THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY OCTOBER 5, 1944 PAGE SIX and 9. The theme for the confer ence will be "A World at its Worst from Ogden. Demands a Church at its Best . The program will Include a Methodist Goes T » Utah— Mrs. Arvll L. Child left Tuesday; Youth fellowship rally and a dist night for Ogden, where she will rict laymens rally, In addition to visit her brother before he goes the regular sessions of the confer overseas. ence. Guests were Mrs Bernard Elastman i ment", said Mr. Booth, "makes ltle r stake and recently moved hire j possible and Mrs Ed. Frost. KNTERTA1NS FOR DAU G H TE R one guest was present. Erls Bertram for Oregon state banka to Mrs Burnall Brown received first 1 enjoy the same opportunity to lm- prove the capital structure that Is prize and Mrs Eastman second. now afforded the banks of 45 other SHOW ER G IVEN states in the union." 'T h e present state law was enact Mrs John Bishop and Mrs John ed at the behest of Oregon state Beckham were hostesses at a banks at a time when the same re- pink and blue shower in honor of . . Mrs John Olson Tuesday evening ««“ “ * » w“ fmad* in the Taylor coffee shop in Ont- * * * * * and arlo bringing out state banks In line with the federal program." Sixteen guests were present. Br- Since the enactment of the fed- idge was played during the evening , . .. . ... with prizes going to Mrs Grant eral deposit Insurance plan avail able to both national and state Rinehart, first, Mrs Herbert Smith, banks, the dual liability feature has second, and Mrs George Henneman. been removed by law from the nat the traveling prize. ional banks. Forty-five other states The room was beautifully decora have removed it from their state ted In fall flowers. banks. The law. as it is submitted to -J - the Oregon voters, provides that HONORED A T BRE AK FAST state banks can eliminate the dual Mrs Albert Heldt gave a break liability feature, when and if they fast In honor of Mrs Bert Adams at the Heldt home last Thursday Provld* ,eder* dep“ il ln?Ura™ e, morning. Fourteen friends of Mrs } n ° ther " ordafJ ® * Adams attended Mrs Adams ex- ban1“ “ federal ‘ ;>ecta to leave about the first of 5uran“ wb " h P » * ? * “P November for Homedale to make «.OOO wUl enk.y the rlght of re- ier home .moving the dual liability feature. Mrs W. E. Schlreman entertained *»ad charge of the program. Ger- last Thursday evening at a party trude fo r d and Hope Grider won for her daughter, Miss PhyUls Sch- tlie pii-es. The club members will Ire mail. | serve the lunch at the Scott Hight Twelve o f Miss Schireman's for- sale October 9. mer Nyssa high school classmates — J— were guests. Bunco furnished the HOSTS T O CLUB entertainment, with prizes going to Mr. and Mrs. George Henne- Miss Carol Robertson and Miss ">“ 11 were hosts to the Mr and Betty Tillman. | Mrs. bridge club Sunday evening. Mias Schlreman, and Miss Martha R G Whitaker won first prize Smith, accompanied by Mr and Mrs and Mrs. Whitaker second. Mr Schlreman, went to LaGrande Sun- and Mr». Grant Rinehart were day. Miss Schlreman will take nur- guests, se’s cadet training and Miss Smith — 5— will take a course In commercial G IV E D IN N E R dietetics at the Ekes tern Oregon Mr and Mrs. Olea Billings en- tertalned Mr. and Mrs. Ward Cullege of Education. Wleneke at Sunday dinner. CLUB HOLDS M E ETIN G — The Chatter Box club met at the GUESTS A T D INN E R home of Mrs Tom Johnson with Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ward and GUESTS A T DINNER Zelo Nielson and Jessie 8weaney as » n Ronald were dinner guests Fri- Mr and Mrs Ray Teuscher and hostesses. Eighteen members and day evening at the home of Mr. ________________________________ _____ and Mrs Hugh Lamb on Over- children of Geneva. Idaho and Mr and Mrs McConnell were dinner FIRE PREVENTION WEEK-0 tL 8-14 street drive. guests at the home of Mrs Lillian People Thanked— Newby Friday. HOST A T T H E