PAGE SIX H IE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L T H U R S D A Y SEPTEMBER 14, 1944 Forrestine Wilson, Ilea Kreager, erly, and a comic reading by Mrs Sunday for a two-week visit with Colleen Connaughy, Lois McOinnis, Kenneth Cottle, dressed in a negro relatives at Brogan. Lorna Diderkkson and Delores costume. The iirst regular Mutual ¿alter. meeting will be held Tuesday at Visit In Wilder— Mr and Mrs George Bear visited Tnc third play, "W hat Are You 8 P-m- Mr and Mrs Clark H ill at Wilder Going to Wear" includes Shirley | _____ — f — Sunday. F iL e. Lulabelle Wilson, Darlene HQSTE83 T O CLUB I Robb. Beth Chapin, Georgia HillU, Mrs Ira Ure was hostess to the Here From Boise— HOLD 7th AN NU AL T E A termcdiate group and “ I've Dons Leola LnUerlcltson, Marjory Hite Happy Eight Pinochle club last Mrs Francis McGaven and Mrs The 7th annual Girl Sjout silver My Work", solo by Mrs. Jess Sugg, and Joy MithcheJ. Thursday alternoon. Mrs C. C. Cot- Evelyn Howe and son, Roy. o f Boise Phyllls Haworth and Maxine ton was a guest of Mrs Ure. Sc- tea was held Friday afternoon in ; accompanied by Miss Prouty. visited Friday and Saturday with gmith are prjperty managers tor ures were won by Mrs Dale Garri- the Adrian high school building j Members of the three Scout troop M r and M is Joe Maughn. Mrs Mc- the plays. son and Mrs V. L. Kesler. Oaven is the mother of Mrs Mau­ when the three Scout groups en -1 _ommittees were presented to the Mrs. A1 Nelson will sing during ; — 8— ghn. tertained for a large number of | lit oup. HONORED A T P IC N IC the evening. A no-host picnic was held at the friends and their mothers. Spec- | Mrs. Frank Mi.ler and Mrs. Carl F. J. Carpenter home Sunday in Go T o Utah— HOSTE33 T O CLUB lal guests In the afternoon w ere, Hill presided at the tea tables dur- Mr and Mrs Douglas Bateman Mrs Aden Wilson was hostess to j honor of Robert Davis, fireman, the new faculty women teachers j lng the refreshment hour. and children left Tuesday for Salt and wives. The guest speaker f o r ' The proceeds from the tea her bridge club Friday evening. 12nd class, who left Tuesday for Lake City for a visit. the afternoon was Miss Phyllis amounted to more than *13 and Mrs Flank Rambaud was a guest Farragut, Idaho after a two-week Hein, Girl Reserve secretary from will go for the Juliette Lowe Chin- Mrs Willson. Prizes in the bridge j leave. ^ Those^ attending the picnic Leaves Service— game were won by Mrs Kenneth were Mr and Mrs Keith Moss and Boise, who spoke on "Choices in ese relief fund.;. L. H. Fullmer, who has been ser­ ' Itestrom. first; Mrs Nick Rudelick.[ tamily, M r and Mrs Robert Davis Vocations for Young Women ’. Be­ - 5- ving in the merchant marines for second, and Mrs Ellis Buckland, the and family, M r and Mrs Carrol B IR T H D A Y D1NNNER HELD sides Miss Hein’s talk, tne fol­ Frasier and family and Mr and Mrs the last five months, has returned Mrs. K. I. Peterson of Adrian traveling prize. lowing program was given: "Am - home to work for the Amalgamated R. Moss and family. - t - erica," sung by the entire group: entertained Monday evening with Sugar company. He was given his G IE S T S A T D INN ER —8— " I Pledge Allegiance," a reading by a dinner party in observance of release from the merchant marines HO STS A T D INN ER Mr and Mrs Albert Pfeiler were Lulabelle Wilson; welcome speech Donna's 10th birthday. Guests were Mr and Mrs Barney, who live on i O days ago. Mr. Fullmer made one by Patsy de Haven and Nadeen Betty Ann Deffer, Doonna Steel­ guests of Mr and Mrs Frank M or­ the Idaho side of Snake river, ent­ trip to New Guinea while In the gan at Sunday dinner at the Pay­ ’’The Brownie Song" by the Brown­ man and Miss Prouty. :ervice. ertained at their home Sunday at a ette Country club. ie group; "A Letter to the Chin­ - S- dinner and watermelon feed. Guest