<s FACE THREE THE N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JOUR N A L T H U R SD AY OCTOBER 19, 1944 Classified is said to have been delayed 18 five major Invasions with the al- I and ran away and his (ace was days, according to the Danish List* , lies. He has been awarded the I badly hurt, j euing Post. On a height train de- 1 distinguished service medal. He will parting from Copenhagen, D anish1 report October 20 at a rest camp i saboeturs forced the crew to stop at Santa Barbara, California, and the train and disconnect four cars wlli receive his future assignment Prepared by OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION T H U R S D A Y NOVEM BER 2, belonging to the German Army, be from there. fore the train was allowed to con Machinery 10 a.m.: Cattle 1 p.m. RATES: Two cents per word tor e>tcn Issue Minimum cash In A large number of pheasant THERE'S MORE SU G AR CO M ING ,.ss I- A L| tinue its journey. In other cases the Six miles west of Weiser on oiled advance Is 30c. Sunday in this highway. Mrs A. Mikkleson's accre Housewives who have found their LESS N ITR O G E N AND PHOSPH- saboteurs bombed and machine- hunters spent gunned German trains. vicinity. Many were fortunate dited herd of 33 registered holstelns. sugar stamps temporarily worthless a t e Ì PETRO LEUM S T O C K P IL E IS enough to get their limit. Also 19 major pieces of farm mac because their grocer's sugar s h e ll, u.3. farmers probably will have d c v v n High school teachers and pupils hinery, 75 tons hay, 800 bushels bar was bare may take hope, now that j ¡ess nitrogen and phosphate fertili- I The stockpile o f principal pet- ley and wheat mixed, 200 bushels the War Pood Administration pro- zers to use on 1945 crops because ol roleum products for civilian use is are having a harvest vacation be- wheat, household goods, including The young two radios and range. Col. Bert this week, FO R SALE—Baby buggy in good T O T R A D E -U i guage^ single-shot ; mls^ stepped-up production from | increased military use of these now 29 Percent lower than it was J i l " » ! « « shotgun for .22 rifle. Mac Belnap, the Nation’s sugar-beet factories in I materials, W F A reports. The supply ■in October pre-war levels, the Pet- people were really needed to help Anderson and Joe Church, auction condition, $10 and baby basket and two houses east of Big Bend park. eers. the West and Midwest On Sept- I ül P °tash' W F A *®ys. win be mater- | roltum Administration for War re- with the crops. stand, $2.50. Guy Moore, Kingman 1901 xp I ially larger than last year. I f farm- I ports- c lv‘lian gaso.ine stocks are Four Bend pupils made honor Kolony. lOOlxc ember 1 the Nation’s sugar Invent- : erg , m ttMtlr fertilizer stocks ; 39 percent less, heating oils and roll for the first six weeks of oiy was lower than on any d a t e ; ^ tMs wm clear the ior : Diesel fuels are 12 percent less and school. They are Bernice Chaney, FO R SA LE Small cook stove, and since 1935. During the first eight manufacture o ( more mixed fertll. I industrial fuels. 32 percent less. trailer house, built ins. sink, ward Laurina and Carol Witty and Alice | t w n K c N T —For cash or share cr- months of this year, 483,000 tons of robe, stove, icebox and bed. Phone jp , farm near Notus, and Caldwell, .zers in case the supply situation * ARMERS B U Y SURPLUS W A R Mechem. Bernice Chaney has the sugar were distributed in the U.S. 1-2W afternoon or evening. 1202xc j GOODS honor o f being a junior and cele Idaho. Excellent water right, land than in the same period of 1943. .mproves in time. Carlot shippers since 1928. HEY K ID S L IS T E N T O T H IS Much of the surplus construction brated her 14th birthday last Wed FO R S A L E -3 registered Holstein ultable for any kind of crop. Good Most of the Increase went to civil BOX 54 nesday. You can tell Dad and Mom th a t! matel iak used on * ° ° Government bulls, yearlings, sired by DeKol .louse, electricity, well, etc. Tractor ian usage for preserving and w cann- , you got it from W PB that there w ii!' Prom ts that have been