I byterian church at Weiser Thurs group participated in a mission against the airdrome and installat day. The Howard Hatch family were ions at Memmingen, Germany. Ad Mr and Mrs S. D. Bigelow had as Mr and Mrs Herbert £haw were guests Sunday Mr and Mrs James Sunday guests at Mr and Mrs verse weather scattered the bombe: In Nampa on business Thursday. Mrs William Toumb and Dickie Stephens and Mr and Mrs Roy Harvey Hatch’s home. While there formations en route to the target they received a telephone call with the result that the fortress gr 01 Caldwell and Mrs Vern Park- Warren and Caroline. A prayer meeting was held at from their son, Duane, who is sta oup, which was led by Major Louis J and children of Adrian were the school house Tuesday evening tioned at Oakland. T. Seith of 3769 40th St., San Diego, inday visitors at the D. L. with Rev. Kriner as leader, after Mrs. Frances Muntjewerff and which some slides were shown by Mrs Dennis Patch are soliciting Calif., approached the objective urst home. • in the Adrian district for the war alone and without fighter escort. Mr and Mrs Walter Pinkston are Rev. Chandler of Caldwell. Carl Schweizer, Bill Bottery, -hest drive. Shortly betore reaching the air iviug a well drilled on their Mr and Mrs William Toomb and drome the bombers were attacked Louise Green and Pete Douglas of )ace. Seattle are here hunting and visit Miss Virginia Jensen were S u n -1 by some 200 German fighter planes. Mr and Mrs Dick Stockham of ing Mr and Mrs Oral Hite. day evening dinner guests at th e . The fighters bored in at the rear of wyhee dam were guests at the Mr and Mrs Jess Gregg, Mrs Dennis Patch home. the formation, and in the firs: iwrence Kreager home Sunday. Adrian high school was dis sweep destroyed the last box, wiping | George Gregg, Mrs Russell R. Wolf. Mr and Mrs William Toomb and Jr., and Mrs Martha Kiingback missed Friday noon for a two out one entire squadron. mily of Caldwell were visitors and son, Fred, were dinner guests weeks beet harvest. Pressing their attacks relentlessly,! | the Frank Cummins home Sun- of Mr and Mrs Wallace Gregg ir. Mrs Harvey Otis, who has been the fighters knocked down seven! confined to her home all summer more fortresses while the remaining the Richland district Sunday. Several front Kingman Kolony Rev. Robert Kriner will holt, with a heart ailment, was able to bombers fought on to the target and |ttended the Adrlan-Nyssa football preaching services after Sundaj je at church Sunday. dropped their bombs with devastat ime at Nyssa Friday. , The intermediate Girl Scouts ing effect. school next Sunday, October 22. Mrs D. L. Hurst and Mrs J. G. pent a day camping at Snively's Mrs Martha Kiingback called on In presenting the citation to the j ne of the Kolony and Mrs. Mrs W. W. Smith in the Kolonj .aturday. Sixteen girls were tak- group “for outstanding performance i iarl Parker of Newell Heights at- , district Sunday. Mrs Smith is ill n to the springs by Mrs. Nevin of duty” Gen. Twinning praised the tended the Prestyterial meeting Mrs O. R Hite returned to the drs. Peterson, Mrs Kurtz and tht combat crews and ground personnel al Weiser Thursday. .ssistant leader, Miss Prouty. The 'who make possible these sustained. Ontario hospital Sunday ■ M. M. Greeling was in Ca’.Uwel! j Lee Irvin and J. C. Burtschael ¡iris engaged in a wood hunt soon operations" and said, “ It is efforts Saturday to see Mrs. Greeling, of Portland are here hunting ant iter they arrived with the young- .ike this that have kept the Hun on trho Is in the sanitarium. She is visiting Mr and Mrs William Peutz ;r girls taking part in the flre- the run. We will keep it up until Improving. juilding tests. The troops roast- he is finally defeated.” Mr. Linbaugh and Mr. Veirs at- id kabahs and potatoes as part nded the Nyssa sale Saturday >f their out-door meal cookerj A d r ia n nd purchased some cattle. est. Swimming was enjoyed in PRIOR APPROVAL Mrs Jim Lane was in the Holy he