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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1944)
\ FACE 4 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY OCTOBER 12, 1944 grain of the reclamation service. them. If the president should nom-1 If you asked him what he wanted No. 1 projects is. of course, the Col mate for this Job the head of the ! he would say, "Something from umbia basin, to be Irrigated with veterans administration the (12,000 home!” Which would mean some v._.ei impounded at Grand Coulee ^aiary would not need to be paid. thing mom or sis made. i_und classification, proposed town- By July 1. 1044, Russia had rec For this reminder of home, cook ..t.cs canals, roads, etc., have mostly eived 11,000 planes under lend-lease. ies or cake will win certain approv , en laid out on paper, together Great Britain 10,800. Most of the with the size of me projected farms. p anes for Russia went from Great al, provided they are the kind that Anolner Is the Deschutes project Mont., to Fairbanks, then to travel well. Pack them In metal ,n Oregon, a.ready s u i ted, and two Nome and across Bering strait to cans and seal them with tape to projects in Idaho. SubsUntial app- Siberia, thence to the fighting front. insure their keeping. Ohocolatte Honey Cookies score | roprlatluns will be necessary to act- | planes for Or eat Britian were de- : ivate with as little loss of time as | hvered in the Mediterranean area. high on packing and keeping qual I possible to prepare these new lands with a goodlv number going to Eng- ities. CHOCOLATE CHIP HONEY tor settlement. and direct. To the British went I 'the estimate of the government 000 trucks and otner motor vehicles COOKIES I is that it requires about (10,000 for and 51,100 tanks. To Russia were 1-3 cup shortening . a farmer to make a start, especially sent 300,000 trucks and other self- ‘A cup honey Washington, D. C.. Oct. 12.—T ere on raw ^ q h i8 would provide a propelling equipment. 1 egg, well beaten is a popular belief (shared as well modest home, a tractor and a few The equipment sent to Britian 114 cups sifted flour by President Roosevelt and Secret- essential tools. The money, it Is ex- and Russia is but a small part of 3-4 t. salt. ary of the Interior Ickes) that a plained, could be raised In part un- the war production. The guns, ta % t. soda lurge part of the 12,000,000 men and der the loan provision of the QI bill nks, trucks, etc., sent lend-lease are 1 <7oz.i pkg. chocolate chips (may women In uniform will want farms of rights, these loans being guaran- only a fraction of the equipment substitute hard, sweet chocolate cut when they are demobilled. The usu- teed In part by the federal govern- that has had to be supplied Amer into chips) al guess is that there will be 2,000,- ment. But the veteran on a recia- ican forces, and there are few of ■A cup chopped nut meats 000 farm-seeking veterans. Although motion project unit must know so- the articles In the American equip 1 t. vanilla. farming is a business In Itself and mething about irrigation, or be ment that will ever be retuumed. Cream shortening, gradually, add aliona farmer should know the coached in that particular type of Counties which have been expect honey and egg and beat until fluffy. character of his soil—what crops It farming, before being placed on the ing to acquire road-bulldlng equip Sift flour, salt and soda together can best raise, when to plant and land. ment from the salvaged war goods and add. Mix In chocolate chips, the average precipitation of his On most of the reclamation pro- have no assurance that there will nuts and vanilla. Drop from tea locality as well as where his market jects sufficient preliminary work be enough still usable to satisfy ev spoon on ungreased sheet. Bake In should be, agriculture is no easy has been done so that contracts can en 100 of the 3,000 counties in the 375 degree oven 12 minutes. Makes ■way of making a living. Farming is be let by the reclamation engineers United States. 