A T R E P A R T Y The committee working through - 5 - Irshal Davis, band director, was the combined churches of Nyssa host at a theatre party Wednes- C IT Y M AN AG E R expressed thanks to the public for day evening In honor o f the mas- j P L A N IS U PHELD their cooperation in donating cot twirlers. clothes to be sent to the foreign - I - Thanks was especially City Councilman R. G. Whitaker countries. SKATTN O P A R T Y HELD has submitted the following article extended to the people giving time The Owyhee L.D.S. branch held in answer to questions concerning for the sorting and packing of these a get-to-gether skating party last the proposed clty manager form of articles. week for young folks and adults. governmenl for Nyssa: LOCAL NEWS 1 ! Conference Date Set— A quarterly conference for all Weiser stake. Including the nine cities around Nyssa and Ontario and branches, will be held In the Weiser stake tabernacle Sunday morning, with the priesthood ses sion beginning at 9 a. m. General sessions will be held at 10 and 2 o'clock. A member of the general board of Salt Lake City will be present. Special musical numbers will be given. Nyssa residents are advised to make room In their cars lor their neighbors to save gasoline. Returns From Visit— Mrs Harry Shelton returned ho me last Wednesday from a visit in Fallon. Nevada, where she visited her son. Larry Fisher, who is rec eiving treatment in the U. S. navy air base hospital at Fallon. He con tracted malaria while serving in the navy. F IR E S C A U S E S H O R T A G E S IN S U P P L IE S Examiner Coming— Here From Ogden— A traveling examiner of opera Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mac tors and chauffeurs Is scheduled to Donald of Hooper, Utah, Mr. and be ln the Nyssa city hall Wednes Mrs. Wayne Barker of North O g day. October 11 from 9 a.m. to 12, den, and Mrs Vance Chamberlain and two sons, Robert and Dennis, were guests at the Sherman P. Bybee home for the past week. Sun day Mrs Bybee took her guests to Nampa where they visited Mr and Mrs Russell Jordan They made a tour of Payette, Weiser and Ontar- to Monday. Frank T. Morgan Board and Room Wanted Immediately Amalgamated Sugar Company Factory NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE Knowles in SUNDAY and MONDAY OCTOBER 6—9 Eleanor Powell, Dennis O’ Keefe, C. Aubrey Smith, Eugene Pallette, and W. C. Fields in “SENSATIONS OF 1945” Cartoon and Newest March o f Time Drink Shelton’s Milk For Better Health Mat.. Son.. 2:30 Adm.. J0c-9c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 00r-9c, Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T— TUESDAY OCTOBER 10 Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy in “HERE W E GO AGAIN” (Return Showing) Flicker Flashback and Alaskan Mystery Adm. tSc-9c, Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY OCT. 11— 12 Charles Boyer. Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotton and Dame Mav Whitty in “GASLIGHT’ Cartoon and News Adm. Evening«, 40«-*c. Including Tax For Strong Bones For Strong Teeth Do your part in maintaining a healthy nation. Give your children ample supplies o f pure Shel ton milk daily. In our dairy-rich milk are found the mineral salts and calcium vital to the development o f strong bodies and alert minds. Shelton's Dairy Undergoes Operation— Jean Short, formerly ol Nyssa, was operated on for the removal of her appendix In St. Elizabeth hos pital in Baker Monday. Miss Short, who is attending St. EYancis ac ademy in Baker, will be in the hospital for 10 days. \ 1 /t i l ) M l '; Possible For Ai lnspe Boy Is 111— Dickie Thomas, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Ormand Thomas, has been ill with Influenza the past week. NEW SHOE S T A M P COM ING A new shoe stamp to become good November 1 was announced by the Office ol Price Administration. The number of the shoe stamp will be announced later. Pictures To Be Shown— Mr and Mrs