Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, October 05, 1944, Image 1

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    r/ieNYSSA GA
Sugar Factory
Is Opened For
1944 Campaign
No. 38.
Harlan Gonnason, son of Mr and
Mrs Tom Lyle, was Injured Tuesday
u.ght when struck by a truck driven
by Lloyd Landreth, Jr.
Quality O f Beets Called The boy, 11 years old, was riding
a bicycle near the Dessert Seed
Excellent; Mexicans
company plant. He was taken to
Arrive Here
the Nyssa nursing home, where he
The Nyssa factory of the Amal­ Is recovering from a back Injury.
gamated Sugar company was placed
in operation last Friday at 4 p.m.
lor the 1944 campaign three days
alter the scheduled opening.
opening of the campaign, sched­
uled earlier than usual because of
The annual one-act play contest
the large crop, was postponed from featuring plays presented by the
¿.eptemoer 26 because of a slight four classes of the Nyssa high sch­
ueiay in beet harvesting operations. ool will be held in the gymnasium
The factory has reached cap­ October 6 at 8 p.m.
acity on slicing, but the company
The freshmen have selected "In­
could still use more workers in the itiation" as their play for the pres­
entation. The players are Arnold
More farmers are starting to har­ Klinkenburg, Jack Lyle, Henry Van-
vest each day, so that an adequate Twisk, Robert Williams, Donald
supply of beets Is in sight, R. G. Nlshi, Mary Lou Schenk, Nan Gr­
Lai sou of Nyssa, district manager, ider, Joyce Bair, Marjorie Bishop,
Ruth Campbell, Awana Shaw, Don­
"The quality of beets is excellent na Franklin and Florence Nlccum.
and yields are holding up to ex­
The play centers about organiz­
pectations", Mr. Larson said. "It ation of a club.
looks like we will have one of the
The sophomores will present "The
best crop years".
Wedding Knell”, featuring the
The Nampa factory will be open­ wedding of Alice Wilson, played by
ed Friday of this week. The beet June Savage. Other players are
crop around Nampa is about the Dorothy Bartholoma, Melvin Mel-
same as here. The company is still owe, Francis Sietz, Robert Wilson,
short of workers there also.
Patsy Gywn and Robert McDonald.
One hundred and seventy-five ad­ I "Those Were The Days” will be
ditional Mexicans arrived in Nyssa presented by the juniors. The play­
Wednesday morning and will be ers are Janet Irving, Virginia Tr-
housed on farms and in the Nyssa | outner, Udell Poulsen, Bill Han-
labor center. These Mexican nat­ sen, Myrna Jordan and Donna
ionals have been working in west­ ! Goodell.
ern Oregon.
"Swept Clean Off Her Feet” is
Arrival of the workers will take the play selected by the seniors for
care of the labor situation fairly presentation. Those appearing for
well now. However, during the peak the seniors are Dorothy Merrill,
of the harvest season more laborers Harry Counsil, Kenneth Chard, Lois
will be needed.
' Anderson. Claudine Tomlinson and
Ralph Maze.
Methodist Women To Meet—
The Idaho conference annual Library Plans Outlined—
session of the Women’s Society of
The city library board held its
Christian Service will be held In monthly meeting Tuesday In the
Pocatello October 12 and 13. Mrs city hall to finish plans for the
T. C. Horton of Nampa, conference yearly program. The program will
president, will preside. Mrs M. H. be presented to the Nyssa Civic
Greenlee of Nyssa will give a re­ club at its October meeting for ap­
port on spiritual life.