3 dozen cookies. learned the hard way. as soon as funds are made available Expectation that there will be by the congress, some two million candidates for Taken out of the realm of politics farms is to be advanced as a reason is the suggested retention of mem- Re\, R. L. Krlner delivered a ser Mrs. F. A. Miller and Virginia to develop the projects on the pro- bers of the armed forces and delay mon at the services held by the for congress to approprlatite funds their demobilization 'to soften the were Caldwell visitors Thursday. Lincoln Heights Sunday school at unemployment problem. Congress While there they called on Mrs. 10:30 Sunday morning. has passed a bill and it has been N. S. Phelan at Memorial hospital Pvt. Martin Sayres was the C. E. signed by President Roosevelt pro and report her steadily Improv leader Sunday evening. In the hibiting retention of army and navy ing Several Big Bend residents arc absence of Mrs. Alonzo Latta, personnel "for the purpose of pre venting unemployment." The issue j attending Baptist meetings which choir director, Rev. R. L. Krlner was raised when General Hershey I began Friday evening at the Bap took charge. The Lincoln choir has been asked to sing at the next was reported as having said it w o-! t*s*; church in Roswell, Payette Valley Christian Endeav uld be cheaper to keep the boys in | Mr. and Mrs. Darrell English or rally which will be held at the the service than to demobilize them j and Mr- and Mrs- Joe Brumbach Ontario Christian church. Lincoln and set up an agency to care for were amonii 016 guests entertain will also have charge of scripture them. Answer to the charge was a ed by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hurtt and devotion. Rev. R. L. Kriner complete denial by the war depart- a* borne of Mrs. Kirkpatrick in will have charge of the singing. ment that such a plan was even Purma Saturday evening, Joe and Ralph Winslow enjoyed contempleted and assurance that j ^ _c Billy Hamilton, who was hunting west of Unity Sunday and troops would be returned to civilian receiving training at Rankin field life at the earliest possible moment. | Tulare, California, Is spending a each returning with a deer. Forrest Sayers and son, Martin, But congress decided not to take a furlough visiting his parents. Mrs. Dyre Roberts has been ap made a business trip to Buhl, Ida chance, hence the legislation. ho, Monday. An administrator at (12,000 a year pointed chairman of the war fund Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Kriner and is to be appointed by the president, drive and has selected Mrs. Joe Sandra were Nampa callers Mon with senate confirmation, to super King, Mrs. Ed Nielsen, Mrs. Wal day. vise the present agencies In charge ter Bishop, Mrs. R. L. Haworth —in the “Burke Bill“. Juat aa Prayer meeting was held at thei of reemployment and retaining. It and Mrs. Darrell English to help Clyde Latta home Wednesday in 1918 the “drya” are at it her solicit In this community. appears to be a fifth wheel, a sup again. Protect your freedom— Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Neilsen evening. Next week's meeting will erfluous office, for the U. S. em defeat prohibition. be held at the Orlen Halnllne ployment service is now In control Joined Nysas friends on a deer home. of America's manpower. The adm hunting trip to Jordan Valley last Mark Latta, three-year-old son inistrator, as yet unnamed, is to week.-end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop call of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Latta, Paid Ada. Tha A nti-P rohibition Committo* consult with all present state and oi Oregon. O. J. M cPtraon, Chairm an, loijal agencies having Jurisdiction ed on Dr. Weese In Ontailo last was 111 the past week. Paareon-tth Ava. Bldg., Portland Some of the ranchers have tak over these matters and correlate Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach en their cattle In from the range. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brumbach Others will gather their cattle this were Sunday guests of Lt. and Mrs. week. A surprise housewarming was John Bishop In Nyssa and assisted Mary Irene in celebrating her first held at the Ray Ledgerwood home Saturday evening by their friends birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Hlnterllder and from Linoln Heights. They were Mrs. Marie Douglas of Nampa were presented a framed picture by the Tuesday guests in the Dyre Rob group and they also received sev eral individual gifts. The Ledger- erts home. Mr. and Mrs. Ora English of wood family came to this section Roswell were guests of their son, from Indiana and have Just re cently completed a new house. Warell last Monday. Miss Lois Nelson of Payette Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grunmett of Caldwell were Sunday guests In the spent the week-end at the Vem Smith home. The Smith family Roberts home. Lt. and Mrs. John Bishop and took her back to Payette Sunday children of Nyssa were dinner evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Latta and guests in the Brumbach home Mon children were unday dinner guests day evening. A large group of ladles were at the Vern Smith home. The present at the Wade P. T. A. Latta family plan to move to west meeting Friday afternoon at the ern Oregon In less than a month. home of Mrs. Darrell English, with They have purchased a farm