Chase - - - - Satisfy Your Children’s Furniture Needs LOCAL NEWS NYSSA Healthful Milk THEATRE STAR DAIRY Bedroom Suites V/TAM N Nyssa Pharmacy Adn Evening*. 40c-9c, Including Tax —BARGAIN NIGHT— TUESDAY OCTOBER 24 Bonita Granville and Kent Smith in “YOUTH RUNS WILD” Comedy and Alaskan Mystery ___________________ Adm. Mc-Oc. inc. Tax________________ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY OCT. 2S—26 Danny Kaye, Dinah Shore, Dana Andrews and The Goldwyn Girls in “UP IN ARMS” A G.I. Riot of Rhythm, Romance and Fun.... In Flaming Technicolor. Cartoon and News Ada*. Evening*. 40*-Or, Including Tax irwirw« w m « — iwin*wn>wiiHaaniraan»u<ai Murray Morton Democratic candidate for Malheur County Assessor Experienced, qualified, and knows the co unty. Former county assessor. Your support will be appreciated. Paid Pol. Adv. To Be Inducted— Fred Mull and Harold Long will be Inducted into the army October 20 Ray Linvtlle will be employed by A1 Thompson and Son In place ol Mr. Mull. Examiner Caming— A and hall a m. state examiner of operators chauffeurs will be in the city Wednesday. October 25 from 9 to 12. noon. KEEP FAITH I wOhus— i \by buying''. / w ar bonds and finishes. You are certain to find one to suit your taste and pocketbook. We just received some beautiful dining room suites. Also we have a good selection of unfinished chests in various sizes. Nyssa Furniture Co.