$2.00 PER YËÀft
Team9 Score 3
Touchdowns In . j In
_ order to sound . the
. sentiment
Grid Jamboree of the citizens of Ontario in re-
DrllfZounced!City 0fficials ^ « ¡1 1 3 ted
For Posts At Nyssa Caucus
Final plans for the war fund dr­
j gards to leasing the Japanese hall ive to be conducted In Nyssa under
Bands And
Majorettes near the airP°rt 10 Japanese-Am- the auspices of the Nyssa Business
City Manager Plan And
Women's club will be outlined at a FUNERAL IS HELD
Give Colorful Dem-
¡ericans in the county' *° *
| as a recreational center, the city < meeting of block leaders and bus- FOR LITTLE CHILD
council called a public meeting ¡„ess women In the high school
Are Discussed
Funeral services were held Wed­
Swinging Into action after a col- ! which we held Wednesday evening.1 building tonight at 8 o'clock. The
All of the present city officials
orful demonstration by eight sch ool! While the matter was subject of meeting was called by Mrs Royce nesday In the LDS chapel for Glen-
bands, the football teams of th e : considerable discussion lt was the Cole, chairman of the city of Nyssa don James Cooper, Infant son of | were re-nomlnated at a caucus held
Mr and Mrs Glen Cooper of Nyssa In the city hall Wednesday night,
Snake River Valley league enter-1 unanimous opinion of those pres­ block leaders.
but practically all of them will have
Block leaders for the Nyssa vic­ ¡ural route.
tained for about an hour in the I ent that no lease for the building
inity were announced by Miss
in the November election
Bishop Arvll Child officiated. In-
sixth annual football jamboree held be granted. Acting on this decision EfIle Blen Counsll campalgn th-
at the fairgrounds at Ontario last the Council voted to withdraw the airman, following a meeting of Uie lerment was in the Nyssa cemetery If they choose to run.
If a nominee Intends to seek
Friday night.
offer agreed upon at a previous' community block leaders In the with the Nyssa Funeral home In
Two of the touchdowns scored meeting and Japanese-American j high school building Monday night, charge. The baby was born Septem­ office, he must file his acceptance
during the gridiron program were representatives sponsoring the mo-1 Following two selections by the
of the nomination at least 10 days
ber 15 and died October 2.
registered by Vale against Nyssa.
before the election. If he does not
vement were notified that no lease Nyssa high school boys glee club
In another quarter of the "game”,
tile acceptance, his name does not
and a vocal solo by June Savage,
would be granted.
appear on the ballot.
Adrian suffered a lass to Ontario,
accompanied by Mary Lou Schenk
Twenty persons, including some
losing 7 to 0.
under the direction of Irshal Davis,
Before an estimated 3000 persons
of the nominees, attended the cau­
materials were given to the block
packed in the grandstand, the high
cus, which was followed by a dis­
leaders so that they would be ready
school bands of Adrian, Frultland-
cussion of the city manager form
for the campaign, which will be
Payette, Emmett, Weiser, Ontario,
started October 9. Block leaders
October 9 to 15 has been set as of government and the proposed
Vale and Nyssa, and their major­
who were unable to attend the the time for the for-get-me-not new city charter.
ettes marched onto the field in a
Grant Rinehart was re-nominated
G. O. Pike, department service meeting may secure their supplies
marching and playing exhibition. officer, and Fred B. Com, depart­ from Miss Counsil at Frank T. flower sale to be conducted for the for the position of city recorder.
Disabled American Veterans to re-
Then, with the drummers gathered ment quartermaster and adjutant of Morgan's office.
Mayor Herschel Thompson and
in a semi-circle in front of the the Veterans of Foreign Wars and
The Adrian vicinity campaign plentish their funds for taking care Harry Miner were nominated for
ombined bands, Jay Stoner of Pay­ Mrs Marie Dalia. president of the will be In charge of the American of the disabled men of all wars.
ette, veteran Snake river valley VFW auxiliary, visited Owyhee post Legion. The Adrian committees will
Those nominated for the four
J. F. Morfltt of Ontario, chief of
bandmaster, directed the group i n , No ^
and the auxiliary at a solicit in the Adrian union high
council positions are R. G. Whit­
playing "The Star Spangled Bann­ meeting held in the Legion hall school district and the Nyssa com­
aker, Bernard Frost, George Henn-
man or woman, the loved ones of
er” .
mittees will solicit in the Nyssa all, fr who of us know In what sh­ eman, Emil Stunz, A. Chadwick,
Saturday night.
Following the band program, the
Albert Heldt and Harry Shelton.
