JOURNAL i n i o ö a ., Possible Sites For Airport Are Inspected Here C AA Sufficiently Inter- rested To Send Engineer The civil aeronautics authority has shown sufficient interest in establishment of an airport at Ny- ssa to send an engineer here at the request of local residents to Inspect piospective sites. Donald Harper, OAA engineer, spent four days in Nyssa last week investigating airport possibilities. The purpose of selecting a locat­ ion for an airport at the present time is to be ready for possible government aid. By virtue of having possible sites, Nyssa will be in a pusition to secure government app­ roval if government money is av­ ailable after the war. After meeting with business men and representatives of the city Th­ ursday Mr. Harper inspected the air field south of town. He also in­ spected prospective sites across Sn­ ake river, northwest of Nyssa and north of town. He will not make recommendations, but will merely submit sketches and other date to CAA authorities in Seattle. ADRIAN SCRUBS DEFEAT NYSSA Adrian defeated Nyssa in a soph­ omore-freshman practice football game on the Nyssa field Tuesday afternoon by a score of 12 to 0. The Antelopes scored in the sec­ ond quarter after blocking a kick, recovering the ball on the two-yard line and punching over the goal line. They made the other touch­ down in the third quarter on line bucks. W ARN ING ISSUED ON FLOW ER BUYING A transient was in Nyssa Tuesday selling paper rosebuds reported to bear the initials, DAV, for Disabled American Veterans. DAV officers asked the man to leave the county. The official flower of the Disabled Veterans is the forget-me-not. Local residents are warned to be cautious about buying flowers from persons representing themselves to be members of veterans organizat­ ions or auxiliaries. The DAV's will sell for-get-me- nots on the Nyssa streets Saturday. Our Boys In T he Service Lawrence Cornell, son of Mr and Mrs R. Cornell of Nyssa, accomp­ anied by Frank Johnson of Apple valley and William Shunn of On­ tario, returned to Farragut last week-end after spending his leave with his parents and wife and ch­ ildren. Mr and Mrs Leo Utter have re­ ceived word that their son, Pvt. Don Utter, has landed in England. Pvt. Don Strickland of route 2, Nyssa, Oregon is on duty at the army's Oliver general hospital in Augusta, Georgia. One of 63 great medical institut­ ions located strategically throughout the United States. Oliver General hospital has facilities for 1800 pat­ ients. Hundreds of soldiers return­ ing from overseas have recovered from their wound there and have gone back to duty. Pvt. Strickland was transferred to the hospital from his previous station. Camp Shelby. Mississippi. He Is the son of Earl Strictland. Sergeant John Francis Scott. 21. has returned from overseas after months of service with the second marine division. He is the son of Mr and Mrs R. C. Keller of route 2. Nyssa. The leatherneck last fought at Saipan and Tinian in the Mariana Islands. He has been injured and wears the purple heart ribbon as well as the presidential unit cita­ tion, twice awarded. Second Lt. Sid Brown of the army air forces left San Francisco Monday for duty in the South Pac- CHURCH OBSERVES 4TH ANNIVERSARY u u C itiO iN Pep Rally Will Be Held Tonight By Nyssa School I H U K M j A ï O C lu B E R 12, 1944 CREW SETS HIGH MISSING MAN IS BEET TOPPING MARK FATHER OF SON I | 2 W PER Y E A R ’ Schools Receive Program Will Be Jamboree Funds Given Following At a meeting of the Snake River End Of Conflict Valley Schoolmasters association in The First Church of Christ cele­ What is belived to be a record for : Pvt. Marvin Eldo Thompson of brated its fourth anniversary last beet*topping was registered by the Nyssa, who has been missing in Sunday with the burning of the Mitchell brothers and two other France since September 9, is the last note against the church prop­ men on the Norman Douglas farm father of a son, Jerry Eldon, who Ontario last week, checks were dist­ Legion erty and the paying of $1000 on the Bulldogs To Meet Adrian Plans Services; near the Owyhee schoolhouse Tues- i was born in the Brittingham Nurs- ributed to representatives of the purchase of the residence east of Friday; Lose To On­ Officers O f Local , ing home in Ontario September 24. the church building for a parson­ i Private Thompson enlisted in the schools participating in the recent tario 14-0 Post Installed age. The men. Denzil, Henry and Louis infantry Januray 9, 1944 and train- football jamboree as their share of Dr. C. F. Swander, state secretary Tentative plans for services to be for the Churches of Christ of Ore­ The Nyssa high school will hold Mitchell, Alonzo Knowles and Fred ed in Camp Fannin, Texas, until the jamboree proceeds. Each school gave $15 to a fund to held in Nyssa at the conclusion of gon, delivered the Sunday morning