1 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY OCTOBER 5, 1944_ PAGE TW U The Gate City Journal I Mr and PoblKhrf KLA8A » . r O W E U Ilííflim O N « m iR T IS IN fì KATES Open rale, per Inc»».— — 1 National, per Inch. ---------S Classifieds. per w o r d ------ Minimum ____ Me On« Year-------------------- Six M onth*----------------------> Si naie Copta*----- ----- (Strictly in Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the p o sto ti** Uimugb the United s u t « the act KATES at Nysaa Malheur County. Or»yon at Nysaa. Oregv'n for 'ranamuaion Malia as second elsa» tratte*, under of March 3. ItTB PRESIDENT MAKES MISTAKE President Roosevelt, political champion of the world, has made a mistake— he feinted and side-swiped his opponent in the political ring when he should have delivered a straight punch. By accusing Thomas Dewey of “fraud and "falsehood”, the president aroused the former prosecutor’s ire and now Governor Dewey is delivering speeches with a punch. Dewey start ed his campaign by delivering addresses that had been written and re-written and polished and re-polished by several writers and then given the finishing touches by the candidate himself, but when he heard the charge of false hood, he tore up the seventh of a series of cam paign talks and wTote another one "from scr atch”. That was the speech he delivered at Ok lahoma City with such fervor that national re publican committeemen exulted over prospects of the youthful candidate in his campaign against a fourth term. The change of speech-writing technique on the part of the republicans, prompted by the charge hurled by the president, should improve the G.O.P. chances. THE ARNHEM SETBACK The terrible beating taken by British para troopers at Arnhem, Holland, tells its own bl oody story of the limitations of this form of warfare when the enemy is set to meet it. Paratroopers have won some quick, specta cular triumphs in this war, in the low countries in 1940, in Russia, in Sicily and in Normandie. But like the blitzkrieg, there is a defense, which is to surround and annihilate the attackers who boldly jump down in the midst of their foes. Probablythose intrepid British killed a good many more Germans thar. they lost themselves, and they forced a concentration of Germans against them that might have done a lot of dam age somewhere else. They added another chap ter in British annals destined to live as long as the light brigade and Dunkirk. Nevertheless they had to give up the position they had taken ami they lost most of their num bers. The operation wasn’t a success and wo uldn’t have been undertaken had the Allied command known what was going to happen. The Arnhem fight will probably exercise a restraining influence on the use of these troops until the Germans are a lot more demoralized than they are yet. — Idaho Free-Press Adrian Rev J Boyd Patterson of Pori land has been a guest at the Nevin home He spuae to a congregation in the high school Thursday and Friday evening and conducted the awrld wide communion service Sun- G arrett Muntjewerff: p re-school, the Brum bach home. Mrs Jak e Borge; magazine Mrs Mrs Joe Brum bach attended L>on Hurst, health. Mrs Ouy O l- Episoopal sem e«« in Nysaa Sun- emi: aocial Mrs Jim Lane; pro- Bay Mrs. Laura Roberta and Winston gram. Mrs Dennis Patch legulallve. Mrs Maurice Judd; hospitality Mrs Hoberu of t a r w eted lm v ergumU J . C Nevin. and publications. Mrs “ » Uie Haworth f * * “^ * * . Prances Defter »B ile Mr Roberta also looked after The members decided to use the Bis *■**•* lntereau here, monev from cleaning the school- Walter Biahop a house for recreational equipment C y n * Bishop transacted business for the grade schools. “* Caldwell Monday. Mrs Dan Holly. Mrs Ouy Sparks. A very pleasant party »■• b r id a l M r. .a m e n Mrs H Hatch. Mrs Big Bend school h « « ^ Lull J a m Mrs K. I Peterson. Mrs evening when the P T A . held a Salter and Mrs Jam es Peterson reception in honor of the teach ers. Mrs. Baker and Miss Mary sere chosen as room mothers. Mrs Ja c k Jones, P T A Miss Jean Brown was a visitor in Weir Boise this week president, called the meeting to Miss Lily Steiner and Miss V l r - i » ^ and welcomed the large num- «in n Jarvis have eone to La O '- B*r 01 Mrs Jo e Km< Pro' I f n j t ,-here they ’ will inroll as chairman, welcomed local , nur^iK ’ ! t**ch *rs and then called on Mr tv »* k i Paf.rvin funiiv