sold by the M r and Mrs F. A. Miller trans Segis Peitertje Lad, three year old quipment required. Call before 8 ing. In one form or another, civil- . f ^ lrtl — miniature United States Surplus War Proper- acted business in Caldwell Thurs __ *__ held sire. Five nearest dams have i.m. for appointment. Mrs O. T. ians got most of the increase-in automobUes and trucks made out 0l ty Administration have gone to Am day. 1914 Cleveland Blvd., preserving and canning of fruits zinc on tbe market this year The I erican farmers through recent auct- average production 677 lbs butterfat. Andrews, Mr and Mrs Joe Brumbach and 190tfc and vegetables, in larger-than-nor- j folk„ may nQt be able to buy new ----------- ------------------ --------------- This bull is gentle and show type. Caldwell, Ida. ion sales held in collaboration with Mr and Mrs W. E. Ahearn of He has headed my registered herd r o LE A SE - Business building in mal production of condensed milk electric lights for the Christmas | county farm agents. Shovels, picks, Salt Lake City enjoyed a picnic for the past two years. Dams of the Nyssa. Bernard Eastman. 50tfc and in supplemental allotments for Tree, but they can get tinsel a n d ; rope and left-over paint were a dinner at Memorial park In Cald young bulls are all nine gallon other purposes. well Sunday. They also called i those gorgeous, colored blown glass monK materials sold cows or better. E. L. Palmer 12 NOTICE—I have information for R E CLASSIFY MEN 38 AND OVER ornaments. Tell the folks that while on Mrs N. S. Phelan and found miles southwest of Vale on south he former Helen Rehorst of Nyssa. Men over 38 who have been anx toys will be a little higher they wil. she is not gaining as her lungs i side of river. 12G2xp Please contact me. Mrs G. L. W ill iously watching the mail-box to are becoming more congested. also be a little better—less paper- The Jolly Janes held an interest learn of their final disposition un is, Nyssa route 2. 1901xp Mr and Mrs Walter Bishop spent board and more wood and metal. ing meeting Thursday afternoon FOR SALE- -1939 Ford truck. Cab- der National Selective Service can Saturday in Oiitarlo, where Mr. And if you’re looking for ideas to at the home of Mrs Joe King. over type. Two-speed rear-end. new relax and continue their civil Lethal Advertisement Bishop consulted his doctor. He J put into a letter to Santa Claus, new beet bed. Phone 5J11. Ceil- A son was bem to Mr and Mrs ian work with the assurance that i here’s some information to keep in Miles Teeter October 9 at the M c was thrown from a load of hay j ing price. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 28S4XC they are in an age group not acc mind—rubber for toys, still prohib Donald Nursing home in Parma. when a team became frightened Notice hereby is given to the cred FOR SALE. miles northwest of itors and all other persons interest e p ta b le for induction into military ited—tricycles. scoters and other Mr and Mrs Charles Witty went to service. Local boards have been in Adrian, 160 acre faint, 120 under ed in the estate o f Archie C. East heavy toys, not being made—elect Parma Friday evening and took cultivation. Also machinery and man, deceased: that the undersign structed to place registrants of 38 ric trains none, but^ some new tr- ' Mrs Teeter and baby to their home and over in IV -A, to retain in I-C my young registered Holstein herd ed has been appointed administrat ack for electric railroad maintén ^ LoWer Bend. o f cattle, from the world-record rix o f said estate and has qualified all men honorably discharged and ance is on the market—toys with The Mike Kindall residence burn the I-A|L classifi- producing herd, Morningside hos as such. All persons having claims to discontinue „ , . gears, not to be had—some wagons ed Thursday evening. The major- wooden whee,s and some wlth pital. W rite me, Boise general against said estate are required to cation. Men in Class I-C may not t wheels__fewer slPds than be. ity of the household furniture was delivery, Boise, Idaho. F. W. Dal present same, verified as