there. Ray Whltsell and Jule Houston Mrs. Dyre Roberts assistant host ess. The two school bills to ap went deer hunting for a few days pear on the November ballot and last week. Mr. and Mrs. Orlen Halnllne are the condition of drinking water were discussed. Mr. Witty report enjoying a visit from Mrs. Haln- ed a very active Health club with llne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge from George Elfers. president, and Car Pennington, and Helen, men Sillonis secretary. Other clubs Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Pen- will be formed later. An Octo Ington plan to spend the winter here ber program was prepared by tne but Helen will return to her work program chairman, Mrs. Walter as telephone operator after a two Bishop. Refreshments were served. week’s visit. Rev. Fred McOonnlee of Ontario The Wade P. T. A. voted a dona visited at the R. L. Krlner home tion to the war relief fund. Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Buell Hickey spent several days the past week at The Dalles, Oregon, called there by the By Leona Anderson death of Mrs. Oscar Hickey, who Idaho Power Co. has been a patient in the tuber- culosis hospital there for a year COOKIES REMIND HIM OF HOME I and a half. The deceased leaves “Hello, Mom?" "What are you I her husband, two sons, two and sending me in my Xmas box this I lour years old, and other relatives, year?" This Is the question your I .some of whom were at The DaUes boy would ask were he able to do so. I at the time of her death. This Is America Lincoln Heights Big Bend 1 LOOK OUT FOB "T H E J O K E R ' VOTE 313 X NO Victory Food Hints W h y telephone equipm ent is scarce a t hom e Th* farther our lore*« advance, the more tele phone^ wire*, and switchboard* they need So war has first call on the factories and manpower that make telephone equipment - That’s why it's necessary for more people to share party lines. If you are on a party line, please share it considerately and keep calls as brief as you can. Malheur Home Telephone C ) > O C r O S IS - MAffOMAl WA* IU N S AIOMIN. *11* e iV IN * TO S I I* WINNIN* OUR AGRICULTURAL GREATNESS rests upon the thou sands of people who took land and developed it in the hope of making a profit; and who were free to push ahead to the limit of their capacities. OUR BUSINESS STRENGTH comes from those who risked their few dollars, started a store or a restaurant or a warehouse, and hoped for profit and growth. OUR INDUSTRIAL MIGHT has been developed by those men who, tinkering over some gadget in the back end of a shop at last scraped up enough capital to buy a lathe and a milling machine and put the gadget into production. All these people hoped for profit. They took their own risks, they grew, they hired people; and at last they had might, the high living standards and the common luxuries of our country. THE PROFIT SYSTEM IS THE KINGBOLT OF FREE ENTER PRISE This statement is true for at least two reasons: 1. No one is impelled to invest time, effort, or money unless he has a reasonable hope of gain. 2. There is the “seed money” angle—the need for profits to reinvest in the business to make more business to make more jobs, to make more money. The New Deal policy for the past three terms has been plung ing toward totalitarian, communistic, fascistic or nazi methods and ideals. The historic Democratic party and the Republican party are American. The New Deal party is European. It is im porting European diseases and offering them as remedies to American ills. The Democratic and the Republican parties be lieve in government by law. The words “Equal Justice Under Law” are carved on the Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. THE NEW DEAL PARTY BELIEVES IN GOVERNMENT BY MEN, BY DIRECTIVES, AND SOMETIMES EVEN BY PRESS RELEASES If we think Hitler’s system of government is better than ours we should have the honesty to say so instead of copying while we denounce it. Governor Dewey has promised us a sane tax program and a more efficient federal government with less regimentation. Governor BricRer said, “A balanced federal budget at the earliest possible time after the war is won will create more jobs than all the projects government can devise.” HELP WANTED Men are still needed at the Sugar factory. If you can work a full-time shift or a part- time shift please contact Superintendent Bum- all Brown at once. The Amalgamated Sugar Co. FDR said in 1932, “I regard reduction in spending as one of the most important issues of the campaign.” Then he proceeded to spend more money than had all of the previous administrations combined. WHOM SHALL WE TRUST? Malheur County Republican Central Committee Paid political advertisement. I