afternoon by the group. The FILING TOO LATE Mrs Howard Hatch has been il osary hospital a few days, recover- at her home with quinzy the pas. roops returned to Adrian about ng from an operation. The Malheur county triple A off :30. week. Clyde Diderirksen trucked Bob I Mrs George Hart of Vale it The Blake Lowell family of Ros- ice has received notice from the lark's househoold goods to Salem visiting at the home of her daugh vell Were Friday evening guests at stSte committee that county comm Saturday. Mr and Mrs Clark are j ter, Mrs. Glen Pounds. ittees shall not accept requests for he Nevins home. Mrs Gayle Martin returned to prior approval of 1944 practices fi making their home there." The "No Name” club members Hugh McConnel received word and their families enjoyed a weinei ter home Monday from Nampa, led after Octobre 1. This instruct 1 stating his brother. Tom Roger Me- j roast Friday evening at the home where she recently underwent an ion would pertain mainly in Malh xppendectomy. eur county to the request for prior onnell, was missing in action in of Mr and Mrs Dudley Marston. Mr and Mrs W. Woods left last approval for improvements in re Italy. The K. I Peterson family visit ed at the Luit Stam home Sun week for Madras, where they have organizations of the farm irrigation system. purchased new land. day. Serving 5 Counties The state triple-A committee st Mrs Thelma Elliott returned Sat Mrs William Toomb of Caldwell F*rom the Largest Stock of . visited at ‘ the Vernon Parker home urday from Portland where she ates that the reasons for this dead Genuine attended the 4-H state contests. line on prior approval is that the I Sunday. applicants have had ample opport ! Mr and Mrs Henry Hatch are unity and time to make the applic I visiting friends and relatives in ations for 1944 practices, and also this vicinity. Mrs Hatch is the that there is some doubt in their former Eleanor Beier, a former Parts minds as to whether or not pract home economics teacher in Adrian Orders Shipped Immediately ices started this late in the season high school. (Continued from Page 1) Mrs J. C. Nevin, Mrs John Auk- !68th arrived in the British isles in i would be completed by the end of er, Mrs K. I. Peterson, Mrs Fran February andd April of 1942. In its ithe program year. ces Deffer, Mrs Dennis Patch and two and a half years overseas it has Payette. Idaho Phone 49 Mrs George de Haven attended the fought through 88 days of combat Visit In Caldwell— Mr and Mrs Perry Ward and fall presbyterial of the United Pres in the Tunisian campaign and has been on the line in Italy almost Ronald Gene spent Sunday in Cald ■onstantly since landing at Paestum well with Mr Ward's parents, Mr September 21, 1943, 12 days after I and Mrs P. I. Ward. lontinental Europe was invaded for the first time. Known as the "Rainbow” regi ment, the 168th was part of the 514 miles north of Ontario on 2nd "Rainbow” division in world Hwy. 30. or % mi. north of Jami var I. son Gulch. 1 mi. N. and 114 mi 15th AAF In Italy—In recognition West of Payette. Wed.. Oct. 25, at of one of the outstanding bombing 11 pm. 5 horses, 16 cattle, hogs, and missions of the war, a distinqulshed ! farm machinery. Lunch served by unit citation has been awarded a | Soleana club. A.A. Moyse, owner: B-17 flying fortress group of the J Bert Anderson, auctioneer; L. H. 15th air force commanded by Col. 1 Fritts, clerk. Our Boys Me C lu e r -M a n s e r SALE CALENDAR One o f America's vital production lines is right in your barn. YOUR milk fights for Victory. We may have anjtem.to help you produce MORE. CHECK TH ESE T IM E L Y P U R IN A CHOW S m Paul L. Barton of Ludlow, Vt. Staff Sergeant Clayton Keller, 21, son of Mrs H. E. Mayes, Route 1, Nyssa, Oregon, is a tail-gunner on a B-17 flying fortress. A former cpiployee of the Consolidated Air craft Co., San Diego, Cal., he en tered the armed forces in Novem ber, 1942. He received training at Lincoln, Nebr., and won his gunn er’s