SCOUTS T O G IV E P L A Y ese Youth from Chang Kai-Shek's -I- Returns To Utah— were M r and Mrs Blanchard of CLUB W IL L MEET On Friday evening at 8 o ’clock Son" read by Colleen Connaughy; Mrs M. E. Bybee has returned to California and M r and Mrs Ben The Kingman Kolony Book club at the Adrian high school gymna- flag ceremony and song by the in- ver home in Roy, Utah after a mo- slum, the Senior Girl Scouts will will meet Saturday at the home of Shaw and family. Uh's visit with her four sons and present a group of three one-act Mrs Frank Morgan. Mrs Maurice heir families. plays. "Mushrooms Coming Up" Judd will review the book, “ Long, will be given by F.mily Otis, Ar- Long Ago" by Woolcott. Returns Home Une Peterson, Gloria Pounds, Ber- - 8 - Mrs Stella Moss returned to her SO C IE TY MEETS | nice Chaney and Carol and Lorina tome In Salt Lake city after vis­ The Women's Society of Christian Witty. aing relatives here the past week­ ‘‘The Alice Blue Gown" cast con­ Service of the Methodist church Visiting Here— end. Mrs Robert Oesterling of Port­ sists of Ellen Judd, Nadine and met with Mrs M. H. Greenlee this ---- | afternoon. Mrs E. L. Jamison was land, cousin o f Mrs Lloyd Lewis, and her children, Richard and Judy, the assisting hostess. visited at the Lewis home. They - I — Dearldine Pettet was the Chris­ left for Portland Tuesday. E N T E R T A IN S CLUB tian Endeavor leader Sunday eve­ Mrs E. D. Norcott entertained the ning. The topic was “ How to Recommended to do just two things: I Tuesday bridge club at her home Living Here— Vera Rands of Ogden is attend­ Meet a Crisis.” Next Sunday eve­ relieve constipation and gas on the 11 this week. Guests of the club were , Mrs T. II. Eldredge, Mrs Joe Sut- ing Nyssa high school this year as ning’s lesson will be "Putting First ctoinach. This successful prescription is now put i herland and Mrs John Beckham. a senior. She is making her home Tilings First". up under t lie name of ADLER1KA. Mrs Eldredge was high scorer and with her sister, Mrs Robert W h it­ The district Endeavor has made Get a bottle of Adlerika next time Mrs Bernard Frost was second high. aker. plans for a weiner roast and wa­ you stop at your druggist’s and see termelon feed at Birdings ftlind ____ —8— for yourself how quickly gas is re­ Club W ill Meet— AT T E N D DINNER Friday evening, September 15, at 8 lieved and gentle but thorough bowel The Owyhee Community club w il’ o’clock. Each society will furnish action follows. ( lood for old and young. I M r and Mrs D. L. McBain, who C o t A d lm rih a f r o n t y o u r g r u f f f i t to d a y . wiH leave soon for the Willamette meet with Mrs John Strickland T h ­ Its own weiners and buns, etc., and Standard of California to make their home, were ursday afternoon, September 21. a collection will be taken to defray NYSSA P H A R M A C Y valley dinner guests at the Frank Morgan the cost of the watermelons. Visit Gowen Field— home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Fannie Green returned to Mrs Frank Graham visited her the Orval Green home Tuesday. - f - daughter, Mrs Frank Fronek In Bo­ Her niece, Mrs. Russell Baker of | B EN E FIT P A R T Y PLAN NE D ! Plans for the annual benefit pro- ies Saturday and with her daughter Weiser, whom she had been vis­ ■ gressive card party to be given T h - and Mr. Fronek's mother, visited at iting brought hex to Ontario. | ursday, September 21 at 8 o’clock Gowen field, where they took dinn­ Rev. R. L. K riner took his wife ; by the St. Paul's guild were discuss- er In the officers club. On the bo­ to Nampa Tuesday and on Thurs­ led at a meeting of the guild at the mber field they watched a B-29 day she underwent a goiter opera­ ; home of Mrs Bernard Eastman being serviced, and also went to tion. Fred Johnson of Montour, the chapel, where an avearge con­ Idaho, who had spent