a pep rally tonight in preparation Province, topped 12 loads of beets May 24. After a furlough ending ranging from six to seven tons to j une 9, he went to Port Mead, increase interest in broadening the the war in Europe were discussed sermon and the anniversary add- for the Nyssa-Adrian football game tess Sunday afternoon. Delegations to be played on the Nyssa field the load, or an average per man of f Maryland. He left for overseas duty club's activities to include music, at a meeting ot the American Leg­ 17 tons per day. One load weighed , June 31. After arriving in Italy in both chorul and band work, and liom the churches of Vale, Ontario, Friday at 2:30. ion last Thursday night. \ August he was sent to France. dramatics. Caldwell, Nampa and Boise att­ The students will light a bohfire eight tons. The Legion plans to sponsor the The schoolmen decided to hold a meeting in conjunction with the ended the afternoon session. on the school grounds and after a basketball Jamboree early in Dece­ schools of Nyssa. The theme of the In preparation for the event, mber in Payette. members of the church painted the session around the fire will serpen­ gathering will be thankfulness for William Sorensen, superintendent the cessation of hostilities. A local exterior of the building, redecorat­ tine through town. The high school of the Payette schools, was electee resident will be asked to deliver an ed the sanctuary and installed a band will participate in the fest­ new pulpit and chairs for the rost- ivities. The freshmen will gather From the wild jungles of the rough field to the nearest fence, but president of the association. address. Gross receipts of the jamboree lum. The Legion also plans an honor Nyssa hinterland comes this thrill- he soon fell and the goat landed on the material for the bonfire. were $1234.65. Expenditures amount­ The game Friday will be the last ing tale of an impromptu and am­ him with all four feet. Grabbing the ed to $308.10, leaving a balance ol roll for the men in service. The roll will be placed on a bulletin board grid contest for both schools this ateur rodeo Conducted by five goat's horns in bullodging style. $926.55. Of the net proceeds. Nyssa and placed in a conspicuous place young Nyssa boys. James prevented the animal from received $118,42, and Adrian $120.82 in town. season. Adrian, with a rather strong The need for all the bulldogging team, defeated Ontario 6 to 0 in Past Commander H. W. Fisk of goring him, but took a lot of pun­ and roping was caursed by bad the first game. the seventh district. Vale. Installed T.B. FILM SH O W N ishment from those sharp hoofs. The Ontario Tigers defeated the judgment— the boys thought a billy the new officers of the Nyssa post Realizing the danger to their IN CO. THEATERS A new seed potato regulation, Bulldogs on the Ontario field last goat is as gentlemanly as he looks. as follows: LeRoy Herrman, comm­ effective October 9, was announced Friday by a score of 14 to 0. After playing in their so-called chum, the boys scrambled off the The English-made film “Mass ander; Arthur Rouse, adjutant; by W. H McCargar, district OPA According to the Bulldog, high jungles northeast of town, James haystack and went to the rescue. Sidney Burbidge, finance officer; food price executive, giving dollar- school publication: McDonald, Leo Toombs, Royce Ch­ Toombs, the nearest to the “arena", Radiography", a 15-minute film, is Ed Jamison, first vice commander; und-cent maximum prices beginn­ The first quarter was a see-saw adwick and Dick and Glenn Schire- took the goat by the horns and being shown in the county theaters Herbert Hopkins, second vice com­ ing September 1944 and ending battle between the two teams with man, started home across a corru­ Glenn Schireman administered a this week. Tills film comes from mander; Joe Maughn, service off­ football shoulder block that put the i the Oregon Tuberculosis association June 30, 1945. Stelnke and Sakamoto. Nyssa backs, gated field. As they neared a billy j and gives to the public an idea of icer, and George Bear, sergeant-at- Prices are identical with those alternately running and passing the goat, he showed signs of fight and goat down in 23 seconds. arms. Then one of the boys took a rope the new method of screening out of the previous seed potato regul­ ball. Glaves. Ontario back, cut loose chased the boys onto a haystack. Mr and Mrs Bert Adams, who will ation, McCargar explained, and are with several passes but failed to James’ troubles began when he slip- off Glenn's bicycle and sent the i active tuberculosis cases. Physicians go to Homedale next month to ma­ applicable only to certified seed make any substantial gains. | ped off the stack. Not desiring any crowd into uproarous applause with ] feel that it is a step in advance of ke their home, were honored at a potatoes and “war