wings at Las Vegas, Nev., before being assigned to overseas service with the 15th AAF in Italy. He has ‘ meritorious achievement in aerial been awarded the air medal for flight.” ¡Presentation was made in a re cent ceremony at the group’s Italian base, at which Maj. Gen. Nathan F. Twining, commanding general of the 15th, pinned the coveted blue citation ribbon on the group's col ors. The group was cited for an action July 18 when 26 fortresses of the DAIRY SALE—’4 mi. S. of Ontario on east side of railroad track, just across from Union Pacific stock- yards Sat., Oct. 21, at 1 p.m. 42 head of dairy cows and heifers sh- iped here from Baker. A. C. Mae- yers, owner: Col Bert Anderson, auctioneer; L H. Fritts, clerk. Prescription Filled Over 15 Million Times Recommended to do just two things: relieve constipation and gas on the stomach. This successful prescription is now put up under the name 01 ADLERIKA. Get a bottle of Adlerika next time you stop at your druggist’s and see for yourself how quickly gas is re lieved and gentle but thorough bowel action follows. Good for old and young. C a t A d lerik a fr o m y o u r d r a g ! l e t to d a y . NYSSA PHARMACY Raise GOOD CALVES m. y Three Terms Were Too Many And Four Are Much Too Much Continued tenure in office destroys efficiency and breeds corr uption and contempt. This principle is as old as our government. Washington refused a third term and warned against it. Jefferson denounced any person who would seek a third term. It was condemned in the Democratic platform o f 1896 and 1912. In 1928, Senator Norris, in a debate on this question, said : “ If a President of the United States were allowed to renomin ate himself, it would mean the establishment in this country of a monarchy upon the ruins of our present republican form of government.” Oregon’s beloved McNary said in 1940: “ We must choose in November whether America shall advance again along the path o f her historic mission ; or retreat still fur ther into the fields of futility.” POWER ALW AYS CORRUPTS Jefferson said: “ The time to guard against corruption and tyranny is before they shall have gotten hold o f us.” MILLIONS OF NEEDLESS JOBS HAVE BEEN CR EATED AND TRADED FOR VOTES. The tyranny and corruption Jefferson feared is now in control One bag of Calf Startena replaces 40 gallons of milk, and grows big, vigorous, thrifty calves. Saves time, labor, and money. of this administration. Start ’em with STARTENA Hillman, Browder, Hague, Kelly, Flynn and Hannegan are try Crow 'em BIG MOHO MOO For a real heifer growing ration let us mix your oats with BULKY LAS. so A t0 Balamttdfw Growth Keep Her Standing ing to multiply their greed for power into a fourth term. •JIOJS p oaq o uia, i s j J d paaj -butuaq saJl pUD mod Aip 10} Hïncl*l0 p a d s 9NDI1IW ÀAV3H joj SAto} e jo d a jj O il fights fo r freedom . . . every possible dro p m ust be conserved fo r essential w ar use. H ere’s how you can do your p art to save and serve. 7 Practical Ideas for "Waste Chasers” There’s LOTS of MILK in • h.PURINA COW CHOW Feed a proven dairy feed built to help keep cows in condition for capacity production and long milking life. 1. Avoid overheating. 65° is recommenced. J 2. Weatherstrip doors and windows. This column will be conducted by the Malheur County Republican Committee during the present campaign. Watch for week to week discussions of the issues that control the future o f the American people. 3. Close of! unused rooms. ,4. Make sure thermostat is accurate. 3. Close fireplace damper when not in use. t SAVE oa DAIRY RINSE 3 lb. can makes 500 gallons effec tive solution. Germ killer, deodonxer. Dissolves readily in water. 1 table spoon to 3 gallons. Purina CHLQRENA POWDER 6. Lower heat at night or when away. ,7. Keep humidifiers full. W. E. Schireman Phone 61 Your l ocal r e p r e s e n t a t i v e for S T A N D A R D OF C A L I F O R N I A Malheur County Republican Central Committee Paid political advertisement.