R. W. Schut. miss ionaries from Palestine, will show a motion picture of the fullfillment of prophecy concerning ancient and modern Palestine at the Full Gospel l o o L a t e to C i a a s i U church Sunday night. October 8 at To Attend Conference- 8 o’clock. Mr and Mrs Schut will Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Greenlee, talk on Palestine at the morning W ANTED —White elephants for accompanied by Miss Azelia Peet service. American Legion auxiliary rumm o f the Adrian farm supply center age sale. Half o f proceeds will go and Rev. Mark Lloyd of Ontario Teachers To Meet— to Nyssa nursing home. Clean out will attend the Idaho conference The eastern Oregon conference ol your basement of all useful things. on Christian education In Boise the Oregon State Teachers associat Phone 104-J for things to be pick Wednesday. ion will be held in LaGrande Oct ed up. 501xc ober 19 and 20. The general session Nyssa Resident III— will be held In the gymnasium on TO LEASE Business building ln Mrs. Ed Norcott has been quite the Eastern Oregon College of Ed Nyssa. Bernard Eastman. 50tlc ill the past week. ucation campus. Henry Hartley of Nyssa, president of the eastern ^. * * * Operated on— Oregon division of the association, * * * * * * * * * Verna Ruth Flndllng underwent will preside. a tonsilectomy Thursday In Ontario. Speaks at Dinner— Miss Lucy Forman of Nashville. Tenn., was guest speaker at the | Methodist church dinner last Thursday evening. A ladies sextet, composed of Miss Kathryn Crandall. Mrs Alice Nish- itanl, Mrs Walter McPartland, Mrs M. H. Greenlee, Mrs C. W. Buchner R a t io n points cannot buy land' The city manager plan Is now In and Mrs Dwight Wyckoff, sang Perform at Weiser— supplies that fire has destroyed. effect and operating In one town as “The Holy Hour". They were acc Misses DarThel Bybee and Vivian E N TE R TAIN S . A Safeguard all stores against fire. . _ . T BRIDGE . , small as 35 people, and counting ompanied by Mrs Henry Hartley. Fife, and Reed Ray gave special Mrs A. L. Fletcher entertained. from the l w of towni havlng thu musical numbers at an L.D.S. con Look for tuuards before it's Tuesday evening at flve tables o f ; plan there are over 70 the slze of In Ontario— ference at Weiser Sunday. too late. bildge in honor of Mrs Keith Ball- Nysga and smaller and about 17 Mrs. LeRoy Trabert, Mrs. Pete ey Ogden. . . . _ .. I are of a population of 500 people Shaw. Mrs. Desmond Jones and Cubs Tp Meet— * orL b?; , and less. These towns are very pl Mrs. Lyle Flilmer shopped In On The three Cub dens of Nyssa first, and Eva Boydell second. Mrs eased with the plan and feel It a tario Saturday. will meet at the city park M on Bailey received a guest prize. great advantage and advancement day at 4 o ’clock for their weekly —5— over the council mayor political set Here From Caldwell— meeting. The Cub mothers foi E N T E R T A IN S CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Ward of the troops are Mrs. Foster, Mrs .. , . . . . . up. The experience of these people Mrs Joe StHherland entertained ^ the ^ ^ N r „ t0 whether or Caldwell visited Friday at the Perry Forbes and Mrs. Frost. her bridge club Tuesday afternoon. not our ^ ^ small for th i Ward home. plan. , Visits Mother— * It is' the experience of the coun Visit Relatives— Dewey Ray o l Baker was ln Nyssa Mrs. Albert Meier and daughter FYiday at the home of his mother, cil now In office ln Nyssa that our town Is too large for our present Nancy spent the week-end With Mrs. Stella Butler. plan to function properly. Here are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meier ln Ap some facts and figures concerning ple Valley while Mr. Meier was Mobe To Nyssa— Mr and Mrs Jake Kraal and your city: From the— deer hunting. daughter have moved to Nyssa from ! streets, fire, police, recorder, mis Gooding. Idaho. He is working for cellaneous city grounds etc., we District Meeting Planned— The