A potluck supper was served at school district.
ape our son's, hus-band’s. father's
football team captains and officials 6:30. Mr. Pike held a school of in­
Ward Wieneke, incumbent, Is the
The block leaders for the Nyssa sweetheart's or daughters are going
gathered for the drawing of team struction. He also discussed hospit­ section are Mrs Otis Bullard. Elmer
only nominee for city treasurer.
places. Each team Was scheduled to alization and explained the rights Hill, Orover Vest, Mrs V. L. Kess­
Anyone desiring to run for one
ing pot of hell and destruction
play one slx-mtnute quarter.
the offices may do so by filing
of servicemen under the new G1 ler, Harry Gahan. Mrs Glenn Suit­ that Is now taking place in E u ro p e of
“ .
Payette and Weiser drew the first bill. Mrs Dana discussed govern­ er, Frank Cahill, Mrs R. C. Smith,
and the far east. Let it not be said a petlUon bearlng 25 slgnalures at
spot and on the second play one ment hospitals.
Mrs Charles Grider, Mrs John Rld- that we forget those G.I's of 1918, least 10 days before the election.
of Payette's star backfleld men went
Councilman Whitaker opened the
Mrs Alfreda Shelton of Nyssa was der, Mrs H. V. Maw, Alva Goodell, nor fail to smooth the path for the
out of the game with a broken leg. Installed for two years as district John Brandt, Mrs Dave Mitchell, retUrn of the G .I. j oe 0f 1945. All discussion on the city manager form
A nice pass carried Weiser to the president of the VFW auxiliary. Mrs Torvold Olson, Mrs Frank By- proceeds from this flower sale are of government, on which the voters
Pirate 12-yard line after Payette The district, No. 14, comprises Gr- ers, Mrs S. E. Flanagan, J. W. Jen- jqq percent used in smoothing the of Nyssa will ballot in November.
Mr. Whitaker said the town Is
punted only 15 yards. After Weiser • ant> Malheur and Harney counties, nings. W. T. Buffington, Mrs Neil p ^ h 0f the disabled man and it is
had gained four yards on two plays Mrs shelton appointed Wanda Sy- Dimmick, Earl Crocker, Mrs Ewen j the only drive where the entire too small for five paid executives
the gun ending the quarter was kes ^ her secretary for one year, Chard, Mrs Fred Hite, Mrs Ellis |amount of the funds received are and too large to ask these men to
Visitors at the meeting were Mr Walters, E. J. Hobson, Mrs Ira used only for the helping fo the give the time necessary to conduct
Emmett and Frultland fumbled and Mrs John Ruff of Parma and I Mitchell. John Hamilton, Mrs W. R.
city affairs.
disabled man to again take his
on even terms In the second quar­ Mr and Mrs cfates of Bend.
"The councU can spend 67VOOO of
Howell, J. A. Black, Mrs John Ref- rightful place in the general patt
ter. Early In the period Emmett
fet, Mrs Elizabeth Groot, Mrs Ira ern of ufe when ^ ^ raUu.ned w your money ¡his year” , the speaker
lost 15 yards on a fumble. Frult­
Ure, Wanda Groot, Rosel Hunter,
dome fioks. Forget not the pro- said. ‘That much money needs
land lost the ball on downs and on
Loyd Adams and Mrs Roy Holmes.'
of the man who ^ a rs the careful supervision. The men in the
Emmett's first play lt fumbled.
Bemrrd Eastman. J. B. G iezent-, K trs Qf his sacrifice on his body past have done a good job, but we
Emmett Intercepted a pass on its
anner, Jesse Thompson and B e r -1 and who l3 malned and h*ndicap_ believe they could do a better job
own 35-yard mark, punied to Fruit-
nard Frost will canvass the business ped In many ways, or worse than unuer the city manager plan.
land’s 35 and then recovered the
"We are not trying to set up a
district of Nyssa.
all else Is the classified N.P., many
Thursday evening.
He left for ball. The quarter ended before
Some interesting information has
dictator. You should teU the coun-
Emmett could start another play. been gained at the Malheur exper­
Maryland Wednesday.
cumen wliat you want and they
tate and so heal but must be con­
In their game against Nyssa, the imental station during the last two CAMPAIGN HELPS
should tell the city manager. The
Robert Degross, S 2-c, Is ill in Vale Vikings received the ball and years through experiments with W A R PRISONER AID
experience of those who have tried
tinued Ufe of confinement and
a hospital somewhere in the Pa­ traveled 23 yards on their first play. corn.