a few days i Wednesday evening, j As is customary both bridge and gregation of 75 attends church ser­ at the Kriner home, accompanied i pinochle will be played at the ho- vices. Mrs Graham said the chapel, them as far as Nampa on his re­ Has increased your public liability. Let us | mes of Mrs E. D. Norcott, Mrs J. decorated with flowers, was one of turn trip home. Sandra Kriner spent L. Church, Mrs W. E. Schireman, the bright spots at the base. the time at the Vern Smith home automatically protect your activities everywhere Mrs F. D. Hall and Mrs Jake Sim­ and Bobby, Ronny and Park K rin ­ mons. Reservations may be made Leaves Hospital— er stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Levi by calling Mrs Church. Mrs D. O. Bybee returned to her Johnson. Rev. R. L. K riner went to Pay­ home Friday evening after receiv - 8 - HOSTESS T O CLUB ing treatment in the Nyssa Nursing ette Wednesday morning to o ffi­ Mrs T. H. Eldredge was hostess to home for the last three weeks for ciate at funeral services for Mrs. her bridge foresome Tuesday after­ sustained when she fell Frank Beacham of Ontario Heights III.III in i.i m in m m ; iii m in in in in in in li in i ; i in in in in in in in in ri m in in m hi hi l :. l : h : in m 11 n 11 htiii m hi i i r noon. Guests were Mrs Jesse Thom ­ injuries from a horse. She will be confined Mrs. Beacham was a former resi­ pson, Mrs Tom Turner and Mrs J. to her bed for at least another dent of Lincoln until a year and If You Want To a half ago. Her husband operated B. Glezentanner. week. a service station between Cairo Junction and Vale. E N TE R TAIN S FRIENDS Here From Nampa— Miss Ida Nelson, who had spent Mrs C. C. Cotton entertained a Mr and Mrs Gilbert Allsebrook 'group o f friends last Friday after­ and Margaret Ann were week-end a few days at the R. L. Kriner noon at a pinochle party. Prizes guests of Mr and Mrs Charley G r­ home, returned to Payette Tuesday evening. were won by Mrs Emil Stunz. high; ider, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rice and Mrs Jesse Lawrence, second high, son of Douglas. Wyoming, arrived and Mrs Oliver Patch of Payette, Here From Payette— the traveling prize. M r and Mrs S. C. Fulton of Pay­ Friday at the Emil Frank home ette spent the week-end at the for a visit. Mrs. Rice is a daugh­ - 8 — Keep on drinking Shelton’s milk. It is rich in A U X IL IA R Y MEETS home of their daughter, Mrs T. H ter of Mrs. Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Frank lived at Douglas before T lie American Legion auxiliary Eldredge. nourishment and is wholesome. coming to Lincoln Heights seven i meeting at the home of Mrs Joe ---- s------------------ years ago. Maughn last Thursday night, out- Attend Rodeo— For sale at all food stores Mr. and Mrs. Orla Bishop and lined plans for a rummage sale t o ' Mr and Mrs Jesse Lawrence and he held November 4. Half ol the Mr and Mrs C. C. Cotton attended four daughters, who recently sold proceeds will go to the Nyssa Nur- the rodeo at Homedale, Idaho Sun­ their farm and farming equipment sing home. Anyone having anything day. While in Homedale they were plan to leave Monday for Colorado, to donate Is asked to contact Mrs dinner guests o f M r and Mrs Ralph where they expect to reside. The monthly farmers meeting Bert Adams. At the Thursday Richardson, former Nyssa residents hi U iii in in iii iiiiii iiiiii hi iii iiiiii iii mu inn if hi itnu iniiin uni 1111 : 111:1 run.) i ; i i ; p i : i ; i i i i i p i . was held at the school house Sat­ meet in 7 refreshments were served urday evening. A report was given li i i li i!ii!i in iii iii in li l i 1111 i i 11111111 li 1111 li iii in i i in i i i : 1111111 : 111 : i a ; m 111111111111 i n 1111 i p to the legion and auxiliary. Here From Boise— The next meeting will be held at Mr and Mrs Henry of Boise visit­ the home of