Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1944)
I THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY OCTOBER 19, 1944 PAGE 4 ight baists is allowed for deduction and Mr and Mrs. Joe Stam of Ore the United States "the home away gon Trail, and Mr and Mrs Jake from home” faculties are provided when the grower has his turkeys for reading, writing, games, loung processed by a processor who sub I Groot o f Ontario, Mrs Ponpiun reu for her home i M r and Mrs Edwin Mowerson and I ing, showers, and recreational and sequently purchases the birds. The In Nebraska last week after visiting son were p arma visitors Sunday, ¡social programs. USO also main ceiling for sales by a grower to tains 155 smaller centers. 147 mobile several weeks at the home of her i Mr and Mrs Glen Cooper and such a processor Is 38.7 cents per Ill B/ services. M u rrd rW d d p daughter, Mrs Olenn Hoffman. j family were Ontario visitors Thurs- Entertainment for war-weary men pound Grade A and Grade B, It» Mrs Henry Estrick and Vaughn Ida^' ... _ OI,H is provided by 87 USO-Camp Shows cents per pound less for grade B or , w . ... . .v.. M r and Mrs C. M. Tensen and o f Meridian are visiting at the A lv a ' Niel returned from Summit Prair in combat zones, while 90 troupes total 37.2 cents per pound. Grade Goodell home. Mrs Estrick Is a sts- M A T R IM O N IA L ADVICE ! tour Army and Navy bases in this ie last week. C Is 34.7 cents per pound. Ceiling I ter of Mrs Goodell. country with an average monthly I f you are figuring on getting Mrs Jesse Callahan entertained ¡attendance of 2,000,000. In addition. prices for November will be 1 cent .M1Ben,ti ? ' and Tillamook, nCOlnv ini married or are Jumpy about your irent’ Umatilla, 112 104. I 1 1SM8" said McOee. The ° governor the Out Our Way club at her home W A R FUND IS A ID • USO renders club services to war less than the prices quoted above. present matrimonial status it will Part of the Increase, In the opinion j 6aj,s Be favors the plan and that it Thursday after noon. Refreshments ¡workers in certain overcrowded ar- TO USO GROUPS of Mr. Scott, was due to growth In should be built as soon as possible be well to settle In eastern Oregon. of sandwiches, Jello and punch were Accepts Position— | <as. It might increase your chances of population and to war marriages McGee predicted an all-time popul served. The next meeting will be Providing off-duty recreational, ! Contributions made by residents Miss Mary Rudlick has accept with residences in close proximity ation at the penitentiary o f 1200 by held at the home of Mrs Ray G r iff spiritual and welfare services for i of Nyssa to the Nyssa campaign avoiding the rocks of divorce. State ed a position in the Nyssa bank. to army camps. treasurer Leslie Scott has complied 1948 compared with the present ith October 26. men and women o f the armed for- help the National War Fund fin There were fewer shattered ro stastistlcs which show that in the Mrs Cecil Plorea accompanied Mr ces, the USO (United Service Org- ance these essential war time USO total o f 839. He predicted 1800 pr- counties of Gilliam. Harney, W all mances In Gilliam, Harney, Wall- and Mrs Frank Savage to Portland anizations) Is presently operating services. owa, Sherman and Lake counties. isoners by 1952. He recommends a owa. Sheman and Lake divorces are il Wednesday. Mrs Savage will enter some 3.000 units with an average Sym ptom s of Distress A rising from 1 _ A M a a iim 4 I A n a f ih n * • • m « É i . i « _ 1 L on the decline while In the rest of than in any other counties of the cell for each prisoner in the penit a hospital there for treatment, monthly attendance of 30 000.000. CEILING PRICES state; each county showed a re entiary and the new institution. the state they have gone up from M r and Mrs Leslie T op llff visited The statement was based upon the 50 to 147 per cent In the past four duction In 1944 as compared with There are 513 double cells and only at the Goodell home near Vale latest report of USO activities re ON TU R K E Y S GIVEN due to the record five years ago. years. ceived by Effle Ellen Counsil from 38 single cells In the penitentiary Sunday. Free BookTellsofHomoTreatment that NO HOT PO TATO ES W ANTED The food and food products sect Divorces In Oregon are Increasing Mr and Mrs Alva Goodell and the national war fund, of which the now. Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing The recent ban on refngerator r o N P F R r a C F at a more rapid rate than Is the Mrs Lloyd Adams were In Ontario USO is a member agency receiving ion office of price administration, Over two million bottles o f the W IL L A R D .J Z ^ .. district price executive has ann population. The state law requires cars for Oregon-California traffic | TEA I T K E A T M E N T have been sold f or relief of support through the Nyssa Camp Tuesday and called on Mrs O. E. A three-day conference of Oregon ounced ceiling prices for turkeys, I symptoms o f distress arising from Stomach that each county collect and pay by the interstate commerce comm school administrators concluded CheldeUn, who was seriously burn aign. | and Duodsnal Ulcer» due to Eicess Acid — the state five dollars for each div ission Is a serious threat to the pot Wednesday, here at the capital, ed several weeks ago. Combining the experience and during October. Poor Digostlon, Sour or Upset Stomach, ato growers of the Klam ath basin ! Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, ®tc-, The prices are boxed weight on ot ce suit filed and the number of skill of six agencies constituting Its due to Excess Acid. Hold on 15 «lays’ trial I Guy Cordon Is protesting when reI*>rts f ° rm .c“ ttees on divorces may be approximately det Senator make-up, the USO is an inter-faith top grade turkeys 43 cents per Ask for ■■Willard', M / s u s * " which fuUy to the ICC, urging reconsideration P<“ ‘ -war financing of con- ermined by counties for the entire organization supported by voluntary pound; loose weight 41'4 cents per explains this treatment— froo— at of the rule which he terms "r u in -,“ » and post-war teacher tr- state. These records show that for contributions and aided in its ser pound. From this ceiling 2.8 cents ous" and “ not based on sound Jud- , “ ‘" ‘" g and selection were heard, Mr and Mrs Hiram Van Dyke of per pound on a dressed chilled we the year ending June 30, 1944 8215 gement", without refrigeration m uch' ° n Monday Dean J. R. Jewell, of Port Orchard, Washington are vis vices by more than 1.000.000 volun divorce suits were filed In the state, of the crop will spoil, says Senator Oregon State College, and In charge iting at the Charles and Otis Bull teers. USO member agencies in compared with 3570 during the year clude: Young Men's Christian asso of teacher training In the state, de- ard homes. ending June 30, 1935. The summary Cordon. LET US PRO VID E A HOME M A R K E T FOR YOUR FAT HOGS ciation, National Catholic Commun 1 fined education as taking a parti M r and Mrs Lee Taylor and ch ity service. Salvation Army, Young o f the divorce records show that 600,000 REGISTERED c u la r child and teach him to do Sell where there Is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un About 450,000 votes will be cast in ildren spent the weekend in Beulah, Oregon's general election November w* » * normally he might be expect- where Mr Taylor Is teaching school. Women's Christian association, Jew necessary expense Incurred thiough a great number of men ish welfare board and the National 7, the state elections division has ed 10 df>- He advocated cla-ssificatlon Auto Repairing S. J. McKinney, who is visitling Travelers Aid association. required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check estimated of atuclents with Individual lnstruct- his daughter, Mrs George Moeller T o extend its far flung services as the weight of your hogs yourself. Total registration, which closed ' *on and not the same Instruction spent last week in Eagle and Na- Electric W elding widely as possible, USO clubs and We buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards In Nyssa, Ore. Saturday, was estimated at 600,000, for all. jm pa with friends and relatives other units are located in all 48 and Homedale, Idaho. Lathe Work Parts compared with 613,248 for the 1940 Charles Taylor fell from a horse I states, in 78 cities in 16 foreign ar- presidential election. Approximately For Friday's price phone 111 R. Nyssa, between the hours of I last week and broke his arm. i eas, at 173 western hemisphere o ff- 75 per cent o f registered voters cast I The Arcadia Sunshine club w ill'shore basis; and in 133 lounges and 5 P.M. and 9 P.M. on Thursdays or 53JLJ, Homedale. on Friday. their ballots in presidential elections meet at the home of Mrs Bill Sn- Travelers Aid desks In rail and bus F R A N K K U LLA N D E R In Oregon. ader In Nampa October 19. I stations. The elections division estimated | Mr and Mrs John McKinney and that 10 per cent of the 450,000 votes Joe Dyer, Malheur county war daughter, Winnie and June, of would be cast by service men. finance committee chairman, re Eagle, Idaho were dinner guests at Nyssa, Oregon NEW PE N A L IN S T IT U T IO N ceived notification last week of a the George Moeller home Sunday. Oregon neers a reformitory for state conference to be held October | Sunday School will be held at 18 and 19 in Portland for planning 2 p.m. next Sunday with church Oregon’s part In the sixth war loan. j services at 3 p.m. The drive Is scheduled for Novem | M r and Mrs R. Y. Kriner of Lln- | coin visited at George Moeller ho- ber 20 through December 16. Ted R. Gamble, national director, ; me one day last week. Mr and Mrs Davenport, who have ; war finance division, and Robert Coyne field director, will headline lived on the Jake Groot farm for he schedule of events on October three years, are moving to Payette. I 18. when national plans for the C O LUM BIA AVENUE ixth war loan drive will be presen- Too much