, .
_ .
. ,
. . .
. the city manager plan has been
' „ nt)l a cul.e_all. You stlu
Bleak, lonely months of madden­
cific, according to word received Irwin, Vale, went for a touchdown
Ten years ago the leading variet­
through the Bulldog line. Vale fail­ ies of opes pollinated corn, grown ing monotony would be the lot of of us do our blt and generously give ?
by relatives In Lincoln Heights.
ed for the extra point on a line in this county were Minnesota 13 approximately 7.000,000 allied pris­ to this fund which does so much so you have to have a good man.
to see that these men receive their
Pvt. E. T, Brumbach of Big buck.
and yellow dent. Today out of app­ oners of war in axis prison camps
i We believe we should pay a mana­
Bend left Wednesday morning for
Vale kicked off. The ball hit a roximately 7000 acres of corn in If lt were not for the aid and com­ just and true rights from a grate­ ger 6300 a month”.
Fort Meade, Maryland. He spent Nyssa player only a few feet away Malheur county, 98 per cent Is
Mr Whitaker read a proposed ch­
"By order of M. E. Woodcock, st_
his furlough visiting his parents, and the Vikings recovered on the hybrid corn. Yields of 40 to 5C Hffie Ellen Counsll, Nyssa war fund
arter for the city of Nyssa, which
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach, af­ 50-yard line. Irwin went around end ■ bushels were considered excellent hail man, said. The statement was
was drafted by the League of Ore­
ter completing his basic training at for another touchdown. A pass was with the old varieties while with cased upon a report received from Disabled American Veterans."
gon Cities. The charter was merely
Fort Roberts, California.
completed, making the score 13 to 0. hybrid com yields of 100 bushels the national war fund, of which
a suggested one, and was discussed
war prisoners aid Is a member ag­ FOOD FOR MAILING
In the last quarter, Adrian put per acre are common.
by those present, including City
Mr and Mrs James Stephen, S r , the ball In play against Ontario on
The station operators have been ency.
Attorney Carl Coad and Attorney
According to a recent government
_ ,
„ ..
have received word that their son. the 35-yard mark. The Tigers re­ conducting varietal trials with hy­
A. L. Fletcher.
An Eighth Air Force Fighter t- Cpl
Stephen, is In France, covered a lateral pass on Adrian’s brid corn against open pollinated announcement, the total of Ameri­
Under the terms of the proposed
Copies of "Pood For Mailing" are
ation, England—Second Lieutenant .
30 and gained to the 20. They went for the last two years. Not all var­
now available from the emergency charter, the terms of the council-
Clifford T. Ashby of route 2, Nyssa, j Homer Hanson Whitman, Jr., son to the two-yard stripe and then ieties of hybrid com are adaptable 34.386. the report disclosed. To these food assistant, Mrs Geraldine Hall, men would be alternated, so that all
Oregon has been awarded the air ol Mr and Mrs H. H. Whitman, Sr. scored on a pass. The Tigers con­ here. Some of the better ones are and to as many as possible of the In the county agent's office. Infor­ tei ms would not expire at the same
the Iaahybrids and Iowealths. Th­ rest of the seven million men of mation Is given in detail on the time. The mayor would be chosen
medal, according to Brigadier-Gen-\ ol Nyssa, Oregon, has recently com- verted.
Ontario lost on two passes and ere are many differences between "the barbed wire legion' war pris­ rules and regulations for mailing oy the council. He would serve as
eral Francis H. Griswold, command- pleted training at the naval air
ing general of the eighth fighter technical training center, Norman, tried a third pass, but the player varieties, such as size o f cobb, oners aid provides materials and Christmas trackages overseas; and che policy leader and the city man­
lOkla., according to word received was forced to run with the ball. relghts of ear. ease of husking and equipment for educational, athletic j there are many suggestions and re­ ager would carry out the decisions
Adrian took the ball on downs and other points being recorded by the and cultural activities.
The citation for the flier, a mem- ! from the navy department,
cipes for cakes, cookies and nuts uf the council.
Under terms of the geneva con­ that can be sent successfully.
ber of the P-47 Thunderbolt fighter i Upon graduation from the school tried a barrage o f passes. Two experimental station.