approved seed Opening their attack in the sec­ ! further experience with the goat, a roping demonstration that left the old screening method, the tub- dinner served in the Legion hall erculin test. jx) ta toes." ond period with a series of rever­ 1 James started to run across the the goat aghast— and tied up. This film was shown at the Rex before the business meeting. They The farmer producer's maximum ses and passes the Tigers forced the theater in Vale Sunday, Monday were presented with a gift of sh­ prices f.o.b. his farm and f.o.b. his Nyssa squad back to their own ten. MAIL MESSENGER and Tuesday and in the Roxle th­ rubbery. nearest shipping point are made j A blocked Bulldog punt gave On­ CRIPPLED CHILD W A N T E D IN NYSSA eater in Ontario October 11 and will the same on the recommendation tario the ball on the Nyssa twelve. CLINIC CONDUCTED be shown at the Plx theater in of the industry advisory committee, A Tiger back went over tackle for The Nyssa post office department McCarger pointed out. Dr. Lawrence Noall, orthopedic has announced that sealed pro­ Ontario November 15. The Nyssa the touchdown. Codr, Ontario drop- Under the regulation, a shipper is kick artist, converted for the extra physician from Portland, examined posals for carrying United States Theater cannot use this film untii permitted to charge the actual cost point. 35 children at the crippled child- mail, including parcel post, on after the first of the year. Oregon has purchased three X- of transportation when a common Nyssa attempted to even up the len's clinic held in Ontario recently. messenger route No. 273206 between Ray machines for the taking of carrier, contract carrier or other score by passing and reverses. Wh­ Dr Noall was accompanied from Wayne Morse, republican candid­ the post office at Nyssa and the these miniature films. One has been carrier for hire is used. He is all­ en the gun for the half sounded the i Portland by Miss Alyce Bloom, con- Union Pacific railroad, route 113801 in use during the past year at the ate for the United States senate, owed the customary scale of char­ score stood at 7 to 0. Isultant in orthopedics nursing, and each way as often as required will will be the principal speaker at a Kaiser shipyards near Portland, one republican rally to be held in the ges when hauling is done by truck. The third quarter opened with J Mrs Irna Garner Spliid. medical be received by the postmaster until in Portland and another, a mobile Prices on the 1944 crop in Malh­ the Nyssa squad attempting to over­ | social consultant and Miss Eva Nysaa gymnasium Tuesday night, October 19. unit is being made ready for use eur county through December, f.o.b.. come the Tiger lead. Bellon, Nyssa Davis, director of public health This service will not be let for a over the state. These three mach­ October 17 at 8 o’clock. the farm per 100 pounds sacked are end, was on the receiving end ot nursing in eastern Oregon. Mrs Frank T. Morgan, who is making stated period. No written contract ines can take up to 300 x-ray pict­ os follows: September $3.15, Oct­ several Nyssa passes which went for Edna Farris, Mrs Charles P. Flegel with bond is required. Persons bidd­ ures per day each making possible arrangements for the meeting, said ober $3.15. November $3.25 and Dec­ substantial Bulldog gains. Nyssa and Mrs Roderick Belknap assisted ing must be not under 16 years of 900 x-ray examinations per day the Nyssa an/4 Adrian bands will ember $3.35. plev at the .«therlug, at which 8k. drove to the Ontario two but fin­ in conduct of the clinitr The next age and persons who can be en­ when all three machines are in L. Fletcher will preside. Mrs Doug­ ally lost the ball on downs. Ontario crippled children's TUrne will be trusted with the care and custody operation. Five thousand persons las McDonald, state committee- J a n a n e s e I n ju r e d — then capitalized on some Nyssa held April 25, 1945 in Ontario at the of the mails. have been X-Rayer at the clty- woman from Malheur county, will Marumoto Hitoshi suffered con­ bad breaks and got into scoring Women's club building. All crippled WD..1CIU a u o 1 , . a .. Anyone interested m a y secure tu b e r c u lo s is s u r v e y c e n t e r cussion of the brain and seven ot­ position again. Glaves, going over children wishing to attend the Ap-1 .dit'i ] lnformatlon and the u . y center introduce the speaker. ............................ - . . to . . the additional iniormation ana me | Where the Portland machine is pl- her Japanese sustained scratches to tackle, found a big hole in the rii Mr. Morse, born October 20. 1900, clinic should be referred necessary forms from Acting Post­ aced. and bruises when they were thrown . Bulldog line and broke over for Malheur county health department. was reared on a Wisconsin stock master Lloyd W. Lewis. from a beet truck Sunday. The side another Ontario touchdown in the Vale, Oregon, Box 273 phone Vale farm and earned his way through S ocial P la n n e d — of the beet bed fell, allowing the j closing minutes of the third period. 