THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY OCTOBER 12, 1944 F a GE iHKfcJi upon the same being approved and war. Other meat grew scarce. Rab- Chicago basis, for good and choice settled said estate will be closed and bit meat was coupon-free. Recently, j butcher hogs, 200 to 240 pounds, and said Executrix discharged. the Indian Oovernment asked for j a cotton loan rate on the 1944 crop Oct. 4, 1944 Australian rabbits to breed for food , of an average of 20.03 cents a po- for her services, and export of rab- j Ruth McConnell, Executrix ' i und, gross weight, for 7-8 Inch it pelts to the United States in In- i Estate of William H. McConnell. » • p o r e d b y OFFICE O F W A R IN F O R M A T IO N creasing. Today, Australias one-time \ *“ * * • cotton. Deceased. pest is practically a national hero. West Coast shipbuilding and re KATES Two cents per worn lor each Issue Minimum cash in A. L. Fletcher pair yards need 25.000 more workers DUST BOWL LESSON LEARNED the Industry, the Department of ™ VCTERANS WITH H° ' advance is 30c Attorney for said Executrix in October, and 2,000 workers are With the lesson of "Dust Bowles ’ | Agriculture repot ts. Nyssa. Oregon To provide living quarters for war fresh in their minds, American far- NEW RATION BOOIC FOR OANA veterans, honorably discharged since needed for naval repair work at December 31, 1940, who are unable Pearl Harbor. Workers will be rec NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL mers during this war are using their DIANS MlüCELLANLOUb LOST Between October 14 and 21, each to find them, the WPB and the ruited through United States Emp land more wisely today than they ESTATE For Sale of Canadas 11,500,000 consumers is National Housing Agency offer im loyment Service offices In all parts LOST—30-30 Winchester rifle, be- Notlce is hereby * lven «»a1 Pur* did in the last war, the Office of Wth new ration mediate priorities assistance for of the Country. Sale of second FOR SALE—Seventy-five 5-month j tween south fork of Burnt river j suance oi an order o i the County War Information reports on the!*xPfcted 10 ««¡t book. Sugar, butter and preserves construction, alternation or better hand school buses and other local old white leghorn pullets, $ 1.101 west of Unity and home. E. W Court of the State of Oregon, for basis o f data from the Departments of Agriculture, Interior and War. are the only foodstuffs now ration ment of houses. Veterans should passenger transportation equipment ea h: baby buggy In good condition, | Irving, route 2, Nyssa. Q62XP | ^ Farmers plowed up 30 million acres ed. Rationing of tea. coftee and me apply on Form WPB-289S at the Is now unrestricted, but purchasers $10, and baby basket and stand, j F o r Rent ' suPPlemental order of said Court of land unsuitable for row-crop cul at has been suspended for some nearest Federal Housing Agency to obtain gasoline must qualify for office. If the veteran does not know certificates of war necessity the $2.50. Guy Moore. Kingman Kolony. i ________________________ __ _____ | made and entered on the 3rd day tivation during the last war. During time. where the nearest FHA office Is ODT says For the first time in the ^ MAN fN THE PLANT 120 tfc TC LEASE—Business building in I of October 1944, providing for a this war they have plowed up less j Nyssa. Bernard Eastman. 50tfc private sale, in the matter of the than 1,170,000 acres of such land, ! The women have 11 a11 Uwlr own situated his local banker should be Country's History, births exceeded the three million mark In 1943, FOR SALE—Twenty-five tons of estate of E. M. Blodgett, the under and much of this has been put ln I way in one Melbourne, Australia able to tell him. the Department of Commerce re L e g a l Advertisement signed administrator de bonis non, Victory Gardens where it can be war Plant- Now entering its fourth ROUND-UP baled hay. Six miles north of OPA says-More than 88 million ports. of the estate of E. M. Blodgett, de kept well under control. Airfields year °* °Perati°n, this plant Is run Nyssa and 114 miles west on King NOTICE TO CREDITORS have caused one of the worst recent em 'rely bY women, ages 25 to 40. persons live in rent-controlled areas ceased will sell at private sale. In avenue. M. L. Spitze. 502XC NOTICE hereby is given to the one parcel, to the highest bidder, soil erosion problems. Spinning pro- Most °* tbe women had never wo- In the UB... Farmers will pay about i creditors and all other persons In upon the terms and conditions pellors caused miniatuure dust st- rked outside their homes before 40 cents a hundred pounds more for FOR SALE)—Insulbrlck, enough for orms—resulting in damage to planes they took thelr Present jobs. Among dried beet pulp and dried mollassied lour-room house. Including end terested in the estate of Brady C. hereinafter mentioned, and subject and injury to the men. Soil con- °*ber things the women turn out pulp as a result of new ceiling pri- Fowler, late of Payette, Idaho, de to confirmation by said County pieces and tar. Also one saddle hor ceased; that the undersigned has Court, on or after November 4, 1944, servation experts and Army eng steering gears for Bren gun carriers ces Highest retail prices for cran Carlot shippers since 1928. se. Inquire at Factory courts. 