The city councU would appoint
Dudley Sltton, superintendent of
group commanded by Lt. Col. Philip at Norman he received the rate of passes were completed and one was
Lists on what to send Interned the city manager and municipal
E Tukey, Jr., of Cape Elizabeth, seaman, first class in the navy. He not, but the Antelopes reached the the station, said, “ that more In­ prison camps, and after learning civilians or boys In prison camps Judge and these two officials would
Maryland, reads as follows: "F o r , will now be transferred to a naval Ontario 35-yard line. In another formation will be available after Ihe particular needs of the Inter­ are given, as well as information be responsible to the council. The
meritorious service In aerial fligh t! unit afloat or to another shore st­ aerial barrage an Antelope back the current trials are harvested." nees, articles which will relieve the on reported needs, books, letters and manager would appoint city em­
over enemy-occupied continental; ation for further instruction anu was forced to run as the gun was "Good seed bed preparation, early deadly routine of prison camp ex­ parcels.
ployes, but the council would fix
planting, and good cultivation are istence and stimulate the prisoners'
Europe. The courage, coolness and , work,
Christmas packages, not to exceed (he compensation. The mayor would
Nyssa will play the Ontario Tig- ; essential for good com yields,” Mr.
15 Inches In length or 36 Inches In appoint committees and sign all
skill displayed by Lieutenant Ashby I
— —
reflects credit upon himself and the
Mrs Donna Thompson has been “rs on the Ontario field Friday af- Sltton said.
length and girth, and limited to five Instruments, including warrants.
armed forces of the United States", notified that her husband, Pvt emoon of this week and will play
(rounds, are to be mailed before The city manager would be app­
prisoners aid includes musical in October 15 for all divisions of the ointed for an indefinite term, but
Eldo Thompson has been missing Adrian on the Nyssa gridiron Oct­
struments books, athletic: e q u ip m e n tarmed „ . rvlcei No requeaU are re. could be removed by the council
Gene Brady, aviation cadet, has in action in Prance since September ober 13.
handicraft materials and theatrical l utred from ^
servlce men or with or without cause. Among other
just been released from the hospital 9.
supplies, said Miss Counsll and un- women
maU Christmas packages things he would enforce the ord-
at Santa Ana. California after an
Vale. Oct. 5—Ballots were mailed der leadership of fellow p r is o n e r s .!^ the number u Umllwl to one
Pvt. Therman Hill left Monday
tracts were preserved and act as
operation. He is a son of Mr and
last week to more than 350 service who in civilian life were engaged p>rce| per week fr0m one individual
inances, appoint city employes on
Mrs J. I. Brady of Nyssa. Another for Comp Fort Mead, Maryland. He
men and women who had sent app- jn SUch pursuits, classes In music
the basis of merit, see that con-
son of Mr and Mrs Brady, Roy
during this period.
Brady. A.M.M., 2nd class. Is station­ home.
A box of food from home gets a purchasing agent for the city.
county clerk, Harry S. Sackett. It j subjects are formed and regular
special welcome from the boys and
ed at Miami, Florida.
Robert Bowen 8 1-c, son of Mr
girls In the armed services. Al­ ADRIAN TO START
' win reach the farthmost military I contributions made by residents
though most of the men are well
Laurence Findling, T-5, has not­ and Mrs John Bowen, left Satur­ ate for United States senator from
Oregon, will visit in Malheur county posts In time to enable the applica- 0f Nyssa help the national war fund
fed. they are Interested In receiving W A R CHEST DRIVE
ified his parents, Mr and Mrs W. day for Los Angeles.
