V \r,ï T H U The Gate City Journal ■ ■ 1 — V K iD TIIl . - s c a rc K ifT io w r a t e » On* Y tor UM •lx Months «128 M o |k C oo H b M (Strictly to Advance) Published ever? TburVsy Entered mi the poatoffke through the Dulled Stato» U« art ADVERTI RING RAIES Open rate, per inch Mr National, per Inch /■ istoUuA. prr vurd .... Minimum___ JOc at N /u t Malheur County. Oregon al Nytsa. Oregon tur 'eanamlasiun Meli*, u second class waiter. under of M an» I. irr» PAID EXECUTIVE NEEDED The very »small attendance at the city caucus held last Wednesday night in the city hall iB the bent evidence of a need of centralized authority in the city government. Twenty person», mo»t of them potential candidate« for city office, attended the caucus and »elected the nominee» whose name» will appear on the November ballot. They also gave sanction to the proposal to place the city mana NU-ACRES ------ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY OCTOBER 12. 1944 cooperative movement are invited smith and hand tools, dairy equip, to attend this open meeting at the nient, 2 small buildings Owner, Mi. ger form of government before the people for lodaj 11 a m . morning worship Ser Boulevard Grange hall Ladies ol Selma Pairman. Auctioneer. Bert a vote. mon by Bev Nens the Grange Home Economics club Anderson L. H. Prills C.erk. Our present city councilmen, and probably 4 p m . ridels* Amicae meets at will serve refreshments after the parsons«* Dolores Auker nas meeting. those who have served in the past, do not like to the the dévouons snd Shirley Smith Mrs Armstrong and Mr. Mitchell serve on the council because they do not have are cooperative educational leaden the time to give it proper consideration and the g program pu m. evening worship Our just returned from the cooperative will be led by the Pio congress In Chicago. receive no support or encouragement from the devotions neers Discussions for Pioneer» voters. W hen a few voters appear at the polls led K urti The adults dis- Visiting Here— and vote they dump the management of the city jcuss by the Mrs Doctrine of Adoption Mr» W. E. Lewis of Portland, Monday. 7 46 p m . Boy Scout mother of Mrs George R Whipple, onto the shoulders of the councilmen and ma>or troop 36 will meet at the »nd Dr, and Mrs George R Wnip- and never give the city government another Legion No. hall ple. Sr. of San Diego are visiting at thought until two years later when they again Wednesday. S p. m , choir prac- ihe home of Rev. and Mrs George cast their ballots. Of course, a big percentage itice at Hurst home. R. Whipple. Jr. Dr Whipple has Thursday, Mary and Martha been pastor of the East San Diego never even cast their ballots, but leave the pro | 1 meets at the home of Mrs Arthur Christian church for the last nine blems of the city entirely to the officials. i Case. Mrs Deffer leads devo- years. We should have a paid executive at the head tsozw and Mrs Plercy has charge of our city government, principally because the j of prxgram LOOK OUT FOR people do not want to be bothered about city affairs, despite the fact that the council controls Oct. 16 1 pm., PWT At "THE JOKER* Vista Vale Monday sale yard. and spends thousands of dollars annually and Mr Buena the "Burke Bill”. Just as W ùjs " Bertram were 21 cattle. 1 saddle pony. 1 model —in will spend more when the proposed post-war a ».use PT Mrs in 1918 the “drya” are at it A 2-door sedan, good shape m d j A st projects are undertaken. Ot* C aim e at Klamath Palls Is good rubber. John Hussy, owner. again. P rotect your freedom - iii-~ - f at the rsocse of his nephew. Brahs brothers, auctioneers. D. C. defeat prohibition. So far as the publishers of this paper know, . GtKjcgt Ward, clerk. the present council is conducting city affairs as Daie Crave: left last week for V O TE 313 X MO efficiently as any council could, but certainly a Misaour. EL.tr- after spending the summer Pour miles west and south of paid executive could give more attention to de n th his woo. Every Elliott and !am- Ontario, then two mf.es west of school 'turn on north side tails and thus gain greater returns for every dy.walls Bertram was among the of Cairo railroad track). Then hr mile dollar spent. hunters brining home deer north on the Jack Pairman ranch. SALE CALENDAR P a id A d *. The A n ti-P roh ib itio n Committe* o f