Mrs E. L. Jamison Se­ ed Rev. and Mrs Lloyd Pounds las! ptember 21. Thursday. LOCAL NEWS P.M . DON LEE-MUTUAL. LOWELL THOMAS NEWS TIM E Lincoln Heights Prescription Filled Over 15 Million Times I The Harvest Rush Frank T. Morgan Really Stay Pert Shelton’s Dairy NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE Double Feature FRIDAY & SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15— 1G * The Last Side Kids in “THE MILLION DOLLAR K ID ” Hoot Gibson and Ken Maynard in “DEATH VALLEY RANGERS” Mat.. Sat.. 2:30 Adm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Including Tax SUNDAY and MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17— 18 Dorothy I^amour, Fred MacMurray, Betty Hut­ ton, Diana Lynn and Raymond Walburn in “AND THE ANGELS SING” Cartoon and Novelty Mat.. Sun.. 2:30 Adm.. 30c-9r. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c. Including Tax — B A R G A IN N IG H T — TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 19 The Aldrich Family in “HENRY ALDRICH PLAYS CU PID ” Comedy and Tiger Woman Adm. 25r-9r, Inc. Tax O PE N IN G SO C IAL HELD The young people’s organisation of the LDS church held Its open­ ing social Tuesday evening with a program and dance. The program consisted of a piano duet by Nonl and ValDee Child, two accordian solos by Reed Ray, songs by a trio consisting o f Mrs Dorothea Lewis. Mrs Ellen Brower and Aston Clev- To Locate At Adrian— Mr and Mrs Grant Jones of O g­ den, who have been visiting friends here, have located near Adrian. Mi Jones has .been engaged In defenst work. Mrs Jones Is well known In music circles as an organist. Go To Brogan— Mrs Lloyd Hall baby Bedroom Suite Special Including Tax r e H M W E H M O T W M W H H M I M U W « M > t m * U I M I I t t M B H B m iH H I 4 U M IIM M part-time 14S2xc W ANTED —Rummage and white elephants for American Legion aux­ iliary sale, to be held Saturday. Nov. Legal Advertising 4. Half of ail proceeds will go to Nyssa hospital. Anyone having don­ NOTICE T O CREDITORS N O TIC E hereby is given to the ations contact Mrs Bert Adams be­ creditors and all other persons in­ tween September 16 and Septem­ terested in the estate of Brady O. ber 23. 14S2XC Fowler, late of Payette, Idaho, de­ ceased; that the undersigned has T O T R A D E — Boy’s bicycle for a been appointed Administrator of girl’s bicycle. Verna Beutler. Phone the estate of Brady O. Fowler and 102. 14S2xp has qualified as such. t A ll person having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present same with the proper vouchers duly verified with­ (Was Hitler right?) in six months o f the date of the And If a stranger sojourn with first publication of this notice which date is September 14, 1944, to you. or whosoever be among you In the undersigned Administrator at your generations, and will offer an his office in Nyssa, Oregon, which offering made by fire, of a sweet place is hereby designated as the savour unto the Lord; as ye do, so place for the transaction of all bus­ he shall do. Num. 15:15. The world’s iness pertaining to said estate. No. 1 trouble maker stood out in Sept. 11, 1944. 1939 and among many startling A. L. Fletcher, Administrator accusations flung at the American Estate of Brady O. Fowler, de­ people he shouted that “Democracy ceased. has failed". That resounding bomb went ringing, smashing thru the hearts of the people and the sad P A IN T IN G AND P A P E R H AN G ­ truth is that In principle at least, IN G —H. J. Holmes, 283 Third st­ that statement finds concord in the reet. 14S3xp attitude of many. Democracy! What a word to stir the hearts of liberty F A R M SALE—Thursday. Sept. 21 lovers everywhere! The immortal at 1:00 p.m. 514 miles south and 2 Lincoln, feeling the pulse o f the miles wests of Ontario, Ore, or 2 people, penned it: “ Dedicated to the miles west and V4 mile south of