28S2xp been appointed Administrator of at 10 O ’clock A.M. of said day, all ineers, however, have worked out and tlesoope holders for 25-pound- , berries Is expected to be about 41 BOX 54 FOR SALE—1939 Ford truck. Cab- (he estate of Brady O. Fowler and the right, title and Interest that the methods of protecting the runways ers. Miss Orene Searles, General cents a pound, since ceilings have Manager, is now in the U. S. study been revised due to weather damage PARMA, IDAHO over type. Two-speed rear-end. has qualified as such. said estate has, by operation of law. and preventing these miniature to the crop. __ * __ All person having claims against or otherwise, acquired other than or Dust Bowls” from getting started. ing latest production methods. new beet bed. Phone 5J11. Cell tABBIT COMES INTO HIS OWN The Department of Agriculture IS FIRE PREVENTION ing price. 28S4XC said estate are hereby notified and in addition to that of said deceased THIS When early Ehiglish settlers mov - ' says—Total feed grain supplies for required to present same with the at the time of his death, of, in and | WEEK FOR SALE—5'ij miles northwest of proper vouchers duly verified with to that certain property, lots, pieces This Is Fire Prevention Week, by ed to Australia, they took rabbits the 1944-45 feeding year are estima- Adrian, ISO acre farm, 120 under in six months of the date of the and parcels of land situate, lying I proclamation of President E*ranklln with them, according to the Austra- ted to be third largest on record cultivation. Also machinery and first publication of this notice and being in the County of Malh- D- Ftoosevelt. One out of every th- ban News and Information Bureau. The aerosol bomb method of com- my young registered Holstein herd j which date Is September 14, 1944, to eur, State of Oregon, particularly re« persons who lost their lives as Australla then spent millions of ( batting mosquitoes, which In 10 sec- Address Your Letters of cattle, from the world-record the undersigned Administrator at described as follows, to wit: |a result of fires In the United St- dollars trying to get rid of the off- onds can release enough poison to and Samples to Us. producing herd, Morningside hos- (his office in Nyssa, Oregon, which Lots three (3), Fouur (4) and 8tes last year was a farm person, spring of these rabbits. The Aust-1 kill mosquitoes in a large room, — BUYERS— rattans nunted them with guns, shows postwar promise for house- pltal. Write me, Boise general tplace Is hereby designated as the. _______________ ^ ^ ^ _________ re- Five (5) of Block _____ Four (4) of the|The Department of Agriculture Garden Seeds, Grasses, delivery, Boise, Idaho. F. W. Dal- place for the transaction of all bus-! Original Townsite of Nvssa Mal- P°rts- Fire is more hazardous on the traps. poison bait, ferrets and gas. hold use against (lies and mosqu- o 21STFC. i cnnnr . . . . . . . . * * * . . . . . . . iness pertaining to said estate. heur County. Oregon. I farm than In the city because few In Western Australia they even Hoes and for protection of certain Clovers Alfalfas, built a supposedly rabbit-proof fe- truck crops. Sept. 13, 1944. Terms and conditions of sale: Cash, ! farma can cal1 on a trained fire BEET HAULEES—Get your public Hay and Grain The WtFA announces a support A. L. Fletcher, Administrator or one-half cash and the balance, department for assistance, most nee from North to South. Still the liability and property damage in Estate of Brady C Fowler, deceased. on credit not exceeding one year; I farms are not equipped with a rabbits Increased. Then came the price of $12.50 a hundredweight, surance now. Bernard Eastman. twenty per cent of the amount bid : ready water supply for fire-fighting. 21fltfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS to be paid to said Administrator at farm building usually are not as fire FOR SALE—House, 3 rooms and Notice hereby Is given to the cred- j the time of the acceptance of such ' resistant as city buildings and far- bath, garage, full basement. 2 lots. ltors and all other persons interest- i bid and the balance of the cash mers usually carry less fire Insur ed In the estate of Archie C. East- payment to be paid within five days . ance than city people do. Farm fire $2150.00 Bernard Eastman. 