Oregon. G. J. M cPeraon. Chairman; Pearaon-4 th A ve. Bldg., Portland | and other relatives. | Charley Bales received word oí Mrs Paul Thomson went to Boise Mrs Prank Johnson and bsby ton 'he death of his father In Michigan. Friday to be with her father, who returned home from the hospital In Mr* Bryon Moore’» mother from »■ * to undergo a major operation Ontario last week Nebraska Is visiting her She is also club met with Wood Friday night. Prank Johnson returned to esmp J visiting her sister. Mrs Martin Horace Miss Leona Johnson is visiting at Parragot, Idaho after spending Hansen j relativ* m Texas. Several elk have been brought two weeks leave with hie family back to this neighborhood Auto Repairing Electric Welding Lathe Work Part« Insurance Agency E . W . P ru yn Nyiwa, Oregon Fire and Automobile Insurance Rental» Bonds At Don M. Graham LET CH PROVIDE A HOME MARKET FOR YOLK EAT IIOGK Bell where there la no commission to pay, no ahrlnk. no un necessary expense Incurred thiough s great number of men required to handle your hogs snd where you can see and check the weight of your hogs yourself. We buy hogs every Prlday at the stockyards in Nyssa. Ore. and Homedaie, Idaho. For Friday’s price phone 111 R. Nyssa, between the hours ol 6 P.M. snd 8 PM on Thursdays or &3JLJ, Homedaie, on Pridmy. ’’i | PRANK HOLLANDER a ✓ *. Murray Morton Democratic candidate for Malheur C o u n t y A ss e s so r Experienced, qualified, and knows the unty. Former county assessor. Your support will be appreciated. Glenn Hoffman is grading the Friday October 20th Lunch ser and family, Mr and Mrs Manvn roads. ved. Sale starts at 12 noon. Chard Alta »nd _ O rne Ida Mr and Mr and Mrs George Cleaver ana 8 horses, 31 cattle, 50 New Hamp red pullets, hay, straw and Mrs Leo Chard and family. Mrs Mrs Lloyd Cleaver were tn Ontario shire chaff stack, farm machinery, black E rin Nielson and Gerry. Earl Ch- Thursday. ard and W A. Mettlen left Satur COLUMBIA AVENUE day for Kansas to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G em t Groot of Ap- j LIFE’S LittU TROUBLES pie Valiey entertained last Sunday j for Mr and Mrs. Jake Groot of O w v ie e Arcadia and Mr. and Mrs Dick Groot Mrs. Marjone Fields lira Annie Gregg returned to her! THE METHODIST COMMCNITT ol Boise and Other visitors were Mr home Monday from a visit with her and Mrs. G em t Stam and Mr. Ch L'RCH son, Marion, and family at Corvall and Mrs Joe S u m of Oregon Trail. M H Greenlee Pastor is. Montana. Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mrs. Dick) school opens with a help Groot The Owyhee Community club will ful Sunday Mrs. John Broad shop- | devotional service at 10 a. m. ped in and meet with Mrs E H. Strickland Boise Wednesday. Oct 1# The lunch will be ’ covered There 14 * Morning good cU“ service for everv Mr and Mrs. George Smit of You don’t have to worry snd age group is at dish", furnished by the members 11 a. m. The Intermediate. Youth Parma called at the G erm Groot fret because CONSTIPATION Mrs Jess Gregg and daughter. and Young Adult fellowship meet home last week or GAS PRESSURE discomforts Becky Lou. Mrs Russell R Wolf Jr., ings starts at 7 p. m. The evening Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were won’t let you eat. Instead of feel and Mrs Martha Klmgback were worship service opens at 8 p. m business visitors in Ontario and ing nervous—blue or bewildered, take a dash of guests of Mrs George Gregg In with a half hour of congregational Pruitland Monday. ADLER-I-KA Caldwell Friday as directed on label to quickly ex Mr and Mrs 8 D Bigelow atten- The p“ tor wiu premch GRANGE SPONSORS pel gas—to soften and assist food A Successful Oregonian ded the banquet at the Christian ^ mornin* eV" Un* Pr*y‘ wastes thru s comfortable bowel church In Nyssa Sunday " **rvlce “ held at the P*rsona«e CO-OP GATHERING movement. Enjoy that dean, re S. Mr and Mrs S T Calhoun of Wffdnesda>' ev‘‘nln8s 8 p m freshed feeling that lilts spirits— Payette called In the neighborhooo that sacred th* ' concert will Boulevard Grange will sponsor a rekindles smiles—improves appe or cooperative educational meeting tite. Buy it I Try it I You’ll never Prlday and were supper guests of 2*£.»