Patch. superintendent of Adrian S u ^ a y g u L a ^ th e P * r c / home, j ***• »**o The Dennis Patch family were ^ Cam' Sunday dinner guests of the How- pUywl * P ° J™ ard Lovejoy fam;ly In Nyssa jnd The Senior Girl Scouts met T h - rwK Brumbach. « f o r m e r teachrt knowledge of the local agriculture and other Industries of this section Mr S w a n , description of the mechanical facllltie. necessary for pation.. broadcasting of an event of that kind gave an Inkling of the ^ Qf BJock (4) ot the Original vast array of machinery that Is xownslte of Nyssa. Malheur co- becomlng more and more a part of unly t>regon. the everyday business of living. In Terliu( aIld conditions of sale; Cash addition to the usual bank of mic- oj one. half cash and the balance rophones in front of the speaker, Qn credlt not exceeding one year, he said, a corps of engineers were tW(.nty [M.r cent 0f the amount bid in charge of the control Instruments ^ ,)e Administrator at in a room at one side. A stop watch the tlme ot the acceptance of such was held on the circuits which jj|d and the balance of the cash were opened at precisely eight o cl-1 payment to be paid within five days ock. Through a former school fr- from the date u( the order of con tend. Quentin Cox of KOW. Mr , lrmaUon c f such sale. Deed and Swan met a number of the radio Abstract at the expense of the pur raen. among them, Ted Wllllam-s, chaser. All bids or offers must be In wr chlef engineer for the National Br- oadcaating company. iting, and may be left at the office of A. L. Fletcher, attorney for said -------------------------- Administrator at 122 Main St. In SHOTGUN SHELLS the City of Nyssa. Oregon, or to the PRICE CONTROLLED undersigned at the office of Idaho Power Company in Nyssa, Oregon. Definite attemps to “gouge" the . - rw , public by exorbitant charges for Dated. October 4. 1944 i t ,' W ilia m I^etweU. -------- .w .,— iDd alert. ° ou rt' on or » ite r November 4. 1944. and other relatives during the P“ ‘ , £ ? xxym i " o clock A M. of said day. all »eek. _ dAy he been through. I don’t j ^ right, title and interest that Mrs Dyre Roberts and Mrs * Believe I have ever seen a man with estate has, by operation of English were business visitors ,e y « as bright and c>ar as his. He Uw* or otherwise, acquired other Ontario Tuesday w s pkm u. t_ . __**__* has a certain formality and reserve ^hAn ^ j in addition to that of said tretion by having w a r crankcase filled with famous RPM Motor OiL It rernso sludging, socks to cold motors to protect against corrosion and extra starting wear. See your "R P M " Dealer aad get winter-weigbg Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals THE FULL GOSPEL Bonds Nysaa. Oregon Phone 150W Ume of hLs death- Prescrìttiti Riled Over IS Milliei fiaes PLEASE DON’T FORGET A ltu u M y CyeA.! I KNOW you older f >Iks are busier than you ever were before. But I ve only got the o a e ,'a .r o f eyes— and i f jrt.t don't help me take care o f them, you and I may both regret it some day." It s a fact that many people are too busy— id to o worried to take the simple precautions that help conserve p re ci-a s eyesight. Here are four **sy rales anyone can follow . Practically all farm machinery has been ta ken off the ration list. in mot ora, redoubled sludge danger. Get extra pen. (The Light Was Out) Let your loins be girded about and your lights burnlng-Lk 12 35 I t was the aero hour in Egypt. Men were taut and every sense str ained and ready. They were ready for the signal with staff in hanu and shoes on their feet eating the passover lamb while the death angel was winging his way over the land—and woe to those unready! Surely It was not a time of make- believe nor feigning on the alert— with these people it was a matter of life or death! Today in the sp iritual realm of the matters of men it is the zero hour as it was that day In Egypt long ago Surely the Lord was faithful in warning us m His Word of i v these times that x i Ln n r u iu u s* t o t w u ic o u ia i. a are il at the door—unrest in the heaven jj * , and distress on earth, perplex- itlcs of nations, deciving and being deceived, unstability politically, soc- rellgiously. 