capital is invested Jerry Cooper hurt his elbow on ,ed. Second day of the conference will be devoted to planning Ore a piece of wire last week, which in your farm--too much is at st gon’s localized campaign so It will caused blood poisoning, and he coordinate with the national camp has been In the Ontario hospital ake for you to permit any chance aign, according to E. C. Sammons, since Saturday. He Is improving. Mrs. Jerry Cooper stayed in Ontar state chairman. of complete losses due to fiVe Over-all goal was announced as io for two days at the home of $ Five billion dollars Mrs. C. Aston, who formerly lived that razes all. is set as the goal for Individuals, of in Nyssa. Mrs. I. L. Cooper was which $2.500.000.000 must be raised also in Ontario to visit her son, In E bonds. Marketable Issues will Jerry. Mr and Mrs Dick Tensen and be on sale from December 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were In December 16. Oregon's quota has not yet been Boise Monday. Mr and Mrs Jess Callahan of set. Nyssa called at the I. L. Cooper home Wednesday. M ABEL ROBERTS IS Sunday visitors at the Dick Groot ¡TREASU RER OF W A A home were Mrs John Stam. Sr., Multnomah and Columbia counties, young men and first offenders, R i- each with an Increase of 147 per chard A. McOee, director of the cent In divorces, lead the state. For department of corrections, of Calif- ,he fl-.a l year of 1944, the Mult- om ia, states in a report just made , omah county fees covered 4519 ^ oovernor Earl Snell, which the ivofee preceding», compared with vernor had requested. 1527 for the fiscal year ending June . ,. . JO, 1940. The figures for Columb.a I The bulldin8 should have room county were 81 for 1944 and 34 for for 600 Inmates, should be called the 1040. The figures for the next i n , "Oregon state vocational institut- line of increases Josephine, 137 per ( i0n,” and “should be constructed by Capi/al ~ Parade Buena V ista QUICK RELIEF FROM STOMACH ULCERS EXCESS ACID Arcadia At NYSSA PHARMACY Bond Drive Will Be Held In Nov. E. W . Pruyn Every Farmer Needs Fire Insurance Protection Frank T. Morgan E. P. Hendrix Republican Candidate For Malheur Co. Assessor Fairness To A l l ; Partiality To None/ Your Support W ill Be Appreciated. Paid Pol. Adv. ■ M M R M M M M M M H | College O f Idaho Oct. 12 (Special! I --A t a meeting o f the Women’s | Athletic association at the College j of Idaho. Mabel Roberts of Nyssa j was Installed as treasurer of the | Organization for the 1944-45 school | year. . The meeting was held at the home o f Mrs Marian Ritchie, head o f the physical education depart ment st the college, who sponsors the group. C AN SEALER IS A V A IL A B L E N O W Don M. Graham Insurance Agency Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals Bonds A No. 2 tin can sealer has Just arrived for sealing tin cans con taining overseas food. The cans may be purchased for three cents each I Irom the emergency food assistant. I Every service that Is needed In Mrs Geraldine Hall, in the county agent's office. your hour of grief Candles, cookies and cake arrive overseas in better condition when they are sealed In tin cans. Inspect Plus a dignified sympathy ion stickers will be attached to the cans before sealing the contents, That beautifies the memory so they will not be opened for post al Inspection. O f both family and friends. W e Render Nyssa Funeral Home CONDITION JO U R HUNTING 006 MIRACLE BY T H E gaunt, weary creatures in the upper picture are boys from your home town. That isn't death in their strained eyes . . . but it’s pretty near death—it's battle fatigue. They’re the same men in the lower pic ture. Rested. Smiling. A million miles from the agonizing experiences of a few hours before. Enjoying a U.S.O. Camp Show financed by you. Yea, U.S.O. Camp Shows and more than 3,000 U.S.O. clubs and other units are made possible by your contributions to your Com munity War Fund. ss* DEFEAT PROHIBITION That'a “The Joker" that "»lipped in” tht Burk* Bill. Yea, "The Jokar” aaya you cannot aarve guests at your club or even in your own hom* without eavera penalty. Don't lat “th* dry»” put it over again in 1M4 aa they did in 191B. tm IkaMMtaf « • « • - » ) PMIHRW SURINA A Successful Or»gonian for U . $• Beat‘The Joker-Vote 313 X NO SENATOR Pal* Ad*. TH * ANTI-PRO H IBITIO N COMMITTKK OP ORBOON O. J. MiPt a i w . Ckauawa. P*»n «a-«Q A**. Bid*. h n la a t swwisi ■ r«»srw* M «*• laps tm MÉNA ^ This great war service helps in countless other ways. It makes life more bearable for American war prisoners. Fights juvenile delinquency. Helps service men's wives have and care for their babies. Your Com munity Chest benefits. Every dollar eases war suffering somewhere where help is des perately needed. You give only once for all these. Think o f the miracles your money can perform and give every cent you can. G ive generously to - YOUR COMMUNITY WAR FUND Representing tht NAT 1 0 NA 1 WAR FUND Al Thompson And £bn Sponsored by The Nyssa Women’s Club