£ni be held this ............... month on ............. Sunday eve Thursday Adlerika again. evening, October 19 at 8 C bu « l without Mr and Mrs 8 D. Bigelow. A d U r ik m f r o m y e a r dr mg giat to day. ning. October 22. Instead of the o'clock. Mr Peterson and D W Patch of fifth Sunday evening. One of the featured speakers will Adrian and Mr and Mrs 8 D Bige CHLRCH OF CHRIST be Mrs Viola Armstrong of Indian NYSSA PHARMACY low called at the T M Lowe home (Christian) apolis. Indiana, who will speak on at Mitchell Butte Sunday evening. Whipple. Pastor. ’’W hafs Among Coopera Mr. Lowe is to solicit the Butte The George s day, October 15. Bible tives". and Doing "Post-War Planning”. community for the war chest funds, school, Lord’ 10 a. m. Bring your Bible R. M Mitchell, educational director while Mr Wolf, Mr Bigelow and Bible school. for Pacific Supply cooperative, Mr Skinner will each have a part to Morning worship. communion Walla Walla, will also be featured of the district. served each Lord’ s day. The pas on this program. Mr« Wanda Poas and two children tor will deliver the sermon. Persons who are Interested in the of Pocatello are visiting at the Endeavor, 7 p. m. Mildred Hite home while en route Christian services of the church Republican Candidate to Astoria, to Join her husband, who at Evening 8 p m. Brother Arthur Charles Serving 5 Countie? Is stationed with the armed forces Bates, state evangelist for the cen Prom the Largest Stock of , there. program of the Churches tienulne For Mr and Mrs Wallace Gregg had tennial Christ of Oregon, will be with as guests Prlday Mr and Mrs Clyde of for a single service. ! Dunn and »on of Yakima Mr Dunn us Thursday, October 18, mid-week 1« Mr* Gregg's brother. ■ service. 8 p. m. Choir practice 8 ¡p. m Parts A friendly church with a cordial Orders Shipped Immediately Fairness To All; Partiality To None. welcome! New officers for Oregon Trail COMMCNITT UNITED Your Support Will Be Appreciated. Sunday school were recently elected. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Phone 49 Payette. Idaho They are as follows. Superintendent Kingman Memorial ■ Mrs F C. Pry; assistant superinten Nevtn. Pastor dent. Mrs Alfred Adams; secretary. 10 a. m J. , C. Bible Come and Given Smith and treasurer. Jane and get your school. spiritual vitamins Parr Teachers are: Young people, Mrs Alfred Adams; Juniors, Mr; Be It fcvnW f-gf ! _ _ Wiliam Winters; Primary Mrs P. G. Holmes, and beginners, Mrs P. 8. Byers. KRMANOT WAVE DT The Merry Matrons Club met at Coen píete w ith curien , the home of Opal Holmes Wednes ■hern poo aad wmveeeA. day afternoon, October 4, with M ar ie Holmes as co-hostess. Eight me mber* and one guest, Nora Snod NYSSA PHARMACY grass, answered roll call with ln- WRAY’S DIME STORE I ventlona and their Inventors. The Thiee years ago a bill was passed by the Oregon state legislature, club will meet Oct 1» at the home of Viola Adams with Gladys Davis setting aside state funds for operation and maintenance of an experi as co-hostess. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. mental farm in this county, provided we of Malheur county should buy Real Estate Mrs Charles Davis Is visiting in the farm. San Diego with her husband Ch Phone 84 at les Davis, S 2-c. Mr and Mrs Ewen Chard and NYSSA OREGON At the coming election, we will vote on the question of levying a l'/> family, Mr and Mrs Archie Smith Church Services -CAM’T EAT- for U. SENATOR f o ld A d v . M r. Sm ith G o e s to W ash in gton Club l M . Burton, S ec'y C o rb e tt Bldg. Portland E. P. Hendrix Malheur Co. Assessor Oregon Trail oo- Me Cluer- Manser CAûtuf fútil m t. i Closing O u t Poultry Feeds At Cost Larro Products Hen Scratch Laying Mash and Pellets Sure-Build Chick Starter Boise Payette Lumber Co. VOTERS Of Malheur County Bernard Eastman Board and Room Wanted Immediately By men employed at the Amalgamated Sugar Company Factory Suitable accommodations in or near Nyssa preferred. Contact Bumall Brown, superintendent, at the sugar factory, phone 80 or 85. mill tax to pay for that farm, one mill to be levied next year and half a mill the following year. All salaries, equipment, operation and maintenance expenses will be paid by the state. This measure calls for only one mill the first year and half a mill the second tax year to provide sufficient funds. The cost is small; the benefit great. We ask your consideration and support of this measure. Vote 318 x Yes Malheur Pomona Grange Paid Adv.