October 16 and 17, according to in­ nts to mall In their vote by election defray the expenses of these vital something from home, especially if
F. Findling, that he expects to come
^ ^nU llon. On Its
Lawrence Cornell, seaman, 2nd formation received k j Charles W. day. Applications continue to come services extended by war prisoners, p arrly„
This year’s annual war chest dr­
home on a furlough. He is still In
. LU ksa luuan allnko^ #0 R
“ _
Swan of Vale, chairman of the in from service people and there .IJ
aid. which
has been alloted 62.057.-
New Guinea, but said “ I am already class. Is home from Farragut. Idaho
trip overseas, mall Is stored In the ive for Adrian and community un­
Malheur county republican central is still plenty of time for those In 978 jn the budget for the period up hold of the boat, which Is a very der the chairmanship of K. I. Pet­
one step on my way home. I don’t to visit for 15 days with his par­
the states to prepare themselves to to October 1.
know when I will get to the states. ents, Mr and Mrs R. Cornell.
hot place. Many of the war areas erson and BUI Ashcraft, will be st­
While here, Mr. Morse will confer vote.
have a hot humid climate, and long arted October 9.
but I will let you know as soon as I
The war chest drive Is to aid not
I do” . He has been in the South | Leno Christensen, former Smith with republican leaders and will
delays are often necessary in de­
Pacific for more than two years. I Hughes agriculture instructor in the speak before various groups on be­
livering packages. For these reas­ only relief organizations In this co­
Nyssa high school, has received a half of his campaign and that of change was necessary after the
ons. only non-perishable foods, en­ untry but also to bring aid to the
Lt. John Bishop arrived home | commission as ensign in the navy Oovemor Thomas E. Dewey, repub­ final filing date for Independent
closed in tin cans or Un boxes, will seven million silled war prisoners
candidates That was the addition
In axis prison camps in Europe.
Wednesday for a week's furlough He is stationed at Tucson, Arizona, lican oandldate for president.
arrive In edible condition.
Mr Morse WUl speak In the Nyssa of the Prohibition party's candid­
Mr. Peterson has announced the
with his wife and family. He has
of the present plant has been about
following soliciting committees: Mrs
Bob Fields, son of Mr and Mrs gymnasium the night of October 17 ates. The old age pension measure,
been stationed at Camp Vandom,
constitutionality of which had been completed.
Hank Fields, who Is serving In the at S o'clock.
A. T. Knowles and Louis Mitchell Hugh Lamb, Mr Kaylor and Mr.
The structure. 18 by 20 feet, Is
contested, win remain on the ballot
marines, has been on furlough,
each killed a buck on Camp creek Schlemer for the Newell Heights
this week. Mrs Murle Marcum kill­ district; Mrs Wesley Plercy and
Dan Markham of Lincoln Heights, visiting his parents. Fields, who Ts Attend Csnfi
Henry H. Hartley, superintendent court. County Clerk Sackett urges carpenter work was done by Lon ed s doe in the Unity section Sun­ Mrs Ouy Sparks for Kingman Kol-
left for Fort Douglas. Utah, Mon­ came north from San Diego by
all citizens to register In order to
day to report for military training. plane has been transferred to Ca­ of the Nyssa schools: Frank Farr,
day Three other bucks were killed ony; Otto Wolf, Mr Bigelow and
mp Pendleton, Oceanside. Califor­ high school principal, and Walter be able to vote. October 7. he points O. W Pennle.
in the Unity area Sunday. In the Mr Skinner for the Owyhee district
McPartland. grade school principal, out, la the day the registration bo­
Pvt. Martin Sayers, who is home nia.
party were E. W Irving. E. M. Bair. and Mrs Muntjewerff and Mrs Pat­
will attend a state school administr­ oks close and voters should make Returns Heme—
on furlough from Camp Roberts,
Mrs A. H. Boydell returned home Pt Williams. Ed Chamberllan and ch for Adrian.
Pfc Conley Ward of Nvtaa was
Rev. J. C. Nevtn Is treasurer for
California was given a surprise
time. Otherwise they may be depr­ Friday after a visit In Butle Mon- Tren Jones Other successful hun­ the war chest drive of the Adrian
party by the Lincoln Heights here Sunday from Mountain Home, • 10 and 11. Mr Hartley is secre­
ters Included Barney Wilson and
young people at the home of his where he la a gunneray Instructor tary of the city superintendents
Dave Mitchell
November election
parents, Mr and Mrs. P. M Sayers He visited relatives and friends.
One-act Plays
WillJBe Given
State Officers
O f Vets Visit
Information Is
Gained On Corn
Our Boys In
The Service
Wayne Morse To
Visit In County
Disabled Men’s
Drive Scheduled