3051. It is necessary for each child ' ttt \ ttv '\ d Q C F f l P P high school and college raising and ' A pie and cake sale will be held showing poultry and livestock. He eight Japanese to tumble out. They | Codr kicked the extra point. admitted to have an application fo r. J U IN l U r t o o L U K L in the LD8 church at 8 p.m. Friday, received degrees from the Universit­ were given treatment by a local Kicking off to Nyssa, almost the service signed by the parents an d 'IN ,PLAY CONTEST _____ October 20. A free dance will be ies of Wisconsin and Minnesota and physician in the farm labor clinic. j whole Tiger squad was fooled by a the family physician. Cases should I | beautifully executed open field rev­ be referred as soon as found. A t' By winning first place in the an -; hekL The Jladies are to furnish pies Columbia university. .fic. or cakes. The proceeds will be used Mr. Morse served as dean of the erse from Willson, Nyssa half, to least three children were kept from ! nual one-act play contest held in having an examination at the On- | the gymnasium last Friday night, to send “Improvement Era” magaz­ University of Oregon law school Moore, Nyssa end. Moore, swinging Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure received ines to the boys in service. fiom 1931 to 1944 and is now pract­ clear around to the right side of the tario clinic September 27 because the juniors went into a tie with the i letter from Cheir son, Corp. Ira field, galloped 40 yards toward the of improper or too late reporting, i seniors for first place in the pep icing law in Eugene. He acted as arbitrator in more than 100 Pacific l. Ure, Jr., written September 19, goal line. He was finally forced out The Malheur county health depart- ; contest. The sophomores and fr- V isits I n I d a h ^ — Mrs. Barbara Smith spent the coast labor cases from 1935 to 1942. .rom Luxemburg. He wrote that of bounds and then an intercepted ment maintains an office on th e ' eshmen are tied for third place, The sophomores presented “The week-end visiting relatives in Boise He wrote the majority of the war ae was all right with the exception Nyssa pass broke the Bulldog scor­ second floor of the Court house labor board decisions while he was of a bad head cold. He described ing attempt. Coleman and Toombs, with a clerk-typist, Miss Viola Wedding Knell", the seniors, "Swept and Nampa. a member of the board. .he country and weather, both as co-captains, sparked the Nyssa de­ ¡Goodman, in attendance from 8:30 Clean Off Her Feet", the freshmen. A tte n d very beautiful. He wished to give fense. The final gun sounded with A M. until 12. noon, from Monday “The Initiation" and the Juniors Mr and Mrs A. H. Boydell, Mr H old f l a b M e etin g — through Saturday and from 1 P.M. “Those Were The Days”. ids regards to all of his acquain- the score at 14 to 0. and Mrs George Mitchell and Mr Mrs Richard Forbess, Mrs W. W. to 5 P.M. Monday through Friday ances. and Mrs Jesse Thompson attend Foster and Mrs Bernard Frost, Cub Miss Goodman is prepared to take G u e s ts H ere— S A TU R D A Y TO BE Mr and Mrs Gerald M. Whitney the base ball game in Boise Sat­ mothers for the three packs o f cub me-sages, answer questions and Pvt. Martin J. Sayres has gone scouts, held a joint meeting at the and children of Athena were guests urday evening. meet office callers. to Maryland for further army MAILING DEADLINE city park Monday afternoon. Re­ of Mr and Mrs Joe Sutherland training, after a furlough spent R e tu r n s F ro m V isit— All persons desirous of sending freshments were served by the pack Sunday. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Mrs Sid Brown returned home mothers. F. M. Sayers, of Lincoln Heights, ¡Christmas parcels overseas to army Thursday from San Francisco, after or navy personnel must complete TO BE COLLECTED H ere F ro m M a lin — and other relatives. their mailings by Saturdday after­ Warren Marsh, formerly of Ny­ spending 10 days visiting her hus­ U n d erg o es O p e ra tio n — The American Legion auxiliary ssa, was here from Malin Sunday band Lt. Sid Brown who is in the Mrs Walter Marshal was operated Mrs. Frank Ramband received noon, October 14. The post office on in a Portland hospital Monday. word last Friday from her hus­ department has announced that the has started a campaign to collect and Monday for a visit. His parents, army air forces. band. Private 1st class Frank Ram­ local office will remain open untii new Christmas gifts for servicemen Mr and Mrs Frank Marsh and fam­ They will ne’er be caught asleep. ily moved to Malin a month ago. band, that he is hospitalized in 6 p.m. Saturday to facilitate