district meeting o f the Or the Amalgamated Sugar company. burget this year $35,000. From the water department we budget $25,000, der of Eastern Star will be held and from the sewer department we October 6 ln Ontario. The Nyssa Publishing Magailne— The Nyssa grade school and Jun budget $11,000 or a total of $71,000. chapter will conduct the Initiatory ior high school are publishing a Your council Is authorized then to work. magazine called the Nyssa Siren, f spend $71,000 of your money. This The publication is printed on a is not a small amount, and we be Go To Ontario— Mrs. Hugh Lamb of Overstreet mimeograph, on one side of each lieve It Is only good business to ha By men employed at the ve a full time executive to handle Drive and Mrs. Perry Ward were sheet. The magazine, containing an the spending o f this amount, under business visitors ln Ontario Friday. average o f eight sheets, is illustrat ed with sketches. Donald Jensen the direction of the council. In and Nova Ulrey were editors of the addition to this $71,000 there are Attend Dinner— Mrs. Eimma Qulnby, Mrs. Herbert September Issue and Marian Brown several sinking lunds amounting to several thousand dollars for post-war Fisher and Mrs. Albert Meier en and ValDee Child were editors of work and spending. People of Ny_ joyed a chicken dinner at the the October Issue. fsa. we need a full time "W atch Payette County club Sunday. Suitable accommodations in or near Nyssa Hunting and Visiting— dog" If you please. That amount of Mr and Mrs Roy Howe left Sun money Is worth a full time man, In Caldwell— preferred. Mrs. Eld Norcott and daughter day morning for the Steen’s mount experience has proven it so. Exper Contact Burnall Brown, superintendent, at Merry, were In Caldwell on busi ains. where they will visit her sis ience has shown no Incorporated the sugar factory, phone 80 or 85. ter and engage ln hunting. city Is too small for this plan. Let ness Saturday. . us adopt it and make a good move Girl 1« III— Here From Wisconsin— to get Nyssa moving. Mardell Thompson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs C. Wade arrived 1 II I'l 11I I III M III III 1.1 IH I I N MM III I I MITF- Mr and Mrs. Robert Thompson, last Friday from Prairie du Chlen, S TA TE B A N K IN G lias been quite 111 the past week. Wisconsin tto vtsltl their son-in-law L A W PROPOSED and daughter. M r and Mrs Holly Visit In Emmett— Smith. 1 Organized labor and the Oregon Mrs. Herschel Thompson and State Grange have joined the Ore family were Sunday guests of Mrs. Plan Food Sale— gon Bankers association, Portland Thompsons parents. Mr. and Mrs The VFW ladies auxiliary will chamber o f commerce and numer H B. Elarp, ln Emmett. hold a cooked food sale Saturday ln ous civic groups ln supporting the the Graham real estate office. Half ! constitutional amendment to be Girl Arrl Double Feature o f the proceeds will go to the Nyssa Mr and Mrs. Hubert Christen Nursing home. ' submitted to the voters on Novem- FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 6— 7 1 ber 7. which would remove the dual son, Alberta avenue, are the parents liability for stockholders of state of a girl, born Tuesday night at Slater Succumb.— Gloria Jean and Patric banks. J. B. Booth, chairman of the the Holy Rosary hospital in On Word was received FYiday by Mrs “PARDON MY RHYTHM” | committee supporting the plan, an- tario. M r Christensen Is a mem Letha Jeffrey and Mrs Joe Wood Rod Cameron and Fuzzy Knight in | bounces. "The proposed amend- ber o f the high council of the Weis- ward o f the death o f their sister, Mrs Ike Henry of Mason, Texas. “TRIGGER TRAIL” Mat.. Sat., 2:39 Adm. 25e-5c Inc. Tax Mrs Woodward and Mrs Jeffrey Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Including Tax recently returned from a visit with Mrs Henry. —5 — _____ I I 3 N T OUR C IT Y TOO SM ALL BUSINESS W OM EN T O MEET I r o R 8UCH A pLAN The Nyssa Business Women s club