required be removed from this classification w. hout action by the Director of fore h war and some of them wlth saved but numerous articles were I ton. 21STPC. by law, together with proper vouch destroyed. Selective Service. Local Boards will f wooden runners-som e doll carri- Mr and Mrs Walter Bishop and montns after alter the uie ;)Ut jn 0ther deferred classification ... . , . , EEKT HAULERS—Get your public ers, within six months Mrs Cyrus Bishop were business j liability and property damage in ™ °A Ä “ len found physically acceptable i wood—doll carriage tires, to be ma surance now. Bernard Eastman. tiie undersigned at the office oi limited military service only, who de of "mud” , the residue by-pro visitors in Ontario last Tuesday. Mr i Bishop delivered a load of fat hogs. ■ A. L. Fletcher in the City of Nyssa, have heretofore been placed in Cl- 21Stfc duct of reclaimed rubber—dolls in A football game between Lower ‘ Oregon, that being the place des Men are still needed at the Sugar factory. pre-war quantities, with curls, mov Bend and Wade students played FO R SALE—House, 3 rooms and ignated for the transaction of an Legal Advertising If you can work a full-time shift or a part- ing eyes and even voices—plenty of last Friday resulted in a 19 to 0 bath, garage, full basement. 2 lots. business pertaining to said estate. time shift please contact Superintendent Burn- Agnes C. Eastman. Administratrix IN T IIE C O U N TY C O URT OF T H E ! teddy bears and stuffed toys— more victory for Lower Bend. $2150.00 Mr and Mrs W. S. Ahearn of all Brown at once. Bernard Eastman. 17Atfc Estate o f Arohie C. Eastman, de STATE OF OREGON FOR T IIE of those new plastic doll dishes and a few modern, steel unbreakable Salt Lake City are visiting their C OUNTY OF M ALHEUR ceased. F O R SALE—^One new modern ho First Pub. Sept. 28, 1944 IN TH E M ATTE R OF TH E A P P dishes— both metal and wood con daughter, Mrs. Joe Brumbach. use, $5000. Two $2100 modern hou Last Pub. Oct. 26, 1944 LIC A T IO N O F DALE M AR WOOD struction sets, 10 000 of the metal Mr. and Mrs. Otis Swigert and ses, four rooms with bath. Four 10- E A IR D FO R CHANGE OF NAME: ones with electric motors—a "fa ir” Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Prosser and acre tracts in Apple valley, $2700 WHEREAS, Dale Marwood Baird j 'upply of chemistry sets-a “ limited’' , w ilford and Mr. and Mrs. George NOTICE OF F IN A L HEARING and $6500. Several good buys on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, has filed his petition with the Co- boards and other games this year I Swigert attended a family dinner 40’s. $3.700 to $12.000, modern h o u - 'That KuLh McConnell, Executrix o f , unty Court of Malheur County, I supply of checkers, dominoes, d a r t at the home of Mr and Mrs w m ses. One 80, modern house, excellent tbe 0f william H. McConnell. | Oregon for an order changing his because your "0.1." brother is get- pollard in Roswell last Sunday, at i improvements, $11,000, 218TPC j ecease(|i has liled in the County! name from Dale Marwood Baird to ting some of your share. ^ __ which their son, Sgt. Sam Pollard, A. L. Atkeson A PPLE C E IL IN G S T A Y S UP was honor guest. Sam is at home | I Court of Malheur County, Oregon, Dale M, Glenn: Reduced apple yields have led the on furlough after taking part in It is hereby ordered that all per — her first and final account oi her ! administration, and that the fourth sons interested in the matter afore- O ffice of Price Administration to vall day o f November 1944. at the hour aid appear at the County Court I extend the September increase in 1 W A N TE D —Baled hay. See H. .loom in the City of Vale, O regon! apple ceiling prices to cover the Egmond. Boise Payette Lumber yard of 10 O'clock A M. and the County rn the 4th day of November 1944, at rest of the season in nine of the 11 or phone 255-M, Ontario, evenings. Gourt Room in Vale. Oregon, have 17ATFX7 teen fi :ed by the Court as the time he hour of 10 O'clock A.M. of said States in which OPA granted a .and place for the hearing of sail cay, and then and there show cause. September increase. The nine St- ( any they may have, why said ■ ates covered are Indiana, Illinois. W ANTE D Used ftirnlture Highest Ccount and anv objections thereto prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa when and where any person inter Application should not be granted.! Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, It is further ordered that a copy ! Tennessee, Kentucky and Arkansas, Furniture Co. 1ATFC ested in said estate may appeal ad file written objections to said jf this order to show cause be pub- I Tiie Increase of 1.267 cents a pound WE P A Y H IGHEST PRICES foi account and be heard thereof. Said iished in the Gate City Journal, | —equivalent to 57 cents a box or live fox feed horses Phone 8 Pay account is for final settlement and a newspaper of general circulation bushel—will be carried through ette. ¿7Ntfc upon the same being approved and publLshed in the City of Nyssa. wholesale and retail transactions to settled said estate will be closed and iounty of Malheur ior two weeks he consumer. BUTCHERING next preceding the date set for the J.S. And U.K. EXCHANGE RUB Custom butchering every Monday said Executrix discharged. nearing thereof, being in three iss BER and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork, j Oct. 4, 1944 More than half of the crude rub- ues of said newspaper. Sanitary butchering guaranteed. Ruth McConnell, Executrix ■er produced by the British Comm Phone 05R1. Please bring stock I Estate of William H. McConnell. Dated, October 14, 1944 onwealth is coming to the United Irwin Troxell Sunday evening or Thursday even- j Deceased, States as reverse Lend-Lease this County Judge. ing. All stock must be in by 12. A. L. Fletcher year, the Foreign Economic Admin noon, on butchering day. One mile Attorney for said Executrix NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL istration announces. Meanwhile, the Nyssa, Oregon west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. United States is supplying to the ESTATE Jake Fischer. Notice is hereby given that In pur United Kingdom under Lend-Lease, suance of an order of the County 86 000 tons o f general purpose syn 1 Court of the State of Oregon, for thetic rubber, together with tires. the County of Malheur, made on This quantity of synthetic rubber is , the 25th day o f September 1944, and equivalent in manufacturing pro supplemental order o l said Court cesses to approximately 70.000 tons made and entered on the 3rd day o f crude rubber. This exchange of October 1944, providing for a works out very satisfactorily, FEA private sale, in the matter of the production programs. The manufac- estate o f E. M. Blodgett, the under says, inasmuch as natural rubber is signed administrator de bonis non. essential to synthetic rubber in mast o f the estate of E. M. Blodgett, de ture of truck, bus and aircraft tires ceased will sell at private sale, in still uses an appreciable quantity of O n E school child in five, on the average, has defective vision. Four college one parcel, to the highest bidder, crude rubber. Ninety percent o f the students in ten are victims o f eye troubles. Accustomed for centuries to outdoor upon the terms and conditions tires that go to the U.K. are for living, mankind has never adjusted eyes to low er levels o f indoor lighting. hereinafter mentioned, and subject ential civilian services. OPTOMETRISTS DENTISTS to confirmation by said County | military use. the remainder for css- DR J. Fortunately, science is bringing sunlight indoors. And the science o f seeing is Court, on or after November 4, 1944. j T IM E S T O “ S T A R T D IG G IN G " “ 8 m McFall and 8 * B r t l V at 10 O ’clock A.M. of said day, all | “ Shelve everything else" and teaching us how to use indoor light with least danger o f eyestrain. Here are the right, title and interest that the “ start digging," was the advice a four simple rules for eyesight conservation it w ill pay every family to follow . said estate has, by operation o f law, German radio speaker recently gave or otherwise, acquired