the ir. American hospitals. Persons having gifts to give are England for observation. Private handling of late mailings. Our Navy boys are heavy laden— Christmas parcel mailings under asked to leave them at the Golden A tte n d in g S chool— Ramband is in the infantry. With the tasks they have to bear; the same restrictions as have pre­ Rule store as soon as possible, acc­ Francis Marion Hlght is attending There are so many "submarines” Glendon Hillis of Sunset valley is viously been announced will be ording to Mrs Eddie Powell, local high school at Bellflower, California Lurking near them every where. reported to be serving with the accepted until November 10 for chairman. The gifts will then be this year. He went to California tot Mothers sisters wives, and sweet­ those who may be sent overseas be­ shipped direct to a designated army be with his brother. Clarence Hlght United States army in France. hearts tween October 1 and November 1, or navy hospital. Eddie Cantor ann- of the navy. Clarence Hight has Edited by All must aid in this great fight. Mr and Mrs Ira Chadd of Sunset 1944. Definite proof must be pre­ paign over the radio Wednesday been in the navy for almost three For we know these boys who leave years and now after fighting in T. C AR O L BYBEE valley received news Saturday, st­ sented to the postal authorities at night. us four major battles is land-based at ating that their son, James, had the time of mailing for those claim­ AMERICA All are fighting for the right. San Diego because of physical dis­ sailed for overseas. He is serving in ing to come under the later mailing I n ju r e d In A ccid en t— Sergeant John Colby Poage of ability. By Mrs L. O. Poulson date. Parcels must not exceed five the air forces. Don’t you hear our country calling. I in their countenance we see victory pounds in weight nor 15 inches in Nyssa. who has been stationed at Calling you and calling me? I It is written on their brow. Word was received last week tell­ length. The length, plus the girth Sioux Falls, South Dakota, was ser­ In Id a h o O n B u sin ess— T V , fight f l f f h ) in in t h l , great d — I, K n U I« V l-tn n , h a t- > * T * t ,a n ,a this battle Victory l is a t their “Theme of Qlory” Joe L. Sutherland, manager of the To ing of the promotion of Second combined, must not exceed 36 inch­ iously injured in an automobile accident September 30, according to Dessert Seed company, left Monday Raging on the land and sea. Victory they will win, AND HOW I Lieutenant Houston Wilson of Ny­ es. information received by his sister. for Twin Falls to attend to busin­ We will sail right into Toklo We hear victory In their footsteps, ssa to the rank of first lieutenant Mrs W W Smith, last Friday. Suff­ ess. He was expected home today. Catch those Japs all unaware They have victory in their hearts. in the United States army engin­ In Charge of Hospital— As they did that early morning We must never dare to falter Mrs Ruth Larsen arrived in Nyssa e r in g from a cerebral hemorrhage, G o T o O g d en — eers. Lieutenant Wilson, son of Mr E’er they play the losing part. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell left At Pearl Harbor, land so fair. and Mrs Barney Wilson, has been from Bend Tuesday to assume the , Sergeant Poage was transferred to position of superintendent of the a hospital at Springfield, Missouri. Friday on a business trip to Og­ issued overseas equipment. Now we hare McArthur's army, We can glahce into the future Nyssa Nursing home. Mrs Larsen, a | Hit father. J W Poage of Topeka. den. We will never have to fear; See our glorious nations gain; Second Lieutenant C. C. Cox, for­ graduate of the Platte Valley hos­ Kansas, told Mrs Smith in a tele­ For he’s pushing back the Nippon* Whilst we linger near the fireside mer Malheur county cow tester, has pital at North Platte. Nebraska, phone conversation that Sergeant G o T o C aldw ell— We see millions that are slain. Mrs. Herbert Fisher. Mrs. Emms From those Islands over there. reported to friends that he is now worked in the Coffee clinic in Port­ Poage is Improving. land and also worked in Boise and Qulnby. Mrs. Bernard Frost and All his boys are pushing forward It Is sad to see this picture in France. On the battle fields abroad. Visit In Vale— in Nebraska. Mrs Ferry Ward shopped in Cald­ Holding Jape from our fair land For McArthur is selective Mrs Kenneth Pond and sons vis­ well Wednesday. But we know they did their duty Ensign Joe Robertson of Nyssa. As to men who join his band. ited in Vale Thursday and Friday And the rest we leave with God. son of Mr and Mrs Artie Robertson, M ove T o W allow a— Mr and Mrs William Buffington at the home of her parents. H e re F ro m V ale— has been promoted to the rank of Can YOU aee this picture clearly? Mrs. D. F Taylor and Mrs. Rob­ All his flyers are courageous lieutenant I