8urely lf ever Jt * , ume ,or God’, people to be lifting up their heads in readness ---------- . t fnr ,- a* men « that wait for their , Lord when he shall return from the wedding. Par too many are the watchmen likened unto that one called into court in the case ol a serious train accident in which many were killed and wounded. “Were you on guard with your lantern?" He was asked. “Yes sir!” was the answer. “Did you see the passenger coming and did you wave your lantern?" and again the ans wer was “Yes s ir !" T hat watchman was trembling for he feared the question that he felt was coming tho It never came (“Did you have it lighted?") for then he would have had to say “No.” Many are making a grand pretense in being ready and waving their lanterns but their lights have gone out. “Certainly I am a Christian, do you think I'm a heathen?" is their incensed reply land they go on waving a dead lant ern. My fnend have you Inspected your lantern lately and are you sure their Is enough oil in lt? Is the wick well trimmed? The zero hour Is near and If you are running low on 1 oil remember God’s Alter Is the ‘only place where you can contact i Christ Jesus and be renewed in Sp irit. soul and body LLOYD N. POUNDS Vital Questions The Lid’s Off C«aJd-weatbrr condenaaauo means increased moisture 1 Minute Sermon ursday noon at the high school The ^ V a T ^ o ^ t e d with dahlias shotgun shells have been reported B 1T MPrti i l v m Blod- Bonis Non, Eastate of E. theme for this years meetings will rQJW A;u.r re. to the district OPA price divsion gett, Deceased. be vacations.- EUen Judd and Ptor- ^ ^ % sandwiches. cookies for Investigation. Ralph Westering, res tine Wilson are chairmen for the ‘ ^ . price specialist, revealed today. o r FINAL IIEARING October meeting which will be on co ,,e * and cocoa were served I * Westering ► — said that some purch- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN radio work. I asers have paid as high as *5 for Delores Hurst is a new member w-a m g’ i . ' ____ a box of 25 twelve-gage shotgun I'p|'at Huth M ^ n n e ^ shells which should have cost no ^ e estate of W f c « . » o f the group. L )6 W 6 y M 6 6 llllg more than the ceiling price of 11.381 deceased has filed in the County Mr and Mrs Dennis Patch enter a box. or 7c per shell. The 30-36 Court of Malheur County Oregon tained for the high school faculty caliber sells for »2.15 a box of 25. 'h er first and final account Saturday night Miss Betty Stub blefield of Parma was a special gu- Vale j „ - I t * my belief that or lie a shell and the 30-30 caliber administration and that the fourth eat for the evening Governor Dewey is meeting some sells for $1.50 a box. or 9c a shell, hay of November 1944^ at the hour Mrs Gayle Martin is convelescmg TeTy important issues in a very dir Some persons have been getting as of >» O’clock A M. and the County at the home of her sister in Na- ^ and forthright manner. Charles high as »1 a shell for these two Court Room in Vale, Oregon, ha ‘ been fixed by the Court as the rapa W Swan. Malheur county republi- calibers. Westering Indicated. time and place for the hearing of Mrs DolUe McCreary and Mrs ^ central committee chairman. said account and any objections Suste Johnson were week-end gu- upon « tu m from Portland Legal Advertising thereto, when and where any person ests c f Mrs Threlma Elliott. where he listened to Dewey's speech interested in said estate may appear NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Mrs G arrett Muntjewerff attend- and U{er ^ ^ Republican presi- and file written objections to said ESTATE ' ed the 50th wedding anniversary o f ^ n tia i candidate and Mrs Dewey Ian aunt and uncle in Payette on 4t ^ informal reception at the Notice Is hereby given that In pur account and be heard thereon. Said suance of an order of the County j account is for final settlement and Sunday. Multnomah hotel. -------------------------- I He had an opportunity to observe Court of the State of Oregon, for upon the same being approved and H rn B e n d Governor Dewey very carefully. Mr the County of Malheur, made o n ' settled said estate will be closed -*_____ Swan said, both during the broad- the 25th day of September 1944. and and said Executrix discharged, supplemental order of said Court Oct. 4. 