17Atfc man, deceased: that the undersign from the date of the order of con prevention suggestions have a read ed has been appointed administrat firmation of such sale. Deed and ily available ladder that will reach FOR SALE—One new modern ho rix of said estate and has qualified Abstract at the expense of the pur to the top of the highest building, use, $5000. Two $2100 modern hou as such. All persons having claims chaser. see that there Is a water supply for ses, four rooms with bath. Four 10- against said estate are required to All bids or offers must be in wr fire fighting in the farm yard, and acre tracts In Apple valley, $2700 present same, verified as required iting, and may be left at the office establish firebreaks around hay and $5500. Several good buys on by law. together with proper vouch of A. L. Fletcher, attorney for said stacks, farm building and maturing 40's, $3500 to $12,000, modern hou ers, within six months after the Administrator at 122 Main St. In farm crops of high fire hazard. ses. One 80. modem house, excellent first publication of this notice, to the City of Nyssa. Oregon, or to MAY EASE DADS FUEL BILL Improvements, $11,000. 21STFC the undersigned at the office of ' the undersigned at the office o f Coal shortages this year have pro- A. L. Atkeson A. L. Fletcher in the City of Nyssa, Idaho Power Company In Nyssa, mpted the Solid Fuels Administrat- Oregon, that being the place des Oregon. | Ion For War to offer householders WANTED ignated for the transaction of all B. T. Frost, Administrator D e lthe following fuel-savings suggest- business pertaining to said estate. Bonis Non. Estate of E. M. Blod ion... WANTED — A housekeeper. good Agnes C. Eastman, Administratrix gett, Deceased. “ Winterize" with Insulation, storm wages, full time. Phone 04R2. Estate of Archie C. Eastman, de Dated, October 4, 1944 sash and weather-stripping; clean 2833XP ceased. and repair heating plant; install temperature control device; keep WANTED—Baled hay. See H. van First Pub. Sept. 28. 1944 room temperature as low as health Egmond. Boise Payette Lumber yard Lost pub. Oct. 2G, 1944 and reasonable comfort will permit; or phone 255-M, Ontario, evenings. Mrs. Charlie Wilson left Monday clean furnace regularly during he NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING 17ATFC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, morning for Colorado, where she ating season; keep windows closed WANTED—Used lurnlture. Highest That Ruth McConnell, Executrix of will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. as much as possible; and close off prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa the estate of William H. McConnell, unused room space. To assist in Cheyne Wells. E’urniture Co. 1ATF( deceased, has filed in the County fuel-saving, 111 weather bureau st The Pollyanna club met at the Court of Malheur County, Oregon, ations in 25 States east of the Miss WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES foi her first and final account of her home of Mrs. Dale Ashcraft Wed issippi River and in Minnesota are live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay Mrs. Elmer determining a date in each comm administration, and that the fourth nesday afternoon. ette. ifN tfc day of November 1944, at the hour Sparks was hostess. A handker unity after which continuous cen of 10 O’clock A.M. and the County chief shower was given for Mrs. tral heating should be necessary. BUTCHERING OUTLOOK FOR LIVESTOCK Custom butchering every Monday Court Room In Vale, Oregon, have Bob Clark. PRICES and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. been fixed by the Court as the time Mrs. M. M. Greeting Is In the With fewer hogs to be marketed Sanitary butchering guaranteed. and place for the hearing of said Phone 05R1. Please bring stock account and any objections thereto, Caldwell sanitarium. She will prob this Fall and Winter and with large non-civilian pork purchases, the hog Sunday evening or Thursday even when and where any person inter ably be there for several weeks. price outlook is more promising th ing. All stock must be in by 12, ested in said estate may appear Mrs. H, M. Shaw and Paulle were an a year ago, the Department of noon, on butchering day. One mile ad file written objections to said account and be heard thereof. Said Thursday overnight guests of Mrs. Agriculture says. Total calf slaught west of Nyssa on Alberta Ave. account Is for final settlement and Ed Wilds in Nyssa. er this year will reach an alltime Jake Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. L L. Kreiger and high. The large slaughter has re family were shoppers In Ontario sulted from high butterfat prices In They may look like daring young men on the flying trapeze. relation to dairy cow prices, a weak Saturday. j Louise Stoalcs of Nyssa Heights demand for calves by cattle feeders, But they’re electric linemen, fifty feet in the air, with no net I was a Sunday dinner guest of relatively high prices for veal cal her cousins, Naomi and Rachel ves for slaughter and record num underneath. bers of cows on farms. Prices for Shaw. lambs are likely to average higher Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Johnson, It’s tough enough up there on a sunny summer day. It’s Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Johnson this Fall and Winter than a year I and Mrs. Leon Johnson and son, ago, and ewe prices, now lowest si much worse on a wet black night — or when everything’s slippery of Arkansas, arrived Saturday eve nce the Fall o t 1941, are expected to ning at the W. W. Deffenbaugh continue lower than a year ago. with sleet. But