other than or to men and women living along the Practice limited to extraction In addition to that of said deceased, West Wall, as reported by the Ped- at the time of his death, of. in and eral Communications Commission and denture construction. Avoid glare from bar« I Do ill reading, study to that certain property, lots, pieces The speaker said that while the bulbs. Don't tit/icing ing, sewing, or game- EYESIGHT S PE C IALIST and parcels of land situate, lying Oerman words, “Schanzen” , which ihe light. Glare strains playing cU tt to s good O N TA R IO OREGON mean to dig trenches and build and being in the County of Malh- J. R. C U N D A LL eyes. light source, preferably j cur. State of Oregon, particularly earthworks, "smells of sweat and Dentist a modero reading lamp. toll,” it is “ fine manly” and "heal | described as follows, to wit: Lots three (3), Fouur (4) and thy exercise” . PH YSIC IAN S Phone 56-J I Five (5> o f Block Four (4) of the FAM INE, FLOODS, COLD, D A R K Saraztn Clinic NYSSA OREGON I Original Townsite of Nyssa, Mal- NESS "Famine, floods, cold and dark | heur County, Oregon. H e v « eye« «xsm ined J Avoid i l a f ww. Make |Terms and conditions of sale: Cash, ness” threaten the densely popul regularly. If eyes tre eure you h ev« g o o d or one-half cash and the balance ated provinces of German-occupied JEWELRY STORES Physician and Surgeon defective, vision can ba light directly on your | on credit not exceeding on « year; Netherlands, the Netherlands For Phone $7 V ■ greatly helped with book or work, t t sfs m twenty per cent of the amount bid eign Minister warned in a recent Hmir? 10 to 12 and I to t proper gisse«*. (freie ryes. I to be paid to said Administrator at press conference reported by Aneta, Dally Except Sunday i the time of the acceptance of such official Netherlands News Agency. Fry Building bid and the balance of the cash As a result of German inundation ■, 1— ____ . j 1 . . - _________ - "."a payment to be paid within five days of Dutch farm lands, much of it Union Pacific Time Inspector from the date of the order of con was salt water, the Netherlands has JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS SARAZTN CLINIC firmation o f such sale. Dei*d and lost a large pproportion of its pros WATCHES When the war ¡a ever w e are all go in g to have Better Light Abstract at the expense o f the pur pective 1944 crops—wheat. 30 per Main Street at Second cent-barley, 40 percent-sugar beets, J. J. Sarazin, D. chaser. for Better Sight. In the meantime, let** conserve both eye All bids or offers must be in wr 50 percent-potatoes. 25 percent-oil sight and light. Take care o f your eyes, but don't waste light* General practice o f medicine iting, and may be left at the office seeds, 25 percent-and oats, 10 per X -ray__________ Physiotherapy of A. L Fletcher, attorney for said cent. Administrator at 122 Main St. in DANES B ID R E LU C T A N T F A R E the City of Nyssa. Oregon, or to W E LL SHOE SHOPS When the Oermsns moved armed the undersigned at the office of Idaho Power Company in Nyssa. forces Into Denmark, the Danes O fficial Time Inspector for A b b o t t ’s A CITIZEN WHEREVER IT SERVES received them reluctantly. When Oregon. Union Pacific All kinds o f shoe and harness B. T . Frost. Administrator De the Germans, pressed on several repairing. ONTARIO OREGON Bonis Non. Estate o f E. M. Blod fronts recently, tried to remove Across from port office these forces, the Danes let them go gett, Deceased. the same way. One Oerman division Dated. October 4. 1944 TOWN and FARM in WARTIME Advertising MlSCtLLANEOUS For Sale SALE CALENDAR For TRADE For Rent Watts Seed Co. PARMA, IDAHO Buyers & Sellers Address Your Letters and Samples to Us. —BUYERS— Carden Seeds, Grasses, Clovers Alfalfas, Hay and Grain Big Bend HELP WANTED The Amalgamated Sugar Co. WANTED H Professional And Business Directory 3ti ^ Victim YOUNGI YUUi A. McFALL DR. E. D. NORCOTT Wilson Building L. A. Moulding, M.D. PAULUS JEWELRY STORE w M. WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Shoo Shop IDAHO VPOWER