1944 • Wade P T A will meet Friday e a * . where he was fortunate to ha- made and entered on the 3rd d a y , Ruth McConnell. Executrix af le moon with Mrs Darrell Eng- ” a seal ck* * “ > the ■ **■ *“ • and of October 1944. providing for a pri- j Estate of William H. McConnell, il<h later at the reception. “I was im I bail. vate sale, in the matter of t h e 1 I Mr and Mrs Dick Stm er of Boise pressed with the sincerity of the estate of E. M. Blodgett, the under- man and with his vigor and vitality. i were last Sunday guests of his He was appearing under a h an d l-: sl«ned administrator de bonis non, j parents. Don M. Graham cap. having been in a train wreck j * * ^ ta te of E. M Blodgett, de- mil at « 4 'private”s „ a 1 „ 1 — Lt IM rre* Wiley of K ^ n a n ^ ! ‘ « rooca/i - * «>{11 wUl seU le .'in FVld A n son *, spent the past week men ° n* P *« e l. to the highest bidder, Insurance Agency end «siting his cousin. Ver. Bishop *ome ° ‘ “ e raa*° mea ------- . . . . ------- __u _________ whose equipment had been smash- • uP°n the terms and conditions and family. ed. was more serious than the pap- hereinafter mentioned, and subject Marion Pretwell of Washington „ _ . ed h < »,-K .r V i l l o n ers led us to believe. Governor Dew ■ to confirmation by said County in MemorU hospital in C^dwelL lboui ^ bu: wbtn be * ny deceai*d ‘ at enously 111 with pneumonia ' !~ * » g tUstance is quickly dis- Mr and Mrs P A Miller and P*15« 1 Mrs “ * charming Virginia and Mr and Mrs. R U wom“ but * * * * * * eridencc Haworth amended a lecture pven ^ » k~ n ' * * * " « » ie r r ie e by Don Orpu: in Ontario Wednes- ” « “ "round all presidential day evening (candidates very much in evidence Mrs. M E Rogers went to Nam- 1 wl*erever Dewey went. Mr. Swan pa Friday morning for a visu said, and added that he was im pressed also, by the press following with her sisters. A number of Bend people atteod- which included SO reporters of nat- ed the Jamboree in Ontario Friday * koo* J « m - W « * and magaxines evening Among them were H a -! ^ 1 sidelight the local O O- P worth Witty. Curtis. SUner. ILg- rh »lrT“ »n said be was surprised to itns and Msec ham famiLe* ’-hat <* * * * represen u t - W J strsd ley has been quite 111 ;T“ o t Ur* e N>w Y o rt for the past three weeks. « *re quite fam iliar with Ma^ieur Mr? Ed Nielsen relumed home t a u a iy :: one in particular whom from a visit with relatives at coast i *** raet when told Swan was from . points. Vale said he had heard a lot about Mrs E H Brumbach Mr and ^ ib a a t , day Mrs Jo e Brumbach and Mrs R L >"'■» Bete. the Vale-Oregon an d ) An executive meeting of the ’ Haworth called on Mrs Phelan at »«?«»** He aslo showed a thorough Kuigman Kolon y PTA wss held Memorial hospital Sunday Monday evening in the grade school Mr and Mrs Walter Bishop were bujam g m Adrian Mrs Oeorge de in Ontario Sunday Mr Bishop Haven, the president, announced underwent s physical examine Lon he following committees Member- by his doctor two tkiaga: ship. Mrs Charles Newbtli; hot iu- to do j A Terr pleasant outing was en- gas oa tb* nch. Mrs Lou Pratt: finance. M rs I joyed Sunday at 'S u cco r Creek by n e w c o m Mr and Mrs P A Miller and T b » auccesMul prvacrvpoaa m bow put I Virginia. Mr and Mrs John Holly. op wider the alme J a DLERIKA. Mr and Mrs Dan Holly and Bud Get a bottle ol Adtarika * e « tun* dy Arthur Holly and Lor* PiLs- yew «op at your drwggwt’* *ad we bury After exploring the canyon far youradf bow qukfciy gaa i* re- . and coi.ecting rocks a picnic din aclna fodowa. l and far o*d aad j ner was served C a , » . r i* . Awwi r w * W I Mrs John Bishop and children o t Nysaa were Sunday guests in NYSSA PHARMACY Stop Sludge Troubles Now Deceased. of. in and U> that certain property, A. L. Fletcher kite, piece« and parcels of land .11- Attorney for said Executrix uate. lying and being In the County Nysaa, Oregon. of Malheur. State of Oregon pal I We Have In Stock The Following Oliver Implements Do all readme, ?tv<f-. mg. sewing, or j i a *■ playing da w to a good light venire», preferably a modera reading lamp. O Avoid giare from bulb*. Don’t til ' the Light. Glare •yea Avoid sladvwx Make e a r* yoa bave good light directly a Two No. 2 26-inch potato diggers with power take-off. greatly helped with One five-foot horse-drawn mower. RPM Motor Od now mid a chants lubrication to crwsdirioa your car for sale cold-weather driving. One 16-inch two-way horse drawn plow. Several No. 44 beet and bean cultivators. *ke war is wear w* are all going to have Better Light Better Sight. In the meantime, let's conserve both n jh c aad light. Take care o f your eyes, bat dou’t See Us For Your Oliver Repairs S T A N D A R D OF C A L I F O R N I A Stunz Lumber Company J ID AHO VPOWER * —CITIZEN W H 6R 6V 6B IT t r a m e