when a ln doubt concer will meet in the home e n e m i e s 'nj „ » e m i n g and and has has had had no nc ning something room of the high school building at e lence wlth the problem, the 8 pm. Tuesday. October 10 for its natural thlng w do Is to ask some- regular meeting. The program cto- one who haji had experlenCe with airman will be Velma Pox and the I the same problem and see what subject for study will be Switzer- ^ thlnk about u noon. Going To Spokane— Mrs Horry Ooshert and daughter. Mary, are spending a few days with Mrs John Ray while en route from their former home ln Boise to Sp okane to make their home. Die« In Idaho— Mrs Mary E Caufield of Merid ian. mother of Mrs Oscar Medrud of Nysaa. died Monday. Mrs Oau- fteld, a member of the Methodist church, had been a resident of Idaho for 25 years. Attends Meeting— Frank T Morgan left Tuesday i night for Portland, where he att- | ended a meeting of the director» of the Oregon Reclamation Congress. I of which he la president. He re turned home this morning. Conference To Be Held— The annual western district con ference of the Methodist church will be held In Weiser October • CAA The civil aei ha» shown suf eatabjlshment of ssa to send an e request of local piospectlve sites. Donald Harp< spent lour days investigating air The purpose ol ion for an alrpi time Is to be government aid. possible sites, N position to securi roval if governn a liable after the After meeting and representativ ursday Mr. Harp« field south of t spected prospectl ake river, north* north o f town. : recommendations submit sketches CAA authorities Those Boys Need WUl m m èom i 'All the VITAMINS (or all (he family /• at just a FEW PENNIES a DAY A D R IA N S( DEFEAT N ’ Paretesi Adrian defeated omore-freshman game on the Ny afternoon by a si The Antelopes ond quarter aftei recovering the ba line and punehii line. They made down ln the thlr bucks. PLENAMINS 1 Amber and 1 Black Capsule Supply Vitamins A, Bi, C, D, E, G and Bc, plus LIVER, IRON, C alciu m P an to th e n ate and Niacinam ide. • You can never be jure you are getting enough essential vitamins unless you supplement your diet with known quantities o f vitamins. So, guard against vitamip deficiency! Start tl.e wise Plena- mins habit in your family today. Suffi rested Enj W A R N IN G 1 ON FLO W E 144 CAPSULES A 72 s $2.59 Nyssa Pharmacy MtOOUCt v* “ The First In Nyssa” HELP A transient was selling paper ros< bear the initials, 1 American Veterai asked the man to The official flow Veterans is the fc Local residents cautious about bu: persons represen ti be members of ve ions or auxiliaries. The D AV ’s will nots on the Nyssa Our B The S< WANTED Men are still needed at the Sugar factory. If you can work a full-time shift or a part- time shift please contact Superintendent Bum- all Brown at once. The Amalgamated Sugar Co. You Are Not Ready For Fall Plowing If You Don’t Have Good Harness Our work harness will stand the strain of hard work in the field for years, giving you re lief from the worry that goes with worn-out equipment. W e cany a complete line of high quality har ness supplies, both for hauling and riding. Hollingsworth Hdwe. and Imp. Co. Lawrence Cornel Mrs R. Cornell of anied by FYank Ji valley and Willian tario, returned t< week-end after sp with his parents a iidren. A M r and Mrs Lee reived word that Don Utter, has lar Pvt. Don Strickl Nyssa. Oregon is army's Oliver gem Augusta, Georgia. One of 63 great ions located strategl the United States, hospital has facilitl ients. Hundreds of ing from overseas from their wound gone back to duty. Pvt. Strickland to the hospital fit station. Camp Sh< He Is the son of E Sergeant John F has returned from months o f service marine division. Hi M r and Mrs R. C. 2, Nyssa. The leatherneck Saipan and Tinian Islands. He has be wears the purple 1 well as the preside tlon. twice awarded Second Lt. Sid army air forces left Monday for duty ln