the jo b must be done. It’s part o f giving you home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond AID FOR WAR VICTIMS good electric service. Since Poland was Invaded In 1939. Johnson and Mrs. Leon Johnson will leave for Washington Tuesday. Americans have given more than OPTOMETRISTS Herbert Shaw was in Baker $175,000,000 to war victims of more DENTISTS Fortunately, there are men who have the courage and skill Thursday and FYlday on business. than 20 countries, the President’s DR. J. A. McFALL En route home he stopped at Jami War Relief Control Board reported to do it. Just as there are other men who control complicated ■Hw MrFall and 8ue Better' DR. E. D. NORCOTT son to visit at the Sam Shaw home. In calling attention to the second j switchboards in lightning storms, or keep a careful watch on • Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hurst and National War Ittinds Drive to be Wilson Building family attended the fellowship dtn- conducted during October. Before giant turbines, or crawl in hot boilers to make repairs. I ner at the Presbyterian chureh the War Relief Control Board was Practice limited to extraction established, 700 agencies were app I Sunday. and denture construction. These folks know what to do because they’ve been doing it j Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilson and ealing to the public separately for Ftorrestine were In Boise Saturday. support. Now only 110 agencies are EYESIGHT SPECIALIST a long time. M en and women grow up in the electric light and Mr. Wilson attended the all-star authorized to engage In foreign and ONTARIO OREGON J. R. CUNDALE domestic war charity—Including ! football game while there power business. It takes years to become a power-plant engineer. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton of United Service Organizations, Un Dentist Nyssa were Sunday visitors st the ited Seamens Service, War Prisoners Lineman — load dispatcher — service man — almost every job PHYSICIANS Ptaooe M-J Aid, and local Community Chest Frank Cummins home. is specialized and technical. Sarazin Clinic The sophomore girls surprised Services. The 8250,000.000 fund sou NYSSA OREGON Dellla EVwter with s farewell party ght this year ts expected to bring at Ilea Kreager’s home Thursday aid to 60 million persons. The value o f this practical experience — and o f sound busi- L. A. Moulding, M.D. evening. Half of the girls were SAFETY RULE» FOR PAPER ness management — has been dramatically proved by war. In I disguised as boys. The evening SAVTNO JEWELRY STORES Physician and Surgeon was spent playing fames. Miss When salvage paper Is collected, Phone 87 spite o f shortages o f many essentials, there is no shortage o f | Foster was presented with a present. to avoid fire hazard, the Depart Hours: 19 to 12 and I to 8 Refreshments were served. Miss ment of Agriculture recommends PAULUS electricity — and it it still sold at low pre-war prices! Dally—Except Sunday t Poster has recently moved to Mars- that it be stacked neatly and tied JEWELRY STORE Fry Building ! lng. in bundles. Paper boxes should be e H w Nehee M r every WegeesSey eveeief la Me krinlea« eew m nleel tkew - " I k e I Silas Shaw and Hugh McCon- flattened, then tied in tight bun Union Pacific Tim# Inspector ■ U c trl« H > f " — w lH R « b « H A n a k r w t t r 'i O rilw ttra , 10:10 PM, I W T , C IS N#tw*rfc. ! nell returned home Tuesday after dles. A metal trunk or bin with a JEWELRY — DIAMONDS SARAZIN CLINIC noon with two bucks after spend tight «over Is the safest place to WATCHES ing a few days deer hunting store paper. Next best Is to stack Dos t Wilts ElMtrlsity Jut I m s i i s It's Chtsp id lis t R i IU m ^ I Main Street at Second J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Mrs Leo Salters and Delores, paper bundles on a cement floor Classified TOWN and FARM in WARTIME Advertising u Watts Seed Co. Buyers & Sellers Kingman Kolony IT’ S NO CIRCUS! Professional And Business Directory WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Officiai Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON General practice of medicine Phys ysto therapy X-ray SHOE SHOPS A b b o t t 's S h o a S h o p All kinds of shoe end harness repairing. Aereas fr o c post office. Naomi Shaw and Carol Tallaun were In Nyssa Thursday evening. Several young people of the Presbyterian church enjoyed a hay rack ride to Rtmrock Friday eve ning. A welner roast and water melon feed were enjoyed later. Leo Salters Is putting In a ce ment pipe line on his place. Mrs Dele Femadls. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Fred Fredrick, has been vlslUng her parents away from furnace, stove or hot pipes. Soiled or oily paper Is use- for salvage and Is also a fire hazard and should be destroyed TOBACCO CONSUMPTION NEAR RECORD While domestic tobacco consump tion has declined In recent months, this dscllne has been offset by sh ipments to Armed Forces abroad, so that overall consumption Is at or near the highest in the history of i d a h o V p o we r A C ITIZ E N W HEREVER IT SERVES