proposition that all men are created Cairo Junction. (1 mile east and equal" and "Lliberty arid Justice 1V4 ml. south of Malheur Butte.) for all.” T o many, the flag o f our country is just a product o f Amer­ ica, a rag o f so many colors; but it is a living thing and the spirit of martyr freedom lovers from the dawn o f the human race speaks fr ­ om its starts and stripes! Christ, the beloved Saviour died that A L L MEN might live. His Grace hath appeared to A L L MEN. He is the Public Invited Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. W ith Him there is neither Greek (Gentile) Savage Orchestra nor Jew, circumcision nor uncir- -■umclsion, barbarian, Scythian, bo­ Sunset Valley Hall nd nor free: but Christ is all and In all. The Apostle Paul stated: " I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the barbarians; both to the wLse and to the unwise.” The Apostle Peter had to admit: “ I perceive that God Is no respecter o f persons;” yet there seems to be a class of people in this country who would exercise a pi’ivilege not granted to men, apostles nor angels: respect of persons and railing in bitter pre­ judice and hate against people be­ cause of race or color. The sons and daughters o f these people are giving their lives for the sake of democracy while they lightly cast this supreme sacrifice to the winds One match, one cigarette, ruthlessly trampling their blood one careless act means 100 under foot in order that they might patient years to replace a burned out Oregon forest! nurse their pet prejudice and go O R E G O N wood is a cri­ on hating men because o f race. T h ­ tical material o f war, filling is. my friend is not the spirit of 1200 military uses — BE democracy. It is rather the spirit C ARE FU LI of oppression that shouts in agree­ ment with Hitler: “ Democracy has failed." Dear reader, what spirit are you harboring? Test God's Word and see. 1 Minute Sermon lo o Late to Classify L.D.S. Dance Friday, Sept. 15 KEEP OREGON GREEN L U O Y D N. P O U N D S ASSOCIATION S A L E M , ORE. THE FULL GOSPEL Ny*sa, Oregon Phone 150W* “Thank You” W e take this means of thanking all our fr­ iends and customers for the business we have « had while owners o f the Nyssa Pharmacy. Laura and Don McBain “Hello” To all the old and to all the new customers for cash on several suites. done to serve your interests the same as always. and to let you know that everything will be W e have a large selection o f merchandise W e hope to give you the same personal ser­ and are constantly adding to our ever-growing and better. Evenings. 40c-Sc. Certified Sonotone con­ sultant Hours 2:00-4:00 or Phone for Evening Appointment WANTED— Someone for housework. Phone 82. 10 Per Cent Discount Errol Flynn, Paul Lukitfc, Jean Sullivan and Lucille Watson in Ada left 41 Dairy Cattle; 7 Hogs; 5 Horses. Farm Machinery, Dairy Cattle. Ray Tuttle, owner. Col Bert Anderson, auctioneer. o f the Nyssa Pharmacy we wish to say “ Hello” stock. W e are doing our best to make it bigger Cartoon and News H E AR IN G CENTER A. L. A TK E S O N R E A L E STA TE OFFICE Date September 15 Evabel Tenny and WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Sept. 20—21 “UNCERTAIN GLORY” S0N 0T 0NE by the park committee. An all­ day clean-up meeting will be held Thursday. A pot-luck dinner will oe served at noon. A report was also given by the committee ap­ pointed to purchase fire fighting equipment for this community. A lunch was served following enter­ tainment prepared by Mrs. Orien Hainline. Nyssa Furniture Company F*ES TtSTS ofyoo. _ _"OU pric«l— informa boa •bout r o w b o «n r ia ha n « i and « o d t the poaw b d it* o f ‘ ~ * -- -------- 0 m in u te« to ■ • M f o a r A a d iofru n . Not .coil ■ri*. Do what I N . .. N O W I SONOTONE vice as rendered by Mr and Mrs McBain. NYSSA PHARMACY Orin, Sumner, Manager > L .<